Advertising - The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Vic. : 1845 - 1848) - 15 May 1846 (original) (raw)

Fri 15 May 1846 - The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Vic. : 1845 - 1848)
Page 3 - Advertising

Colonial Re)!ri!iaf)'H Office,

yilnt-y, 27ili April, 1846.

HIS Excellency the Governor bn9 been

Bexj/vuin Heaps, Esquire,

of Melbourne, to be a Magistrate, of the Territory

and its Dependencies, and also of tbo Town of

' By His Excellency's Command,

IT having been certified to the Magistrates in

Petty Sessions, at tbo Police Offiuo, Mel

bourne, this 5th Mny, 1846, by Frederick

VBerkcley St. John, Presiding Justice, anil In

Edmund Westby and Henry Moor, Assessors,

that at o meeting held on the 2nd day of Mny,

fit tho Royal Motel, in tho said Town of Mel-

bourne, of tho proprietors of lands through which

the Parish Ko&d (proclaimed as such by His Ex

cellency tho Governor, with the advice of. the

Executive Council), leading from the Suburban

Allotments in the Parish of Jikn Jilto, near Mel

bourne; it was deemed expedient by the said

Proprietors that trustees should be appointed for

such Parish Road, we, the said Magistrates so

assembled in Petty Sessions, do thereupon decide

and determine that the number of such trustees

shall be ihrcc, and do hereby appoint a meeting

to be held ot tho Royal Hotel, at eleven o'clock,

am , on Snturdoy, the 23rd of May inst., (or the

election of such trustees,

Chairman of Petty Sessions,

-I . 1 Court of Requests,

v., ; Foti .tiie County of Hounite.

v " ' IVTOTICE is hereby given , that the Court of

14 Requests for this County will be balden

, in Melbourne, at the Court lfouse(late Lamb Inn).

Collins-street, on Monday the 1st, and the follow

ing days of June, 1 846, nt the hour of nine o'clock

Plaints must bo delivered nt the office of Ihe

Registrar, on "or before Saturday, the 23rd day of

Defences or scts-off must he filed on or before

Thursday, tho2Btli day of May instant.

No plaint, defence, or set-off, shall be received

Or filed_ without having the name and residence

of plnntifT and defendant written thereupon,

i In defended eases, the plea of defence, or notice

of set-off, must lie in accordance with the forms

prescribed by the late Rules of Court.

(By order of the Commissioner,)

IMPOUNDED at Morang, River Plenty,

One yellow cow, onck horns, both ears marked

II B off rump, & R off ribs, blotched brand off

' ribs, supposed »-R near shoulder

One red sided heifer, grey face, strawberry hock

. nnd toil, supposed ff off shoulder

One red cow, one horn down, on rilis, P an

i rump, near solo, ItVV on rump, supposed HIV

. on ril s, DH shoulder, all milking side

. One red. sided poley cow, white back, lielly, and

tail, both ears marked, like 0 near rump

One re'l heifer, star on forehead, little white on

back, helly. and tail, both hind legs white, HC

One yellow and white heifer, piece out of near eat'

CM, like I D below it on off ribs

Ono brown cow, little cock horned, both ears

j marked, both hind feet white, little white on

fnce, no perccpiilite liraad

One yellow bullock, wide horns, stsr on fore-

t ' head, white belly and tail, O-C near ribs,

IJJ. conjoined near rump. 111. conjoined elf

One strawberry steer, wide linrns, off ear marked

' O-C near ribs. Ol near rump

One nohbie horned strawberry bullock, HE, con

'joined near rump, O.C near ribs, III,, con-

One brown bulluck, wide horns O C near rilis.

II L, conjoined near rump, III,, conjoined off

One large red wnrking bulloi k, wide cook horns,

8 iieur shoulder, RF near rump, blind near

One black cow, wide horns, grey fnce, little

white on buck and belly, anchor off rump, V

with heurt newly brnnded, near ribs, illegible

One yellow sided cow, white bock and belly, cock

One yellow und white yeurling heifer, no brand

One roan row, down horns, like Y Y on ribs, jix

shoulder, blolclied on rump and thigh

If not claimed and released on or lietore the 3rd

ol June next, they will be sold ut the pound yard,

according to the Act of Council.

