Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 23 Dec 1859 (original) (raw)
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Fri 23 Dec 1859 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 8 - Advertising
Gentlemen Four hundred and seventy-four electors
in your district who were on the electoral roll, besides
many others who had been most improperly omitted,
petitioned against the return of Mr. Hart. The election
committee found all the allegations of this petition which
had been so honestly and manfully represented by Mr.
Thomas A. Perry to have been fully proved, and by taking
off four votes from Mr. Hart the return petitioned against
Hart ... 313") S Hart ... 309
Rusden ... 311 J- to -{ Rusden ... 311
But the ballot papers have been tampered with, and this
day a petition was presented by Mr. Gray to the House of
Assembly, asking for an inquiry. You must not be led
astray (If you see it published in the papers that Mr.
Hart seconded Its reception), into the belief that it was
necessary that he should have done so ; or that he was
ever anxious for a fair investigation. Many others, and
Mr. Darvall al he would have done this and as to a fair
honest defence 1-1 refer you to the report and evidence I
now forward to you. The petition this day received by the
House states plainly, without any equivocation, that the
ballot papers have been tampered with, and that upon these
false and mutilated documents, the Election Committee
have arrived at a decision in favour of Mr. Hart, although
these ballot papers were never before the Election Com
; matter in open court, and formed no part of the evidence
is taken by them. All the evidence taken by them (and all
evidence must be taken in open court, this being a special
condition attached to the jurisdiction of the committee by
a clause in the Electoral Act) proved that Mr. Hart was
not the member, and that the above statement of the return
Mr. Hart will retain his seat as long as he can, under all
circumtances (witness the manner of his election). But
the matter is now in the hands of the House, and we have
I no right to suppose that the House will allow you to be
swindled, or will permit any decision to remain founded
upon false evidence, or upon no evidence ; or will allow the
corrupt tampering or alteration of the ballot "papers to pass
PIA REWARD.-STOLEN, from The Valley, on
30 X X) the 29th of November, 1859, two WORKING
BULLOCKS, which I, in company with William Gore,
tracked down the Valley and on the Bridle Trt'sk down
the Ridges, and found them slaughtered in a scrub on the
bank of the Nepean River, on the west side, opposite
Howell's mill, and near the residence of Mr. Clarke. The
above reward will be paid to any person who will give such
information as will lead to the conviction of the party or
parties who drove away and slaughtered the said bullocks.
WILLIAM CLARKE, Royalston, DabC3._
03, between Coogee and Newtown, a MEMORANDUM
BOOK. The finder will confer a great favour
by addressing a letter to HARDAKER and LAINSON,
NOTICE-A MARE of the following description has
been running on my land for about the last twelve
months: Colour bay, hind feet white, small star on forehead,
branded BB over HM over the S on near shoulder.
WILL -VM HAWKINS, Field of Mars. December 19.
MRS. ACUTT begs to announce that she intends
leaving Sydney for England the 1st of JANUARY,
1860, and hopes to return by the end of the year; she
will therefore feel obliged by all ACCOUNTS being
SETTLED previous to her departure. 87, Forbes-street,
Gallery for Artistic Photography is now OPEN.
Portraits taken in all the modern branches of the art.
Children's portraits instantaneously. Royal Gallery of
well organised and efficient, consisting of
first and second violins, viola, violoncello, contra basso,
first and second cornets, flute, clarionet, drums, Ac, all
thorough musicians and Englishmen, performing in a
brilliant and superior say to all the new and popular music
of the day, under the leadership and direction of Mr. G.
Peck, formerly leader of the Victoria Theatre, Prince of
Wales, Coppin's Olympic, Melbourne, Geelong, Hobart
Town, Ac, Ac. Apply PECK'S Music Repository, 13,
GEORGE CHISHOLM and CO., 320, George-street,
next Post Office In again calling the attention of
their numerous friends and the public in general to the
removal of their large and newly arrived stock to those
gigantic and splendid stores and shop on the premises
George-street, next Post Office, Messrs. CHISHOLM and
CO. beg most respectfully to return thanks for past
favours during their long and well supported Clearing-out
Sale of Bargains, and now solicit a visit of inspection over
the new premises, and their newly imported stock of
Drapery, in an endless variety
Silks, velvets, ribbons, for.
