Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 5 Nov 1856 (original) (raw)

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Wed 5 Nov 1856 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 8 - Advertising




(prepared from the finest Sarsaparilla root, in conjunction

with exotic herbs, roots, and flowers of great medicinal pro-

perties), is a certain and speedy health restorer in the

varied "ills that flesh is heir to." It acts directly

on the life currant and drives all impurities from the system

with almost electric velocity. Sold in Bottles, 2s. 6d.

and 5s. T. and W. SHAW & CO., No. 72, Pitt-street


of THe. GEORGE WALKER having returned from

I jj Europe, i respectfully intimates that he has resumed

t practice at 71, Parramatta-street, near St. Benedict's

Church, Consultation hours before 10 a.m., and 2 to 3 p.m.

BUIST and SON, Pianoforte Makers Pianofortes

tuned, repaired, or removed, 19, Bridge-street,

,< W. LAYTON, Wine and Spirit Merchant and Im

''. porter. Exchange Corner, Pitt and Bridga.fitroets.

H. WALKER and CO., General Commission Agents,

29, George-street North, _

MR. J. EMANUEL, Dentist; Established Sydney

1842. SS- Removed to 183, the next door to his"

Into Surgery, George-street North, near theEsirijiE Office,

where he may be consulted at all courses ' E

VAGNOITX, Surgeon Dentist (from Paris,), No. a


Auctioneers, Commission'Agents,'und Produce

Brokers, Queen-street, North Brisbane, Moreton Bay.

MARSHALL and BUIST have on SALE a large and

elegant assortment of Pianofortes, warranted by the

best makers, and to suit the climate. 200, George-street

opposite EiiriBC Offices.

MARSHALL and BUIST, Tuners, Repairers, Valuers,

No, of Pianos, 200, George-street, opposite Empire

MR. J. E. SMYTH, Practical Dentist, 19, O'Connell

street, supplies material (mineral) teeth of every

ral shape and variety, from one to a complete set, on

the most approved English and American systems. Teeth

extracted with the latest Improved instruments. Decayed

teeth stopped with gold leaf and the best cement. Children's

teeth regulated. N.B. Teeth extracted gratis for

the poor, from 9 to 10 a.m.

rilllE Misses TANNER'S Millinery' and Dressmaking

I Establishment, removed to 127, Pitt-street, one door

south from Market-street.

WALDWELL, Accountant and Estate Agent.

. Rents collected, debts recovered, and money

advanced, on good Security. 97, Phillip-street and King


bearing interest at the rate of 5, 7,8 and 10 percent,

per Annum, may be obtained on application to W. J.

LENNON, stock and share broker, 25, Pitt-street North

INVESTMENTS in Government Debentures, and the

Shares of the several Banking and other Companies,

may always be obtained or disposed of, on application to

W. J. LENNON, stock and share broker, No. 25, late 356,


BRIERLEY, DEAN, and CO., 178. George-street,

THE UNDERSIGNED are purchasers of Wool and

other Colonial Produce, or will make advances on the

same, consigned to their London house, Messrs. Watson,

Tyrrell, and Lark, 29, Gresham-street. YOUNG, LARK,

and BENNETT, 225, George-street.

STRAYED, a Red and White Poley Cow, branded C in

circle on off ribs. Anyone finding horwill be rewarded

by HENRY MOORE, Spencer Lodge. 4th November.

TWsniLLINGS REWARD-Lost, on Monday

Night, between York-street and Pitt-street, n Bunch of

Keys. Any person bringing it to No. 35, York-street, shall

receive the above reward.


a from One to Four o'clock. 1

HOT JOINTS Ross Mitton - -

ENTREES Mutton cutlets a la Jardiniere

Saline of duck and olives

Stewart sausages and cabbage ,

1 _ -- flashes of beef d la polonaise , ,

1 ~ ' Stewed Kidneys, champagne sauce

Croquettes a la Bechnmelle.

VEGETABLES-New potatoes, peas, cabbage, to.

