LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919, AS AMENDED BY SUBSEQUENT ACTS.—PROCLAMATION. - Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001) - 6 Oct 1944 (original) (raw)
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Fri 6 Oct 1944 - Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001)
(l.s.) WAKEHURST, Governor. 4th October, 1944.
I, the Right Honourable John db Vere, Baron Wakehurst, "
Governor of the Stale of New South Wales, with the advice -
of the Executive Council, in pursuance of the Local Government
Act; 1319,'as amended by subsequent Acts, do hereby (1) alter J
the boundaries of the* Municipality of Randwick as constituted '
by Proclamation in Government Gazette No. 32 of 23rd
February, 1859, reconstituted by Proclamation in Government -
Gazette * No. 108 of 18th February, 1889, and altered by
Proclamations in Government Gazettes Nos. 3G of 25th March,*
1908, and 178 of 27th October, 1916, respectively, and the
boundaries of the Municipality of Waverley as constituted by
Proclamation in Government Gazette No. 115 of 16th June,
1859, by taking from the Municipality of Randwick and
adding to the Municipality of Waverley an area of about 37
Commencing at the intersection of the southern side -
of York-road with the westernmost boundary of the
Municipality of Waverley, being a point souih of the
south-western corner of the 34 acres of land shown on plan
catalogued Ms. 7,809 Sy., at the Department of Lands.
Sydney, as a site for the Eastern Subuibs Hospital; and
bounded thence by a line along the southern side of York
road, a western, a south-western and tJie westernmost
side of that road, .westerly, northerty, north westerly and
. aga,in northerly to the southern boundary of the Munici
pality 6f Woollahra; by part of that boundary easterly to
its intersection with the aforesaid westernmost boundary
of the Municipality of Waverley; and by part of that
boundary southerly to the point of commencement;
(i) the boundaries of the Municipality of Randwic-k shall
Parishes of Alexandria and Botany, county of Cumber
land, area about 8,49] aeies: Commencing on the waters
of the South Pacific Ocean at the eastern extremity of
the northern side of Boundary-street East; and bounded
thence by that side of that street westerh 1o the eastern
side of St. .Thomas street; by that side of St. Thomas
street northerly to its intersection wtih the easteily pro
longation of the northern side of Boundary-street; by a
line along that side of Boundary-street westerly to the
eastern side of Arden-street; by that side of A rden-street
northerly to its intersection with the easterly prolongation
of a northern side of Varna-street; by a line along that
side and the north-eastern and northernmost sides of Varna
street westerly, north-westerly and again westerly to the
north-eastern side of Fern-street; by that side of Fern
street and the eastern side of Albion-street north-westerly
and northerly to its intersection with the easterly pro- t
longation of the northern side of Pine-street; by a line
along that side of Pine-street westerly to the eastern side
of Carrington-road; by that side of Cariingtoa-road north
erly to'its* intersection with the easterly prolongation of
the northern side of Darlev-road; by a line along that
side of Darley-road westerly to a point south of the south
western corner of 14 acres of land shown on plan
3 catalogued Ms. 7,809 Sy. at the Department of
Lands, Sydney, as a site for the Eastern Suburbs
Hospital; by a line north to the southern side
of York-road; by a line along part of the southern
side of York-road, a western side, a south-western
side and the westernmost side of that road, westerly,
northerly, north-westerly and again northerly to a point
south of and rectangularly distant 33 feet from the north
ern side of Oxford-street; by a line parallel to and 33 feet
rectangularly distant from that side of that street westerly
to a point northerly of the intersection of the southern
side of Oxford-street with a line laid down, marked out
by stone posts, and deemed to be the dividing line between
the Sydney Common and the water n»«erve being the boun
dary of the City of Sydney as defined bv Act 33, Viet.
