Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 16 May 1853 (original) (raw)

Mon 16 May 1853 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 3 - Advertising



Certified and Enrolled agreeably to Law.

THE Officers and Brethren of the

various Lodges in connexion with the

above District are respectfully invited to

attend the Funeral of P.G.M. Brother JAMES

MADDEN, of the Traveller's Home Lodge, No.

731. The Officers and Brothers to meet at

Host Maxwell's, King and Sussex-streets, at

two o'clock this (Monday) afternoon. By

order of the D.M., JOHN MADDEN, D.S.



THE Officers and Brethren of the

above Lodge are respectfully requested

to attend the Funeral of the late P. G. M.

James Madden, This Day, at 3 P M., and to

follow in procession The officers and bro-

thers to meet at their Lodge Room, Saracen's

Head Inn, at 2 o'clock P.M. Likewise the

Officers and Brothers of the various Lodges in

connection with the above order are respect-

fully invited to attend. All officers and bro-

thers to wear their full funeral regalia. By



The next Concert of this Society will take

place on Monday Evening, the 23rd May in-

stant, in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary.

Visitors' tickets may be obtained as usual, at

the different music sellers. For programme

see future advertisement. 5288


NOTICE is hereby given that Lists of

the Electors in the electoral district of

Sydney being required to be made up between

the 1st and 25th days of June next, persons

willing to undertake the duties of collectors

are requested to forward sealed applications to

this office, endorsed, " Application for Collector

of Electoral Lists," stating the terms on which

they agree to prepare the Lists, make out clean

copy of the same, attend the Revision Courts,

and copy the revised Lists into the Roll Books,

&c., for all or any of the different wards of the

Applications will be received at this office

until Friday, the 24th instant, at noon.

By order of the Right Worshipful the

5277 JOHN RAE, Town Clerk.

Mr. James N. Shuttleworth

Watermen's Race for a new boat presented

by Robert Camobell, Esq., M.L.C. ; second

prize, £10 : third ditto, £6 ; fourth ditto,

£i. To start at half-past 10. The same

1 James Rice . Circular Quay.. Yellow

2 Charles Reynolds.. Ditto... Tartan

3 William Ross... Balmain ... Pink stripes

4 John Blue... North Shore ... Tink

5 John Roylance... New Wharf... Black

6William Sparkes... Ditto ... Dark blue

Second heat to start at half-past 11.

1 William Moran ... New Wharf ... Green

2 Bernard Gallagher... Ditto... Orange

3 Charles Prince... Circular Quay... White

4 Benjamin Skinner... Ditto..... Light blue

5 Joseph Mulhall... Ditto... Red

6 Maurice Bullivant... Gas Works... Blue stripes

The first three in each heat to start in the

Grand Heat, to start at four o'clock.

Amateurs under seventeen years of age,

pulling a pair of oars. Same course. To

start at half past 12. First prize £7 and a

silver anchor presented by Mr. B. B. Cohen

second ditto, £5 ; third ditto, £3 ; fourth

Richard Green... Warata... White

James Pashley... Blossom... Dark blue

Joseph Bennett... Victoria... Bed

William Cortery... Prospector... Pink

Montague Younger Silvertop... Light blue

6 James Chapman and } Native Rose { White and

William Brown...} { blue caps

Champion Race of £25, with the Gold Medal

or Cup. To start at half-past 1. Same

1 Thomas M'Grath... Green

2 George Green... Light blue

4 James Richards... Dark blue

5 Charles Younger... Black

Whale-boats, pulled by youths under 21 years

of age. First prize, £25 ; second prize,

£10 ; third prize, £5. To start at 3 o'clock,

from the flag vessel, passing on the north the

flag boat off Colonel Gibbes', then to Her

Majesty's steamer Acheron, rounding on the

north to the flag boat off Billy Blue's, round-

ing on the south to the flag vessel.

1. Sleeping Lizard... light blue {Charles Younger, Geo.

2. Humble... dark blue {Thomas M'Grath, Isaac

3. Native Youth... white... {Chas. Clark, Benjamin

{Smith ; coxswain, David-

4. Death Adder... pink... {John Kdwards, Charles

Final heat for watermen to start at four

Gig and Dingy, to start at five o'clock ; prize,

William Corkeny... dingy... Slasher

Laurence Younger... gig... Crasher.

In consequense of the shortness of

the day, the race for the beaten water-

men will be contested the next day, at three

o'clock, when the undersigned hopes to give a

Every competitor must pull in the colour he

All disputes must be made immediately after

the race to the umpire, whose decision shall be

final. The umpire will also explain to the com-

petitors of the Champion Race, before starting,

the conditions on which the medal or cup will

P.S.—The Committee beg to state that the

lunch got up by Mr. Johnson, of George-street,

will embrace every delicacy of the season, at a

very moderate charge. 5325


-The Inhabitants of Tamworth being

anxious to secure the services of a permanent

Medical Man, who would devote himself en-

tirely to his practice, hereby beg to draw the

attention of the profession to thi« notice, in

order that any gentleman who may be anxious

tf» secure a good country pratice may place

n-telf in communication with vhe gentlemen

aerea/ter mentioned, who will receive any testi-

monials he may wish to produce, and afford him

all information as to the value of the practice,

and the amount of support he can depend

Von- Application to be made to CHARLES

SALL, -aq^ Goonoo Goonoo; or Messrs.

