Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 14 Aug 1863 (original) (raw)

Fri 14 Aug 1863 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 7 - Advertising

On account of whom it may concern.

Ex William Cole, Tothill, master, from London.


sell by auction, at their New Exchange Auo

tion Rooms. No, 273, George-street, THIS DAY, the 14th

instant, at 11 o'olock prompt,

6 iron 4-post bedsteads, 6 feet 6 inches x 3 lost.

Morewood and Co.'s Galvanized The Tiles, lion brand

Ditto Plain Galvanized Iron, ditto

No. 1 White Lead, in 3cwt. wood kegs

Ditto, in 14, 28, and 56 lb. kegs

Black, Green, Blue, and Yellow Paints

Oil Linseed, in wood and drums

American Shovels, Brooms, Chairs, No.

FOTHERINGHAM and MULLEN have received

instructions to sell by auction, at their

New Exchange Auction Rooms, No. 273, George-street,

THIS DAY, 14th instant, at 11 o'olock prompt,

Several parcels of the above.

Morewood's Galvanized Iron.

On account of whom it may concern.

Ex Lodore,-, master, from London.


received instructions to sell by auction, at their

New Exchange Auction Rooms, No. 273, George-street,

THIS DAY, 14th instant, at 11 o'clock prompt,

No, 14-1 case Morewood's corrugated galvanized iron,

lion brand, 26 gauge, 6 feet lengths

No. 18-1 case ditto ditto ditto, ditto, 26 gauge, 6 feet 6

No, 30-1 case Morewood's corrugated galvanized iron,

lion brand, 26 gauge, 7 feet lengths.

On account of whom it may concern.

To Ironmongers, and others.

FOTHERINGHAM and MULLEN have received

instructions to sell by auction, at their

New Exchange Auction Rooms, No. 273, George-street,

THIS DAY, the 14th instant, at 11 o'clook prompt,

An invoice of Muntz' metal and nails, damaged.

Farther particular in a future Issue.

On account of whom it may concern.

ex William Cole, Tothill, master from London.

To Paper has gers and others.


by auction, at their New Exchange Auction

Rooms, 273, George-street, THIS DAY, the 14th instant,

Nos. 163, 104,108, lil, 113,115,117, 18,

8 bales paperhangings, each 300 rolls.

16 oz, 21 oz., and 26 oz,

For Positive unreserved Auction Sale, FRIDAY next, the

To Ironmongers and others.


received instructions to sell by auction, at

their New Exchange Auction Rooms, No. 273, George-street

THIS DAY, the 14th instant, at 11 o'clook prompt,

200 boxes sheet glass, 16oz 21 oz., and 26 oz.: sizes,

On account of whom it may concern.

Ex Whitehall, James, master, from London.

Superior Furniture, from one of the first makers.

Bulk being but slightly damaged.

JOHN G COHEN has received instructions

from the importer to sell, at the Bank Auction

Rooms. THIS DAY, August 14th, 1863, at 11 o'clock

following assortment of furniture, ordered expressly,

1 feet 6 mahogany bookcase, 2 Salier bedsteads, 2

cupboards, 1 mahogany bed-step, 12 chairs, 1

whatnot, 1 sandwich tray, 32 pillows, case.

12 mahogany chairs", 3 tea trays, 2 walnut work

tables, carved tops ; 2 ditto inlaid chess tables,

34 feather pillows, case, No,

2 chairs, 4 walnut chess top revolving tables, 22 a

1 sofa and couch, oval loo table, 1 walnut ditto, 2

occasional tables, 1 bagatelle board, cornice pole,

bookcase, hall table, hat stand, 49 feather pillows,

Part of wardrobe, 2 oval walnut wood carved top

coffee tables, 4 ditto inlaid, 2 ditto candlestick

tables, fins mahogany bed-stop, I canterbury, 10 .

feather pillows, flock, and case.

Part of wardrobe, 2 walnut Sutherland tables, 4

whatnots, 10 feather pillows, wadding, ease, Sec, 9

Part of wardrobe, 3 doors, &c., &c. ; 15 round top

mahogany towel horses, I serpentine bod-step, 2

Walnut devonports, 2 chair frames, 2 work

tables, 1 chess table, 1 blonde, 22 pillows, case,

Part of sideboard, walnut devonport, oval sandwich

tray, 20 towel horses, 19 feather beds, ewe,

Part of drawing-room suite, 2 mahogany trays. 4 ]

mahogany towel horses, 2 feather pillows, case,

Part of drawing-room suite, 24 mahogany towel |

rails, 19 feather pillows, case, &c. ยก

1 washstand, dressing table, 1 dining table, 1 dining

table, 5 inlaid walnut coffee tables, 1 walnut

chess table, 1 oak desk, slope, 2 sets sapper trays,

33 feather pillows, 27 towel rails, flock and wad-

Kent's Patent Knife Cleaners.

