SUBURBAN MUNICIPALITIES. - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 23 Feb 1861 (original) (raw)

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Sat 23 Feb 1861 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)

WATERLOO- The nunl »hi'.v mrcung of tho Mrr>>ri->«.<

Council of Waterloo was held at the Council Chambers, Botany

Road on Tuesday evening last. Present-Tne chairman (Mr.

P. Byrne), Councillor« Eu«»» iy, Geddes, West, Ct»«r*t, B'vaut,

.HMtroD, AEsiin «nd O-ue«. Tnc minute» «>f the la«t meeting'w>re

iiad and por.firmort. CoancUor Tlawteleyin pur«or.uce ol boiiob

tninroOTiü trsttfco three «¡'«ding committee» for the pr(-«nt

->r,r,lcT>*l y« ar be now at.po.ottd, vu:-The Bv-laws Comm.tter-,

?trie ini-ince Committee, «.nd toe Improvement Csiumittee.

Ccnnci.ior Rotton « conctei» ¡co mo'ion. C* Cjuooüior

IIawk«lcy then moved that the foUo-._E gontíe-nen be ino Bj.

¡u~e Comimttic, «ax :-Ae ttn..rn-.4o. councillor* Austin and

J**'}« Cc-nelllor Cnaret rocnnded tho motion. OiuoelUor

Gedde* moved on an r.mesdmont that toe nara* of

eosncillor Hawk-ley bt hub«ii-u«ed for tt»t c1

eouaeiUor We«:. Cvanciilof We«: seconded the

»nicndnent. Carried. CocoeJIor K«wk&!fy m>»«d

that tho Fln&ncc Comnvttee con".« of the following member«,

?h., cosnciUora Gtddes, Oates an«! Eryanu" Councillor Cftaret

Mconded tho motion. Coaco.l or GediiCB movtd, a« an annnd

mnit, .. That the nataes of councillors Wm and fba«-ct be eub

»titoted for those of councillors ö«:ci tod Bryant " Councillor

©ate« seconded the amenrtmpn'. which -as cirr.ed Councillor

Bawfcuey dcclinrd to moTc for an Iinp-oveinent Conitnr.tee.

Councillor Gc.ries thereupon moved, " J-*»»: councillor« Rostron,

Oatt«, and Bryant be the Iinp-oveu-'nt Cnn-nittee " C moe l'.or

Oatf« seconded the mo-.on. Carried. Connci'lor Hiwce'ey

moved, "That the plan* oí, Kt.s'an. Geirge, Dotiay,

.sa Buckland street«, prepared by tho FU-rtvor, be

oprn m the Coineil Chamber ' f ir tho iñepec'. on

ojratepayers for reven dhy«. frcai V.ednefdav, tha Jüth instant,

«nring which ti-i« objection« in writing m.ylw reoetvod, and

that tue chairman be rr<¡uc««.ed to causo tne notleo 13 be

«inen ui the dai'y p«ptr«. Co-nc.llor Austin seconded the

motion- câirud. Conno.llor Huwfceley moved that the lmorove

Mtiii committee be empowtrcd to employ iromedWtely »ve men

for the formation of the footpath« «n euch «ide of Botany Road,

irom the northern to tht «o.tnern boundary of the raanloip-Utv,

at the »Co of two pcunda per week ps- mm. Coa-c llor Roetron

«»conded the motion. Cour.c. ¡or Geddes moved »s an amund

«oent that Pitt and George «.reet«, from tho norihern

boendsry to Bucklanü-Hrce:, and Rag «..«trcel from Pitt lo

Philrip.«treet be fir-t forme,1.. Councillor Bryant

»ioonded the smendment, whicn wit» carried. Connector

BawI:«Hj nsoifd that for the .'ature tboiaec'iDCíDi the Council

«tonld be held on Wedne«d»y inetrad of Tuesday ívonini;.

.Ceanclllor Cb ure t seconded the motion. A'ter simo d JcaHSion

the cotifcidrratlon of the question wa» p««tponcd nn'al next m >ct

înt-. Councillor Geddes mnved that the Councildo at once borrow

üitO înim the Bank nr Sew S< aîh WV«, Connelllor Weit

.econded the motion. Carr.ed. Councillor G'dde» mo\ed th»t a

lort man of work« be appointed at a «tlary of two pounds H fe

»hllll'-ps per week. Council'or Oates seconded tno motion.

