BOROUGH OF DUNDAS.—PETITION FOR DIVISION INTO WARDS. - New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900) - 21 Jan 1890 (original) (raw)

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Tue 21 Jan 1890 - New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900)

Colonial Secretary's Office,

Sydney. 4th December. 1889.


HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the

Executive Council, directs the publication, in accordance

with t" Municipalities Act of 1867," of the substance and

prayer of a Petition from the Council of the Borough of Dundas,

praying for the division thereof into three Wards.

Ts* Petitioners itate that they are desirous of having the

I^Drough of Dmidas divided into three Wardf, and that by a

resolution the following boundaries were adopted :—

Commenting at the point of junction of Pennant Hills Road

with the road from Pennant Hills Wharf to Wiseman's Ferry;

th?BQ$ by aline along the oentre of that road north-westerly to

a,poii3t . in. the south-westerly prolongation of a line along the

centre of the road to Cariingford Station, which passes through

JvJ4il(^pn!js pprtiou of 115 acres and partly forms the south

eastern boundary of allotment Y of Mobb's Estate; thence by

that pi^olongation and line and its continuation north-easterly

to the centre of the road which divides Brushgrove Estate from

JjMilson s 115 acres aforesaid; thence by a line along the

cfefiftre ot that road north-westerly to a point in the south

westerly prolongation of a line along the centre, of the road

dividing allotments 2, and an allotment of 20 acres 1 rood 9

j>|f^bes of t|ie Brufhgrpve Estate, William Mobb's portion of

86jacyes i rood iijperche* from J. Gorman's portion W X, Gk

Mobb's portion of, 22 acres 2 roods 36 perches, J Stephenson's

I'ortion '<& 21 ticres 3 rpods 27 perches, and allotments 26, 27,

2$,jind29, from "pllotments 22,23,24,25, and 13 of the Devlin's

Ijtetate j tnefice oy that prolongation and line and it« continu

ation north-c^terly to the centre of the railway line from

Sydftfey to iSrpyrcastle; thence by a line along the centre of that

railway Kne soutn-eiisterly and southerly to a northwest boun

d&ify of the Municipal District of Ryde, as proclaimed 11th June,

l$7i8 j thie^ce by part, of that boundary south-westerly to a point

in the oentre of tjie road from Pennant Hills Wharf to Wise

nfan's Fdrry; thenre by lines along the < entre of that road

nbrth-west^fly, wetterly, and the north-westerly prolongation

of the last line, to the point of commencement.

(Commencing on the centre of Kissing Point Road, at the

poj|&pf jtmc^ioq, with j^ettington's lane southerly, which lane

divides p°rtioris 1, ^7, and 28 of the Roi-k I4 arm subdivision

from Bobejrt Goodin's portion of 40 acres; thence by a line along

that lane north to a point in the south-easterly prolongation of

a lin8 along the centre of the road which divides portion 13 from

14 of the Palmer Estate; thence by that prolongation and line

north-westerly to the centre of the road which divides 13, 4, $

2, and 1 from portions 32, 11, 10, 8, 7, and 5 of the last

mentioned estate; thence by lines along the centre of that road

north-easterly and north-westerly and the north-westerly por

longation of the last line to the centre of the Pennant Hil)a

Road ; thence by lines along the centre of that road and the

prolongation of the last line generally north-easterly to the

centre of the road from Pennant Hills Wharf to "Wiseman's

Ferry; thence by lines along the centre of that road south

easterly, north-easterly, and south-westerly, and the south

easterly prolongation of the last line to the junction with and

centre of Kissing Point Boad ; thence by lines along the centre

of that road south-westerly, north-westerly, and westerly, and

the westerly prolongation of the last line, to the point of com

Commencing on the left bank of the Parramatla River, at its

intersection with the eastern boundary of the Borough of Parra

matta, as proclaimed 27th November, 1861; bounded thence by

part of that boundary northerly to the centre of the road from

Parramatta to Kissing Point; thence by lines along the centre

of that road easterly, north-easterly, and south-easterly, and

the north-easterly prolongation of the last line to a point in the

centre of the road from Pennant Hills Wharf to Wiseman's

Ferry, being part of the western boundary of the Municipal

District of Ryde, as proclaimed 11th June, 1872; thence by

the boundary lines along the centre of that road south-easterly

and south-westerly to the left bank of the Parramatta River

aforesaid; thence by that river upwards, to the point of com

" Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that your Excellency

will cause the necessary steps to be taken to have the said

Borough divided into Wards."

On behalf of the Borough Council.