To Furniture Dealers and others,

JOHN G. COHEN will sell, at the Bank

Auction Rooms, THIS DAY, August 14, 1863,

18 Kent's patent knife cleaners, complete

~~ SATURDAY, I6th August, 1863.

On account of whom it may Concern.

To Bhipehondlers, Shipowners, and others,

JOHN G. COHEN will sell by auction, on

Towns' Wharf, on SATURDAY, 10th August,

1863, at 11 o'clock precisely,

On account of whom it may concern,

Just landed from the Margaret E'fea, having been

Mtirped from the Royal Saxon in Hongkong '

To Upholsterers and others.

JOHN G. COHEN will sell, at the Bank

Auction Rooms-, THIS DAY, August 14th,

Gollop's Patent Knife eleanora,

JOHN G. COHEN will sell, at the Bank

Auction Rooms, THIS DAY, 14th August,

1863, at 11 o'clock precisely,

6 cases Gollop's patent knifo-clonnors, and patent emery

intending buyers are requested to inspect the above

named goode, which will be found superior and more economical

in every respect than thejknife-oleanors hitherto imported.

LIT Mooguiro's Hungarian Grained Nugget American

say The only lot in the market.

JOHN G. COHEN has received instructions

to sell, at the Bank Auction Rooms, on THURSDAY,

20th August, 1863, at 11 o'clock prompt

50 cases Mncgulre's Hungarian grained nugget American

tgf This being the only lot in the market, intending

hu j era are invited to make their purchases from the above

On FRIDAY, August 14th, at half-past 10 o'clock.

At (the Old Bank of Australasia.

On account of whom it may concern.

Ex Whitehall, James, master, from London. i

198-One Case, containing I

6 dozen Cotton Porashutes, slightly damaged

6 ditto 16-inch Sun Shades, ditto ditto 5

6 ditto 18 ditto ditto, ditto ditto

195-One case, 12 dozen Sun Shades. I


who have received instructions to sell by auction,

at their Rooms, 239, George-street, THIS DAY, August

14th, at half-past 10 o'clock,

On FRIDAY, August 14th, at 11 o'clock,

At the Old Bank of Australasia.

2 Cqbcb Opera and Field Glasses, of a superior and

greatly improved description.


Less received instructions to sell by auction, at

their Rooms, 239, George-street,:THISDAY', August 14th,

On FRIDAY, August 14th, at 11 o'clook.

At the Old Bank of Australasia,

23 Packages New Drapery Goods.


been favoured with instructions from the importers

to sell by auction, at their Rooms, 239, George

street, THIS DAY, August 14th, at 11 o'clock, The

THIS DAY, August 14th, at 11 o'clock.

At the Old Bank of Australasia.


received instructions to sell by auction, at

On SATURDAY, August 15th, at 11 o'clock,

At the Old Bank of Australasia,

Beautiful Parian Marble Busts, Statuettes, and Vases,


been favoured with instructions to sell by

auction, at their Rooms, 239, George-street, on SATURDAY,

August 15th, at 11 o'clook,

A choice shipment of marble ornaments and statuary

On SATURDAY, August 15th, at half-past 10 o'clook,

At the Old Bank of Australasia.

Useful Household Furniture

Cottage Pianoforte, in rosewood, G J octaves

Dining Table, with 3 sp ore leaves

Large Brussels Carpet and Rug

Dining-room Chairs and Couch '

Elegant Sideboard, with plate glass back

Brass Bedstead and Mattress

Pair large Globes, quite new

Cornice Pole and Curtains

Pier Glass, Dressing Glass '

Valuable Books (the remainder of the library of the

Young Men'aChristion Association)


Exit sell by auction, on SATURDAY, August

15th, at half-past 10 o'clock, The

On MONDAY, August 17th, at 11 o'clock.