IMPOUNDED ot South Gci-long, 2nd Mny,

1846. and If not claimed and releused on or

before the 26th of the said month, will lie sold—

A dark iron grey filly, nlmuc fifteen Imuds high,

- light grey luce, no brand perceptible.

IMPOUNDED at the Deep Creek Pound,

A poley brimllesiiled heifer, white buck belly and

< tail, white patch on forehead, white patch on

near II ink, slit olf near eur, \V R or \V B off

A light red sided cow, cock harn«, white back,

belly and mil, branded near rump C C, j; ft

near thigh ; with dark red lull calf by her

If not claimed on or before the 30th of May,

1846, will be sold uceordiug to Act of Council,

IMPOUNDED el Sunday Creek, May, 7th

Red steer, whiie top rump and shoulders. AM

<' near ribs, blotch above, All conjoined near

Yellow sided cow. AM near ribs, AH conjoined

near rump, 1 off rump, like m off ribs, like 2

off shoulder, slit iu near ear

Yellow cow, K with Uonman's nhove near

shoulder, AM near ribs, It with a blotched

letter nfter near rump, bow and arrow olf rump,

Brown und white yeurling steer, indistinct brand '

Brown cow, white on rump und bode, PS off

rump. Hill' or IHIK conjoined off thigh

Red and while cow, same brands

Yellow cow, same In ends, female cnlf ut side i

Yellow vow, tame brands, mil u call at side

Yellow and white mottled steer, sumo brands

Red iido-1 yeurling heifer, HHl" or IHIK off <

Brown yearling heifer, same hranul I

Brindle sided cow, R off rump, supposed NC off I

thigh like J B off thigh, blotched bruud on off I

libs uud shoulder, hole in near ear

Brindle sided cow, like GR conjoined off rump

If not claimed to be sold on the 3rd J uue, 1846,

accotciog to Act ol Council.

r M POUNDED nt Morung, on the 27tli April,

One Ted yearling, ateer, no brand

One white steer, with red spots on him, and most

of nuck red, branded CPU near rilis, DC near

One liny mare, black points, branded C on near

side neck, SR near shoulder, filley foal with

her, SR on near shoulder.

If not claimed and released, on or before the

20th Mny next, they will he sold at tho pound

yard, according to the Act of Council.

on Friday afternoon, tho 15th instant, und Hob-

son's Bay, at duylight on Saturday morning,

for the above port. For freight or passage app'y

... „ Agent, Flinders-lane.

EST On her return she will ogain leave for

Lttunccston, on or about the 22nd instant.

For X>aunceston and Sydney,

tejfljfcjfsy M'Kio, master, will meet with

USSSSBBmoi quick dispatch. For : freight,

For Fort Fairy and Fortland.

Wurcus. muster, will leave the

Queen's Wharf for the above

For height or passage, apply on hnard, or to

For Fortland Bay <&. Fort Fairy.

will leave Williams' Town for

cfeaagxvPSw. the above ports, positively on

Suturd iy, the lfith instant. For

freight or passage, apply to

Freight for the above vessel will be conveyed

to Williams Town free of expense to the shipper.

jCvtrtK"" TITHE fine fust sailing barque

J. Russell, commander, 387

tons burthen, will have quick

despatch. For freight of wheat

or wool, apply to the captain, or to

MR. ROBERT REEVES has been np-

pointed Agent for the " Patriot" new s-

paper in the nhnve township and neighbouring

district. His receipt will be sufficient for

monies paid on account of tlio undersigned.

MU. WILLIAM CORP hashcen appointed-

Reporter to the Port Phillip Patriot,

TkyTR. JOHN CURTIS Ins been appointed

It I Reporter to the Port Phillip Patriot.

Patriot Office, 25th April, 1846.

MR.G. E. G AURERT is sppointed collector

of the outstanding debts due to Mr,

Hamilton, Saddle and Hurness Maker, of

Collinsstreet, Melbourne.

ANY person having lost a hnrse, of the

following description, viz., a dark chcsnui,

about fifteen and n half hands high, hang (ail,

brnuded D on off shoulder, about fivo years oM,

mny hear nl him by applying at the office of this

paper, anil paying expenses.

WANTED, at the Port Phillip Putriot

Office, two CoHFOstToas, to whom per

manent situations will he given. Apply to

WANTED to purcltuse, ritm.rouTE.

