Advertising - The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838) - 14 Sep 1838 (original) (raw)
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Fri 14 Sep 1838 - The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838)
Page 3 - Advertising
Abstract of Bales by Auction.
POLACK A., An. 'entirs Araband oUther Horer,
MR. BLACKMlAN, at the Commissariat Stares.
Surplus Provisions per Prison Ship Wctnsore
BROWN MOSES, at Rooms, at eleven o'clock,
choice selection-of sumnmer Clotuthing, Alerchadi e
J. T. WILSON, atJtis Rooms, half-past six o'clock,
Books, Engravings, Ilu ical Boxes, &c.
WIlSON J. T., "at Rooms, at eleven o'clock,
Household Furnitnrc, after which, atonceo'clock,
Horses, and a superior Stanhope.
SOLOMON, S., at twelve o'clock, in Castle
reagh-street, Household Furniture, Books, &c.
SMART, T. W., at Rooms,'at eleven o'clock, Mer
chandise, Woolens, Silks, B:*ver Hats, Farm at
SIMMONS & CO., at Rooms, at eleven' o'clock,
Pocket Compasses, Fancy Articles &c.
'TS NOW RECEIVING Regatta and striped
I Shirts, assotted qualities
t Linen Tl'ick, striped Shirtinigs
I Bombaines atmd Bombazettes, assorted qualities
Mousselaane de Tain,.Victoire, Chilli and Tabinette
Rich Muslin and Camabric ditto, newest style
'Taylor and Burke's Reel Cotton, white, black and
colored ditto, in Victoria boxes
Best darning and drill-eyed Needles
Linena Tapes, raven and sewing Silks
Rich Satin, Sarsenet, Gause Cap and Bonnet Rib
SSeaming Yellows, 4.7 and 6.7 doubles
London ready-stade cloth Suits
I Ditto Summer cloth ditto
Ditto cloth Suits'for Boys'
Superior Hats, Blucher Boots &c.
White fancy and unbleached I)rills
Ladies and Gentlemen's Dressing-cases
'Handsosme rosewood Desks, Work..boxies, and Tea
Jewellery, and a great variety of other Goods.
A respectable.Young Man; well acquainted with
A FEW Cases of. MUST-GO-DOWN,' just
arrived by the'Dryade, early application is
necessary, as the article cannot be equalled in
N. B.-A great variety of Pleasure Boats to be
had on application to Mr. George Buckingham,
" Odd .Feliows,Tavern," or Robert Maytin, Sus.
sex-street, near theSoldier's Point. Also,a Horse
and Gig to' let out on hire,' being nothing but a
Glee Club every Monday Evening 1 Mr. Braham
(Opposite the Jail, Lower George-street.)
I N returning thanks to his Friends and the
Public in general who have given him their
kitld favors in the above business, during the last
three years, begs to state that he has Removed
into the large Premises, lately known as the
'" Trafalgar Tavern," and sitisated directly oppo
site the corner of the Jail wall and Essex-street,
where he intends to carry on his Business on a
larger.ascale, and to keep on hand a good Stock of
every article in the Grocery trade; as also a general
assortment of Grindery, Leather, and other articles
S. 'S. S. begs to acquaint his Country Friends
that he is enabled to receive and store any quantity
or description of Colonial Produce, which he shall
be happy to Sell on Commission or in payment of
King-street, Furniture I'arehouse.
as on Sale Indian Matting, Carpeting, Oil
Skin, Haircloth, and Horse-hair, in addition to his
extensive Stock of Furniture. -
At the Stores of the Vnsderilgesd.
T EST INDIA' RUM, in Pancheons, Hhds
Brandy, in hhds. and barrels
Dunbars' bottled Ale and Porter
Batsons' ditto ditto ditto
Cape Wine, in pipes; hhds. and quarter casks, of
the South African Compaays', 'and other ap.
Mauritlus Sugar, of good quality
Sheet Lead, of all sises, from 3 to 7 lb. per foot
3 Fixture ditto ditto ditto
Mills tones, 2i, 3, 3j, and4 feet
No. 1. Lower George, street.
burthen IO0tons, has commenced I
loang at Grose's Wharf, to sail on or about the
22nd instant, a great portion of her freight heing
engaged. Superior accommodations for pasiengers,
and lIght draught of water.
September II, 1838. WharfAnger,
POTATOES, on Sale in the Potatoe-marklet, '
No. 19, at Os. pei Cwat or, £8 10s. by the ton
Sydney September 13, 1838.
At the the STORES of the Undersigned,'
.5 One handsome Cabriolet, recently arrived from
Prlcs modesate-.Terms, Cash.
Twothousant bushels of English Oats in small
A constant supply of Maize and Hay.
Sb September, 1838. Macquarle-Ploc.
