Classified Advertising - The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842) - 15 Dec 1838 (original) (raw)
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Sat 15 Dec 1838 - The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842)
Page 3 - Classified Advertising
This Evening', ¡Dec. 15, 1B3S,
ILL be performed the favorite
The Song of THE ROVER, by Mr. Falchon.
To conclude with, for the lust time this season, the
PROCURED upon Mortgage, in
PORT and SHERRY WINE, of the
finest quality ever brought to the Colony :
Company's best Capo in whole, half, and quarter
Saddles, Bridles, und Harness
London and Manchester Prims, White and Brown
Delph, 'J'eus and Sugar, with a fresh supply of
every article in general Sale ut these. Stores.
Post Office, Wollongong, ^
THE Undersigned having recived à
large supply of BROWN'S RIVER POTA-
TOES, ex Marian Watson and Cammandel, from
Hobart Town, is enabled to Sell them at his
3.r», I'mIc-strtet, uetr the corner of MatkeUstrtel,
nt the moderate price of NISE SHILLINGS per
OWT.-or, fen Shillings per Cwt., not
to be equalled in Sydney.
THAT well-known Public House,
sign of the " Flower Pot," corner of
Market and York-streets, Sydney Possession,
with the Licence may be had if required on the 1st
The undersigned being about to retire from the
Retail business, offers one of the most favourable
opportunities to any Person possessing a very
small capital, of immediately entering into a good
business that will ensure a speedy and ample
For particulars, enquire of Mr. William Long,
Lower George-street, opposite Mr. Hebblewhite's
COLONIAL Hard Wood of evary
description on sale, comprising
'S j Orders for Timbor to «ny extent oxecuted with
801 Wharf," Sussex-street,
» i JN tar the Commercial Wùarf.
í. ran x.xv£R*»dox. »XRBCT,
"1 II E fine, first class.
(now at Hobart Town), E. DAY,
Commander, 329 Tons per Re-
class, British-built Barque
(dailv expected from Liverpool)
VV. 'H. TOMXINS. Commander,
The accommodations of these Vssels are superior,
and the whole of their Freig t being engaged, the)
will meet with very prompt despatch,
for passage'only, apply to
IT is purposod, at the commencement
of the new year, to add another Public Journal
to the number printed and published in Sydney.
In our endeavours to advance our own interests
in tho liierury field, wo desire not to trench upon
the ground already occupied bv others ; the
Sydney Chronicle and Kew isouth Wales Advocate,
will be a weekly paper, to he published every
The principles'of the intended paper, it is pre-
sumed, will be found to be in accordance with
'Truth mid Justice, and in the proper sense of
tlii» term, perfectly independent. In matters con-
nected with the Ecclesiastical policy of tho Colony,
wa ara deci ledi}' the champions of the Protes-
tant, Episcopal, or Anglican Church ; but by
no means do wo indentify ourselves with this
section of tho Catholic Church " for butter or for
worse," being of that communion ourselves. A
sincere regard for its real interests will compel
in to become v gilant oveiseois of its conduct -
neither blind to its delects, nor tbrgetful of its
Our opinions of the Crown Land Revenue are
in decided opposition to the doctrine of Sir
George Gipps upon that point, but for whom we
liuv» nevertheless, n very hiçh respect. We hold
that the revenue thus derived, cannot with any
show of_ justice, be applied to uny purpose alien
We are friendly to the principles of free Insti-
tutions, under safe limitations. And to this end
we advocita the propriety of enlarging our Legis-
lative Council, upon nn electivo system ; we
would allow the Crown to appoiut one half, and
the other half to bo elected by a ratod consti-
We should he glad to invest Sydney with a
Corporate Chatter, mid other towns, as they in
crea e in wealth and population.
We are decidedly opposed to the present Jury
system, and are anxious to relieve the Attomey
(jeneriil of a share of his labours, by introducing
an officient tí rand Jury into tho Colony, as well to
guard nur civil as our criminal affairs.
We are auz:ous, also, for an entire change in
the management and constitution of our Police,
which we deem to be inefficient in almost every
To advance the moral, religious, and intellectual
interests of Society will be our constant aim.
We do not pretend to say we shall occupy a
neutral position. Wo ure upon principal opposed
to any und every measuic caleula ed to advance
the political influence of the lloman Catholic
Church, though no enemies to the mild spirit
of the British constitution, which secures to its
subjects perfect toleration in matters of íeligious
To Orthodox Protestants not in communion
willi the Anglican Church, we give the right
hand of Christian fellowship-agreeing with them
where we can ; and, «hero we cannot, we trukt
we shall be able to agree to dift'er, without be-
To the support of the principles and opinions
set forth \vc pledge ourselves, and we venture lo
express a hopo that they aie such as to insure to
us a fan- share of public p.itiouage.
The following booksellers will receive the names
of subscribers-Mr. Evans, Sydney ; Mr. Tegg,
Sydney ; Mr. Lipscomb, Maitland ; Mr. Lubnn
While", Windsor; and Mr. Iritchard, Liverpool.
AU commun cations to hu post p u'd.
Terms, per Qunrler, Seven bhilling* iu the
country, and Five Shillings in Sydney.
Goulburn, Berrima, & Yass.
Widow, and Eiecutiiv oj the late John Richards, Mail
\it OST respectably informs her Friends
'*» and tho Public in general, that she bus
made arr.iugeim nts for carrying on the business
in the same manner as during her late husband's
life time. Her coaches will continue running
duiing tho ensuing year as usual, andevory accom-
modation and safety for the passengers and parcels
will bo strictly attended to. Sho will also keep
the Stores at iii rrima well supplied with Provi-
sions, Sec, for the conveuiencp of Gentlemen and
Settlers us may favor her with Orders to
their teams on the road with Kations, &.C.
