Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 31 May 1853 (original) (raw)
Tue 31 May 1853 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 1 - Advertising
BEwftrti Emu steam packet daily ; from
fy^^írin A M., and 4 r.M. ; from Par
SVs\**«d Quarter before 2 P.M.
^Ares-Cabin. 2s. Ôd. ; steeraße, 2s.
A elnacious omnibus attends at Parramatta
jB the conveyance of passengers to the wharf
ÍSAV T^HE Residents at Illa
fläPKl^s. I warra are informed the
|STh1Ting been lengthened and tho
«MHT refitted as to hull and machinery, at a
«Mt far exceeding the original outlay when
Z\\L will resumo her trips on the 1st July,
«Id continue on the Wollongong station until
foe arrival of a first-class iron steamer ordered
n^VvJL npHE iron ateajn-ship
H^gijjgg^ Warner, commander, being un
noidiibly detained, will be de<patched as
{¡¡tint, at 3 P.M. FREDERICK TERRY,
¿Mutant Manager. A. S. N. Co.'s Wharf,
«»» 31. Passengers' luggage must be on
board before 11 A.M. This Day._7199
Calling at Eden, Twofold Bay,
V"Ivjk 'flHB' Iron Steamship
ffffTf^, T WARATAH, William
jyWi^J^r ^a\\, commander, will be "de
mtche'd as above on THURSDAY, 2nd Juno.
Savinetae wharf at 3 r M. FREDERICK
TERRY, Assistant Manager. A.S.N. Oom
.Receipt of cargo will commence on Wednes- j
jijr, 1st June, at 9 A.M. NO bonded goods
Trill be received. Passengers' luggage must
¿ on board on Thursday, before 11 A.M. 7379
?/VÄV HPHE magnificent ancl un
jWjnRj^. A rivalled new iron icrew
f ¡fflmilnTr Bteam-Bhip CLEOPATRA,
1800 tons, 300 horse-power, Froncis Cadell,
mnmander, will again be despatched, on or
ibout 8aturday, the 4th June. For passage
¡pi?,apply to SHEPPARD AND ALGER
Picket Office, 480, George-street. 345,
(under Contract with H. M. Government for (
jicklb%u HP ** ^ Peninsular and
SJMKF^. ¡1 Oriental Steam Navigation
3®Ä3ls»iä, Company's armed Screw Steam
Sup SHANGHAI, 600 tons, William Parfitt,
Commander, will leave this port for Singapore
OB the 31st instant, at 4 o'clock r.M, touch
iog at Port Phillip, Adelaide, King George's
Sound, and Batavia, in conjunction with
the Company's Steamers from Singapore to
Hat« of passage money, and freight on trea
Mre only, to ports in Australia, Java, China,
India, or England, with information on all
: «abjects connected with the Peninsular and
Orientai Steam Navigation Company, fur
HENRY MOORE, Acting Agent.
tinder present arrangements, a steam ship
tf the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Naviga
Ion Company may be expected from Singa
tare about the 13th of every alternate month,
D return on the 20th of the same month. 6677
Guaranteed quiekest route home.
For Passengers and Specie only.
)nthe 28th day of July, 1853, calling at Wel-
lington, New Zealand, Rio Janeiro, and
?1 h&v rriHE magnificent and un
HRKI^. A rivalled swift new iron
J»»»^ steam Ship CLEOPATRA,
IWO tons, 300 horse power, Francis Gadoll,
¡«asunder, will be despatched from
On the 10th day of July ;
On Monday, the 18th day of July ;
On Thursday, the 28th. day of July.
The Cleopatra, while employed in the inter
ttlooial trade, has proved herself to be the
¡?test steam ship yet arrived from England,
»Ting mad« the shortest passages on record
«tween Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide.
Rttea of Passage, including Steward's fees,
mt not wines and liquors :
Chief Saloon and Cabin .. 100 guineas.
Second Cla»s Cabin. 60 do.
Third Class Cabin . 40 do.
Beds, bedding, linen, &c, provided by the
kip for all passengers (except those in the
tod cabin) ; and no expense will be spared to
pmde provisions, wines, liquors, &c, of the
Brj best quality. The cabin saloons and state
»ons are large and elegant, and every im
rovement in the arrangement, ventilation, &c,
»»been adopted, to secure the health, com-
an, and accommodation of passengers. Music
» board; carries an experienced surgeon ; and
«Werdesses attend the ladies' cabin. Is fur
Bthed with Phillip's fire annihilator.
ïorpuigage, or freight of specie only, apply
«ce, 480, George-street._3462
CONSIGNEES of Gold Dust or of
f/ Money, which arrived per Escort from
WOrens,&c , yesterday, are respectfully in
fcnej that the same will be delivered at the
WWttalian Joint 8tock Bank, Pitt-street, (on
Boduetion of receipts given by the agents of
1»C mpany,) this day, between the houris of
Pwd 2 ; or on any subsequent day, in the
?Bal business hours of the Bank.
