PRESENTATION. - The New Waverley Council Clerk. - The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909) - 31 May 1897 (original) (raw)
The Hew Waverley ConnciTCIerli.
Mr. J. Clubb, who has been chosen by
the Waverley Municipal Council to fill
the position of council-clerk, was yes
terday afternoon the recipient of a flat-
tering presentation from Messrs. u.
Jones and Co.' and the employees of that
establishment. Mr. Clubb has been in
the employ of the firm for over a quar
ter of a century, entering as a youth
and rising by his own merit to the posi
tion of- accountant. Consequent on his
selection for the important office of
Waverley council-clerk he has had to
sever his connection with the firm, and
the occasion of his retirement this af
ternoon was marked by genuine marks
of feeling on the part of the heads of the
flrm and his fellow eiriployees. A little
before 1 o'clock at a meeting attended by
the heads of the departments Mr. Clubb
was presented on behalf of the Arm
with a cheque for a substantial sum by
' Mr. E. L. Jones. Mr. Jones, in making
the presentation, acknowledged , the
value Mr. Clubb's services had been to
the Arm, and the regret experlencd at
his departure, although they were, of
course, all glad Mr. Clubb had been
given an opportunity of entering a fleld
of labour in which his services might
rceive greater public recognition. A
presentation of a dozen handsome fruit
knives and forks was also made to Mr.
Clubb from his fellow employees. In
' replying, Mr. Clubb said the most
kindly relations had always existed be
tween him and the members of the Arm,
and he had always done his best to in
fuse a feeling of esprit de corps am
ongst th employees. He had none but
pleasureable recollections to call back
as regarded his connection with the es
tablishment of Messrs. D. Jones and
The Mutual Assurance Society of Vic
toria, Limited, and the National Mu
tual Society having been amalgamated
it Is notifled that the business of both
institutions will In future be carried on
at 85. Pitt-street after June 1.
The annual report and balance-sheet
of, St. James's Conference of the So
ciety of St. Vincent de Paul (Glebe)
shows a credit of £-1 19s 2d. .. \