The brewery at Goulburn is conducted under the
superimtendence of a qualified person, and as there
is now a large quantity of beer ready for delivery,
she respectfully solicits a coniiuuunoe of thotshure
of patronage and support for herself anti family
which has bilheito always been so liberally be-
stowed on hor late husband, us no exertion shall
be wanted on her part and her Agents' to give ge-
Sydney -Talbot Yard and Wbito Horse Inn,
Liverpool-Mr. George Graham, Whoolwright's
Campbell Town-Mr. John Hurley, King's Amil.
Berrima-Mr M. Doyle, Mail Conch Hotel.
Goulburn-Mr. J..Walton, Goulburn Brewery.
Contract Stores, llprnina, J
"City of Edinburgh" & "Medusa"
Boots and Shoes from four, différent maker«
Medicine and Instruments ,
Oil casks from Chippendales
THE Undersigned has on S ALE at
his Grocery nnd Provision Ware-
house, 3i, Voik-strect, DERWENT SEED PO
TAToES, of the following kindj i
All kinds of Groceries, Uutter) 'Cheese, Bacon.,
6cc. Otc. at hu) usual moderate piices. '
A BAY MARE, aged thiee ^ear«»
black points, branded L E off side of neck»
was stolen from my Estate, Beny Park, Hunter's
River, about five weeks since, and is supposed
to he in the neighbourhood of the Hawkesbury.
A Reward of Fifty Pounds will be paid by me on
conviction of the thief. Any poison found in
nossesston of tho Mare after this is once v. ill bo
LINSEED OIL, in 20 gal on casks -
fit for the loception of a pentonl lamil?.
Iheie nie nix rooms on tilt fir<t and «fcond floor ,
dso, three, attics, ono cellar, and two kitchens.
Pickled Salmon and xîulcii Her«
ring's, in primo condition.
By Isaac Simmons and Co.,
At the Mart, George-stroet, THIS D *Y,
TWENTY Casks of prime PICKLED
SALMON, in line co'ndilon. Also, a few
Kegs of DUIUI liritRINGS.
At his Rooms, 1I1I5 DAY, the 15th instant, at 19
SIXTEEN Cases finest SHERRY,
Nine ditto ditto, six ditto
Twelve ditto ditto Poil, six dttto
Forty ditto superior Gold Sherry, three ditto
i oelve ditto ditto Pule ditto, three di1 to
Li-rhty-two ditto ditto Port, three ditto
Fifty Pieces Corded Ginghams
One ditto Ladies' ditto *?
lwentj duzm Cotton Braces
Filleen bo\es Window Gliss, 10 x 11,14x12,
J erins declared at time of Sale.
On Account of whom it may
Athis Rooms, Loner George-street,on MONDAY
next, 17th instant, at 11 o clock pi ecu 1),
JFC in a diamond, t Ai\ YDS 20-inch
§ i outside. »***/ HiiirSeqnng
On account of the Underwaters, or
On MONDAY, the 1? h injtint, athis Rooms,.
Loner George street, ut 12 o'clock prociselv,
ABOUT two tons of twentj two ounce
Copper, ex Isibelli, Sampson, mister.
Term»-l'urohiseis nuder £30. cash, above
that sum approved bills at 3 mouths.
To ¡¡Publicans q-nd ©Efcero.
On MOND 4Y next the 17th matant, at hu
lloomt. Lower George strtet, at eleven o clock;
npniKTY-FIVE hogshead» hest Eng«
ft. lish Stroll,' Palo Ale
Tlurtj Ave barrels ditto ditto ditto
Eight hogsheads Brown Stout.
ThirU Drzen pnmt» Sherry, Lnghüh, bottled
rwent\-five ditto Old Port
I en bo0sheu(Ls vers superior Lime lince»
i erins-Purchasers under £30 c w», ahovo that
sum, approved lulls at three months.
To SSrapers, Dealers, aaCL Others«
At his Rooms, lower Gi >rpe street on MON-
DAY next, ibu 17th nisiaut at eloven o cluck
ONKCaieTiirlwPv Red Handkerchief*
lit een ends Uro» I ( loth colois
I»ent\ three pieces win e and brown Linen Drill
Two piece? 3 4fh Ueiehed und bl ann Huckabuci;
Seven fen ditto n luted Diipern
rhree ditto o t w lined brown Drill
In erny ditto 1 ! 16 and 7 Ü Linen Ii<k
Seien dittobleiiclud and brown Diaper
Fittv Dozen Striped Shirti
Iwent) five ditto Duck lrowpnra '
Inenlv pie»es White Moleskin
tort) Mousoline de I une Dresses
len puces »ide Woolbi '¿'tig
Flinry bolts unbleaclu d Cam MI
Iwcnti do2»n fancj \\ usiicuH
len ditto «lute ind 'nncs linn sera
Fifty Pieces fiinry c lion d Drill i
1 w entv hve down Li ist e bhtrta
Fifty ditto speckled Hosiers
One trunk \\om ng /Vppaiol
Twonty livo lettor 15o< In
One hundred lud lifti pieces Print, ?;
Fifty d tto 9 B shirting i
With a greit variety of Verohtndiso
I erins -Purchasers under ¿'30, cash, above
tint stun approved bills at *> months
at the Stoics of Missrs. Campbell and Co,,
Geoigo-streot, on WEDNESDAY, tho 19tli
December, on account of the Aboriginal Minston
3^ LE VEN Baloo fine WOOL, fron»
~LJ the TI oil known flocks of the Austopft
J Abotigia al MisBionnry Society