ARRIVALS. - The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (NSW : 1844 - 1860) - 25 Dec 1854 (original) (raw)

December 18. — David Maclvor. ship,' 868 tons, Captain Baillie,

from Liverpool September 7, with 366 immigrants. Dr. J. C.

Sanger, Surgeon Superintendent. Willie, Merry, and Co.,

December 18. — Chieftain, barque, 293 tons, Captain Edwards,

from China September 30. Thacker and Co., agents.

December 18.— Spray, schooner; 93 tons, Captain Martin, from

San Francisco September 4, Twofold Bay the 16th instant. Pas

sengers— Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Quin, Mies Quin, Dr. Crawford,

Meters. J. H. Vincent, Solomon, and IS in the steerage. Captain,

December 19.— Hellespont (s.), S60 tons. Captain Pole, from Mel

bourne 16. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs.

Thompson family and servant, MissHoiikins, Messrs. Macnpmara,

'Weale, Murray, Threlkeld, Soutfaey, Breman, Cooper, and M'Duff.

S. and M.S. Co., agents. ?-*

December 19.— Singanore. Hamburgh ship, 630 tons, Captain J.

Both, from Hamburgh 9th August, and Melbourne 13th instant.

Passengers— Mrs. Hermann, Messrs. Jacobs,P.LanHelmkas. and

SO German immigrants in the steerage. Haege and Prell,

December 19.— British Queen, schooner, 110 tons, Captain

Werry, from Fooehoufoo (Chine) 17th September, Gilchrist,

Deoember 19.— Onx, barque, 250 tons, Captain Cootes, from

Melbonrne 7 th instant, in ballast. R. Towns, agent.

October 19.— .Rover, schooner, 66 tons, Moyes, from Melbourne

Deoember S. Passengers— Messrs. Cadden, Reid, A. Delohery.

December 19.— Archibald Grade, American barque, 820 tons,

Captain Pence, from San Francisco 18th October. Passengers —

Mr. and Mrs. OwenB and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Young and

family, Mr. A. Lazar, Captain, agent.

December 19. — Vernon, brig, 222 tons. Captain Davis, from

CaUao 27th August, in ballast. Passengers— 37 ingjthe steerage.

Deoember 19. — Hercules, Swedish schooner, ISO tons, Captain

Hed strom, from Port Frederick 14th instant. Captain, agent.

December 20.— Queen of the South, schooner, 59 tons, Captain

Baxter, from Twofold Bay the 16th instant, with 9 passengers.

December 20. — Lodiwijk Antonie, Dutch barque, 384 tons, Cap

tain Leonhardt, from Amsterdam August 15tb, and Melbourne

the 16th instant'. Passengers — 3. in the steerage. Joseph

Dhanish and Co., agents. .

December 20.— Flora Bella, schooner, 303 tons, Captain Van

Norden, from Melbourne the 16th instant, in ballasr. Church

December 20 — Rabenhauph, Dutch barqne, 433 tons, Captain

Byker, from Liverpool August 1. Captain, agent.

December 20.— Thames, brig, 240 tons, Griffiths, from Singa

pore November 9. Passengers— Messrs. Spain, Leichardt,

Basher, and M'Pherson. Henry Fisher, agent.

December 20. — Wide-a-Wake, American ship, 758 tonB, Captain

Tarlton, from Richmond, Virginia, September 20. Thacker and

December 20.— Galatea, barqne, 327 tons, Captain MtLean,

from Kiapara (N. Z.), the 10th instant. Passengers ? Mrs.

Morgan, Mr. M. J. Morgan, Mr. D. Bueglass. 'William Wright,

December 20 ? Jacatra, ship, 348 tons, Captain Alton, from

Manila October 1. Griffiths, Fanning, and Co., agents,

December 20.— James Booth, ship, 636 tons, Captain John 1

Booth, from Shanghai October 20. Passenger— Mr. H. Rots

child. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., agents.

December 20. — Caroline Chisholm, barque, 366 tons, Captain

Trawsdale, from Manila September 7. Passengers— 5 ship

wrecked seamen. Ebsworth and Co., agents.

December 20.— Jean, brig, 100 tons, Captain Roberts, from

Geelong the 15th instant. Captain, agent, in ballast.

December 20.— Stanhope, schooner, 110 tons, Captain Baillie,

from Melbourne the 34th instant. M 'Arthur and Atkinson,

^TkH*mber 20.— Lady Leigh, schooner, 119 tons, Captain Wells,

from Hobart Town the 12th instant. J. H. Levien, agent.

Deoember 20.— Fancy, schooner, S3 tons, Captain Tranent,

from Merimbula the 19th instant. Edve Mannine. airent.

December 20.— Emma, brig, 154 tons, Captain Brown, from

Hobart Town the 15th instant. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs. Barnes

and child, MissTait, Miss Dalmas, Mr. Walker, and Master

George. John Macnamara, agent.

December 20.— Wave, schooner, 98 tons, Captain Powell, from

Geelong the 16th instant, in ballast. Captain, agent.

December 21.— Jenny Lind, schooner, 150 tons, Captain J. 8.

Front, from Port Curtis the 1st, and Wide Bay the 10th instant.

Passengers— Mr. M4Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkin and child,

Messrs. JameB A. Ternen, AndersoB, and 6 in the steerage.

December 23.— Mountain Maid, brig, 190 tons. Captain Peacock,

from Nelson the 11 th December. Passengers — Rev. G. B. Com'te,

Mr. Farnham, 3 native chiefs, and 1 in the steerage. Captain,

December 23 — City of Sydney (s.), 500 tons, Captain Moodie.

from Melbonrne the 23rd instant. Passengers — Miss Laoy, Mrs,

Murphy, Mrs. Dues, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Morgan, Messrs. Wilson

Damoch, Thompson, Sutherland, Kingston, Gibson. BnrneB,

Winterbottom, M'Kellop, Gellhouse, Upton, Seaghley, Stewart,

28 in the intermediate, and 113 in the steerage. A.S.N. Company,

December 24.— China, ship, 631 tons, Captain Cox, returned to

December 24.— Boomerang (s.), 400 tons, Captain HenryO'Reilly,

from Moreton Bay the 21st instant. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs.

Moot, children, and servant; Miss West, Mrs.Russell, Mrs.Daveney,

Captain Warner, Messrs. Lester, Whitty, Henssler, Piatt, Royds,

Cowper, Wilson ; seven in the steerage, one prisoner, and one

constable. Australian Steam Navigation Company, agents.