Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 28 Apr 1855 (original) (raw)
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Sat 28 Apr 1855 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 7 - Advertising
ment of Mrs Charlea Poole and Mr Joseph Rayner. Im-
mense succors of Mr Lambert and Mr W H. Stephens I the
greatest hit evor made in the Australian colonies On MONDAY,
April 30th, BLANCHK HERRKMT Blanche Herriott Mrs.
Charles Poole, Neville Audle*, Mr J Rayner DOUGLAS
TRAVESTIE Young Norvul, Mr. Stephens With UNCLE
FOOZLE Uncle Faorlc, Mr Lambert
and Miss CARRY NFLSON, beg to announce their benefit
and positively last appearance in Sydney, will take place on
TUESDAY EVENING next, May 1. Full particulars duly an-
Muni-aï Entertainment, at the Dining Hall, King's Sohool,
on WEDNI SDAY next, Ma\ 2
SEBASTOPOL, Balaklava Harbour, Charge of Light
Infantry, Fxplosions of Oxy-hydrogcn Gas and Gun Cotton, with
muslo, descriptive matter, and brilliant ohromatropes, nightly,
at tho ROYAL POLY rECHNIC, Pitt-street Roaerved seats, 3s ,
front seats, 2s , children half-price Half-price to adults at 9
ing of Adam and Evl, m Williams's Hotel, Pwaraatta
For one week longer Ia consequence of a generally expressed
wish on tho part of the inhabitants of Parramatta, that this picture
chould rim îin fur a short time longer, the proprietors beg to Inti-
mate that they have altered their former i.rrangoments, and have
determined to exhibit it for another week at reduced rates, pre-
vious to Its removal to WinüBnr Adinistion, Is Children, Gd
HE CARROUSEL, <r Miniature Riding Estabhsh
ment, corner of South Head Road and Riley street, will bo
open every Afternoon at 1 o'clock. Admission tickets for horses,
Is , ditto for carnages, Gd each, children half-price.-CHARLES
T)AVILLON DE BELLE VUE, corner of Riley
I | street and South Head Road -0 ien every MONDAY,
! meneo at 8 o'clock Admission 2s. Oil. Ladies gratis. N.B.
I Respectable ladies can be admitted only.
MR. J. CLARK'S Dress Quadrille Assembly will
take place, at his Rooms, on MONDAY next, at 8 o'clock.
I Admission by tiokcta only, to be had at Mr. J. CLARK'S reei
his intention of being present, A GRAND EVENING CONCERT
of Vocal and Instrumental Music in Aid of the PATRIOTIC FUND,
for the Widows and Orphans of our brave defenders in the
cause of Freedom and Right, in the Crimea, will take place
THIS EVENING, the 28th of April, at the ROYAL VICTORIA
THEATRE, on which occasion some of the most eminent Artistes
of Europe, ever congregated together in the Southern Hemisphere,
have kindly volunteered their assistance. The Orchestra will con-
sist of a conjunction of Mr. Winterbottom's Orchestra, the Phil-
harmonic Society, the Military Band of the XIth, and several in-
strumentalists. The Vocal Body will consist of the Choral Society
and several Professionals of distinction with some of the most
leading Amateurs, together witn the Gentlemen of the German
Liederkranz, who have consented to sing some of their choicest
choruses. Mr. Winterbottom, Conductor. Mr. Henry Marsh will
1. Ovorture-" Massaniollo," coujunotlon of Or-
chestra, Phllharmonio Society, and Military
2. German Chorus-" Wallballa-Lled," Gorman
Llcderkranz . . . Stuntz.
3. Fantaisie pour lo Piano - " Massaniello,"
(composed by tho author for C. Jacobs) Mr.
Coleman Jacobs . . . Quídam.
4. Song-" Das Alpenhorn," Mrs. St. John _i_
5. Symphony-"Tho Surprise," Full Orchestra Haydn.
6. Finale di Lucia-" Fra Poco" (original key d),
Mr. F. -Hard . Donnisctti.