-BSWORTH AND CO.. Sydney. 6303

., HENRI DURANT, Principal

. Comet-à-Piston, has the honour to

W take place on Tuesday next, May 17,

Reserved seats, 3«. «d ; Stalls, 2s. 6d. ; Pro

-Ticket« to be had at the Musicsellent, and

*«r Programm* Me to-morrow'« issue, 4923

Immense Success of Gregg's " SIMON THE

Vocalist : Mr. John Gregg will have the

honour of singing Braham's celebrated Bong the


Overture -Fra Diavolo (first time)_Auber

Quadrille-Montmorency .. . Bossisio ; with

solos for cornct-à-pUton, M. H. Durant,

Flute, M. Williams, nightly encored at

Winterbottom's Promenade Concerts, Mel-

Song-The Death of Nelson..Braham ; Mr.

Valse-\S ild Flowers (firsttime) .Jullien.

Solo Sax Horn -Adelaides (M. Sloper Evans)

Galop - Victory (first time).Tinney


Song-Simon the Cellarer.. Loder ; Mr. John

Polka-Des Poignards Adolphe Adam.

Boin Bassoon-Ah Non Guingo, La Sonnam

Galop - Duko of Cambridge (by desire)

Ernesto ; (solo, Cornet-à-Piston, M. H.

CONDUCTOR.Mr. Winterbottom.

Doors open at half-past 7 ; to commence


NEXT, 20th MAY. Under the im-

mediate patronage of his Bxcellency the

Governor-General, and the Honorable Mrs.

Mr. HENRY MARSH vegs to inform the

public that his Concert will take place in the

8aloon of the Royal Hotel on Friday next,

Signora Cardoza begs most respectfully to

intimate to the Ladies and Gentlemen of

Sydney and its vicinity, that her Benefit is

fixed for the above Evening, when she solicits

a share of public patronage.

The Evening's Entertainments will com-

mence with a Drama of intense interest, in

Three Acts, from the pen of G. Almar, Esq.,



nay, Mr. Forester ; Philip D'Aulnay, Master

Melvillle ; Count Savoisy, Miss Howard ;

Lyonet de Bournaville, under the assumed

name of Captain Buridan, Mr. Raymond ;

Mariges, Mr. Cull ; Sieur Roual, Signor Car-

doza ; Orsini, Mr. Hammond ; Landu, Mr. May-

nard ; Richarde, Mr. Green ; Page, Miss M.

L. Fawcett ; Louis of France, Mr.

Jones ; Queen Margaret, Mrs. Howard ;

Janette, Signora Cardoza. An intermission.

Second Part will commence with Miss Maria

Louisa Fawcett's graceful Evolutions on THE

TIGHT ROPE. Clown, Signor Cardoza.

Mr. Raymond will introduce the celebrated

Spanish Poodle Riquet, together with his Dan-

cing Jammie, twelve inches high, who will go

a Pas Suel. Jester to the performance, Mr.

Raymond. To be followed by Miss Howard

in a daring Act of Equestrianism, entitled


doza will appear in a double Act of Horseman-

ship Comique, called MENTA MOTA. To

be followed by the Swiss Family, embracing

the whole strength of the Company, who will

go through their various Evolutions. Miss

Maria Louisa Fawcett will appear as the

ARIEL PHENOMENON, on a barebacked

steed. Australia's Star Rider, Master Mel-

ville, will amuse the audience in his daring

feats, leaping Canvases, Garters, and through

a Balloon, concluding with a Flag Rally. An

Intermission. The whole to conclude with

the Laughable Ballet, of THE COBBLER'S

FROLIC. Cobbler, Signor Cardoza ; Old

Man, Mr. Hammond ; Washerwoman, Mr.

Jones ; William, a peasant, Master Melville ;

Nigger, Mister Ord ; Annette, Miss Howard.

Tickets to be had, and Boxes taken at the

Adelphi Hotel, of Mr. Malcom. N.B.-Doors

in future will open at seven o'clock, perform-

ance to begin at half-past seven o'clock pre-

cisely. Dress Circle, 3s. Side Boxes, 2s.