HAS to apprise his Friends and the Public in
general; that his first BENEFIT in this
Colony takes place on the above Evening, and
trusts that his humble efforts in his Department
may give him confidence in soliciting and ensuring
the support of all the Patrons of the Drama and
at Music. As he is but partially known, he relies
upon the acknowledged merit and celebrity of the
Pieces he has chosen; and presumes to hope, that
the circumstance of his producing the first REAL
OPERA, will be met with that encouragement,
which it will always be his pride to merit.
The Performance will commence with the celebrated
Grand Operatic Legendary Drama, with the
original Music, by CARL MARIA VON
WEBER, in three Acts, entitled
Caspar..................... Mr. Lazar
Rodolph.......... Mr. Peck
His first appearance on the Stage.
Zamiel (Demon Huntsman) .... Mr. Lee
Agnes, Daughter of Kuno.... Mrs. Clarke
Ann, her Cousen.. .. Mrs. Taylor. -
In the course of the Piece, the celebrated
Chorus of Invisible Spirits,
The Moon _changes. to Blood Red.
Spectre of Rodolpli's Mother-Spectre of Agnes
Diabolical Blessing of the Bullets.
Mystic appearance of Zamiel, surrounded by a
tremendous Shower of Fire; and every species
of horror to. deter DER PFRassCnUTz from the
completion of his object-awful death of Caspar,
t who is borne away in a BODY OF FIReas by the De
s mon Huntsman to the Unknown Regions I
SComic Song-.The Devil & the Waterman-Fireman,
Who has kindly consented to Sing on this occasion.
'Mo)d AI's COUasTIPw,'-MR. ManREDIT.
To conclude with the Farce, called the
r Billy Black, (with the Song of The Bundle of
Conaumndrtums)... Mr. MEREDITIH.
S ONSIEUR. E. L. GREENE, Member of
1 L'Ecole Polytechndque, Paris, and formerly
of the 3eme Chasseurs, has the honor to announce
to the Inhabitants of Sydney and its Vicinity that
his Academy for teaching the above accomplish
ments will be opened on MONDAY, the 17 Inst.
a Gentlemen will receive instruction in FENCING
y two Days, arid in DAworNo two Evenings in each
1I Ladies'- will form their class by themselves two.
days in the week. Private Tuition will be gived
- with regularity, when there are a sufficientnumber
of Pupils in Schools or Families within triaty
SMR. GREEN having but recently arrived from
Van Dieman's Land where he followed his profes.
1sion for six years with considerable success, has
brought with him the highest recommendation, aid
can give the most unexceptionable references to
Gentlemen of Sydney, whose patronage he 1a de
sirous to merit and enjoy.
Terms and other particulars can be obtained
from Mr. G. or his family, on applicatioi .at his
SAcademy, Elizabeth-street,
Plains, about 100 two-year old RAMS, and
100 Yearling .RAMS, from the celebrated Flock
imported direct from Hamburgh per ship Diadem.
At Bllesdale, in the County of Murray,
T HE Grey Entire Horse S AM S ON of the
t Clydesdale breed, at £2 12s. 6d. each Mare,
to be paid on the First of January.
( OT by the imported Clydesdale Horse Plough
boy, out of a rsmarkably large and thorough
*" BLACKLOCK" is a rich dark bay with black
points, stands seventeen hands high, now rising
four year's old, of great strength and unexcep.
tionable proportion, adapted for breediag either
draught or coaching Horses.
TERMS-£2 10., Single Mares. For more than
one, £2. Groomage-Five Shillings.
Will Stand at his Station at Coyall, County qf
Philll, ,aear Mudgee, this Season.
SPRING was got by Old Clydesdale, out of a
f HmousRector Mare. His past Stock will be
the best proof of his goodness.
TaaaRs.-f 1 1b.. for a single Mare, and £1 0s.
for two or more-Groomage included.
FH. will T5*avel through the District qf Penrith,
JACK was got by the imported Horse " Tom
of Lindoln," out of a Hector Mare, and is
esteemed one of the complctest models ever bred J
Tzans.-£2 l0s. for single Mares, £2 5s. for
two, and £2 for two and upwards belonging to the
At Piercfelded, tpper Hunter,
Tua TWaonoouo Bnss I oRoa E
rFHIS powerlhl young horse was gotb" " Theoe.
.I rene out of the Imported Mare "L ady
Jane" .by Canaon Bali out of a Camillue Mare, .. 1
Tuusas-£4, and 5.. groomage,
S UBSCRIPTION entered into to defray the
S Funeral Expenses of thelate Mr. John Mont
gomery, Principal Clerk in the Sydney Gazette
Ofl.ce, a young man of great respectability of
character, who died on the afternoon of Monday,
the 3rd September, leaving a young Widow, soon
about to become a mother, in a state of destitution ;
the balance of the sum collected it is proposed
shouldhe applied to the relief of Mrs. Montgomery.
