Archbishop at Christmas Party for the Blind... Lady Wakehurst Attends Cusa Annual Meeting... Week's Social Jottings - Catholic Weekly (Sydney, NSW : 1942 - 1954) - 17 Dec 1942 (original) (raw)

Thu 17 Dec 1942 - Catholic Weekly (Sydney, NSW : 1942 - 1954)
Page 13 - Archbishop at Christmas Party for the Blind... Lady Wakehurst Attends Cusa Annual Meeting... Week's Social Jottings

Archbishop at Christmas .Party for the Blind . . . Lady Wakehur£t

Attends Cusa Annual Meeting . . . Week's Social Jottings

'Thank God, that the blind

can laugh !' and this was

1 forcibly brought home to

those present at the annual

Christmas party to the Ca

tholic blind in their club

rooms, Carrington-street, on

Apart from the Christmas feeling

of gaiety that could not be sup

pressed, several . very humorous

events during the evening, includ

ing the alnrm clock going off ?whilst

a song was in progress, sent tho

crowded room into peals of mirth.

It was one of the happiest even

The guest of the party was his

Graco the Archbishop of Syd

ney .-(the Most Rov. N. T.

panied by his privato secretary,

the Bov. Father J. Freeman. His

Grace was greeted on arrival by

the Rev. Father W. Malond (spiri

tual director), Mr. and Mrs. E.

Thornton and Miss M. O'Slian

His Graco chatted with tho blind

people, nnd enjoyed tho dry wit

of a merry old man, whose ship

had been torpedoed in the lust

war, and himsolf blinded.

At tho close of tho evening tho

Archbishop distributed gifts to

each ono prosent, on bohalf of the

committoo. 'With Miss Kitty

Murphy at the piano, . musical

items filled the hours, tlio follow

ing artists participating: Mrs.

Loo Jones, Mary Blake, Mick

Hinchey, and Gwon Horbort.

Some exquisite folk songs and

Christmas) carols, by the Grail

choir,- conducted by Miss Julio

Thornton, B.A., wero also given.

Tho last half of the programmo

was given by members of the

bind, and included Mr. Arnold,

Mrs. Manahan (songs), Mr. Sid

Harding (piano), Mrs. Leonard,

and Mr. Geo. Dwyor (songs), and

a recitation by Mr. Gilligan.

Amongst tho guests woro Miss

Kate Egan, B.M., M.B.E., Moa

damea I. Fogarty, S. Blake, Do

lanoy, and Miss Noll Casey; wliilo

tho following sorved a delightful

supper: Misses M. Martin, Mario

Daly, Mario O'Malley, Katliloon

Ryan, Olniro Bridge, Marie Taylor,

Mosdames E. O'Malley and J.

O'Rourke. A voto of thanks was

accordcd his Graco nt tho instanco

of Mr. J. Shoohy, on bohalf ot

On Sunday, November 22, tho ex

pupils and friends of Rosobank

Collogo asaemblod in largo num

bors to celebrnto tho blessing of

tho substantial air-raid Blioltor,

constructed by tho voluntary la

bour of a fow devoted and self

sacrificing benofactors of tho col

lego. Tho visitors woro welcomed

by a charming musical entertain

ment given by tho present day. pu

pils. Evory item had an attraction

of its own, and wns thoroughly en

joyed by an approclntivo audience.

Aftorwards tho sheltor was solemn

ly blessed by tho Rov. Fntlior W.

J. Stevens, P.P.. who wnn accom

panied by Rov. FathorH P. C. Kor

wlck and O. Koliy, O.F.M. Tlio

. pupils formed a guard of honor for

tho procession nnd sung appropriate

itoms for tho occaalon. Tlio struct

ure compares favourably with tho

boat, securing a maximum of protec

tion togothor with a minimum of

discomfort* Provision liiis boon made

for ' comfortably seating 150 per

son s. Aftor tlio coromony, tho

pupils gave a display of phyaical

oulturo and ourythmics. Subso

quontly, nil adjournod for aftor

noon ton, during 'which thoy woro

ontoftftlriod at tlio 'various contres

of -attrActlon, hrh»ngo-| by tho

ox-pupila, whoso onbrta this year,

on bohVilf of thoir alma mater

hav6'iJ,b'oibri ?' particularly buocobb

Mrs. C. Hart has ever been, tho friend of the 'men who go down to the sea in ships' — the grand Merchant Navy. 8he has been president of the Apostteship of the Sea since its inception some years ago, and in war and peace, she and her committee have seen to the spiritual and temporal ? welfare of the Catholic seamen in port. Help

Mrs. C. Hart has ever been, tho

friend of the 'men who go down

to the sea in ships' — the grand

Merchant Navy. 8he has been

president of the Apostteship of

the Sea since its inception some

years ago, and in war and peace,

she and her committee have

seen to the spiritual and

temporal ? welfare of the Catholic

A crowded Town Hall greeted

her Excellency Lady Wnkohurat on

Friday evening whon 'she attend

ed tho third annual mooting of tlio

Catholic United Servleos Auxili

ary. Sho wns uccompnniod by lior

daughter, tho Hon. Honrlotta

Lodor, nnd wns mot on nrrivnl by

tho Vory- Rev. Monsignor W. P.

