Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 15 May 1858 (original) (raw)

Sat 15 May 1858 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 1 - Advertising

THE steamer MOSQUITO I« now open for towing

Teasels,lightering, or remorlng »ny kind or lumber,

an moderate chargea with dispatch. Order* rewired on board'

aft Maridel's Wharf-, or »ny order» left M LANE »nd

OO.'S, George-street, will be attended to. GEORGE

ÇJTEAM to. PARRAMATTA.-Those farourite bo»U

ITnm PARRAMATTA at 8 and ll «.m., and 4 p.m.

" SYDNEY at 9 a.m., 1.15 and 4 p m.

Calling at iutermedUte piers. .

An extra boat 1 earea for Ryde at.6 p.m. j Cram Eyde for

OBSOHDAÏS: FromJhrdney at 9 «.m. ; IroaParra

?tatta, at 4 p.m. Phoenix wharf. _


Phoenix Wharf, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. ; loaring at

M noon and 6 p.m., calling at Woolloomooloo.


_ MQBSINg. at i c'ci::-, from "wani* rTnarf.


I SWAN, on MONDAY MORNING, at 8 rfolook,

»lag GOSFORD at 1 p.m., alto on FRIDAY nest.

Phoenix Wharf, 18th May._


Tho MIMOSA, on TUESDAY next, at .2 o'clock. I


ILLAWARRA, on THURSDAY next, at noon. !


Phoenix Wharf, 15th May. _ ,


now loadlnsr at the Albion Wharf, will eail on |

TURDAY EVENING, the 15th May.

STEAM to the HUNTER - The FENMJLA, for

MORPETH, THIS EVENING, at ll o>olook.


H.R.N.3.N. Co 's Wharf, foot of Market-street, May 15.










For freight or passage apply on board, Oircnlar 'Q,nay.

OR the RICHMOND RIVER.-Tra 'regular trading


are ready to rewire cargo.

For freight or passage apply to NORTHWOOD and

?COX, Baltlo Wharf. N.B. Allfreigtt payable in Sydney.


trading schooner JESSIE Ja now ready to receive

**For freight or paaaage, apply to NORTHWOOD and

COX, Baltlo Wharf. N. B.-All freight payable in


Balling schooner NOWRA, will leave the Tiotorla

Wharf, on THURSDAY, the 20th May, positively.


for passengers and light freight, sails on MONDAY.

Apply on board, Victoria Wharf ; or to JAMES

PUFFIN. Patent Slip Stores, Bnaaex-street._

fOR the MACLEAY RIVER.-The sohuoner

For freight or passage apply on board, st the Commer-

EOR KEMPSEY, Macleay Biver.-Tha MARY JANE,

Apply on board, at the Union Wharf.; or to GEORGE

TOOK MORETON BAY.-The regular trader, UNION»

I; now hourly expected, will be despatched in a few

Apply to HENRY CLARKS, Victoria Wharf; or

IIOLISON and BLACK, Macqnatle-place._


For freight or pansage apply OB hoard, Commercial

Wharf; or to J. HARPUR and CO., 369, George-street.

FOB MELBOURNE direct.-Cheap Passages.

The favourite barque MONARCH, W. MORRISON,

commander, will meet quick despatch, haring nearly half

ker cargo already on board.

Passengers are reqneated to inspect the accommodations.

For freight or passage apply on hoard, at the Floor

Company's Wharf; or to LAIDLEY, IRELAND, and

CO.. Lloyd's Chambers ; or to B. M. S AYE US, Port

Phillip Packet Office.824 (lota 177). George-atreet.

OK MELBOURNE WHAKK.-The coniUnt trader

CALLENDER, Captain COLLINS, will oomraence

ling Immediately on discharge of her Inward cargo.

LAIDLEY, IRELAND, and CO., Lloyd's Chambers.


\ WHARF, now filling np at the Flonr Company'*,

ll shipment* must be completed THIS DAY.

Customs entries passed, and bills of lading sent Infor

aignature by noon on MONDAY.

LAIDLEY, IRELAND, jwd CO, 364, George-street.

IJ10R GEELONG dlreot.-Tbe brig FO~RTUNE,"j. 8.

JJ WALSH, Commander, will load as above, on the

discharge of inward cargo.

For freight or passage apply to LAIDLEY, IRELAND,

and CO., Lloyd's Chamber* ; or to B. M. SAYERS,

Port Phillip Paoket Office, 324 (late 177). George-street.

FOR ADELAIDE.-The well-knnw clipper brig JOHN

ORMEROD, THOMAS J. 8IVIER, master, having

tba principal portion of her cargo already on board, will be

For freight or passage apply to the captain on board, at

the Circular Quay ; or to EBSWORTH and CO._

FOR ADELAIDE.-The ollpper-shlp MASTIFF will

take a quantity of freight at low rates, if offered at

once. MERRILL and LB A VITT, 2, Macqnarie-plaoe.


The BURNETT, SOAPLEHORN, master, will

finish her loading at Victoria Wharf, positively on MON-

DAY. It is rea nested that the bulk of shipments will be

For freight or passage, apply to HENRY CLARKE,

Vlotorla Wharf; or to M0LI30N and BLACK, Mae

NLY VKS8EL for AUCKLAND.-The fine first-class

packet brig SARAH, FIRTH, master, now loading

at the Grafton Wharf. Bhlppers are requested to complete

their shipments with as little delay aa possible, to enable

the vessel to sail immediately on arrival of the English

For freight and passage, haring superior cabin and

steerage accommodation, apply to S. A. JOSEPH, Mar-


clipper schooner, JESSIE, being under charter, will

For freight or passage, apply to MOLISON and


floe first-class Vessel, whose arrival ls dally expected,

bas been chartered for the above port, and will sall within

. For freight or passage, apply to LAIDLEY, IRELAND,

and CO., 364, George-ateeet._

ONTHLY Line of Vessels to NSW CALEDONIA.

The well-known PERSEVERANCE will sail for

de Franoe the 28th instant.

For freight or paaaage apply to E. TEILLARD and

00,, 140, Pitt-street; or GEORGE TULLY, Esq.,

OR MAURITIUS, calling at TIMOR.-The barque

CASTRO, J. FLEURY, commander, will be des

patohed for. the above plaoea on 18th instant.