Additional Subseriptionaaince our last Publication.
is A friend.................... 1 0 0
d Mr. Thomas Forster........... 0 10 0
it - G. W.Evans..... ... 0 5 0
g - R. Jones............... . 1 0 0
d S.-A D. ........01... ....:0 0 100
a Mr. A. Cohen ............. 0 0
e -"W.Stephens.............. . 1 0 0
Lt - John Blackman............. 0 10 0
S - HenryMurray....... ...... 0 10 0
- Jas.R. Hill............... O 5 0.
Mr.R.C. ................... 0 5 0
-Jas..Tegg................. 1 0 0
d - John Gilchrist............. 1 .0 0
e J. S......... ............ 0 .5 0
i J.B............................ 0 10 .0
T.-L...................... O 6 6
A Friend...'.................. 0 10 0
AFriend .................... 0 5 0
Ditto............ ........ 0 5 0
Ditto ........................ 0 5 0
Ditto ...,,........:.......... 0 10 0
Ditto.......... .............. O: 5 0
Mr. P.-DeMestre .. ............0 10 0
- G. 'Kinnear ...............: 1. 0 0
W. H. ...................:. 1 0 0
A Frienid.................... 0 5 0
Captain Munro.... ........... 10 0
,--J.Neilson ..............:. .0O 10 0
T. W. S. ..................;... I 0 0
J. T. Hughes ........... ........ 1 0 0
Captain Fotheriagham...:....... 1 0 0
- Isaac Simmons ............ .1: 0 0
-=J.Holt..............:,...' O3 G
A Stranger .................... 1 0 0
Mr. J.R.Brennan ............ .010 0
E.D. O'Reilley............ 1 0 0
-J. Maelier.................. 1 0 0
An Irishman ................. 10 0
Mr. Franels Watkins .. ......... 1 0 0
- Mupning .................1 0 0
Mrs. Edye Manning .......... 1 0 0
Mr. W. M. Manning...,,... 1 0 0
S-Arden................... 0 10 0
--M'Gaas .................0 10 0
A Lady ........:.. :.... 0*.. - 5 0
S Tasman ............. ......... 0 5 0
TrHAT old-established Inn, well.known as the
J Sqnare and Compass, situated at the bottom
of the Brickfield-hill, and now in full trade. The
License,, and Fixtures to be taken
at a fair valuation. Possession will be given on
'the next transfer day. For further particulars
I THE Undersigned having been Employed in
I the Service of Mr CHARLEs SMITH, Butcher,
George-street, Sydney, as manager of his Cattle
in the Interior, and in consequence of a breach of
Agreement on-the part of the said Mr. Smith, as
also his reflecting on my character and respecta
bility; 'I feel it my duty to give up all charge com
mitted to me without delay.
FITRESPASI being repeatedly committed oft this
. Farm by grazing SIHEE thereon, and other
Stock. I do now give Public Notice that, all
Stock found on my Land will be Impounded.
The Public are further acquainted that no tho
roughfare will-in future"'be allowed oi'anyipart of'
the Farm, and it will be necessary that they keep
the Government Road, on pain of being proceeded
against according to Law.
ON Wednesday last in Sydney, a Ladies' hand
person having found the same, and biinging it to
the Monitor Office, shall be handsomely rema
Snerated for their trouble.
Sydney, 141th September, 1838;
-I AS been instructed to Sell by PRIVATE
I..* CONTRAGT, twenty tons LUCERNE and
OATEN HAY,' in the finest conditon.
The above Hay may be seen at the Premises, 74,
George-strest, and all particulars at the Ofices.
Sydney,'September 11, 1888.
unavoidably postponed until FRIDAY, the
A Valuable Selection of Choice Goodei, consliting
of Gentlemen's Summer Clothing, Jackets,
Trowsers, Waistcoats, Morning Gowns, Ladies'
and Gentlemen's Stockings, Gentlemen's Half
Hose,'Children's Socks, and' a varietyofother
At his Rooms, King-street East, TO-MORROW,
the 15th Instant, at Eleven o'Clok,
G(ENTLEMEN'S very* superior SUMMER
Fashionable Striped Colored Satin Trowiers
Ditto ditto Brighton Cord ditto '
Imitation Shaded Cassemere ditto
Honey Comb Stripe pattern ditto,
White St. Leger ditto ditto
Colored ditto Check Trowsers
Herring-bone Stripe ditto
White Giraffe Pattern Trowsers
Shopherd's' Plaid pattern ditto
Excellent dark Velentia Waiatooits, Double and
Single Breasted. Rolling Cqllsrs,. and Gentle,
men's Superior Morning Dress Gowns
A few Children's superior Draided Dresses.