Carried. Council or Hun kiley moved that councillor Geddes be

the trei.'nrfr of the nmbicipallty. Court '¡lor GMiW moved a«

an amendment that councillor Weet be toe treat-ircr. Tno

cmetidmrot was negatived by thccas'.ng %oeof toe cbairman,

and the Co.incil adjoorntd.

Wooixiiitu HvMcienTT.- K mcet-nf« of the Woollahra

Connell wa» held cn Tuesday, ilie 10:h iratsnt* Present-Mr.

Thornton (in the chair). Mce«rs. Thompson, Trickett, Gorman,

Phillip«, Edward«, Holdsworth, 0»«.!ey, acd T-uma«. The

Biinntt« of the preiiot.« mceun'g were read andoonfirmed. The

re-e'.cotea counoillers, tU" Joseph Thompson and lliînard llî'ds

?worrb, K/o , banded so their declarations, alai, \i illintn Tboma«,

Eiq., of Waverley. Lct'ers »ero read Irom the Padd'np^n

Oonncil, d»tet eth ard 18th i'ehrnary, in referunce to the al gtiinc;

c1 the roads. Alto, one froji Tooma« Prie««, Kiq., In reference to

a nni«ance of pig-« yes, i.e., existic,- In Rashcutter's Bay, and

ore from Sj- Jlenry Tarktr, which wa« referred to

tbo Improvement Com«nittee. The ahatrmin men

tiODtd the fact to the Connel! of the Governmen«

«otu: endowment for last year, having betn received and

paid o\tr to the treasurer ai.d depo«it*rt m the bauk,

«nr.,_W5 H«. The Connel proceeded to elect .»hairnwn for the

«tisnlnsr year (Mr. Thornton bavin«; expressed hi« w.ah io diclino

»e-cIei..ion.) It wia propoKd bv Mr. Gorman, and t-econ ted by

*{r. Trickttt, "That Mr- Thompson bo t ected ohatrmiu." «r.

Thornton then vacated the chair and Mr. Tho jipion -a« moved

thereto. A »ot* of thank« to Mr. Thornton for the iropirt al

meaner is which be t_d dieonarged hit duties during the pas.

year wa« moved by !lr. Tricket', ec«oudt4 ay "dr. Gorman, und

carried unan<mou»ly. Mr. Trickett requested the Council io

permit him to -tlborair Mb no-ice of mouon ¡of tth insunt), in

leferesce to the -¡«lion Committee by ballot. It wai, then pro

poeed by Mr. Phillip«, and seconded by Mr. Thornton, .' Tha' the

Improvement Committee con«.«: of Mes«r>. Goitn«n (chairman),

Trickett, Holdsworth, K4 ware's, and Thom!« " Carried. 1. was

proposed hy Mr. Connan, eeconded by Mr. Tho«-nion-.' Ttut sir.

Trickett be re-elected treasurer for the prêtent j Mr. Carried

B__Qlmon*!y. It wa« propoecd by Mr. Tnornton, and seconded

by Mr. Edwards, "That Mufr«. Phillips tohairman),

Ihorttcn, Holdsworth, ard Oatley for» the Finance Commit.

mc" Carried. It wat propowd by Mr. Tr^kett, eeaonded by

tit. Hold-worth, and «tried, .' That Me»rs. £dward«, (oha-.r.

anas,) Thornton, Gorman, Phillips, and Oatley form the Asses*

ment Committee." Th« report of tho special committee appointed

to ocnuder «.he de»irabllity and e\ptnr» of Hgb-ing wtlb fra« that

portion of 8omh Head Road from the bridge, Guabcatter'e Bay,

io tb* eorn«r of Point Piptr Hoad, was moved for adoption,

«eeoniJed, and crrried. The clerk «*u requested to mámate the

«.me to the Paddington Council. Mr. gave norie« that

be would sore, at the ne-tt meeting, that on the than following

uieoting, aller the reading of the mino;«, the Council retolre.

rU«l/into a committee of the whole, to go lato the matter o'