For freight or passage apply to Captain FLEURY, on

: .board, at' Lamb's Wharf; or to the undersigned.



commence taking in horses on the 18t.Ii May. and

t will proceed immediately thereafter to Calcutta, ria Torres

Strait*. Has room for a limited number, for which early

application may be made to

ÏilOR SALK, the DiDgy Thistle. Apply

kjHIt* GEN Hi KAL cU<HtNG,t.r<lAN FRANClsO. j

^ -The above «hip ha« mom for a> limited number of

¿rat and second cabía passengers, nrrr trrwanv' I

Immediate application mu*t De male to WILKINSON,

BROTHERS, and CO., Walker'« Wharf._;

ORTLONDON.-The Al tint sailing and favorito ]

barque PALMYRA, JOHN TIERNEY, eommander,

760 tona register, will be qulokly despatched, and bj now

ready to reo-Ive carpo, at the Clrcalar Quay. She baa |

large state rooms and other comfortable accommodations,

f°AnTly'to6"baptaln TIERNEY, on board. Olrontar

Quay i or to BRIERLEY, DEAN and CO., 178, George

FOR LONuON-The beautiful dipper ship OHE* ]

R. KEB, WK) tons, Al, ALLAN, commander.

Now ready to receive cargo, and will baye quick despatch.

Apply to GILCHRIST, WATT, and CO._

HIP CAROLINE, from Liverpool,-Consignees by tbe

above vessel will be pleased to pass their Custom-

house ENTRIE S Immediately, fir the Ciroular Quay ; and

to take notice that the vessel will not be responsible for any

goods after they are randed ; and also that go-dsfor

I whioh entries are not passed when ready to be discharged,

will bo entered hy the undersigned at the risk and eapen«e

¡ of.tba «onsignees. BRIERLEY, DEAN, and CO., 178,

George-street._. ? ?. _ '


. nf «,« ssdcrzsmívSñí gowns ar* informed that

If their ENTRIES be not down THIS MORNING, at

half-put 10 a.mM they will be cleared and stored by

Captain Cnry at their risk and expense :

H-150 oases gin, to order

AB- 4 package*, to A. Barlow


O Neither the Captain nor Agent» will be responsible

for any debts contracted by the crew of the above named

li^OR FREIGUT or CHARTER, Three A I V.8 els,

r front 300 to 500 tons. Apply to R. T. FORD,

FOR FREIGHT or CHARTER.-The line schooner

PROMPT, 120 ton«. Captain GROVES.

Apply on board, or to HENRY H. BEAUCHAMP, 41,

OR SALE, Freight, or Charter, the Al _Briti*h

built Brigantine ADOLPHUS YATES, 108 tons

register. Applv to JO UN CUTHBERT, Cuthbert's

OR SAliB, Freight, or Charter, the tirst-alasa brig

ESPERANZA, 140 tons register. Apifly to JOHN i

'CUTHBERT. Cntfbert's Wharf. Darling Harbour. |

FOR SALE -The fine hng LEVERET, 147 tons regia- j

ter, carrying about SOO tons, well found In sail«, i

rigging, ground tookie, Ac ; a very «nperior versal for,

«trek. For particulars appiv to J. MALCOLM and CO., I

George-street; or to MERRILL and LE AVI TT, No. 2,

FOR SALE, th» fine substantial and colonial-built

Schooner VIXEN, registering 46 tons, coppered and

copper-fastened, being well found in stores, ready for «ea,

and carrying a large cargo at a light draught, well suited j

for bar rivers. She ls lying at the Grafton Wharf, open to

Inspection. For particnlsrs apply to LAIDLEY, IRE- j

LAND, and CO.. L oyd's Chambers._j

FOR SALE,the Prig VERNON, 222tons register; and j

?Brigantine ALMEDA, 198 tons register. May be

inspeoted at SMITH'S Wharf._ j

FOR SALE, the Whaling Brig Kestrel, with all ber

whaling gear, bosta, Ao., aa-ehennw lies in Darling

Harbour. Apply to JAMES MERRIMAN, Miller's

VESSELS-Wanted to CHARTER, several vessels of

light dranght-constant employment giron.

MOLISON and BLACK, Macquarie-nlace.

WANTED, a smart Sailintr B<>at, 5 or 6 tons.

GARLAND and BINGHAM. 72, Sussex-street

C.Ü TH BERT'S Shipbuilding Yard, and A. & N. Co.'a !

t Patent Slip, Pyrmont, capable of taking* np vessels

of the largeat tonnage. Office, CUTHBERT'S Wharf


JL The first year's subscription to the H IR ALP'S

i Monthly Summary having expired, those parties who wish

lt ooatluned to their friends (to prevent disappointment)

will please remit the amount for subscription and ? postage

A DVfc-RlldbiMoN'1'a Intended tor MONDAY'S

/\ edition of this Journal, mu-t be in the Publication

I Offlne by half-past nina on the SATURDAY BVKNING.

CCHURCH aUUlBl'ï.-Fur ine Un>ce»e »f SyHney.

J lt is proposed to hold the ANNUAL MEE UNG of

the Cburoh Society on MONDAY EVENING next, the

17th May, in the IDftnt Safaool-room, Ca»tlereagh-*treot.

His Excellency Sir W. Denison will move the first résolu-

tion. The Lord Bishop of Sj dney will preside. The chair

will be taken at seven o'clock.

E. SYNGE, -V Secretaries.

THE REV. THOMAS BINNEY, of London, will

PREACH in the morning of SUNDAY next, May

16th, and the Rev. WILLIAM CUTHBERTSON tn the

evenir g, at the Congregational Church, Bonrke-street,

Surry Hills, on the occasion of the anniversary services.

The morning service will commence at ll, and the evening

at 7 o'olock. A collection after each In aid of the fonds of

NN1VERSARY SERVICES.-Three Sermons will

be preached In Ebeneser Chapel, Riley, street, on

Lord's Dav. MAY 16th. That in the forenoon, bv the

ROT.8. HUMPHREYS ; in the afternoon, hy the Rev. A.

SALMON ; in the evening, by the Rev. L. E. THREL-

KELD Collections will ba made after each service, In

aid of the chapel fund. Services to commence io the fore-

noon, at ll o'olock ; three in the afternoon.; and half-past

six in the evening. A Tea Meeting will be held in the

I above place of worship on WEDNESDAY, May 19th, when

a selection of sacred muslo will be Bung by the obolr, con-

ducted by Mr. 0. GRIZLETT. Tickets, 2s each ; may

bohad of Mr..LUSTY. Toy BaiaBr ; und Mr.CROPLBY,

Boot and Shoe Wareboae, George-street.