The highest price givon lor Colnnial Curiosities.

Scottish Hotel, Eastern Mill.

WANTED to purchase fur cash, Ewes with

Lambs or in Lamb, without run. They

must he warrsutud free ol all disease. Apply to

John I.. Currin, Esq., Mount Elephant, nt the

Putriot Office, Melbourne, or ot the Post Oilier',

WANTED, in the office of a Solicitor in

this town, a gentlemun to act as common

luw clerk ; unexceptionable references will be

required. Apply to X.Y., ut tbo office of this

Found In tho mount SZacedon


on proving them to be his property, will

have the same delivered to him on paying the cost

jl uilvertisemeuts. Are., incurred. Application to

THE Subscriber has on hand, u quantity of

>f the lollowiug sizes: — 10 by 8, 10 by i2. Il>

>y 14, 12 by 14, 12 by 16, 12 by 18, 14 by 16, 14

jy 18, 14 by 20, 16 by 20, 15 by 22. 16 by 22.

IB by 22, 18 by 24, und 27 ty 33 inches, which

le will sell ou the most reasonable tctms,

Eithor Wholosalo or Rotail.

K3T Frontentranre. opposite Mr. Dinwoodie's

ilidiller, Collins street, lhiuk entrance opposite

Messrs. Uunlop and Macnab's Store, Little

Dissolution of Fartnorabip.

Til E Co-partnership hitherto curried on by the

undersigned, under the style and firm ol VV.

aud G. Stnn»uy, Melbourne, was this day dis

solved by mutuiil consent. All debts due by the

Into firin will he paid, and all account received

by W. Suinwny, f.ollitis. street, opposite the Bunk

Witness — H. Atimitstsad.

Australia Felix (late Colling-

wood) Total Abstinence So

MEMBERS of the above Society, and other

persons desirous of promoting the cause

of Total Abstinence, are respectfully requested

to meet at the Infant School-room, Bourke-street,

to-morrow evening, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose

of making arrangements for proceeding to Geelong,

to establish a branch of the Society in that town

Tickets for the Geelong trip may be ob

tained at the meeting above referred to, from

Fort Fhilllp Immigration So

THIS Society is formed for the purpose of

introducing labour from Van Diemen's

Land, and Settlers and Agriculturists subscribing

Ifls per annum for every Bervnnt employed by

them, ore members of tho Society, A Com-'

mittce has been "oppoin'ed, who will receive sub

scriptions from parties resident in the country.

Subscriptions will be received in Melbourne by

the members of Committee resident there, by

the Irensurer, Mr. Archibald M'Lachlan, nnd by

the Secretary, Mr. F. Pittman. The Committee

would urgently impress upon parties interested

the necessity ol paying their subscriptions imme

Names of the Members of the Committee

appointed to receive subscriptions:— John Aitken,

Mount Aitken ; William Fircbrnce, Milford; M.

F. Scobie, Goulbum River ; W. M. Anderson,

Goulburn River; John Purcell, Murray River;

John Murcheson, Goulburn River ; Wm. Hamil

ton, Goulburn River; John Hepburn, Smeoton

Hill ; Win, CochiH, Loddon ; D. C, Simson,

Loddon ; Alex. F. Mollison; Mount Macedon ;

Edward Bryant, Loddon ; Henry G, Bennett,

Campaspie ; Charles Ryan, Broken River; G.

C. Curlewis, Murray River; Arch M. Cnmp-

hell, Murray River; Patk. Brougham, Edward's

River; Arthur Ruffey, Western Port ; J. Martin,

Western Port ; William Kuye, Avoca River ;

Charles Buruc, R, Fennel!, Isaac Buchnnnn, F,

G, Dulgoty, Captain Cain, L. Rostron, Mel-

BEGS raon respectfully to inform her Friends,

nnd the Ladies of Melbourne, and Us

vicinity, that it is her intention to givo lessons io

the most fashionable style of

For which she bus been so pre-eminent ns a

Teacher ; ond trusts thnt through her unremitting

attention to her Pupils she will merit und retain

a shore of Public Patronage.

MADAME VEILBUUN will he happy to

attend Hoarding -Schoo's or Private Fumilics, on

Cards of address to be left at the Putriot

(S(DMF@IffT I51'(D'OH(0)MY.

