Music. - MR. RAVAC'S CONCERT. - The Spectator (Sydney, NSW : 1846) - 8 Aug 1846 (original) (raw)

The successful career of thiegentleman: in. the sister colonies

bas.been-made knowntoUsbytonrcolonialcotemporaries, and

we hayie looked forward With'' $oibe jmriofeity for his arrival in

Sydney. On Wednesday, last. Sir, . Ravao gave the first of a

series of. Mjusical Spikes at the City Theatre in Market-street,

and we now have the pleasure pf. expressing; our opinion that

the high praise, lavish uppn him in the sister colonies is not

beyond his deserts, The.follojwmg; wqthp programme of the

Part 1. —Overturn,' "iia Sifehe," Auber. Souvenirs do

Bellihi, Fantisia'f6r Vm---iitrr,fl4vpc), .ni'arcte.etChoeur

" LesBugenotts de, Meyerbeer." ijVariatfOfts Brillants, sttt un

theme original de- Hertz, fir PiaitiO Mr. Ellard; lia'.Mbfcn-

cholia, Pastofale, for yibllh--WA Ravpc '

Part ,2.T-0,vm:mrey ;f Eei Pari du,I>iable;,: ;jIaier. Ma Ce-

)ine, FAntasia for Violin-sMr, Ravae. 'Ballad-Mr. Marsh:

Finale, De I'Opera, " Le Serment," Aaber. Le Carnaval de

.It having; been our gM fortune 1 to' -bedir ihfest'of, thgfeat

violinists of oUr day, 'as tp-'pe

fln pohit'sjof ,yioiijiirpjqyipg ; .but, wfdioueultejfins into d'tni'')

mite examinptipn Epvac'sitnodeofpelDforiiadBg itheiShoWy>

passages in" LeiCarnaMV' we vriUtdVert 'to ;th& tiaste; the

feeling,' the deliiddi exfetutidh, dislayddjiii ''tasSyehito M

Bellini,'' " (ieUfie.,',; . 4"liese essen-

tial qnalisies he pqssessesin an erniiienitidegremi and weihavemo

hesitation in hailing him as a master of his artf-whilst thp

warm response of the auence tp. the most gracefifi/of the pas

sages assures us that musical taste is rapidly imprp.Ym& £n Sydr-

ney. -We, certainly sbodld havo ipreferied to have found onemf

Spbor's Concertos In the programme, but Mri Eavac probdbly 1


tber(Jongii..:Tbethinneseicdthe-aqdience oil Wednesday event

ing may tend to confirm his iijipression as to, our 'ppkthy.Hi1

charged for his tickets fsawfr pf-.the.pcor.atteudr

ance. Seven shillings . Joo high a charge for a

concert-ticket in a pittf-jctf insolvency ; and

whoever advised iJr.4 Ravac t<rVxcef 'the' ordinary prices to

which our Corps Musical haye'lTOgestricted themselves in

issuing Jhpipe Mftfji ?:!TS5i,?Mudf Fe

regret b,proyMlwipsdktablpb>>qw(ney r. WhenPagan-

nib!t #ribwcn« to 'Londen beattempted to! raise, riwiprices at the :

febt'tfld dtiV'wbftih dMClibdhitn'to:

old pteAri.tiifoul4/«ge8rp1.bfcfnPx»ac,(the| pmprieijiipt;

act W&'\ipOfiutfci£pbfoltf> anddatidg bin wpa)e!«fodiatges to thdi

citcW ''Tffe>#Ci#Mdce of tWb ld%e'

dinners being' givien on te same Say by the l(iayor and fr.

lopasons1 tfrfothfeif causfe of ite nohreDnc of 'ttanj

Isb&nkbld' mndteurs 'ati$ &'6Sr6Wq ati, ihe'Eity fieae fs' o'ne

oiti'e/;Worat'<bla<&fe8lih 'giyen.w.iw»' know'

that'RJri E,avac' endeJa voeJ f o4 voiA Hie fast oHjectibn 1>y offer

ing terms to Messrs. WyaFt" aiid Gibson for the use of the

Victoria, which tholie ' Vldmdrf- rifesdki 1 'Thus a series of

oppo$flg cus<<e oimratedo t ts ithe-,di»thr»ntdge of; the debutunt;

butiwe Biwtely ItopW.tbat :on ;bi s r next! bppe'ai-ance bfeitor'ai'-

rangements will. be>m&dy and tHat n-.coowded- hnbse wiit reward

hie exertions. ' . v:.'.r.

- Mr. Ellard, Jun.,;Mr. Mirsb, Mrilmbdrgf bdd thp'Bxnd'OftbC

11th Regimen tlenttheirvaluabldssis(tanioe>arid' the- WholfeUf the

pertortnanodcwdntl off With' icldt. Vfa will, boweivir make! WtC

more suggestion tcC RaaC, !WhIch i'thHt'SflliS'ntedf soirSe

he will avaii himself 'of this isdrvice'of Chef' or t#e df' oUt fair

ttoeaZis-'whO Will iftbrd agrpkbly' relieve the ah-Wngfeititento'1 of a

prbgramme the chief fedtutfe ofWhicb ie bistt-tiiAkiitdl mhsJfc;

'; We learh 'from the, Port Philiip journals that Mrs Wallace,

: late of the Vfctoriii, has made a most successful d£bu( at Mel-