SOCIETY have to acknowledge the promised receipt of

Burna, (as per advertisement) J6P4 9s. Sd.,towards the erection

I of a General School-house at Five ©ock. Ameeting will he

held nn the ground at Five Dook, nt S o'olock on MONDAY,

24th instant, when plans of the building will be shown, and

moa-ures taken for the calling of tenders. Further sub

scrintlons will be thankfully received, addressed to the

undersigned, at Mr. J. M. Illidge'«, 278, George-street,

Sydney ; by H. B. Le", 300, Pitt-street, or hy Mr. Murphy,

Five Dock. T. STEADMAN MOORE. Honorary


The Rev. Dr. Maokay's Congregation will meet on

Sabbath first, the 16th Instant, for Divine Service in the

School of Arts (late Free Church), Pitt-street, and will

continue worshipping there till the completion of their new |

Church. Divine Service commences at ll a.m., and'8 p.m.


^) and subscribers to the above Society are reapect

I iutiy requested to pay the amoant of their tubacriptlon for I

the enrront year, now due, to the honorary Treasurer, Mr.

W. H. ALDIS, from whom the revised mles of the |

Sooiety may be obtained. H. R. WEBB, secretary.



wlï take place at the School of Arts, on THURSDAY,

Tickets, 25s. each, to be obtained at the Office of the

Society, 9, Hunter-street, between the hours of 11 and I

daily. Aa the issue of Tioketa is limited to 225, early

application ls necessary.

H." R. WEBB J Honorary Secretaries.

TATTERSALLS, lal« Alttyor Inn, Pitt-street.-W. 3. '

O'BRIEN wishes to ii form the pnblic that bis New !

Room will be openod EVEUY NIGHT till Saturday the I

j 22nd May, where t hela-.m state of the odds can be obtained

CONFECTIONARY.-The undersigned in returning

thanks for the very liberal support. he has hitherto

received, begs leave to intimate to his numerous patrons

and the public generally, that he still continues to supply

every description of confectionary, of a superior quality, at

the lowest possible remunerative prloes. T. O'NEILL,

Wholesale Confectioner, George-ttreet South, opposite tba

J. C. GLUE, Labour Agent, Pitt-street, continues to

. supply every description of Labour required for

¡country districts. Employers requiring servants, are re-

quested to forward their orders, which will ba punctually

I executed, all necessary arrangements for paying passage»,

! and.finding,conveynnoe, are made by J. 0. GLUE himself,

I who sees servants off to their destination. N.B -Immigrants

I hired on board vessels oa arrival. J. C. GLUE, labour

i agent, Pitt-street, corner Brougham-place. Established

MACLEAN and M'MASTER, Carpenters and Joiners,

114, Pitt-street North, near the Union Bank. Shop

front fittings and general jobbing punctually attended to.

Workmanship and material guaranteed.

SATISFACTION.-Duly received, but engaged. Write

IF THIS should meet the eye of REBECCA BENDALL,

your sister SARAH is in Sydney, anxious to see you,

Address Mrs. Wallis, 31, Unlon-street.

IF THIS should meet the eye of Mrs. A. GRIAMS.

would she please to write to MARY JACKSON, Lord

Nelson Inn. Hunter-street.

JOHN jyüNaílOKBi, Maatm by warte, a Balite ot

London; and CATHERINE KILLBRIDB,a native

of the same place, are requested to communicate wltl

JOHN MORAN, Drayton Port Office, Darling Down».

JOHN WILLIS, of Wy, Oambridgeahlre, who; came to

. this colony abont 1837, lived for many years with Mr.

Panton, of Windsor, and was abont Ive yean since at the

Dirt-hole Creek diggings. Any information concerning

t he ab ive will be than kf olly received by his brother, WIL

LIAM WILLIS, of Beltrees, near Boone, Hunter River. .

Moats HOWLAND*, .opposed formerly to be living

In York-street, Sydney, ls requested to write to bia

NIECE, now in New Zealand, married to Thomas Beswick,

New Zealand Feticibles, Onehnrig«, near Auckland.

I \*». WILLIAM ATKINS, formerly Overseer of

[VI Railway», now supposed to .be resident at Braidwood

or Major's Credt, ls requested to eommnniMteissSulaieiy

with Mr. ' GÜHTíBY, Braidwood, or with Measri.


47, Biiiabethvrtreet, Sydney, 'with, reference lo an

agreement between blm-clt and Mr. WILLIAM BRIAN,

agenting certiin land at Petersham.;_ ~_

R. ROSE KT ROCHE, Bowenfels.-Please forward

your present address either to Mr. J. J. N. CLARK,

Sydney, or Mr. H. B. REYNOLDS, ot the banking hons*

of Messrs. Glyn and Co., London. Any Information con-

cerning the advertised will .greatly obliga bis family and

friends. Mr. Rooke waa last engaged as tutor in a gentle- |

man's house at Bowenfels. _-'.. _ ;

PARRAMAT l'A.-P. G. 8., send your ADD RESS, and j

keep me not In snob suspense. - j

LEVEE.-His Excellency the Governor-General will

hold a Levee at Government House, on MONDAY,

tbe'24th instant, at 2 O'clock, In honour of Her 'Majesty's

L. H. SCOTT, Captain Xtth Regiment^

Government Hoise, 13th May, 1858.


Oentlemen proposing to attend the Levee will assemble ;

in the ball-room .except in the following oases, via. :- ?

Those gentlemen who have received cards for the entree,

: who will pass into the ante-chamber adjoining the princi-

pal drawing-room; and pnhlio bodies to be preseated to his

Excellency, who will assemble in the official apartments to

All gentlemen attending the Levee to be dressed in foll

Each gentleman to be provided with two cards with his

nama legibly written thereon, one card to be left at the

entrance and the other to be given to the Aide-de-camp..

L. H. SCOTT, Captain Xtth Regiment,

ADAME AMALIA RAWACK bega to.announce

that her THIRD CONCERT will take place at th«


1. Trio-Andante, Scherxo and Allegro

Finale-Piano, violin, and violoncello...Mendelssohn

Madame Amalia Rawack, a Gentleman Amater , and

2. Cavatina,-«Ä'u. firte'en lui," Trovatore."Verdi

3. Violin Solo,-"La Melancholie," P«torale...Prnme

4. Duo,-«Twine the Ll Jr and the Rote" ... ,- ¡

Madame Sara Flower and Mr. Howson.

5. Piano Solo,-" Fantaisie Guillaume Tell,"...DohIer.

1. Duo for Tlano and Violin,-Fantasie Í Thalberg at«

fromtbe-Hncnenota .( de Berlet

Madame Amalia Rawack and a Gentleman Amateur.

2. Ballad,-" Angry Word*." composed ex

, pvessly for Madame S. Flower.J. Ho wees

3. Piano -Solo,-ll La CampaneUa, little bell Taubert

B) Gallop chromatique ... Llsit

4. Reclt «nd Air,-« What is the spell " ... Rooke

5. Piano-Solo,-"Scnvenlrof Great Britain" Scnulhoff

Mr. H.' Marsh will preside at the plano. '

Tickets, 5». each. To be had at Mess«. Clark**,

Nader's, J. Leigh's, Botst ami Son's, George-street;

Mesara. Parrot, Brother«, and Moa«, Honter-atreet -, Messrs.