CnMz'nll ye men ol every creed and clime.

Christians or Mussclmcn, Turks, Pagans

Who would in Melbourne sojourn foretime,

Let your head quarters beat "Henry Baker's;

Whose goad accommodations ever win,

I lie wurme9t prai9e for the " Imperial Inn,"

There " cleanliness" and " order," ban I in hand

O'er the arrangements of his house preside,

Where wholesome viands on the table stand,

And genuine liquors pour their generous tide;

Combined with which his reasonable charges.

Each guest's advantage very much enlarges.

'Tis there that new-come emigrants may find

A home at once— ehtap, tranquil, nnd select,

Fit for tlio wanderer — w hose peace of mind

litis been by adverse circumstances wrecked;

And who escaped from ship-hoard nnd its riot,

Would fuin think o'er bis future plans in quiet.

Nor is it less adapted for the sons

Of lusty toil, who, hastening from the bush,

Leaving their floeks und herds on distant run9,

Their way into the Town impatient push ;

Intent, for once at least, tn have a fling.

And in " true Bushman style" to drink and sing,

There mny tbey quaff their draughts secure from

No notion! itrug s within the goblet lurk,

For " Baker's" spirits, bowe'er I trong tbeii

Deal not in any hocus pocus work ;

And he disdains to curry on a trade.

Which is not on an hottest basis laid.

O'er his counter, you can always buy

The best of scram, counuts, wines, or ale,

At lowest charge — let those who ihubt it try,

For then to come again they will nut fail ;

Don't think this one of Puffery's deviees,

Judge for yourselves, and look below tor prices.

Give him a trial — trust to the event—

And 'tis not an unreasonable request :

But which, complied with, then his friends, can-

Will furnish of all proofs the very best;

That, for good English cheer, no house can here

With the " Imperial Inn," Great Collins-street,


A hearty breakfast, at 0 o'clock, charge., I 0

A substantial dinner, at 2 1 0

A comfortable tea or supper, at? 1 0

A good bed in o cleanly room 1 0

A good tea, bed, and breakfast 2 6

C-£!" Board and lodging, 12s. per week, payable

Co tJrfbalc Jfirmt'ltra nttO economists.

On sale at IIeniit Bakeii's, "Imperial Inn,"

Excellent French brandy, per gallon.... 16 0

Ditto ditto ditto per quart .... 4 4

Ditto ditto ditto per bottle .... 3 0

Prime Leeward Islunil rum, per gallon.. 8 6

Ditto ditto rlitto per quart 2 6

Ditto ditto ditto per bottle.. 2 0

Ditto, second quality, per bottle .... 1 9

Prime Irish whiskey, per gullon 13 6

Ditto ditto per quart 3 6

Ditto ditto per Imttlo 2 p

Superior Scotch malt w hiskey, per gallon 17 0

Ditto ditto ditto per quart 4 6

Ditto ditto ditio per bottle 3 6

Hollands gin (first-rate brund) per gnllon 16 0

Ditto ditto per quart 4 4

Ditto ditto per bottle 3 0

Liquid Food.— Draught tile and portor,

brewed from the water of the River

Plenty, ol first rate colonial tnak und

superior English hops, per gallon.... 1 6

N.B. — 1 be above charge for liquors is dia.

iuctly to be understood the out.of-duor price.

And Iron and Braes Founder,


RESl'KCTFULLY intimites thut he hit;

cou.muncci! busings ut tlio ufst end tn, and being joined by the hes

unrkmen, which four years connexion in thi

Cnlony could procure, he is now prepared ti

manufacture and repair of the best materials

and on improved principles, every kind o

Engineer, Blacksmith, Wheelwright, and Joine

New Snip. wonK to suit the strain of the vessel.

All rinds of screw and hydraulic woo presses

deck presses, and jack screws

Kitchen iiANOisnod fire grates, with baking an<

roasting apparatus attached

Agricultural Implements Threshing, dres

sing, and reaping machines, wood and iroi

ploughs, harrows and scrapers, bullock ant

horse drays and box carts, bullock yokes, bovvi

Iron Bed9tead9 ; common and force pumps

N.B.—' T. F. intends to introduce several im

frovements. secured by Patent9 on wool presses

On Sale— /ron, Sheet Lead, and Tin plates.

tfeOr Two additional blacksmiths wanted.

