Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 31 Mar 1860 (original) (raw)
Sat 31 Mar 1860 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 7 - Advertising
Gallery for Artistic Photography is now OPEN.
Forlraits taken in all the modern branches of the art.
Children's portraits instantaneonsly. 400, George-street.
X1 0T1C_ to the PUBLIC. - BATCRfclLD-K,
\S BROTHERS' Photographic Establishment, 34S,
George-street, between Hunter street and the Poifc Office,
Tie pafronBof the above establishment are respectfully
informed that busiross Vf 111 be carried on as usual. Charges
.»AKiKMAiS, BROTHERS, Photographer«, by appoint
$} meut, to his Excellenoy the Governor-General.
Portraits taken in Messrs. FREEMAN'S now and spa-
cious Bullery, at reduced prices, hythe most approved
photographie processes, and artistically coloured. Children
taken instantaneously. Photographic views of Sydney
for home presents. 392, George street._
II OTUGK A KUY.-Coloured collodiotjpa Portraits
on paper and stereoscoplo portraits taken d*ily.
I Camems, lenses, chemicals, and photographie materials on
^ALE, at BA10HELDKR BROTHERS, 884, Georgo
street, hetvs een Hunter-street and General Post Office,
over the New s and Advertising Office of E. Ford._t
, PORTRAIT GALLERY, 247, (late 100), Pitt
Btieef, Sjdney.-Pictures executed daily, from 9 am.
to 5 p ni., without regard to weather, in a manner
not to he surpassed in any pait of the world, and
in the folio«ing styles, viz..--Arabrotyps, Daguer-
reotype, Collodiotype, Sîelanotypes, and Photographs
on pnperj also, Hallotypes coloured in oil. The
superiority of these portraits over the ordinary
photographs is acknowledged by everyone who has ever
seen them. Taken only at GLAISTER'3 Photographic
Studio. Instructions given to amateurs and practitioners
in all tho branches of the art. The profession supplied
with chemicals, stock, and apparatus of evary description,
Catalogues of p-ices sent Tree, on application. Photo-
graphic Stock Depot, 247 (late 100), Pitt-streifc, Sydney,
next the Victoria Thentre.
_EK_Oi3l.OfJC VIEWS of Sidney and Environs.
A large collection at W. HEIZEK'S, 287, Ge»rge
Slip, Pyrmont. A stereoscopin view of these fine
vesFols, just published, at "W. HETZER'S Photographic
Gallery, 2S7. George-Btreet._
WllElZhK'S Photograyhio and Stereoscopic Gil
. lery, 287, George-street. Poi trait* taken ou
glass and paper in the most approved styles, and painted
m water and oilcolours. Also life size portraits on paper.
changes in the weather must h.ivo deranged even
the liest of instruments. Read my "Observations on the
preservation of Pianofortes in extreme climates," for-
warded free lo any address in the colony on receipt of two
2d stamp«. G. PECK. Music Warehonse, 13. Park-street.
\Kf J. JOHNSON and CO , Importers ot Pianofortes,
Ti a Harmoniums, and Mnsie. Pianofortes for'sale
and bire, by Collard, Broadwood, Kirkman. Cadby,
nutting, Ac, Pianofortes exchanged, repaired, tuned,
and removed by covered vans, MUSIC-an extensive
stock in every variety. Catalogues and music forwarded
by nost. 172, Pitt street.
LANOFORTES.-Broadwood and Son's first-class m
struments, comprising Bichords, Grands, and Cot-
tages of every description, in walnut and rosowood. Piano-
fortes tuned and repaired. W. KING, 71, Marltet-streot
lANOFORTES. - Air. BAHRS, Sole Agent and
Importer of Hopkinson's First-class Instruments.
prices -HOPKINSON'S celebrated Instruments.
PIANOFORTES. - Just landed, ex Queen of
England, in elegant rosewood and walnut cases, with all
their latest improvements. Mr. BAN K3, sole agent.
medals for HOPKINSON'S celebrated instruments.
