WAVERLEY. - Election of Mayor. - The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909) - 12 Feb 1896 (original) (raw)

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Wed 12 Feb 1896 - The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909)
Page 3 - WAVERLEY.

At a meeting of the Waverley council

last night all the aldermen xvith the ex

ception of Ml. - Koys xvoro present,

and on' tho motion of Alderman Wator-

house, seconded by Aldemian Terry, it xvas

unanimously decided to confor the dignity

of Mayor of the borough upon Alderman A.

' C. ,;Hexvlett, xvho has given the greatest

, satisf action 'during the year just closed.

Aldernian Hexvlett was congratulated xipon

his re-election o voi a glass of xvine, and in,

addition to tho aldermen there were a

number of visitors present, including Hon.

S. E. Lees, M.L.C., Messrs. Watkin Wynne,

W; M'Leod and'HoiToeks (of tho Waverley

:B6wling ond Recreation Club), Messrs.

Richard: Cooke and- W. Firth (of the

Wavorley Cricket Clhb), Alderman John

ston (of tho City Council), Mx. T. H. Bar-

loxv (tlio protectionist - candidate at tho

coming election),- ex-Mayor 'IV J. Dickson,

Mr. ,lt. G. Wntkins and Mi. 11. T. Ore

(counoil clork). Several toasts xvere

honoured. The Mayor, in the course of his

roinarlcs, stated that the borough had lived

xvithin its income during tho past year.