A choice selection of H 0SI BR Y.
'Children's superiorSo'cka of Sizes
Woman's best White Cotton Hose
itto Fashionable embossed Open Work Anole
'Men's best White Cotton Stockings and Sooaka
Gupierior White Cotton Stockings, (wIomens 4rst
Gentlemen's single 'and, double ribbed Cotton
Together with a large' vArety of. other Artleois '1
combining usefulness with neatness and elegance.
SAt his Rooms, Lower George-street, on MONDAY
next, th lnsoatant, at 11 o'clock precisely.
O. .NE Hundred dozen STRIPED SHIRTS
:. 170 Pairlined Moleskin Trowsers
30 Dozen white Valentia Vests
1CO Pair Buckskin Trowsers
1I Case Bonnets, Cloaks, &o.
100 Ditto Woollen Half Hose
5 Ditto blue superfine Broad Cloth "
10 Ditto coloured ditto ditto.
600 Dozen Ginger Bver Bottles . "
1 Ton first quality Arrow Root
200 Pieces assorted Ribbons
Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs
With an extenesIve asesortment of general Mer.
* chandise too numerous to paitt I%1arise.
TERMS-Purchasers under £30, ;Cash'; abovis
thatsum, approved Bills at 3 months.
The Propertly qf .a La4dy leaving Sydney.;
At his Rooms Lower George-street, on THURS
DAY. next, the: 20th instant, at Eleven o'clock
i Cane-seated Chairs, carved lisaela
G Ditto ditto plain ditto
n 2 Nests Pigeon-holes with Drawers".
a 1 Single four-post Bedatead,elegantly carved
SWith a great variety of useful Articles.
The remainder of those splendid Shipments, Furni
- 12 Elegant Eight day Clocks, warranted ,
20 .Tea Urns of the newest patterns
4 Large Chimney or Dressing-robm Glasses
12 Smaller ditto ditto . t.
S6 Spanish Mahogany Wardrobes
a 4 Chests Drawers, marble-slab tops
s 3 Extra large Dining Tables
- 6 Office Desks, (superior)
S4 Melbourne Chairs, spring stuff morocco seats
- 3 Wash Stands, marble tops and mirrors
9 Alabaster and Agate Vases.
I1 Ex "Siam," " CockermouMt Castle," and "`Earl
p 26 Butlers' Tray Stands
S. 9 Mahogany Cheats Drawers
Dining Tables, extra size and additiouil leavesnz
Four post Moreen Firnitutre
- 80 Dozen cane-seated Chairs (superior)
24 Cedar cane-seat Chairs
3 Cases iest British Plate Looti nr g Glasses, n
Toilet Glasses 19 x 14, 18 x 14, 17,x 13,,16 x 13,
1 x 12, I~xlII 5 xlI, 15x 10,14xll,'14 x
- . 10, 13x10, 13x 9, 12 x 9, 12 x8, 11x9,11 x8,
Swing Ditto 12x 9, 1il x i0,9 x (7 r4
a Dressers ditto 6 x 4, 10 r 8.
s With a variety of Furniture too nuimdroui' to
ICT Terms made known at the' timie of Sale.1
". "'S.iaM rasrrw ," A ' Corqodiu,"
SAt the New Cattle Market, on-FRIDAY, the 21st
Instant, at - Twelve o'clock precisely, wlthtaut
C IR MATTHEW is a bright chesnut, fifteen
C3 and A half hands high, rising four years old,
aud was got by Mr. Wentworth's Cqydeadale, out
of Rlectre.,, a thorough bred Steeltrap mare. Ho
is of great power, perfectly quiet and gentle to ride,
und would make a splendid Calb or Carriage Horse.
COLONEL is a bay Horse, four years old, of'
great power, and At for Saddle, Cab, or Carriage,
and warranted perfectly uound.
Terms made known on the ground.
Will Se~lhy Austlon, TO-MORROW in addittonu
to the former Sale of Horses advertised for that
. day at half-past twelve for one o'Clook, at lia
'exteaniv. Premises, 74, George-street.
O %E splendid SADDLE HORSE, rising five
rests old, by the imported horse " Spaniel,"
oiut eta " Heotor" mare, equal to 1I stone up to
the fastest hounds in the Colony.
One Entlre Horse, rich dapple grey, 15 hands 2
or apwards, 5 years old off, got by't Ploughboy"'
out of a very superior" Clydes4alo" mare.
Terms-Approved Billsat threo moths.
TO-MORROW, the 15th 'instant, at Twelve
o'Clock, in Castlereagh-strcet, foqr doors south
Sideboards-Cbhets of Drawers -Table-sChalra5
&o., with a snumber of Greek, Latin, French,
and other Books, well worthy thn attention of
the Students at our various Colleges, &c.
These willbe Soldlast, to give them an oppottunity