Shipping Intelligence. - ARRIVED. - The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Vic. : 1845 - 1848) - 28 Apr 1846 (original) (raw)
April 27. — Augustus, barque. Rolls, com-
mender, from Nelson, New Zealand. 19ih March.
Po«sen»ers. (cabin)— Mr Bounders nnd wife;
(steerage) Mr Middleton and wife. Mr Sharp,
wife snd child. Mr Kensit and wife, Mr Marshall
April 27. — IVuter Wttch, schooner, Fleming,
commander, from the Mauritius, 12th March, anil
Adelaide 20th instant. Passenger— Mr Beck,
April 22.— David, schooner, Bowdeo, master,
from Geelong, for Hobart Town.
April 27. — Augustus, barque, from New Zea
land, with a cargo of (65.000 feet) timber.
April 27. — ll'afer Witch, schooner, from tbe
Mauritius, with a cargo of sugar.
Captain Rolls, of the Augustus, states that he
heard reports ol heavy firing in the direction of
Middle (Willington) Island.
' Tbe Titania was to sail for Melbourne on the
same day as the Water TPifcft, and il is expected
The IPafer Witch, on her passage up from tbe
Heads, beat the Vesta steamer by an hour.
(Eram the South Australian Oaietle, April 18.)
April 12. — Julia, brig, Tullock, master, from
April 12. — Titania, farigantine, Anson, master,
from Canton and Hong Kong.
April 13. — Cacique, M'Kie, from Singapore.
Passengers — Jose D' Almeida, Esq., Mr. Ravac.
April 12.— Henry, brig. Tregortba, for Laun
ceston. Passengers— Messrs Thompson, Barrett,
April 16. — Timho, schooner, Gwatkin, for
Hobarl Town. Passengers — Messrs M'Drum
motft; Dickenson, Alanton, and J ohnaon.
April 12, — Titania, brigsntine, Anson, master,
Cargo— 1097 boxes tea, 1050 bags sugar, A. H.
Elder; 1631 packages tea, for Melbourne.
April 13. — Cacique, barque, M'Kie, master.
' Cargo — 991 chests congou tea, 81 half-cbests
scented orange pekoe, 45 ditto Bouchong, 328
ditto sonchong, 208 ditto young Yon, 17 chests
ditto, 300 bags Siam 'sugar, 30 hhds molasses,
126 barrels wine, 5 ditto, 24000 Cbina cups and
'saucers, 540 bandies of rattans, '0 dozen gum
elastic whips, and fancy table tops, 45 bundles
flooring mats, 5 cases tobacco, M. Younghusband
and Co. (The above is so illegibly printed that
wears unable to decipher several articles.)
April 17. — Henry, brig, Tregurtha, master.
Cargo— 6 cwt. cheese, 1 box specimens, J. T.
Bennett 2 cases drapery, 1 ditto slops, Naer-
, April 17. — Timlw, schooner, Gwatkin, master.
Cargo — 124 bags barley, 240 cwt. pig iron, 26
bandies whalebone, 6 bags gam, 1 bsgjampens,
1 cask blues tone, 54 kegs butter, 54 cheeses, 1
couch, 145 bags barley, 50 kegs butter, 1 case
cheese, Drummond ; I case books, Pittman ; 1
bale 1 case drapery, Stiling ; 66 bandies hoop
Tbe Cacique goes to . Sydney.