Johnson and Co., and the Sehool'of Arts, Pitt-street. .

, Doors-open at 7 ; to commence precisely at 8 o'clock.


l'| Tickets to be had at Messrs. D. BUIST and SON'S,.

PARRAMATTA.- Mr. STANLEY begs to inform the

inhabitants of Parramatta and ita vicinity that be

intends giving a CONCERT, in the new Schoolroom,

Marsfield Parish (hv the kind permision of the Rev. W.'F.

Gore), -on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 26th May. Fur

ther particulars will shortly be published.


Theatre. Manager«, Mes«T. ROWE and MAR-


t*>e convenience of ladies and juveniles, THIS AFTER-

NOON. May 15th, when a powerful and attractive pro-'

gramme will be presented, embracing the fall extent of i

this unrivalled company, including the gracefal and classic)

horsemanship of Mr. james'Hernandea, the acknowledged'

premier equestrian of the world, and Young Raphael, the

Intrepid and daring- South American rider. Th« doo»!

will be opened at 2 o'clock, the performance to commence'

at a quarter to 3. Dress circle, Ss. ; npoer boxes,-2«.

pit, ls. ;-children half-prlce-ta the'boxes. Box office open,

till 1 o'clock. In the EVENING an unusually attractive,

performance, during which many novelties will bs intro-,

daced. Mr. James Hernandez in his great aot of the

Shipwrecked Sailor, and Yonne Raphael aa the Wild

Indian. Clowns-Mesara. Oe Tere and Addams. For

full particulars see small bills. - Doers open at «even, to

commence at half-past seven precisely. CHARLES V.


TO-NIGHT. - First representation this season

of the celebrated romantic drams. In 3-aots, entitled


Adelphi Theatre, London, 200 coK«ecntl»e nights._


mente »Ul conolnde THIS EVENING with th«

world-rennwned Nautical Drama by the Into lamented

Douglass Jerrold B'q,, entitled, BLACK FJYBP SUSAN.


t performances will terminate as nearly as possible

every eveuing at-half-past ll o'clock.


o'clock, commencing at half-oast ? precUriy. Prioea:

boxe«,*3*. ; opper-elrcle, 2s. ; pit, 1«. ; galleryy6d. Monthly

tiukets, 21s. each to be bsd nt the Bix Office only.

_JAMBS SIMMONDS Lessee and Managet.

rilHlá NIGHT, and during the Week.-Toogood's Grand

J Saloon.-Unprecedented snccess of the' Mlnxtrelc, who

will appear with Old Bob Ridley, in company with the

Bncfcingham Family. Broder Bines. Jardine, Sinclair, ito.

ARGYLE ROOM*, corner ot' King and Sussex street«,

Open TO-NIGHT-; Dancing at 8; admission li.

DANCING.-THIS EVENING. Saturday, at the

Pavilion de Belle Vue, Sooth Head Road. Admis-

sion- Gentlomen, 2s.; Ladies, gratis. SMITH and SON,

R. W. CLARK'S Quadrille Assembly, on WED

NESDAY next, at his New Academy, 75, Willlàm

QUADRILLE ASSEMBLY.-Tickets to be had of Mr.

W. CLARK, at bl« residence, 75, Willlam-streefc ,

(- \Af> IN(x AOAUfciMY, it») al Polvteohnio - Mr. I

J W. CL ARK'S Classes meet on MONDAYS and

THURSDAYS, at 7 p.m.. and at hts New Rooms; 75,

William-street, cn'TUESDAYS and FRIDAY8. Juvenile

classes at 4 o'clcck In the afternoon ; for adults, at 7 in the

N AFRICAN LION to be seen at ALLAN'S,' 19

Huntf-r-*treet. Adults ls., children 6d.

MR. J. CL vKrt'S Dn-ss Quadrille Weekly Assembly,

at. bis Rooms, Eiiz-tbeth-ntreet North, on MONDAY

! ftVKNING next. Admission by tickets only, to be had at


hi gs to annonnce that hts Annual Queen'« Birthday

D ii will toke ilace at lil4 new Assembly Rooms, Elisa

beth-Btreet North, on MONDAY, the 2*»h May. Tickets,

m-y he had from Mr. J. C., Klltabi th-street North.

MILLER, Piumoer, Gl-zier, Gan Fitter, Aa, Hons -

. painting and paperhanging done on the shortest

I noticp, on reasonable terms. 507, George-street, Brick

i fJeld-hiil. sheet lead, pipe, Ac. on Sale ; pomps and water

oln>et- fixed a'id repaired.

UïKifci.- fubivauacan Pe supplien wilh Ales equal

to English, from the Paddington Brewery.

REWARD.-Whereas, lome pfMior Posons

trn^mm xJ did, en or about the »l*ht of Friday, the 7th

Instant, feloniously remore from Hyde Park, . number of

ÇmnMPIneTrei*,theaboverewara will ber*« by the Hyde

ark Improvement Committee to any person (firing Infor-

mation whloh will lead to the conviction of the offender or

offenders. W. H. CATLETT, secretary. 380, Pitt

nnA REWARD.-Stolen or Strayed ont <>f the Par I

EjZU ramatta Demain, one Grey GELDING,brande

AR on the near shoulder; one Black FONT MARE

branded SM on the near shoulder. If stolen, fcIO reward;

on the conviction or the thler In either case ; If strayed, £ 1

»ach on delivery to Mr. RICHARD HARPER, butcher, I

Pd 5 REWARD will be given to the Finder of a Diamond

RING, single stone, on returning it to Mr. W.

WATSON, 27, Macleay street, or at his Soda Water Mann-

factory. Robin Hood-lane, Sydney.

LOST, from Newtown, about twelve days since, a dark

Brown HORSE, about 15 hands 2 inches high, with

pane tall, saddle marked, and branded JB on near shoulder,

hind feet slightly broken with nailing. £5 reward will

he given, if stolen, on conviction of the thief, or £2 if

strayed, on application to W. G.HBNFRBY, Bllgh-street,

I LiTRAYüDUw úiy garden, at Waverley, a fat SOW.

I C1) The owner oan have her by giving description and

1 paying expenses. J. SEYMOUR ,

OTRAYBD, from the neighbourhood of Lymeraton,

. O Dock's River, a Roan GELDING, with white points, I

white star on forehead, and faint whit« spot under the left j

eye ; brand, MZ on off shoulder.1 £1 reward will be given

to any person who may restore the aforenamed animal to !

