ARRIVALS. - The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (NSW : 1844 - 1860) - 8 Jan 1855 (original) (raw)
January 1.— Prince of Wales, barque, 582 tone, Captain James
Donald, from London August 27. Paf Bcngers— Mies Lilley, Mr.
'Walker and Mr. Gass. Gilcbrist, Watt, and Co., agente.
January 1.— Tasmania (b.), 400 tons, Captain Clinch, from
Hebart Town the 28th ultimo. Passengers— Miss Solomon, Mies
Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Snape Masters Snape (2), Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson, Major Corraack, Dr. Cumberland, Rev. Mr. Moore,
M«esr6.Hatfield, Morris, and 23 in the steerage. Willis, Merry,
January 1. — Unknown, schooner, SC tons, Captain Watson, from
Twofold Bay the 29th ultimo, '.with 10 passengers. Captain,
January 2.— Csllender, schooner, 188 tons, Captain A. Collins,
jrom Melbourne the 26th ultimo. Wright, agent.
January 2. — Waconsta, ship, 737 tons, Captain Stewart, from
Plymouth 29th September. Passengers— Mrs. Hellance, Mrs.
Stewart, Miss Reynolds, Miss Clarke, Mrs. and Miss Raphael,
Mr. Arrone, 252 Government emigrants. Captain, agent.
1 January 2 ? Ocean Wave, ship, 346 tons, Captain Lackey,
from Manila September 24. G. A. Lloyd, and Co., agents.
January 2. — Lima, Hamburgh barque, 218 tons, Captain Peters,
from Canton 28th October. Smith, Campbell, and Co., agents.
January 2.— Blue Bell, schooner, €5 tons. Captain Kirkman,
from Melbourne 24th December, in ballast. ByrneB, spent.
January 2.— Ashburton, ship, 590 tons. Captain King, from
the Downs 17th September. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. Thornton
and eon, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Miss bkipwortb, Miss Buttershaw,
Mrs. Wbiurarsh and child, Messrs. Andrew, Hanes, Nettlefield,
Gird, Clam, Krufoy, Moncks, Mr. and Mrs. Noble, Mr, and Mrs. Bur
dock, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Mrs. and Miss Reid. Kirchner and
January 2.— Woolloonwoloo, ship, 627 tons, Captain Stewart,
from London 14th, and Isle of Wight 20th September. Pagsen
gers — Mr. and Mrs. Brodziak4 children and servant, Mr. and
Mrs. Goldring 2 children and servant, Mr. Brett, Miss Grimshaw
and niece, Mr. Defries, Mr. £. Goldring, Mr. and Mrs. Westley
and son, Miss Gibson, Mifs Taylor, Messrs. Taylor, Wiffin, Burt
ley, Thorogood (2), Ironmonger, Baikes. Gitehrist, Watt, and
January 2. — John Bull, schooner, 69 tons, Captain Thompson,
from Melbourne 27th tilt Captain, agent.
January 3.— Hellespont (s.), Captain Pole, from Melbourne 30th
instant. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Leard
and pervant, Miss Butchart, Messrs. J. B. Watt, O' Brien, Home,
Hawdon, Savill, M'Kellar, Beecher, Armstrong, Strutt, Burton,
Sampson, M'Nalty, Harden, Nichols, Mis. Aldred and daughter,
Mr. Ward, and 57 in the steerage.
January 3.— Waterwitch, barque, 253 tons, Captain Adams, from
Port Lyttelton (N.Z.) the 16th ultimo. Passengers— Mrs. Adams,
Messrs'. A. Lidley, Wilson, Johnstone, 3 stockmen, and 5 in the
steerage. Buyew and Learmonth, agents.
January 4.— Experiment, Swedish brig, 150 tons, Cautain B. A.
Carlson, from Talcahuano September 30. Passengei— Captain T ,
Robinson. Crawley and Smith, agents.
January 4 —Tory, barque, 483 tons, Captain Livingstone, from
Port Cooper .December 18. Passengers— Messrs. Anderson, and
Dines. Willis, Merry, and Co., agents.
January 4.— -Star, barque, 183 tonR, Captain Fairclough, from
South Sea Islands November 29. Passenger— 1 in the steerage.
January 6.— Ebba Erahe, ship, 1700 tons, Captain Davison, from
Plymouth October 14, with 3924 adult emierants. Captaip, agent.
January G. — Mandarin, American ship, 776 ton?, Captain Perit,
from Richmond, Virginia, September 15, Melbourne 30th ultimo.
Passengers— Mrs. Perit, and Mr. Anthon. Flower, Salting, and
January 6.— Lizzie Webber, brig, 235 tons, Captain M'Kinlay,
from Launceston 31st December. Passengers— Bliss Martin, Mrs.
Simmonds 2 children, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Hutchinson, and 6 in the
steerage. Henrv Fisher, agent.
January 6.— City of Sydney (s), 750 tons, Captain R. T.
Moodie, from Melbourne the 3rd instant. Passengers— Mr. Win-
terbottom, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Taylor, Misses Taylor (3) and
servant, Meeers. Dalton, Atkinson, J. Davis, Boyle,
Stark, Busaco, Miss Young, Mrs. Henay, Mrs. Hackin, Messrs.
Laurie, WiUiaas (2), Rose, Young, Sharpe, Swift, Chat, Rice,
Sharp, and 85 in the steerage. A. S. N. C, agents.
Junuary 7.— Boomerang (s s.), 400 tons, Captain H. O'Reilly,
from Moreton Bay the 5th instant. Passengers— Mrs. W. Turner
and servant, Mrs. Maxwell and servant, Mrs. Warren and S
children. Mrs. Rankin, Rev. N. Turner, Rev. C. Stewart, Rev.
J. G. Millard, Captain Wiekham and servant, Dr. Brown, Messrs.
A. M'Arthur, R. Johnstone, Weston, Twine, J. Waleh, W. H.
'Walsh, C. Daveney, C. Kable, W. Turner, C. Turner, J. Gilles
pie, W. Malcom, P. Malcom, and 13 in the steerage. Austral
asias Steam Navigation Company, agent*.