7. Ilunting Song-Choral Society. . Mendelssohn.
8. 8olo, Vloliu-" Souvenir de Donizetti," Mis
ka Huusor . . ' . Miska Häuser
9. Ballad-" The Australian Emigrant," Mrs.
10. Crlmo"- Choral Society, Orohestra, and Mr.
F. Ellard-Composed expressiy for tho oc-
casion by . . . F. EUard.
1. Wedding March - *' Midsummer- Night's
Dream," Full Orchestra . . Mendelssohn,
2. Sconn-" Soo there! what thou bast oast
away," " Mounmin Sylph"-Amateur. Barnett.
3. Choeur Molse-Full B ind und Choral Sooioty Rossini.
4. Song-" Our Nutional Defences," Mr. Fuir
}. Fantaislo pour lo Piano-"Maroho Funibre,"
Mons. Boulanger . . . Thalberg.
6. Solo, Soprano-" With verdure elad," " Crea-
tion," Miss F. Harris . . Haydn.
7. Solo, Ba=soon- Prom subjects of the "Son
nambula," Mr. Winterbottom . Winterbottom.
8. Duot-" Eliza k Claudio," Amateurs . Meroadanto.
9. Solo, Vlodn-"Carnival of Venice," Miska
10. German Chorus-" Laedorfreiheh," German
Lioderkranz . . . Marschncr.
11. God save the Queen, and Fartant pour la
The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock preoUely.
Dress circle and parquette family boxes, holding eight
persons, six guineas ; single tickets, one guinea ; parquette, one
guinea ; pit, 10s. Gd. ; upper circle, 7s. 6d. ; gallery, 3s.
A plan of the boxes to be seen at Mr. Henry Marsh's, George
street, from «vhom only Tickets can bo procured, Bnd boxes taken.
(the only ones remaining) in the best part, may bo had for
the Grund Conoert of this evening. MaR8H and CO. _
BOULANGER has the honour to announoe that ho in-
tends giving a concert of vocal and instrumental muslo, on
TaURSD-Y next, the 3rd May, at the New Conoert Hall, Royal
ALBERT CASINO.- Castlereagh-street South.
This fashionable Saloon, the largest in Sydney, having been
ely repiiied and red«-caruted in a oostly and superb style, by
artists of tbo first talent in the cnlonv, w.U bo opened this evening
for dancing, Admission as usual, 2s. The celebrated German
band In attendance. Open every evening in the week. H. D.
ROPESSOR PARKER'S School of Arms, and
Clear Divan 41, York-stnct.
priaing " Tho Death of the Kangaroo," and o'.her original
pictures In oil and water color, will be ready for inspection in tho
course of next week («vhen duo no'iee will be given), and subscrip-
tion tickets may b-- then obtained at the Gallery of Arts and School
of Design, 131, Bnthurst-Btrcet East._
NEW BOOKS, just received.-WAUGH and
COX have the pleasure to annex a Bhort llstof a few of the
now publications they have just received :
Dugald Stewart's Works, vols. 3 nnd 4
The Geography of Hcodotus, by J. Tolboys Wheeler
Haps and Mishaps in Europe, by Grace Greenwood
Monumental History of Egypt, by William Osborne, 2 vols.
nopo Campbell ; or Know Thyself, by Cousin Kate
Ethel : or tho Double Error, by Marian James
Ilalf-lloura of English History
nome Life in Russia, by a Russian Noble, 2 vol«.
What to observe at the Bedside and after Death, in Medical
Common Place Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies, by Mrs.
Elements of Rhetor lo, by S. Neil
Mornings with Jesus, by the lato Rev. W. Jay
The Quiet Heart, by the Author of Katie Stewart
Forest Exiles, by Captain Mayne Reid
Boya' Adventure« in Australia, by W. Howitt
Nests and Eggs of Familiar British Birds
Anecdotes of Animal Life, hy J. C. Wood
Our Camp in Turkey, and the way to it, by MrB. Young
Pictures of Life and Character, by John Leeih, from the collection.
