Advertising - The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1846 - 1851) - 25 Jun 1846 (original) (raw)
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Thu 25 Jun 1846 - The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1846 - 1851)
Page 1 - Advertising
EUOS respectfully tt> inform tlio Public llmt lto cxo-
11 cities every description of Lottor-prcss' Printing—
n'tirncly, dlobks, 1-kitiiplilcts, .Catalogues,' Posters, Iinml-
liilis.f'Oards, -'Circulars, &c.', &e., on very rchsohable
IN consequence of mi arrangement
(tliisday) niiidc for AIic collection
of tli'e Accounts now due, anil wlticli
may tiecoinc due,, until further no
tice, Mr. James JBnrnct, of this «r-
lice, is hereby appointed Sole Re
ceiver 'for the "IIRITAIlilA"
Newspaper, and his receipts 'only,'
oiv his. orders, will he valid.
IN tlio event of a neglect in the forwarding
any number of this newspaper, wo hope, the
omission will bo immediately noticed, so that
the cause may bo traced, and tlio error avoided
Britannia Office , Collins-street.
IT is fonnd more convenient that the Quar
terly periods of this .Newspaper should,
commence 'January 1, April 1, July, and
October 1. They will ho so changed in future,
and the extra numbers calculated accordingly.
Britannia Office, Juno 15.
ALL kinds of Kitchen Garden Seed, of the
.Fruit Trees, Forest Trees, and Ornamental
Quicks, Privet, and Fuchsias, for fences.
Two Hundred Varieties of Choico Flower
A selection of Seed, of the Choicest Tas-
Dried Specimens "of Tasmanian Flowers,
neatly arranged, and accurately named.
Green-house Plants, and Scctl of do. Her
baceous Flower Roots, &c. See. ; to he
(£35" Grounds laid out and planted.
30 Murray-street,- May 26.
mi-IE Undersigned has removed his rcsi-
JL donee, and Agency Office, from 27 Bris
bane-street, to a Cottage near the Paddock
. QCOTCII WHISKY, four years' old. .
k3 Superior- Port and Sherry Wines, in qr.
English Porter, in hluls. and bottles.
Burton Ale, in barrels and bottles.
Corks, Bottle Brushes, Scaling Wax.
A package of vory suporior Isinglass.
And a quantity of I-Ioop Iron for Hay
Bottling Department, 5, Davoy-strcct.
TO LET, capablo of making 150 bushels
weekly. A constant supply of water is
- closo at hand, with every other convenience
required in the trade. There is also a Licensed
House attached, which may bo had with
the above-named premises. Both, or the
Malt House alono; will bo let on very reason
able terms, and a lease granted.
Apply for 1 particulars, at this offico ; all
vj' censed; Inn, Mahout twenty . jnilcs. from
Hohart To\Vn, aw.oi\ ailixio , of'. road affording
every, .reasonable expcctatipiy for: an. excellent
ready money trado. .Land,, already, foqcqd, arid
in, cultivation, niay bq pad with th o Houso, ;
ancj the latter . having been, recently .erected of
stone, possesses, every, accommodation for., .a
road-sidq'lnn, to which tlio .business of a Store
may bo added. ... , ; . ' .
. . Fpr partjeuTajs, j.ajSijJy, to tljo JUncTorigncd,
if by letter (post-paid.) ,,
I : . -tryrt jgffc. . q ; \ J," ''
: . Britanripmcc, , May 14. , ,,
7r'TOic.pituation is weli adopted for pat-
tic, and .Sheep Salo Yards. ,|,
A NEAT and commodious BRICK COT-
T AGE, situate in tlio Now Town Road,
opposite the '' Eaglo HaSyk.'' It contains eight
excellent rooms, and kitchen attached, with a
two-stall stablo and coach-houso. Apply to
Mr. W. Batcmaii, Lcaping-Bar Livery Stables,
The rent will ho moderate to a good tenant.
At the Stores of tlio Undersigned,
, Schcdam (Hollands) Gin.
Fifty Barrels of Bass's Superior Burton
Taylor's Porter,, of best quality, in lihds.
Port and Sherry, of the finest flavour, in
A few lihds. of first-class Tcnoriffe.
With a quantity of prime Brandys,
Rums, &c., all at reasonable prices.
Twenty Pockets of best East Kent Hops.
