Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 9 Jan 1860 (original) (raw)

Mon 9 Jan 1860 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 8 - Advertising


-The Directors desire to call tho attention of in-

tending assurors to the great advantages accruing to tho

Society's policy holders, owing to the accumulation of

Îrofits at controuND INTEREST, at a high rate, ns shewn by

he annexed comparativo table.

ExAitriiE.-Showing tho bonuses accruing to a policy of

life nssnrnnco for £500, if effected at the aga of 40 in dif-

Proposals and every lnfbimation may be obtained from

any of the agents and at the princinn.1 office.

ROBERT THOMSON, Actuary and Secretary, Hunter

street, Sydney, October 5th.


Income for 1853, £197,183.

Head offices-London, Aberdeen, and Molbourno.

Directors for Australasia :

A. Ross, Esq., .I.P., chairman I James Gili, Esq.

C. Bradshaw, Esq., J.P. | A. B. AVhito, Esq.

Superintendent-James Rattray, Esq.

Insurances effected at, the reduced rates of premiums.

The ratos charged in Australasia aro the same as those

Rates for assuring £100 at the following nges '.

Forms of proposal and rates for intermediate nges can bo

obtnincd on application at the ollloes in Sydney, No. 4,

_AVILLTAM RAE. Resident Secretary.


Empowered bv Acts of Parliament.

Having a Colonial Proprietary, and the following

Board of Directors In Sydney

J. S. AVillis, Esq., Chairman.

Ho«.(l.K.noldon,Esq.,M.L.C. ( J. B. Watt, Esq.

Hon. Sir Danlol Cooper, M.P. | B. Buohanan, Esq.

Hon. John Macfarlane. Esq., M.D.

Capital subscribed exceeding. £1,380,000

Accumulated Funds and Capital paid up, ex-

Of which £200,000 uro invested in the colonies in Govern-

ment and other securities.

Reserve Surplus Fnnd, £250,000-with unlimited liability

The Directors continno to grant Policios of Insnranco

In Town or Country in both departments of the Company's

business, upon erms which will be found ns liberal as

IhOBO of any other office.

Tables of Rales for Fire and Life Insurance, in all its

branches, and every information can bo obtained from

A. STANGER LEATIIR3, Resident Secretary, at, the

Quices. AVynyard-sqnaro. Svdnoy.


established July 1,1S59, pursuant to Acts of Counoll,

7 A7ic, No. 10 ; 11 Ala, No. 10 ; and li Arlc, No. 53.

Messrs. Georgo Wigram Allen, AVillltun Speer, Richard

Messrs. Octaváis Baylitro Ellsworth, ¡William Jolly,

Commercial Banking Company.

309 (late 214). George-street.

This Society is established for tho purpose of onabling its

membors to purclmso freehold or leasehold property, or to

pay off mortgages, tho loan being repiid by onsy monthly

instalments ; and to próvido for those not requiring loans

anoppoitnnlty for the investment, at interest, of small

savings, which will imperceptibly Increase to a useful sum.

The seventh monthly meeting, for payment of subscrip-

tions, will bo hold on tho 10th im-tant, at 4 p.m.

Intending shareholders are informed that, in consequence

of the number of shnres now issued, the entrance fee has

been raised to ton shillings per share, nnd will progressively

bo increased with the number of shareholders. Shares and

every information as to the repayment of loans from this

Society may be oblaiuod of the Secretary, daily between

By order of the Board of Directors,


Empowered by Act of the Legislative ConnoiL

Head Office, 82, CoilIns-streotEaBt,Melboure.

The non. Henry Miller, M.L.C., Chairman

AV. R. Bnrnby, Esq., Deputy-Chairman

John DInwoodo, Esq., J.P.

AVilllam Hall, Esq., -I.P.

The Hon. AVilllam Highett, M.L.C.

Risks taken at tho usual rates, and the utmost liberality

For further particulars apply to the nndersignod, who

have been appointed asrents for New South Wales.

Trensiiry-biiildlnga, George-street


hereby civen that interest Is allowed by this bank

on fixed deposits as follows, namely,

At 5 tier cent, per annum for a period of 6 months

and at rates to bo agreed on for longer periods.

For the greater convenience of depositors, bank post

bills, with interost addod at these rates, respectively, ara

Issned payable to order, nnd aro thus negotiable at any

By order of the Board of Directors,

_A. II. RICHARDSON, General Manager.


Poserved fund ... ... ... 205,000

This Bank allows interest npon deposits, if lodged for

Axed periods, at rates varying from 3 to 5 per cent, per

«nnnm, and allows the immediate transfer of snoh portion

of customers' balances as may not by them be immediately

required to a deposit account, at the above ratos of in-

Dividends on shares in pnblic companies, and interest on

debentures, collected for customers free of charge.

Investments in colonial secnritles and also in those of

The agoncy of Banks, either in the colonios or In

Bnglnnd, underUkon on such terms as may be agreed

' 'Credits and drafts issnod on England, America, and on

the chief ports in the Eastern Seas, also upon all towns

within the Australasian colonioB.


Bank of New South AVnles, 1st November._


NEY.-Notice is hereby given that an AGENCY of

this Bank, under the charge of Mr. T. H. PAIGE, will

be OPENED at Maryborough (AVIde Bay), on MONDAY

uext, * he I2th instant. By order of the Board,


-Notico is hereby given that, Branches of the Bank

are now in operation at Kiama, Queanbeyan, and

Shoalhaven. By order of the Board.


(Incorporated by Royal Charter.)

Paid-up capital .£1,260,000

Interest will be allowed on fixed deposits, lodged after

Subject to 7 days' notice of withdrawal... 2J per cent.

Ditto S months'ditto.4 ditto

Ditto 6 ditto ditto .5 ditto

Ditto 12 ditto ditto.54 ditto

And on deposits of large amount, according to special



I HARPER, BURNE, and CO., proprietors of tho

Jerusalem Oolloo House, Cowper's Court, Cornhill,

London, beg to state, that they have arranged with the

" General Association for the Australian Colonios," in

London, to open SUBSCRIPTION ROOMS attached to

the " Jerusalem," as a place of daily meeting for all par-

ties interested in the Australian Colonios and New

Zealand; their object being to make their Rooms the

centre of communication between the Australian Colonies

and the United Kingdom, and tho most reliable source of

information on tho great variety of subjects daily arising

in connection with the colonies, i.'olonists on becoming

subscribers may forward nil their letters through the above

Rooms, nnd, on visiting En glano, will be Biwed much

trouble and expense on landing. On arriving In London

thoy will have the advantage of the experience nnd ndvico

of the Managers of the Rooms, and all the information as

detailed in the prospectus, which may be had on application

Present address, caro of Messrs. Herring and Co.,


Apply to J. OWEN and SONS, 215, George-street.