Pit, Is. Half-price at nine o'clock to the

Circle and Side Boxes. Carriages will be in

attendance at the Hotel at half-past ten

o'clock. No smoking allowed in any

part of the House. Cloak Room provided for

ladies. Riding School open daily. 5204


form his customers and the public in

general that he bas just opened a large assort-

ment of Boots and Shoes, which he can con-

fidently recommend, and sell as cheap as any

other shop in the city. Also for sale French

calf boot fronts and Grafts, which he can sell

to the trade, either in large or smaller quanti-

ties. N.B. -Empty trunks and cases for sale.

taken in a first-rate and superior man-

ner, and in every weather, h" H. HUGF

MANN, Artist, Spring-street, Captain Cook

Hotel, first floor. Hours, from 10 »ill 4 o'clock,



. Sale invoices of the following goods,

5 Ditto gutta percha clothing, &e" &c.

6340_London Mart. George-street.



. received, ex Eliza Hunter,

23 Trunks boots and shoes.


6341 London Mart, George-street.

f HARRIS AND SONS have the

*-*?'. honour to inform the public that they

have now opened, ex Calloe and other late ar-

rivals, a splendid variety of the undermentioned

4 Cases women's and children's bonnets, in

3 Cases rich mantles, consisting of vecuna,

tweed, cloth, silk, satin, velvet, and French

6 Cases coburg«, in every shade

3 Ditto French merinos, in all colours

4 Ditto splendid gala plaids

6 Bales Horrocks' longcloths, in every letter

2 Ditto fine Welch flannels

6 Cases hosiery (very cheap)

And every article in the trade, in great variety,

which will be sold at prices which will

London Mart, George and 281 Pitt street.

Sfk DOZEN Ladies' French Kid

*M \ß Gloves, spotted, 3d. per pair

60 Dozen ditto, slightly spotted, dark colours,

30 Dozen men's coloured ditto, slightly

To prevent disappointment an early call is

267, and 269, Pitt-street, next door to

Morgan's, the eminent Chemist, 6208

LACES.-A complete assortment of

black and white lace will be opened on

Tuesday morning, at A. DREUTLER'8 Stores.

N.B.-A. Dreutler's warerooms extend now

from the upper floor of his premises to those

situated in Mr. I. Levey's Buildings. Entrance

at the north end, near Wynyard House. 6364

SEAL-SKIN COATS, and a quantity

of New Goods iust opened, and now on

Sale, at C. H. MAYa' Outfitting Establish-

N.B.-Shirts and Collars made to order.

SHEATHING Copper, from 24 to 28 oz

Mahogany chests of drawers

Clocks, of various patterns

30 Quarter tierces tobacco (very superior)

For sale in lots to Buit purchasers, by S.

WILKINSON AND CO., Macquarie-place.

INVOICES on Sale by the under-

Woollen shawls, in long and squares

Gala handkerchiefs and plaids, assorted

Tartan shawls and turnovers, ditto

Neck ties and mufflers, ditto

Embroidered vest pieces ditto

Small wares and haberdashery

Carpets, a varied assortment


FOR SALE, ex Marmora, from

Auckland, at Miller's Wharf, Bathurst



L^l Calloe, Nestor. Patrician, &c" &c.

The attention of Port Phillip buyers, and the

trade generally, is solicited by the undersigned

to the following new goods, just arrived by the

above vessels, consisting of the following

4 caees of gutta percha clothing

5 bales of blue, whi'e, and scarlet blankets

10 cases of doeskin coats *

6 ditto of satin, velvet, moire antique, and

100 dozen gents' silk neckerchiefs

40 ditto rich black ducapes

2 cases cord and moleskin trousers

2 ditto blue pilot cloth ditto

2 d'tto super doeskin ditto

I case mohair Balmoral overcoats

1 ditto drab driving ditto ditto

1 ditto Witnev ditto ditto

I ditto blue pilot ditto ditto

And a variety of oth«r seasonable goods, too

numerous to mention. An early call is

ELLIS AND HART, 99, King-street,

464 3 ¿Between Pitt and George streets.)

ON SALE, at the Stores of the un-

100 Hogsheads Truman's porter, at £10

60 Cases of Harvey's ale, per dozen 16s.

60 Cases sardines, 4 doz. £1 8s.

60 Ditto ditto, ± ditto £1 2s.

1000 Boxes sperm candles, per lb. Is. 6d.

J 00 Cases mustard, I lb , 4 lb., 5 lb,

1000 Boxes English soap, per cwt. 28s. 6d.

100 Boxes best starch, per lb. 4Jd.

600 Dozen pint pickles, per doz, 13s. 9d.

400 Ditto, favourite brands, per doz. 16s.

100 Cases Muscatel raisins, per lb. Is, 6d.

30 Cases best brown vinegar, quarts, 13s. 6d.

Best India curry powder, in 1 lb. and

10 Cases assorted pastes, &c, &c.

Wholesale, Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant,

Dublin House, 465 and 467, George-street.

ON SALF, at the Stores of the under-

Wine and Spirit Merchants.

Macquarie-place, next door to Messrs. Smith,

OPS.-Prime samples of the above

for sale. H. BRETT, Jamison-lane.