I3IAN0FORTES.-Mr. BANKS, Pianoforte Importer,
Kcpairer, Regulator, and Tuner, 201, Cnstlereagh-st.
IANOFORTES, m rosewood and walnut, Wholesale
and Retail, also, for HIRE and exchange. HUR
>ORD'S Pianoforte Warehouse, Castlereagh-street, near
King-Btreet. N.B.-Mosic and other Vans for hire.
PIANOFORTE MATEK1AliS.-A lull supply always
on hand. H. R, HURFORD, pianoforte maker,
Cromwell and Bengal, by Broadwood, Collard,
llurphy, Cadby, Allison, and Alexander, a groat variet)*, in
rosewood and walnut, for SALE or HIRE. MOSS,
HERBS versus MINERALS.-Important discovery in
the science of medicine.-Patterson's unrivalled
Cordial Balm of Herbosus, made from the purest extract
of herbs only, which entirely supersedes every other pre-
paration now offered - a never-failing remedy for nervous
debility ; admitted by medical men to be the best and
surest remedy for rheumatism, for purifying the blood, for
removing scorbutic eruptions, and other diseases of the
skin. Made and sold by T. PATTERSON, practical
medical herbalist, 143, Elizabeth-street, corner of Market
street. In bottles, at 5s. and 10s. each.
with his unrivalled herbal specific, are a certain remedy
for discharges, gleets, gonorhaea, rheumatism, &c. (in
either sex), curing in a few days, and can be taken with
ease, secrecy, and safety. The ¡above medicine is of so
mild a nature, as not to require the slightest alteration
in diet or exercise. Made and sold by the Proprietor,
Practical Medical Herbalist, 143, Elizabetb-slreet, corner
of Market street, in packages at 5s and 10s. each.
J. INP.'rtlOo'cioofr. F. OIIiBa »nd'QA_
NOTICE OF REMOVAL-In directing attention to
the above circumstance, O'DONNELL, HITCHINS,
arid CO., beg leave to tender their most sincere thanks to
their friends arid the pablic, for the large patronage
hitherto bestowed on them. They have now much pleasure
in announcing that they have t tken those large and most
central Premises, 3S7, George siro . four door» from
King-street, lately occupied by Messrs. PurkU and
O'Donnel), Hitchins, and Co. have determined (pending
the completion of the alteration) to hold a General Sale,
commencing on MONDAY, 2nd April. They a-e induced
to do so with ft view to effect such a reduction in their
preaont stock as will prevent the trouble and inconvenience
of removing It, and also to make room for their new impor-
P.S.-In addition lo the reduction in the prices, 2J per
cent, will be allowed for cash, on all purchaies exceeding
O'Donnel), Hitchens, and Co. beg leave to announce the
opening of their ntw premises, 357, George-street, about
the end of April,________
EWBURN'8 Specific for removing sunburn and
freckles without injnry. 841, Pitt-street. _
X1EW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! ex Oliver
J3h Cromwell. Just opened, at "LA VILLE DE
PARIS," 342, . enrge-Ftreet._
JOSEPHINE KID GLOVES.-Very best Paris quality.
One case just opened, at " La Ville de Paris."_
TJATENT PAKI3 COK8ET3 ! ! Various makes, to
J7 fasten in front, from 5a. 9d. a pair, at "La Ville de
ANTLKS, Mantles.-Decided bargains, at ¡ half
the aofuil cost, at "La Ville de Paris." '
A BY LINEN.-liichly worked Robes, and em-
broidered 'Cloaks, at " La Ville de Paris."
J ADÍES TJNDEKCLOTHING, of superior makes.
-Every requisite, just opened at "La Ville de
1CHLY WORKED Muslin Sets, and embroidered
Handkerchiefs, at half coat, at " La Ville de Paris."
dresses. Jh .opened, at "La Ville de Paris."