UNTZ METAL, l8, 20, and 22 ozi. for SALE.

JOHN, C, DIBBS, Campbell'B Wharf.



KENDALL, and WOOD beg to ictnrn their sincoro

thanks to the public for the liberal support thov ha-\ o re

colted during their career on tlio Wostorn Road, nnd

furthor ti list that by unremitting attontion to morit a

continuance of the caine, at the\ lu»o ronde o\cr} arrange-

ment for commercing their Amei ican Lino of Cotohes,

which they intend running twlco a week, on and after

Januarv 9th, leming Sjdney Monda} and Wodnosdaj,

half past 4 in the etenmg, lotting on Tuesdays and

Thursday g Pares- From Parramatta to Bathurst £3 to

Sofala ii 10s , from Bathurat to Parramatta £3 allowing

each passongcr 20 lbs of burgage, all over 20 lbs, to

bo charged at the rate of 61 per pound

Ga)nor, Kend»U, and Wood assiuo tho public that

otorj attontion will ho paid to make pissengors conifoi t

ablo, and that every caro »111 be pild to booked parcels, ns

thoy intend being responsible for them.

Booking Oillces as follows -S)dnoj Mr. Mai k well's,

Golden rieeco, Brickfield hill , and Mr Windred'«,

Spoilsman's At in», Pitt-street Pananutta Mi Llllott,

Globe Hotel Poi nth Mr Kondall, Rose Inn Hartley

Mr Dunn's Bathurst Mr Ga} nor, Royal Oak,

William-street, Mr. Low is, Blaokball Inn. Sofala

Nil-Woods Weekly Vans vi ill leato Sydney and

ENIOR and ABBOTT, 262, George-street, opposite

tho Bank of Vustralasin, hog to announce to tho in-

habitants of Sjdnej and suburbs that thev hato oponed, in

tho aboto pienu os, ns Disponsing and Family Chemists,

vthoro fiey aro deieiminod to gi\e tho strictest porsonnl

attention to any favours with which thoy nut bo entrusted,

toomplo} nono but thoronghlj qiinliflod assistants, and to

use only the purest and most select di tigs and preparations,

for which purpose they hate impurtod a most repleto

stock of drugs, chemicals, and phnrmaceulicnl préparations

from tho celebrated Apothecarlos' Companj, of London,

than which there ein be no greater gunian toe of punt}

and excellonco The numerous ndtantnges which they

hate dorl veil from many j ears' practical evoerionco in the

first disponsing houses In London and provinces enables

them to state with confidence that physicians' preset ipttoiiB

entrusted to thom ti HI he dispensed with the most posl

titoaccnraoy, under tho immediate supertision of ono of

tho principals and in compounding famllj roo poa most

scrupulous exactness maj be rolled on. Theil miscella-

neous preparations for familj use will be found of uniform

excellence, and especial)} deserting the notice of heads of

families, squatters, and countrt residonts gonernllt


W\LBS-Mr E J BLA\L\ND,of Newington,

on the Parrainait* Ritcr, begs to notify that ho lins just

completed nu ettensito slaughtering establishment nt

Newington, and is now propared to pnrchaso fat cattle and

sheep, foi which ho will git e the highest price , ho re-

quests, thoiorore, that all persons hating suitable stook

for sale will communicate w ith linn as «boto, and ho will

at once dispatch a competent perron to complete the pur-

chase Mr Blnxland'sobjeot is bo slaiuhtoi fut stock both

on his omi account, and also any tint mat bo on'rusted to

Ins disposition, for the regular supply of tho Sidney mar-

ket, in consequenco of the Sjdnoj slaughter-houses ceasing

operation on tho 1st of January next, and he bogs to in-

form the sottlers of tho colont, tho w holesalo tho i etail

butchers of S3 dn»y, and the pnblio general!}, that he lins

built a commodious and ti oil-shaded steamboat foi the

safe conte} ance of the cm cases to the market, which ho

intends Belling bj public auction He will, thorof)re, hold

a sale o\or} morning nnd evening at acontenient wharf,

to bo named shortly, and ho mt ites the support of the

The arrangements aro so complete for retaining and

feeding cattle in hu numerous, seonro, and weil watered

paddocks, coniprislnff 1200 acres, besides slaughtering

stook, and the immediate transit of tho caicase to Sy dnov

without manual contact, that the meat will bo m the

highest state of prosert ition in tho hottest woa» her, and

will ho read} for salo within two horns after Miling

The capabilities of tho establishment w ill enable Mi

lllnxhnd to slaughter mid dohter set eut} bullocks dnilt,

besides bhoop an I, as the wholo business will be tnidei his

personal BuportlBion, tho Rreatost adtantages will be

atlorded to tho, graziors, the butchers, and the public


, COrFEL is rotsted and gionnd b} steam only, nt

the Victoria Tea and Cofleo Hall It being ground, while

hot from the c} linders, Its nell and peculiar flivour is tims

preserved and improted Ono trial will proto Its immenso

superiority, ns being the most delicious beterago of its

kind et or offered to the Inhabitants of Now South Wales.

Sold only at the Victoria Tea and Cofleo Hall, 201, Pitt

street, opposito the Victoria Theatro, S}dnoy.


and CO beg to inform their friends nnd the publie that

toe} have recolvod another parcel of teryfino CONGOU

TEA, winch will be found upon ti lal to be superior m

quality to their first shipment, ex Atalanta. S B and

Co. embrace this opportunity of thanking their friends

for the tory llbeial support accorded to them in their

endeavours to introduco a first-class qna'It} of tea into

New South Wales, and solicit every one who appreciates

the luxury of fine toa to give ttiein a call nt 482,

George-street, opposite the Markots. Orders per post



THERS, London, from their position as the largest manu

facturers of the above articles m England, aro enabled to

supply the same on nnequalled terms


and SOLUBLE COCOAS, also their original SOLUBLE

CHOCOLATE, aro expressly prepared, with peculiar care

and experienced skill, to suit hot climates, and aro war-

ranted to stand the vojago and keep good for any reason-


Mustard from the choicest seed by a patent process, which

prevents fermentation, and at the same time retains the

pungenc} and purltj of flavour to a degree which no other

Packed' for exportation in bottles, tin canisters, and inrs.