M^ HH H E clipper schooner
Bg^. A ALBATROSS, John Pegg,
HBÜK master (hourly expected), will sail
'the 1st June. For freight apply to
gPHEN NUTTER, Jaques Wharf 6940
.j^ng at Newcastle and Raymond Terrace.
M^ Pïl H E fine schooner,
R^^, A SOUVENIR, 100 tons,
?¡sagt Brown, commander, this evening.
8.-Uoods for Morpeth, by this line of ves
.i landed and stored at Bates' Wharf there.
¡Ply to JOHN MORRIS. Agent, Albion
25Lf- jfoot of Market-street)._7313
H^ TV^W loading, and will sail
raSg^. 1-^ to-day, the schooners ELLEN
¿HATS, Brodie and Craig's Wharf. 7339
H^^, A LIAMS, This Afternoon, at
fwwlw * o'clock. Phoenix Wharf, Tues
To sail on Monday, the 6th of June.
THE well known brig JACK,
W. Witham, commander, will
sail as above. For freight or passage
?? on board, or to W. U. HARRIS,
?? Wharf. N.B. - Consignees by the
?? vessel are reminded that the ship will
?? be reponsible for any goods after landing.
VJfe. rpHE schooner HARP,
TjJBwlg^, -?. Hnrris, Master, will sail on
"3&aäa3s«!r Wednesday evening. For freight
apply toW. U. HARRIS, Kellick's Wharf.
"W& rB_,iHE fine new clipper-brigan
v4a^ S tine SABLE CHIEF, Trevar
îïlglis then, commander, will sail punotually
Thursday next, at noon. Phoenix Wharf,
-*Trk nptlE A1 clipper brigantine
rffM^, JL SPITFIRE, 200 tons, Francis,
iVffiifl^ commander. This fine vessel (from
her light draught of water) will experience no
delay in the river, and will be continued as a
regular trader, should she be encouraged. She
commences loading to-morrow, and will be
despatched about Tuesday next. For freight
or passage apply to JOHN MORRIS, Agent,
Albion Wharf (foot of Market-street). 7308
Cfe^ HE brigantine GIPSY,
?frJK^^^x. 45 tons, William Chalk,
rWAwntWm master, will be ready to receive
cargo on Tuesday, and will sail again on
Thursday. For freight or passage apply to
the Captain, on board, at the Commercial
Wharf; or to E. CAMPBELL AND CO.,
sail for the above port on Thurs
_. day next, the 2nd June. For freight
or passage apply to WILLIAM WALKER,
JUN. AND CO., Wharf._7325
_burthen, R. Cooper, master, having
been detained for the accommodation of ship-
pers and passengers, will sail To-morrow,
Wednesday, 1st June, at 3 r.M., wind and wea-
ther permitting. For freight or passage apply
cial Wharf. N.B. Shippers are requested to
forward their bills of lading for signature.
THE beautiful clipper MEL
"4*^S M'Lenn, commander, is now
loading, and will sail on Saturday next. This
vessel is unsurpassed in the trade for speed
andher superior cabin accommodations. Stern
cabins for ladies. For passage only apply to
E. M. SAYERS, Port Phillip Packet Office,
, S. vorite schooner PICARD, J.
Kendtll, commander. For passage
only apply on board, at the Flour Company's
Wharf; or to E. M. SAYERS, Port Phillip
Packet Office, 489, George-street. 7334
Going up to the wharf without lightering a
THE magnificent clipper-bri
gantine EUREKA, 150 tons,
_ Charles Quail, commander, having
all her dead weight engaged, will have imme-
diate despatch. For freight or passage, having,
superior accommodation, beds, bedding, wines
beer, spirits, &c., found free of extra charge.
Apply on board, at the Flour Company's
Packet Office, 480, George-street._7020
THE first-class brig DEVA,
238 tons, J. W. Smith, com
_ mander, is now loading, and will
have immediate despatch. For freight or pas-
sage apply on board ; or to E. M. SAYERS,
Port Phillip Packet Office, 489, George-street.
PACKET, 192 tons, Everingham,
_commander, loading this morning;
and having the greater portion of her cargo
engaged, will be ready for sea on Saturday.
For freight or passage apply to JOHN MOR-
RIS, Agent, Albion Wharf (foot of Market
street). N.B.-She goes right up to the wharf.
PACKER, Elliott, commander,
wi'l be quickly despatched. This
vessel has superior accommodations for cabin,
intermediate, and steerage passengers. She is
one of the celebrated American first-class
clipper ships. For freight or passage apply to
JOHN MORRIS, Agent, Albion Wharf vfoot
Going direct to the Wharf.
