Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 5 May 1854 (original) (raw)
Fri 5 May 1854 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 2 - Advertising
PANY. Office, No. 488, George-street, Sydney.
Capital £400,000, in 4000 Shakes.
H. H. Browne, Esq., Chairman.
William Browne, Esq., Deputy-Chairman.
John Alexander, Esq. Duncan Mackellar, Esq.
Robert How, Esq. Alexander Campbell, ta
Captain Ashmore, Kent-street, North.
Aokot xxD Maei.we SunvEYon ron thk Pout op N_wcAsr__ :
Thomas Brown, Esq., 02, Moorgate-street.
' The Directors attend daily to receive applications for insurances.
Bates of Premium per cent, by flrst-clas» vessels not under forty
five tons, free from average unless general : ***'
Port Phillip, hy sailing ves-
India, China, and Manila.. 24
Goods insured with particular average, from J to 4 per cent,
Time risks on drst-class vessels :
S months. 3 guineas per cent.
12 ditto. 0 ditto ditto '
Whaling voyage .10 por cent.
8pecie-To or from London, 2 guineas per cent., and policies
-iU be issued in triplicate, payable in London, if required.
Specie-To or from Melbourne, by sailing vessels, 1 guinea per
.ent. ; by steamers, } per cent.
The Company's Surveyor will attend on tho arrival of each
sfesscl In which they may bo interested, to report upon the stowage
.f tho cargo, &o., and where claims for damages are Ukoly to bo
made, notics Is required to be left at the Company's Office
_JOHN P. GIBSON, Secretary.
LONDON, Capital'Ono Million Five Hundred Thousand
Slated brick or stone buildings detached . S 0
Ditto ditto ditto ditto contiguous . 7 6
Ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto to inferior buildings ... 10 0
Shingled ditto ditto ditto detached.10 0
Ditto ditto ditto contiguous.12 0
Inferior buildings . Us. and 17 6
Vessels in harbour, with or without warrantry to repair, and
afclps building. Ha7ordous risks subject to special arrangement.
Losses by lightning made good. Tho AGENTS have authority to
ADJUST and PAY all claims in SYDNEY, and for this purpose
have a credit on the Uniok Bank op Australia, to any exton
It is also provided by condition No. 7, in «ach Policy, that " If
any dispute ¡hall arise between the assured and the Company, re
xctwT the amount of any loss or damage, the same shall be sub-
mitted to Arbitrators indifferently chosen, whose award in writ
ing shall be conclusive and binding on both parties ;" and which
course of proceeding will bo followed by referring the matter in
dispute to Arbitrators resident In Sydney.
Agents, Spring-street, Sydney.
ES"* N.B.-In coso of Fire, parties are ^requested to give
»ouce to Mr. T. J. Bown, Engineer, No. 280, George-street,
nperintendent of the Fire Brigade, in whose premises the Engine
A. A. Broadfoot, Esq., Chairman.
n. A. Coffey, Esq., Doputy Chairman.
W, M. Tennent, Esq. | John Benn, Esq. | It. E. Wallen, Esq.
Manngcr-James Calvert, E«q.
Marine Surveyor-Captain James Gilbert
Policies made payable In London when required.
NOTICE.-The undersigned being the duly appointed Agents of
this Company, issue policies at the reduced rates of premium.
HAIGH, MONDAT, and CO., Agents,
Drafts of £5 caen, payable on demand, on England, Scotland,
or Ireland, may be had on application at the Bank Offices,
197, Pitt-Btreet North. ASHTON B. OTTLEY, Manager
?treet, Parramatta, Is appointed Agent in that town for the Sydney
branoh of this bauk, for the purpose of receiving deposits.
8ydney, 22nd March. THOMAS A CARO ILL, Manager.
BUILDING SOCIETY, the Turon Golden Ridge Quarts
Crushing Company, the Carangaral Copper Company, and
ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Accountant and Adjuster of Marine
Averages, removed temporarily to No. 814, Pitt-street, next to
Johnson and Johnson's. 31st March, 1854.