CHICORY.-Warranted genuine and of the finost

qnahty, packed in 28-lb, and 56-lb tin canistois. Sold b}

nil the principal grocers

TAYLOR, BROTHERS, Chocolate and Mustard Mills,


SAUCE -The undersigned having been appointed

agent for this highly esteemed article, purchasers may

atoid the numerous imitations bj nppl} ing to lum dirort,

-thiough whoso agency wholesale doalers mat import the

sauce diiect from Lea and Perrin. S. A. JOSEPH, Mar-

THE UNDERSIGNED having made arrangements for

another six months, now oilers the whole of his stook

at prices that will ensure lum a speed} clearance Glass

10 x 8, 1B 61 per dozen , 12 x 10, 2s pei dozen , and other

sizes in accordance Puttv, 3d. pet lb , dry colours,

umber, <tc, 2d per lo , black japan and gold sire, 12n

poi gallon , oil and turps, 5s. per gnllon , paper hangings,

a very larj;e assortment, 25,000 pieces, marbles, oaks, satins,

Hooks, and common papers, from 6d per piece Colours In

oil and fine colours at equal!} low prices Tins is an ex-

cellent opportunity for countr} purclnsers, as it 13 a

genuine snlo. T HOBBS, 160, Pitt street North. N.B -

Paper hangings, in p icljages of 300 and 500 pieces

niHÜ UNDERSIZED have just received a shipment

J. of the most elegant PLATED ARTICLES that

have ever arrived in the colon}, and to which they in-

vite tho attontion of the public Besides tho usual objocts

of etery day use thoio will bo found fish, eating-knives and

forks, mother of poirl haadled dessert knit es and torks, in

elegant cases, ci nmb-scoops, and all the latest luxuries of

dinner table ornament Thoy lmto also roceited two oak

cabinets intended as wedding prosents, each containing a

very complete scrticoof plated ware and cutlery Prices

will be found exceedingly moderate. HOGARTH,

ITtURMTUKb- The Public is rospeotlully informed

JP thntlnordei to make 100m for seternl shipments,

hourly expected, a considerable reduotioit has been made

111 the prices of furniture, bedsteads, bedding, carpets,

floorcloths, &<. , and all other requisites foi the completo

furnishing or houses, at LENEHAN'S Upholster} Esta-

blishment, Castlei eagh-strcet._

FOR SALE, a very handsome TIYO barrelled Revolting

MINIE RIFLE, by Dcnno, Adams, and Denne, in

dotiblo case, nilli all the necessary apparatm, &c , also, a

first-rato Pigeon Gun, by Zan eminent maker , and a Rifled

Kevohor, with case and fittings completo Can be seen at

the Treasury Auction Rooms, George-iitreet, until WED-

NESDAY next, when, if not disposed of, the} will be sold

by public auction, at noon, that day_

O OODLET and CO, Victoria Saw Wills, Krskine

\.T sheet, and 7, Panamatta-street, have for SALE

a largo assoitment of Baltic, American, and Oregon

PINE, at greatly reduced rates. Also, doors, glazed

CA AHA FEET l-inch and 1J G. and T pitch

O U? U U U PINE GOODLET and CO, Erskine -st.

Cr A A A A FEET 2,1J, H, nnd 1-lnch Clear PINE.

OU^UUU GOODLET and CO , Parramatta-st

DOORS, gln/ed Sashes, Mouldings, Arohitravcs, Skirt

mgs, &c GOODLET and CO , Victoria Saw Mills.


) -To Architects, Contractor, Builders, Coacr

makors, Cabinetmakers, Wheelwrights, &o -A large and

varied assortment of foreign and colonial TIMBER, doors,

sashes, architraves, mouldings, shingles, laths, battens, and

palings , Fi euch doors, blinds, &c. W. H. ROLFE.

HARDWOOD, fiom Brisbane Water, the lurgest an- I

sortaient In 8}dney. ROLFE, Circular Quay. (


OUU'UUU Posts, Rails, Palings,Laths, Battens,

&o BROOMFIELD and WIIITAKER, Albion Wharf.

and WHITAKER, Albion Wharf.



SHINGLES -Rest Forest Oak Shingles, at rednced ,

prices. JAMES COX and CO , Baltic Wharf

XLINGS, PALINGS -1,500 good slx-reot blue gum

Palings, or a portion of them, will be lnnded any part

of Sydney Harbour. Piice 123, 6d. the hundred. Address

IRON AVATER TANKS on SALE, of an unusually

largo sizo, 800 gallons eaoh, BRIERLEY, DEAN,

and CO,, 273, Gonrgo-stroot. ,. _____.

SOUTn SEA ARROWROOT, equal to Bermuda, Just

landed Irom tho May Q,uoen, 4d. por lb. per case of

100 lbs. II. S BIRD, Circular Quay._

H~ IG11LAND MALT WHISKY, in octaves and kegs

of nino gallons, in and out of bond ; also, Kinahan's

Dublin LL (wood and bottle), SAGE, MILLER, and CO.,

4, Biigh-stwot. near Hunter-street, and next Union Club. ,

Balt'tnoro cane seat, Half-arm , I

Office round bnck wood seat

Cano back and seat rockors

Nursing chairs, cane back and seat

Children's high and low ohaira

Brooms, tubs, and buckets

Iron bodstoads, Europe rope

Cooking stoves, register ditto

ON SALE at, S HEURLEWIIITE'S, 292, Pitt-stroet.


JL Bar, sheet, and hoop ¡ron, nssortod

Cast, shear, blister, and spring steel

Smiths' bellows and anvils

Nails of all descriptions

Raw and boiled linseod oil.

George and King streets.-_

EX COLONSAY mid Light of the Ago, and for SALE

Hatty's salad oil, red herrings

Salmon, snrdines, and oysters

Hil) and Lcdeer's jams, bottled fruits '

Lotchford's vestas, dray covers

AV. I. rum, Martell's brandy

Allsopp'B palo nie, pints and quarts.

DANGAR, GILCHRIST, and CO., 88, Clarence-street.

BARRETT'S Anchor TuBAODO, ex Alexandor, Irom


mid CO., SS, Clarence-street._ j

OR SALE by the undersigned, tho rosiduo of the cargo

of TEAS, ox Tell, from Hongkong, of very suporior

quality, and extra heavy weights, DANGAR, GIL-

CHRIST, and CO., SS, Clnronce-strcot.

FOR SALE, by the undersigned,

From tho herds of Messrs. Bundook, Burne«, and Co.

ION TOBACCO, just arrived por Sk. Louis, and for ]

SALE, by the uuders'gncd. LAMB, PARBURY, ]


signed have constantly on HAND

Woolpacks, 10 to 10J lb, ; woolhagglug, all widths

Bags, sewing twine, fine and come

Shoepshenrs, Sorby's and AVIlkinson's

Sugars, rice, tea, flour, an i tobácea

Mole trousers, Scotch twill shirts

And every article requisite on a station.

_.TAMES MORT and CO., 175. Fltt-street.


J_ Improved washing machines

Knifo cleaning mnchines, 30s. onch

Perambulators, single and double

Porninbulnllng horses (a now article)

InvivMd carriages (ex Jason)

Aquariums, nmrlne and fresh wnter

Solid marble butter coolers, 2s. 6d. each.