Grand Musical Entertainment,

HAS the honour to announce that he pur-

poses to provide a grand Musical Enter-


Mr. JMBERG, from Adelaide, will assist at the

Piano. The performance will be as follow:

1 Overture to Massaniello - MR. JMBERG

2 Souvenirs de Bellini, Fantasia

3 Fantasia for Piano, theme by

4 Ma Celino, Fantasia for Violin - MR> RAVAC.'

5 Ecco Ridente, Fantasia for

Piano, theme by Rossini - MR. RAVAC

6 La Melascolie, Pastorale for

7 Fantasia ds Thalberg sur le


The performance commencing at eight o'clock

Tickets of admission, 7s 6d each, may be had at

the Patriot Office; at the "Prince of Wales;"

and at Mr. Pullar's, Stationer, Collins-street.

Horitablo and Leasehold Pro

FOR the convenience of Land and Hons,

Proprietors who are ah.-ent Irom Melbourne

or. are desirous of avoiding personal intcrfercaci

begs respectfully to intimate to his clients and th

public, that he has been induced tn o|ten a Bool

of Registry nt his Chambers, lor thesale or Iettin

of all Houses, Lunils, and other Properly com

As the uiloptioo of this mode of

hines the important otlvautuges of publicity ant

concentration, the fee of 5s. per Registry

will be required nt the time or entry, but no fet

will lie charged to the working classes, unless ot

the disposal of property.

It is hnpe.1 that the discerning community o

Port Phillip will soon discover, appreciate, antj

avail themselves of the udvantnges ol tuch a sn<

tislactory mode tor the ' disposal of property ;

the business of which shull bo conducted with

diligence and punctuality.

Law Agent and Conveyancer

FOR SALE. — Five acres of rich land on the

Merri Crtek, walled in, well stocked

with fruit trees, partly laid out ns a garden

and a portion under crop. — Twenty acre!

of land ' divided into four portions, with

hut, stockyard, nnd fence appertaining, or

the Moonce Pondt — A brick cottuge, with Bp

purtenant ground, fronting Little Brunswick

street, Collingwood. — A weather-boarded cottage

with ditto, situate in Victoria Paretic.— Twc

well sittnlcJ allotments tn Brunswick-strep,

ditto.— A four roomed Verandah coltttgo with lant

ailvnntagcously situated in Niehulsnn-fqiiare

Mcllmuriie.— Several smnll Farms fronting tin

Moonec Ponds, oti very advantageous terms. — St

Helena Cuttnge, Collingwood, nt n very moderutt

price. — A corner allotment in Littlo Collins

street.— A piece of ground 40 x 90 advantageously

situated at Richmond. — A brick cottuge ant

ground fronting Brunswick-street. Collingwood

— Fitly allotments of ground vurying in sizt

from half to two and a hall acres, situated in tbi

Smatt capitalists nnd speculators ca'.uot failt

fmd it aihautogrous in illicit their money in h.use

and lauded property at the piesent time, as the in

creasing value of such is beyond ull precedent, am

from existing circumstances certain to continue.

Required to purchaBO for Cash

An allotment in the vicinity of the residence o

Major St. John, fronting Brunswick-street, Col

lingwootl. — From 25«60 feat (more or less) o

land fronting Little Bourke-strcet.— A piece o

land 40x80 to 100 feet, fronting Bourke-street.—

A piece of ground with ahout the same frontagi

and depth, fronting Little Flinders-street, Eusten

llill.— A small cottngeend ground, at Richmond

—40 to 50 acres ol land, possessing a bluck o

red soil, within eight miles of Melbourne.


To let, with immediate possession, for tucl

termans agreed on, forms vurying in number a

acres, from 10, 20, 60, 100 to 150, situate on thi

M ootnc l'oinls uml Merri Cretk.— To lease

with possts-ion on or about the 1st May, severn

smnll larius on tho Yurru, fenced in, £tc.

To Lease, lor periods from 14 to 21 years

several advantageously situated lots in Collin

and Queen-sirects, — Required to lease imme

diately, n piece ot ground in Lonsdale-street

fronting thu Court liuuse, on terms us agreed nr

"Sovin and Country Property.

