DEPARTURES. - The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (NSW : 1844 - 1860) - 9 Apr 1853 (original) (raw)

April 2. — Chusan, P. and O. Co.'s steamer, 579

Ions, Captain Down, for Singapore, vfa Mel

bourne. Passengers. — For Southampton : . Messrs.

T. Aspinwall, W. M'Gill, M'Gill, A. C. Cohen, J. Cuth

bcrts. For Alexandria: L. Rawack, N. Schouller. For

Madras : Mr. R. James. For Singapore: Mr. R. Wildey.

For Peylon: Dr. F. Cogan. For Adelaide: Mrs. E.

aiaycoQk, Miss S. Trigg, Mr. ingoia, T. Vierow, JJ.

Lithgow. For Melbourne : Mrs. M. Duff, Mr. and Mrs.

W. Butler, Messrs. T, Day, E. Norman, A. Moyes, J.

Houston, J. Monk, J. M'Can, J. Johnson, A. Scherman,

M Nelson, and 92 in the steerage.

April 2. — Adventure, 100 tons, Captain Graham for

April 2 — Picard, schooner, 171 tons, Captain Kendall,

for Melbourne. Passengers — Mrs.- two Misses, and Mas

ter Smart, Mrs. Kendall and child, Messrs. Gaskell,

April 2. — Christina, brig, 126 tons, Captain Rees, for

Melbourne. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs. Bremner and

child, MeBsrs. J. and M. Talbot, Orr, T. Page, Page, T.

Page j an., J. M'Hugh,C.Coleriagh, Matthewson, H. Green,

W. Hart, Johns, T. Doran, H. Kenedy, T. Speeding, R.

Searle, J. Bernard, J. Reynolds, J. Spurgin, and fifteen

April 2. — Isabella, barque, 195 tons, Captain Moore, for

Port Albert. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Miss

Du Moulin, Mrs. Bullett, Miss Burkett, Mr. and Mrs.

Oraille and child, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson and three

children. Messrs. Shaw, Fraser, Nelson, M'lutosh, J.

Palglass, J. Reid, and seven in the steerage.

April 2.— William Prowse, ship, 602 tons, Captain

Williams, for Port Cooper via Neweastle.

April 2. — British Isles, barque, 315 tons, Agncw, for

Guam, via Newcastle, in ballast. Passengers — Mr. and

Mrs. W. Drew and four sons, Miss M'Cusky.

April 4. — Vixen, barque, 296 tons, Captain Rell, for

April 4. — Marmora, schooner, — tons, Captain Kenny,

for Auckland. Passenger — Mr. G. Duke.

April 4. — Fawn, schooner, 129 tons, Captain Bond, for

Moreton Bay, with sundries. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs.

Smith, Mr. Weaver, and twelve in the steerage.

April 6. — HopeweJl, for Newcastle.

April 6. — Helene, barque, 294 tons, Captain Anderson,

for Singapore. Passenger — Dr. Caplan.

April 6. — Lizzie Webber, brig, 296 tons, Captain Roun

tice, for Melbourne. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott,

Mr. and Mrs. Rooke, Messrs. W. Costell, A. Hacking,

E. Jobbins, Eielly, W. Wright, J. Hocking, J. Johnson,

J. Thompson, J. Rowley, J. Holmes. J. Steel, G. Morrow,

J. Macey, J. Donaldson, and 65 in the steerage.

April 6. — Envelope, barque, 402 tons,tCaptain Smith,

for San Francisco. Passengers — Mrs. L. White, Dr.

Grahame, Messrs. G. Smith, VT. H. Jackson, W. TJnder

wooa, jun., fauiKner, Jianton, ana ou in tne steerage.

April 6.— Waratah, steamer, 259 tons, Captain Bell,

for Melbourne, via Twofold Bay. Passengers — Mr. and

Mrs. Goldsborough, Mrs. Argyle, Mrs. Row, Mrs. G.

Smith, son, and daughter, Miss Argyle, Mrs. Benjamin,

Moore, O'Sullivan, Denny, Lewis, P. Maclulles, Gray, J.

Welch, S. Craig, J. Houston, S J. Spyer, M. Hart, R. J.

Gillispie, Read, J. Twomey, W. Watley, J. T. Taylor, Mm.

E. Turner, and 92 in the steerage.

April 7. — Albion, for Wide Bay.

April 8. — Catherine Jamieson, barque, 452 tons, Captain

Hutcheson, for London. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs.

Weight, Messrs. J. Webster, G. Bankart, J. Bankart, and

April 8. — Mary Bannatyne, barque, 535 tons, Captain

Grant, for London. Passengers — Mr. Salkeld, and five

April 8. — Sydney Packet, barque, 191 tons, Captain

Everingham, for Melbourne. Passengers — R. Mackay,

and H. Hickson, and 20 in the steerage.

April 8. — Victoria Packet, barque, 170 tons, Captain '

Gleadon, for Melbourne, via Newcastle, in- ballast.

April 8. — Red Rover, schooner, 62 tons, Captain Rear- !

don, for Warnambool, via Port Fairy. Passengers — Mrs.

and Master Williamson, Mr. Hoosey, Mr. and Mrs. Best '

April 8.— Iris, cutter, 75 tons, Captain Rains, for the

April 8 —Emma, brig, 121 tons, Captain Fox, for Gee- j

long. Passengers — Messrs. Wilkinson, Barrowes, Ballan- j

tine, C. Vangerdeion, and 6 in the steerage. j

April 8.— Jack, brig, 147 tons, Captain Whitbam, for

Moreton Bay. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs. Weekes and 3

children, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Messrs. Bowman, King, '

C. C. M'Donald, Jul-b, Sheen, Jeffrie, Whellan, Garling, j

J. J. Whiting, Sbansnoy, and Mrs. Ensor. j

April 8. — Harriet, brig, 113 tons, Captain Johnson, for '

Melbourne. Passengers— Mr, and Mrs. Crux, Mr. and!

Mrs. J. M'Kcnny, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mrs Webster, Mr. I

aud Mrs. Jephat and 6 children, Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher

and 3 children, Messrs. Wilson, J. Clark, Waterhouse, W.

S. Tozer, J. Abbott,- a. Kainey, Thropp, J. Bowers, Ar

thur, and 4 in the steerage.

April 9.— Elizabeth for Callao.

April 9.— Golden Spring, brig, 198 tons, Captain

M'Veigh, for Melbourne. Passengers — Mrs. Burns and

thiee daughters, Mrs. M. Mackay and three children,

Messrs. W. Cooper, E. Button, G. Franklin, C. Marting.

T White, J. Leatham, W. Hunter, J. Knowles, N. Shaw,

Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson and child, and forty-seven in

April 9.— Emma, brig, 139 tons, Captain Brown, for

Hobarfc Town. Passengers — Messrs. Weaver, Mips Lowe,

Mr. and Mrs Hall, child, and servant, Mrs. Sugden,

child, and servant, Mrs. Line and 2 children, Mrs. Lau

rence, and 3 in the steerage.

It is expected that the Pacific at present in Quarantine

will receive pratique to-day. j