Woollens, a splendid assortment
Carpets, rugs of all descriptions
Tailoring, by first cutters
Millinery, cloak, and mantle making, by first-rate hands.
ATS. Just opened, Ladies' and Children's Pic-nic
and Garden Hats. WEBB and CO., 163, Pitt-st.
ATS, Hats. Just opened, ex late arrivals, Ladies
and Children's Crinoline and fancy Straw Hats.
HATS Ladies' and Children's fancy Hats, in every
variety of style. WEBB and CO , 261, Pitt-street.
SUMMER SHIRTS. Crimean, in silk and silk warp,
beautiful materials. LEWIS, 10, Hunter-street.
CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A splendid assortment of
J Morocco Carriage Bags, Reticules, Work Cases, Companions,
etc, for. LEWIS (late Fillet), French Glove
Depot, 10, Hunter-street.
f\ CHRISTMAS PRESENTED hat can be a more accept
\l able present than a good Singing Canary and Cage?
Who would refuse such a present t It would be received
with delight by any one, old or young. Which can be had
of the undersigned, for 27sec good bird and cage. A
variety of other birds rosellas, dowries, king and grass
parrots, doves, and fantail pigeons. The cheapest and best
assortment of cages in the colony. Aviary for sale for
£10. Fresh and good bird seeds. Fishing tackle in great
variety; a fine lot of bamboo fishing rods, just imported,
from 18 feet to 20 feet long, at 3s. 6d. each. EAST WAY
and SONS, wirework manufactory, 425, George-street,
signed -Just arrived, a few volumes of the ever
crated Irish Melodies, with Symphonies and Accom-
paniments, by Sir John Stevenson, Mus. Doc. ; words by
T. Moore. Edited by Francis Robinson, Mus. Doc. Also,
an extensive assortment of splendid toned pianoforte,
music stools, so. A. LENEHAN, Castlereagh-street.
" Christmas comes but once a year,
And when it comes it brings good cheer."
AND WHAT Season or the year is so welcomed by
children of every age, or by kind-hearted parents
who behold with pleasure the look of joy bursting from the
face of the little happy one on the presentation of a simple
toy at this festive season.
HENRY GRENVILLE, Burlington Arcade, 315,
George-street, Sydney, has great pleasure in announcing
that he has just received large shipments of suitable Toys
for Christmas presents, of every quality and description,
to suit all classes, and which he will sell at the lowest re-
H. G. is now exhibiting in his Magic Cave, a Panorama
of Views, the finest ever imported into the colonies. The
Euterpeon lends its melodious strains to the harmony of
the scene, while a magnificent fountain shoots from its
thousand jets a cooling influence not found in any other
part of the city, rendering the cave the most agreeable and
fashionable lounge in Sydney.
An immense assortment of combs, brushes, engravings,
perfumery, vases, cutlery, toys, broderie, costly articles of
vertu, who., always on hand.
gr* 315, George-street, Sydney.
a Zahra Wtod WORK-BOX, elegantly inlaid with
ivory and silver. Price, £5 5s. ALEXANDER MOORE
and CO., Labour Bazaar. see
ATS, BALLS, and WICKETS for the million, at S.
STOREY'S Bazaar, Brickfield Hill.
ARGE ROCKING HORSES, to be sold at a reduced
price. S. STOREY'S, Brickfield Hill.
MINCE PIES and Mice Meat ready at FOSTER'S,
_ 400, George-street. Delivered any part of Sydney.
LIST OPENED, Orange and Lemon Chips, at
FOSTER'S, 400, George-street.
JUST OPENED, Boa boat. Chocolate Figures, Chrystal
lised Fruits, at FOSTER'S, near King-Street.
MINCE PIES, at Mr. EVELEIGH'»1, Confectioner
opposite the Post Office,
Look here, look here, at Cummins' store, " " .