COLD MEATS Hum, tongue, goose, potted game,

mncnonaise of salmon, cheese, salad, dessert, so. .

1ST 2s. 6d. per head, glass of ale included.

OSMOND'S Hotel, Gold-diggers'' Arms, Pitt-street,

GOLLAN, M'KENZIE, and CO. having established a

Branch of their house in Melbourne, under the superintendence

of Mr. M'KENZIE, are in a position to transact

any intercolonial business, and to make cash advances on

consignments of goods suitable for that market. Sydney,


OU5 WADE and GOWAN. Commission Agents and

Drapery Salesman. Soft goods consigned to the above firm

will be disposed of on the most advantageous terms, and

highest prices procured. Account sales and remittances

forwarded promptly. All enquiries respecting this market

punctually attended to. JAMES WADE, of the above

firm, Auctioneer. Drapery sales held every Tuesday and

Friday. Auction Mart, 36, Collins-street East


CLEAN: DE LISSA and CO.'S valuable tinted

lenses, entirely superseding every other kind of glasses now

in use. They modify the rays of light in their transmission

to the eye, and keeping it in its required temperature, this

assist to strengthen and preserve it at the same time they

possess the greatest transparent power and brilliancy,

enabling very aged persons as well as those of weak sight

to read with case and employ their sight at the most minute

occupation without suffering those pains in the eye

they are subject to from wearing white classes or pebbles.

A large assortment of the newly invented houses, In th

spectacles and folders, in panoptic frames of steel, silver,

tortoise-shell, and gold, to suit every sight. Also the

- ORGANIC VIBRATOR, a small, valuable, newly invented

instrument for the relief and cure of' deafness. A. DE

LISSA and CO., Opticians and aurist, 86, Castlereagh

street, between King and Market streets. At home from

PORTRAITURE.- Crayon Collodiotypes on glass

superior in effect to any yet produced.

Talbotypes and Collodiotypes on paper, capable of being

enclosed in a letter, or multiplied to any extent.

Daguerreotype portraits, highly effective, plain and' coloured.

Stereoscopic portraits taken simultaneously on the best

All the above taken daily at the Sydney Gallery of no

tographic Ait, George-street (over Sands and Kenny's).

A MOST astonishing Cure of a Bad Breast by

HOLLOWAY'S Ointment and Pills Mrs. Holt,

of Adelaide, was for a long time afflicted with a bad breast ;

everything medical aid could do to cure her was unavailing;

indeed, it became much worse, and the family surgeon

finally suggested that the only hope of saving her life consisted

in having the breast cut off. She determined to

wait a short time to consider, and a sister of the sufferer

who called in brought a quantity of Holloway's Oint-

ment and Pills, which she insisted on using sub rose at

first ; this was continued for a few days, which improved

her so much that she was induced to continue them, and at

the expiration of six weeks, her breast was completely

cured, and has remained well over since. Sold at the

establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand, near

Temple Bar, London, and 80, Maiden-lane, New York ;

also, by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicine

throughout the civilized world, and in all parts of Australia,

at the following prices 34s. 3d., 3s. 3d!., and 5s. each pot.

1ST There is a considerable saving by taking the largest

sizes. N.B.-Directions for the guidance of patients in

every disorder are affixed to each pot.

MUSIC STOOLS in rosewood, mahogany, walnut,

zebra, maple, and lime tion; guaranteed to be of

the best London manufacture. Prices, from 25s. HUR

FORD'S Pianoforte Warehouse, 76, Castlereagh-street,

PIANOFORTES, now landing from the Ellenborough,

amongst which are several plain but serviceable instruments,

similar to those per Portland, and which were

described an being so suitable for the schoolroom, late.

Prices, 28 guineas and upwards. HURFOKD'S pianoforte

warehouse, 76, Castlereagh-street, near King-street.


Life, Speeches, and State Papers of Daniel Webster,

Colton's Life of Henry Clay, 2 vols , 409.

Henry Clny's Letters and Correspondence, 20s.