(A' very superior sample of Barrett" s
; . ) ' very best brand.)
200 Boxes of very Superior
ANY Person having orio to Lot, at a mpdc-
rato rent, and which is situated in . a
central part of the Town, may hear of a good
tenant, by application to the Undorsigned;
who is bmpoworcd to malco the necessary ar
. . . Letters must. he post paid.'
Just Landedrex Sarah Scott,
And for Sale by the Undersigned,
£3Ll0s. baclii' for CASH.
; ;7junb,:i7j7l7!;;' ,7777 ' A,;.';', 7,. ,'Y'.- . 'Y
' Prico-liil., or Is.' per dozeii. " ' '
; ; : .v;,; Y;,; ',7 " jame?: JBURET;;;
Cbllins-stroot,' Marcli 30., . , ,
rHHIE Undorsignedj having received- a Trans-
fcr; of tlio (License from Mr.. Bow.dcn, ;. re
spectfully ipforms his- Friends, and, the Public,
that good, accommodation is afforded customers
at his houso'; and, at reasonable charges; f
' Spirits, Wincsi'Alcs Porter, &c.,'; in
wood, and- bottle, of tho best quality.
Brisbane-street, May 25. ' , , 1 ,
"jVTOTICE is hereby, givenby thoundcrsigncd
1 that all DOGS found ,at large ,upon his
property, called ' Woodbrok,' at the Iron Creek,
Pittvyatcr, will ho shot, and that all1 persons
trespassing thereon in any mariner, will' he
prosecuted according to Law. .
Woodbrok, June 17,. 1846. - ' "
( Between Collins and Macquarie-slrccls),
" FOIt ,TI1E SALE OP k .....
TAKE this opportunity of returning , tlicir
grateful acknowledgments to thoir friondg
and tlio public, who liavo so liberally bestowed
their patronage on tlicni, arid beg'1 futtlior to
inforrri them that they are now making1, up
FURNITURE at lower .rates than any other
House in .Town, at the sanio time warrant oyory
article to he of thoroiiglily seasoned wopd, arid
of sncli 'material and workmanship as 'cannot
ho suvpassed — jif equalled— such as
and ovory otlior articlo that can possibly ho
required in furnishing, a houso complete.
... N.B. — Funerals , performed, in .Town or
A. and J. G.' Osliorh. further beg leavo to
stato their terms aro most liberal,' citlior for
cash or credit. , Tlicy swill- barter- or exchange
now Furniture for old, and with country people
Colonial prodqeo taken -in, oxebango. t ,
, 1 .Enquire for A. and. J. G. O shorn.
:,M.Jiinp 4,; . r. ; ( .. ' ;
Wow Laiidiibr, 'arid ' for Sale' by )he Under-
' 1 1 'sigriMex "' Sarah Scott,"
E" iGilT . PQCKETS of riuporiorii'!N,E:'W
K E N T H"0;P S— Growth ! 1845. '
Eight Pockets of Suporior Amorican Hops
IIohartTo\yn,,Juuc 4.- . ,, ,
A and J,. G. OSBORN hayo on.hand some
of the most superb spociriioris' of those
Colonial ! Woods '(it is: supposed' 'by 'judges
over yot found, ! Tlioy' ' ai-o makin'g xip Fiirrii-
tnro-of theso. 'woods; and.connbisours would do
well to call uppn tlicm and judgqfpr thcn>
selves hqtwecn the specimens thoy liayp or
baud, and tiro ordinary ',WQod (said' to bp iirst'-
fatcjj'that is now" being niado iqi iritb'Furni-
: ,0aution to! Trespassers.
TVTOTIGE is liorohy; givothby. the-.Under-
-LX ; ; signed, that pll ;DOGS found . at, large
upon jiis pr'oiiprty, calipd. Wattlq Hill Farni,"
Pittw'ater,' '(\vill ho sii'ot ; ' arid Jtliat 'all ij'erspns
trespsing'thereori- wiirbb prosecuted accord-
ingtollawi-'- '! -J'! ...: , lib:'.;; II,';;
itlpill, imp(16. ,, i, .. .I
"ITr7ILL OPEN, in a few. days, a - largo; a's-
yy sprtmcut of' FANCY GOODS, oon-
: sisti tig fOfrr-- . .' . t; v .,'7' ' ' ' "
! Ladies'ivolvet.. bonnets .
