Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation - New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900) - 18 Jun 1891 (original) (raw)

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Thu 18 Jun 1891 - New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900)
Page 4545 - Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation

Proclamation by His Excellency The

Eight Honourable Victor Albert

George, Earl of Jersey, a Member

of Her Majesty's Most Honourable

Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross

of the Most Distinguished Order of

Saint Michael and Saint George,

Governor and Commander-in-Chief of

the Colony of New South Wales and

WHEREAS by a certain Proclamation dated the twenty

third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and

eighty-nine, and duly published in the Government Gazette

and otherwise, a certain district therein described was declared

to be a Municipality under the name and style of the " Borough

of Dundee," in accordance with the provisions of the " Munici

palities Act of 1867 " : And whereas by a further Proclamation,

bearing date the thirtieth day of December, one thousand eight

hundred and eighty-nine, the said Municipality was divided

into three Wards: And whereaB provision is inadc in the said

Act for the division or separation of a Municipality on the

receipt of a Petition signed by at least two-thirds of the electors

resident or owning rateable property in any defined area of any

Municipality, praying that such area may be separated from

such Municipality, and be constituted a separate Municipality :

And whereas a Petition, signed by at least two-thirds of the

ratepayers of a certain defined area of the said Borough of

Dundas, has been received by the Governor, praying the separa

tion of the said area from the said Municipality, and the

erection of such area into a separate and distinct Municipality :

And whereas by a further Proclamation bearing even date

herewith, the said area of the said Borough of Dundas was

declared to be separated from the said Municipality, and

constituted a separate and distinct Municipality, under the

name and style of the " Municipal District of Ermington and

Kydalmere," in accordance with the provisions of the said Act:

And whereas, in consequence of such separation of such area as

bforesaid, it has become necessary to define the boundaries of

the area embraced within the remaining portion of the said

Borough of Dundas, so that the said area may become and be

a Municipality within the meaning and for all the purposes of

the said Act: Now, therefore, 1, Yictob Albebt Geobge,

Eael of Jebsey, the Governor aforesaid, in pursuance of the

provisions of the said Act, and with the advice of the Executive

Council, do, by this my Proclamation, declare that the area

embraced within the said remaining portion of the eaid

Borough of Dun das shall be, and that the same is, hereby

constituted a Municipality, under the name and style of the

" Borough of D and as," and that the limits and boundaries

thereof shall be as follows, viz.:—

County of Cumberland, parish of Field of Mars, area about

square miles: Commencing at the centre of the Kissing

Point Boad at a point in the southerly prolongation of a line

along the centre of Betting toil's-lane; thence by that pro

longation and by a line along the centre of that lane and its

prolongation northerly to the centre of the Pennant Hills Road;

thence by a line along the centre of that road north-easterly to

the centre of the road from Castle Hill to Ermington; thence

by a line along the centre of tbat road northerly, to meet the

westerly prolongation of a line along the centre of Carlingford

Boad; thence by that prolongation and by a line along the

centre of that road (which leads to Carlingford Station) north*

easterly, north-westerly, and again north-easterly to the centre

of the Great Northern B ail way; thence by the centre of that

railway southerly to the north-western boundary of the Muni

cipal District of Byde, as proclaimed 29th March, 1889; thence

by part of that boundary, being the north-western boundary of

John Love's (now Terry's) 90 acres, and a line along the centie of

Terry Boad south-westerly to the centre of Mareden Boad; thence

by a line along the centre of that road soul h-easterly to the

centre of the Kissing Point Boad; thence by a line along the

centre of that road, which forms the northern boundary of the

Municipality of Ermington and Bydalmere, as proclaimed this

day, south-westerly, north-westerly, and again south-westerly,

to the point of commencement,—as shown on plan catalogued

D.Gk 10, in the District Government Office.

And I further declare that the said Borough shall be, and the

same is, hereby divided into two Wards, with the names and •.

boundaries hereinafter described, that is to eay:—

County of Cumberland, parish of Field of Mars, area about

1£ square miles: Commencing on the centre of the Great

Northern Bailway at a point in the north-easterly prolongate, n

of a line along the centre of the Carlingford Boad, which foima

part of the north-western boundary of the Municipality;

thence by the centre of that railway southerly to a north

western boundary of the Municipal District of Byde, as pro

claimed 29th March, 1889; thence by part of that boundary,

being the north-western boundary of John Love's (now

Terry's) 90 acres, and a line along the centre of Terry's Boad

south-westerly to the centre of Church-street; thence by a line

along the centre of that Btreot north-westerly to meet the
westerly prolongation of a line along the centre of Carlingford
Road aforesaid; thence by that prolongation and by a line
along the centre of that road (which leads to Carlingford
Station) north-easterly, north-westerly, and again north-easterly
to the centre of the G-reat Northern Railway, at the point of
commencement,—as shown on plan catalogued D.G. 10, in the

District Government Office.

West Wabd.

County of Cumberland, pariah of Field of Mars, area about
2f square miles: Commencing at the centre of the Kissing
Point Road at a point in the southerly prolongation of a line
along the centre of Bettington's-lane; thence by that pro
longation and by a line along the centre of that lane and its
prolongation northerly to the centre of the Pennant Hills
Road; thence by a line along the centre of that road north
easterly to the centre of Church-streetthence by a line along
the centre of that street south-easterly to the centre of Marsden
Road; thence by a line along the centre of that road south
easterly to the centre of the Kissing Point Road aforesaid;
and thence by a line along the centre of that road south
westerly, north-westerly, and again south-westerly, to the point
of commencement,—as shown on plan catalogued D.G-. 10, in
the District Government Office.

Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Colony, at

Government House, Sydney, this eighteenth day of
^Tune, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ninety-one, and in the fifty-fourth year
of Her Majesty's Reign.

By His Excellency's Command,