Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 7 Apr 1858 (original) (raw)

Wed 7 Apr 1858 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 1 - Advertising



The Royal Mall Steamship VICTORIA, H. Wright,

Esq., Commander, will be despatched for SUEZ,

(carrying her Majesty's Mails), calling at intermediate

ports, on SUNDAY, 11th of APRIL, at 9 o'clock a.m.

Rate of passage money, including transit through Egypt,

medical attendance, use of bedding and linen, stewards'

fees, and all other charges, except for hotel expenses in

Egypt, wines, spirits, malt liquors, and mineral waters,


RETURN TICKET £135. European servants half fare ;

native servants one fourth fare.

A reduction of one-sixth of the established rate will be

made in favour of families, but only in cases whore the

amoant of passage money, if charged in fall for the whole

party, would be equal to the full charge for the four adult

Passengers may have their tickets endorsed to remain a

month at any intermediate port.

The mode of transit through Egypt is as follows:-Be-

tween Sues and No. 12 Station in the Desart, a distance of

25 miles, in carriages, and from thence the whole distance

to Alexandria by railway.

Rates of freight on specie, gold-dust, ¾ per cent.

NOTICE.-The passage-money from Australia to Eng-

land by the overland route is now lower than b\ first

class ¿ailing vessels round Cape Horn. Return tickets

for a fare and a-hnlf. giving ten months in England.

CHAMPION WETTON. Superintendent.


Passengers by this vessel will please take notice that

the balance of their passage money will require to be paid

at this office on or before noon of WEDNESDAY, the 7th

Heavy baggage must be on board on FRIDAY,

A Steam Tender will be in attendance at the Circular

Quay on SATURDAY, the 10th, at 5 p.m., to convey

passengers and their light packages on board.

CHAMPION WETTON, Superintendent.

1, Margaret-street, April 3.


accounts against thin vPReel must be rendered in

triplicate to Captain WRIGHT, on or before noon, on

THURSDAY next, the 8th instant.


Phonix Wharf, at 10 a m. and 2 p.m. ; returning at

12 noon, and 5'30 p.m.. calling at Woolloomooloo.


The ILLAWARRA, TO-MORROW. Thursday, at

noon, 12 o'clnck, leaving Merimbula on TUESDAY.


the 9th, at 8 a.m., returning' at 1 p.m.


at 9 p m, via Newcastle. No goods received after 6






H. R. N. S. N. Co.'s Wharf, foot of Market-street.








pany's iron screw steamer TASMANIA, J. CLINCH,

matter, will leave the Patent Slip Wharf, fer HOBART

TOWN four days after arrival, calling at EDEN, TWO-

FOLD BAY, to land passengers and freight.

Consignees are requested to notice that all FREIGHT

on INWARD CARGO must be PAID to the discharging

clerk before delivery of the goods.

WILLIS, MERRY, nnd CO., agents. Botts' Wharf.

EOR THE RICHMOND RIVER.-The regular trader

sohooner JOSEPHINE is now receiving cargo.

For freight or passage, apply to NORTHWOOD and

COX, Baltic Wharf. N.B.-All freight payable in


For freight or passage apply to Mr. WILLIAM

WRIGHT, 28, Bathurst-street.


trader, VIXEN, Captain BENNETT, will commence

loading TO-MORROW, at the Flour Company's ; and,

having a large part of her cargo already arranged for, will

sail positively within a few days, full or not full.

Apply on board; or, to LAIDLEY, IRELAND, and

FOR MORETON BAY.-The regular trader DUKE

OF WELLINGTON, NAIS, master, is now ready

to receive cargo at the Flour Company's Wharf, and hav-

ing a considerable portion engaged, will have quick

For freight or passage apply to MOLISONand BLACK,

OR MORETON BAY.-The fine schooner, UNION,

STAMMLRS, master, is now receiving cargo at

the Victoria Wharf, and having a considerable portion,

already engaged, will sail on SATURDAY.

For freight or pamage apply to HENRY CLARKE,

Viotoria Wharf; or MOLISON and BLACK, Mac


the Grafton Wharf, and have quick despatch.

MOLISON nnd BLACK, Macqaarie-place.


tively clears at the Customs THIS DAY. All ship-

ments must be completed, ontrics passed, and bills of lading

sent in for signature by noon. Can take a fpw ton» in ad-

dition if sent down to the Albion Wharf THIS MORN-

LAIDLEY, IRELAND, and CO , 213, George-street.


LOUISA, HONEYAI \N. commander, will sail at

noon on THUR8DAY. Can accomodate three passengers

L and S. SPYER and CO.. Wynyard-square.


Sohooner EAGLE, J. LEDDRA, Master, having the

greater part of her cargo ready to go on board, will have

For freight or passage apply to LAIDLEY, IRELAND,

S&,9°ü L1°yn'B Chambers; or to E. M. SAYERS, Port

Phillip Packet Office, 32«, late 177, George-street.

P0?,E0.5£ COOPER direct -The sohooner ALBION,

-ort. ïKV??B» ma5ter, is now loading at the Grafton

W harf, and having i.early the whole of her cargo engaged,

will sail about 10th inttant.

For freight or passage apply to MOLISONand BLACK,

*jiOB; NELSON direct-The regular clipper packet

1? brig EMMA, J. H. HOLFORD. master, is now

ready to receive cargo at Macnamara'» Wharf, and having

a large portion ot htr cargo engaged, w11 meet with her

usual despatch. Hai tuperlor accommodation for cabin and

"Apply to the Captain, on board ; or to 8. A. JOSEPH,

FIRST VKHSET, FOR NELS"". ~ Latt d»y of

T. . »Wppliff. The established truder OCEAN QUEEN,

f.. ARNOLD, ma,ter, now loading at the Albion Wharf,

wn xtn%Lon acctmnt of snipers, but will be despatched

For freight or passage, having excellent cabin and

steerage accommodation, apply to MOLISON and BLACK,

FOR WELLINGTON direct.-A Regular Trader.—

The fine fast Railing Brigantine CHEETAH, 160

tons register, D. JOYCE, Commander, having the greater

portion of her cargo engaged, will sall in abont ten days.