Postila-Short Sermons on tho Parables, &c, by Rev. H. Newland
Sketches of Campaigning Lire; or, Leaves from the Diary of an
Emily Vernon j or Foimlo Piety exemplified
Russia, the land of the Czar, from 8G2 to 1854
Ladies' Drawing-room Book
The nally Life, By Kev. Dr. Cumming
Maurice Tiomay, the Soldier of Fortune
Lover's Legonds and Stork* of Ireland, choap edition -
Ollve, by the Author of The Head of the Family, &o.
Bonn's British Classics-Defoe, new vol.
-Standard Library, Cowper, by Southoy, vol. 8
? Xenophon'a Cyropredia, &a.
Lamb's English Dramatic Poets
Lardner'a Museum of Seionco and Art, vol. 4
Webster's Dictionary, cloth, and half bound Russia
Mitchell'« Practical As-aylng
Exposition of the Thirty-nine Artloles, by Harold Browns
Billing's Baronial and Feolesia>tloal History of Scotland, 4 vola
Life of Julius f a>«ur. by Ven. Archdeacon Williams
Tbo Fall of the Crimea, by Spencer
Pride of Life, by Lady Scott
Coulson on Diseases of the Bladder
James's Treasury of Medicine
Memorial» of John M'Intosh, by Rev. Norman M'Leod
The Alp«, Switzerland, Savoy, and Lombardy
Julami rk, by nu'hor of Naomi
Cralg's Diotionarv. 2 vol«., half bound Russia
' Brande's Oreanlo Chemistry applied to the Arta
Frc-sonius's Qualitative Chemical Analysis
Levi's Manual of Mercantile Law
Bickerateth'.i Condensed Notes on Scripture
Longfellow's Golden Legend
Popular Treatise on the Skin and Hair, by Erasmus Wilson
British Almanac and Companion, 1855
The Peasant Boy Philosopher, by Henry Mayhew
Chalmers on 'he Romans, vol. 2, cheap edition
The Retreat-" for Talking Age and Whispering Lovers made"
Diotrlchsen and Hannay's Almanac, 1855
Sydney Smith's Moral Philosophy
Tho Great Highway, by S. W Fullom
My Novel, cheap edition, 2 vols.
Handley Cross; or Jorrook's Hunt, illustrated by Leech
Illustrated Literature of All Nations
Cassell's Natural HIstorv-Featuerod Tribes
Germany, from 1760 to l8.4, by Mrs. Austin
Macaulay's Medical Dictionary
Baltic, Black Sea, and the Crimea, by C. H. Bcott
Marmion, Lady of the Lake, and Lay of the Last Minstrel,
Yioar of Wakefield, Deserted Village, and Longfellow's Golden
Legend, splendidly illustrated editions
_WAUGH and COX, 111, George-street.
Pocket Bibles, with and without Scotch Psalms
Watts' ditto, Index, Notes, References, Se.
Common Prayers, plain, morocco, and velvet
Church Services, ditto, ditto
The above are kept in groat variety, gilt clasps, rimfl, velvet
_WAUGH and COX, 111, George-street.
Russia, the Land of the Czar
Expedition of Five Amerioans into a Land of Wild Animals
The Real Salt, thirty-six illustrations
_WAUGH and COX, 111, George-street.
CIAL PURPOSES-The undersigned have just landed,
ex Merse, a supply of the followiug works
Ure's Dictionary of Ans and Manufactures, 2 vols., half calf
M'Cullocu's Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Dictionary,
M'Culloch's Commercial Dictionary, I vol., half calf
Foster's Double Entry, elucidated
Wordsworth's Laws of Banking, Mining, and Insurance
Ditto ditto, large edition
Wilsou's Essays on Capital and Currency
Byles on Billa of Exchange
Ltvi's Manual of Mercantile Law
Laws of War affecting Commerce and Shipping
Atkinson on Shipping and Insurance
Arno'.d on Marine Insurance and Averages
HorBburgh's East India Direotory
Piddlngton's tailors' Horn Book
Lee's Shipmasters' Manual
Johnson's Variations of the Compass
Waterston on Assaying Gold and Silver
Mathematical and Commercial TablOB
Wray'« Practical Sugar Planter
Southcy on Coloniul Wools.