THE splendid clipper brig
_', George Bennett, commander, having
nearly all her cargo engaged wdl have imme-
diate despatch. For freight or passage, hav-
ing accommodations unsurpassed in the trade,
beds, bedding, wines, beer, spirits, &c, pro-
vided free of extra charge, apply on board
at the Flour Company's Wharf, or to SHEP-
PARD AND ALGER, Packet Office, 480,
No Bonded Goods can be received. 6669
_HARRIETT, 113 tons reguter,
(late the property of His Majesty the King of
the Sandwich Islands), J. Johnson, comman-
der, having much of her cargo engaged, will
have immediate dispatch. For passengers
only," having superior accommodations, with
beds and bedding, and at reasonable rates,
without wines, beer, or spirits, apply to
8HEPPARD AND ALGER, Packet Office,
No Bonded Goods can be received. 6640
?J4i rjjpHE magnificent and newly
màti^ A coppered barque MOUSAM, 222
äSssäsS tons, J. E. Robinson, commander,
will go to sea on Thursday next. The cabin is
superbly fitted-state rooms very roomy and
well found, and fitted with beds and bed linen.
Steerage passengers will occupy the interme-
diate, whieh ia most comfortably fitted. Pas-
sengers are requested to inspect this beau-
tiful vessel, the accommodations being equal to
any of the steamers. For passage only
apply to Captain Robinson ; or to E. M.
SAYERS, Port Phillip Packet Office, 469,
?J^fc CHIPPERS are requested to
tmj«^'^ pass entries and send bills of
3j|£f(5 lading to the office of the undersigned
for signature this day, as the vessel goes to
sea to-morrow mornin?. For cabin passage
only, apply on board; or to HENRY
CLARKE, Union Wharf. May 31. 7363
?JJv rriHE fine first class barque
*lh¡i^ A REBECCA, 350 tons burthen,
jra§KE M'Veigh, master, is now a full «hip,
and will sail the first ici- -".»». For cabin and
steerago passengers apply on board, or u> ïuà
undersigned. JAMES COOK. Circular
jCS^v r|^HE fine new clipper
mJM^^x. JL sshooner ALICE, 115 tons
&IWSSs!r register, John Fullerton, com
mauder, now completing her loading, will
have immediate despatch. For freight or cabin
passage only, wines, beer, spirits, &c, found,
apply to the Captain, on board, at Deloitte's
Wharf, Mitler's-point ; or to SHEPPARD
AND ALGER, Packet Office, 480, George
For One Cabin Passenger only,
.¿kjv TVTOW loaded and ready for
rf**ijSSy JL^I sea, has room for one cabin pas
.ÀsJnÈSG» senger only, with excellent and spa-
cious accommodation. Apply to Captain James
Johnstone, on board, at the Flour Company's
Packet Office, 480, George-street. 7019
"JsJk HT* H E clipper brigantine
"Jlíf& CHIEFTAIN, 120 tons, Flet
>«Î53Ê cher, master, commences loading
this day, and goes to sea positively on Satur
diy. Shippers are requested to get their goods
to the wharf at once. For freight or passage
apply to JOHN MORRIS, Agent, Albion
Wharf (foot of Market-street). 7311
Unavoidably detained till To-Day.
-JsA ^Hlî packet brig EMMA,
?jSwjjK A H. Brown, eommander, QoXo
$¡5Sffl|¡{S of the Fhantom, when in the Ade-
laide trade), 135 tons register, is now nearly
loaded. Shippers desirous of securing room
for a few tons ar<? requested to apply immedi-
ately, either on board, at Flour Company's
Wharf, or to the undersigned. For CABIN
PAISAOB, having excellent and comfortable
accommodation, a spacious LADIES' CAHIW, and
every comfort, apply immedhtely to HENRY
FISHER, 480, George-street. May 28. 7342
Vk nnHE beautiful clipper Brig
"Mil||^ J* ALGERINE, 160 tons TC
Jggí¿|yg££ plater, Alfred Brooks, com-
mander, will have immediate despatch. For
freight or passage, having most superior ac-
commodations, with every requisite for the
comfort and convenience of passengers, apply
on board, at the Flour Company's Wharf ; or,
Office, 480, George-street._6665
-WJS. flf HE packet brig MOA, 284
.Ma & tons, Captain Bowden, will
H}§5|¡jgS¿ positively sail on Saturday, the 4th
June. For freight or passage apply to
vTJte^ rgiHE regular well-known
VlfflSs^. -» trader WILLIAM ALFRED,
V«iisK3wS§£ J- Tinley, commander, will have
immédiat despatch. M. E. MURNIN,
A. np HE fine barque ABYS
rfX»|^ JL SINIA, Al, 600 tons burthen,
Jjj*^S¡j_ Captain Ferrers, ÍB now open for
charter to Auckland or Wellington. Apply to
SHEPPARD and ALGER, Packet Office,
Unavoidably detained on account of the holi-.
days and the wet weather,
rf«JgËiv -**-' ' Morrison commander, will sail
flfSrgjtST positively on Tuesday next. For
freight or passage apply to M. JOSEPH, 390,
-*fc* OASSENGERS are requested
rfjtJjSx^ «T at once to pay up their balances,
JgSgS so as there may be no delay. The
vessel has now finished loading her dead
weight. For passage or light freight only apply
to Captain Thomas Connell, on board, at the
Pheonix Wharf (bottom of Erskine-street) ; or
to SHEPPARD AND ALGER, Packet Office.