C3" LEA and SON, 70 York-ktreof, late 15, Pnrk-st.

NOW LAW DING, and for SALE by the undersigned,

ox St. Louis, from Now York

Honeydew tobacco, in half-pound lumps, and tins of tho

ArIrgin Gold Leaf, Wine Sup. S.S. Pitts

Ladies' Fingers, Barrett's old Dominion

Old Dog Tray, Lennox, Pathfinder

Dingo, Kangnroo, Red Rover

200 barrels plaster of paris

Dried apples, in half barrels

Platform scales, with and without lover

Ararnish, hay and ninnure forks

Nes'.s of tubs, 3-booped pails, clothes' pins

Doom, assorted, plain nnd moulded panels

Sashes, glazed, assorted sizes

Double and singlo-horso powers, with thrasher and

Fnn mills, No. 1 to 5, corn mills

AVood bottom and cane seated chairs, Baltimore and


NOW LANDING, ex Jason, and on SALE by the un-

Invoices of oilmen's stores

Price's Belmont sperm candles, No. 1 ¡

Bass' No. 3 nie, in hogsheads

Taylor's Londou Btoilt, ditto

Champion's vinegar, In qnnrtor-casks. I

_FfiOAVER. SALTING, and 00. ,

QUICKSILA'BR.-For SALE, V tho nndorslgnod-to

arrive by the November overland mail-20 bottles ]

quicksilver. FLOWER, SALTING, and CO.._

MAURITIUS SUGARS.-For SALE, hythe under-

signed, the cargo of the Fidus, consisting of bright

counters and crystals. FLOWER, SALTING, and CO.

XB HANDLES, for SALE by the undersigned, ox

Wanderer. FLOWER, SAüTING, nnd CO.

HACKLED FLAX: a small Int. for SALE cheap ; at

A. COLLINS', 232, Lower George-street._

FOR SALE, a good toned Cottage TIANO, £25. 9,

Gloncester-ierraco, Macquarle-strcot South.

1AIIE Proprietor of an old-established BUSINESS,

. being about to retire, is open to treat with a respecta-

ble person for the sale of his stock-in-trade, Ac This

business having been carefully attended to by the owner,

the connection is firat-olass, and would form an introduc-

tion to country storekeepers in every department. Appli-

cations addressed to Z., Post Office, will meet with prompt

CAOK SALE, at Ashfield, three minutes' walk from

J; station, half-acre of cultivated LAND, with threo

roomed Place erected thereon ; present rental 5a. per ;

week ; price £80. Apply at the station.

FOR SALE, the nnoxpired LEASE, for one year

from 1st January, 1660, of the extensive premises

known as AA'alkor's Wharf, at present in the occupation of J

the undersigned. AVLLKINSON, BROTHERS, and CO.,


A very ohoiee Building ALLOTMENT for SALE

on easy terms. Apply to Mr. J. R. TREE VE, 309,

riAO BE SOLD, cheap, and on terms to sultan indus

I trious man of small means,

A FARM of 170 acres, on the Manning River, fenced In,

and a great portion of it cleared.

Also, Two HOUSES In Palmer-street, AAroolloomooloo.

Apply to AV. M. CLARKE, No. 13, AVentworth-placo.


of Land, partially fenced, opposite to Bishopscourt.

It Is valued by the Municipal Council at £200 a-year;

will be sold for £1200, the greater part of which may re-

main ai an Interest of 5 per cent, for ten years. Apply to

M. CONSETT STEPHEN, solicitor, Elizabeth-street.

1710R SALE, a very handsomo and supwior-bulR

J IN ADALID CARRIAGE, open back, hood, Collins'

patent nxles, Ac. Apply at URQUHARTS Coach Fac-

OfiA IIBAD OF HORSES.-For SALB, 100 to 200

JU\J\J fine upstanding COLTS, 4 to 5 years old ; they

are of a very superior description, well adapted for car-

riage horses, or saddle horses, up to weight. For particu-

lars apply to Mr. MAUTYN, Horse Bazaar, Pitt-street.

OR «ALE, Match HOnSB, Bay, 16 nanda high, at

MARTA'N'S Horse Bazaar._-_

S^IETLAÑñTPOÑIÉS.-A very pretty one, 2 feet

9 inches high, for SALE. Apply to Albion AVharf,

TO BE SOLD, cheap, a handsome Black MARE, five

years old, sound, quiet to ride and drive. AVhlto

Horse Livery Stables, l'itt-Btreet._

FOR SALE, about 4000 Store AVethers, from li to

5 years old, deliverable in the Burnett or Leichardt

district. Apply to JQILN FRAZER and CO., 97, York

FOR SALE, at Warrah, Liverpool Plains, 300 (Three

Hundred) primo fat, BULLOCKS, to be selected by

the purchaser fruin tho Warrah herd of cattle, on or before

31st January. Apply to ARTHUR HODGSON,

A. A. Company's Ollices, 227, George-street. Sydney.

FOR SALE, at AVarrah, Liverpool Plains, 60 (Sixty)

BULLS, tho produce of the A/- A. Company's

thoroughbred herd. Ages from two to four years old.

These Bulls can be recommended. For price and further

particulars apply to ARTHUR HODGSON, A. A. Com-

pany's Offices, 227, George-st., Sydney.

ALADAr, experienced in teaching, desires an afternoon


to teach music and French. The neighbourhood of Fort

street preferred. Address E. G., Mr. Lasty's, Brickfield

4 LADY, experienced In TUITION, wishes to meet I


NESSV" Good references. Applv, hy letter, to A. J., caro |

of Mr. Shephord, Pitt-streot. Redfern._


ASSISTANT MASTER will bo reqnired at this

School when work commences : he must bo a Protestant, a

fair classic, a good arithmetician, and willing to exorcise a

watcblul supervision over the boys during plat hours Ills

general character must bo without repioach. Address,

giving references (not testimonials), the Kov. W. II.

SAV1GNY, St. Peter's, Conk's Riter._

DRAPERY.-Wantod, a good SALESWOMAN ¡ good

roferonce indiBponsiblo. A. GRANT, 141, South

TARAPEllS' ASSISTANT.-Wanted, for a country

U store, nn ASSISTANT ; must bo acquainted with

tlio trndo. Apply lo ROSSITER and LAZAROS,


COMPVNY. -Required a MANAGER for tlio

above named Company ; a person of cood qualifications,

thoroughly competent, and with previous experience In the

bnsinoss of a steam company will bo preferred. Applica-

tions will bo received until 3 o'clock p m. on TUESDAY,

tho 10th day of January. 1860, addressed to L BARBER,

BQcrotary. Companys Offices, Morpeth, December 29.