CHOICE MUSLIN FLOUNCING . and great bargains
in worked Collars, at " La Ville de Paris "
__ÜTFITS FOB, EÜKOPE.-Cheap Ladies' Under
Smith's patent corsots nu . 11«.T,,.^!». «nieun
ladies' flannel dressing jackets, white and coloured muslin
dressing gowns. Mrs SHARPS, 70, South Head Road.
TABY LINEN, of every quality, from the lowest to the
B_1LI_> J> JJJL _l Ui.1| WA 0»^*J i[UWUMI) HW- u_w >w..wu_ v- «...
most expensive moke, white embroidered cloaks and
hoods to match, ladles' elastic belts. Mrs. SHARP, 70,
Million ! 150 fat chlokens, at 2s, each ; 100 young
plnmp fowls, at 2s. 6d. each ; 100 prime large young fowls,
at 3s. each. Capons, capons, weighi fr 2, 3, and 4 lbs.
each ; equally cheap, prime turkeys, fat geese, ducks, tto.,
&c, at theltenowned Pork and German Sausage Depot,
H. CUMMINS, 192. Pitt-Btreet._
samóle of Clyde Elver 0\sters arrived this day
the finest in Sjdney-at GEORGE CLARK'S, wholesale
and retail ojster merchant, Prince of Wales Restaurant,
íMOKBÜ TONGUES, In auyquantity. E. J. BLÍAX
* LAND. Llme-streot Wharf, Ersklne-street._
KOSHER KUM.-To be hi d only at PETERSjind
MOSS' Btores, Mort's-passage, 370, George-street "
would solioit his Friends, and all lovers of a good cup
of tea, to ti y the above, as he believes it to be tho finest in
the market. He haB just received a large parcel io chests
and halves, of the finest numbers In the cargo._
A. COMPANY'S test screened COALS, and oat-up
ON SALE, by the undersigned, at greatly reduced
price, a large parcel of hams and bacon, of superior
qualify, to close a shipment. J. CALDWELL, 276¿' and
278, Pitt-street, bppoalte the School of Arts. _
Glass, from 10 x 8 to 30 x 20 ; also plain, obscure,
and ornamental Glass, any size; also 21, 26, and 32 oz.
Chance's best Sheet Glass, from 43 x 32. PAPER
IIANGINGS.-Just opened, a large and varied assort-
ment of fuperior pattern?, from 6d. per roll. SAMUEL
SMEDLEY'S Paperhanging Warehouse, 551, Brlokfield
At Liverpool-street Saw Mills- 1
Pitch pine in logs, deals, planks, and T and G '
T and G in Norway, white, clear, spruce, and Oregon
Clear pine, various thicknesses
Shelving boards, planed one and two sides '
Colonial and V. D. L. hardwood
Baltic and Oiegon deals, solid and cut
Shingles, laths, pilings, pickets, ladders'
Skirtirg, mouldings, architraves, rolls, &c.
Doors, sashes, sash doors, casements ,
manufactures in wood generally
N.B.-Wholesale and retail. r_T A liberal discount to
the trade and country buyers.
UK. ti A LB, hew calved CO Wa and SPRINGERS,
verv quiet. Newtown Inn, Newtown.
MR. S. WOOLLER will sell by auction, "t
his Horse Repository, Pitt-street, THIS DAY,
Pair of handsome bay geldings, four and five years old,
filteen hands high, used to run together in gig or
tandem, and saddle; warranted sound, and free
15 other good horses, broken to saddle.
To Private Parties and others.
LISTER and BARNETT will sell by auc-
tion, at their Rooms, 95, King-street, THIS
DAY, at 11 o'clock, without reserve,
3 large boxes of gentlemen and ladies' supeiior second
Jewellery, watclit», CUBB, &a.
CADRAIN will sell by auction, at his
. Mart, King-str_r, THIS DAY, at 11
Weighing machine, to weigh 700 lbs. ; turned wooden
nare, counter, office desk, shovels, frying pans,
large chimney glass, horse medicines, carpenters'
tools, drapery, boots and shoes, guns, pistols, and
a large quantity of sundries.