LINCOLN Al Ale, and XXXX Stout

Rntgard's October brewing, 1852, brewed

expressly for these colonies. Equal to the best

brands imported. WILLIS, MERRY, AND

C-IOALS. - tí. R. WHITTET,!, con

J tinues to supply, as heretofore, a first

rate article at a moderate price, and prompt

N.B.-Ships, steamers, mills, and manufac-

tories, supplied at a minute's notice,

B-uhnrst-Btreet Coal Depot. 2309



always an hand a large supply of the best

Newcastle Coals. Shipping, public works, and

institutions, as well as private families, sup-

plied on the most reasonable terms, at the


TAYLOR'S Coal and Timber Yard,

foot of Market street, two portable houses,

suitable for shipment or for erection in the

suburbs of the city. Likewise, a large quantity

of hardwood, cedar, and pine, constantly on

hand, with posts, rails, palings, shingles, and

laths. Also, a variety of New Zealand spars,

suitable for studdingsail-booms, top and top-

gallant-masts, yards, &c., well worthy the

attention of masters of vessels. 3070

Opposite Entwisle's Hotel, York-street.

HILL, Auctioneers, beg te announce

that they have opened the above establishment

for the reception of horses for sale, by auction

and privately ; they will hold weekly sales, and

trust, by unremitting attention io business, to

share a portion of the public patronage,

N.B.-Saddle horse, gigs, Ice, for hire.

A Forge is now erected on the above estab-

lishment, and the services of a steady ex-

perienced blacksmith secured ; horses shod

upon the best and latest principle, with

THE undersigned are purchasers of

Oeo-ce-street,*May 17._ 3131

ALLOW, Wool, Foreign Coins,

Bills of Exchange, English, Irish, and

Scotch. Bank Notes, purchased by the under-

signed. JACOB MARKS, Bullion and

Foreign Exchange, George-street, opposite the

New ¡¡lank of New South Wales. 4671

GOLD DUST.-The undersigned

GOLD.-The undersigned is a pur- J

chaser of Gold and Foreign Coin, at the I

I Gold Office, first floor over the AuctionRooms.

JOHN GODFREY COHEN, Auctioneer and

i ^ G1 HERS.-The undersigned is a pur

haser of i ood Malting Barley, in any quantity.

AMES ^ RIGHT. Australian Brewery.


bringing over English furniture, of the

best description, and not able to find a suitable

dwelling to make use of it, will find a pur-

chaser at tho moat liberîù prices, if really good.

HENRY WOOLLEY, 419, George-street,

late of Bond-street, London, 368'1

WHEREAS, I, Silvester John Brown,

have been informed that certain per-

sons are about to offer for sale, by public auc-

tion, or private contract, certain pieces of land

containing about 313 acres 32 perches, br-ing

S art of 1040 acres, situate in the parish of

leelburndora, in the county of Bourke,

whereof Thomas Walker, of Sydney, was the

grantee from the Crown, and of which said

piece of land, containing 313 acres 32 percheB,

I claim to be the owner in fee.

Now, I hereby give notice that I shall pro-

ceed to prosecute my claim to the said lands ;

and I caution all intending purchaseis from

contracting for the purchase of, or fro-n taking

any conveyance of the said lands, or any por-

tion thereof, I having offered repeatedly to pay

all moneys (principal and interest) due on the

8aid land, and being still ready to do so.

Melbourne, 2nd May, 1863. 4813

NOTICE is hereby given, that the

Attorneys of the Trustees of the above

estate are prepared to entertain applications

for purchase by private contract of any portion

Plans of the estate maybe seen at the offices

of Messrs. Thacker, and Co., George-street ; or

at Mr. Henry Moore's, Moore's Wharf,

THE person who loaded Mr. Charles

Tooth's team with goods for Dubbo, on

Wednesday last, is requested to call at the

Kent Brewery. R. AND E. TOOTH. 6295

SAMUEL GORDGE left Plymouth,

February, 1862, in the ship Duke of Corn-

wall, will hear of his brother. George Gordge,

by addressing Mr. POPE, wheelwright, Little

Lonsdale street West, Melbourne. 6268

IF this should meet the eye of Matthew

Morey, who arrived here about two months

since, he will hear of his brother, Bernard, by

applying at J. KNOX AND SON, saddlers.

IF this should meet the eye of MARK

MATTHEWS, who arrived per ship

Amherst, in May, 1819, he is requested to

communicate his address to his Brother, who

arrived per ship Blundell. Direct Post Office,

A1DEN EWr-S wanted.-AWanted

to purchase, 1600 to 3000 Maiden Ewes,

warranted sound, and never diseased. M. E.

MURNIN, Harrington-street, 4706

A fair and honest cash price given for

guns, pistols, watches, tools, clothing, linen,

bedding, furniture, and miscellane<,_9 pro-

perty of every description, by JOHN 8MIVH,

229, Pitt-street. Established January, 1840.