JOINERS.-Wanted, good HANDS, at St. George's

Chnroli, Cnstloroagh-street.

, ~7MDLN'G for~TURÖ~N, nil heaty. EDWARD

U CHAPMAN and CO., Clnrence-strcot,

MUSICAL -Snporior ORCHESTRA, consisting of

first and second violins, alto, violoncello, douhlo

bass, first and second cornets, clirlonots, piccolo, flute,

drums, <to, twolvo efficient musicians, moro or loss, now


PECK, music repository, 13, Park-street.

ARTNER REQUIRED, to join the advortisor in fnll

stockine largo and valuable runs In tho northern

districts. Capital and some degreo of experience of cattle

will bo necessary. Apply B. D., Box 50, Post Olllco,


qualified MEDICAL DOCTOR required.-TENDERS

for the above tvlll bo received np to WEDNESDAY, 11th

instant, by the Secretary, from whom all information can

be ascertained. L. MURPHY, lion, seo._


a thornnghly competent person. Address OVEHSEEB,

TO STOCK FARMERS.-The advertiser ¡s desirons of

nn ENGAGEMENT on a Cattle; Station, with a

view to lils ultimately taking a share. Address full par-

ticulars to F. G., 95, Rourke-street, Sydney.


by nn experienced Foreman. J. 0., IfnrtALp Office.

mo SHOEMAKERS.-Wanted, a strong WORKMAN

I for »ho country ; wages, 7s. 6d. DADSWELL, King


I STIOER and genoral Blacksmith ; a singlo man, to

live in tlio house ; liberal wnees will ho given to a good

tradesman. Apply to D AVID ii ORGAN, Newcastle._


sirous or receiving a few LESSON ^ or INSTRUC-

TIONS In DENTISTRY. Address, stating terms, to

Foncnrs, HKRAT.D Office._


of takhiff the management of the groecry dopsrt

ment in a country Btore. None need apply who cannot

produco the highest testimonials as to ability, honesty and

sobrlotv. 'Apply, between 1 and 2 p.m. on'MON DAY, to


nriRAINING for PRIMARY SCHOOLS in Connection

X with the Church of England.-WANTED, soveral

youne; Married MEN, of unexceptionable moral character,

to enter the St. James' Model School for a period of six

months to ho trained as TEACHERS of primary schools

in connection with tho Church of England. Farther par-

ticulars may bo obtained of W. J. CUTHBERT, Diocesan

Inspector, St. James' School, Elizabeth, street, Sydney.

Apply to JOHN FRAZER and CO., 07, York-sheet.

WANTED, UM AN, to work in a garden. Apply to

MICHAEL GOULD, Toll-gate, Rushcutters Bay.

ANTED, a first-rate OOK. City Wine Vaults,

George-street, opposite Jamison-street._



Apply at HYNARD'S Hotel, Kent and Market st».

ANTED, a smart LAD, to make himself UBeful.

Apply BAKER'S Hotol, Klug and Phillip streets.

ANTED, a respecUble FEMALE as plain COOK

and LAUNDRESS. Apply 459, Pltt-street South.

ANTED, a thorough cood b'E MALE COOK for the

country. Applv 459, Pitt-street Sontli.

WANTED, a respectable Woman, as L »UNDRESS.

Apply to Mrs. J. BAYLISS, George-street South,

ANTED, a SITUATION by a Practical Gardener,

Apply to J. G. M'KEAN, Australian seed store


MOORE and CO., Labour Bnzsar.

WANTED, a SHOEMAKER-a single man preferred.

_Apply to J.ISBBSTE« and SON, Phoenix Wharf.

ANTEO. MEN to make Light Kip Peg Boots. S.

HIOKING, 246, George-street.

ANTED, a good PARLOURMAID. Apply to

GRIFFITHS, FANNING, and CO.. 3pring-Bt.


GOULD, 424, George-Btroet.

WANTED, n useful GIRL, in a sma'l family. Apply

Mrs. NICHOLSON, Rushcutters Bay. _

ANTED, a GIRL, for a small ramily. 327, Sea View

Terrace, near Darlliighnrst Gaol._


STABLER, 105, Kent-street North._

WANTED, a NURSEMAID. Apply No. 8, Collego

Rtroot, corner of Stanley-stroet, Hyde Park._


street, corner of Dowllng-stroet. _

WAITRESS, Cooks, LanndreBsos, Housemaids, General

Servants for HIRE, at Mr. CAPPS, 125, Klng-Bt.

W" ANTED, a CLASS ROOM, position central. Ad-

dress Cm, HEUAID Office._

ANTED, a good FEMALE COOK, at Argyle House,

331 and 333, George-street, near Wynynrd-street.


Mrs. FITZPATRICK, 25, Ersklne-street.

ANTED, one or two good QUAKRYM.EN.

MOON, Newtown, near Railway Station.

WANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT, where another

_is kept. Apply Civet Cat, King-Btreet._


at RAPHAEL'S corner Kent and Margaret Btreets.

ANTED, o JOINER. Apply to H. TOOSE, Builder,


DAVIS, 360, Georgo-strcet.

AÎ.TED, a good plain COOK and*LAUNDRB8S..

Apply to MISS FLOWER, Castlereagh-st. North

ANTED, a competent Female COOK. Apply to

Mrs. F. TOOTH, Buckhurst, Double Bay.

ANTED, a Married Couple, man to work In a garden,

wife to do washing only. J. C. GLUE, 162, Pitt-flt.

ANTED, a HOUSE-MAN, at the Royal Hotol.

ANTED, a COOK, that understands his business ;

wages no object. Apply at Tattersalls, Pltt-st.

ANTED, a first-class BILLIARD TABLE. Apply

at Tattersall'», Pitt-street_


R. P. SIMPSON, Sterling Cottage, Mnoleay-Bt.


ANTED,a respectable Young Person ns GENERAL

SERVANT, at 67, Klizahetli-street North._

ANTED, a BOY to woik in a garden. Apply to

Jlr. MOORE, 289, Crown-street._

TTTANTED, a very good second-hand Cottage l'lA-NO

W FORTE. Apply early this day, to Mr. ASHLIN,

agent, 139, Pitt-street._

WANTED, a Single MAN. as GROOM, and to bo

otherwise useful. A. GRIBBEN and SONS, Eliza.

Tir ANTED, a professed FEMALE COOK, for an

W hotel. The situation will be open ten dajB.

Address Z Z, Ur.nA_ Office._

YirANTED, a competent HOUSBMAIU Ketaienees

W required. Apply to Mrs. CHARLTON, Hotel,

WANTED, a smart Youno; GIRL, to mind childron.

