Advertising - Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899) - 15 Jul 1846 (original) (raw)
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Wed 15 Jul 1846 - Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899)
Page 1 - Advertising
ecuted at the shortest notice, in a superior
style, and at the smallest possible cost.
ting in Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Coloured
of Lading for Half-pay Naval Officers'
iling and steam Forms, in accordance
essels with the latest orders
terly Return of Li- from the Navy-office
ors bought and sold Bills ofExchange,stitch
Forms of Contract Court of Requests Forms
r hiring Probation Formsfor Proof of Debts
ssholders in the Insolvent Court,
OR SALE, at this office, CODE OF
SIGNALS, for the pocket-price 6d.
regular trading brig HENRY,
Tregurtha master, will leave as
above one week after arrival,
which is expected about the
a July. For freight or passage apply to
1P. TREOURTHA, at the Verandah Cot
, Upper George-street, Launceston.
P.S.-Has room for eight horses.
U on her arrival from that port,
the fine fast-suiling brig
:i UNION, Grainger master,
has room for twenty horses
ea freight. For freight or passage apply
The fine fast-sailing schooner
-OSPREY, Captain Young, will
sail on Thursday next. For
freight or passage, apply to
sin Young on board, or to
At a meetingof the directors
of the above company, it was
mined that having in view, as far as
icable, the general appeal made by the
c for a reduction in the fares between
ceston and George Town, the follow
I educed scale will come into operation
S d after the first of March, 1846:
Coulson's ............ 4s. 2s. 6d.
Brown's ............ s. 2s. ad,
eid's .............. as. 4s.
Geore Town and Kelso Os. ad. 4s.
JAMES RAVEN, Superintendent.
AIRYMAN wanted (married or
ingle), to take charge of a small dairy
e ishment, and to look after stock onan
d run. Also, a good FARMING
to act asfbereman, whose wife will be
1reied to do the washing of a small family,
anAto. be otherwise useful. For terms (if by
lettertpost paid), apply to
Ju28 Calstock, Deloraine.
WyANTED, by a family in the Interior,
. a respectable GIRL, totake charge
o two young children. Apply at this
ANTED, a TUTOR for a private
I family, in the country ; testimonials
character, as well as capability will
aired. For further particulars, apply
Si, D. Morrison, Brisbane-street, Laun
; The undersigned is a =purchaser of
Grain for cash. He will also furnish' settlers
with supplies, at moderate prices and con
(At the ofee of late firm Williams,
¥1 in sums of from, £500 to £1000, at
seven percent. Apply to Messrs JENNINGs
do Gnusn, solicitors,, Launceston.
W VANT, of sober land. 'industrious
habits. Apply to Mr. Aikenhead, Brisbane
.JosEPTI MONKs, plumber, painter,
glacier, and paper" hanger, Brisbane-street,
respectfully informs his friends and the
public generally, that he has just received
in addition to his former stock, upwards of
20,000 yards of PAPER HANGINGS, of
superior quality and the newest patterns,
FAT LAMBS will be shortly ready.
Everton, by Evandale, July 8.
N.B.-The purchaser of a number of either
can draw them weekly for the ensuing
Lieut. James's Blistering Ointment
Morison's Vegetable Pills and Family
Holloway's Pills and Ointment
Fry's Aperient Antibilious Pills
Wholesale and Retail Druggist.
St. John-street, Launceston,
Dunbar's bottled ale and porter
Martell's brandy i or out of
Red case gin (overproof) 1
Ebden's Cape and Pontac wines in hhds.,,
quarter casks, and by the five gallons
Ingham's Marsalla ditto ditto
Hunt's port wine, in wood and bottle
Superior sherry, in quarter casks, octaves,
and in 1 dozen, or 3 dozen cases
Hyson skin tea, in chests and halves
Mauritius and Manilla sugar
Flour, firsts and seconds
Sydney soap in 50 and 1121b. boxes
Liverpool salt, coarse and fine
Loaf sugar, crushed sugar
Prime mess beef, in 8 cwt. tierces
Rice, vinegar, starch, currants
European rope, sewing twine, slops, &c.
** Colonial producetaken in payment.
" .Kangaroo skins bought for cash.
parcel of superior Cape Madeira, and Pontac
Wine. . Also, a few boxes of Cape Raisins,
of first quality, and 47 kegs of Negrohead
Tobacco, shipped from the United States in
Smenced business in Adelaide as ge
offers his services to those parties in Van
Diemen's Land who may be desirous of do
ipg business with South Australia.