No. 9; by a line southerly to the intersection of the east
erly prolongation of the original southern side of Moore
Park road with the eastern side of Lang-road; by that
side and th'e south-eastern side of Lang-ioad southerly
and south-westerly to its' intersection with the south
westerly prolongation of the south-eastern side of Cook
road; by that prolongation south-westerly to the north
eastern.jside of-Martin-road; by that side and the south- ,
eastern side of that road south-castorlyaird" south-westerly '
to its southernmost angle; by a line crossing the Sydney
to Randwiek tramway and Anzac-parade south-westerly to
the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the south
cm side of Daeey-avenue with the original south-western
side of Anzac-parade (100 feet wide); by the original
south-western side of that parade south-easterly and south
erly to the south-eastern coriier of lot 1, section 31,
deposited plan 5,549; by a line along the southern boun
dary of that lot, the northern boundary of lots 1 to 13
inclusive, section 8, deposited plan 4,745 and part of the
northern boundary of portion 412, parish of -Alexandria,
county of Cumberland, westerly to the north-western corner
of that portion; by a line along the western - boundary
of the said portion 412 southerly to a point south of and
rectangularly distant 33 feet from the northern side of
Gaideners-road; by a line parallel to and 33 feet rectangu
larly distant from "that side of that" road easterly, south
easterly, again easterly and north-easterly- to its • inter
section with a lint along th& huddle of Bunnerong^road;
by a line along the middle * of. Bunnerong-road south
easterly to its intersection, with. a line along *th6 middle
of Beauchamp-road; by a line along the middle of Beau
ehainp-road south-westerly to the northern boundary of
portion 164, parish of Botany, count}' of Cumberland; by
part of that boundary and a line along the western boun
dary of the said portion 164 westerly and southerly to
the waters of Botany Bay; and by the waters of that bay
and the South Pacific Ocean (including all creeks, bays
and inlets) generally south-easterly and northerly to the
(ii) the boundaries of the Municipality of Waverley shall
Parish of Alexandria, county of Cumberland, area about
2,222 acres: Commencing on the waters of the South
Pacific Ocean at the eastern extremity of the northern
side of Boundary-street East; and bounded thence by that
side of that street westerly to the eastern side of St.
Thomas sti eet; by that side of St. Thomas street northerly
to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the
northern side of Boundary-street;* bv' a line along that
side of Boundary-street westerly to the eastern side of
Arden-street; by that side of Arden-street northerly to
its intersection with the easterly prolongation of a north
ern side of Varna-street; by a line along that-side and
the noi th-eastern and northernmost sides of Yama-street
westeily, noith-westerly and again westerly to the north
eastern side of Fern-street; by that side of Fern-street
and the eastern side of Albion-street north-westerly and
northerly to the intersection of the easterly prolongation
of tlie northern side of Pinc-street; by a line along that
side of Pine-street westerly to the eastern side of Carring
lon-road; by that side of Cairingtonroad northerly to
its intersection •with" the easterly prolongation of the
northern side of Darley-road; by a line along that side of
Dai ley-road westerly to a point south of the south-western
corner of 34 acres of land shown on plan catalogued
Ms. 7,809 fiv. at the Department of Lands, Sydney, a*
a site for the Eastern Suburbs Hospital; by a line north
to the southern side of York-road; by a line along part
of the southern side of York-ioad, a western side, a south
western side and the westernmost side of that road
westeily. northerly, north westerly and again northerly to
the middle of Oxford-street; by a line along the middlo
of Oxford-street and Old South Head road generally
north-easterly and northerly to its intersection with il.»*
westerly prolongation "of "the northern boundary of lot ],
deposited plan 7,334; by a line along the northern boun
dary of that lot and lots 13 to 22, inclusive, of the
saw! deposited plan 7.334, easterly to the South Paci^c
Ocean; and by the waters of that ocean generally couth
erly to the point of commencement.
(2) Give effect to the arrangement as to the apportionment of
assets, rights and liabilities consequentially upon this altera
tion of boundaries as drafted bv the Minister for Local
Government in accordance with the provisions of section 20 (5)
of the Local Government Act, 1919 fas amended), and notified
in Government Gazette No. 71 of 21st July, 1944, which
arrangement is embodied herein: —
(1) The Council of Waverlev Munirinalitv shall pav to the
Council of Randwiek Municipality the sum of £1.149
Is." 5d. in respect of ihe fixed loan and overdraft
indebtedness of the Council of the Bandwick Munici
(2) Except as herein provided the Council of Waverlev
Municipality and the Council of Randwiek Municipality
shall each retain their respective assets and be respon
sible for the discharge of their respective liabilities.
(3) The Council of Randwiek Municipality indemnifies tin*
Council of Waverley Municipality against any claims
which may be made against the Council of Wave-fay
Municipality in respect of any of the existing liabilities
of the Gouncil of Bandwick Municipality in relation t»»
the part of the "Municipality' transferred tov Waverley
(3) Order that (i) the Council of the Municipality of R-md
wick .shall forthwith furnish to the Council of the Municipality
of Waverley extracts from the valuation book and roll of
electors, and ratepayers, containing valuations of land and
enrolments, in force as at the date of this Proclamation of the
part of the Municipality of Bandwick transferred to the
Municipality of Waverley; (ii) the valuations and enrolments
comprised in such extracts shall for the purposes of the said
Act continue in force in the Municipality of Waverley ns if
inade in -respect of that Municipality, until new valuations
and a new roll, respectively, come into force therein (Mun.
By His Excellency's Command, J. J. C A HILL.