Shipping Intelligence. - LAUNCESTON. (Compiled exclusively for the Examiner.) ARRIVALS. - Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899) - 30 May 1846 (original) (raw)

Sat 30 May 1846 - Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899)
Page 5 - Shipping Intelligence.

.. :. i ppiung Xntelligente.

. (Compiled eaclusirely for the Examiner.)

May 26.-Barque Branlenmoor,400 tons, Carr,

master, from Adelaide. Win. Jackson & Co.,

agents. Passengers-Captain Twiss, Captain

Butler, Lientenant II'Gill, Ensign Grifliths. Dr.

Lisle. Mr. Perrigalli, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Wells,

Mr. Paton, Mr. Anstey, Master Griffiths, Master

Twiss, Mr. C. Colton, Mr. Soutin, Mr. Pullockand

child, J. Monk. C. Basham, Mr. Scott,C. Jordan, 81

rank and fileH.M. 90th regiment, 5 women and

May 27.-Brig Lightning, 182 tons, Mallul,

master, from Sydney; F. WV. Townley, agent.

May 27.-Schooner Mary Ann, 51 tons, Omner,

master, from Sydney; George Fisher, agent.

lMay 27.-Schooner Sourenir, - tons, Jen

nings, master, from Sydney ; IV. Jackson & Co.,

May 28.-Barque Eudora, 208 tons, M'Mechan,

master, from Mauritins ; Charles Randall, agent.

Passengers-Mr. Randall, Mr. Thos. Wiseman.

May 28.-Schooner Jolhn, 49 tons, Winstone,

master, from Sydney; F. WV. Townley, agent.

May28.-Schooner Catherine, 164 tons, Dryden,

master, from Sydney : F. IV. Townley, agent.

May 29.-Brig William, 121 tons, Thomn, mas

ter, from Sydney; F. WV. Townley, agent. Pas

sengers-Mr. J. D. Tyers. Mr. H. B. C. Morley,

Owen Cowan, J. Collins, J. Moody.

May 29.-Barqne Cacique, 150 tons, M'Kee,

master, from Melbourne; Kerr, Bogle & Co.,

agents. Passengers-Messrs. J. D. Almuda, S.

Ravac, J. Eniburgh, Mr. & Mrs. Cobham.

Vessels reported inwards during the week.

May 26.-Per barque BRANKENMOOR,

from Adelaide. Part of original cargo: 5 casks

bath bricks, 80 ash oars, W. Carr. Shipped at

Adelalde: S bundles bacon, 1 ditto matting, 1

ditto bags, 22 sides bacon, 1 horse, Perrigalli.

Vessels reported outwards during the 'eek.

Barque Brankenmoor, discharging

Eudora, just arrived from Mauritius

Brig Lightning, just arrived from Sydney and

- City of Sydney, loading for Sydney

Schooner Minerra, loading for Portland Bay

- Mary Ann, just atrived from Sydney