Has superior cabin and steerage accomodation for

For freight or passage apply to Captain JOYCE, on

board ; or to BUYERS and LEARMOUTH, Charlotte

FOR AUCKLAND.-The well-known clipper packet

SYBIL, T. G. KELLY, commander, now discharging

at the Grafton Wharf, has a considerable portion of her

cargo engaged, and will meet with her usual quick de-

Apply to LAIDLEY, IRELAND, and CO., 213, George.

FOR AUCKLAND. - The regalar trader clipper

schooner BRISTOL, M'LEAN, master, will be ready

to receive cargo on MONDAY next, at the Grafton Wharf;

having the greater part of her dead weight engaged, will

meet with immediate despatch.

For freight or passage apply to S. A. JOSEPH,

FIRST VESSEL for AUCKLAND, at Grafton Wharf.

—The first class clipper brig, MOA. Captain Bowden,

is now fast loading and will sail on SATURDAY,the 10th

instant Shippers having freight engaged are requested to

ship it immediately. Cargo will not be received after

For freight or passage, having superior cabin and steer-

age accommodation, apply to JOHN ROBERTON and


The brig SPEC, Captain J. PROUT, is now ready

to receive cargo. Intending snippers will please Bend

down their goods immediately to Towns' Wharf.

For freight or passage apply to R. TOWNS and CO.


clipper barque NOB, 400 tons, JULES ROBERT,

commander, will be despatched as above, on or about the

Has very Bnperior accommodations for passengers, for

which immediate application is necessary to Captain


and CO., 16, Macqna rie-place-_._

H" ORBES for INDIA.-The well-known ship, ROYAL

SAXON, shortly expected from Melbourne, will be

despatohed in all April for Calcutta, .via..Torrea' Straits,

with horses. . , .. , ,.¡ u

A limited number will be taken on freight, for which

early application may be made to R. TOWNS and CO.

APHNE. for LONDON.-This fine Al ship Is now

lying at the Circnlar Wharf receiving her wool, and

will meet with immediate dispatoh, and, from her known

speed, will probably land her cargo in time for the July

sales. Her pawage from Sydney to Manila and baok,

(including detention in loading) occupied but four and a

half months, the qniekest trip of the season.

She has a few cabins still disengaged, for passage in

which, apply to Captain CLAPROTH, on board ; or to

FOR LONDON.-To sail 26th April.-The AHTAI


SON, commander. Has the greater portion of her cargo,

and will Bail as above. Has a toll poop, offering great in-

For freight or passage apply to GILCHRIST, WATT,

and CO., No. 1, Margaret-street..

OR LONDON.-To succeed the General Wyndham,

The fine new Al dipper ship RABY CASTLE,

700 tons, SCOTT, commander, will be ready for cargo in a

few days, and have quick dispatch. Has excellent accom-

Apply to GILCHRIST, WATT, and CO., 1, Margaret

DAPHNE, tor LONuON.-This fine ship has superior

accommodation for a few steerage passengers, and

will be the first vessel leaving for England.

For passage, apply to Captain CLAPROTH, on

board at Circnlar Quay; orto GEORGE A. LLOYD,

and CO. Sydney, 6th April, 1858._

FOB FREIGHT or~CHARTER.-The fine first-clasi

barque LEMUELLA, 403 tons, Captain NATRASS.

Apply on board, or to BROWN and CO._

FOB FREIGHT OR CHARTER to any part of the

World.-The new Al clipper Bhip POSTILLON, 400

tons, now on her second voyage, will be ready for sea in a

Apply to Captain J. C. VANDEB POLL, on board, at


signed have FOR SALE the cutters MARY, of 16

toss, and the EAGLE, of 8 tons. Both vessels are well

adapted for fishing purposes, and have lately undergone a

thorough overhaul. For further particular» and terms

apply to M0LI30N and BLACK, Macqnarie-place.

BARQUE FANNY FISHER.-The Directors of the

Australian General Assurance Company will receive

TENDERS from parties wishing to purchase the colonial

built barque Fanny Fisher, at present moored in Water-

view Bay. An inventory of the stores oan be seen at tho

Company's office, New Pitt-street, where every information

may be obtained. Tender« to te sent in to the Secretary

before 1 o'clock, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of April.

JOHN D. GIBSON. Secretary. 8ydney, 25th Maroh.

SHIP KORTENAAR, from LONDON.-Consignees by

the above vessel will be pleased to pass their Custom

House ENTRIES immediately, for Circular Quay, and to

take notice that the vessel will not be responsible for any

goods after they are landed ¡and, also, that goods for which

entries ¿re not passed when ready to be discharged will he

entered by the undersigned, at the risk and expense of the

BRIERLEY. DHAN, and CO., 178, Gearge-strcet

SHIP ALARM, from LONDON.-Consignees by the

above vessel will be pleased to pass their Custom

House ENTRIES immediately, for Maonamara's Wharf,

and to take notice th it the vessel will not be re-ponslble

for nny_ goods after they are landed ; and, also, that golds

for which entries are not passed when ready to be dis-

charged will be entered by the undersigned, at the risk

and expense of tho consignees.

BRIERLEY, PEAK, and CO, ns^George-fitreot.


-Notice to Consignees of Cargo deliverable in

Sydney.-The abovanamed vessel being chartered, it is

particularly requested that Consignees will pass their

ENTRIES immediately for the Circular Wharf. SMITH,

BROTHERS, and CO., agents.

N.B.-Captain LEWIS will not be responsible for any

debts contracted by the orew of the Abyssinian.