-*JKkv T^115 splendid Al ship
rffll^ A AFRICA, 1435 tons register,
jjfjfflrCT -O'Neill, Commander, will sail
on discharge of inward cargo. The cabin
accommodations of this magnificent vessel are
elegantly fitted and replete with every comfort
and convenience. For freight or passage apply
on board, at Buchanan's Wharf, to Captain
For Passengers, parcels, and specie, having
bullion safes, will be despatched in May, from
-jjl-v PTHHE celebrated clipper ship
«flügls^. A MARCO POLO, J. N. Forbes,
jfiBau» commander; 1625 tons register;
2,600 tons burthen ; " has proved herself the
fastest ship in the world," having just made the
voyage to Melbourne and back, including
detention there, in five months and twenty-one
days, beating every other vessel, steamers in-
cluded. As a passenger ship she stands unri-
valled, and her commander's ability and kind-
ness to his passengers is well known. As Bhe
goes in ballast, and is expected to make a very
rapid pasiage, she offers a most favourable op-
portunity to shippers of specie. Gold dust and
specie will be delivered at the Bank of Eng-
WILLIS, MERRY, AND Co. Melbourne.
To sail positively on the 10th July, with her
clipper-built barque PHOMI
_CIAN, J. Jamison, commander.
For ireight or passage, having superior accom-
modations, apply to FLO « ER, SALTING,
AND CO., Spring-street._6432
IHE fine fast-3ailing ship
_tons, John Carmichael, commander,
will sait positively on the 20th June. This
vessel having all her crew on board, and de-
spatch being an object, Wool will be taken
without pressing or screwing, at one-half-
penny per lb., until the 16th June. For freight
or passage apply to the Captain on board,
J. B. METCALFE. May 31._7326
P'jHHE fine fast-sailing Bhip
_ CES, 458 tons, A. S. Dove, com-
mander, having the whole of her dead weight
engaged, is now receiving wool, and will meet
with quick despatch. For freight or passage
apply to the Captain, on board, at the Circular
Wharf; or to A. B. SPARK, King-street,
_ 121 tons register, and now ready
for sea. iahe is most faithfully built, chiefly
of " live oak," has accommodations for twelve
chbin passengers, and drawing only 74 feet when
laden, is admirably adapted for the Melbourne
trade. Apply to HENRY J. HEAP, Mac
"ANTED, a first class Ship
to load for London. J. B.
/jflgE^. « 645 tons, S. Radford Thomas,
itfirffiS commander. This vessel has com-
pleted her loading, and will sail on the 6th
proximo. Three poop cabins disengaged, and
room for a few steerage passengers. Immediate
application is necessary to the captain, on
board ; or J. B. METCALFE. 7160
For Gold and Passengers only.
"WA nnHE fine clipper Al barque
?ft-«k A PELHAM, 384 tons register,
*£$33C§ H. F. Anderson, oommander, has
all her cargo ready to EO on board, and will
sail about 20th June. Has room for two cabin
passengers. Apply to GILCHRIST, ALEX-
ANDER, AND Co., Exchange Buildings.
rffil|^ A ALBERT, 660 tons register, R.
JBBSESD» B, Durham, commander, daily ex-
pected from Melbourne, This ship is of great
breadth of beam, and well adapted for the
cattle or timber trade. She is open to a
chorter for any of the neighbouring colonies.
Apply to GEORGE WERE, Circular Wharf.
CONSIGNEES by the above ship are
informed that she is discharging at
Lamb's Wharf, from 7 o'clock A.M. to 6 o'clock
P.M., and that she will not be accountable for
any goods that "may be left on the wharf after
Macpherson will not be answerable for
any debts contracted by the crew of the above
rpo SAILMAKERS.-Required for
JL the bngantine Spitfire, Sails. Particu-
lars can be obtained by applying on boBrd to
Captain Francis; or to JOHN MORRIS,
Agent, Albion Wharf (foot of Market-street).
Conducted according to the usage at Lloyd's,
under the direction of a Committee of Under-
Marine Surveyor-Captain Malcolm.
Hours of attendance from 10 till 4.
Rates of Premium per cent, by 1st class vessels,
(free from average unless general.)
N.B.-On goods with particular average,
from i to J per cent extra.
Time Risks and Whaling Voyage» subject to
Gold and Specie to Europe, 2 & cent,
Th* usual brokerage of 6 per cent, allowed,
IRONERS wanted at the above
establishment. Apply to Mr. WIL-
LIAMS, on the establishment. Ships and
private families requiring their linen washed
will address their communications to the
Secretary, at the above house. 7317
AT the Royal Hotel, this evening, at
7 o'clock. By order of the W. M.,
7359_H. HOGHTON, Secretary.
A PUBLIC MEETING will be holden
at the Royal Hotel this afternoon, at 4 P.M.
to take into consideration the best mode for
relieving the distressed crew and others saved
from the wreck of the M mumental City.
DANIEL EGAN, Mayor of Sydney.