Goods carefully stored if preferred. 4489

Wanted to purchase, ten to fifty acres

of land in the immediate neighbourhood of

Sydney. Address A.R.E., Herald Office, with

price and full particu'ars. 4802


invited for performing a portion of stone-

work towards the erection of three stores in

Wynyard-pquare, at schedule price». Apply

to Mr. JOHN BIBB, Macquarie-strePt. _5086


to purchase, by the undersigned, Sheep

and Station, the Station to carry not les» than

14,000, warranted never to have been diseased.

Full particulars are desired of the number,

ages, and sexes; also Cattle, if any. DAVID

WANTED, Carriers to proceed to

Tarcutta or Albury. The highest prices

Riven. Apply to Messrs. DAWSON AND

THOMPSON, Commercial House, George,

TO OVERLANDERS.-A good price

given for the Carriage of Goods to Albury

to any parties going to Melbourne with horses

and drays, und likelv to make a quick trip.


WANTED, Coal, from 150 to 400

tens. To be landed at Hobart Town.

Apply to Messrs. THOS. BARKER AND

CO., Steam Mills, 8us*ex-street. 6076

X7ISITING TUTOlC "Wanted by a

v family a short distance from town, a

gentleman accustomed to Tuition, who can de-

vote four or five hours a dav, say from ten till

two, to the instruction of three joung children

in the ordinary routine of an English education

and the elements of Lttin. Apply by letter,

stating terms, to R. S. T., at Mr. Waugh's,

, Bookseller, Hunter-street. 6282

WÂNTFD, an Ingrossing Clerk. Ap-

ply by letter only, enclosing specimen

of handwriting, to HOLDEN AND

M'CARTHY, 365. Castlereagh-strect. 6343

A CLERK wanted. Apply at Mar

tyn'a Horse and Carriage Bazaar, 240,

Pitt street. None but a steady and respectable

WANTED, a Clerk, one who writes

a good hand and is quick at accounts.

Undeniable references required. Apply bv

letter only, to EDWARD SALAMON, 446,

CLEF K WANT ED.-To' Applicants.

-The vacancy advertired for as No. 10,

-Wanted, by the undersigned, a re

spectahle youth a3 an Apprentice to the busi-

ness of a Chemist and Druggist. No premium

is required. C. M. PENNY, Chemist, etc.,

Wanted, an experienced hand ; also, a

a Yout h as Cashier. Apply at Waterloo House,

WANTED, Mantle Makers. Apply

to Mrs. DAVIES, at Price, Favenc,

and Gwyn's, 269, Pitt-street. 6070

WANTED, 3 or 4 good Fellmongers.

Liberal wages will be given. Apply

to Mr. WALTON, Uh-be. 6281

WANTED, several Rough Carpen-

ters - for piece work, at which they

may earn great wages. Also several team

drivers. Enquire at Mr. LEE'S, Circular

MAKERS.-Good workmen in cither

of the above branches will find constant em-

ployment at the highest wages. None but

steady men need apply to G., C. HAYES,

Werk Shops, Viles Buildings, Kent-street,

CONSTANT Employment for Coat,

Waistcoat, and Trouser Hands. Apply

at H. WIL80N'S Warehouse, 61, York-street.

UR8E. WANTED.-A midd!«? aged

'person to take charge of an infant. Ap-

ply toi Mr«. A. -CAHPBBM/f, No.- 3; Lyons

TO SAWYERS.--Wanted, three pairs

of good hands to proceed to Brisbane

Water. Apply to Mr. JOHN ROBERTSON,

Sussex-street, opposite the Market Wharf.

WANTED.-A respectable, healthy

woman as Wet Nurse. Appty to

Dr. BENNRTf, Elizabeth .street. 6272

t,%7 ANTED, a Female Cook. Apply

' » between the hour» of ten and

forenoon, to Mrs. WRIGHT, Australian

WANTED, two Female Servants.

Apply at the Saracen's Head, corner

of King and Sussex streets. 4403

to Mrs. PRITCHARD,; No. 7, Colon-

nade, Bridge-street. 5330


the Five Dock Quarry : two shillings

per ton, 24 piled Bushels. Sydney Road

TruBt Officp, 360. Pitt-street, Sydney. 4218

WANTED, a stout active boy. Apply


CO.. Steam Mills, Sussex-street._5076

WANTED, a Groom. Apply atNo. 5,

Park-street, betv^en 10 and li A.M.,

or after 2 v.M., to Mr. JAMES COOPER,

Engehurst, Glenmore Road. 6279

WANTED, a few Labourers, to whom

constant work will be given Apply

to HENRY MOORE, Moore's Wharf. 6Í10

WANTED, a strong active Lud, to

drive a horse and cart, and make him-

self useful in the grain trade. One accustomed

to the town would be preferred. Apply to

ROBERT GUY, 217, Brickfield-hill. 6371

CULTURIST8.~The advertiser, a

respectable young man, who has had consider-

able experience with stock, both sheep and

cattle -also in agriculture,-is de^rous _ of

taking the management or assisting st a station

or farm. Good references given. Address

J. B. D , Herald Office._6287

J~UNIOR CLERK. -The advertiser

requires nn active Young Man, who is

quick and correct in making out accounts ;