! Silk and volvot mtvntlcs : 1
; ' . ;. '"."ALSO, . , ; ... ; / _ j"'
-.: Pilot and heaver; cloths . , : . . . ,
Black and blue do ! - - . ' . >
Cassimcrcs and Tweeds , , ,m
r - :Ladics', shoes and ;boots . . ...»>
Hosibryj haberdashery, &c.
Wliich til cy will offer for salo at thcir, usual
Argylb iirid Collins-strebtj jurio:17i; ! ; -
':$niwpi&e7''iGiatc9' 77lu«:, 7
W E. MURTAGII, in returning thinks
for tho kind support hitlic'rtb afforded
himj'hogs to nbtjfy tlftit he is- now: tlio oniy;
private boat (proprietor residing at, or near itlic
Forry, Mr, Drum having disposed of his boats,
: -&C., to. a person residing in Hobart Town. ,
: From tlip wbll-kriown ' superiority ' of liis
i Horse Boats, (one of which' he intends keeping
! always in readiness pn each, side the Forry),
together with .the also well-known; fact, of- his
i employing none but efficient, and steady boat-
i men, lic hopcs to rcceivo a continuancc of that
kind support which it is liis-most anxious ,dc-
; Bo suro to ask for Murtagh's boats.
. , ( Five Founds Reward. ''
i TT7" liEREAS scvorai pbrspris arc iii the
W praetico pf trespassing ..on -my. lauds,
: situated at Sandy Bay, by broaking down the
. fences, 'dcpastiiriiig ' cattle arid stock',' ' cutting
1 down and stealing timber and woo'd &c. ' I
: hereby offer \a rcWard of Five Pounds to any
; person or persons' who shall givo information'
i so as to load to tho conviction of tho offondcr
or offenders.1 ,!/ ,' ' 1
' Ilohart .Town, May 5. ' ' , V '
' r H S II AT old-established House, known asitho
; -iJL' WIIHA TSHEAF'-INW, .alt.' Kangaroo.
; Point, on tlio Richmond road, containing hina
rooiiis; witli" two" store- rooms'" attaclibd";' Also
: twp" kitclichsj .with brick byen'jand - cbnper
boiler ;",likcwjsp,' stables cpn'triinirig 1 stalls ;
with ' out-hbusos, 'gardens, stbek-'yards, Sec. ;
arid an oxccllpnt wliarf carried lout for tho con
venience of thd fb'rry Ubats';' thoro aro also about
35 acres of land attached. Tho abovo , prcini-
i sea aro'woir adapted cither'for an'Inri; a'13oard-
ing-school, or.Piivatp Rosidcnce.
" All tlioso very eligible Premises in Lord's
Place; Elizahoth-strbct,' comprising t>yp pp\;-
lours, six bed-rooms, an. Qxtensivo coliar, and
, Ijpck-yard, ,.with ,a, jcitchon ,dptachoi|,; an|.l a
, coach'-hpusb, witl); four-stali s'tahlb, if required.
I 'Tlibre'is; Water liiid'on," and 1 tho' ''promises ate
. .woll"! adftpt'odMcithor ' for Private 'Residbtibbs,
, P uhlio v, Companies, v : or Morcli ants' , or, , Solici-
. Ivors', Offices. , ,.,Epr further par,tiqiilqrs, or vicw
t ing tho .samo, apply at the office of Mr. Oavid
. Lord, Macquario-strcct. ' - -
. >' April '25; 1846. :' 1 " : :
l; uA\W To .IwAi .itho. ,Hritqnnja,.fflf$cg.
Collins-street. "7 . , " , ' ,
; . N.D.— ToTradp pupplipd on Jiperaliwip?
HAS the honor to .announce that his. LAST
take placo "THIS E V-EN I N G at
the SffiCINIOSNSTlTUTE, Mel villc-.
strebt. The petfbrriiaricc.'wil lip as fplfows
i.? f irt . \ :i 1:1 >r% \
, I.Uycrtuve, .Orcliestra. l ( , > ;.i h-, , ; : y
. - 2.— Concertino --doi(Bcri'ot,"!for 'Violih,,,''Mrl'A(\'
.. Rayac. ioi»'->i' -jj \
t 3.— 'Fant.iaToi?'>ianp!,lMr. Imborg. J .