At the Old Bank of Australasia. j

A Beautiful Collection of Engravings of nearly all the

noted English Racehorses. I

' To Sporting Men, Innkeepers, and others. I


received instructions from the importer to

sell by auction, at their Rooms, 239, George-street, on

MONDAY, August 17th, at 11 o'clock,

The undermentioned choice engravings

Flying Dutchman St. Albans I

Charles Twelfth Gladiator

1 Merry Monarch Faugh-a-Ballagh I

| And other first-class engravings, elegantly framed.

A On TUESDAY, August 18th.

Immediately after the sale (at the Stores of Messrs, Wil

1 kinson, Brothers) at the Old Bank of Australasia. ,

112 Meets, each 8 American Tubs '

15 Cases, each 25 dozen American Brooms '

15 Ditto, each 2 ditto H. Collins' Handlod Axes '

20 Ditto, each 1 ditto S. W. Collins' Heavy-handled Ages

20 Ditto, each 1 ditto Pratt/e ditto ditto

7 Ditto, each 4 ditto Simmonds' Boys' ditto

18 Ditto, each 4 ditto Simmonds' Shingling hatchets

6 Ditto, each 4 ditto Simmonds' Lath ditto,

20 Boxes Tacks, assorted '

168 Cases American Chairs, assorted I

Best O G. California wood '

Baltimore wood, extra Baltimore wood '

15 Ditto assorted Fancy and Rocking Chairs.


received instructions! from the importers to

sell by auction, at their Rooms, 239, George-street, on

At the Old Bank of Australasia.

Flowering Plants, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Fruit

Also some genuine Chesnut Trees.

f"*3T From Mr. John Baptist's celebrated Gardens, Bourke


been favoured with instructions from (

Mr. John Baptist to sell by auction, at their Rooms, 239,

George-street, on an early day,

The largest and most valuable collection of ob otoo shrubs,

plants, and fruit trees yet offered at auction, >

On FRIDAY, August 14th, in 11 o'clock.

" At the Old Bank of Australasia.

SIS' Gosnell and Co.'s well-known Perfumery, Brushware,

To Fancy Warehousemen, Country Buyers, Painters, and


been favoured with instructions from the importer

to sell by auction, at their Rooms, 239, George-street

THIS DAY, August 14th, at 11 o'clock,

30 cases choice perfumery, &c, consisting of pomatums,

soaps, oils, perfumes, violet powder, eau de cologne,

tortoiseshell combs, cosmetics, hair dye, show

10 cases hair, hat and clothes brushes, &o.

6 crates brown Windsor soap

1 case shoe brushes, water brushes, plate and scrubbing

Dandy and stove brushes, decanter, bottle, and oil ditto

9 cases tooth, nail, badger shaving ditto

Hand Mirrors, frizzetten, writing cases, dressing cases

Hair oils, broom heads, bannister brushes, Mandoline

Lavender water, stock brushes, painters' brushes, dis-

4 cases golden oil, instantaneous hair dye, cherry tooth

paste, Parisian water, nursery powder, assorted

On TUESDAY, August 18th, at half-past 10 o'clock

At the Stores of Messrs. Wilkinson, Brothers, Hunter

account of whom it may concern.

Ex Templar, G. O. Lane, master, from New York.

60 Half-moon Cooking Stoves, with pot kettles, spider,

griddle, boiler, sheet iron pan, 2 tin pans, tea kettle,

tin dipper, and 2 covers to each, viz,

4 ditto, 3 inches, broken

1 ditto, 16 inches, ditto.

37 Cases, one dozen each, Collins' Handlod Axes, 45- lbs.

21 Cases, one dozen each, Collins'Handled Axes, 4 lbs. to

50 Cases, each one dozen, Collins' Handled Axes, 40 lbs.

Nos. 376.377 407,408 436 498

382 to 384 414 as 514,615

386 417 461 to 453 660,551

401 429 to 435 485,486 692

24 Cases, each one dozen, Collins' Handled Axes, 4 lbs.


received instructions to sell by auction, at the

Stores of Messrs. Wilkinson, Brothers, Hunter-street, on

TUESDAY, August 18th, at half-past 10 o'clock sharp,

On account of whom it may concern,

lard FRIDAY, 14th instant, at 11 o'clock.

Important and positively Unreserved Sale of.

In consequence of the severe and continued indisposition of

Mr. George Peck, proprietor of the well-known

Musical Repository, George-street

Mrs A rare chance for Music Dealers, Professionals, Gentlemen

Amateurs, Artists, and others.