' his owner, THOMAS B. RING, Lymeraton. j

LOST, this day,.a PARCEL (believed to be enclosed tn ?

some drapery), containing a Lease and other doon« 1

manta. Any person delivering the same at the offioe of

BRADLEY and JAMES, Gilchrlst's-bnildings, Margaret*

street, will be rewarded. 14th May. I

LOBT, by a Young LADY, on Thursday night tatt, in

going from Liverpool-street But to the Sacred Heart

Onnrcb, Darlinghurst, and afterwards walking down tbe

Sooth Head Road-a TEN POUND NOTE. Any party

having found the same, on returning lt to Mr. LARTER,

newsagent, Sooth Head Road, will be liberally rewarded.

OST, on Friday evening, the 14th M iy, a small parcel

of HAY BILLS, and a NOTB-OF-HAND drawn

I in favostr of John Clune. A reward of Ten SbMHnga will

be elven to' any person delivering the same to -JAMBS

TUNKS. Ploton Anni,- Haymarket ; or at JAMBS

OH ALUNOR'S, South Head Hoad. JOHN -CLUNE.

TOST, on Bundey Evening, in George-street, between

j Bridge and Market streets, a large Pilver Chain

j BRACELET, with Padlock. Any person finding the same

and cringing lt to Mr. OOODWYN, bookbinder, opposite

j St. Jame»' Church, will be amply rewarded.

«ST, a Bay Entire PONY. ' Apply to HENRY

¿ WRIGHT, Clronlar'Qnay Bonded Stores._

NOTICE.-The undersigned, having reason to believe

that anomber of Cattle have lately teen stolen from

I the Collaroy Run, hereby cautions thr public against pur-

chasing any cattle bearing the K within 0 brand.

I K. J. TRAILL. Collaroy. May 8. _

NOTICE.— An Aged Working BULLOCK was left in

my paddock about six months ago, by a person un-

known. Description— Strawberry sides, red neck, brand

illegible. If not claimed or released within 21 days, he

will be sold to defray expenses. WILLIAM CARMAN.

Prospect Inn, Prospect, May 10th.

CAUTION.-A poor man, snffaring with bad eyes,

named W. CRONIN, has been robbed of a BAG,

-containing property, letters, fte. They are of no use to airy

one bnt the owner. Any one leaving them at Mr.

ABBAHAM'SrChesalst, George-street, will oblige._

CAUTION.-All persons are hereby cautioned from

TRESPASSING In any way on the sixty acre Farm

at Bsnkstown, the property of David Johnston, Esq., and

Mr. Frederick Meredith, and known and described as " All

that'sixty aeres of land more or les-, situate in the oounty

of Cumberland and parish of Bankstown, bounded on the

east by a line sowbh forty-sev^n chains fifty links, commeo

clog fron Reynolds' north-east corner ; on the south by a

line weat thirteen^chains ; on the west by a line north-fitty

nraa chaina fifty link- ; and on th» north by the, Liverpool

Road." Belog tte land numbered eleven in Bankstown,

and described In tbe Government Notloe, 10th September,

1830. And the bald Frederick Meredith is authorised to

prosecute any person or parsons found trespassing on the

said land after this notloe as the law directs. DAVID

'JOHNSTON. George's Hall, 14th May._

ROBERT BILL having, in arrears and with some

ooo tract work unfinished, left otr cloth factory, we

caution the pabilo against employing him till he finishes

his work ead obtains a discharge from ns. THOMAS

BARKER and CO. Cloth Factory, Sydney. ISth May.


JL -The STOCK of the late firm of HAMILTON and

COL, consisting of a varied assortment of the best Saddlery

(recently -Imported) ls now for SALE, at very reduced

prices. The same will be sold by Mr. PETER PURNIS3,

who ls authorised by the undersigned to act as foreman, in

consequence of the severe illness of Mr. C. Hamilton ren-

dering; it necessary that he ahoald retire from the bnsiness.

f ll HE. PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between the

J. undersigned, ai Saddlers and Harness Makers, carry-

ing on bnsiness on Brlckfleld-btll, Sydney, on the. premises

numbered 560, under the style or firm nf HAMILTON and


to the firm are to be paid to -Sir. John Walker, who -will

disohargeaU, partnership liabilities.

Bated this eleventh day of May, A.B., 1858.

Witness-j-WiLaUM HELtVK«. _'


. ofMungabOaloo, Wide Bay<-We hereby gtoe notloe

¿bat no person is authorised to sell any of the cattle, hors es

-or other effects of the above-named estate; and any person

¡removing any of the said property will be prosecuted as th

JOHN G. WALKER, 1 nu-,»,T

NOTICE.-All parties indebted to the estate of the

late ALEXANDER M'CRAIG, of Mnngabbaloo,

¡ Wade Bay, are requested to pay their ACCOUNTS to the

I .undersigned, en or before the 31st of July next, after

j whloh date unpaid olaims will, be handed over to the soli-

citor for the estate for recovery. -

Maryborough, 27th April. 1858._ ?


. GEORGE -REES HARRIES will act as ray attor-

neys during my absence from the -colony. GEORGE

NOTICE.-If those Persons who -have left Goods at

M. J. RUSSELL'S, do not claim them before the

I Slstfastant, they will be sold tc liquidate the expense of

I storage. Signed, M. J. RUSSELL, 276, Lower George-st.


Benth Creek, near'Windsor.- Letters of Administra-

tion hvtne above estate have been granted to the under-

signed, and all persons having claims will communicate

with mc stating how originated, will save much trouble.

Immediate xteps will be made to realise to fay off all just

.Singleton, 13th May, 1858. _

/MO CARRIERS and other».-TENDERS will be re

J. oeived at this office till TUESDAY, the 16th instant,

at 12 o'clock noon, for the conveyance by vans or drays of

the wires and families of the unemployed labourers to the

country districts, on the three principal roads of the colony.

Tenders to specify the amount per head, and tho charge per

owt. for luggage, according to distance. JOHN PEN

DEBED, Secretary to the Unemployed Labourers' Com-

mittee.; Secretary's Office, Town Halt, May 14.

TO, PLASTERERS-TENDERS are required ior the

I Plasterer's Work of a Honse at Hunter's Hill. Plan

and specification may be seen, and particulars obtained on

application to the undersigned, to whom tenden are to be

addressed on or'before FRIDAY, the 21st instant.