Apply to Mrs. HAWKINS, 93, Harrington-street,

TTT"ANTED, a Btrong LAD, to make hiifcelf generally

VV useful. S. DAVIS, Exhibition Hotel, Pitt and

ANTED, a General SERVANT. Apply to Airs

DAVID DICKSON, Psgh's Cottages, near tho

OTANTED, a SHOEING SMITH ; a single man pre

W ferred. Apply to S. M'KENZIE, Burwood, Parra-


S. AITKIN, 33, Tark-street.

WANTED, a CLERK ; if with a knowledge of tho

grocery business preforrt d. Apply, by letter, to

WANTED, immediately, a AVBTNURSE, to take a

child from the hirth. Apply to Dr. ROBERTSON,

AVynyard-squnro, at 8 a.m. or 2 p.m. this day. _

WANTED, a respectable Young Woman as NURSE

MAID. Apply Mrs. M. BRODZIAK, 7, Wyn-

WANTED, a Married Couple, as Farm Sorvants, for

Bathurst; also a Servant Girl. S. ASHLIN,

| Agent, 139, Pitt-streot. _

WANTED, for the Australian Club, a HEAD

AVAITER. Wages, £70 per annum. Apply

between tho hours of 9 and 11 o'clock. _


GIRLj Protestants preferred. Apply to Mrs.

CH APALAY, Blake's Aillas, Balmain._

WANTED, sevoral Marrlod Couples, a Girl as Nurse'

also two Servants for ono house. J. C. GLUEi

WANTED, a rospectablo BOY, to make himsolf

generally useful. Apply T. G. SPENCE, draper,

700, Brickfield-hill._ -_

WANTED, for ono or two years at Paddington, a four

or fivo-roomod HOUSE, witli kltchon, water, Ac.

Address, with terms, B. S. H" HsitAtn Office._

WANTED, a re'pectable Yonng PERSON, ns

GENERAL SERVANT. Apply between 10 and

11 o'clock, to Mrs. J. H. MORRISON, 264, Pitt-street,

nearly opposite tho School of Arts.

WANTED to PLACE a respectable and educated

YOUTn, aged 17, In an Office or Mercantile

noiisc. Salary no object for the first six months. Addreis

ANTED, fora family rosident In Brisbane, Qneens

land, a LADY compotont to teach Fronob, muslo,

singing, Ac Apply any day beforo 3 o'clock to Mrs.

BARLOW, 22, Ctnr.barlnnd-placo._

ANTED, by a lady, n SITUATION as SALES

WO.MAN in a drapery establishment. Most satis-

factory references na to competency and respectability.

Address A. N. Z., HERALD Office.

' ANTED, arespcotnble YOUTH, oapnble of looking

after two horses when in town and travelling with

agontloman. Apply at No. 11, Bnrrnok-stroot, this day,

WANTED, a G OA^ERNESS, immediately, to procood

to Goulburn, capable of imparting a good sound

English education, with music and Fronch. Apply, be-

tween the hours of 12 and 3, Mrs. JOSEPH JONES, 459,

WANTED, a MILLER; must be a good stone-dresser,

and onpable of mannging n small steam englno; a

singlo man preferred ; to a compotent person a liberal

«alary will be givon. Apply to F. W. THRUM, Muswoll

WANTBD, a GOVERNESS, to proceed to the

country hy the end of the present year or tho be-

ginning of 1S60; must be thoroughly competent to impart

a sound English education, with music and French. Apply

hy letter to II. M., Post Office, Yass, which will moet with

WANTED, for a singing-room in tho interior, a

FEMALE or MALE SINGER (female preferred).

None but those of sober habits nocd apply. Application

to bo made, between the hours of 9 and IO on AVEDNES

DAY MORNING next, at tho Post Office, Hotel, York

street, Sj dney, ns tho party will bo In attendance._

ñrXÑTED, in rydnoy, Two Fomalo Servants, for a

Tt private family, onoCook, IhoothcrHousenndParlonr

Maid ; Fonr Pair of Sawyers, Two Married Couples, and a

Housemaid ; a Singlo Man ns Groom and Conchman, a

Blacksmith for Queenaland ; Kltchon Maid, for a1* hotel ;

a Middle-aged Protestant, as Housekeeper and Servant ; n

Shoemaker's Apprentice for the country. S. ASHLIN,

labour and commission agent, 139, Pitt-street, opposite

WANTED, by the undersigned, possessing a general

knowledge of mercantile bnslness, a SITUATION

as CLERK, COLLECTOR, Ac AVould have no objection

lo net as Commercial Travoller either in town or country,

in tho flour, wine, and spirit, or grocery business, Ac,

having lind considerable expotience in tho snme, coupled

ulth the advantage of twelve years' experience in tho

colonies, and a practical knowledgo of the principal cities,

townships, and stations In New Holland. Keferences por

¡ mitted to, and satisfactory reasons for leaving given by,

Messrs. Thompson, Symonds, and Co., my late employers.

JAMES S. HELLIER. Datchett-streot, Balmain.

APARTMENTS to LET, nnfumishod ; situation

about tho healthiest in Sydney. Apply No. l8,


Domain, and containing eight large rooms, with good

cellars, detached kitchen, splendid view of tho harbour ; in

fact, a gentleman's residence. Apply to ALBEMARLE

LA YARD, Jamlson-strcot._

"tlLM.UN -LODGINGS with partial board AVnntod

by a gentleman. Address J.Y"., HERALD Office.

OARD ond RESIDENCE at 20¿, Palmer-street,

AVoolloomojloo ; terms moderate. _

BOARD and RESIUENOE for a Gentleman, 25s. per

week. 9, Gloucester-terrace, Macqnarie-street South.

BOARD and RESIDENCE at Mrs. CAREAV'S, corner

of Hunter and Castlereagh streets._

OARDand RESIDENCE for two Gentlemen. Mrs.

MEDLEAr, Sandridge Honso, Dawes' Point, Lower

B~" OARD AND RESIDENCE required by a gentleman

in a genteel and quiet family in Sydney,or tho im

niedlate momos. Address V. B,, HERALD Office._

CLEE VILLA, Neutral Bay.-To LET, that delightful

family RESIDENCE, Clee Villa, Neutral Harbour,

with considerable frontage to the waters of Port Jackson.

The house contains seven rooms, with commodious de-

tached kitohen, servants' sleeping rooms, &c, and cellars,

with a never-failing supply of pure fresh water. The pro-

perty commands most picturesque views of the harbour,

with its many Islands, Woolloomooloo, Darling Point, and

the surrounding country. There are also a good garden,

shrubbery, and seven acres of ground enclosed by a substan

tial fence. Rent moderate. For partlculars apply to Mr.