MR. ROBERT MURIEL has received

instructions from Mr. George Peek (whose

protracted illness compels him to retire from business) to

sell by public auction, THIS DAY, the 14th, at 11 o'clock,

at his Rooms, George-street,

The entire stock-in-trade of his truly valuable musical

instruments, To., partially described as follows, namely :

Opkecietdes, hautboy; oornets-a-plstan, by Besson;

French horns; flutes, in cases, by Chappell; piccolo'

flutes, fifes, clarionets

A full-sized contra-bass, noted for its rare quality

A large quantity of violins, a portion of which are genuine

Italian viz., Granzini, Jacques Boqay, Jacob TeBtor,,

Stoduarius, of the 17th and 18th centuries

Superb old violoncello, by Guarnerius

Small violoncello, by Amati (a curiosity)

Modern bases, with machine heads

Guitars, concertinas, flutinas, accordions

A large assortment of strings of every description

and can pipes, violin bows, legs, and other musical

instrument fittings, modern music, sacred music,

books of operas complete, Handel's works, books on

art, music, science, &c., &c. ; statuettes, carved

figures, paintings, framed engravings, c, No, ;

together with a large collection of sundries solely

adapted for a music repository too numerous for an

Upwards of 60 stereoscopes, powerful lenses, and an

immense collection of splendid stereographs of the

International Exhibition of 1862, and a superb lot

of photographs, sculpture, and other interesting

objects, recently imported. Vide Akt-Jouknal

NB-The owner of the above very valuable stock-in-trade

has fully empowered the auctioneer to treat with any

party (privately) for the whole, on the most liberal terms,

prior to the sale by auction, which will be made in piece-

meal, unless previously disposed of by private contract. To

any one possessing even a slight musical genius, an opportunity

like the above seldom occurs of securing a stock selected

unquestionably with the greatest care.

Solely parted with through illness of a very serious character.

On account of whom it may concern.

Ex Princess of Wales, Captain Cayzer, from London,

MESSRS. W. DEAN and CO. will sell by

auction, at their Warehouse, Pitt and O'Connell

streets, THIS DAY, August 14th, at 11 o'clock,

M W P within diamond, A outside

14 packages boots and shoes, more or less damaged by

233-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

3 dozen women's memel boots, S.S., M.H.

321-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

3 dozen ladies' best kid E.S. boots, mock

306-1 package, containing 2 boxes, viz,,

No. 9-3 dozen women's kid boots, wing,

No. 10-3 ditto ditto ditto ditto, capped,

313-1 package, containing 2 boxes, viz.,

No. 27-4 dozen child's patent leather

ankle straps, elastic fronts

No. 28-4 ditto ditto ditto ditto, spring

318-1 package, containing 2 boxes, containing

3 dozen child's memel goloshed, 7 to 10

2 dozen ditto ditto ditto, 11 to 1.

230-1 package, containing a boxes, each containing

3 dozen women's kid boots, E.S., M.H.

302-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

30 dozen women's kid boots, E.S., S.B.

1; dozen ditto ditto ditto, ditto, pearl

301-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

3 ' dozen women's military boots, braided,

307-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

3 dozen women's patent double pearl but-

tons, fancy braided, vamped

308-I package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

3 dozen women's memel boots, Eg., T.P.H.

309-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

3 dozen women's memel boots, S.S., M.H.

312-1 package, containing 4 boxes, viz. :

No. 23-3 dozen child's memel bal-

24-3 ditto ditto ditto, button ditto, 2-G

25-4 ditto girls' cashmere, E.S., M.H., C-9

26-4 ditto ditto ditto, ditto, ditto, 10-3

314-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing:

4 dozen child's kid S S,, 4 6

316-1 package, containing 2 boxes, each containing

3 dozen child's memel balmoral boots.

Bathurst kip and sole leather

40 bundles bag and harness leather I

Caltekins, kangaroo skins, &c.

Imputant to Boot and Shoemakers, Country Buy ora, and

170 Packages Boots and Shoes,

Just arrived ex John Temperley.

Day of Sale, FRIDAY, 14th August.

MESSRS. W. DEAN and CO. have received

instructions to sell by auction, at their

Warehouse, Pitt and O'connell streets, THIS DAY, 14th

170 packages seasonable boots and shoes Parker's

Just arrived ex John Temperley.