_SANDS and KENNY, 231, George-street.
invite attention to n selcotion of the above, just received ex
Morbo. They are of polished mahogany, and fitted with Bramah
and other patent locks, and are mitahle for cither counting-house
or library.-SAND-i and KENNY, 231, George-street. _
NOW Published, Engraving of Saint Mary's
Cathedral. Proofs, 10s. Apply 5, Burdekin-terrace.
TVTEW WORKS of Al. Dumas, Lamartine, &c,
j\ &c, just arrived, are now ON SALE at La. GAItDEREand
uo.'á, 12, William-street, Woolloomooloo. Perfumery, stationery,
. chair«, &0., at low prices.
X To combine the fidelity of the photograph with the brilliant
colouring of an ivory mlniaturo must be oe coni-idcred us per-
fecting tho art of portraitwe. This is daily cfF.-cted at FREE
MAN, BROTHERS' Gallery of Photography, in Oeorge-streef,
where the iidvantuges of a spacious sky-light room, for giving the
best tffecis of light and =ha..ow are combine.) with the exercise of
tanto ant experience in pro ucing portrait- r i' from thut harsh-
ness and vulgarity of appearance which too aiton characterise
photographic productions. (Next door but one to the I'ost-offloc.)
X AUGUSl'Uá FITZ HOY, K.C.B., &c, palnlel by Mr. H.
R. Smith, is now on view at the rooms of Messrs. FREEMAN,
Daguerotypist, Ocorge-strert._
Pricey at HART'd GALLEKY, Goorge-stroct. Going
into another proli'i-sion._
Board of Directors,beg to notify thut the time lor sending1
in pianB for the intende . nc-v building is extended te the 1st of
Juno, and that mrther und more particular cetalls will bo furnished
on application to John Kuc, Esq., City Coiumstijnei's Office,
King-street. ALIRED H. h'l'BPtlKN. Secr.-tarv._
LIBRARY.-Members aro rtqtiested to return all book»
by ino 1st of May, and to borrow none till tho 8th of May, so as to
admit of arrangements about the catalogue being currica out
PROVIDENT SOCIETY.-Tno Directors bave nppointed
J. IS. STACEY, Esq., surgeon, their Medical Referee at Newcastle,
from whom foims of pr jposal may bo obtained, and examination,
by whom prevents tho necessity of personal attendance at the
SYDNEY INFIRMARY.-Persons who may b*
able to furnish tho Secretary with copies of tho Annual
Report for tho years 1840 and 1848 will ¡¡rcitly obligo him by for
warding them to tho Hhuhb Steward._^^
VOLUNTEER AK.T1LLERY.- This Corps will
meet at half-pist two o'clock precisely this afternoon at
their umal Parade Ground, for gun drill with blank cartridge.
Incorporated by Act of Council, wita limitai Liability.
Capital £200,000, in 10,000 Shares of £ .0 eaoh.
With a further deposit of £i onu month after allotment, and no
further cull to exceed £1.
Frederiok John Rothery, Esq., Chairman.
John Say Sparkes, Esq., D.put.y-Cha,mini.
William Rändle, Esq. I Tnomas Wuolley, Esq.
David Jones, Esq. | Thomas Holmes,-Esq. .
Tho Union Bank of Australia | 'Cho Oriental Bank Corporation.
Messrs. Norton, Son, and Barker.
Secretary Awn Assay Master.
Cnarles James Hodgson, Etq.
