MAYORAL FIGHT AT WAVERLEY - Dep.-Mayor Chosen On Own Casting Vote - The Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 - 1938) - 27 Feb 1934 (original) (raw)

: -PHD unprecedented and : somewhat

1 A -. Gllbertlan position at >' Waver-

loy.i where the election of a; Mayor

harr beon hold tin hv' tho absence of

ilyo aldermen 'from four consecutive

meetings, was terminated last' 'night.

; The now member, Ald. 'Nott, who

was ' elected on ' Saturday' to' All tho

vacancy : caused" by tho, doath of the

lato; Mayor, , Aid... Howe, took, his

scat,-' and With; h|s -arrival the' five

missing aldormori: also . put', la an

appcaranco, .. making : a full ; council.

, , -Tho , Council .Chombor -woe '.crowd

ed with ratepayers anticipating flro-

.Works, arid there was sdtlrl cdl.laugH-

tor (when;. the. Deputy-Mayor,. Aid.

Fleldhoiiso, welcomed hack the; pro

digals: and/ hoped that their health

" The. quostlori of the various apolo

gies sent by tho' flvo aldermen, 1 Huri-

,tor, Fenton, Lucas, Samuels and

Gr Ifllthsi. for,; their :al)8erieo ' from - the

'four meetings- 'was considered, and

It- was decided on tho casting .yoto

of the Deputy-Mayor to hold; a epe-

clal- moellng to go Into the apologies.

The council then procqedod to - the

moln bUBlneas; bf tho meotlng. tho

rioirilrietlon uf a candidate, for ' tho

Mayoral-chalr, ; to .he - submitted "to

the MlnlBtor. the tlme having elapsed

In --which' council- could . Itsolf elect a

I ' Aid. ' Fenton moved that ; the

' names' of ; the whole counoll bo

aerit along. Aid, Samuels seeoqd-

;ed.l>.'t;A'-:""':te;.' It . . ' V'v V1':

: Aid.- Dyrich: then riomlriated - the

; Deputy-Mayor, Aid. .Fleldbouse,'-

.; 'On .tho motion, being ..put,. the

voting- 'Wan again- 6 'to 6, ; and- the


for hie own nomination. ; I "

-There-Was - vigorous applauso from

tho .crowd' nt tho romilt.

. .. Ald. Lucos-gavo notjeo that ait.ncxt

moating he ' wbuld' mqve tho.; rescis

sion of tho l (solution. - i