THE ADELAIDE STRING QUARTET. - The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) - 27 Apr 1881 (original) (raw)
The musical population of Adelaide will be
glad to hear that the Adelaide String Quartet
have entered upon their second season after a
retirement during the summer months. The
oomnuttee v composed of the following gentle
men:—Chairman, His Honor the Chief Justice;
Messrs. C. Barton, A. Boult, J. H. Grainger, E.
B. Grundy, W. D. Reed, W. G. Rhind; musical
director, Mons. Jules Meilhan. Instrumentalists
—Mr. John Hall, first violin and leader; Mr. C.
Barton, second violin; Mr. Chapman, second
violin; Mr. Hall, Jun., second violin; Mr. Frank
Hales, viola; Mr.Hermann Schrader, viola; Mr.
Frank K. M. Winterbottom, violoncello.
Pianists, Mons. Jules Meilhan, Mr. Hermann
Schrader ; hon. secretary, Mr. W. D.
Beed. Tnece names are alone sufficient
to guarantee a suceessfsl season. Tha
works to be performed are as iollaws:—
String Quartets: Haydn, Beethoven, Pleyel,
Volkmann. Piano Trios (piano, violin, and
cello): Beethoven, Chopin, HnmmeL String
Qnintet?: Mozart (two violas), Boocheriui (two
eellcs). Violin Solos: Bach Sonata, Beethoven
Sonata. Violoncello Solos: Mendelssohn So
nata, Lacbner. String Octet: Mendelssohn
(four violins, two violas, two cellos). Piano
Solos: Suites. Handel; Beethoven's Moonlight
Sonata, Schubert's Sonata, No. 1; Schumann,
HepdelsEobn. String Trio: CorellL M. Joles
Meilhan also intends to prodsee Beethoven's
concerto, No. 3, G Minor, Op. 37; Men
delssohn's concerto, No. 1, G Minor, Op.
25; and HmnmeTs eaneerto. These aeleo
tions are exceedingly tasteful, and will render
the concerts givsn by the String Quartet
most attractive, and in a musical sense,
to most people at least instructive. Mr. W. D.
Beed is an energetic hon. secretary, and has
spared neither time nor pains daring bis con
nection with tbe aooiety to facilitate their work
in all respects. The members' tickets in classes
A, B, and O are respectively £3, £1 15s* and
£1 Is., and as a great many of these are already
taken up, the present season, ehonid be quite as
successful as the past one. The series win
consist of eight concerts, given at intervals oE
about three weeks. The first will take place