one accustomed to the auction business will be

preferred, if well recommended. 8alary £100

per annum. Address H. B., post paid, care

of Mr. Goold, Bookseller, Pitt and King

WANTED, by a respectable Young

Man, a Situation as clerk or warehouse-

man, either in town or country. Would be

willing to make himself generally useful. Ad-

dress U. R., Herald Office. 6269

^A/ANTED, a Situation, by a gentle-

man and his wife, as manager of a store,

either in town or country ; will keen his own

books if required. Address E. M. M., Post

WANTED, for a youth aged 15, a

situation in the Linen and Woollen

drapery business. Address M. K., Herald

£*(Z fk REWAKD.-Whereas I have

¿&*jp\ß been informed thatcertainpersoiiB,

during my absence from 8ydne3', have stolen

numbers of cattle and horses belonging to me,

which were running on the south side of

Botany. I hereby offer, and undertake to

pay, the reward of fifty pounds to such person

or persons as shall furnish me with sufficient

evidence to lead to the conviction of the party

or parties so offending. Dated at Sydney this

13th day of May, 1863. J. C. LAYCOCK.

|.«0 REWARD.-To Constables and

J&O others.-Stolen or strayed from a pad-

dock in Regentville, on or about the 24th

April, two saddle horses, viz.,-a dark roan

mare, nearly black, bald faced, with white feet,

and a white patch on the near flank, branded

ES under the saddle near side, and a small bay

pony mare, short tail, branded like GX under

the «addle near 6idc. The above reward will

be paid on recovery of the horses, on applica-

tion to the undersigned. Dr. BINGMANN,

Regentville, near Penrith. 6256

£«0 REWAKD.-Deeds relating to

JUrO land in Cambridge-street North, for-

merly belonging to the late Mrs. Sarah Woods,

having been mislaid, the above reward will be

paid to any person forwarding the same to the

undersigned, JAMES PORTER, Executor of

the will of the late Sarah Woods, Gipp's stree»,

Pounds Reward will be paid to any

person or persons bringing the undermen-

tioned Horses, lost on the 1st instant near

Mudgee, either to Mr. FRASER, Pound

keeper, Rvalston ; or to the Owner, Mr. JAMES

WILSON, Castlereagh River, district of

Bligh :-A black Mare, branded ML con-

joined on the shoulder, near side, small white

star on forehead. A grey Horse, branded

."* on the shoulder, near side. 6305

HORSE STRAYED-Strayed, from

the neighbourhood of the Surry Hill»,

on Friday, the 13th instant, a Black Mare,

about 14 hands high. Remarkable, having en-

tirely lost the near eye; had on when lost n

1 hngskin saddle and double-reined bridle. One

Pound reward will be paid to whoever will de-

liver her at 221, Castle'eagh-street ; or to W.

E. BARRY, Ostler, Sir Josiph Baoks Hotel.

ORSE FOUND.-Fourni on Friday

Evening, the 13th instant, on Mr.

8eale's Wool washing Establishment, Surry

Hills, a Black Mare, saddle and bridle, branded

TM on the near shoulder, and blind of one eye.

The owner can have her by paying expenses.

fyfe O NEY FOUND. - Left on the

"fA counter, a bag containing »liver ; the

owner can have it on paying the expenses of

this advertisement, br applying to Mr. BY-

FORD, at Mr. T. Woolley s, Ironmonger, &c"


X-F in a private family where there are no

'Other lodgers, for a young lady. Address

A.Z , Post Office, Sidney. 5313


Lady wishing fur a quiet desirable home

will find the same in tbe house of a respectable

family residing on the Surry-hills, near

Baptist's Gardens. References kindly per-

mitted to the Rev. Alfred Stephen. Address

R. T , Herald Office._6086

frontage; situate between the Gas

Company's premises and the Flour Company's

Whnrf, known as Baan' or Corcoran's Building

Yard, with the House, Shed, &c. Application

to be made to Mr. HILLY, Architect, Pitt«

OFFICE to Let, on"Church-hill, lately

occupied by Mr. G. Marshall. Apply to

J. C. KORFF. Church-hill._M5»

OFFICES TO LET.-A bpacious

Room over the office« of the undersigned.

GEO. A. LLOYD AND CO., 474, George

TO Let, Nine Partially Furnished

Rooms, with use of kitchen, situated in

Elizabeth-street, Hy do Park. For address

apply at the Herald Office.

MARTYN'S Horse and Carriage

Bazaar, 240, Pitt-street. Regular PfJe i

Days-Tuesdays and Fridays. All partie« i

¡.endin« Horses-or other Stock1 for safe, Ht< \

I particularly requested to send written imstruc« ,

.tiona prenons to sale, stating brands, ,_agc, |

ínnMcatíotjs.andüwithorwithooír^e^e.' , !