, tb* tsMsectDt of vacant lands ; and that that fcui'.nesa

tate precedence of all other. Mr. Edward* gn\t not co that ha

weald move, at the neat meeting, tint tha municipalnj of

Woollahra be divided into ward«. Inatmcuons were given to

ccatinae the ndvertieemfet for tender« for the forming of Ocean*

street and Williom.street, Doub'e Bay, until Monday ncit, no

eUglble tinder having been rtoelvcd. The chairman instructed

the clerk to üeisb the flUcg np of tho tUitreiB warrana, and to

hand the same over to tha bailltf of tb« munis'p.tliiy, io be Im-

mediately «erved. TIM /»una! adjourned na'.!! next Tsesday

evening, the JG'h Instant. ,

W¿vfS«T.-The first «letting of ibis council tfter ihe mjm

dpsl eiectirru w»_ held at Che Coantil Chambers Waverley, on

the J Sib ¿slant. PreafBt-tKe" chairman, Councillor« B'.rreU,

S>_iltli, Browne, St.Juiííft, Wattiní. _ac aewlyclectod mern.

J«*w,tJot«cillcr« Watt, SiminoM, »ed Mellon, having made toe

dKlaration requirad hythe Munielpsliif A«w *«» latroducsd

by the eha.rman and took their tEat«. T6« mfilwte«.of the pro-

ceeding« of .last meeting having bun reid uTrt cont»rt_ed, the

connell proceeded to the election of their chairrnaC «Vf J.'1? «Jiri.

logjear. Itwiâ mored by OootoUlor Bimmoc«, tetoir** J>ï

Councillor Smith, atd carried ananimouily, "That Conncillor

çnarlei St, Julian be appointed the chairman of thii municipality

¡cr-luttiuliigmlinltlpal year." The late chairman ¡Coundlior

Jame« Vickery ) having declared Councillor St. Julian duly elected,

eoEfrrat__'.cd him on his appointment to the oSije of chairman,

the whole of the members joined in e-«pre*_ng t^eir high appro

elation of his ability a« chown during the past year. Coane'.'or

.8t, Julian'returned thanks for the boncnr conferred and for :k«

kita expression« used by the several members on

electing turn to the >aoan: offiqe, aid, hating «kin

the choir, proceeded with the banutts-" Reorgaeisation

»nd «ppoiniment of Standing Committee,» Moved by

Councillor Birren and retolvcd, " Ths: Conncillors 3i*Baona,

Dlckaon, and Birrell be appo'.ntea member« of the Improvem-nt.

ComKittee ; that conrcUlore Vickery, Browne, and Watt, be ap-

pointed memben; of the Fiaanoe Ccmratuee; that connciLors

Watkins sad Smith and the chairman be -lopointed members of

the £j-_ew Committee. Oor.-espondenec,-1st, a letter wi» rexd

Trim Mr. Chauncy, sumeyor, foreraruiog m&yotXelson Ward,

togetbor with book of reference ;-moved by oonndtlor Viocery,

and rseolTed, " That the latter of Mr. Chanacey, with the plan and

terrier«book of Nelson Ward be referred to the I-provcmsnt

Committee, with instruction« to areertsin whether the «ame »re

£Crreet and according to contra«, and if »o, with power to autho-

rise the payment to Mr. Cnauncoyofthe amount stiputtted for."

Snd, from ooojieillor Smith, resigniuf the ofSoe of treaurer to the

Municipality;-moved by councillor Bro wne,"Tbat the realgnav.ou

of the otnee of treasurer by councillor Smith be Meep'edby th'e

Council." It wa« moved by counoill«r Vickery, " riia: councl'lor

Birrell be appoiated treaaurer to this mnaicipaiity, vice coanci. or

Sa ith reslened.» Councillor Birrell moved a« an amen iment,

.. That ConaeiUor Simmon» be »ppcteWu treasurer." A farther

«antndroent thereon was moved by eoanciUor S.mmona, lost

ooraeilJor Watt be »ppoiottd txeinxti." Ine çtwffaa» then

proceeded to put tbe question. The amendment by councillor

aiin'j.en« was negatived; that by cococillar Eirrel! dcolared

carried. Councillor Simmons wa« thereupon declared dulv e'ec

tedtreasurer for Iheentuing mummpal year. Reports of com

mittte«- The late chairman of the Iraproreroent Committee laid

noon the tablea report from that body, from which it appia--ed

that during the pan year, there ha« been 39¿7.running yard«, or

cne mile seven furlong« and 107 yard« (nearly 1$ miles), of nsw

street« made within the municipality, at a total oo*t of ÄS..S 15«.