Clark, P.P., P.C. (Administrator

of Cuaa), the Rov. Fathor C. Kel

ler, Mrs. R. McKinnon (vicopro

sidont of tho Legion of Catholic

Women, deputising for tho presi

dent, Mrs. M. J. O'Neill), Mrs.

W. T. Hognrty (president of

Cuaa), Miss Kato Egnn, B.M.,

M.B.E. (president, City Hut),

Miss Zitn Tnrlinton (organising

secretary, Cuaa), and Mra. Hnrry

Daly (secretary, Navy Unit of

Cuaa). Tlio musical programme

included orclioatrnl selections by

tho pupila of Holy Crosa Collogo,

Woollahra; two oxquiaito choral

numbors by boys from St. Cliarloa's

C.B.C. choir, Wavorloy, conduct

ed by tho Rov. Brothor Brady,

and nccompnniod by Mr. D.

O'Brion; soprano soli, Mias Myroo

Parkor; baritone aoli, Mr. Don Mc

Michnel; accompaniatc, Misa Peg

Ford, nnd several vory beautiful

numbers by tho Grail choir, un

der tho baton of tho Rov. Fathor

W. Dlrou, M.S.O. Enuh item was

On tho platform woro alao Llou

tenant-Colonol C. O. Sullivan,

U.S.A.; Captain Joyco Snolling,

Assistant Comptroller V.A.D.;

Wlng-Coinmandor J. Witton-Flynn,

and Mr, Euataco Holllngdalo.

Mra. MncKinuon, in opening tho

buainoaa of tho ovonlng, apologis

ed for tho unavoidable absonco of

Mra. O'Nolll, who waa to liavo

presided, 'Following thrco strenu

ous yoars in which sho liaa dono

so much for Cusa, bIio has had to

roat, undor medical advlco, though

sho ia now on tho wny to ro

covory.'' Mrs. McKinnon wel

comed, on hor bohalf, Lady Wako

liurst, who has always boon doop

ly intorostod in Cusa work.

Mrs. Hogarty addod hor wol

como, aiul Lady Wnkoliurst, in

oxprossing hor ploasuro at boing

prosont, apoko In prniao of tho

Cusa womon and girls, whoao work

alio hud soon nil ovor N.S.W,, in

Lady Wnkohurat thon npoko of

tho Cuaa Prlsonora of War Bu

reau, and wan grateful boonuao

through it aho had boon able to

sond nnd rocolvo a moBBiigo to lior

brothor, who is a prisoner of war

in Germany, and who had been

so long in silence. In conclusion,

her Excellency expressed regret

at Mrs. O'Neill's absence. 'Hor

work has . been so great, and be

causo Cusa owes so much to her,

I am sure you will all join with

me in sending loving wishoa for

her speedy return to health.' In

wishing her listeners -greetings

for Christmas Lady Wakehurst re

gretted that for some it would be

sad, 'but let ua all pray that next

Christmas will bo a happy one,'

At Cronulla recently, ? Mr. and

Mrs. George Weber, for over 30

years residents of Summer Hill,

celebrated the fiftieth anniversary

of thoir wedding. Thoy wero

Slattery, in St. Joseph's Church,

Newtown on November ? 23,^

1802. Mr. Weber, who lived

in Nowtown pitrish for several

yoars before his marriage, was n

member of Stl .Joseph's choir.

Prior to this, ho aang in St, Mary'a

Cathodral choir. Ho was alao

for a time ono of tho bollringers.

In St. Thomas's parish, Lowi

sliam, Mr. Wober was a mombor of

tho choir for ovor 20 yoars. Mrs.

Weber haa always boon an active

aupporter in parochial affairs, nnd

throughout hor married life, a

member of the Sacred Heart So

dality. Thoro are four children

of the marriage — 'Eugene, Millio,

Joo and George, all of whom are

mnrried — there aro 13 grandchild

ren: On Sundny, Novombor 22,

tlio Rov. Fathor J. Donovnii, P.P.,

colobrntod 0 o'clock Maaa at Cron

ulla in thanksgiving, and congratu

lated tho jubilarlans on boing

prosont with all thoir children

and grandchlldron. Lator, Father

Donovan was prosont at dinner at

tho home. During tho aftornoou

over 100 relatives and friends woro

ontortained by Mr. and Mrs.

