MAITLAND STOCK REPORT. - [MESSRS. DODDS AND CO's REPORT.] - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 5 Mar 1866 (original) (raw)
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Mon 5 Mar 1866 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
LJirssns. DODDS vvn co.'s nn-on-r ]
sruioss- we are informed that moat part of the Northern
district is looking romirkably w eil, and feed plentiful Wc hav e
not heard of nnv sales on this side Several stations are m our
hands for pm ate sale, stocked w ith sheep and cattle, small sta-
tion« arc the only ones that can be sold to advantage
Fat Cottle -Onlv a limited supply his come to Maitland, and,
in consequence, those sold in the jaids realised excellent prices
from £1 is to £< "s each, the latter pnce being given for a picked
v uti of cows rheieisateiy good opening hele for a draft or
two of renlh pi une cattle, which we feel confident would bring a
lot Sheep -Market is bare, few sheep havingbecn offered here
latch The M dnev market not being quite so firm, tonds to
I check pnces here The present vtlue foi wethers-from 11s to
13s each, ewes, from 8B to 10s each
I Stoic Sheep-There nroseteinl purchasers m this market for
stoic wether», m lots fiom SOO to 500 head, for wlnoh from 7s to
8s each could be obt-tined The season hating turned out
fatournblv, imnv owners prefer keeping them on to fat en rather
than sell at these figures VV e have loOO maiden ewes, the pro
peit) of Mr John Ickfoid, now in oui hands
Mivcet Cuttle -\ny full-giown cattle sell rcmaikably well ;
indeed, all the descriptions oi cattle offered here hai-o sold at full
mniketiatcs They weic principallv purchased by persons who
Horses-A great numbei of light horses have occn in tho
yuid=, and irc;elifflcu!t[of sale except at mere nommai pnces,
btrong boi-bcs, adapted foi baines», and those brokon-ln to saddle
and harness- those nie the only ones that can be sold at anything
Milch Cows-\ fe« choice imlkeis would sell well Wo dis-
posed of ii lot this -week, but thev weie montly drj cattle.
Woiking Bullocks -\ good amount of business has been done
m tlii« class of stock, -it pnces íanging from £8 8s to £13 2s per
pair, the littci pnce, howetei, w is grtcn foi a picked team
P its n e in v cry fair demand
1 allow -mil hides continue to sell w eil There is very little
tallow to be hid, owing to the boiling donn establishments being
at a standstill foi the want of cattle
Hav and Mai/e -Not quite so finn, but it is generally believed
that hav will get up in pnee in the wuiter
land uid House Property - V\c have scvcnl allotments in
VV est Maitland foi sale, also several houses
Ecíult oi Sales -M'Donald G workeis, at £1 4s each, 2
voung bullocks, £3 16s Gd each, 2 old bullocks, £2 0s Gd each;
1 bull, £3 12» Gd Tierney 10 drj cows, average £2 15a; 2
steer«, ¿2 Gs eich, 3 v earling heifers, 2as each Champion 22
woiker» -mel 2 \oting unbioken bullocks, £100 Pnnco 8
bullocks, £18 Is pei pair, 1 ditto, £6 9s Cowan 7 workers, at
£a 28 each , J stags and 2 voung bullocks, £1 17s each Lock
liait 4 cons, i it ¿3 1 s each, 1 calf 17s. M'Lean I harness
hoise, £1", 1 colt, £3 !j», 1 runic, £3, 1 colt, £2 i7s. Bruoo
ind anothci 1 ponv mite, Li, 1 barnes» horse, £11.
IKVVLILI\C STOCK -The Clarence and lltchmoni
Lxannntt states that one thousand head of cattlo from the
well-known station of Messrs Fanning and Co , Wooroo
wolgon, Biehmond River, passed through Tabulam, on.
1 uesdny lost, on route to the Western Districts, the pur-
chaser being Mi John Lamb, of Sydney.-Tho weather at
Tnbulam, during the past week, has been excessively hot.
WAVERLEY MUNICIPALITY.-This municipal council met on
Thursday evening, the 22nd instant, at the council chambers,
Waverley-street, for the purpose of electing the chairman of the
municipality for the current municipal year. The following
councillors were present, viz: -Councillors John Birrell, James
Campbell, David Fletcher, Charles K Moore, Daniel Robinson,
Stephen Dickson, and J C Peters. It was moved by councillor
Campbell, seconded by councillor Robinson,-" That the late
chairman of the council, Mr. John Birrell, be again elected to the
said office " The honour sought to be conferred was declined by
Mr. Birrell with thanks, and it was then moved by councillor
Fletcher, seconded by councillor Robinson, and carried unani-
mously,-" That councillor Stephen Dickson be elected the chair-
man of this municipality for the current municipal year." The
now-elected chairman returned thanks, and the council then