SHIP P. A. PALMER, from LONDON.-All accounts

and claims againBt the abovenamed vessel must b?

rendered In duplicité, at the office of the undersigned,

THIS DAY (Wednesday), or they will not be recognised.

L. and S. SPYER and CO., agents,


A0COUNT3 or CLAIMS against the above-named

ve«sel must ba rendered In doolicate on or before THURS-

DAY, the 8th instant, to CAIRD, PATERSON, and CO.,

BARQUE ROSCOE.-All olaims against this vessel

must be i resented at our office on WEDNESDAY,

the 7th instant, or they will not be recognised. MERRILL

HALLENGE.-Tho sailing dingy SURPRISE, is open

to sail any boat her length, for £S or £10 : a match

can be made anytime THIS WEEK, at the Figtree

mu CAPTAINS, Shipowners, Ac-M. DAWSON, II,

J. Barrack-street, be¿s to acquaint ojptalns of ships

that, irom his long practical knowledge of the chronome-

ter and their rating, that an acourato rate may be fully

relied on. Every description of nautical instrument le



hereby give you notice that it is my intention, on the

tenth day of May next, io determine the copartnership and

the copartnership trade now subsisting and carried on

, under the deed of settlement constituting the above-named

Company, and purporting to bear date on the first day of

January, 1855; and I do hereby determine the said copart-

nership and copartnership trade on and from the day first

above mentioned ; and I do hereby require you, or such of

you as have been at any time concerned in the manage

ment, transactions, or dealings of the said copartnership,

to render, on or before the day first above mentioned, just,

true, and particular accounts of all such transactions and

dealingp, and of the affairs, assets, profits, losses, credits,

debts, and liabilities of the said copartnership.

Dated at Sydney this first day of April, A.D. 1858. i

_A member of the laid Company.


X HERALD.-SIR,-Can j ou inform me, on the behalf

of the inhabitants of Richmond, whether it is lawful for the

clerk and sexton to graze their cittle in the Ohuroh of

Bng.and burial ground-such cattle destroying the tops of

»he graves which the sexton is paid for keeping in repair.

I remain, Sir, yourB obediently, WILLIAM SOUTH.

mo SOLICITORS and Conveyancers.-LONG and

JL/ GILDER, Law Writers, <6o. ; engrossing, copying,

abstracting, registry searches, ¿io ? caref olly, puuotnally,

and expeditionsly attended to. Office, 19, Hunter street.

Til T. JONES (late 268, George-street), Manufacturing

X . Jeweller, 338, George-street.

TIME makes olear many erroneous ideas.-An action

is ennobled or debased ace rding to the motive that

determines it. Theory and practico are often widely dif

DANIEL MADDEN, late of the Irish Police, who ar-

rived'at Melbourne, Juno, 1853, per ship Gold, n Era,

and last heard from March, 1854, you are requosted to

write to JAMBS BYRNE, Constabulary, Gienamaddy,

IF THIS should meet the eye of EDWARD DESSING

TON, of New York, a Friend from England is anxious

to hear from him. Address E. H., 280, Castlereagh-atreet,

TF THIS should meet the eye of HARHIKT GRAY,

her brother, JAMES GRAY, wishes to see her at

Mr. HUGHES, 326, George-ätreet Sydney._

1 HIDINGS of MICHAEL DELANY, Brlcana, Ireland,

who arrived at Sjdney, June, 1851, would be most

thankfully received by his brother PAT, at MICHAEL

TIERNBY'S, bay and corn dealer, South Head Road,

"ANDSV/ORTH, SURREY, near London.-The

undersigned requests that the bearer of a letter to

him dated 18th December, 1857, from the above place,

whioh bears the Sydney Post mark of TO-DAY, April 6th,

will call witbont delay, or forward address, if left Sydney.

Tuesday, April 6lb, 1858. JOHN DILLON, 121 (late 60)

Elizabeth-street, Sydney._^^^^^^


Night on WEDNESDAY, April 7th, at eight o'clock.

Members* missing tickets can be replaced at the door.


and Instrumental CONCERT, to be given under the

distinguished patronage of his Excalleney Sir William

Denison, Knight, K.C B.-W. H. PALING bags to

'inform the publio that the concert in aid of the above fund

will take place on MONDAY, Apr.. 12tb, in the PRINCE

1. Ovu'lure, "Der Freischütz "-Weber Band.

2. German glee, Grand March-Fischer. By Gentlemen

amateurs aud the members of the German Gymnastio

3. Andante of the Second Concerto of De Beriot, for the

violin, executed by W. H. Paling

4. Aria from the opera " II Barbiere de Sevilla, una voce

poco fra" Rossini, sung by Madame Sara Flower

5. Solo for the clarionet-Signor Cavalini

6. Overture, " Guillaume Tell," arranged for several

piano;, and performed by Lady amateurs.

1. Selections from the opera " II Trovatore"-Verdi. Band

2. Solo, piano variations on " God save the Queen"

Thalberg-by a Lady amateur

3. The " Irish Emigrant," arranged for saxhorn-Gentle-

4. Song, " I dream of thee," -Barker-Madame Sara

5. Grand duo de concert, for two pianos, on favourite themes

. of the opera "Belisnrio," arranged by Goria-Lady

amateur and Mr. W. H. Paling.

6. German glee, " Soldiers' life," from the opera "La Dame

Blanche," by Gentlemen amateurs and the members of

7. Fantasie caprice, for the violin, by Vieuxtemps, exenutel

8. Overture, "Fra Diavolo"-Auber-arranged for several

pianos, and performed by Lady amateurs.

9. Grand march, by Mr. Stier, late bandmaster of H.M.

Finale-"God save the Queen."

Piano accompanist, Mr. Cordner.

By the kind permission of Colonel Straton, C.B., and

the officers of the gallant 77th, the assistance of the splendid

band of the Regiment has been kindly granted.