' 4.— Ma Celine, '-'fantasia for .violin, Mr._
Rayac; -io tai s; /,%?.! !»' /
Ui-iOverture, Orchestra. V|7 t
(7ll,-dybrliurc,;',OWhcstra.7 "7 ','.7,/' .'3i-7 »,
7. — Elcgioj Adagio melancholic, for/ violin;
.v.MrcRavac.r;;; -i .-« ti, w
,8.— Fantasioifor. pianpjiMr. Imborg.,.. i
< 9;— Lo de Veniso, for ' violin; Mr/
10.— God save ' tlio Qiiecii, by the .Orchestra.
Single Tickets, 5s. bach,; Family Tickets,
to admit 'five pcrsprisj 'L; to ho had at J.
Walsh's and : U; ; B.- Barfoot's, Elizabcth-strcot ;
T.., Browno's,.- Livcqiool-strcet ; and at the
, , Juno,25. .. ; : i; ;.< 7
rBI.IIE! Sccon 4 A'rinuai :Exliib.tjph „tpf !.jPaint-
ings, Drawings, Engravings, (and. Sculp
ture;' at . Robin Hood's Exhihitiori Rociiii,
Livcrpool-stroot, will contimtc open a sli'ort
tiinc longer.;,/. .T.lic, hours of remaining open
from ten till dusk daily.
Admittance -vr One Shilling.
Children , 1 '- , Six-pence. . ,
Catalogues - i Six-pcuce.
. W. P. Kay, |Hon. :Sec..
,6 COMMITTEE MEETING of this Society
i5L >vill he held THIS EVENING, at Soveii
o'Clock,, at Mr. Champion's Inn, AIcl vil Ic-
strcct, at which all the Members aro, as risual,
invited to attend ; and, also, . all those who
desirb to join, tho Institution.
By request of tlio Committee, ; 1
, ; J. MORGAN, Sccrilary.
IE MIL CAMPBELL, of Oatlands, . docs riot
settle tlio account duo "to the undersigned,
notico is hereby givon liim Biat Uiq . articles
left by.:.liim at tlio York Hotel,. Brisbane-
street, Hohart Town,- will bo sold- in the usual
"v7 ; 77 ; 7, V-. JOHN FELMINGIIAM.
FOR SALE, tlioso Vaiuahic and Extensive
' Premises, by private contract, ori riiost
advantageous ''terms, at- a liberal" credit"' "and
moderate ratio of interest. " . ' 7 .7 5
Apply (if: by- letter -post-paid) to - : >»'
Extensive Agricultural ana
FO® SALE,— Two'Thousand Six Iluridi-pd
Acres of "Land, : advantageously situated
on tlio. River , Dorwent; sovOntcori -iriiles ! froiri
Hohart dowiq .Avith comfortahlo1' Homestead
and 1< arm Buildings. Three-Hundred Acres
are, under cultivation ;.-mucli more pf'tlio, Land
is available Tor tlib 'samc purpose,1 arid1 for irri
gation, having the advantage of a novor-failiiiq
stream of. fresh 'watbr.- 'The run will carry
T.welvo Ilftndred Shoop, iri any season. ""'Tin
hills are thjckly clopthod yvfcli Slid ,Oqlc. 'arili
fho Estate possesscs imiuniorahlo othor ady(in-
tagos! ' ' Upwards of 7ix7thousand7 Pounds
hayo hcen;oxpcndod: on: this Farm; aiuldit i<
now offered at a little 'moro thari one 'thmVo!"
that suih;' with a liberal brcdit, arid low rato-oi'
.. Coming, in uncrely nominal.
22, \,.y N,.,, . \v..5\, ,.,-u\
r. . KIP 'wallers', A GEWO.s x,
npiJO.SEyintefestod aro remindedji.that all
fers .pf .Licenses,, must . hp. dejivofcd at the
scverril Pblico Offices hmugiibut' tlio 'islaricl.
: one month provious to tho Quarterly Meotirij.
; pfvrJusticesAon 'vthovfirst'.'.Mori'clay 'in' August,
i «cxt,\d. that;pvjntedr fomjS,\oproperly dilldd
' as ri.cretoforo, -,from ,thq under-
; 'Livorpool-str'eotViiear tho'-.Padclribk'Gaite.
; Juuo l'l, >4840,.'V".