REPORT is now ready. 12, Bridge-street,
RODIUS presents his respects to the
inhabitants of Sydney and the colony in
general, and guarantees to make a correct like-
ness by CHALK AND SMOKE ; and if not satis-
factory to the friends Mr. R. will forfeit the
payment for his exertions, of Three Guineas,
with frame. Castlereagh-street, corner of gate-
way to the Circus where Major Downey im.
mortalised himself. Sydney, May 30. 7297
Congregational School, Pitt-street, Sydney.
Mr. MILES, Author of a Dictionary
of Scripture Geography - the Lives of
Dr. Isaac Watts and Samuel Drew - Continu-
ation of Goldsmith's History of England -
Notes on the Immateriality and Immortality of
the Human Soul - The Three Wives, &c, &c.
- has commenced a course of Lessons on
Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar to the
senior Scholars attending the Congregational
School, which will be continued on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday weekly. Parents are
earnestly solicited to endeavour to prevent the
absence of their children on the days specified.
Scholars, able to read the New Testament
fluently, will be admitted to the senior class
until the 13th day of June next.
Scholars can be admitted weekly to the
other divisions of the school.
Mrs. M. is desirous that mothers attend when
their daughters are entered as scholars.
There will be no mid-winter vacation during
Mr. M. is ready to receive three boys as
boarders, to be educated along with his son,
either for commercial or professional life. Age
not to exceed twelve years.
Terms-Forty guineas per annum; washing
TUITION.-A gentleman, accustomed
to tuition, and who speaks French
fluently, would be willing to attend schools
and families to instruct in the usual branches
of a sound education (inclusive of short-hand
and merchants' accounts). Address R. C, care
of Messrs. Sands and Kenny, Booksellers,
PRIVATE TUTOR.-A gentleman,
late of Trinity College, Dublin, having
the advantages of an University education,
wishes to meet with an engagement in a
respectable family in town or country. Unex-
ceptionable references can be given. Address
C. C, Dr. M'Laughlin's, Parramatta-street.
INSTRUCTION in Sax-Horn and
Cornopean Playing.-Mr. EVANS SLOPER
informs his pupils and friends that it is not
his intention to leave Sydney, having made
this city his permanent residence. Letters, &c,
to care of H. Marsh and Co., George-street, or
D. Buist and Sons, Bridge-street, 7272
Under the patronage of several families of
TO-NIGHT, Tuesday. Reserved seats,
3s. 6d. Stalls, 2s. Gd. Promenade, Is.
Doors open at 7, to commence at half-past.
Vocalista : Miss Flora Harris and Mr. John
M. Winterbottom will perform on this occa-
sion two new Solos composed expressly.
Mr. Coleman Jacobs, tho celebrated Pianist,
will make his second appearance.
Overture-" Guy Mannering"-Bishop.
First time of performance,
Solo, Sax Horn - " Auld Robin Gray"
Arranged expressly for this occasion.
Song - "Bonny Wee Wife"-Miss Flora
Fantasia - Mr. Coleman Jacobs - Coleman
Jacobs, pianist to H. R. II. Duchess of
Gloster, being the second appearance of this
New Polka- "The Ladies of Scotland"
Winterbottom, composed expressly for the
Song-" Annie Laurie"-Mr. Gregg, as sung
before Her Most Gracious. Majesty on her
New Solo, bassoon-" Coming thro' the Rye."
Quadrille -" Caledonian"-Jullien,
Overture - " Tancredi"-Rossini.
Recitntive ond Air-"Death of Nelson"
Solo, Flute-" Fantasia "-Nicholson. Mr.
Symphony-" Andante, Surprise "-Haydn.
Duet-" Souni la Tromba "-Donizetti.
Cornet-a-Piston. M. H. Durant, and Tenor
Sax Horn, M. Evans Sloper.
Quadrille-" Jetty Tteffz "-Jullien.
Song-" Will o' the Wisp "- John Gregg.
Mr. John Gregg composed expressly for the
occasion, and accompanied on the Piano-
forte by Mr. Coleman Jacobs.
Fantasia-«. Violin"-Robbereichts. Mr. Ed-
Polka-" Old English " -Tucker.
Solo, Bassoon-"In Happy Moments" -
Galop-" Cambridge "- Ernesto.
Solo Cornet-a-Piaton, M. II. Durant.
Conductor .... M. Winterbottom.
. honour to announce that, at the
repeated request of several families of distinc-
tion, he has been induced to postpone his visit
to Melbourne, in order to give a
On FRIDAY Evening, June 3rd, 1853,
great pleasure the director an-
nounces, that from his repeated attendance at
the PALACE STATE BALLS, "Almacks," and
other distinguished assemblies, he will be
enabled to render this the most distingué of the
will have the honour of performing the choicest
compositions of Jullien, Konig, D'Albert,Bos
siseo, Strauss, and Launer.
will be of the most rechercftt character, com-
prising every delicacy of the season.