2dM or a general average of j«. Gd. ptr running yard. Tbisinoiuács

tnttingN embankment«, culvertj, &c. Of the «hove montioned

extent of new roads 1060 runniBg yard« have been made by eon

tract at a cost of £J83 13«.. »nd 1837 yard« made by day labour, a*.

. co«t of £424 2«. Sd. Of tie works now in progress the com-

mittee repon that Waverley-atreet tas bean formed, busned and

ballasted, upward« of twenty feet In width and

five hundred running yard« in length, at a eos: of

«100 2». 2d. Thla Include« tne cost of coninucttng culvert«, ^s.

The conimittee ask tor an additional «um of £40 to gnivel tti«

road, and £20 for makin*; a junction /rom Flood-street with

Waverley-street. Councillor Birrell moved " That the report of

the Improvement Committee be adopted." Carilsd. The ohwr

»an ol the Finance Committee brought up and moved the adop-

tion of a report recommending tb.» payment of the followinjj

?Kconat«: By day labour, Waverley-ttratt, £62 13j id; day

labour, Bo'any-aueet, 424 16« Od; by rent, salary, and «undrie»,

£17 IS«; by ndveulsements, printinr, and expenses of election,

JBli 10«; total, £128 19s 2d : motion for adoption of report

.eeonded by conaelUor Browne, and earned. Connc'llor Birrell

tuought np i second report from same eommlitee, briefly drawing

attention io the present sute of the Onancee ot the municipality,

and te the faot that npward« of £2Q0 has been

expanded within the short «pace of «nu weeta

among the labouring cJacees raaiding in tno uistnot,

and therefore imprtieing upan the ratspayer« the

importance of pnbetnahty in the payment of their rates a« they

become doe, bo that the Comic- may be «til! enabled to cirry o_

tbevarion« improrenunta contemplate. In the «evenl parts of

tie municipality. Moved bv councillor Browne, .' Tnat the

xepott of the Finance Committee just read be received." Carried.

A «pert from the special ooramittea appointed *> Uko into o«n

«¡deraücn the necesaity of the creation of a new and eeoarata

road treat tor the Old South Head Road wa« brought up aatt read.

The committee, in their report, recommend that the Government

be strongly urged to veat the charge of the road in question to ?

new and «parrieunit, although itabould be neee&sary for this

purpcee to amend by a ahorT bill the Act Itth

Vieiorla, No. 43. Conncillor Smith morcd that tho report

of the fp*clal eemmittee be adopted. C*rried. The ohairman

.nnoonccil that the deeda of convoyarle» of land gi »fco by Mr.

Francis O'Brien to the municipality for the purpose of buUdist« a

Connell Chamber had been gratuitously prepared by Mr. W.

Spain, of the firm of Spain sod Roxburgh, and also dearecl to

«lrAW attention to a uus«ita.tement wbich appeared in the. balanc:

«teet of Ian half-year, by which it would appear tha* the «uti of

£1S had been received by that firm, whereas -LU of that sum nai

Vee received by Mr. Damttey in the settlement of an aonoQ t»t

law. Two -otiore of motton »err handed in by Conns.llor

Huitil for eondderaUon at nea: meeting, and ons by Councillor

t ickery. Order of the day-The conetdeiattcu of draft by-law»,

»lihfnitvod for approval at the last mee tang. In reference thereto

It wa» moved by Councillor Biriell, and roaolvcd. "That the ton

»ideration of the draft by-law* be postponed to thi* day week, to

take prcordcBce of all oilier business." In purnu-ince of no íao

niven at the last meaticg it wa« u.oved by Cmn

eil'or Piarcón«, " Thnt ' tbe Improvement Cotnraittru be I

directed to report to tbe Coarcii t« to the espedionty of forming j

or «pairing Newland-etreet, ne*r tbe rfiidence m Mestrs. L^guq

and Taylor." Qucstian put. Mid the vote» f^r ami ogamft bslniç I

«quat, the chairman gave hie casting \otc in the atSroiatiTc 1.

was iiK«n moved bv cmincillor Vickery, ard resolved-«-Thftt a

_ew ta«h credit bend for "iCCO be catered into by al! the mem-

ber« of tbe Council, in the na_eof the present trcünrer, and

that the amruot due uider tbo c-ttBung hoad be paul otT. .

