CABLEGRAMS. - THE WAR CLOUD IN THE EAST. SITUATION IN YUNNAN. ANOTHER MISSION BUILDING DESTROYED. London, June 14. - The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) - 16 Jun 1900 (original) (raw)

Sat 16 Jun 1900 - The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954)

The Chinese reactionaries in Yunnan,

a rich and important province in the

south of China, have destroyed another

This makes the fourth mission

station that has been demolished in

the province since the present disturb


The foreign force working along the

Tien-Tsin-Peking railway, is making

The damage to the line is much more

serious than was at first anticipated.


The last telegraph wire between Tien

Tsin and Peking has been severed.

The Chancellor of the Japanese Lega

tion, who was murdered the day before

yesterday in the streets of Peking by

the Empress's bodyguard, was, at the

time he was attacked, going to meet a

foreign expedition that was expected


General Tung Fu Chan, with ten

thousand troops, has threatened to de

fend Peking against any foreign ex

[General Tung Fu Chan commands

about 10,000 Kansuh troops. These

troops are mostly Mohammedans, and,

according to an authority on the Chi

nese army, constitute a most disorderly

and undisciplined rabble. They are

said to be badly armed and undrilled,

but good fighters. About 12 months

ago they assaulted and nearly killed two

British engineers, who were working on

the line at Fungtai. They also broke

the windows of the railway station, and

damaged some boilers and stores. At

that time their presence was deemed so

dangerous to foreigners that the'foreign

Ministers demanded their withdrawal.]



In the House of Commons yesterday,

Mr. Brodrick, the Under-Secretary of

State for-Foreign Affairs, made a state

ment respecting the situation at

He narrated the repeated and ener

getic warnings of Sir Claude Mac

Donald, the British Ambassador, that

China would be held responsible for her

criminal apathy in regard" to the

Mr. Brodrick added that Sir Claude

MacDonald and Admiral Seymour,

commanding the British fleet on the

China station,' had been instructed to

take, in concert with the Powers, any

step which, in their unfettered discre

tion, they might deem advisable for the

protection of life and property.

Mr. Brodrick, continuing, said that

Great Britain and Russia had agreed

to support any Chinese authority that

was capable of maintaining order.

The Minister informed the House

that Admiral Seymour was commanding

the first expedition to Peking, which

comprised 2,300 troops, and that these

He added that there was complete

accord among the Powers regarding the

Admiral's action, and announced, amid

applause, that arrangements had been

made to supplement the British forces

in the Yang-tse-Kiang Valley.


The railway line behind Admiral

Seymour," who is comnianding an ex

pedition now on its. way from Tien

Tsin to Peking, has been cut.

Two railway bridges have also been