COMPANY.-Incorporated by Act of Couucil.-Notice is
hereby given, that a farther Call has been made upon the Share-
holders of the Sydney Railway Company by the Directors for flvo
shillings per share, which is hereby required to be paid, at the
office of the Company, 247, Elizaboth-stroet, on or beforo Thursday;
the 1st day of June, 1851.
J. L. EBSWORTH, Secretary.
Railway Office, Sydney, 20th April.
signed, have this day entered into Partnership as Wins and
Spirit Merchants, under the firm of Thompson and Caporn. The
business at present will be carried on at No. 3. Jamison-lane.
Kay 1, 1854. WM. G. CAPORN.
NOTICE.-On and after the tirst day of April next,
the fare for each passenger from Sydney to Goulburn, and
rom Goulburn to Sydney, by the ROYAL MAIL, will bo
five pounds (£5). AU intermediato fares will bo charged In pro-
ROBERT ELLIOTT, 1 «"-,,"»""
JOHN LUPTON, J pr°Pri°tors.
Booking Office, Spread Eagle, George and Market streets.
IN the Estates of the late W. J. Row and his wife,
Frances A. Row, Printer, &c. All Claims against this Estate
must bo presented before 81st proximo ; and all Debts due to both
Estates are to be forthwith paid to Mr. Misbael Devlin, who alone
Is authorise to give receipts.
The Printing Business, In all its branches,, is still conducted
for the benefit of the estate.
ANDREW LENEHAN, ) Jsx«u«)rs.
Tenders required (for the Labour only) for creollng and
fitting up 20 offices, about 20 feet hy 10 foct each, lu a store off
Queen's Place. The plan and specifications may be seen and every
information obtained by applying to M. E. MURNIN, Harring-
TO SAILMAKERS.-Tenders are required for sails
for the Barque ELIZA FRANCES. For particulars apply to
JOHN C. WILLIAMS, Erskino-Btrect.
TO MAST and SPAR MAKERS.-Tenders are
required for spars and blocks for the Barque ELIZA
FRANCES. For particulars apply to JOUN C. WILLIAMS,
WO SHIP WRIGHTS.-Tenders. are_ re .wired " fot
J. ' certain repairs on board tho Barqub'ELlZA 1!llÍANCES."!Fór_
particulars apply to JOHN C. WILLIAMS, Ersklne-street
TO BUILDERS, &c-Persons desirous or "ontract
\ Me -for -the erection of Two Iron Stores, in Pjtt-htreet,
(Circular Quay,) for E. Weston, Emj., may see the plans and
specification, until the 0th proximo, at the Office of JOHN
STAFFORD, ArghltecHW» Pitt-street, ,.«,._,. ..",. ;.«"._,
FENCING.-Tenders will bo received until Monday
the 15th May, for the erection of a paling fence round St. Paul's
Church and school grounds, Chippendale. Particulars of which
can be had on application to Mr. WILLIAMS, at the Kent Brew
NOTICE.-Strayed, into my Paddock, Emu Plains,
a bay Horse, black points, branded on the near shoulder A/K
The owner can have the horse on-applcation to the undersigned,
and paying the charges for keep and cost of advertising. Austra-
lian Arms, Emu Plains, April 27.
.PIA REWARD.-Chinamen absconded, descrip
Height-About 5 feet, of slender make
Dress-Dark doeskin trousers and vest, English blucher boots,
fancy shirt, and palm leaf hat. Absconded February 12th.
Slender made, stoops in walking
Dress-Dark doeskin coat, vest, black cloth trousers, palm
leaf hat or blue naval cap, fancy shirt, and English blucher
boots. Absconded March 12th.
Warrants arc issued for their apprehension : £2 10s. each will
be paid by the undersigned for lodging either of them in safe cus-
tody : and further reward of £5 on proof of any person employ-
ing or harbouring them. W. II. SAWYER. Clairville, Balmain.
f? 1 REWARD.-Strayed from Riley Estate, boy
du! Pony Mare, MPH under saddlo. YEUDAU, Baker,.