Rev. Walter Colton's Works, viz. Deck and Port, 7s. 6d. Three

Years in California, 7s. Gil.; Shea and Sailor, 7s. ;

Ship and Shore, 77. ; Land and Lee, 7s.

Egypt and the Holy Land, by Spencer, 15s.

Plymouth Collection of Hymns and Tunes, 12s. 6d,

Family Testament with Psalms, by the Rev. J. Edwards,

Spark's American Biography, 10 vols., £2 IOj.

American Democracy, by Tocqueville, 20s.

Willard's History of the United States, 20s.

Story on the Constitution, 7s. 6d.

Mott's Velnean's Operatic Surgery, 3 vols., and 1 vol.

Beck's Materia Medica, 21s.

Harper's, Godey's, Putnam, Knickerbocker, Eclectic, Graham's,

and Hunt's ; subscription, 30s. per year each.

Copley's Map of the World with flags, £3 15s.

Colton's Map of the World, large, £4 4s.

Mags of All Nations, £1 10s.

Straw' Stream of Time, £1 5s.

PAISEY and FRYER, 322, George-street, near


bekly Leaijkr, and Daily Age. PAISEY and


for 1857 In the Press, and will be ready in a few

days, eighteenth year of publication. The publisher begs

to draw the attention of the public to his predictions for

the latter end of October and beginning of November, viz.,

Showery, Cloudy, Heavy Rain, Southerly Buster, Coming

after which no one can deny.

Moore and Murpity now are dead,

Baker's their undertaker, t ; He

knocks the quicksilver about,

a There's none so good a shaker.

" For Baker hath a weather eye.

That tells whene'er it pleases,

The day that will be wet or dry,

Or v lion it snows and freezes

CHEAP MUSIC A large variety of dance, vocal, and

operatic Music, at three-pence per piece

Choice dance and vocal music (French publications), at

six-pence each piece j French songs, six-pence each

New and standard English music, at London prices,- the

largest stock in the colony always on hand

In preparation for Christmas, an Australian Musical

Album for 1857, to contain original music by Miska

Hauser, Messrs. Boulanger, Mnish, Stanley, Sec

with numerous choice illustrations by Mr. Thomas. A

subscribers' list, for early copies, open .

Selling, to make room for new stock, at reduced prices

Several thousand volumes in all departments of

Just published, Mr. Terry's Parramatta River View, six

in number, 103. 6d. per Set; free by post, 14s. . CLARKE

(late Woolcott and Clarke), Music Ware-

house, 205, George-street (next Flavelle's). , , 1


has the largest circulation of any week 1} newspaper

in the colony. It circulates extensively in all parts of New

South Wales, Victoria, Van Dieman's Land, South Australia,

and New Zealand ; it therefore presents the most

eligible medium of communicating with the public next

after the Stdnbt Morsihq Herald-the circulation being

bona-fide not hawked about for chance sale.

milE CIVET CAT, King and George streets. Jusfi

L unpacked a large assortment of new Roads, in bags,

reticules, combs, brushes, bracelets, brooches, opera glasses

Portemonnaies, card cases, passe mounts, vases, toys, per-

fumery, papier mache were, French gift goods of every


Jones and Co, George and Barrack streets, have

A beautiful assortment of Honiton Inoca

Muslin and lace mantles, etc.

MORRIS JACOBS and CO., 60, King-street List of

s holland coats, from ." 3 6 to 6 6

Men's alpaca coals, from 4 6 > to~ 8 6

Men's lustre coats, from 8 6 to 12 6

Men's grass cloth coats 10 6

Men's silk coats, from 12 6 to 30 or'

Men's alpaca waistcoats, from. 3 li to 7 6,

Men's light waistcoats, from 4 0 to 10 61 '

Men's white waistcoats, from. 5 6 to 10 G

Men's white or brown drill trousers, from 6 ft to 10 6'

Men's striped drill trousers, from 5 0 to 10 6

Men's summer cloth trousers, from ... 7 5 to 12 6

MORRIS JACOBS and CO., the People clothiers,

hatters, besters, and woollen drapers and outfitters, CO,'

A LARGE ASSORTMENT of brown and drab Straw'

Hats, of Every size. AVEBB'S, Park-street ,

LEGHORN and Fancy BONNETS every desire''

tion, cleaned and altered. WEBB'S, 31,1'ark-iit.