THIS DAY, Monday, at the Rooms o

R. MURIEL, 463, George-street,

Household furniture and sundries

Men's hob nail boots, watertights, and long

Also; a clipper bui't railing boat

Stationery, and a large assortment of.the most

popular and sa'eable works of the day

Bottled ale and porter. 6361

Household Furniture, Rifle and Sundries,

The property of a party leaving the colony.

Ityg R. ROBERT MU HI EL will Bell

' * H by public auction, at his Room«, No.

463, Geo'ge-street, THIS DAY, Monday, at

Glass, China, Case of Birds

Various Domestic Sundries

The property of a part) leaving the colonv.

Termt-, c f-h-no reserve. 6603


MR. ROBEKT MURIEL will sell by

public auction, at his Rooms, No. 463,

George-street, THIS DAY, Monday/at half

300 Pairs of boots, consisting of

y B.-The above are the very beat quality,

and well worthy the attention of buyers.



hy public auction, at his Rooms, No.

463, George-street, THIS TAY, Monday, the

16th instant, at 11 o'dook precisely,

Four casks of bottled beer

Terms, cash. No reserve 6196


For unreserved sale, as she now lies off Cun-

ningham's end of Campbell's Wharf.


LYJL by public auction, at his rooms, No.

463, George-street, THIS DAY, Monday, the

16th instant, at 11 o'clock precisely,

A clipper-built sailing Boat, thirteen feet long.

Terms, cash,-No re^'rve. 6042

Classical and Valuable Works

Church Services, Family Bibles

MR. ROBERT MURIEL has received

instructions to sell by public auction, at

his Room«, No. 453. George-street, THIS

DAY, Monday, the 16th instant, at 11 o'clock

Three Cases, containing the following valuable

Thirlwall's History of Greece, 8 vol«.

Neibuhr's History of Rome

Liddell and Scott's Lexicon

Smith's Dictionary of Antiquities

./Echines et Demosthenes de Corona

Plutarch's Lives, The Spectator, Shakespeare

Herodotus, Écloga.« Horatiinro

Bartons's Greek Testament

Goodwin's Courre of Mathematics

Donaldson's Theaire of the Greeks

Sophocles, _sch)lus, Herodotus

Virgilii Opera, Life of Leo the Tenth

Loland's Demosthenes, Thuoydides

Analysis and Sumn.ary of Thuoydides

Homeri Odyseea, Homeri Ilias

King Edward's Litin Grammar

Prendervilles s Terence, Simeon's Euclid

Crabbe and Richardson's Works

Tupper'* Proverbial Philosophy

Church Services, in morocco, velvet, and satin

Family Bibles, in morocco

Prayer books, in morocco and velvet

BifiS Psalm, Hdsomely bound.


Foolscap, PoRt, Blue and Yellow Crown

yi R. ROBERT MURIEL will sell by

* «* public auction, at his Rooms, No. 463,

George-street, THIS DAY, Monday, the 16th

3 Cases of Paper, containing,

Extra super laid foolscap

Blue crown, 16, 18, and 20 lbs.

Just landed, per Childe Harold.

'(2* This shipment comprises some of the

most scarce and saleable works in the

colony, and will be positively sold without


ceived instructions from the importers

to sell by public auction, at his Kooma, No.

463, George-street, THIS DAY, Monday, the

16th instant, at 11 o'clock precisely,

The undermentioned scarce assortment of

Uncle Tom's, White Slave

Life of Wellington, Wellingtoniana

WebBter's Dictionarv, Androw's Lexicon

Selections from the Illustrated News

Illustrated London Almanacks. 8 years

London Geography, Drawing Book

Miller's London, Squanders of Castle

Our Iron Roads, Pfeiffr's Iceland

Sidney's Australia, Israel of the Alps

Pfieffer's Holy Land, Cabin Book

Humbolt's Life, Withe's Exploring Expedition

And a large variety of Popular Works,

suitable for the trade, dealers, and others.

Spades, Shovels, Screws, Hinges, Augen,

To Ironmongers, Shippers to Port Phillip, &c.

¡hm R. ROBERT MURIEL will sell by

i-V-R public auction, at his Room», No.

463, George-street, on TUESDAY next, the

18th instant, at 11 o'clock precisely,

20 bundles of spades and shovels

3 casks, containing screws, hinges, augers,

pulleys, tumbler locks, and a variety of



Now landing, ex San Francisco.

£äJ"The undermentioned goods will be on

view on Tuesday, and will be found on ¡rupee

tion to be of a superior character, and of the

newest and mest fashionable desUn».