FRANCIS H. GRUNDY, 119, Elizabeth-street, two doors

south of King-street; or by letter to A. DAVY, Esq ,

Harrington Park, Narrellan._

HOUSE and SHOP to LET, situated In Parramatta

street. AVater laid on-taxes paid. Rent mode

rate. Apply 167, Parramatta-street._


DRESSING ROOMS, for a Lady and Gentleman,

with extra Bedroom if required, and attendance. No. 201,

Macquarie street North. No other lodgers kept._

HOUSE TO LET.-A comfortable five-roomed

HOUSE, In Liverpool-street, corner of Yurong

strcot, with yard, out-ofllces j water laid on. Apply to


be LET, the HOUSE and GROUNDS, situated as

above, the property of the French Consul ; possession to

bo (riven In the course of this month. The premises

contain verandah, front and back, large hall, dining and

drowing rooms (22 by 20), four bedrooms, and on the

second floor, a room of 48 by 20, which mnv be divided.

Detached, but communicating by a covered way from

the main building, on one side, two spare

rooms, two servants' rooms, kitchen, laundry, a lurge

upper room ; on tho other sido, bath-room, stable,

coachhouse, gardener's room, and largo loft ; in

the back yard, poultry house and all kind of conveni-

ence ; on the Lane Cove River, swimming-bath fenced in,

with dressing-room, and wharves on both the Lane Cove

and Parramatta Rivers. AVelh on oithor side of the house

fitted with force pumps, and containing over twelve thou-

sand calions of water. The grounds consist of soven acres,

tastefully laid out in shrubbery, lawn, flower and vegetable

carden* ; orchard (260 frnit-treos In full bearing), vine-

yard ( 1500 vines), Ac. Tho Parramatta steamers stop at

the wharf eight times during tho day. For further par-

ticulars apply to R.P.RICHARDSON, Bank-building,,


named Hotel, situate in the primal street in the

towu, opposite the court-house, and doing a first-class

bUTH1eSprom!ses, which occupy one and a half acre of

ero.nd, consist of a oommodio-n lion-., with a first-class I

billiard-table; good garden, flrst-into «ellar, excellent

"tores, stabling for eighteen horses, «t.d eight loose boxes.

Attached to the promises are

all securely enclosed, and erected expressly for the accem

modation of stock on their way to the metropolis.

Such a chance as this Is rarely to be met with, ns it may

be said it would be impossible to find another establish-

ment in the AVestern District so replete with every con

VCThêsoie reason for the proprietor retiring therefrom is

the Illness of the landlady; and »o any person of business

habits a rapid fortune may be ensured by catering for the

PX°teTs a^pl/to AMES CAIN, Mudgee Hotel,

Mudgee; or tP0,yMr. W. R. TEMPLETON, solicitor,

-OT1CB.-To Solicitors, Registry Office Keepers, and

others.-To LET, the PREMISES, late Melbourne

Hotel. Apply to C. ASHTON, engraver end printer,

QPFICls TO LET, opposite the Supreme Court, King

street. Apply at BAKER'S Hotel, King and

FFICES to LET, in Margaret-street.-The comrao.

dious Offices, lately in the possession of the «oyal

Co., and new ¿ccupied by AV. Bj"yard, Esq. Imme

diat possession if required. Apply to GILCHKiaf,

PBTTY-S HOTEL, Chnrch-htll.-To LET, for a term,

tho abovo well-known Hotel. The reputation of

these extensive premises ns a first-class Family Ho'ol has

been so long established, and the lucrative nature of the

Dullness acknowledged, that It Is unnecessary to mako a

single comment on tho opportunity now afibrdsd to secure

Possession can be elven nt once, and the premises are

now in thorough repair. For cards to view and full par-

ticulars apply to RICHARDSON and WRENcn, Bank

buildings, Goorgo-streot.

00M3 to LBT.Furnishodoi- Unfurnished, with Board.

231, Castlorengh-Rtroet, near Market-street.

RESIDENCE and Partial BOARD for Two Gontlemen,

i where there aro no other lodgers. Tho situ ition is

healthy, with pleasant society and uso of piano. Address


i talning six good rooms, together with servant's rooms

and kitchen attached ; store, coach-houso, and stable, room

for five horses ; alsa a small paddock and garden For further

particulars apply to the undersigned. SLOPER COX. J

SANITORIUM.-To LET, for a term, a delubtfully

sitnated Eamilv RESIDENCE, or suited for a school,

in a favourite locsllty. Apply Messrs. GURNER and

R01BKRD3, George-street._

0 LET. Wimbledon COTTAGE, Waverloy, near tho

Tea Gardens. Enquiro of E. PUGH, 2*3, Georgo

Btreef, or on tho premises

0 LET, that central and commodious WAREHOUSE

_ No. 95, York-street. Apply to JOHN FRAZER and

1*10 LET, the OFFICES at present occupiod by the

. undersigned in Elizabeth-streot. Apply to G. W.

GRAHAM. 6. Elizubath-strent North. _

fllO LET, aten roomed Family RESIDENCE, situate

X in tho Outer Domain. For further particulars apply

on the Premises, 4, Richmond-terrace, Domain.

mO LET, a newly erected COTTAGE, at Glenhurst,

_ near St. Mark's Church, four rooms, servants' rooms.

&o , &o. For particulars apply 428. George- st root.

mo LET, in Willinm-stioot, HOUSE and ¡-HOP, In

.L occupation of Mrs. Clay, milliner. R. FORBES,

rjlO LET, at Botany, Sandwich House, containing eight

L rooms, kitchen, stable, sheds, &c, with five acres of

land ; also, eight acres, part under cultivation, with hut.

10 LET, a 8 HOP, In Pitt-street, containlnpfour rooms ;

, , detached kitohen, lnrgo yard, water luid on, taxes

'. paid ; rent, 21s, per week. Apply to Mrs. COATES, 114,


. STA RLE to LET.-In Little Htintor-street, a Small

Cottage with two-stall stable mid conohl.oujo. For rent,

&C, npply to T. and W. BENNETT, 204, Georgo-ftrcet.

TO LET, a Seven-roomed COTTAGE and detached

SHOP, suitable for a Butcher, at Balmain, near the

I Dry Dook. For further partlcu'ars apply to ASHDOWN

and CO., corner George and King streets.

0 BE LET, a COTTAGE, on the Balmain Road;

also, 86 »cres at Queanbeyan, 17 at Liverpool.

Rents, £52, £12, and £15 per annum. Apply to Mr

rp 0 LET, a large SHOP. Uti ed up with counter, shelving,

X and gas, has plenty store room for any business, and

larco family reBidenco, repleto with every convenience.

J. YEOMANS, 794, George-street._

rilO LET, 251, Elizibeth-street, facing Hyde I'ark, con

L taining six rooms and kitchen ; good yiird and shed,

&c. One of the rooms can now be ro-let to great advantage.