He has four hundred fowls or more :
Two hundred cooks, fine, young and fat '
As many turkeys, think of that ! '
Pat beef and mutton, lamb and veal
And dairy-fed pork there's a meal
Which may be bought if you would know
At the renowned Pork Pie Depot.
'Tis famed for German sausage, too,
Of pic-nic pits there's not a few, which
are bespoke for Manly Beach,
And these are sold at three-pence each.
And Cummins has a method, too,
Of trussing poultry, which is new, ^
And in the carving, saving double
The time, the work, and other trouble.
". .-",,. H- CUMMINS, 192, Pitt-street
K B.-500 fowls from 2s. 6d. to 3s. each. nTmn'
C^SESr^8 CAKES in every variety, at Mr~BV_.
JiEIGH'S, opposite the Post Office. * J3
ICE, ICE, ICE, in any quantity, at the Ice HomsT
si are from 9 to l for. War
ALLEN and CO. beg to apprise their
customers and the public generally that, owing to the
fact that our market is at the present season so Inuu
dated with Christmas fruits and goods of every description,
that they are determined to astonish the natives, by sell!
ing at prices which are only in accordance with the times.
A: and 99' are satisfied that it is perfectly useless and
unjust to a discorning public to keep up prices, which the
present state of the wholesale market does not warrant
Splendid Patrons can ants, 4d. per lb.
Picked Eleme raisins, 5d. per lb,
Muscatel raisins, 10d. per lb, by the box
Sultana raisins, quite new in drums, 10d. per lb.
Kew Turkey figs, finest ever imported, 8d. per lb. by
Preserved ginger, Chinese, 8s. per jar
Imperial French plums, in glass jaw, 4s. 5d. per jar
Shell and Jordan almonds, just landed
French prunes, 6d. per lb.
Swiss chestnut (with which to stuff your turkeys), Is. 6d
Korrrlandy pippins, in baskets, 10d. per lb.
Dried peaches, 6d. per lb.
Candied Peels, various, 4s 6d. per lb., by the tin
York barns, very superior, Is, per lb.
Prime Westphalia hams, just landed, Is. ditto
English bacon, in middles, Is 2d. ditto, by the middle
Real Brunswick sausages, particularly fine
The choicest selection to be obtained anywhere, via.
Victoria, Cheddar, Gonda, Lemberg, and Swiss cheese.
Preserved herrings, equal to fresh caught in 2-lb. tins
Fresh salmon, in 1-lb. and 2-lb. tins
Fresh lobsters, in 1-lb. tins, 46. per tin
Albert sardines, 2-lb. tins, 86. per dozen
Ditto ditto, 4-lb. ditto, 7s 9d. ditto
Shetland ling, in cases and puncheons, just landed
100 boxes sperm candles, full weights, Is. 1 5d. per lb. by
250 boxes Price's Belmont sperms, Is. 11d. per lb. by
There has been so much puff and humbug about them
lately in the columns of the newspapers, that the public
in... his "nmnWaT,, hau"M<i-<,¿ h" If """" "f in." the
Bel' brought out in three ships, and so forth.
W. ALLEN and CO. beg to inform the public that the
market is full of tea and that they are getting the best
articles ever imported, at 2s. 6d, per lb., wrapped in tin
Pine full flavoured strone concern tea, 2s. per lb.
Real Mocha, delicious article, 1s. 6d. per lb. Fine
mellow Turkey coffee, Is. 4d. ditto
Good strong Ceylon coffee, lb. ditto
English bottled fruits, jams, Jellies, pickles
chutney, sauces, ourries, potted meats, salad oils, etc.,
Of the most varied kinds, at very low prices
EST Sydney Tea Mart, Oriental and Turkey Cuffs
Depot, 476, George-street, opposite the Markets.
WILLIAM ALLEN and CO., proprietors.
CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. Cheapest and best in
HANKS and COMPANY, recommend their patrons and
public in general to he careful in the selection of the in-
gredients for their Christmas Piara Puddings, which
every good cook and anxious housewife is desirous of producing
in perfection. It is an indisputable fact that there
is a larger quantity of damaged fruits in the market, at
the present time, than ever before known, and which are
being sold at auction, at a mere nominal figure. We therefore
caution the public not to throw their money away
in buying trash in the place of good, sound, wholesome
Raisins, finest selected, bold and free from stalks
Currants, cleaned by machinery, very fine
Sultana raisins, particularly choice
Muscatel raisins, finest selected
Candied orange, lemon, and citron peel, just landed
Mixed Spices, from a very valuable receipts most
important item in the turning out of a good plum
HANKS and COMPANY have the finest York Hams
HANKS and COMPANY, have a splendid parcel of
HANKS and COMPANY, have magnificent royal arms
HANKS and COMPANY are selling, during this festive
season, Westphalia Hams, only 10d per lb.
HANKS and COMPANY are very desirous that all
should have and enjoy a good Ham and that none should
be taken in with a damaged and indifferent article.
Hams, a large and splendid assortment, real York,
Redgate's, Sinclair's, and Browne.
Westphalia Hams, for a few days only, at 10d. per lb.
2000, two thousand, tins English Lobsters, only Is.
Pic-nic parties should not be without a few tins of
Hanks and Company's delicious Lobsters, only Is. per tin.
HANKS and COMPANY have only about 2000 (two
thousand) tins left, must come early or they will all he
BANKS and COMPANY'S Grand Christmas Fruit
Show will be open to view to-morrow and Saturday.
Come early, come early, come early to secure being
BAKER and COMPANY particularly request all orders
to be sent in as early as possible, to ensure delivery.
HANKS and COMPANY present to their friends and
public in general the compliments of the season, wishing
them a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year when
HANKS and COMPANY'S Australian Tea Mart, 474
George-street, opposite the Markets
AMS. Three cases fine York HAMS, 10s. by the
single ham. J. WELál, Circular Quay, New
HAMPAGNE, excellent quality, at WILLIAM
DOUGLASS, 651. George-street.
GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS real treat for Christmas,
at SANTOS', near the Post Office, Sydney.
mounted, from 22. to six guineas, at 3. J. SANTOS..
guaranteed to be matchless in this colony, at S. J.
SANTOS, wholesale and retail tobacconist, 380, George
street, two doors from the Post Office, Sydney
LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, of copper and galvanised
iron, just landed. MITCHELL and CO.,
LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS on the newest principle.
J. H. ADAMS, 92, and 94, South Head Road.
reduction in price F. R. ROBINSON, in order to
make room for coming importations, has determined to
clear out during the month of January, if possible, the
whole of his extensive stock of the above desirable and important
domestic arrangement, comprising all sizes, and
one of the best assortments out of the United States he,
therefore, quotes prices which will induce all to avail themselves
of these economical household comforts, and place
competition at defiance. K. B.-Steves carefully packed to
all parts of the country, and delivered gratis to all parts or.
the city. All kinds of stoves repaired. Any extra fixings
on hand, at the American Stove Store, 4-6, George-street.
ON SALE. Spring Cart and Harness, cheap Enquire
at Mr. FOWLD"S, Red Lion, Camperdown.
ARRIMU HORSE for SALE, handsome bay, black
points, at MARTYN'S Horse Bazaar, Pitt-street.
Subscription, 20s. per quarter.
Cash Tkrks or ADViWiinro.
Two lines or 14 words ... One shilling.
Four lines or 30 ditto ... Two shillings.
Six lines or 48 ditto. Three shillings.
Eight lines or 64 ditto ... Pour ;MUwf»;_. M
And 3d. (three pence) per line for every additional M» .»
eight words for each Insertion. Aiamm
24 All advertisements under six lines will M «arsjw
3s. to advertiser's account, if booked. __."__.__.
of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 3s. each >11»~»»,i_
N.B.-Advertisers in the country can remit payment of
Sydney Printed and published by John says." ^'SSSeS
the Office of the "Sydney Morning- Herald," Hit and was
streets, Friday. December 23rd, 1859.