The concert to commence at 8 o'clock ; doors open at 7.


the Sohool of Arta, TO-MORROW (Thursday),

1. Sanger Marsch, " German Liedertafel"-Zelbner.

2. Plana Solo, Grand Fantaisie, '. Somnámbula"

Madame Amalle Rawaok-Thalberg.

3. Violin Solo,-'Andanto. and Rondo di Concerto''-Mr.

4. Piano Silo, variations snrdes motifs de l'Opera

"Guillaumme Tell"-Madame Amalle Rawack

1. Tager Lied, "German Liedertafel"-Mendelsohn.

2. Duo brilliant«, for piano and violin, on airs from the

opera "Der Frevsohutz"-Madame Amalia Rawack

and Mr. Miska Hauser-Häuser,

3. Solo Sax Horn, "Lucrezia Borgia"-A Gentleman

4. Vfnlin Solo «Bine Bell of Scotland"-Mr. Miska

5. Piano Solo, "A La Fauvette (Nordlsh Song)

6. Grand Hungarian March-Madame Amalle Rawaok

Tickets, at 7s. 6d, and gallery tickets 5J., to be bad at

Messrs. Clarke's, Mailer's, and J. M. Leigh, George-Btreet ;

Messrs. Parrot, Brothers, Hunter-street ; Mr. Johnson,

Pitt-street ; and School of Arts.

Doors open at half-past seven. To commence precisely

Special Omnibus will leave after the Concert for

Woolloomooloo, Glebe, and Miller's Point.

VICTORIA CIRCUS.-Most positively the LAST

NIGHT in Sydney-THIS EVENING, when a

powerful programme, embracing the whole extent of the

Company will be presented. Last appearance of Miss

GRIFFITHS, and the Italian brothers. Mons. KLAER in

his pleasing acts. Mr. MURRAY and SON in their very

clever scenes in the Circle. The gymnasts in new feats,

and the DOGS and MONKEYS for the last time in their

wonderful performances. COUSINS the Clown will en-

liven the hour by his humour. Doors open at 7. Remember


celebrated Scotch drama of MARY, QUEEN OF

SCOTS will be represented for the second time, and the

laughable burlesqne of FORTUNIO AND HIS SEVEN

MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS.-This celebrated drama

was received on Monday night last by a house

crowded to the ceiling, with the greatest enthusiasm. It

will be repeated TO-NIGHT, supported by the strength of


This sparkling burlesque will be repeated TO-NIGHT.


imlf-past 7, commencing at 8 precisely. Prices :

Boxes, 3s. ; upper circle, 2s. ; pit, 1s ; gallery, 6d. ; private

boxes, to hold eight persons, £1 1s. each. Monthly tickets,

£1 1s. per month, to be had at the box office.

JAMES SIMMONDS, lessee and manager.

N.B.-No new subscribers for monthly tickets will be

received after the 1st of May.


begs leave to inform his friends and the public that

his Benefit will take place on THURSDAY next, April

SCHOOL OF ARTS.-Mr. CONNERY will meet his

Class in Elocution THIS (Wednesday) EVENING,


Circnp, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, April 8, 9, lu


Circus, Monday and Tuesday. April 12th and 13th.


EVENING.-Reduction of Prices for the holidays.

Admission, 1s. each. Uanotag commences at half-past 8,

The strictest propriety enforced. M. p., Mr. JACK30N.


—A LECTURE will be delivered THIS EVENING,

by Mr. TUKE, on PHOTOGRAPHY. Doors open at 7,

lecture to commence at half-pist 7 o'clock.

RAFFLED, RAFFLED.-To be Rafflad, those mag-

nificent Firescreens lately exhibited at the Bazaar

held in the pavilion on the Racecourse.-Notice to Members

and those who wish to become members : The Raffia will

take place next FRIDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clook, at

Mr. KEARNEY'S, Brougham Tavern, Pitt-street.

M It. W. CLARKE'S Monthly Quadrille Assembly will

take place at his new aud spacious academy,

William-street, on FRIDAY next, April 9th. Dancing

to commence at half-past 8. closing at half-past 11.


first Monday of April having been a general holiday,

the time for receiving the payments of the members has

been extended to MONDAY, 12th Instant. ARCHIBALD

WINDSOR.-A Public MEETING will be held of the

subscribers and friends ts the proposed Windsor

School of Arts and Literary Institute, at Mr. Clarke's

Assembly Roams, on MONDAY EVENING, the 12th

Instant, for the purpose of adopting measures for the per-

manent establishment of the institution and the ereotion of

a suitable building. The chair to be taken at 8 o'clock

precisely. J. KENNEDY, honorary secretary pro. tem.

TO SLATERS.-Tenders required for slating and

flushing three Houses, in Kent-street North. Apply

to B. PALMER, Pitt and King streets.

BALMAIN BAZAAR.-The Balmain Bazaar will be

held, by permission, in the Botanical Gardens, on

THURSDAY, the 8th of April, to raise funds for the

enlargement of the school-house connected with St. Mary's

By the kind permission of Colonel Straton and officers,

the Band of the 77th Regiment will perform on the occa-

The gardens will be open to the public as usual, and the

sale commence at 12 o'clock.

Contributions will be thankfully received by the fol-

lowing ladies;-Mrs. Stack, Mrs. Deloitte, Mrs. Sachs,

Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Rucker, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Thur-

stan, Mrs. Dye. Mrs. Augustus Dillon. Mrs Buchanan.