Apply Glasgow Book, corner of flathurst-st.

TO LET, together, or separately, all those centrlcally

situated WHARP and STORES, adjoining the

N. H. R. S. Company's Wharf, in Sussex-street. Apply at

16, Crown-street, Miller's Point, Sydney. (Rent moderate.)

rilO LET, BELLE VUE HOUSE, Kent-street North,

L containing ton rooms, kitchen, and servants' rooms ¡

Urge yard, water laid on, «to. Apply to W. CRANE, 431,

Castlcreagh-streot South.

mo LET, with immediate possession, the STORE and

X OFFICES, in'o-plnco, Circular Qnay, lately

occupiod by C. R. Robinson and Co. Apply to LENNON

and CAPE, Terry's-bulldings, Pitt-street._

TO LET, in Palmor-streot, a HOUSE of fonr rooms,

with kitchen and cellar; water laid on. Rent 15s..

a week. Apply to Mr. TURTON, corner of Palmer and

TO LET, a first-class RESIDENCE, in Argyle-terrace,

Pitt-street, Redfern, of seven rooms ; balcony and

verandah, kitchen and laundry, stable and coach-house, &c.

Apply on the premises, to Mr. RBNWIOK._

0 LET, a SHOP, in George-slreet South, opposite

Christ Church, lately occupied by Mr. JACKSON,

ha'rdresser. For particulars apply to J03RPK BAY-

LISS, 804, George-stroet ; or SAMUEL BAYLISS, 483,

TO LET, the SURRY RILLS HOTEL, Stanley and

Yurong-strcets, Woolloomooloo. The situation s

excellent for any business ; and the house, baing in

thorough repair, ready for immediate oscupation. Rent

very low. Mr. GARRICK, 105, Palmer-street._

TO LET, handsome RESIDENCE, containing tnfao

rooms, &c, In Premier-terrace, William-street,

Woolloomooloo, dlrectlv facing Dowling-sfcrcofc. For fnll

particulars apply to RICHARDSON and WRENCH,

Bank-buildings, George-street._

TO LET, In Clevolnnd-stroot, Redfern, ft good Family

Dwelling nOUSE, eight rooms, kitchen, and out-

houses, large yard, stable and coach-lionse. immediate

possession can be given. Apply to H. H NEWMAN, op-

posite Supremo Court, King-'treet East._

mo LET, the HOUSE No. 103, Cumberland-street,

X containing nine rooms, with detached kitchen, stab-

ling, and co.tcli-liouse, with back entrance from Prince

street ; plenty of water, and nice garden, highly cultivated.

Apply OWEN J. CARAHER, Gloucester-street._

T" O LET, pleasantly situated, a detached COTTAGE,

four rooms, servant's room, and kitchen, coachhouse,

stables, storerooms, and other outhouses ; carriage

entrnnce, llower and kitchen gardens, "c. For particulars

apply 428. Gcmre.strcnt._


situated about twelve miles from Sydney. ThV

house Is commodious, containing twelve largo, and airy

rooms, with outhouses ; large garden, and about 120 acres

of good grazing and cultivation land. Apply to Mr. T.

M'CULLOCH, Alort's-bulldings, Pitt-street._

TO LET, Albion-streot -That commodious Family

RESIDENCE, No. 223, Albion-street, Surry Hills,,

bttween Crown and Bourke streets, containing nine rooms,

kitchens, cellars, ifcc. ; also, largo yard, stables, coaoh

IIOUBO, and loft. The premises have been repainted,

papered, and aro in thorough order and repnir. Rent,

£120 per annum. RICHARDSON aud WRENCH,

Bank-buildings, George-street._


a delightful residence, contiguous lo the Raliway

Station, at St. Mary's, South Creek, about two milos from

Penrlth. The house is stone-built storied, contains 9 com-

modious rooms, with detached out-buildings, stablo, coach-

house, large barn, &c. The grounds comprise a small

quantity of arabio land, and oxcellont irrass paddocks weU

watered. Apply to R. COPLAND LETHBRIDGE, Dun

0 LET, at a moderate rent, the most comfortable

COTTAGES in Sydney. The above uro situated in

a healthy neighbourhood, and aro unequalled for cleanli-

ness and thorough drainage. The y aids aro cleaned out

weekly, a copious supply ol' water to each honso, and all

taxes paid. Respectable families will find these cottages

most dcsirablo pUcos of residence. The routs from 12s. to

20s. per week. Inquire at WRITTELL'S Fuel Sheds,

Bathurst-streot WeBj^igJhtJijMidjidO;_^

11EN MILES KROM SYDNEY, Live'pool Road.


a FARM, thirty ncres of oxcellonb land, part wider cul-

tivation as a gordon, with abundance of iron-bark timber

and water, together with horso drays, harness, and all

worklne; implements; two slab houses aro upon the farm,,

with outbuildings. Apply to JOHN G. COHEN, Bank

Auction Rooms ; or Mr. HARRISON, Globe-street, oppo

site Mrs.Prendergast'« Inn,_

mo LET, for a term of year.s, or otherwise, as may be

¿ agreed, that COMMODIOUS WHARF (command-

ing a frontage to tho Hunter River of 138 feet, with a

depth of 108 leet), being a portion of the premises known

as the Globo Inn, Morpeth ; non- in the occupancy of Mr.

A. W. Thomas, and adjaoent to tho premises of the

A. 8. N. Company, and Mr, J. A. Porter's steam mill.

This wouM be a desirable opportunity to ship owners

anxious to land cargoes with dispntch, as the wharf is

roomy and affords easy access to the main road to the

Maitlands. For farther particulars apply to Mr. A. W.

THOMAS, on the Premises._.


the «MONTHLY SYDNEY MAIL," will be for.

warded to all partB of the world, in accordance with instruc-

tion« as to address, on the following tormB ¡ Single copies

including postage stamp, will be charged 6d. each ; for the

twelve monthly numbers, also including postage stamps, tha

price will be 5s. per annum via Southampton, and 7». per

annum via Marseilles/payable In advance._

Subscription, 20s. per quarter.


Two lines or 14 words ... One shilling.

Four lines or 30 ditto ... Two shillings.

Six lines or 48 ditto ... ... Three shillings.

Eight lines or 64 ditto ... Four shillings.

And 3d. (three pence) per Uno for every additional lice oJ

eight words for eaoh insertion.

.#» AU advertisements nnder six lines will he charged

3s. to advertiser's account, if booked. '

MT Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Sa. each insertion.

N.B.-Advertisers in the country can remit payment Is

STDWKT.--Mated and published hy JOHN FAIRFAX ANII SO»», at

the Office of the "Sydney Morning Herald," TM MW BttnWî

ítreet», Monday, January 9", I860,