WEAVER and KEMP, architects, 181, Pitt-street.

mo , PLASTERERS.-Tenders are invited (labour

j JL only) for Plastering a Cottage at Coogee." For par

I Oculars apply to Mr. S. H. PEARCE, Randwlok,

TO Dr. FOUCART.-Slr,-I beg to return you my

.'J. ' aiooere thanks for your kind attention to me during

I mr late illness. JOHN COX; _ -. ? . ?


'1¡ó the unemployed six hundred.

, j, .. .."God save us from our fiiends."

" God save ns from our friends," they must be dear,

Whea want finds friendship in the Auctioneer ;

Yet whom can avarice seek to fight her battles, ,

. Bayé those who sell off poor men's goods and chattels.;

Since this fair land lay bare her mines of gold,

Ske has not shown a'nobler face, or bold

i Thun ye, who've spnrn'd the serfdom of past âges,

And scorned to Work unless yon work for wages..

The battle will bo yours, there's no more need, ' '

/For Englishmen to toll for bed and feed, '

- Than there ls to build round this land a.wall,

Lest the ocean some day should engoiph us all.

But we must oease, lest this philanthropist,

Shosld doff his hammer and apply his flat.

WILBY and SON, Babketmakers and Chalr-canert,

1 wholesalesale and retail, Park-street. '


tion to Ladles »nd Gentlemen on an entirely new

».tem, at once rapid and etty for the pnplL A elsi*

for commercial and mental arithmetic "o' wriUng-a

few inore pupila to complete. Term« very moderate.

Apply to O. H. LONG, agent, 19, Hnntcr-street.

-RIV ATE TUITION;-Dr. BAILEY (rf Trinity Col-

lege, Dabltn) hat a few hours daily unoccupied as

visiting tutor. Having beenreaident tutor at the Uni-

versity, and of many years einerienoe In tuition,hein

strnoU either In the preparatory stadias for the Uniwrsl

ties, or In the collegiate range of-the higher classics and

mathematics, with the addition, If required, ofFrench,'

I Italian, and Hebrew. Apply by letter, at Mr. Dolman's,

I bookseller. 236, Pittrttreet. . .


fully Informs the masters, mites, and seaman or

Sydney, that he Intends opening à Navigation School onJ

WEDNESDAY, May I9tb, at Nd 53, Ken^streét, and;

trusts by his long experience as matter and mate, In the;

merobsnt servlca (having passed.hls examination ea master;

In England, In Marob, 1852), he wtll be enabled to teach |

navigation In all Its branches, on the same plan aw required.,

by the Board of Trade ta England,- ou the lowest possible;

terms, which csn be'known on application* .- ' "

. Mr? L. flatters himself that. hi«. -t-bHshrseat. offers |

superior ádvantages,'by his having fifteen years', experience,.

In the practical-aa well es theoretical branch, he will be

able to explain more fully than any ordinary teacher.

N.B.-Private lessons for tlme-keepinr, lanars, ftc. ?'

Observe, 53, Kent-street, next door to the Gas Hotel.


X '? NEEDS, Teacher of Dancing, begs respectfully to:

announce that tie la forming a Juvenile Olese,' to meet on«

MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, at 4 o'clock p.m., for in-

struction In the most fashionable style of dancing and

deportment Parents desirous of their oblldren jjinlng

this olaes will please oommunioate at once with Mr.

NEEDS, as the number of pupils will be limited. Schools

and families punctually atended. Chnrch-atreet. May 14.


undersigned begs to Inform the inhabitants of Liver

pool and the surrounding district that the above mills are 1

now in fall work. Flour, bras, Ac, always on SALK, and

grist work done "at the usual charge. Highest price e.iven

for best samples of wheat, WILLIAM H. LANE, Liver-:

GRANU PANORAMA of oYUNnï »ua tis auuuros,

taken,from the tower of the new Observatory, in a

series of Photographic views on an ? insually large scale.

FREEMAN, BROTHERS are about to publish tue above

splendid series in the very best style of Photographie

printing, feeling assured they will thus supply a means

long required, of affording to friends at home a true ic ia of

I the magnitude of Sydney and the beauty of its snburbs.

To be fully appreciated these ptotures must be seen, and

I they invite the pnbllo to Inspect specimens of the work st

their Rooms. 231,. George-street, where also may be ot*

i talued a series of four, fine impressions of views of the

Syiney University ; a beautiful view of St. Mark's Church,

DarlingPolnt ; the Post Office; the Commercial and New

South Wales Hanks, with general view of George-streèt ;

I together with other Interesting vlowa of the city and

neighbourhood. Also, now in the oourse of publication, a

Group of the Homan Oathollo Olergy of New South Wales,

and oae of the Bench and the Bar of Sydney. Specimens

may be seen at the Sydney Gallery of Photographic Art,

I-231, George street, over Sands and Kenny. FREEMAN,

COUNTY OK BRISBANE.-A Litboiraph of the

County of Brisbane having been published by the

Government, the public are Informed that cr les may bc

procured at this office, and at the local land offices at Mus-

wellbrook, Scone, Murrurundi, Casilla, and Maitland, at the

price of 7s. each. GEORGE BARNEY, Surveyor

¡ General. Snrveyor-Qeneral'a Office, Sydney, 28th April.


243, George-street. Mr. DALTON, late Instructor

and painter to the Qneen.


f\_ situations of Master and Matron having become

I vacant, parties desirous of filling the same are requested

to forward their applications, accompanied with testimo-

nials, addressed to the undersigned, till Wednesday, the

19th instant. Particulars may be ascertained on applica

j tldn to J. M. MAY, secretary, opposite St Paul's Char ob,

. Cleveland-street, Redfern._


PANY.-Storekeeper wanted, salary £200 per year.

Written applications, accompanied with testimonials, to be

I delivered at this office on or before TUESDAY «ext, the

IBth instant, at noon. JAMES PATERSON, Manager,

j Manager's Office, May 14 _.. _'_

ACCORDEON and FLUTINA.-A perfect knowledge

ófthose delightful instruments may be eeqnired In

! from-six to twelve easy le.sons, wlthont any previous study

of tnuïlc G. B. MA80N, 63, Dowlltig-street. Pupils

I attended or received._ .. .

AMARRIED Farming Man wanted, who can milk

and plough. Aptly to B. 0. RODD._

âPARTNER WANTED, with a capital of £800, to

join in one of the best retail establishments in

Sjdney. The business, which consists of a Urge out-door

connection, as well as a daily ready cash trade, left the last

ton years a net profit of more than £30 per week, and

will increase by the diligence of the partners. Sufficient

security for toe money will be given. Address by letter,

BAGATELLE BOARD wanted, good size. Address

Mr. NAUGHTON, Metropolitan Hotel

BALMAIN.-A House wanted, of five or «ix rooms,

with offlcFs, In a healthy situation. Apply Box 247.


a Carriage and Pair of good quiet Morses, or Car*

riage or Horses separately. Apply by letter, stating all

pa» tîcotars. Box 69, Post Office.

