MUNICIPALITY ELECTIONS. - Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860 - 1871) - 18 Feb 1865 (original) (raw)

M AHit i ( K v n.i.r,. — The election for three councillors for

this municipality took place at the Council Chambers on

Tuesday, and a scrutiny of the votes was made on Wednes

day, wtcn the state of tho poll was found to be as under : —

Mr. Gerald Halligan, 81; Mr. James Walker, 58; Mr.

Henry Hodges, 68 ; Mr. Frederick Asmus, 69 ; Mr,

William Moseley, 67 ; Mr. John Beer, 67. Messrs. Halligan,

Hodges, and Moseley, were consequently elected. The

official declaration of the poll by the retuming-officer is

announced to take plaoe to-day, at 9 a.m., at the Council

Newcastle. — The Newcastle municipal elections took

place on Tuesday, and a scrutiny of the ballot papers on

WeJnesdav. Tho votes polled were as under : — City Ward

— Joseph Ward, 101 ; J. Hannell, 72 : majority for Ward,

25. Honeysuckle Point — W. Sparkes, 58 ; Dr. Brooks, 61 :

majority tor Sparkes, 4. Lake Macquarie Ward — T.

Adams,* 39 ; C. Way, 38 , C. Chapman, 23 ; Charles AV,

Williams, 8 : majority for Adams, 1. Considerable interest

has been manifested throughout the proceedings.

N ewto wk.' — The result of the polling at the Newtown

municipal election is as follows : — Emnore Ward ; Mr.

R. W. Cozens, 47 ; Mr. F. W. Holland, 33 ; Mr. Cozens

was clected. For Kingston Ward, Mr. H. Munro was re

turned unopposed. O'Connell Ward : Mr. W. Curtis, 97 [

Mr. J. H. Furlonger, 33 ; Mr. W. Newell, 14 ; Mr. Curtis

was elccted. The votes for the election of Auditors were—

Mr. C. Eastweod, 118 ; Mr. C. Newman, 98 ; Mr. A.

Turnbull, 34. The two first-named gentlemen were there

Paddington.— On Tuesday, a polling was held for the

election of three councillors in the room of Mr. Alston, Mr.

Artlett, and Mr. M'Coy, retiring. At twelve o'clock on

Wednesday, the returning-officer declared the state of the poll

ns follows : — Upper Paddington Ward : Mr. W. Dean, 36 ;

Mr. George lloberts, 27. Lower Paddington Ward ; Mr.

J. J. M'Cov, 49 ; Mr. W. Dean, 29 ; Mr. W. Lynch, 14.

Glcnmore Ward: Mr. Charles Artlett, 46 ; Mr. Fergus

M'Lcan, 45. Auditors : Mr. Kenneth Stewart, 151 ; Mr.

O. B. Ebsworth, 148 ; Mr. H. E. Hood, 119. He there

fore declared the following gentlemen duly elected as coun

cillors Mr. William Dean, Mr. J. M'Coy. Mr. Charles

Artlett. As auditors : Mr. Kenneth Stewart and Mr. O.

B. Ebsworth. A vote of thanks to the returning-officer,

moved by Mr. Blumer, and seconded by Mr. Hood, was car

Pabhamatta Election. — The polling for the return of

three aldermen to the Municipal Council took placc on

on Tuesday, when the position of the candidates was found

to be as follows Mr. l'\ W. Birminghan, 138 : T. Flynn,

123 ; Mr. Burge, 90 : Mr. Harper, 70 ; Mr.. J. Sparkes,

62; Mr. B. Lee, 36 ; Mr. Mason, 36 ; Mr. J. Smith, 34 ;

Mr. D. Flynn, 25; Mr. G. H. Smith, 23 ; Mr. J. F. Stafl,

6 ; Mr. Itutter, 6. Messrs. Birmingham, T. Flynn, and

Burge are therefore the clected aldermen.

Municipality or Waterloo.— The ballot-papers were

examined on Wednesday, and the result of the ballot an

nounced. This result is to be formally declared to-day. In

the northern ward, 81 votes were polled for Mr. Thomas

Moon, 44 for Mr. Cook, and 7 for Mr. Geddes. The last

named gentleman was not really a candidate, having

publicly announced his withdrawal from the contest. A

protest has been lodged against the return of Mr. Moon, in

whose favour the largest number of votes has been polled,

upon the ground that he is a minor ; and, therefore, un

qualified to fill any public office. If he should be unseated

upon this ground by quo warranto (as is threatened), or by

any other process, there will have to be, as to this ward, a

fresh election. In the eastern ward, 44 votes were polled

for Mr. Steward— one of the retiring councillors, and 11

tor Mr. Peck. In the western ward there were 81 votes for

Air. Bryant — another of the retiring councillors, and 44 for

Mr. Ourrio. TllO B«Ual-OM polloj ItltluD VTiUllf ii V* til DC

remarked, were precisely the same as for the principal can

didates in the northern ward. For the auditorships there

were three candidates— Messrs. Kawksley, Wilcox, and

Mailley, the two former of whom have been chosen. The

votes were— for Hawksley, 169; for Wilcox, 136 ; and for

Municipality op Wavebley. — The Council of this

municipality met on Tuesday evening, and unanimously

elected Mr. John Birrcll, J.P., to be theii chairman for tlie

current municipal year. Mr. Birrell was the first chairman

of 'VYavcrley after its incorporation in 1859. Having served

for the residue of that year as chairman, and two years more

as councillor, he retired, and declined to become a candidate

for re-election. Last j'ear, however, he was elected one of

the auditors, and this year was chosen councillor of

Waverley ward— both elections having been without oppo