Kovcd tv ecnseillor Browne, and received-.* That the chairman,

tte trea/urer, and councillor Vickery be empowered to make the

nccetsary arrangemeuta -with the Coaictsclil Uant fir lae grut

«f a tew caeh cred t, or for a transfer to the present treaiiirer or

ihitrowtvatiug." This ttrmina'ed the proceedings and «Jie

E_«<»'«'ic'î.--At the usual fortuiehtly mfetlngjIbtlJ Fr*day,

15th Ptliuary. Peeeent : Mr. ». II. Pcaroe, Mr. t. llsbn'c.

?white, Mr. John Dawon, Mr. Kidmari, Mr. Goargs lioaper, s.nd

Mr. Jame« Pearce. The following busintes was transioted:

Thewcretarvresd the rcturning-offiK:iJ'i dechratjon of tha due

«lection of Mr. George Hooper and Mr. James Pearce a« coun

ci lorf ; and a'so the «aid gentlemen's dcclarat-an of orhce, suS

«cribea before the pertone appointed to uke the tame as set

forth in «chedule D of >be Mnaicipa-itit« ict. The council then

Ttcceedfd to the tliction of their chairman, when it waa moved

lyMr.Hcbblewhit«, und seconded by Mr. ti. II. Pearce, " That

tor. Joi.n D.wton '» a fit £.nd proper person to fill the ofEoe of

ttsumuj for the eurrcct yet-." ?<-. the rrctSîn Mee«rs, Ilooptr, I

UriblcHiiilt, S II. Toarce, u-d Jame* Pearce-ii-ai-i-t, »If.

KidniBC, Mr. John Pawion wa« deo'arcil to bo duly e,je*d

caaiitttn, aid having made the dec'aralion ol o'Uoo

telorb sir. Edward Daintry, a commisMoner oí the ,

Supreme Court (the Council hming »Hfpenaed, ?

a britt «pace to allow of bia ,o do tig) '

then toe* the «hasr. Keeolv-d that Mr.R Hcbblowhito be e.toicd

treasurer of tbe Counoil. The minute« of tee prt\.or.s mciting

wetcread, »htn it wa« moved bv Mr. í II. Pearce aud seconded

by Mr. Brbblewbile, tin: the word " fortbw th *' oo «tided after

the word»'"carried cn*.," to the ni or, cm numbered t.. Tor the re.

solntwn, Mr ti. H. Pearce, Mr. UebUlewhiti, Mr. G. Qoopor,

ana Mr. James Ftarce ; aiiainst- Mr. K dmu, Camed. Tbe

woidtxing added, the minutes were conbrmtd.iind sigacd by tue

chairman. Com «pordence -the let-era sent by order of the

Council «ere read, and the followirg letters received and read :

No. 1, from Captain Mast»r, requesting ;h*i as he derived co

benefit fiom the rates, his propmy might be tsclnded from the

boundaries el the municipality. Ihe secretary was instructed to

reply, and rnbmit the only cKu'C m the Ac: deile»ith

tbe cale, at the asme time to intimate the Counc.l's

wil inguets to expend in such improvements as G.p'a.n Matters

may mggfft. under the dltec-lcn of tbe Council s. raieab'e pro-

portion of all money received Irom h.m or any resident near him.