UGAR.-Mauritius Sugar'of.the finest
quality, and also for settlers' use on
S HEEP..-A fine do of fat Wethers on
Abernethy's pills Morphia lozenges
Armstrong'sliver ditto Morphia' and Ipecacou
Cockle's ditto anha ditto
Dyson's digestive ditto Rhubarb ditto
Fry's rheumatic ditto Soda ditto
Hunt's family ditto Soda and ginger ditto
Holloway's ditto Live long ditto
Hooper's ditto Ching's worm ditto
Larwell's ditto Ipecacuanha ditto
Norton's camomile ditto Cayenne ditto
Pysician's dinner ditto Camphor ditto
Parr's life ditto Magnesia ditto
Soda ditto Cinnamon ditto
Widow Welch's ditto Tolu ditto
Americansoothingsyrup Aniseed ditto
Dalby's carminative Calomel ditto
Frank's specific Pontefract cakes
Wart solvent Pe.e dejujubes
Lip salve Golden eye ointment
Boot top paste Holloway's ditto
German corn plaster Blane's mange ditto
Poor man's ditto Chilblain ditto
.......... friend Polar lioiment
Saits lemon Marshall's cerate
Violet powder Pink saucers
Balm calumbia Purple ditto
Cachou aromatiques Blue ditto
Beanfoy's "chloride of Lilac ditto
...... chloride of lime ........ macassar oil
Murray's fluid magnesia ....... soaps
Henry's calcined ditto Atkinson's depilatory
Ink powders ........ hair dye
Marking ink Hudson's cold cream
Cephalic snuff Bear's grease
Grimatone's eye ditto Pomatums
Oil silk Oxley's essence ginger
India rubber syringes Steer's opodeldoc
.......... rings Copaiba capsules
Beatson's ringworm lo- Rhubarb ditto
Powell's balsam aniseed Soluble cayenne
Henry's Cheltenham Dredge's heal-all
Dr. Gregory's powder Butler's kuli
Smyth's scouring drops Bleaching liquid
Leeming's essence Dr. James' fever pow
Freeman's bathing spirit ders
Diamond cement Aromatic vinegar
Tabor's dentrifice Essence bitter almonds
Powder boxes and puffs Suspensory bandages
Pomade divine Trusses, patent and com
Issue plasters mon, &c., &o.
Hydrlodate potash Tartrate Iron
Veratrine Prusslate of potash
Emetine Cyanurete of potassium
Nitrate of ammonia Oil Oubebs
Oxyde of silver Ditto ergot of rye
Nitrate of ditto Stramonlam
...... . strontia: Digitalis
Manganese : Lobelia ilflata
Hemlock leaves Pale lacquer for brads
Henbane ditto Green lacquer
Ioduret of Iron Black varnish
Citrate ditto &c., &c., &c.
consisting of quarts, pints, `&c., specie
jars, globes, &o., labeled, fit for imme
with battery, jointed discharger, isolated
stool,medicaljar,directorsi electrometer,
Wholesale and Retail Chemist and Druggist.
Elizabeth-street, Hobart Town, June 27.
Brisbandostreet, Latnceaton.
and Confectioner, Brisbane-street, Launces.
ton, respectfully informs his friends and
the public in general, that having effected
considerable improvement in his premises
in fitting up a room for Soup and Lun
cheons; also, a separate room for Tea and
Coffee, where gentlemen or families from
the country will find every attention paid
to their comfort, combined with the strictest
economy; it being the determination of
D; Saunders to compete with any establish
ment in the colony, both as to the quality,
and price of his articles.
Soups of the best description, Od., per
plate ; Luncheon from 12 till 3 at one shil
ling per head; and every other article at
T9O THE PUBLIC.-The undersigned'
.L return thanks to their numerous cus
tomers for the patronage bestowed upon
them; and beg to call attention to their
superior stock of the subjoined articles,
which they offer at greatly reduced prices,
Harness leather Is. ditto
Stock-keeper's boots, 8s. 6d. per pair
Harness per set, £2 16s. warranted
Wheat, or any colonial produce purchased
for cash, or taken in payment.
150 bushels rye grass seed
Several ladies and gentlemen having
expressed a desire that Monsieur Ravac will
give a MORNING CONCERT previous to his
departure, such an arrangement at the
present season of the year being considered
more convenient to both town and country\
residents than an evening's entertainment,
Mousier Ravac begs to announce that he
on Thursday July 16, 1846, at the Cornwall
Hotel, Launceston; upon which occasion
the following selection of music will be
2. Souvenirs de Bellini, Violin, Mr. Ravac
3. La Melancholia, Mr. Ravac
4. Air, Vari6 de Beriot, Mr. Ravac
6. Tremolo de Beriot, (first time) Mr. Ravac
7. Ellsihd'Amore, Mr. Ravao
8. Le Carneval de Venise, Mr. Ravac.
Tickets, 6s. each; family tickets to admit
five, 21s.: to be had at Mr. Dowling's
printing office, Brisbane-street; at Mr.
Tegg'es Brisbane-street;. and at the Laun
ceston and Cornwall Hotels.
' The performance will commence at
, No money taken at the door.
A LECTURE will be delivered in
the St. John's Church School Rooin, oni
instant, by J. R. Kenworthy, Esq.
The lecture will commence at 7 o'clock.
Members are requested to produce their
tickets to the doorkeeper. The public will
be admitted by paying one shilling each.
. . V. W. GmnLarN, Secretary.