OSQUITO and Swiss Muslin Curtains

White and coloured mosquito nets. I

9-4-to 18-4 extra Ure toilet quilts 'J x j

Fine linen and cotton sheetings "'*'TL* *

' Damask linens, (ino huckaback diaper, Arc. . W.

0. PRESTON and CO., Cavendish House. .

GENTLEMEN'S fine White and Regatta Shirts

Gauze, merino, and spun silk vests

Cravats, ribbon ties, and fine cotton half-hose)

i . Cambric and silk handkerchiefs, ready for use

Lisle thread and kid gloves braces, etc.

W 0. PRESTON and CO, Cavendish nsuse.


solicit the attention of purchasers to their late importation

of English Lever Watches, manufactured exPressly

to their order by the most celebrated makers in

London. Their Silver Levers at £7 7s., warranted to give

B~ABYJUMPEUS.-Baby Jumpers, st Helen Douglas."

Olio case of Bally Jumpers, assorted. Mark the address,

THOMAS LUSTY,' bat and ball warehouse, 443;

Wilshire-place, George-street South.


J FACTURERS.-On SALE at the -Stores of the

undersigned, an extensive stock of utensils and machinery

appertaining to the manufactory of coufecfoimry and

blacking, consisting of coppers and consult pins-various

sizes ; lolly machines, 100 wooden and cloth trays, 40 peel

trays, in Free wooden and stone mortar', mi'Hilo and stone

slabs, sifting machines with graduated each"-, peel and

blacking tulle, blacking trays, blacking mill, a large steel

mills, portable candying or drying cupboard with carrying

tins complete, stove fittings, 4 largo contain-, 2 tables. plain

and fancy lozenge cutters, Sykes'' hydrometer, spirit

pumps, bottling machine, a lot of empty tin and wooden

cases, glass stoppered half-gallon bottles, jaw, jaw 3,4,

and 5 gallon jars and a great variety of tools, material,

essences, are j a catalogue of which may be seen on the premises,

where the goods are arranged for inspection.

JR. B. COOKE, 124, Lower George-street. ^


, Ransome and Sims' and Howard's celebrated '

wrought iron ploughs, with or without wheels-"

Ransome's iron harrows, zig-zag and square k 2

. Foster's long strapped spades and shovels ' '

Breaking-up, chipping, grubbing, and garden hoes

Wood wedges and maul rings

Hay and garden rakes, pitchforks .

Bullock chains and bows, hobbles ,

Bullock, horse, and sheep bella < ? > ;, j

' Horse and plough traces, backhands, and harness"

Scythes, sickles, hay and child knives

Sorby's and Wilkinson's sheep shears ' r ?

'Rag and scythe stones, woolpack s s s isn't

3-bushel bars, saddle, seaming twine. '

i E. C. WEEKES and CO., Ironmongers-, 241, George-street

NEWCASTLE COALS Immediate attention paid to

orders at OWEN'S Coal Wharf, Bathurst-street. TO


-Birnam, axle arms and boxes, plough mould

boards and wings, bolts and nuts, dray more lines completes

bullock and horse traces, bullock bows, plants and oils, &c~

Orders by post will be punctually attended to, and executed

On the lowest terms. C. J?. EDWARDS, 427,

GALVANISED IRON, Zinc, Sheet iron, Guttering

and down-Piping always in stock and for SALE by

C F. EDWARDS, 427, George-street South, 8 doors past


C. F. EDWARDS has now opened a cargo assort- .'

agent of ironmongery, which will be sold wholesale and

retail, at the very lowest prices. 427, George-street, doors,-,

past Bathurst-street. ' '

GLASSWARE fresh shipment now opening, 1-5- i

quilt tumblers, wines, decanters, glass butter,

co earns, sugars, custard and jelly glasses, etc. C. F..