Undersigned Im-«s to mil the at en'ioi; id

JL parties intending tn invent their capi'tnl in

good mihstuntiai jmtperty. either in town or

country, to tho undermentioned Houses nnd

A I'uhlifi ffotise in Flinders-fane doing a good

tusiniiSM, nod n Bruwery, Dwelling House, &e.

p Fifty fees of ground in Loncffafa street West, nenr

t the new Government Offices, with a wall ten

2 leet high on three sides of it

!i f|"o four-roomed cottage in Collingwood

, Five brick cottuge, with forty- lour feet of ground,

f in Bourke-street, Eastern Hill

r Fifty feet of ground in Stephen-street, nndsoventy-

five feet in the rear, on the same allotment

Twenty.six feet of ground, by a depth of one bun

t died ond thirty, with wooden house erected

thereon, in Little Collins-street

i A corner allotment of ground in Stephen nnd

« Four two-story brick houses in Little Collins-

J Two brick cottages off Bourke-street

9 Two brirk cottages off Little Bourke-street.

0 acres ground, to be sold very cheap, on the,

Two two-story houses in Stephen-street

' A house and shop with twenty-two feet of grouod

i adjoining in Stephen-street

One allotment of ground, with a four-roomed

brick houe nnd detached kitchen erected

thereon, running from Collias-btiset to Flinders-

Three brick cottages in Collins-street

Two brick houses io Queen-street

- Five brick cottages olf Collins-street. Western

A corner allotment of Inod in King-street

Two very largo. bVick houses in Collius-street,

Ono brick cottage, off Collinsstrect, Eastern

1 An allotment of ground, with cottage erected

A four roomed stone house, with detnehed kitchen

and stable and o paddock adjoining, between

. 200 acres of land fronting the River Plenty,

tibout eighteen miles from town, with n good

English house, part of the lund cleared, fenced,

Two- farms adjoining the ' Young Queen,"

Moonce Ponds — one of 283 acres, and the

other 100, to be either sold or let, according to

the number of acres required

Several allotments of ground to be let on building

leases of twenty-one Bourke, Collins,

and Little Flinders-streets

3 A public-house, doing a first-rate business, in a

Allotment of ground io WiHiam9Towo, 66 feet

3 A three-story brick house in Swanston-strect,

containing eight rooms, with a two-stall stable

Two houses in Little Cnllins-street, one of which

hna a very commodious shop , and the other three

3 rooms with detuched kitchen

Forty feet of ground io Russell-street, by a depth

Sixteen allotments of ground in Richmond

( Two stone houses in a lane 20 feet wide, off

Little Bourke-street, Eastern Hill

Two hou?e9 off Collins-street, Eastern Hill

A brick house with filty eight feet of ground by a

depth of nioety-one feet. Two weather-

bonrded houses erected on thesnme ground, in

Littlo Bourke-street, near. Kirk's Unzaar.

,, An allotment of ground running from Bourke-

strcet to Little Collins -street

An allotment of ground in Lonsdale-street,

Eight acres of land at the Moonee Ponds, fenced

A station with two hundred and eighty bead of

cattle, capable of carrying seven hundred.

9 50 Lean ditto four years old

250 Cows, sixty of which are in prime condition

350 Mixed steers ami heifers, from 6ix months

' All under six months old E'en in. These

» cattle are now running at the Ovens River, 160

J Collins street, east, opposite the residence of his

f mo ARRIVE IN TOWN ou or about the

400 superior well-bred heifers end cows, all

The utmost attention has been paid to the

breeding of the above stock, und are selected Irom

Further particulars will ho given hy

| To Gardeners and Others.


One hundred dozen garden pots, assorted

Melbourne, 25 tb April, 1846.