GOLD.-The undersigned is a purchase!; t>f Gold and
Fvrclgn Coin, at the Gold Office, first floor oveEthe Auction
Rooms. JOHN GODFREY COHEN, AucUoneer&hd Bullion
THE undersigned will make liberal advances on
wool or tallow consigned to their friends Messrs LOVE
OP., London, JOY and LBATHES, Macquaricplaco. _
THE underbigned will purchase, or mane lull ud
Tances upon wool, or other proditce,,ihlpped to London.
_THACKER and CO., Oeorgs-itrect.
THE undersigned are cash purchasers of tallow.
RUNDLE, DANGAR, and CO., Quoen's-place,_
Arrivals and others.-The undersigned store boxes at one
shilling per box per mooth, and give printed receipts fur the safo
Money advanced on all portable property at 6 per cent.
Bales by auction dally for the disposal of property of every de-
scription, with immediate account sales.
' _ License Auctioneers and Pawnbrokers.
M WINTERBOTTOM begs to return his möit
* sincere thanks to his patron» and publio in general for
their very kind and liberal patrouage, on Mouday last, at his
-P9ftn~N0TICE-£20°- Thc undersigned re
dU¿J\J \J questa Mr. ROONEY', who received a cheque from
him tins evening, to call again at his office, as a mistake has been
made in making up the account. GEORGE D. CRAIG. Tho
public are cautioned against receiving tho above, as payment has
been stopped at the Bank.
"M OTICE.-Having this day concluded an arrange
Il ment with BIr. David Taylor, I hereby authorize him to soli-
cit orders and receive money on ray account. JAMES TURLEY
JONES, Ó97, Gsorgs-itrcot North, lit May, 1851,
To the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald,
SIR,-As you have placed some derogatory observa-
tions, addressed by Mr. Dowling to myself, in large type, in
a conspicuous part of your publication of this morning, I trust
Sou will seethe justico of according a Uko privilege to mo, by
isertlng my reply to those observations in an equally conspicu-
ous part of your publication of to-morrow, and oblige
To J. P. DowLixo, Esa., Police Magistrate, per favotr 'of the
Sin,-Entertaining the high- st respect for the uniform justico
of your decisions since your appointment to the situation you at
present occupy, I cannot, in justice to my own character or to tho
position I have always maintained in society, as an honorable
man, allow the observations which, doubtle««, you considered it
your duty in your magisterial capacity to address to me, to pass
In giving your decision in tho caso " Beal v. Curtayne," you
characterised my conduct as mean and cowardly. Now, Sir, you
will admit that these are haruk terms, not to bo lightly made use
of, unless capable of sustainment. I should, indeed, he very sorry
to apply such grossly insulting and uncalled-for lnngunge to yon,
unless warranted by circumstances ; pardon mc, therefore, if I
appeal from the of the Police Offlcc.ovor which you preside,
toan>thcr tribunal, before whom j ou and I must bow with defer-
ence-the tribunal of publia opinion. What ore tho circumstances
which warranted you to apply these extra judicial observations to
mel That the public may bo the better cnablvd to give a just
verdict, It will bo necessary to relato the circumstances which
called them forth. It appears, then, according to what has been
proved at the Police Office, thatobout 11 o'clock on the night of
Tuesday last, the day of election, that I, in company with three
friends of mine, called into the public houso at the corner of Pltt
and Hunter streets, for the purpose of having soma refreshment
an antiquated custom in my country after every popular triumph.