MON CLUB.-Members will please take notice that

an. Adjourned Annual MEETING will be held on

THURSDAY, the 8th day of April,, 1858, at half-past

1 o'clock. By,'order of the Committee, W. D. WOOD


Notice is hereby given, that the Ninth Annual

MEETING of the Australian Mutual Provident Society

will be held in the Principal Office of the Society, Mort's

buildings, Pitt-street, Sydney, on WEDNESDAY, the

seventh day of April next at four o'clock in the afternoon,

to receive the Report of the Directors, to Elect Two

Directors, one in place of James Mitchell, Esq , who

retires by rotation, and is not eligible for re-election, and

another in place of M. B. Murnin, Esq,, who also retire,

but is eligible for re-election, and to choose Two Auditors.

By order of the board, ROBERT THOMSON, secretary.

No member shall be nominated for the office of Director

unless written notice thereof shall have been given, to the

Board, or to the Secretary, at least seven days before tho

The folloping gentlemen have given notice that they are

candidates for the seats at the Board about to become

Michael Egan Murnin, Esq.

James Edward Ebsworth, Esq.



corner, respectfully intimates that he is a candidate for the

office of Auditor to this institution.


Mr. G. MORANT SIMPSON begs to intimate to

the Members of the Society that be is a CANDIDATE for

tlie Office of Auditor lor the ensuing year. Pitt-street.


COMPANY.-Notice is hereby eiven, that the

Thirteenth half-Yearly General Meeting of the Pro-

prietors of the New South Wales Marine Assurance Com-

pany will be held in the Company's Office, Bridge-street,

Sydney, on WEDNESDAY, tho 14th day of April next,

at 12 o'olock at noon, to receive the Report ot the Di-

rectors for the half-year ending the 31st instant, to elect a

Director in the room of the Honorable JACOB L.

MONTEFIORE, resigned, for the period at which he

would have retired by rotation, and to transact such other

business as, may be brought before the meeting in accord-

ance with the Deed of Settlement. By order of the Board.

ROBERT GARRETT, secretary.

By the 34th clause of the Deed of Settlement, proprietors

becoming candidates for the office of director, are required

to give 14 days' notice of their intention to the Board of

Directors, in writing, to be left with the secretary at the

BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES.-Notice is here-

by given, that the Half-yearly General Meeting of

the Proprietors of this Bank will be held at the Banking

house, George-street, on WEDNESDAY, 28th day of

April, at noon, to consider the report of the Board of

Direotors, to be then made ; to 6lect a Director in the room

of Gooree Thorne, Esq., who resigned on his departure for

England ; and to consider snoh other matters as may then

be brought furward by the Board of Directors relating to

the affairs of the Company.

By order the Board of Directors,


By the 45th article of the deed of settlement it is pro-

vided-That every Proprietor who shall become a candidate

for the office of Director shill give notice thereof to the

Board of Directors, in writing, to be left at the Banking

House of the Company, in Sydney, fourteen days at least

before the day of election.

Beak of New South Wale», 5th April. 1858.

BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALBS.-Notice is here-

by given that, JOSEPH SOAIFE WILLIS, Esq.,

who has temporarily occupied a seat at the Board, vacated

by Mr. Thorne, ha« given the required notice that he is a

candidate for the office of Director, to be filled at the half

yearly meeting of Proprietors, on the 28th instant.


Bank of New South Wales, 5th April, 1858.


porated by Act of Council.- Alterations having been

found necessary in the plan formerly submitted to the con-

tractors for the repairs of tho above bridge, fresh

TENDERS for its re-construction will be received up to

THURSDAY next, the 8th instant, at 12 o'clock noon,

addressed to the undersigned, at the Metropolitan Hotel,

Pitt-street, Sydney. A plan and specification ran'be seen,

and further information obtained, at the office of the

engineer, E. O. Moriarty, Esq., Hunter-street. Parties

tendering are requested to attend at the opening of the

tenders, with two responsible sureties for the due perform-

ance of the work. By order of the Board of Directors.

ALEXANDER FRASER, Seorutary. Penrith Nepean

Bridge Company's Office, 1st April.


traordinary General MEETING of the proprietors is

hereby called to take place on FRIDAY, the 9th instant,

at 4 o'clock p.m., at the Company's office, to authorise the

Board of Directors to raise a loan or loans, in accordance

with the 47th clause ot the Company's Act of Incorpora-

tion. By order of the Board,

Lloyd's Chambers, George-street, April I.

ARWAN PARK RACES.-Owners of Horse«, and

those interested will take notice that the prizes will

be paid THIS DAY, at Mr. CHARLES BEAL'?, Simp-

son's Hotel, between the hours of IO a m. and 12 noon.

ANGING ACADEMY, William-street-Mr. W.

CLARKE bega to announce to the inhab tints of

Woolloomooloo that he bas opanedjhis new and spacious

rooms for the reception of pupils. Days of attendance,

TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS ; Juvenile Classes, at 4 p.m.,

Adults at 7 in the evening. Mr. W. C. continues to hold

his Classes at the Polytechnic, Pitt-street, on MONDAYS

and THURSDAYS, as Usual. Private lessons by arrange-

ment. Families and Schools attended. 75, William-

LOST, in Hunter-street, a small Roll of SPECIFICA-

TIONS of WORKS. Any person finding the same

will greatly oblige, by leaving them at Mr. W. CARY,

Plasterer. 85, Phillip-street.

LOST, on Sunday last, near Paddington, a small black

and tan TERRIER BITCH (Fanny) Whoever

finds and will bring her to Mrs. SMITHS, Point Piper

Road ; or Mr. MULROONEY, grocer, South Head Road,

LOST, between the Bank and the Market, a CHEQUE-


STOLEN or Strayed from Mr. J. O. ATKINSON'S

farm, Oldbury, near Berrimaa, Bay Horse, about

16½ hands high, branded BY on the near shoulder. One

pouna will be given to any person leturning him to Old-

bury, or Sydney : if stolen, ten pounds on conviction of the

NOTICE.—I do hereby CAUTION the public against

giving credit or paying any money to my daughter

MARY ANN MONKS, 13 years of age, as I will not be re-

sponsible for the same. PATRICK MONKS

NOTICE. - The public cautioned against receiving

or cashing a CHEQUE drawn on the Commercial

Banking Company, Sydney, of date 20th February last, in

favour of Robert Cooney, Esq. Amount, Seventeen pounds

two shillings, the same having been lost or miscarried.