MR. H. D. COCKBURN has received in-
structions from the executrix of the late Mr.
Joseph Curby to sell by public auction, on TUESDAY,
3rd April, at 11 o'clock,
At the pwn office, Pitt-street, near Market-street,
the remainder of the unredeemed pledges, pawned with
the late Mr. J. Curby, and advertised in full, in December,
Gold and silver watches, gold guards, brooches, chains,
rings, plated and silver spoons, forks, teapots, jewel-
lery, violin, and sundries.
Tobe Sold by Public Auction, en THURSDAY next,
R. H. D. COCKBURN, on the premises
L of Mr. Cappironi, No. 338, Pitt-street, near
Bithurst-street, the sale to commence at 11 o'clock.
Among the numerous lots to be submitted to publie
competition are the following :
Virgin and Child, the Three Graces, the Berlin Horse,
Cupid and Psjcke, Bacchus and Ariadne, and a
large assortment of brackets and centres for
ceiiingB, bronze figures, &c,
N.B.-Also a Large Figure, left with Mr. Cappioni for
repairs, and which will be sold on the above day, unlesê
previouBly removed and paid for.
On TUESDAY, 3rd April. ( ' .
L'x Oliver Cromwell and Catteaux Wattel. ¡
MESSRS. W. DEAN and CO. have re-
ceived instructions from the importers to sell
by anction, at their Rooms, Pitt and O'connell streets,
TUESDAY, 3rd April, at 11 o'clock,
Blankets, blue pilot hip jackets
American mohair ditto, crimean shirts .'
Railway rugs, 8-4,9-4, and 10-4 blue blankets 1
Boj s' black and brown patent felt cap3
Black cloth ditto, bluesergo shirts. ~ j
Sale by Auction, WEDNESDAY, 4th AprlU' , '
Oilman's Stores, Groceries, Provisions, &a., <
To Grocers, Shippers, Provision Dealers, and otberä.
JESSRS. W. EUAN and CO. have
EL received instructions to'sell by auction, at
their Wai ehoute, Pitt and O'connell streets, on WED-
NESDAY, 4th April,.at U-o'clock,
Sundry parcels of groceries, provisions, oilman's stores,
Particulars will app'ar in fajare adyertlsemeat;5,
- On TUESDAY, 3rd April, 1860.
To Merchant«, Warehousemen, Drapers, Storekeepers,
250 Packages Seasonable Goods.
Er Oliver Cromwell, and Catteaux Wattell.
MESSRS. W. DEAN and CO. have received
instructions from the importers, Mesara.
Montefiore, Graham, and Co., to sell by auction, at their
Booms, Pitt and O'connell s'reets, on TUESDAY, 3rd
250 packages, comprising blankets, flannols, hosiery,
slops, haberdashery, crimean and blue serge shirts,
Paris hats and felt ditto
Scotch twill shirts (lined backs), gingham and silk
umbrellas, men's lambs shirts, men's longcloth
shirts (Sinclair's make), ladies' underclothing,
printed, crimean shirts, imitation Welsh flannel,
Saxony, WelBh, light ground printed ditto, scarlet
and black check ditto, assorted colourB in Saxony
flannel, blue serge shirts, men's gala plaid
jnrapers, fancy lntes, 20, 24, and 30 Oriental
Egyptian edging, Saxony, Newport thread edging,
imitation thread and American lace, children's New-
port thrend and women's ditto, children's and wo-
men's ÜBle lace, whisker blond, pule and dark ditto,
cambric muslin collars and sleeves, habit Blurts,
cambric fkunclng, boys' and girls' undarclothing
6-4 jacconnot muslins, 6-4 hair cord, ditto muslin
net, tape checks, satin and spot ditto, blaok coburg«
and coloured ditto, printed corahs, printed moles,
men's brown cotton half hose, women's grey cotton
hose, fancy polkas, Nightingale, Devon, Dundee,
Leith, Cardiff, Bath polkas, men's wool vests, men'»
grey knitted worsted half hose, drib and black mo-
reens, black lustres, ladies' queen felt hats
9-8 printed purple pads, 8-4 damasks, and 26 inch
V nprecedented Auction Sale of F. W. Coseos' Genuino
Sherries, being undeniablv some of
O" The finest Sherries ever imported to tbf« colony.