It further appears that as soon as we got into this public housa
that an altercation commenced between a person who was In the
house, when wc ontered and oncof mycompanions, thatln order
to bring my friend to a sense of what ho owed himself,
I said, "Surely you are not going to denian yourself by holding
an argument with a man whom you have described as a brothel
keeper, and whom I myself knew In that capacity years ago " I
then obwrved, I was astonished how such a character would bo
permitted into any respoHablo houso. At the conclusion of this
last observation the landlord, or the individual who represented
that important parsonage, deliberately told me, and every person
in the house at the time, tliit he knew this man described as a
brotiel keeper to be as respectable a man is I was. I retorted by
telling the landlord that he was a liar. Tho landlord then struck
ms across the face over the counter, and immediately retired out
of my reach, when I took up a tumbler und threw It at IiIb head ;
it ml«se.d the object for which it was intended, but broke four
tumblers, and I beliove one small pane of glass in a ease that stood
behind the counter, for which the modelt sum of fifteen shilling*
was demanded. This charge I distinctly refused to pay, upon tho
principio that It was the landlord and not I who gaye the first
insult and committed the first nssiult, and that he consequently
debarred himself the right of seeking payment for the loss which
his own insulting and highly indecorous conduct occasioned.
This, I think, you will find to bo a correct statement of tho wholo
transaction as it occurred and appeared in evidence at the Police
Office, far'which you designate my conduct as mean and cow
adly, and that you wcro sorry you had it not in your power to
inflict a hcivier punishment. I mu«t certainly feel highly
flattered nt thlB extraordinary manifestation on your part of tho
will without the power of administering to my personal comfort,
hut whether such manifestation of embittered fueling-whether
such evident acerbity of feeling, dignifies the judicial bench, is of
course best known to yourself. Now, Sir, I would entreat of you
for a moment, without offering violence to your feelings, to
descend from the dignified position which you now occupy, and to
toko up a position in society with myself. Say for, instance, you are
what I claim to be-a man whose character has never baen sullied
with a dishonourable act. Go Into n public-house, as I have done,
with thro« respectahle tradesmen, your own equals in society ; let
the landlord of that house tell you, in prosene« of your friends
and several other apparently respectable persons, that he knew a
reputed hrothel-kccper to bo as respertable as you-though he
subsequently sworo that ho knew you not at the time he compared
you to this person ; then I ask you, as a maa, would not your
manhood revolt at the comparison.
For resenting this gross and scandalous libel on my character,
you were pleased, ia your Magisterial capacity, to apply the offen-
sive terms, " mean and cowardly," to my conduct; and that you
were sorry you had it not In your power to award a heavier
punishment than the infliction of the damages sought for, with
the alternative of seven days to Darlinghurst-an hotel, I would
remark, I have never put up at, nor expect never shall. In con-
clusion, allow me to assure you that so far from viewing my con-
duct, as you have expressed it, In this transaction as mean and
cowardly, I should, on the contrary, sonslder my conduct as mean
and cowardly had I not resented in the manner I did the wanton
I am, Sir, yours, _e., «to,
JUST LANDED, ex Speedv, to meet the approach-
ing season.-Messrs. JONES, SMITH, and CURTtSS,
Tailors and Clothiers, have much pleasure in Informing their cus-
tomers they have received by the above named ship a choice and
fashionable selection of gooda imported to their order. From long
expérience In the Sydney trade gentlemen may rely on finding an
»nielo suited to their tastes and requirement*-a difficulty too
Respectfully soliciting an Inspection, they submit (in addition to
their previously welt-assorted stock) the following list of novelties
obtainable at no other house in town.
Black beavers and winter coatings
Double quilted coatings, quite new
Well suited for riding trouser«.
Silk, plush, bopsack, rich shawl anil French eachmere shawl
Moire antique, velvet, and rloh silk vestlngs, in great variety
Muscovite plush, figured cachmeres, and thlbets
With a superior assortment of wool-dyed West of Bngland
black, blue, rifle, *nd medly cloths.
George-street, opposite liunter-street_
OW LANDING, ex Voroon, from Dundee
8-bushcl hemp sacks, in bales of (00,378, and 400
Flour bags, to hold 50 lbs.
Tarpaulins, 14 x 20,14 x -I, It x 21, and 16 x 34
Flooring boards, 6 x | in., 6x1, and 6{ x 1)
Red wood deals, 3x9, and 3x11
Battens, GJ x 2j, split laths
Apply to GILCHRIST, "WATT, and CO.