EDWARDS (late Nott and Edwards), 427, George-street,

doors past Bathurst-street._i_ 12,?

A HUERICAN Broom-eTBuokets, Tubs, Stoves, Clothes

Pegs. C. F. EDWARDS, 427, George-street.

CASKS best Portland Cement, cheap. B.

WYNNE, slate yard, New Pitt-street. 11

HE CHOICEST growths of Colonial Wine, in bulk and .

bottle. WATSON and COMBES, Royal Hotel Cellars. .

FOR SALE, a light one-horse hooded Phaeton, and it

quiet Horse, free from vice, and quiet in either harness

or saddle, having run in the same for some time. Apply

at No. 53, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo, v_

SOUGH PLATE GLASS, 70 x 40 to 1018. T. T.

SMITH, builder, Globe. mine


signed are now in a position to supply hardwood in

any reasonable quantity within a week of receipt of order.

JOHN SCOTT and CO., Batlim*3t-¡-ti*eet.____

CvTl AAA FEET HARDWOOD, assorted sizes,

OUSURI joists, scantling, flooring, and weather-

boards for SALE by JOHN SCOTT and CO., Bathurst-st.

Ü WHEELWRIGHTS, we Superior Ironbark Dray

Poles, Spikes, to. J. SCOTT and CO , Bathurst-st.

HID CARPENTERS, five-eight Hardwood Scantling

X from 15s. per 100 feet. SCOTT and CO., Bathurst-st

m<3 SHIPWRIGHTS. Gum TrceniiiH supplied In any

JL quantity, by JOHN SCOTT and CO., B ithnrst-st.

V" ESTAS.-Always on hand, a variety of all kinds

English and German Wax Vestas, in nasal ted cases,

sold in any quantity to suit customers. A. -WORKMAN.


Hogsheads Taylor's Stout.

D. COOPER and CO., Waterloo Warehouse.

MAIZE THRASHERS, to thrash from 600 to 700

bushels a day. S. HEBBLEWHITE, 100, York-st.

NORTH SHORE-To SALE, the Lease of a substantial

newly built four-roomed Cottage,, to which is

attached sever my small paddocks, a stable, and other outbuildings.

The whole is seldom a building lease at a

ground rent of 50 shillings per acre per annum. The property

is watered by a never-failing creek, has see-side

frontage to Shell Cove, and is within ton minutes' walk of

Cremorne. Apply to F. 0. LAMOTTE, Esq , Post-office,

TO BE DISPOSED OF, in the town of Mudgee, s

I first-rate general Store, with a well assorted stock.

To a really good business man, this is an opportunity which

seldom offers. For particulars, apply to JOHN

FOR S ALE A piece of Land at Redfern, having 40

feet frontage to Pitt street, by a depth of 100 feet,

well fenced, with right of road from Burns street ; price

£500. Apply to W. BAKER, Female Refuge, Pitt

street South.______________«___«__«


8 I To stand this Season at Retreat, near Grafton, .

the Clydesdale cart stallion, Young Warrior, imported

in An li last, direct from Scotland, by Messrs. Sharp and

Co. He is a dark bay, 3 years over of great power, and

stands 17 hands high, stiff is, without exception, the finest

horse import tod to this district. He was foaled in June

1853, and is by the noted horse, North Star. ,

Pedigree North Star, when 5 years old, gained the

first prize at the Highland Society's Show at Perth, which

was open to all Scotland North Star was by Britain,

Britain by Champion, who, when 3 years old, gained the

first prize at the Highland Society's Show at Aberdeen, and

at many other local shows.. - I

Young Warrior, when one year old, grassed the first

prize at Hamilton, first prize at Carradine;, and the first

prize at the Highland Society's Show at Berwick upon

Tweed, which was open to all Scotland. ."""-."a

Secure paddocks provided, but no responsibility incurred

Terms, £55'. each mare, for six men belonging to

one proprietor the charge will be £4 5s. each.

Grafton, 6th September, 1856.'

Wednesday, NOvember 5, 1856,