The Entire Cargo of the Oscar, direct from Cadiz.
For Positive Sale by Auction.
«3- On THURSDAY, 5th April.
On Lamb's Wharf, Fort-street. ,
Highly Important to Wine and Spirit Merchants, Connois-
seurs, Merchants, Country Bayers, Shippers, Hotel
Messrs. "Lamb7Parbnry,"and~Cö~, to"seJl by-auuuuu,-».»
Lamb's Wharf, Fort-street, on THURSDAY, 5th April,
at U o'clock, . , , . ,, . ,
The entire cargo of the Oscar, just arrived direct lro"_
Cadiz, consisting of F. W. Cozens and Co.'s finest'Amon
tillado and other sherries, as follows :
FP over diamond over VP conjoined,
8 hutts 30 hhds. 60 q.-casks Cosens' very palo sherry.
2 butti 10 hhds. 20 q.-oasks Cosens* pale Bherry.
8 butts 30 hhds. 60 q.-casks Cosens' very pale sherry.
2 bultB 10 hhds. 20 q.-casks Cosens' pale sherry.
Double diamond over VP conjoined,
4 tulls C hhds. 34 q -casks Cosens' very pale sherry.
t Double? diamond over P, ?
1 bntt 2 hhds. 10 q.-oasks Cosens' pale sherry.
Double grapes over VP conjoined,
' 4 butts 6 hhds. 34 q.-casks Cosens' very pale sherry.
1 butt 2 hhds. 10 q.-casks Cosens' pale sherry.
Treble diamond over VP conjoined.
5 bults 7 bhds. 85 q -casks CoBens' very pale sherry.
2 hhds. IO q.-casks Cosens' pale sherry. -
Treble grapes over VP conjained, %
5 butts 7 bhds. 85 q.-casks Cosens' very pile sherry.
Quadruple diumonu over VP conjoined, :
9 butts 16 hhds. 132 q.-casks CoBens' very pale Bherry.
Quadruple diamond over P,
1 butt 2 hhds. 20 q -casks Cosens' pale sherry.
' " Particular " over OS over M,
8 q -casis Cosens' superior dry sherry.
"Paiticular" over 03ov¿r A, -
10 ,hhds. 110 q -casks Coueus' Buperior Amoatillad«
"Part'cUlar" over OS over VP conjoined, ,
50 q -casks Cosens' superior very pale sherry. ,
Crown and arms over anchor VP conjoined.
. 1 butt 2 hhds, 92 q -casks Cosens' superior old sherry.
Crown and arms over anchor AMO,
> 1 butt 2 bhds. "2 q -casks Cosens' superiorjimontihado
Crown and arms over S over A,
IO hhds. 100 q.-casks Cosens' superior araontillado sherry.
Crown aud arms, J L A over AM F conjoined,
4 hbds. 12 q.-casks Cosens' solera very pale sherry.
Crown and arms over AMO over crown,
£0 q -casks Cosens' araontillado sherry.
Crown and arms over AMO over Queens,
£0q.-casks Cosens' arnontillado sherry. s
3 butts Cosens' very superior choice sherry.
Double crown, VP conjoined,
1 butt Cosens' very superior choice sherry.
1 butt Cosens' very superior choice sherry. Also,
250 boxes finest muscatel raisins, in splendid condition.