,N SALE, at the Stores of tho undorsigned
Ditto Mousseux Bress ditto
Marcobruncr A large invoice of blanket«
Lclbfrauenmlleh Boots and shoes
Gin, Scheldam Paper hangings
Gin in quarter-casks A large invoice of Paris Fer
Brandy Planât, In cases Marmor tables
" " in quarter-casks " chimney pieces
Champagne Piper Linseed oil
Curacoa, anisette, elixir, &o. White lead
Ladles' dresses for balla Eponges
-fiabltabirta, See., Seo. New polka«, qaadrilloi, opera
DRAPERY. Dutch loaf sugar
French msrinos Fire bricks
Cachemoro d'Ecosso Silver snuff-bor, Russian
; -Prints Cuneojlan bracelets
Ready-made olotlilng Forccluins
J. DHANIS and CO., 489, George-street.
Bottled brandy Gold watches
Truman's ale Silver ditto
Usual stock of woollens and soft goods of all descriptions.
8WAIN, WEBBS, and CO., Circular Quay.
N SALE hy the undersigned:
9-4 blue, scarlet, and grey blankets
0-4,10JÍ, UÜ, Witnoy ditto
8J4,10*¿, lll¿,bleaobed diaper rugs.
Scat lot and blue knit ditto
Calico, linen, ditto, washed and boxed
Fancy regatta ditto, ditto ditto.
Royal ribbed and lambswnol vests.
Lambawool pants, grey boss, and half-hose.
DE PASS, ELLIS, and CO, Circular Quay,
ON SALE by the undersigned, a choice assortment
COATS.-Wen's blue pilot reefing jacket«
Ditto American pea jackets
Ditto pilot and Wltney sacs and chesterfields
Ditto blue Wltney and marbled douros
Ditto clouded doe mixed and marble exhibition
Ditto fancy drab and doe paxtons, Oxonians, and
TROUSERS.-Ditto fancy doo, tweed, and black cloth trouser*
Ditto woollen and cotton cord ditto
VESTS.-Ditto fancy doe, tweed, black cloth vests
Black and fancy embroidered double ditto
French plush, cachmere, moira antique
Figured silks and black satin vests
PIECE GOODS -Black cloths
Coburgs, lustres, and Circassians.
DE PASS, ELLIS, and CO., Ciroular Quay.
N SALE, at . the Stores of the under-
Superfine black broadcloths
Superior made-up clothing In
Trousers in tweed, doeskin, and buckskin
Vests, in various winter materials
Hosiery, table covers, sizos
Ladies' winter bonnets, newest fashion
Blankets 7-4, 8-4,9-4,10-4,11-4
Shawj, in tquares and longs
Wines-Rhenish, Claret, Bordeaux
Stationery, «very description
Perfumery, very superior quality .
SOLMITZ and LXLIENFEXD, l£aoquarie-»lac«.
EX C R O S U S , and other late Ships.
In reference to their preliminary advertisements in Mon-
day's issue of the Sydney Horning Herald,
MESSRS, DAVID JONES and Co. have now the pleasure of
submitting to their friends and the public the following list of
Their house haung been known for so long a period as larg«
importers, of goods of nearly all description«, both from England
and the continent, Messrs. David Jones and Co believe that it is
only nccessarj for them to state that the subjects of their present
advertisement have been selected by a party who has for many
years been in the employ of their firmas buyer m the European
markets, and whose great experience and excellent judgment has
enabled him to execute the orders transmitted to bim with accu-
Rich velvet!, trimmed with chinchilla plush
Blaok and coloured moire velvets, exceedingly shasta
Opera cloak«, gold embroidered
Braided cloak, the latest registered pattern
Black Batln and silk circular, richly embroidered
Black and coloured, richly embroidered cintilar velvet
Black cloth radiated circulars
And a larg« assortment of riding boas, eufli, &o- Ice,
New and fashionablo taffetas carreaux
Brocaded and flounced dresses, mads up in pink, white,
An assortment of rich plain taffetas
Black and colored silk plushes
British and foreign silk velvets, black and colored
Embroidered merino robes "
Ditto ditto ditto New York Exhibition
And a variety of novelties, both in pattern and fabrics, well
In the following colours-garnets, green, pensée, violet,
rubis France, groseille, emerald, brown, marron, Na-
poleon, coffee, blaok, violet, naourad, slate.