Payment is stopped at the Bank. Signed, MARY

HURLEY. Campbelltown, March 31.

NOTICEis hereby given, that application is intended

to be made to Parliament in the present session for

leave to introduce a Bill to enable the trustees and

devisess under the will of the lute James Underwood,

formerly of Glenmore, near Sydney, to grant leases of the

several lands thereby devised, for such term not exceeding

ninety-nine years as they may deem expedient. Dated

this 30th day of March, 1858. NORTON, SON, and

BARKER, solicitors for the trustees and devisees.

RICHMOND RIVER.-Notice is hereby given that all

Cattle and Horses found TRESPASSING on the

Runnymede, Virginia, Ellerby, and Fairy Mount Runs, after

the first day of Jane next, will be sent to the nearest pound.


name, Stubbs), a native of Sydney, aged fifty years,

of tall stature, round featured, grey eyes, showy in dress,

deserted me eight and a half years ago, leaving me with

seven young children, the youngest eleven months old,

unweaned. I hereby caution the public against giving her

any credit, as I will not be responsible for any debts con-

tracted by her. JOHN JONES, boat builder, late wood-

G. WRIGHT, Plasterer, Modeller, &c., corner of Judge

and Stephen streets, Woolloomooloo. N.B. Modelling

done for the trade. Estimates given for generat repairs,

&o. The trade supplied willi urmoni, piiuiw of Paris, &c.,


The members of the legal profesiion, and other

friends of the late G R. Nichols, Esq., are requested to

attend a preliminary MEETING, to be held at the Royal

Hotel on MONDAY next, the 12th instant, at 3 o'clock

p,m , for the purpose of taking steps to raise a subscription

f r the benefit of his widow and children. WILLIAM W.

BILLYARD, Civil Crown Solicitor, honorary secretory.



MANLY.-The oontract for the running of steamers to

thepier at Manly, expiring on 12th NOVEMBER, 1858,

the proprietor ready to give, on terms, after that period,

the exolusive use of the pier, for one, two, or three years,

to any responsible party who will contract to run a first

class steam-boat three times a-day. One with an awning

deck, Venetian blinds, fitted up expressly for passengers,

making four trips (the distance from Circular Quay, Syd-

ney, to and from Manly, being only 15 miles), would ensure

a very great increase on the 30,000 persons that visited

this favourite watering place last year. The object of this

notice appearing thns early, is, that the proprietor and

others are desirous of entering on further operations. In

buildings and improvements now in suspense, in conse-

quence of the communication being but twice a day. Ap-

plications to be forwarded on or before 1st AUGUST

next, and to be addressed to EDWARD SALAMON,

H. R. N. S. N. COMPANY.-Morpeth Agency.

Applications will be received by the undersigned,

until TUESDAY, 13th instant, for the situation of Agent

at Morpeth, for the above Company, whioh will shortly be-

come vacant in consequence of the resignation of Mr. J.


Compiny's Office, Sydney, April 3rd.

DANCING-Toe Pavil'on, on the South Head Road,

is open THIS EVENING, Wednesday. N.B.-The

Rooms of the abovenamed establishment are open every

Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evenings. Admission,

THE FREEMAN'S JOURNAL is now published

TWICE-A-WEEK-on the mornings of Wednesday

and Saturday-at a charge often shillings per quarter, or

8s. 6d. paid in advance. J. K. HEYDON. N.B.-Pub-

AS HOUSEKEEPER -Wanted, a Situation by a very

respectable Widow as above, in a Gentleman's family,

either in town or country. Address to A. G., HERALD

A COMPETENT Book-keeper, who has his evenings

disengaged, wishes Employment. Address PEN,

A MARRIED LADY, withont fa sily, having a larger

bonae than she requires, is desirous of receiving a

Married or Single Lady to reside with her. References

given and required. Address, No. 2, Hereford Cottage,

A YOUNG LADY wishes to join a Millinery Establish-

ment as Improver. M., HERALD Office.

A WIDOW LADY, residing in the suburbs of

Sydney, wishes to take the parental charge of, and

educate, two or three young Children. For particulars and

addrens apply to ALEXANDER REID, draper, William

A LADY, of respectability, residing in Sydney, wishes

to meet with n situation in a family, as Morning

Governess, where the children are young. Address P. M.,

BARMAID wanted. Apply at the Clarence Hotel,

Erskine-street. Security required.

BUSINESS PREMISES -Wanted, a Ground Floor (or

portion of one), of premises in George-street, between

Hunter-street and the Royal Hotel, on either Hide of the

street. Address, stating particular,), to R. P. RICHARD-

SON, 328, George street (near the EMPIRE Office).

CHIEF OFFICER wanted for a first-class vessel. Apply

to Captain KENDELL, Circular Wharf. Good

testimonials indispensable.

CONFECTIONERS.-Wanted, Two-good Hands; also

an active Youth. Apply to M. O'NEILL, 43, King

EVENING EMPLOYMENT, wanted, by a person who

can write a neat and plain hand. Address to SCRIBE,

care of Mr. J. C. Glue, Pitt-street.

FURNISHED APARTMENT wanted, by a gentle-

man, with attendance. Private family preferred.

GOAT.-Wanted, a good Milch Goat. Address A. B.,

REQUIRED, a General Servant, at the General Post

Office Hotel, York-street.