On account of whom it may concern.

Ex Margaret Eliza, Robinson, master, from Hongkong.

Auction Sale, TUESDAY, 18th August.

MESSRS. W. DEAN and CO. will sell by

auction, at their Warehouse, Pitt and

O'connell streets, on TUESDAY, I8th August, at 11

Ex Margaret Eliza, damaged by sea water,

212 half-chests young hyson 2 -

2-4 ditto ditto .... "1 3

3-64 boxes gunpowder .. 55 39

4-7 half-chests young hyson 3 6

6-3 ditto Twankay .... - 3

8- 1 ditto gunpowder .. , ..

6 half-chests souchong 1 5

Sugars, Groceries, Teas, Oilmen's Stores, Co.

Auction Sale, TUESDAY, 18th August.

Important to Merchants, Grocers, Speculators, and others.

MESSRS. W. DEAN and CO. will sell by

auction, at their Warehouse, Pitt and

O'connell streets, on TUESDAY, 18th August, at 11

Large parcels of sugar, embracing a large variety ; also

teas, groceries, oilmen's stores, &c.

To Timber Merchants, Ship Builders, and others. I

The cargo of the Avon, from Vancouver's Island.

600,000 feet Rough Lumber

Now landing on the east side of the Circular Quay, where

it may be inspected previous to and at the time of Bale,

At., half-past 2 o'clock, on

Jtyfl MESSRS. W. DEAN and CO. have been

less favoured with instructions from Messrs. Gilchrist,

Watt, and Co. to sell by auction, at the east side of

the Circular Quay, on THURSDAY, 20th August, at half-past

The entire cargo of the Avon, just arrived from Vancouver's

23,000 feet Inch flooring, T. and 6 5 and 6 inches

wine, 10 to 30 feet long.

600,000 feet rough lumber, as follows

French, 4 (0 16 inches wide, 16 to 24 feet long

14-inch, 4 to 11 ditto, 40 to 44 ditto.

2 inch, 8 to 16 inches vi do, 30 to 40 feet long

24-inch, 10 to 13 ditto, 16 to 34 ditto.

3 x 3 3 x 9, 3 x 12 3 x 12 3 x 12, 3 x 13, 10 to 44 feet

6 x 2, 7 x 2, 6 x 2, 6 x 3 7 x 2, 73,10 to 44 feet lower.

3 x 2, 4 x 2, 4 x 2, 6 x 2 5 x 24, 18 to 44 feet long.

The auctioneers beg to assure the trade that every

possible care has been taken in the selection of this centre

that it should consist of only the best timber and most

1 Intending purchasers may rely upon obtaining the very

best seasoned red Oregon pine, possessing all the recommendations

of the celebrated pitch pine from the States, for which

it may be substituted without doubt of its giving satisfaction.


On the Ground, on MONDAY, 17th August, at li,

o'clook, comprising 55 allotments of the celebrated

commencing near the English Church at Upper

Paddington, and extending along Piper-street to

I Ocean-street and the Point Piper line, to within a

short distance of the Congregational Church, being,

choice lots reserved from former sales out of the few

I blocks of land in the subdivision of the large estate


Some of the lots now for sale were reserved as convenient

sites for first-class villa residences, on account of the desirableness

of the situation and healthiness of position, commanding

magnificent panoramic views of Sydney harbour,

Botany Bay, and surrounding country ; perfectly open to

the refreshing sea breezes in the summer season, having

abundance of good water at a moderate depth a good drain-

age, with building stone at hand, and regular communication

with the city every ten minutes by omnibuses, which

reach the General Post Office, George-street, within

t2" The terms of sale will be 25 per cent deposit, and

the balance by bills at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, without

interest, or 75 percent of the purchase money may remain

secured on the property for two or three years at 8 per

cent, from the day of sale.

5 hp several portions now for sale may be readily known

by lines cut through the turf, or on the surface of the soil,

indicating the site of the blocks to be offered, which contain

from 5 to 10 allotments of 20 feet frontage each ; thus

purchasers may be able to take one or more as they

In Block A, opposite Paddington-street, are 5 allotments,

each 20 feet by about 99 feet, commencing 20 feet

northward of the two-storied houses erected on this block!

From this part the views are very beautiful.