This Company la formed piincipally for the purpose of smelting:
the ores fruin the min j, and for the in mufacturo uf bar, rod, nail,
plate, and every description of marketable iron. The FitzRoy
Iron and Coal Mines aro i-ituated at Mittugjrg, in the oounty of"
Camden, within 75 miles of Sydney by the proient dray road, and
immediately on the line of tho proponed railway from Sydney to
Goulburn, by which they will bo aUtanifroin the Metropolis about'
Tho woll-known character of the Fitz Roy Iron Mino renders i
unnecessary to enter upou any minute description; the ores ob
taiaod from these mines, yield on un average over GO per cent of
motil, and are equal to the fliest 8wodish iron, the average in
England boing usually less than onc-h Uf that amount.
The peculiar richness of tho metal, Us adaptation to every de
senpiion of article to which iron can bo appliod, added to its easy
transition into steel, havabcen fully ascertained and acknowledged',
by all who take nu interest in the natural resources of this oolsny.
The two splendid blocks of ore, and the eise of specimens, colleoted
for the Paris Exhibition, bear testimony to the correctness of
The Fitz Roy Estate covers an area of GOO acres, the mine being
in the centre ; the property is freehold, and wholly unencum-
Immediately adjoining this valuable property, a coal field of
great extent, has recently been discovered, the product of which
is equal to the bo« Newcmtlo coal. This field underlies a oon
Blderablo portion of the 1000 acres leased by the Government to
this Company on an extremely favourable lloyaltj, and runs for
some disiunce into the Fitz Hoy Estate.
In tho offioial letter on the subject received from tho honorable
tho late Colonial Secretary, E Deas Tnomt>on, E-q., it is stated,
" that such n very liberal concession on the part of the Govern-
ment was granted to the Company, in consequence of the great
expense that had been incurred in tho discovery of tho coal,
and considering the workiug of the Fitz Roy Mines, known.'
to oontaln euch valuablu ores of the utmost importance to the
public, and a groat addition to the mineral wealth of the colony."
The very elaborate and scientific report of Mr. William Keene,
the civil engineer appointed by the Government to proceed te the
Fitz Roy Mines, drew from tho late Colonial Seoretary a high
culogium, when laid on the tablo of the Legislative Council. Mr.
" It ia my humblo opinion that (ho rich beds of iron ore of
the Fitz Roy Mines, and the infinite ramifications of manu-
facture #hich mu-t result from their being worked, as well
68 the general interests uf the colony in the economical
construction and efficient action' of the iron ways whioh
must soon connect its chi«r cities, not only warrant hut re-
quire that every encouragement bo given by tho Govern-
ment to persons disposed to search for coal on the lands in
its possession, in tbo district, and I further venturo to affirm
that researches a j far justified by the indications of euch
rich and extensive ooal fields, if properly conducted, muBt
The difficulty of procuring suitablo fuel in the immediate neigh-
bourhood had hitherto prevented thesu mines, except as ex-
periment, lrom being worked ; this impediment is now entirely
removed ; in eleven différent sinkings the coal has been dis-
covered, and tho principal shaft is distant only one milo and a
quarter from tho furnace, from which it is proposed to lay down a
tram way on the road recently completed by the Company,-and
from indications similar to tlnso which led to the discovery of the
richest seam, it is fully contemplated that one of i qual extent will
be struck upon, on the Company's ptoperty, within one hundred,
Apart from tho present aspect of European aff drs, the very
general substitution throughout the world of i on for wood, es- .
peoially in ahip-bmlding, has rcndi red it exceedingly difficult in
England to complete contracts of anv magnitude : the demand
greatly exceeds the supply, and prices have consequently risen to
an unprecedented extent. The rapidly ircroasin< requirements of
tho metal in all the Australian colonies are so grea*, that the
interests of these countries is much to be considered in the
working of The Fitz Roy Mine. Tae high range pricos have
assumed in Europe, will render it almost impossible in future for
colonial consumers, especially Railway Companies, to deposit their
metal on our wharves, but at prices far In excess of those they
havo hitherto been accustomed to, and should any circumstance
occur, which is not impossible from tho ancrtaln position
of Europe, to prevent our obtaining any but a very limited sup-
ply, and perhaps no supply whatever, the Australian colonies
must then, from necessity, rely on their own resources. Iron of
the greatest purity is at our feet;-without this most useful and -
necessary metal we o innot keep paoe with the rest of the world,
it fttrely therefore cannot be de med uuwiso or premature to
embroco at once thi* opportunity of nndering ourselves, to a
great extent, inriopen lent of foro gil supply.