MR. ROBERT MURlfrL has re-

ceived instructions to sell by publie

auction, at his Rooms, 463, George-street, on

WEDNESDAY n»xt, the 18th instant, the

undermentioned choice invoice, consisting of

Elegant clocks, 8 and 30 days, with calendars

Silver horizontal and lever watches

Electro-gilt alberts,-cable an<i curb patterns

Work boxes, writing desks

Netting boxes, watch stands, bread tray*

Card trays, '.'Louis PhUlippe," round and

¡Trays with handles, superbly inlaid

|Work Ubles, elegantly carved and inlaid ,

A great variety of elegant nick nae* s., «¿I

< No neuve-Terms cask. M*»

MR. ROBERT MURIEL will sell hy ?

public auction, at his Rooms, No. 453,

George-strect, on TUE8DAY next, the 17th

instant, at 11 o'clock precisely,

2 Bales of best Navy Canvas, Nns, 1 to 6.


French Boxes, Ladies' Saiks. Pencils.

Papier Mâché Good«, S.o., &c.

Now landing ex San Franc *eo.


ceived instructions from the importers

to sell by public auction, at his Rooms, No.

453, George*sircet, on WEDNESDAY next,

the 18th instant, the under mentioned,

FG § 52 to 55 $ -FOUR CASES,

Bagatelle Boards, Ccdnr Boxes in «ptg. Bone

and Ivory Chet)«men, Chess Boards, Cap

Baskets, Lndieo' S«rki with steel clasp««

Pencils in boxes, Punch Boxes in 'sets,

Wellington Portraits in gutta p reba frames

Sets of Papier Milche Trays

Papier Mâché Folios, Inkstunds

And a variety of Fancy Goods.

N B.-Will be on view Tu« sday afternoon.

MR. H A. GRAVES will sell by

auetion, at his Mart, opposite the

Police Office, George-street, THIS DAY,

Monday, the 16th May instant,

The underrrpntionpd Unredeemed Fledges,

pawned with Mr. J K. Heydon, of 78, King

street, on the dates specified -

Aug. 24-Lever watch, 6072

26 L^ver watch, 1680. Ja> ket suit

30-Silk shawl and four dress pieces.

31-Delaine dress. Black trousers

Sept. 2-Watch. Keeper ringi Print

dress, remnant tick, ditto canvas

4-Watch, 365. Bonnet, parasol, and

sundries. Dress piece, frock

piece, shawl, &c. Four coate

6-Drees. Drab trousers. Lot of

8 -Black satin dress, Man's ring.

Suit of clothes. Hunter watch,

22 -Dress pit ce and some sheets

4- Frock cost. Broken gold watch.

Remnant of blue broadcloth

8 -Coat and vest. Man's gold ring

12-Dressing case. Hunter watch.

13-Thirty tases cordia s. One certifi-

14-Sextant-a first-rate article

l8-Four pairs hobbles. Four trousers,

vest, and kerchief. Silk hat,

19-Sundries. Gild ring Two plough

22 -Two pairs trousers. Coat, length of

23- Violinrin-case. Revolver, by Colt;

pair pistols, by Spier ; and a

26-Accorde«n. Box and contents

^=fowlingipiece, by Rigby, Dublin;

sundry books, comprising Charles

O'Malley, Treasure Trove, Rory

O'More, Thiers' History of

French Revolution, Roland

Cashel, and many popular works,

Oct. 27-Shawl, veil, and scarf

30 - Pair Wellington boots

Nov. 1-Turee yards silk, corded petticoat,

6-Six articles, silk dress piece, two

print dress pieces, and a stuff

dress, gold Oeneva watch, chipped

16-Silk dress, pair trousers

l8--Visite and dress, table cloth

19-A hunting and a single-backed

French gold watch and a silver

22-Broken pin, gold pencil, and gold

26-Remnant black silk, four small nug-

26-Twelve razors and two Strops, six

razors, two flannel shirts, and

3-Bible and trinket box, portrait,

locket, pin, pair buckles, scent

4-Coburg dress piece, muslin drees

piece, lever watch, 2094, two

13-Remnant of silk, some orleans

14-Sundry men's apparel, pair of boot«,

plaid dress, and crape shawl

l8-Geneva watch, jacket and vest, coat,

trousers, and dress piece "

Dee. 20-Coat, ring, and locket

24 -Counterpane and blanket

27-Verge watch, 8500. Pair shoe»,'

sundry gun accoutrements, and

gilt pencil case. Lever watch, '

28 -Delainedr-fg piece. Lever watch,

4804. Eight studs. Pair of

29-Gold chronometer watch, 4491,

30-Coat. Dress cou and pair trousers

31-Dress coat. Dressing case, writing

case, swimming belt, and Albert

4-Two K'innants black orle ins, Car-

pet bag and contents. Sundry

appi rel. Vest and trousers

6-Counterpane. Gold hunter lever,

J plate, 1408, Frodshara. Silk

7-Small box, containing books and'

jl - räesd, hair mattresses

,g tables, chests drawers

'¿seis carpet, hearth rug "

TCHBN ItEQUISlTBS, ol all kia*,

Catalogues are in preparation, u> * *ha Simm

ture will oe on view,-due node* of *t!Uk «