I Plans on view at the rooms, I

In Blocks B and C are 25 allotments, all having frontages

to Point Piper Road and Piper Road, commencing

218 feet 6 inches from the Upper South Head Road, at a

point opposite the property and residence of the Rev. John

West This site contains 6 allotments of 20 feet each, with

the north side of the cottages, farther down the road

and opposite the residence of John Watkins, Esq., is a

small block of 4 allotments, or 80 feet, being Nos. 10, 11,

In the same section, eighty feet farther north, is a block

of 9 lots, 20 feet each, Nos. 18 to 26 ; and near the junction

of Moncur-street are 8 allotments, three of which front ,

Moncur-street, Nos. 43, 44, and 45. In

Piper-street are five allotments in block C, all above

20 feet frontage, having very extensive views across the

Randwick Racecourse to the south shore, and waters of

Botany Bay. Further along Piper-street, in block B, and

7 allotments lying south of the new houses, and on the

north side of them are 11 allotments, all 20 feet wide, and

At the same time and place will be sold the fine two

storied houses, with double verandahs, overlooking the hard

bour and city, erected on 100 feet of land fronting POINT

PIPER ROAD, at its intersection with Paddington-street,

Each house contains four rooms, hall, and kitchen, built on

stone foundations, separate yards, and entrance from a reserved

road at the rear of the premises.

These houses have been erected at a very great cost, but

will be sold without regard to the outlay and the auctioneer

is instructed to sell them separately, giving the first purchaser

the option of taking two or more consecutively, as

Observe : Title satisfactory. Plans

on view at the Auction Rooms, 154, Pitt-street.

Terms for the houses, 25 per cent, cash, and the balance

by bills at 3, 6, and 9 months, with bank interest added,

and secured on the property.

A Two-storied House and large Allotment of Land, at the

corner of Bigge and Elizabeth streets, in the centre of

tgy By order of the Mortgagee.

W. BOWDEN is instructed to sell by

auction, at the Land Sale Rooms, 154 Pitt

street, on THURSDAY next, the 20th of August, at 11

All that block of land being lots numbered one, two,

three, and six commencing at the intersection of

Bigge and Elizabeth streets, and bounded on the east

by Bigge-street, being a line bearing southerly 183

met to a reserved lane 119 feet wide on the south by

that lane bearing westerly 183 feet 6 inches to lot

number four on the west by the said lot bearing '

northerly to Elizabeth-street 183 feet; and on the

north by Elizabeth-street 183 feet 6 inches to the

point of commencement, the said dimensions being a

On this block of land is a two-storied brick-built house

of eight rooms, formerly known as the Hope Inn, at I

present tenanted by Mr. Thompson, and situated in one of the

principal streets a little to the northward of the Court-

house, and other public buildings. Terms at

A very Superior Cottage Residence, in the town of

Liverpool, at the corner of Moore and Northumber-

land streets, a short distance from the Old Ship Inn,

now called the Royal Oak.

T W, BOWDEN is instructed by the

It Executors of the late Mrs. Hill to sell by auction,

at the Land Sale Rooms, 164, Pitt-street, on THURSDAY,

the 20th of August, at 11 o'olock,

The handsome and commodious verandah cottage resi-

dence situated as above named, at present occupied

by Dr. Nind, being one of the most substantial,

comfortable, and modern style of cottages in the

town, and erected of the very best materials.

The house contains a good hall opening from the

verandah fronting Moore-street and leading to the dining

room. On the right hand, are the principal bedroom and

nursery. On the left hand, the drawing-room and a second

bedroom. On the west side, with a separate entrance from

the verandah, are two rooms intended for bedrooms but

now used as a reception room for patients and a surgery. _

Detached from the house, is an excellent kitchen with

servants' rooms adjoining, built of brick in a substantial

manner. In the yard, are stables and sheds for horses and

cows. The garden is a good size, and contains several full

The plot of ground has a frontage to Moora-street of 132

feet 97 feet to Northumberland-street, and contains one

On the same plot of land is erected author brick cottage

of four rooms, built since the one first described, and at

present tenanted by Miss Nowlan. The whole will be sold

This property is worthy the notice of any person retired

from business, living upon a fixed income, and desirous of

possessing a comfortable residence in a quiet country town,

affording all the necessaries of life, with. much of the

luxuries as may be desired, and yet within reach of the

capital in one hour by railway twice a day. The healthiness

of the town is well established.

I g" A very large amount has been expended upon this

property, which the new proprietor will get the benefit of,

as the vendors are prepared to sell for less than half the

actual cost, to close up the trust account.