The above cargo is without exception the fiaest ship-
ment of sherries ever imported to this market. The fact;
of these wines having been shipped by the celebrated
house of F. W. Cosens, in accordance with instructions
from Messrs. Lamb, Parbury, and Co., (the high character
of whoso importations is so well known) ,s of itself a ,
sufficient guarantee that the whole are of the best descrip-
The auctioneers request that merchants and the frado
will ere the sale examine tho samples of these wines, as
they feel that they cannot adequately desci¡bo their real
The importeis infringing this shipment to public com-
petition, are guided by a desire that it shou d be equally
distributed, as, in all probability, there will not be anothor
cargo of «bernes dispatched to this port for the next
twelve or eighteen months. Under these circumstances
Messrs. W. Dean and Co. reiterate the desire that mer-
chants, connoisseurs, wine merchants, kotel keepers, and
the public generally should avnil themselves of an'oppor
tunity to purchase from first hands that class of wines
which ore always saleable, though very rarely to be ob-
. ._' Terms, liberal, at sale._
To Wine Merchants, Storekeepers, Merchants, Shippers,
. i Fur Unreserved Auction Sale.
(0* The entire Cargo ot the.Oceana, from Lisbon direct.
Choice selected Port Wines.
On THURSDAY, 5th April, 1860, on Lamb's Wharf.
MESSRS. W. DEAN anil CO. have
been favoured with instructions from the
importers, Messrs. Buchanan, Skinner, and Co., to sell by
auction, at Lamb's Wharf, Fort-street, on THURSDAY,
5th April, at 11 o'clock,
The entire cargo of superior part wines, j mt arrived ex
Particulars will appear in future advertisements. '
Balmain. Balmain. Balmain.
First-class Fieehold Property, Stone-built Cottage, and
MR. J. M. HUGHES has received in-
structions from Mr. Parker to sell by public
auction, THIS DAY, 31st March, on the ground
situated beyond the Catholic Chapel, near the Warwick
Castle, Balmain, at 3 o'clock,
The above-nnwed property. Is a really snug domicile
built of stone, nearly new, four rooms, kitchen,
and washhouse ; fenced-in, verandah front, 32 feet
frontage by 90 feet depth. It is at present oscupied
by Mrs. Mackey, at a rental of one pound per
Terms, easy, at sale. > '
For positive sale, the owner leaving Sydney.
< For the convenience of Sydney men of business the sale
will take place at 3 o'clock. '
Title-direct from the Crown.
To Plasterer?, Buildere, and others.
Implements aud Stock-in-Trade.
MR. J. M. HUGHES has received instruc-
tions from Mr. Turton, who is relinquishing
the business, to Bell bv publie auction, on his premises.
Palmer-street, near Stanley-street, on MONDAY, at li
Scaffolding, plarks, ladders, tressels, poles, rules, mortar
boards, sieves, casks of umber, waiting, yellow and
venetian red, ocre, &c. ; beeswax, lot of ropes, also a
great quantity of original models of plaster orna-
ments, wax moulds, &c" «fee.
_Terms, cq*h-sale guaranteed. ?_
In the Supreme Court of Now South Wales,
Sheriff's Office, Sydney, 30th Maroh, 1860.
ON THURSDAY, the 5th day of April next,
, at noon, at the London Tavern, George-street,
Sjdney, the SHERIFF will cause to be sold by public auc-
tion,unless the writ of FIERI I ACTAS issued herein be previ-
ously satUfled, all Hie defendant's right, title, and ¡interest,
other than an equity of redemption, ol in and to all that
parcel of land containing six acres mora or less, being part
of the Sherwood Estate near Parramatta, commencing at
the north-western corner of lot one, beotion lone baing
bounded on the noith by a line boirlng easterly ten
chains, thence on the east by a line bearing southerly six
chains, thonco on the sonthjiiy a line bearing wester'y tj a
reserved road, and -tiionçe on -the west by that road bear-
ing northerly to the point of commencement-said allot-
ment being at the corner of the Smithfield Road and a