England's paralysing finish (20-13) shocks N.S.W. but tourists now without two star wingers for Test - The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954) - 4 Jun 1950 (original) (raw)

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Sun 4 Jun 1950 - The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954)
Page 28 - England's paralysing finish (20-13) shocks N.S.W. but tourists now without two star wingers for Test

England's paralysing finish (20-13) shocks N.S.W.

two star wingers for Test

By Sunday Telegraph Rugby League writer, GEORGE CRAWFORD

The English Rugby League team yesterday sored three tries in 10 minutes

during a sensational finish to a particularly tough match at Sydney Cricket

Ground, to defeat New South Wales, 20-13.

Each team finished the match with 12 men. England's right winger, Roy Pollard, dislocated his

Jeff collarbone, and New South Wales centre and captain, Joiiiiy Hawke, suffered a sprained left

utes after the second half had

Masseurs said that neither

Hawke nor Pollard would be fit

to play in the First Test at Syd

ney Cricket Ground on June

Hawke said he would be un

likely to play again for three

right wingers out of action.

The other one. Arthur Daniels,

suffered a spramed right ankle

at Newcastle last Saturday.

The Englishmen said that the

two fit wingers, Jack Hilton

and Gordon Ratcliffe, could

In England's sensational fin

ishing burst in the last 10 min

utes, left-winger Jack Hilton

scored two tries and centre

New South Wales scored its

only try as the final bell rang.

Left-winger Jack Troy scored

After the match England's

half-back Tommy Bradshaw,

who had twice, stopped Troy

near the corner with flying

"That last try didn't matter, lad."

England's captain, Ernest

Ward, was delighted with his

fie said: "We needed a tough

match to bring us to our top.

"We expected it tough and

"I think we gave as much as

"It was the type of football

"We started to find our feet

about 20 minutes from the end."

Apart from the injuries Pol

9 England half-back Tommy

Bradshaw had his right eyelid

cut late in the match and had

#, New South Wales five-eighth

Frank Stanmore had his top lip

rower Jack Hdlland had his left

ward Len Cowie suffered hard

knock on the Jfieact and /pander

ed. about the field aimlessly for

Throughout , a particularly

tough firsfcljtalf tbf glit play!

each other., fiercely! ; '

Referee George Bishop twice

cautioned players for exchang

ing punches after touch- judge

Jack Davies had rushed on to

the field to report them.

He first cautioned Holland

and English hooker Joe Egan,

and a minute later Holland and

English 16-stone front-rower

Holland had gone berserk for

kicked recklessly in the rucks.

Holland, who had been play

ing loosely in club football,

showed yesterday that he could

be tight and vigorous when the

He played a grand forward

When the Englishmen settled

down they thrilled the Aus

tralian Rugby League record

crowd of 70,419 with copybook

switching of play in passing

movements, and tackling were a

magnificently, but two were

They were second-row for-

ward Bob Ryan and half-back

Ryan tackled fiercely and

often ran 30 yards from racks

Bradshaw, who weighs only

He figured in almost every

raced round behind the three-

quarters to join in with them

at a vital moment to switch

He also broke up threatening

New South Wales bursts with

fearless tackling and twice

stopped winger Jack Troy from

scoring certain tries m the

League committeeman Mr. S.

G. Ball, who has seen every

English touring team, said:

"Bradshaw is Rugby League's

greatest half-back since Eng

lishman Jonathon Parkin, who

was the star 22 years ago."

Not a single try was scored

during the tough first half.

Oil these occasions winger

Roy Pollard r and five-eighth

' Dickie Williaipsliad, in. turn,

broken clieaF of the field, but

they: were < run down from be

That was how: Pollard dis

Jack Troy, a noted speedster,

pounced on Pollard's back and

threw him heavily to; the

New South Wales led ®-2 at

half-time, all points having

Right-winger Noel Pidding

had kicked three for New South

Wales and centre Ernest Ward

During the first-half referee

BiShop penalised England 11

eight, mainly for scrum and

back Bradshaw in quick suc

cession for lobbing the ball

into the scrum, instead of using

the regulation downward move

The second time, England's

captain (Ernest Ward) walked

up and questioned Bishop's

New South Wales increased

its lead to 8-2 a minute after

the second-half had started

when Bishop penalised England

: foi ising the illegal second-

| raping kicked the goal from

' bcause Pollard had not 2®

tunM to the field, England was

' aw fepiayiiig a five-man pack,

1 kxll-forward Harry Street hav-

vjhen Hawke left the field 14

mimtes after the second-half

, hacRstarted, New South Wales

wftplayed a five-man pack.

' bilk-forward Len . ©owie

; out to Hawke's place in

.lie loss of- Hawke was a

seieiB blow to New South Wales,

asis the defence began to

fijgland reduced New South

W8i|s' lead to 8-4 after 18

oilMtes of the second-half and

too I the lead, 9-8, seven min

f rst Ernest Ward kicked a

pec Uty goal from the touch-

liiM j then converted a try which

een re Ernest Ashcroft scored.

! radshaw had started the

try |cortog moye frohi a scrum

®n. the 25-yard . line. 7

i j threw along pass to Ash-

er< fc, who raqed wide with

Hi ?er Hilton in support.

As New South Wales winger I

Noel Pidding moved in for a |

tackle, Ashcroft, using Hilton as j

a foil, straightened and cut in 1

England's three tries in the 1

last 10 minutes were mag- 1

Gwyther broke from a ruck s

and ran 30 yards before he j

Sassed to Ashcroft, who this

me did let the ball go to \

Hilton to the surprise of the \

Then Ward took a long pass i

10 yards from the line, stepped :

out of three tackles, and scored

In the third try, Ashcroft in

tercepted at half-way and made

When New South Wales full

back Olive Churchill tackled,

Ashcroft passed infield to Hil

ton, who had moved apross

It was Hilton's ' 12th try in

Ms three matches on the tour.

ENGLAND: 20 (J. : Hilton 2i E. Ash-

, croft, E. Ward, tries; E. Ward, 4

goals) d. , . NEW . SOUTH ' WALES 13

(J. Troy, try; N. Pidding, 5 gfoals). -

FIRST , . SCORERS.— New South

1 Wales: N. Pidding, goal. England:

NEW SOUTH WALES front-row forward Hoy Bull tackles England's second rower Fred Higgins during , the Rugby League match at Sydney Cricket Ground yesterday Jack Holland (N.S.W.) rushes in to block Higgins bom passing !® Elwyn Gwyther who is m the backgrounds . England w6n« 20-13. ...... .. ... .. i . i : , . - , ...' . .7 ' 7 -i. ;;l I- - .7 '. . " 7 i. 1 Help

NEW SOUTH WALES front-row forward Hoy Bull tackles England's second rower Fred Higgins during , the Rugby

League match at Sydney Cricket Ground yesterday Jack Holland (N.S.W.) rushes in to block Higgins bom passing !®

Elwyn Gwyther who is m the backgrounds . England w6n« 20-13.

...... .. ... .. i . i : , . - , ...' . .7 ' 7 -i. ;;l I- - .7 '. . " 7 i. 1

NEW SOUTH WALES hooker Kevin Schubert pounces on the back of English second-rowee Fred Higgins, who is breaking away with the ball from a rack after forward Roy Bui! (No, has failed to stop him. Help

NEW SOUTH WALES hooker Kevin Schubert pounces on the back of English second-rowee

Fred Higgins, who is breaking away with the ball from a rack after forward Roy Bui! (No,