To Ironmongers and others,

CHATTO and HUGHES have received instructions

to sell by auction, at their Rooms,

THIS DAY, 14th instant, at 11 o'clock,

An invoice of tinware, consisting of

To Ironmongers, Storekeepers, and others.


account of whom it may concern.

Ex Whitehall, Captain from London.

of 2 THAT! O and HUGHES will sell by auc- I

H- turn, THIS DAY, 14th instant, at 11 o'clock, ,

2 14-1 package, containing one of J. Tann and Co.'s |

" reliance " patent fire safes, size 24 x 18 x 174

2 17-1 ditto ditto ditto.

All more or less damaged by sea water.

Drapery, Fancy Goode, Slops, c, &o.

Just landed ex Jason, and Undaunted,

Pty MESSRS. CHAS. MOORE and CO. have

JlvJf received instructions to sell by auction, at

their Rooms, Pitt-street, on the above day,

Several consignments seasonable drapery, fancy goods,

Colonial crimean, &o,, etc.

To close Shipments for the Mail.

THIS DAY, (Friday, the 14th), at 11 o'clock.


LTD" have received instructions to sell by auction,

at their Rooms, Pitt-street, THIS DAY, Friday, the

THIS DAY, Friday, 14th August.


Pitt-street, at 11 o'clock, for half-past 11 o'clock prompt,

PRINCE-STREET.-Valuable building site, over-

looking the Harbour at the North end of Prince

street, part of Rnxton's Grant.

The whole of Mr. Arthur's well-known Redfern property

by order of the mortgagee, as a whole, or in lots to suit

CLEVELAND-STREET -An allotment of land next

to the corner of Botany-street, with house and blacksmith's

forge, occupied by Mr. Lumsden.

BOTANY-STREET. Shop, dwelling-house, and land,

THE TOLL-BAR INN, and allotments of land.

REDFERN STREET.- Allotment, with premises

lately occupied by Mr Gough, baker.

WILLS-STREET. An allotment of land, without improvements.


and houses, with oven, bakery, No., adjoining Mrs.

Hughes', Petersham Inn, and butcher's shop.

BALMAIN. Waterside residence, Darling Harbour,

opposite Goat Island, occupied by Mr. F. Huntley ;

Cottage and land, Campbell-street, overlooking

Waterview Bay and Cottage and land in the same street,

occupied by Mr. Abbott. i

Postponed in consequenoe of the inclemency of the

350 Chests Young Hyson Tea.

ROSSITER and LAZARUS have received

instructions to sell by auction, at their Rooms

THIS DAY, 14th instant, at 12 o'clock, I

350 chests young hyson tea.

Groceries, Oilmen's Stores, on.

ROSSITER and LAZARUS have received

instructions to sell by auction, at their Rooms

THIS DAY, August 14th, at 11 o'clock precisely,

Colman's mustards, in 7-lb. tins

Batty's half-pint salad oils

Brown Windsor and fancy soaps !

Imitation and meerschaum pipe, j -

ROSSITER and LAZARUS have received

instructions from the importers to sell by auction,

at their Rooms, on the above day, at 11 o'clock,

60 bales, 20 to 100 lbs , imperial brown paper.

tgsg" For and on account of whom it may concern.

Ex C iSH pore, M'Gowan, master, from London.

ROSSITER and LAZARUS have received

instructions to sell by auction, at their Rooms,

on the above day, at 11 o'clock,

1.210 SOO casks stout porter, each 4 dozen

251-300-100 casks ditto, pints, each 8 down.

ROSSITER and LAZARUS will sell by

auction, at their Rooms, on FRIDAY, 24th.

100 cases oysters, in 1-lb. tins.

Important Unreserved Sale.

ROSSITER and LAZARUS have been

favoured with instructions from the importers

to sell by auction, on the above day,

12 cases large size plaid vestas

12 ditto small ditto ditto

6 ditto japan tinned, 160's

eggs li or and on account of whom it may concern.

Ex Whitehall, -, master, from London.