A few rich moirp antique in black and oolouis, and all
colours In plain silk velvets.
A beautiful assortment of velvet, plush, silk, and fancy
straw bonnets, in the latest styles.
Velvet and ribbon bracelet*
Ditto and plush nock ties
Ladies' riding hats, in silk, felt, and beaver
Welsh and Lancashire flannels
Ditto scarlet and gentian
A large selection of double twills, British merino«, coburg!,
alpacas, bayadere and Beslka stripe», Ault rallan
A selection of heavy bullion fringes, 8,1, », 6, and l8 Inch
And a novelty In damask furniture Invoiced as Lasting Im-
A large and cheap stock of heavy winter goods, Including
Scotch and English tweodi
And as serviceable an assortment of broadcloth* as baa ever
been submitted to the trade.
American reefing jacket* '
Balmoral's single and doable breasted
Moleskin trousers, men's,
Coloured doeskin shooting coat*
Ditto ditto vests and trousers
Youths', and boys' clothing of all description*
Figured and black aatln ditto
Merino and lambawool hosiery
Ditto ditto under clothing
Ditto, lndiarubber. Berlin, &o.
Dressed shirts-white and regatta
Gloves-plush, doeskin, buckskin, Aberdeen, Norway, Til
burled, Capo sealskin (a great novelty), dogskin, dog-
skin strapped and lined, &c" &c,
Unusually handsome lustres, in cut and flint glass-opal
and blue, carmine, rose Crysophu*
Crysophus and turquoise palm tops
Opal assorted palm tops, plain
Ditto ditto ditto with coloured snake
Toilet bottles, In every variety of colour, shape, and finish
Bronxo figures, bronze groups, &c.
A few Parian marble groups
China tea and coffee services-gold and white, bluo and
white, green and gold, &c, _o.
nandBomo porcelain flower vases
A emull and select assortment of ELECTRO-PLATED
JONES and CO. beg the speolal attention or their friends to
a choice selection of FOREIGN GOODS, consisting of Mantles,
Shawls, Bonnets, Flowers and WrcathB, and Jewellery, of which
they gire a few particulars below; and they would morely add that
their house never had the pleasure of submitting to pnblio Inspec-
tion a more tasteful assortment of Rich and New Daglrnr,
Mantelet, brode a frauges
Pelisse, glacé noir, val adentg
And various new designs, the enumeration of which would bo
Olíale printed cachmcre d'Ecosse
Clialo Indoux, noir, bleu, gros bien, vert, blane, islay, rouge
Chnte chaine laine, blanc, gros bleu, vert, islay, rouge
A considerable assortment of rich designs in French Flowers, of
which class of goods Messrs. D. J. and Co. keep only the very best
A beatiful selection of rich and novel styles in Jewellery, se-
lected from the stocks of tho English, French, and Venice manu-
NOW LANDING, ex :Crosus and Speedy, and
opened for Inspection, IOS bales and cases
5 bales 0-4 blue blanket«
0 bales 10-4 blue blankets
3 hales 11-4 blue blankets
7 bales Brussells carpeting
8 bales Kidderminster carpeting
2 cases fringes, toilet and curtain
3 cases 5-4 fumitu ii prints, very rieb
5 bales West of Engmnd broads
2 cases fancy and black doeskins
2 cases funcy and black cassimere*
7 cases boy's and youths' ready-made clothing
9 case« men's ready-made clothing
7 cases 7-8 coloured prints
6 eases 9-8 coloured prints
8 cases 5-4 coloured prints -
1 case 5-4 printed cambric*
5 cases 3-1 gala and tartan plaid*
11 bales 72 inch, 80 and 90 inch grey «heettnff
The above goods comprise the largest and best releeted stock