Single Tickets, Fifteen Shillings, Supper
Double Tickets, One Guinea, Supper in-
Obtainable of Marsh and Co., Woolcott and
Clarke, Musicsellers ; and of Mr. Winterbot-
tom, at the Royal Hotel, between the hours of
2 and 4 o'clock every day. M Winterbottom
respectfully intimates that no exertion will be
spared to render this assembly entirely select.
_Principal M.C., M. PARIS. 7417
announce that in consequence of the
Saloon of the Royal Hotel being let for other
purposes, THURSDAY next will be positively
the LAST NIGHT of the concerts. Friday
the Race Ball. Saturday-No performance.
STREET. In consequence of the numbers
who were unable to obtain admission last
evening, the performances will be repeated
this evening, with other novelties. For par-
ticulars see bills of the day. JOHN MAL
! ! ! READ ! READ ! READ ! ! !
THE young Men of the colony are
informed that a Society is in course of
formation, to be entitled, "The Sydney Lite-
rary and Amateur Dramatic Society. ' The
society will purchase and publish the workB of
authors, and will publicly represent all popu-
lar plays. A General Meeting will be held
this day month, to consider different matters
concerning the society. For further particu-
lars address, post-pRid, contoining n stamp for
answer, to M. D. ISAACS, Post Office, Syd-
OMEBUSH RACES.-In order to
prevent confusion and delay at the
entrance gate, subscribers are particularly re-
quested to come provided with their cards of
WILLIAM CANKETT begs leave to
acquaint his old spotting friends and the
public that he has erected a booth, in which
W. C. will serve his old friends, on Monday,
the 30th May, after the match with Little John
and Lieutenant, with a good luncheon and the
purest of Bpirits ; BISO on Wednesday, Thurs-
day, and Friday will supply his customers
with the choicest viands in season. The lun-
cheon will he under the direct superintendence
of W. C, who trusts by unremitting' attention
to give satisfaction to every guest who may
it at the festive board. 7206
DWARD H. JONES, No. 1, Hun
ter-street, Sydney, the first shop from
George-street, Working Jeweller and Watch
Maker (late of 62, Cornhill, London), takes
this opportunity of informing the Public of
Sydney, that he has now on sale a very large
and beautiful selection of English and Foreign
Clocks, that he offers at the following price« :
8-day English dial clocks. 4 10 0
American striking ditto, gothic and
Union pattern, quite new. 2 6 0
Very elegant papier mâché ditto_ 3 6 0
Octagon pattern, lever escapement
office and ship clocks, very superior 3 6 0
E. H. J. also begs to state that he ia now
manufacturing every articl« of jewellery from
colonial gold, by the most experienced London
workmen. Watch glasses fitted at Is, each.
NOTICE to Coal and Wood Con
sumers.-The cheapest Coal Wharf in
the City. SHOOBERrS Mount Kiera Coal
Wharf, Erskine-street, rear of the Bethel
Best A.A. Company's Mount Kiera Coal,
screened, and Billet Wood, always on hand.
READINGS from the Book of Revela-
Shirley, a Tale, by Currer Bell, l2mo.
Ye Colloquies of Edward Osborne, Citizen and
For truthful painting, exquisite touches of feeling, of
quaintneas, und of beauty-for power of dellnoating
Tttriety and distinction of eharactcr-and for sustaining
interest without departing from naturo and simplicity,
thia volume has probably, in ita way, no superior.
Church and State Gazette.
The Court Album ; Twelve Portraits of the
Female Aristocracy. Engraved from
drawings by the first artists.
A " book of beauty "-boauty positivo and beauty
comparative-with genealogical notices. In tilla elegant
volumo, aa to ita predecessor of like charater, the Inde-
fatigable delineator of female charms, Mr. John Hayter,
is tho chief contributor, supported by Messrs. Grunt,
Durham, Kgley, and Weigall, junior.
The History of Henry Esmond, Esq., a Colonel
in tho service of Her M.ijewty Queen
Anne, by Thackeray, 3 vols. 8vo.
Mr. Thackeray lias selected for bia hero a very noble
typo of the cavalier softening into the roan of tho
eighteenth contury, and for hi« heroine one of theaweeteit
women that ever breathed from canvas or from book,
since Itaffaelht painted and Shakipeara wrote. '. Kamond"
will we think, rank higher aa a work of art than
" Vanity Fair" or " l'endcunls."-Spectator.
Niebuhr's Life and Letters, edited and trans-
lated by Susannah Winkworth, With
Essays on his Character and Influenoe,
by Chevalier Bunsen and Professors"'
On« of the moat valuablo contributions to ous bio-
graphical literatura which has been made in recent
Acton on Diseases of the Urinary and Genera-
Mr. Acton's work must be diligently studied by every
Íiractitloncr who would desire to benefit instead of in-
uring hil patient ; it lins a distinctive and pre-emi-
nently diagnostic value -Áíedical Oaxttlr.
The »regent edition of Air. Acton's work is very much
enlarged, and contains a most v&luablo collection of
Australia as it is, its Settlements. Farms, and
Gold Fields, by F, Launcelott, Esq,
Home Scenes and Heart BtutHt*, by Grace
The Moxb<?,vß~Rccompenae, by Grace Aguilar.
