A TOSS, AND A DRAW. - SELECTING WAVERLEY'S MAYOR. - The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930) - 9 Feb 1916 (original) (raw)
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Wed 9 Feb 1916 - The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930)
Page 15 - A TOSS, AND A DRAW.
'Although the choice of a Mnyor for Wavorloy
for IMG was dccidod last night, llko sovornl
other similar selections, by a draw from tbo
liat.'thero was tlio added foaturo of a tossing
of tlio coin. Aldermen L. J. Lamrock, C. W.
aven'ngh, and II. IV. F. Rogers wore nominated
to contest the vacancy created by . tho rotiro-
mont of Aid. J. Barrneluff, but Aid, Rogers
Withdrew his nomination. Tho council, cham
bers were wall filled with intcrestod ratepayers.
As tlio ballot-papers wero set to right or loft
as representing tho votes cast for foltlior candi
date, the ntidlonco bectuno possessed of the re
sult of tho voto boforo tlio roturning-officor
(Mr. 10. B. Konyou, town clerk) bud time to
aunounco that tho candidates had rocoived six'
votes cncli. It was promptly decided that an
appeal' should bo mndo to the usual draw from
tlio lmt. Tho returning officer oxplnincd that
two papers Would bo put in tho hat — ono show
ing" tlio word "elected," tlio other ''ilofoated."
Tho candidates may arrange among themselves,
explained tho returning officer, "who shall buvo
"You liavo first draw, Kavcnogh," said Dr.
"No," said Aid. ICavonngb, "we'll toss for It,"
and a silver ploco was called upon to aid.
"Heads!" said Dr. Lamrock. as tho coin was
falling to tho table, and "heads" it came. ...
Br. Lamrock pullod out the wlunlng sllp.