Artists who contributed to a

most enjoyablo musiealo, arrangod

by tho Thoroalan Auxiliary on

Wednesday aftornoon, at 'Car-

inolita, ' included Gladys Verona,

Ella McKonzio, Barbara McDon

nell, who dancod a pretty part of

tho Huasian ballot of Christmas, _

depicting tho snow, tho giftB, and

much of tho atory of tho first

Christmas. Sho ia a pupil of Mia

cha Burlacov, Diroctor of tho first

Australian ballot, who gave a

talk on ballot dancing. Other ar

tists woro Warwick McKonzio and

Juatin Harve. Tho party waa ar

rangod to provido Chriatnias com

forts for tho poor, and amongst

those present wero Mrs. Massoy

Miller (prosidont), Lady Snowdon,

Mcsdumes It. Qulgloy, Murphy, J.

Walker, M, Coop, Coffoy, O. Orr,

Moran, J. Roloa, J. M. Murray,

Joyce, J$. Armstrong, M. J. Can

drick, Luacombo, Carter, B. Phil

lips, Lin, Lano, and Glynn, Misses

Zona Phillips, Joan Howard, Con

nors, L. Mooro, Evolyn McNameo,

Mias Anno Rogora gave hor

homo, 'Brnganza,' Contonnia!

Park, for a card aftornoon for tho

Modicnl Array Comforts Fund. It

was- a auccoaaful vonturo, tho fol

lowing bringing parttos: Mosdamoa

F. Moncle, Fowlor, Coyno, Rooal,

Rogan, Daley, M. Egan, D. Egan,

McCloud, Wnylnnd, Tigho, McCIol

land, C. McKonnla, Bates, Qullty,

Skinner, W. M. Rogora, Philip

Jonea, C. Lindaay, Gillott, J.

Morao Evans, Misnea Hilda Aikon,

E. McC'loan, E. McNamoo, Jean

Howard, N, Ryan and K. Griflln,

The annual appeal for the Sis

ters of St. Joseph, Bondi, was

brought to a close by a Christmas

fair, held in St. Patrick's Hall,

Wellington-street. . Two wellfur

nished toy stalls, the girls' and

the boys', were tho biggest at

tractions, the former boing

like a zoo. There wero all ani

mals represented, ' and thoy woro

made by Mrs. Harris, of Welling

ton-street. Tho reault of the ap

Mrs. F. J. Dunin, of Bellevue

Hill, has arranged a dinner party

as a welcome homo to her nephew,

Mr. W. Redmond, who will be re

turning on December 18, from

West Wyalong, whore ho has been

teaching. Mr. Redmond will bo

remembered as president -of tho

I Roao Bay Catholic Younger Set,

which position ho resigned in

Juno laBt, to go to Wyalong.

Country .nnd city combined to

send congratulations to Mr. Ken

Shenhan, of Gordon, and Mias

Clairo Winship, of Pymble, who,

Inst week, announced their en

gagement, and wero entertained at

Rose's on Tuesday ovoning, De

comber 8. Tho brido-to-bo ia a

well-known North Shore Cusa

worker, and Ken waa aeerotnry

last year of St. Aloysius' O.B.U.,

of which ho has always been an

ardent member, Thoao present at

tho party included Misses Celia

Winship, Pat Hogarty, Margaret

Slioahan, Judy Payno, Drs. Bedo

Moasrs. Caird Williamson, Pliil -

Arcus, and A.C.l Alnn Cnrmodv.

Children of Maiy honored thoir

fellow-sodalist, Miss Patricia

Lnne, of Monngnino, Osborne, bo

foro hor marriage to Mr. W. .J,

Smith of Kurrajong, Lockliart,

by presenting her with a beauti

Announced at a mooting of tho

Sacred Heart Sodality, North

Sydnoy, last week, that the Rov.

Father Leo Murphy, S.J., had

boon transferred to Toowong,

Brisbane. Thero wero many re

grets as tho news spread nround.

Congratulations aro again coming

in to Alderman Thomas Hogan, of

Bondi, upon his election as Mayor

of Waverley. Aldorman Hogan

wns a popular mayor a- few years

back, and his sister, Miss M.

Hogan will again act as Mayoress.

It was a happy family gather

ing which took place at the home

of Mr. and Mrs. John Byrne, of

Young. A son, A.C.l. Thomas

Byrne, R.A.A.F., arrived home on

a few days' leave. A daughter,

Mrs. J. S. Grady, of Yetman, was

another visitor; brother and sister

had not met for 13 years. Mr.

and Mrs Reg. Byrne, of Wagga,

and Miss Rita Byrne, who is

a member of the staff of the Egg

Board, also visited the family