SHIP JUNIOR.-A Guard is Wanted for this ship to

attend the Bight Mutineers about to be sent by her

to New Bedford, and parties desirons of the situation are

requested to make written application in writing at my

office. To young and steady men this will bo an excellent

opportunity of returning to the United States. ROBERT

D. MERRILL, Consulate of the United States, 2, Mac-


for the country, a Saddle Hand ; also, a Cart Harness

Maker. Apply personally to Mr. GEORGE GUEST,

Crown Inn. Briokfield-hill, on TUESDAY, WEDNES-

DAY, and THURSOAY, 6th, 7th, and 8th of April.

TO MILLINERS.-Wanted, a First Hand, that is well

acquainted with the General Drapery trade. Apply

J. S. SADDLER, 42, late 81, William-street, Woolloo-

TO BUTCHERS.-Wanted, by a Young Man, who has

had some experience in the Butchering, a Situation

where he is willing to make himself generally useful ; he

can keep books, ride, or drive if required. Address, W. B.,

Mr. Thomas', 31, York-street.


Apply 202, Lower George-street.

WANTED, for Balmain, a General House Servant.

Apply after 2 o'clock at 131, Bourke-street, Wool-

WANTED, a respectable Girl as House Servant.

Apply to Mrs. MEWBURN, No. 8, Hunter-street.

WANTED, a Young Man as Porter. Apply GEORGE

WANTED, Five Labourers at 6 o'clock THIS MORN-

ING. BROWN and HILL, Grafton Wharf.

WANTED, a Young Man, as Light Porter. Apply

WANTED, a Small Dingy. Apply to MACINTOSH,

WANTED, an Active Man with a hundred pounds to

join a party in carrying out an undertaking that

will return a clear profit of sixty pounds per month. For

full particulars apply early to W. B., HERALD Office.

WANTED, a single Man able to read and write, as a

General Labourer. J. C. GLUE, Pitt-street.

WANTED, a respectable middle-aged Woman as

Nursemaid, also a General Servant. J. C. GLUE,

WANTED, respectable Females as General House

Servants for the country. J. C. GLUE, Pitt-st.

WANTED, a situation by a young Man some years in

the colony, accustomed to the bush, willing to make

himself useful. Address P. W., HERALD Office.

WANTED, a General Servant. Apply to Mrs.

NEWLAND, American Hotel, Lower George-st.

WANTED, a General Servant, where a Man is kept.

Sydney and Melbourne Hotel, Kent-street.

WANTED, a good General Servant, who understands

plain cooking. Custom House Hotel, Macquarie

WANTED, a Lad to deliver meat. Apply to L K.

CLEEVE and CO., Charlotte-place.

WANTED, a Girl about 16 or 17 years of age. Apply

178, corner of King and Pitt streets.

WANTED, a Female Servant, where two others are

kept. 219, Castlereagh-st., 3 doors from Market-st.

WANTED, a respectable Woman, as General Servant,

one who understands plain cooking. For address

apply THIS DAY, after 10 o'clock, to Mr. J. G. HANKS,

grocer, Ac., Pitt-street, Redfern.

WANTED, by a Married Man in a Gentleman's Family

a Situation as Gardener-the Wife as House Ser-

vant-town or country. Testimonials good. G.D., HERALD

WANTED, a Stout Active Man, as Porter. Apply to

THOMAS GROGAN, George-street South.

WANTED, an engagement as Saleswoman, by a good

business hand. HAIGH and ASHLIN, agents,

WANTED, a Married Couple. Apply to THOMAS

WANTED to dispose of, Set of superior Double Car-

riage Harness, silver-mounted, price £7, 224,

WANTED, a Housemaid. Apply to Mrs. PALMER,

WANTED, a Barmaid. Apply to Mrs. PALMER, Pitt

WANTED, a General Female Servant, for Richmond.

Apply at the Crown Inn, George-street South.

WANTED, a Female Servant, as Cook and Laundress

G. R. ELLIOTT, 252, George-street, opposite the

WANTED, Two Carpenters. 43, Prince-street.

WANTED. Married Couple-man as gardener, woman

as cook. W. J. LENNON,Terry's-buildings, Pitt-st.

WANTED, a Wet-nurse. Apply to No. 2, College

street, corner Stanley-street.

WANTED a Situation as Wet-nurse, by a respectable

Married Woman. Enquire at the Steamboat Inn,

corner of Kent-street and Margaret-place.

WANTED, a Nursemaid. Mrs. A. THOMPSON, 31,

WANTED, a Butler. Apply at 2 o'clock, at 3, Wyn

WANTED, a Young Man as Groom, and to be other-

wise useful. A. GRIBBEN and SONS, Elizabeth

WANTED, to dispose of a handsome Eight-day Clock,

not more than twelve months in use. Address to

WANTED, a Nurse Girl. Apply at the Exchange Hotel

WANTED, between Hunter and Market streets, Two

or Three Rooms, in a good business situation with

separate entrance ; one as Office, fronting the street.

Address M. H., HERALD Office.

WANTED, a General Servant of good character.

Mrs. MYLES, Myles' building, Cumberland st

WANTED, by a Surveyor, a man for

the bush. Palmer-street, Woolloomoolloo

WANTED, a General Servant (English or Scotch pre-

ferred). Apply at Skinner's Hotel corner George

WANTED, a Chief and a Second Officer for the Brig

Vulture. Apply to Captain Coutts at Mitchell

WANTED, by a respectable Young Person ..........?

as Nursemaid. A. M., HERALD Office

WANTED, the Gentry and Inhabitants of Sydney and

the suburbs to know, CUMMINS' Poultry Bus-

iness is removed to 190, Pitt-street, nearly opposite the

Victoria Theatre. Prime dairy-fed poultry always on hand.

WANTED, a Female Servant, Rushcutters Bay Hotel,

WANTED, a Useful Man at Rushcutter's Bay Hotel

Bnshcutter's Bay. Wages very moderate.

WANTED, a Shoeing Blacksmith and Milkman .