So.2. From Mr C. Miure, stating that a pedtioa in reference lo

the election woBld be laid before the council al their nevt meet-

ing. The secretary «as .nstruotcd to mate an official cotnmuoi

cattontotbe Manager of the AustrnUin Joint StocV. Bank, in-

forming h.m that Mr. John Dutson and Mr. S. llebolewhite

would as chairman and treasurer, sign all oheqnes on bebs'f of

the council. Finance-An accouut of £18 16s. 31, «age« duo to

labourer« aud carter* employed on t'.Iieon-street, was plie d be-

fore the oonrcil, pasted, and tbe treasurer authorised to ney the

same. Resolved, on the motion cf Mr. Hcbb'.e

white, seconded bv Mr. Hooper, That the thanks

of this council be given to Mr. Simeon Ueury

Fiare« for his valuable and gratuitous »ervicec as hono-iry sur-

veyor for the patt year. It was itacu moved by Vr. llcbblca-hite,

ctconded by Mr. Hooper, " That Mr. Pearce be requested to con-

tinue his services at honorary surveyor during tbe euri ent yor."

For the resolution-Mr. Uebb.ewmte, Mr. James Pearce ;

against-Mr. Kidman. carried. Mt. Pia rec

batiré acknowledged the vote of thank», and .ati

mated his willingnes« to continue hj services as

honorary surveyor. The Council then adjourned tm

Friday, the 1st March, al seven o'clock. Notices of Motion.

Mr. Kidman to mo\e-That all toe worn required to be done by

tbi» connell for the l tv. twelve rncnih» be done ny contract, »r.

Kidman te move-That the council do take into considera*, r-n,

al tbtir nixt meeting, tbe appointment of a surveyor o>ar

Gi ,bk.'-A a meeting of the Council, held on the 15:h in«t*n: ;

prcrent, councillors Al'en, Blaeket, Thorn'ey, E'phin loue, G ir

lolt, and Brown. Mr. G. \V. "kllcn, as rcturning-oflicer, at .he

late election, reported that the following gcntlerren had bseo

fleeted councillors, and thai they had made Weir declaration« o'

office :-For th» 0.itcr Glebe Ward, Mr. \mbro<c Tnornley ; for

Bishopthorpe Ward, Mr. W. Elphinstone senior-, for the Inner

Glebe Ward,Mr.F. T. Blacket, and that Mctsr« A Ashdown and

\V. T, Pinbey bad been tlacttd and'tom. Mr. Thornley was tbea

voted into the chair, when it wss mored by Mr. Blacket, and

secoi.dedb) Mr. Blown,"IbatMr.G. W lUenbeappointedctiuir

mau of this council for tbe current year," which was carried una-

nimously.-At the meeting n»Id on tbo lBtb mutant, present, the

Chairman. ni.d councillors Blacket, Korff, Thornley. Walt-m,

Jarrett, Elphinstone, and Brown. The chairman produced his

diciuraiitu of ofhee. of the two previo.-.« mcefngs

neie icad and aign<d. The Finance Committee'« reports of the

1st, 8tb, and ISth inmast, as also that of the Improvement Cim

ml-ti cot the 2nd in, tant, were laid upon th» table and adop'ed.

Mr. Jarrett pruented a petition, figned by twenty-,ii house-

holders and ratepayers, requesting that a gas lamp 'be erected at

the corner of Norton and Broughton streets. A letter was read

frcm the Police Magistrate with refertnee to the petition for

WBrdrd by this Council, signed by 101 ratepayer», requesting the

d tmisial of the pound «et per, stating that'be bad no power to

deal with the matter, and referred the petitioners lo ibtnr remedy

al law. The fo'lowlntr resolution« were carried :-Moved by Mr.

Jarrett, and seconded by Mr. Korff, " That Messrs. Blacket,

Tbornley, Brown, and Elphinstone be the Improvement Commit-

tee." Moved hy Mr. Jarrett, and seconded by Mr. Waltoo, "That

Messrs. Blackett, Brown, ted Elphinstone, be the Lighting Com

run-re." Moved by Mr. Brown, and seconded by Mr, Tbornley,

" Tbat the chairman and Messrs. Korff, Jarrett, Reilly, and SV al-

tan be the Finance Committee." Moved by Mr. Thornley, and

seconded by Mr. Elphinstone, " That the petition presented this

day by Mr. Jarrett, and Mr. T. A- Dibbs' letter, laid before the

Ccnncil on the ISlh uluuo, be referred to the J. ghting Com-