Shipping Intelligence - ARRIVED. - The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Vic. : 1845 - 1848) - 12 May 1846 (original) (raw)
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Tue 12 May 1846 - The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Vic. : 1845 - 1848)
Page 2 - Shipping Intelligence
May 11. — Cacique, barque, McKie. master,
from Singapore via Adelaide the 27th April.
Passengers, J. Almeida, jun supe cargo, Mr and
Mrs Cobham, Mr L. Ravac, and Mr. Imberg.
May 11 — Cacique, barque, McKie, master,
from Singapore via Adelaide— 601 chests congou
tea, 45 half chests scented orange Pekoe, 16 ditto
ditto, 4 packages, 16 boxes caper, 29 half cases
Oolong, 17 packages, 68 boxes ditto, 10 boxes
young hyson, 1 box elastic whips, 1 ditto, 6 table
tops (fancy), 75 bags white sugar, 24 hogsheads
molasses, 2 barrels sherry wine, 10 ditto Alicant
ditto, 43 ditto St. Vincent ditto, 4 ditto Madeira,
2 ditto Lisbon, 2 ditto port, 1 ditto brandy, 536
bundles rattans, Heape and Grice. .
Great fears have for the past week been enter
tained for the safety ol the Margaret, from Laun
ceston, so much so, that, we ore toM, goods
expected by her have been offered at hdf the
invoice nrice and. refused. In fact, seven! other
vessels from the neighbouring colonies ore long
verdue amongst others, the hmntu, from
t . Iney ; the Braiikenmwr, troops from
\HobartTown; the Union from.Launeeston ; the
Stratkisla' eod th e- Funny Morris from New
Zealand. It is likely however, a change of wind
" will bring some of them in,— Adelaide Observer,
The Cacique met wiih very hovy gales on her
passage from Adelaide, which drove her near
Western Port, where she fell in with the Squnttsr
schooner, who piloted her into thut port; she has
carried away part of her bulwarks, and bad two
men injured hy the sea ; Captain M'Kie also re
ports the William Wise outside the Heads yester-