Shoalhaven ; a good General Stonemason for Wide Bay;

Bay; Rough Carpenter ; Young Man as Groom ; German

Labourer ; Lads to Milk; Agricultural Men for the

Manning, Dapto, Bathurst, Manly Beach, Hunter River,

&c. ; Man to Cut Wood ; Married Couple, without family,

near Yass ; Man as Station Servant. Woman as House

ditto, near Yass, &a. Apply to OLIVER STAINES,

agent, King and Castlereagh-street

WANTED, General Servants tor the Country. Apply

to Mrs. STAINES, Registry Office, Castlereagh-st.

WANTED, a General Servant Apply No. 3, Fitzroy-

terrace, Pitt-street, Redfern.

WANTED,for the Country, a Family as Farm

Labourers, well up to their work. Apply after 11

o'clock, to RUNDLE, DANGAR, and CO., 88, Clarence-

WANTED, by a Gentleman, a Cottage containing four

or five rooms, with kitchen, servants' room, and

garden attached, situated either at Ashfield, Burwood, or

Homebush, and must be convenient either by rail or coach

to Sydney. Possession required in one month from date.

Applications received until the I3th instant. Address,

stating rent, situation, and all particulars, to No. 107

Palmer-street, Woolloomooloo.

WANTED, a Female Servant, Californian Inn,

WANTED, a Horse-breaker-Single Man; a good

Bullook-driver-Married Man; Female Servant,

for Twofold Bay; Gardener, Garden Labourer, Single

Farming Men, and. Female Servants, Grooms, and useful

Lads able to milk. Apply to HAIGH and ASHLIN,

agents, Pitt-street North, opposite Union Bank.

WANTED, a Female, as General Servant; one who

can COOK and wash. Apply 428, Castlereagh-st. South.

WANTED, a Second-hand Baker, at KIDD and

WANTED, two Plasterers. Apply GEORGE

WARTED, a Married Couple, the man as indoor ser-

vant, the woman as cook ; they must be competent

and well recommended. Apply to Mrs. WRIGHT, Drum-

moyne, opposite Hunter's Hill, Parramatta River.

WANTED, by a Young Lady a Situation in the coun-

try ; she is competent to teach young children the

usual branches of an English education with the elements

of French and music ; high references. Apply at Surry

WANTED, Milch Goats, with Kid. Apply to Mr.

LODINGTON, 56, Prince-street.

WANTED, a Boy, as Indoor Servant. Apply to

H. COHEN, Kent-street South.

WANTED, a Partner, sleeping or active, with two

hundred pounds, to join the advertiser in an esta-

blished business. Address BUSINESS, HERALD Office.

WANTED, a Rough Carpenter. B. WYNNE, New

WANTED, a good Female Cook. Apply to Mrs.

WANTED, a Female, as General Servant. Apply at

33, Botany-street, Surry Hills.

WANTED, a respectable Young Woman, as Waitress.

Apply BARRY'S Coffee Rooms, 524, George-st.

WANTED, a Female as General Servant. Apply

Pelican Hotel, South Head Road.

WANTED, a General Servant, who can wash and iron.

Apply at No. 164, Palmer-Btreet.

WANTED,a Female General Servant, for a Small

Family. Apply to Mr. F. LARTER, 70, South

WANTED, by a respectable active Person, a Situation

as Housekeeper. HAIGH and ASHLIN, agents,

WANTED, a Millwright to proceed to Bathurst. Apply

at the stores of Messrs. JOSEPH SIMMONS and

SON, George-street South, Brickfield-Hill, between the

hour of 12 and 1 o'clock THIS DAY.

Wanted to RENT, a Horse and Dray. Address

A. B., stating terms, to HERALD Office,

WANTED, a Shoemaker, to work in a Shop ; a single

man preferred. Apply at No 64, Lower George-st.

WANTED, by a Young Man, a Situation in a Store,

either booking or otherwise useful. Address G. O.,

WANTED, a Gardener, and Wife, without lncum-

berance-the wife as laundress. Apply to A. MIT-

CHELL, Newtown, before 8 o'clock in the morning; or at

CHISHOLM and CO.'S, 275, Pitt-street.

WANTED, a competent Nurse she must also be a

good needlewoman. Also wanted, a Parlourmaid,

who has filled the situation before. Apply to Mrs.

WANTED to be known—Portraits. 5s., with case

299, George-street, opposite the White Horse.

WANTED, by a Gentleman of colonial experience, a

situation as Superintendent or Overseer, on a station

or farm. References given. Apply by letter to SUPER-

INTENDENT, care of Messrs. Smith, Peate, and Co., 258,

WANTED, by a married Lady and Gentleman, without

family, situations as Governess and Superintendent

or Overseer. Salary not so much an object as a comforta-

ble home, near a town in the Southern district preferred.

References given and required. Apply by letter to A, H.,

WANTED, 2000 Dozen Wine and Porter Bottles

WANTED immediately, an efficient Governess. Apply

A. B., Ashfield Post Office.

WANTED, a Housemaid, Coachman, and Laundress.

Application to be made to Mrs. TOOTH, Glan-

worth, Darling Point, between the hours of 9 and 11 a.m.

WANTED, a Coachman, a respectable Single Man.


20, Castlereagh-st North.

WANTED, by a Young Lady, a Situation as Milliner.

Address ME, 151, Woolloomoaloo-street.

WANTED to PURCHASE, from One to Five Acres

of Land, with or without Cottage, within 3 miles

of Sydney. Terms, cash. Apply with particulars to Mr.

SMART, conveyancer, Commercial-building, New Pitt-st.

WANTED to SELL, a good Baker's Cart, very cheap.

MURPHY'S Stores, Fitzroy-street, Bourke-street.

WANTED to RENT, a Sheep or Cattle Station.,

GARLAND and BINGHAM, 72, Sussex-street

ZINC ROOFING.-Wanted, a Man, to repair a roof

FEARNLEY and CO., Lower George-street.