The Oro at th« Fitz liov Miics, th >u,'h extending to a very
considerable depth, lies immediately on the Hurface, with na-
turally fonaed adits, so that little, if any m Tiinfj operations, for
some time to come, will bo required ; and consi quently, as com-
pared with similar descriptions of property in Europt and other
parts of the world, the labour required will be bat trifling, and
from tho great purity of the ere, consrquent on its having In a
primitive state been subjected to some natural prcoess, much of
the expense attending the usual mode of smelting will be greatly
The Estimates that have been made of the probable expense and
returns on the working of these Mines, hold out every encourage-
ment to the undertaking, and aro based on the highest rate of
wages and the avorage colonial price of the metal : if these Esti-
mates promise, as they do, a nandsome return, when tho item of
carriago under the present system is included, and on which they
are grounded, it is unnecessary to remark on the very favourable
result when the Railway, which will pass through this property,
This Company will then not only be in a position to benefit
largely in the sale of its iron, but from the extent and quality of
the coal, will be enabled to Bupuly the whole of the City of Sydney
and her large and increasing steam fleet with fuel, at one half at
least the present prices ; the Shareholders of this Company will
thus possess far greater advantage-) than Shareholders in genefal,
having two distinct resources whereon to rely for their dividend,
namely, the Iron and the Coal, and both wonting at the same tims
Leaving tho profit to bo derived by the shareholders of this
Company out of the question, the whole colony is oloarly in-
terested in the working of theae mines. The colonial markets
will thon bo regularly supplied with iron equal to tha best English .
brands, and the consumer nut subjected to the delay and uncer-
tainty of a long (ea voyage-the example thus set will afford im-
petus and encouragement to undertakings of a similar description,
It will open up for Australia one of the most valuable articles el
commerce tho earth can produce, and while it will unquestionably
tend to her future advancement, it will materially tend to
strengthen her position in the world.
The Act of Incorporation can be inspected at the Offices of the
Company, 212, George-street, Sydney, where application for shares
addressed to the Secretary, is requested to be forwarded, and forma
of applioation, and all information relating to the Company can
Pending ncgotiatisns with England a limited number of share«
To the Board of Direction of " The Fitz Roy Iron and Coal Mining
I have te request that you will allot nie ? . . shares in
the " Fitz Roy Iron and Coal Mining Company," and I hereby
undertake to accept the same or any less number that may be
allotted to me, and to pay the Deposit thereon, and otherwise
conform to the Rulea and Regulations of the said Company at
If absent, Hame of Agent .
His Exoellenoy the Governor-General.
Si,r Charles Nicholson and sir Thomas L. Mitchell.
Mr. G. R. Nichols, M.L.C. Mr. M. Reynolds
Richard Hill M. Guilfoyle
Mr. E. K. Silvester Creswick
L. O. D. James L. C. Shepherd
F. Ferguson T. W. Shepherd
Role 2.-That the objects of this Society bo the development
and encouragement of Horticultural and Bolanical Science; by
holding meetings, monthly or otherwise, at which members shall
bo invited to read papers and essays, deliver lectures, and discuss
the various subjects connected with these aolenoes; by instituting
periodical Exhibitions, at whioh prizes will be awarded for merit;
by establishing an Experimental Garden on the principle of the
London Horticultural Society ; and, finally, by promoting tha
publication of the Transactions of the Society, and the advocaoy of
, ita objects generally in an appropriate form.
Members, anbscribcrs, and the pub",ic generally, are informed
that, in pursuunco of the above Rule No. 2, the first Monthly
Meeting will take place early in the ensuing month of May. when
an Opening Address will be delivered.