EDUCATION.-A Gentleman engaged in tuition,,1a

prepared to devote some portion of his time to in-

struction. In a respectable family,' as an eqnivalent, wholly

or In part, as might be agreed upon, for the accommodation

-of board and residence. Address N. U., HBBALO Office.


' a person to contract for the removal of about 10 tons

of Coal per diem from the present Coal Pit to the works.

-Application can be rn« de on the spot to the Civil- EHQINEBR,

or to Mr. JOHN BURTON, resident proprietor, or by

sonder. Further Information can be given by the under-

Immediate att rition ls necessary, as operations for the

manufacture of iron on a limited scale will -commence in

abont ten days or so, and therefore no tender (which If made

out and delivered in Sydney can be sent to the office) will

be received after 12 o'olock on TUESDAY next, the 18th

instant. H. W. JOHNSON. Barker's Mills, Sussex

LAW.-Wanted, t» Gentleman competent to take the

entire Management of the Common Law Branch of

I a country bnsitei*. Also, a first-rate Engrossing Clerk.

Apply by letter to LAW, HERALD Office._ .


Margaret-street._ . . _,. .? -

\\ EDIOAL.-Wanted a Party te join the advertiser in

¡VS. an old-established business. MBDIOTB, HBRALP


BOURERS.-Wanted, for the country, a Briok

[ layer, Plasterer, Painter, and two or three Agricultural

Labou ers and a Groom. Apply at Mr. MURNIN'S

Office,-Qceen's-place, between9 and ll this day. _

PLAIN COOKS, Laundresses, General Servant«,

Housemaids, for engagement dally, at Mrs. CAPPS',

PRIVATE EDUCATION.-A Lady recently arrived

in the colony, the wife of a medical gentleman, resld

lug in tbe most salubrious part of Balmain, desires ' to

receive a Young Lady, whom she would educate with her

I only daughter in all the branofaes of a nsefnl and accom-

plished education. Parents desirous of procuring the

benefit« of country air, with kind maternal treatment; will

find nany advantages rarely to be met with. Address, or

.ppVy personally, F. H. O, Darling Villa, Darling Road,

Q TORE WETHERS.-Wanted to Purchase abont 5000,

O. three to five years old, deltverabln in the Liverpool

' Piting district,or within 250 miles. RUNDLE, DANGAR,

( and CO., Clarence-street, Sydney. . .


BUTLER'S Manufactory. Market-street.

fllUTOR.-A Gentleman, of University education and

J. degree, lt open, for an. Engagement $ (highest

references). Country preferred. Address H. X., HEHALD


Hand. Appiy, after 10, Q. CHISHOLM and CO.

TO DRAPERS.-Wanted, an Assistant. One who

really knows bis business, with good address, and caa

push the trade, will be liberally treated with. J. GREGG,

Cumberland Stores, Parramatta; cr at Mr. C. KINGS

BOROUGH'S, draper, George-street, Sydney..

TO PARENTSV-Wanted! à genteel Youth as Appren-

tice to a Chemist and Druggist, Premium, £60.

Address B., ÜBEAio Office. .. '' ; v

O ORANGE GROWERS.-Wanted, to purchase

for cash, the Crop of a moderate-Blind Orangery. A

note, stating price and probable quantity, will meet with

immediate attention, addressed to EXTOBT, Cllffeton House,

i Jamison-street, Sydney.

TB MIS wanted to noaa, »n rar«n»» .»-*«<""

MAONAB and CO., 3, Wynyard street.

WANTED, a atout Youth, to make Mmaslfjsetft

Grafton Anna, Qeorge-street, opposite Marketa.

I man for a Store in town, able to keep »^TH, V"T

required to enrage herself, must not hate children^»W

L^a-Q rooms and Indoor Serrants; a WP^^T»*1"

with^¿oodcJMOTcter.aWeto reckon np money atMountaata

bntobVs shop; Gardeners and^otherwlse Mefulíam

Lavinrenj Bushmen; Btfjock W«|

Ins: orange trees thoroughly ; Man,to d£'« » T¡¡*5??

cart; MirrJed Couples for tann work; »B»kOT.i*¡£T5

Gardeuers. wife aa cook and laundrew, ««jN»

serrant : Bingle Man to manage one hone, milk »w»»°i»

28in«le Shepherds; and Female Servante of su U»J>

with 'good ohsr^steVs. . W. B. HAIGH,

«¡rner of Kins and OasUereagh streets, late head of fini

oMxejgl. aha*Ashlin, now dissolved, and successor-to

O. Staines. ' ??? ? '". ' . _

YâTANTEDtaMen,thet thoroughly understands the salir

la a butcher's shop. Apoly to Mr. JAMhSS öBan»e,

mmSStum.;.^W. PBISLBY'S, staughter-houie,

TaTANTBD, a General Female Servant. Apply at Ko.

W 37. Buckingham-street, Cleveland-place, near

Ohalmera' Church. M_? " ?. -

ANTED, for the Mann» g *?T

Apply between. the hours of 10 and ll this day.

W. MACDONALD and. CO., 109, Harlngton-street. t

ANTED, to prooeed to Gundagai, a Female Servant,

one that can wash, cook, and . do the duties of a

general servant. Apply personally, batmen th«. hours of

10 and V In the forenoon, on Monday, the 17th instant, at

the Freemasons' Hotel, York^street.'_. '

WAH tau to be., known- Portraits, Sfc, with ouse

890, George-street, oppodte the White Horse. ? :

ANTED, a cook. Apply to Mrs. F. TOOTH

Bnckhnrst, Double Bay._t ? ?

ta: ANTED, a Situation as Groom or to work in a

W garden. Address H B., Post Office, Petersham.

WANTED, a respectable Young Man, as a Partner to

a Shipping Business, who can command a capital

of from £600 to £1000. Address J. 8., care of B. T. Ford,

»a; ANTED, a mutton Butcher ; also, a Man to make

W »mall goods. PHILIP M'OABHOLL, Botany

TIT AN TED a Woman,.aa Cook and Housemaid, at

ff' Elliott's Globe Hotel, Parramatta. Booking Office

for Penrith. Hartley, Bathurst, and Mudgee. .., ';, ?

WANTED, one Pair of Sawyers, to oat teak.

W. SU6DBN, M il som's Point, North Shore,

WANTED, in the Office of the undersigned, a respect-

able Youth, who eau write well. Application to be

made by letter only, and in applicant's own writing.; P.