Vor Sale, at the Stores of

1 Between Vinge's Hotel, and Kirk's

COOPERS' RIVETS, by the quarter ton,

2d per lb., gents' boots, 6s to 7s 6d per

pair, 33 inch calico 4d per yard, brown ditto 3d.,

, moleskin trousers, lined, 4s 6d, regat'a shirts,

Is 7dm Is 9d euch, nine quarter blankets, 12s

6d per pair, drab hats, 2s each, black bnts, 3s

e 10d each, glazed caps, 9d each, one and a ball

s inch scr- w nugurs, 4s each , shell ditto, 9d each,

buttons, 9d nor gross, linen thread, 2s 3d per lb.,

sidecombs, 3d per pair, small tooth combs, 6d

" ouch, nuils by qunrtcr ton, 2d per lb., hurdle nails,

s 4-jd per lb., flooring brads, tucks, bolt9, hinges,

" hair pins, Is8d per lb., cliildrens' rattles. Is, per

cussion caps, 2s per box, sb t, by the bag, 3d

per 11)., durk Orleans, Is 2d per yard ; bonks — Life

of Napoleon, Byron's Poems, the H. Family

Ac., Is I0d ench, China plates and cops, 3d each,

f door bolls, 63 each, cotton dresses, 3s to 4s 3 I,

. each, foolscap pnper, 17s per ream, wedding

; rings, 7s each, twilled shirts, 28s per dozeo, csb-

f bage-trce bats, 2s 3d each, pocket knives, 6d

. each, soap, 561k. boxe9, 4s 9J per box, Citvendirk

q tobacco, 3s 2J per lb., razors, 2s per pajr, hooka

j oiid eyes, 5d per gross, gimblels. 2d euch, twine,

61 pur hunk, table spoens, 3d each, teaspoons, 2d

r euclt ; besides a variety of goods expected to

arrive, nnd many articles on hand too numerous

FOR SALE — 200 bushels of the "Golden


"ffUST OPENED by tbo undersigned, three


(On account of whom it may concern )

Has received instructions to sell by auction,

THIS DAY, (Friday. 15th instant,


r Will sell by auction, at bis Rooms,

THIS DAY, (Friday,) 15th inaant,

ONE green DINNER SERVICE, complete

Three China and gold breakfast ditto ditto.

Will sell by auction, at his Rooms,

THIS DAY, (Friday,) 15th instant,


One ditto sixteen dozen rnzots

Foftr, ditto raspberry vinegor

Forty ditto ditto and cherry brandy

One hogshead, two quarter casks port wina

Six qunrtcr casks, two barrels vinegar

Six barrels pudding raisins

One hundred and twenty boxes muscatels

Thirty-four ditto washing soda

Two eases, fifty gross cacb, Cougreve matches

Twenty cases pickles, pints and quarts-

One ditto knives and forks

Sixteen ditto scap, two cwt, each

Four casks wine nnd liqueur glasses

One cask jellies, and custards dilto_

Eleven pieces foney drills

Sixteen horse hair seated chairs

A variety of tables, &c. -

A quantity of onion seed, peas and beans, piper,

THIS DAY, '.(Friday J the I5th instant,

Eighty bags patna rice in

To Wine DIorcDants, Publicans,

Has received instructions to sell by public'auc'

tion, at his Mart, Collins-street,

THIS DAY, (Friday), 15th instant,

at twelve o'clock, the following excellent assort


13 ditto pale sherry wine.

40 coses, each 3 dozen golden sherry

30 cusks, euch 4 ditto ditto

18 cases, euch 3 4-12 dozen claret

8 i casks very superior pule sherry

2 hogsheads Teneriffe wine

1 hogshead pale French brondy

The Auctioneer would call the attention pf the

Trade to the above lot of wines ; to the publican

in particular, it presents an opportunity of

laying in a cheap stock (as they must be sold )

for the current season, which may never occur

the whole will be put up in lots to suit pur

Terms — Under £20 cash ; above that sum ap«

proved bills at 3 months.

Fifty Bead of Fat Cattle.

Will sell by auction, at the Market Yards';

THIS DAY, (Friday,) 15th instant,

FIFTY prime fet heifers, without the least

THIS DAY, (Friday,) 15th May,

at the Horse Bazaar, at half-past twelve o'clock,

A NUMBER of good useful HORSES and

Buurke-sireet, May 15, 1846.

this evening, iOTU instant.

THIS EVENING (Friday), 15th inst..

Apiece of ground in collingwood,

35 feet by 50, on which is standing two

two-roomed brick nogged houses iu a dilapidated,

state ; to be sold without reserve, lor cash

t After the obove, 40 feet to Brunswick-street, by

, a depth ol 61 leet to another atreet, 50 leet wide,

and other allotments in good situations.

Titles will be produced at sule. and the pro-

perties can be inspected in the mean time.