The Marvels of Science, and their Testimony
to Holy Writ: A Popular Manual of
the Sciences, by 3. \V. Fullom, Esq.
Dedicated by permission to the King of
The skill displayed in the treatment of the sclonccs is
not tho least in nivel In tho volume. It is moro than a
mero literary triumph.-Globe.
Lewis Arundel, or the Railroad of Life, by
Frank Fairleijh, 8vo., plate«.
The task of tho reviewer becomes a pleasant one
when such works as (hu one before us is forced upon
his perusal. W« miM onco more commend the taste
and talent of the author of " Jxiwls Arundel."-Weekly
Pictures from Sicily, by the Author of " Forty
Days in the Desert." Illustrated with
33 engravings on 6teel, and several wood
As a work of reference, it is of the highest utility ! as
an ornamental book li fs unsurpassed; and as a guide
to tilt traveller, it has no equal In the English language.
Spirits of the Past, by N. Mitchell.
J le has evoked with great succesB the illustrious dead
of all ages, gliding from epoch to epoch, and from cha-
racter to character. This work lins singular variety,
fascinating grace, and thrilling power. - TPMAIJ/
Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, 12mo., cloth
Harry Hieover's Treatise on the P« oper Condi-
tion of all Horse«, l2mo.
Memoirs of Dr. Blenkinsop, author of Pad
The Hiding Place, or the Sinner Found in
Christ, by the Rev. J. Macfarlane,
The History of an Adopted Child, by Miss
Money and Morals ; a Book for the Times, by
This work is distinguished hy vigorom and vivid lite-
rary power, by à high and generous spirit engaged on
matters of vital concern to the Hritlsh public, und by a
political economy, searching and striking, though fre-
quently questionable.-Spectator.
Claret and Olivee, from the Garonne to the
Rhone ; or, Notes, Sociul, Picturesque,
and Legendary, by the Way, by Angus
A racy, vigorous book, full of new remarks and clover
painting.-Chambers' Edinburgh Journal.
Tules of the Mountains ; or, Sojourns in
Tho conversations, the descriptions, the incidents, fall
into that mixture of the essay and the novel which dis-
tinguish the tales of Washington Irving.-Spectator.
Yisiting my Relations, and its Results ; a
Series of small Episodes in the Life of a
Vf« have not lately read a volume of this kind with
greater relish. Calm sense, quiet humour, and nice per-
ception of character, distinguish It in no common
The Pilgrim» of New England, a Tale of the
E'Jgar Clifton, or Right and Wrong, a Story of
Lee's Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles, and
Thomson's Dictionary of Domestic Medicin
and Household Surgery, 12mo.
Lives of tho Brothers Humboldt, translated
from the Uerman of Professor Klencke,
The Philosophy of the Senses, or Man in Con-
nection with a Material World, 12mo.,
The Amyatt Family, or Life in Childhood,
Manco, the Peruvian Chief, or an English-
man's Adventures in the Country of the
Memoir of the Rev. W. A. Johnson, by Rev
Peter Parity's Annual, 1853
Dickens's Child's History of England, 2 vols.
Jullien's Musical Album, for 1853, with beau-
Jullien's Cadeau of Music
British Almanac and Companion, cloth
Queechy, by Elizabeth Wetherall, 2 vols.
Tne Wide Wide World, by Elisabeth Wethe-
The Picture Pleasure Book
The Keepsake 1853, highly finished line en-
Canada as it Was, Is, and May be, by Sir J.
The best Parliamentary History of Canada.
Alison's (Sir Archibald) History of Europe,
Lamartine'« Monarchy in France, vol. 4
Mayhew on the Horse's Mouth, Bhowing the
age by the teeth, coloured plates
Lectures on Midwifery, by E. W. Murphy,
M.D., Professor at University College,
Cresey's Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering
Lovell's Digest of Equity, Common Law,
Bankruptcy, Ecclesiastical and Criminal
Cases, including thoso of the Privy
Council and House of Lords and Irish
and Scotch Courts, for 1862, 8vo.
8opbism» of Free Trade, by Sergeant Byles,
Bagster's Analytical Greek Lexicon, with a
grammatical analysis of each word, and
lexicographical illustration of the mean-
Arnold's First Latin Book
Wardrop on Diseases of the Heart, 8vo.
Braithwaite'« Retrospect of Medicine, vol. 26
Caswall's History of the American Epiacopal
Jeffrey's Life and Correspondence, by Lord
Macauley's History of England, 2 vols.
Webster . Dictionary of the English Language,
Laurie's Interest Tables, 8vo.
Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, vol. l8
Household Words, by Dickens, Tola. 1 to 6, in
Bookseller and Stationer.