N. BUSSELL and CO., Sydney Foundry._

WANTED, a respectable experienced Woman aa

Nurse. A.wldow accustomed to children preferred.

Apply at Bose Hall, Woolloomooloo, before 12 o'olook. - -,j

TIT ANTED, a Young Mao as Butcher. Apply to Mr.

ff Rica, botcher. Chippendale._? ' ' ' ' 1 ' .

WAN'CCD, a good Gisutral Servant for the country

(four miles from town), one that can wash and get

up linen. Apply, THIS DAY, between 10 and 12 ojclock,

No. 16, York-street, near Barrack-ntreet. ... : ";

WANTED to SELL, a Perambulator or Sedan Chair.

Apply to MARTYN and SCHRODER, Pitt-street.

WANTED, a Lad that ctn write quickly, as cheek

clerk. Apply to HENRY HOLLIS, tea dealer,

tepofCbnrch?hlll. . " _. ' . .

ANTED, a Parlourmaid. Apply to Mrs. DICK, 35,.

_Macleay-street, WooHoomooh o. _? ;. ¡

WANTED, a General Se vant, Protestant preferred^ .

Apply Mrs. RAMSAY, opposite St. Mary's Church,..

WANTED to purchase, a ».mall Dalry Station in Syd- -

ney or the suburbs. Addres» X.Y.Z., HKBALD Qfflee

ANTHu, to work by the week, a Needlewoman, uis

derstandlng dressmaking. 7, Lower George-street

W"ANTED, a Married Couple, Protestant«; man as

Gardener, wife as General Servant Apply* be-

tween 10 and 12 o'clock, to Mr. BifiLY, grocer, Ko. 26, ,

Macqnarle-street, near Lyons-terrace._": ' " ' "'_

WANTED, an active Lad, to make himself useful ?

about a bonse and work in the garden. Apply

! Post Office, Balmain._.

WAnTEDto Sell, a snug little Honse, Furniture, .and J

Cooking Utensils, oompleto, for £30. Apply at

ANTED, for the steamer MI dOSA, a smart active

Boy.. Apply on board, Pheanlx Wharf.

ANTED, several dearers, for the country..,Apply

3, Oralgend-terrace, Up;.er William-streek

WAN TED, a Situation as Clerk, with five years* colonial

experience. Addres» P. P., Hagaxp Office.

WANTED, a Bricklayer. Apply to J. BEAUCHAMP,

builder, Bridge-street. _ _;

ANTKiO, a General Soi vaut, ^.(ply to No. 3, Frt*

roy-terrace,Redfern. - ?. ._ '

TJITANTED, an English House and Parlour Maid, Ho.

ff 12, Wyn>ard-»quare; good wages. Apply from

ANTED, a Groom and Coachman. ADply at .

? o'clock, at 3, Wyiiyard-sqnare. _^i'_'_

ANTED, a five or Bix room td Cottage at Pymont.

W. PRITCHARD, Suiaex-street.

ANTED, a respetable Girl, t > look after a Child

. and makeherself useful. 195, Macquarle-street.

"TITANTED/à General House Servant, in ajmaD

Vf family. Darlinghurst. MALON Y, grocer, WIN

WANTED, a person competent to keep a get of books,

and to take charge of a store in the. country.

Apply by letter only, to Messrs. BKTTERIDGE and

HAYDON, George-street, before MONDAY, at noon.

WANTED, a strong Lad, about 14 or 15 y cara of age.

G. W. DAVISON, ?08, Pitt-street.

WANTED,, PURCHASERS. - Light spring cart,

(nearly new), £i2 ; three sets good second-hand

cart harness at half-price ; a superior hogakln side saddle,

£4 ; a cheap saddle and bridle, 15s. 224, Caatlereagh

atreet, near Market-street.

WANTED, to inlorm the Poblio that a good Dinner

- can be obtained for one shilling; abo, excellent

Soups, and superior grilled Ste -ks or Chops, at the Coffee

and Chop House, next to GLUfci'S, I àbonr Office, Pitt-st.

WANTED, a Young Man, as Garuener, must be able to

milk ; aa Farm Servant, abie to fall and clear land;

a Gardener; an English Ploughman; a Bullock-driver ;

Married - Couple, man gardener, wife .cook and laundress

Apply to Mrs. PAWSEY, Bagiswy Office, King-street.

ANTED, a respectable Young Woman, to assist In a.

Shop. 292, George-street, opposite Eaobange Hotel.

ANTED, a . good Harness-matter. Apply to S.

ALEXANDER, 436, Georne-street.

ANTED, au Assistant Hair Dreader. D. CLARK,

opposite the Market, Market-street.

ANTMD,& Servant Giri wno uuat» stands plain eeok

lng. Apply 772, George-sttect S^uth. i;

WANTED, a respectable Young Man, who thoroughly

understands.the grocery business as Shopman, in

Brisbane, Moreton .Bay. None need apply who cannot give

satu-fdCtory references as to character. Apply to BET

TERlDGii and HAYDON,. George-street, after 10

ANTED, a Porter. Appiy to MORRIS JACOBS

and CO., 88i Ktnu-g'reet.

WANTED, by J. 0. GLUt), L.bonr Agent, Pitt-street

.* North, corner Brougham-place, Two respectable

Married Couples, a nnmber of Farm Labourers, Two Ger-

man Labourers, a lot of Coal Minera, Female Servants for.

WANTED, a Lad to write a good band. ADOIV to

RICE, butcher, Haymarket. .

TXT ANTED, to be known, that respectable Siugle Men

ff can obtain superior Board and Residence at

ELDER'S Temperance Boarding Establishment/294, late

161, Castlereagh-street, nearPark-at. Terms moder* ïà.

WANTED TO SELL, an Allotment,< newly fenced,,

, near Snail's Bay. Apply to E. RAMSAY, grocer,.

and land agent, Balmain. > '

WAN l'ED, Pnrohasers for Freehold Land, nar Ash-

field Station, at 3«; per foot frontage, depth 100

feet. Deeds bf conveyance tree: with access to a clear

running stream. W. REDMAN, solicitor, opposite Polle«

ANTED/ to BELL tbeLea»e, License, Furniture,-and

Stock of the Exchange Hotel, George and Margaret

streets, Sydney; 'Terms, liberal. Euqnire on the premisas..

Also, for SALE, as above/ an excellent family- Horse, with

Dogcat t and Harne», complete. : A first- rate turU-out.

WANTED, to dispose of handsome Cob, four years old,

perfcotly qnlet, bargain, as the gentleman bu ne

further use for him-at Mr. ARMSTRONG'S, veterinaria»»