ROSSITER and LAZARUS have received

- instructions to sell by auction, at their Rooms,

THIS DAY, 14th instant, at 11 o'olock,

$ 392-1 case, 100 sheets 18oz Muntz metal

393-1 ditto, 100 sheets ditto ditto

395-1 ditto, 100 sheets ditto ditto

396-1 ditto, 100 sheets 20 oz ditto

398-1 ditto, 100 sheets ditto ditto

399-1 ditto, 100 sheets ditto ditto

403-1 ditto, 100 sheets 22 oz ditto

405-1 ditto, 100 sheets ditto ditto

404-1 ditto, 100 sheets ditto ditto 2

kegs, each 1 own., composition nails

I ditto, 1 cwt. 11-inch ditto ditto.

ROSSITER and LAZARUS will sell by

- auction, at their Rooms, THIS DAY, 14th

50 boxes paraffine candles.

O ROSSITER and LAZARUS will sell by

the auction, at their Rooms, THIS DAY, at 11


By order of THE TRUSTEES in the estate of the late

The residue of the unsold properties.

LOT 10-6 VILLA SITES of about 30 acres each, on the

Cook's River Road, adjoining Mr. RE ILLEY'S property,

and nearly opposite Belle Vue, belonging to Mr.

LOT 2 -3 BEAUTIFUL FARMS of about 30 acres

each, at Parramatta, close to the Darling Mills, and


ORANGERY, having extensive frontage to the

MORT and CO. have been instructed by-

the trustees in the estate of the late Henry

Mace, Esq., to sell by public auction, at the Rooms, Pitt

street, at 11 o'clock, on WEDNESDAY, 26th August,

The above very valuable SUBURBAN PROPERTIES.

PLANS NOW ON VIEW, and every information

obtained from Messrs. Mort and Co., at their Rooms, Pitt

For particulars, apply to Messrs. SPAIN and ROXBURGH,

solicitors, Sydney Exchange.

TO BE SOLD in two lots pursuant to a

* decree of the Supreme Court of New

South Wales in its Equitable Jurisdiction made

in a cause wherein MICHAEL JOSEPH RYAN

is plaintiff and JOHN MCGUIGAN is defendant

with the approbation of GEORGE HIBBERT

DEFFELL Esquire the Master in Equity of the said

Court at the Auction Rooms of Messieurs MORT and

COMPANY Pitt-street Sydney some time in the month of

September of which due notice will be given all the right

title and interest of John M'Guigan in and to certain freehold

premises situate in George-street South Sydney.

Particulars whereof may in a short time be had gratis at

the said Master's Office Supreme Court-house King-street

Sydney of Mr. GEORGE EVANS solicitor 375 George


solicitor, 730, Pitt-street, Sydney and at the Auctioneers.

Dated this thirteenth day of August A d. 1863.


GEORGE EVANS agent for William Cotton Fell

plaintiff's solicitor Braidwood.

B E. THRELKELD and CO will, sell by

fits auction, at the City Mart, on MONDAY,

Invoices of ironmongery, &c.

Postponed in consequence of the inclemency of the weather.

Important to Coach-builders, Boat-builders, Timber

Merchants, Cabinetmakers, and others,

Positive and Unreserved Sale

At Messrs. R Towns and Co.'s Wharf, Miller's Point,

on MONDAY AFTERNOON, 17th instant, at 3

Just arrived direct from New York.

Superior Choice grained Maple Plank

LE. THRELKELD and CO. have received

instructions from Messrs. R. Towns and Co.

to sell by auction, at their wharf, Miller's Point,

on MONDAY AFTERNOON, the 17th instant, at 3

following shipment of choice timber, ex Templar,

134 pieces, 2,500 feet, maple plank

160 ditto, 1,973 ditto, oak ditto

576 ditto, 7,000 ditto, hickory ditto

1 999 ditto, 21,500 ditto, ash plank,

gig- The especial attention of coachbuilders, boat-

builders, cabinetmakers, timber merchants, and the trade

generally, is particularly directed to the above shipment of

very choice timber, being the only parcel in the market,

Wool, Sheepskins, Tallow, Hides, Leather, Bacon, Co.

is j. MESSRS. DURHAM and IRWIN will sell

Lv * by auction, at their Produce Stores, Circular

Quay, at 11 o'clock precisely,

Primo farm-fed bacon, No. -2

Spring, Tip-up, and Water Carts ; Trolley, Cooperage,

Second-hand Harness, like,, to. i

MR. J. F. STAFF will- sell by auction,

without reserve, at the Union Inn, Church

street, in addition to the above articles, . '

An assorted lot of second-hand ironware, and numerous

Sale to commence at 11 o'clock.