WILLIAM JOINER, (late Thoma"
Broughton), Tailor and Draper,
Riding, Full Dress, and French Trouser
Maker, 305, George-street, Sydney, 6 doora
from late Establishment, just opposito the
W. JOINER, late foreman and manager for
Thomas Broughton, Esq., begs to announco
his commencement in business as above,
where he hopes to ra»rit the same confidence
and encouragement which ho has hitherto en
joy-d. To this end h-s hos secured tho large
and well selected stock of his late employer, to
which he has added recent importations, em-
bracing a choice variety of goods from some of
As a trouser maker, W. Joiner's success has
been eminently satisfactory, the fidelity of
of his practice enabling him to guarantee na
easy-fitting and gentlemanly garment, and
falling gracefully on the boot, and retaining
.their position without straps, or braces,
whether for thn saddle, full-dress, or ordinary
purposes ; while his chargeB will be moBt
W. Joiner, in commencing as nbove, beg» W)
assure those gentlemen to whom ho has
already the honour to be known, that his
entire attention will be devoted to business:
and confidently hopes that MB style, the well
known character of Mr. Broughtons stock,
and a prompt and careful execution of what-
ever orders he mny be favoured with, will en-
sure a continuance of their commands.
395, George-street, May 28. 7265
SMITH AND* HART, Law Stationers,
House, Land, and General Agenta, No.
210, Elizabeth-street North. Sums vatying
from £fl0 to £600 for investment. 7358
MR. JOBLING, Consulting Engi-
neer, Surveyor; of Iron Vessels, Engine«,
Boilers, and Machinery of all descriptions, also
a Draughtsman in all its branches, offers his
services to the inhabitants of Sydney. Address
to Messrs. MONTEFIORE, GRAHAM,: and
402, George-street, 2 doors from Hunter
MRS. A. SPIERS invites her kind
feiende, and the public in general, to
the extensive addition to her unrivalled Stock
of Millinery, per steamers Zeepard and Har-
binger ; and also by the Pheenician, a large
assortment of children's silk, satin, and velvet
plush bonnet", hats, hoods, richly trimmed'
superb eaehmereand merino cloaks, children's
pelisses and dresses, of the latest fashions ;
with her usual fresh supply of fea» hers, flowers,
a quantity of French and English staysal
wiys on hand ; also a large assortment of bridal
and other fancy bonnets, mourning bonnets and
caps alwoys on hand, ready for inspection at
the above establishment. 7410
IN course of publication by the under-
signed, The Hellespont Polka, composed
and dedicated to Captain Watts and the officers
of the screw steamship Hellespont, by L.
Third edition Bridal Waltz, and Konigsburgh.
Polka, Ada Clare, and Farewell to the Old
Mary Blane nnd Lucy Neal.
H. M. and Co. beg to inform the public that'
they have mnde arrangements with the New
York Serenaders to publish the whole of their
Wholesale Music Sellers and Publishers,
7378 490$, George-Btreet.
THE undersigned, having been in-
trusted with the salo of the above in
itrument, begs to call the attention of the public
to its beautiful design, and entire new prin-
ciple, compass seven octaves, Cto C. This u the
first that has been received in this colony, and
also the only one that has the abovo compass,
7406 Musical Repository, 314, Pitt-street.
I^OR SALE by the undersigned
Elegant Grand Square Pianofortes, by
Double Action Boudoir Pianofortes, by Oetz
I 8emi CottRge Pianoforte, by Cadby
Cottage Pianoforte, by Nosworthy.
Certificates of authenticity given with each
The above, in elegant Rosewood Cases,
highly finished, with all the latest improve-
Wholesale Music Sellers and Publishers,
Mr. Henry Marah is in daily attendance at
the above Warerooms, betweens the hours of 3
'Q'O BAKERS.-For sale, the imple
* menls of a bakehouse, consisting of
trough, peels, boardi», &c. Apply to H.
RICHARDSON, 179, Brickfield-hill, near the
MR. H. A. GRAVES will sell by
auction, THIS MORNDTG, at 11
o'clock, at his Rooms, George-street, opposite
the Police Office, the remaining lot of un-
redeemed pledges, pawned with Mr. J. C.
Molloy, of Brickfleld-hill, in continuation of
sale of yesterday, comprising
Wearing apparel, guns, pistols, watches, jewel-
lery, and other sundries,
Of New and Popular Standard Worki, Piala
and Fancy Stationery, &c.
Ifyfl R. EDWARD SALAMON will aelî
LY.I. by auction, at his Rooms, George«
street, on WEDNESDAY, June 1, at 11
Cheap editions of new and popular standard
Novels, talcs, romances, biography
History and general literature
Juvenile and school booka
Song and recitation books
Plain and fancy stationery, Ac.
sell by auction, at his Rooms, George
atrcbt, on WEDNESDAY, Juna lit, at 11
A splendid tone Albion semi-grand pianoforte,
with all modern improvements, in elegant
A brilliant tone cylinder cottage, with ditto
ditto, in elegant rosewood case
Shipped by the above eminent manufacturer.
sell by auction, at bia Booms, Georg««
?treet, WEDNE8D AY, June let, at 11 o'clock,
A large assortment of superior dressing, pocketf