No title - The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848) - 22 Jan 1839 (original) (raw)

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Tue 22 Jan 1839 - The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848)
Page 2 - No title

His Excellency Sir Maurice O'Conncll

I115, we understand, consented to patronise the

Cricket - A match between the Aus-

tralian and Union Clubs for £20 will come off

on the race course on Monday next. The clubs

are practising of an evening, as they are out of

play, and the match is expected to be a hard

The Sydney Alliance Insurance Cotn-i

pany have taken the roam* over Mr Smart's

Au'tioi Mirt, and are rendy to transact businssE

Tlio ComtiPr lias resurtei] tV» the prac

tii-e of airniimning .lurnrs I.. utunJ Inquests, a»

grcut iuL-onvuiii.uce «nd d^lay in the public

bUMni-** has arisill by the mm utUnihmce of

Juror:?, against uhnm the pennUy 1 i,,,t be

euluiccd ttlten simply warned 0- ihe Constable.

Mr Urenuaii has nulirieil his intciiliou of pro*

cui-ihug uHain-l nil |.mties who fail lo ulti-nu to \

their .--uuiiiumi:-i:s, he couiturucrd Opt ration

mi Thursday with sevciul |.rrs,ons who fjilsd

to attend. In th« i-is.-s already uiwveii un. t!.e

jr.rtieH hive plea, led thi-ir auiiiinoiiat s to sit as

Jur-irs ut the Q.i .rter Session;. C'tiU- 1, which

will, ol course, excuse them, but the public hi.d

better attend to the WBiuiii-; in time, urine i, wjij

save cotjsick-iubl. trouble aud expense u, them.

Monsieur (Jreene, ilit' iVoiessor of

dan.:iiiK and, has icctsivcd a supply of

Sulingeii lolls and patent masks, lor young gen

tlemen wishing to acquire the small »w..rd rxeruUi .

Monsieur. G's ruuina In felizttui-iu-aireet uiu well

Ltd.ipteu (ur the purpose, uud I j i -. j.u|...s atvi.iu

gruut praise iu his talent and attention. H,,

general cla*s is held on MnnJay and Thursday

cveiuurfs, and arc well altcuilcd.

Mr Hull, Deudii, of Hunter-strvef,

has engaged a first rale mechanical Dentist (the

only one we believe in the Colony) hy whose

labours, hi' i« en I'lli-d to fir. teeth with the greutesC

ncnursny, uud teln-ve the party Irmn the frequent

BTinnynnCKM, hs wi-li ax actual pain, nrisinjr ItOm

Mr. Deane's Concert, which, on ac-

count of the prevailing sickness, has been post-

poned for some weeks, is to take place on the

23d. The principal musical strength of the

Colony is engaged. (amongst whom are Miss

Wallace, Mrs Clancy, Mr Worgan and the

Amateur whose performance gave such satisfac

tion at the last concert) and the Band 50th

Regiment will play the overtures.

The Cecilian Society continues lo in

i:re»se, und the- performances to improve. On

\Veilii«sd«y evening of thirty instru-

mental performers were present, and i he overtures

to Gustavus and Der Freischutz were performed

in a style which has not yet heen come up |'U i,,

I lie Colony. Several sun;;!', glees, «nd duet.-,

were sung by the ainau-ur*. which were highly

A nmu named James Murphy, with

liis wife, were committed to tuke thetr'trials ou

Saturday, lor three distinct robberies at tha

liouses of Messrs 1'hillips, of George street, Mr

Bird (unmerly of the Theatre). uti-l Ds Camp

jdl. Mr Bud's rohliery happened in June list,

ivlii-n that geuth-man lost pidperty (chiefly wear'

'ng ajijiartl). to a large amount, and has not been

ible to get u clue to ii, up to this lime. ' The

nisontjr, who appeared to be perfectly an fat: at

I he matter, in his iltfence stated that he had

;iurcliHsed all the articles from a man named Bob

f umer, who cut his throut some time back ac

;he Cillers' Barrack, and who, of course, could

A man named Tindall, was also com

mitted on Saturday, for stealing wood from the

fetershatn Estate. The prosecutor, Mr M'Kunn,

stated that he purchased the exclusive privilege

if cutting wood on the estate ut .£320 per un

lum, which he hud to make up by the charge of

;ialf a load to the retail dealers, which is ui tbo

rat« of 1 7s Gil u-da v , and that he was constantly

Tie Court of Quarter Sessions wns

slussd on Friday, iu consequence of the Magis

trates being in ulteiiduncu at the Petty Sessions

field at the Police Office to leviso tbe jury lisu.

A denier in the market. nameiJ''Fiiz-

pntrick, tviis fined 20s and costs, for exposing

Iruit for sale on Sunday.

.^{lian named Jlolfe, was put to the

bar onX^turday, charged by Elkin, the market

eonslible, with iutrrrupting him in the execution

of hi? duty. It appeared that Elkins' wife, who

is ti prisoner of the crown, kept a stall in the

market lor her hushaiid, and n tlispute ureurrrd

!-envren thn prisoner mid JElkius' wiir, which

;nv« rise to the char/re in question. Rolle wa*

Jirchatged hy the lien.rh, and the clcilt KUa

inlored lo in ike a report of the irregularity of

the market cotislni-l'_- being the propnetor of it

stull, to the First Police Mutilate.

A dispute occurred on Thursday,

between two govermmnt irlen, the one belonging

to Mrs Dent, of New Town, and the othei tu

Mr Richards, of Pitt-street, when the latter t,.

Beverely heat the former, that his Hie is despaired

uf. Mr Rtchard's-servant is iu custody, awaiting

the result ol the assault.

Yesterriay niternoon, a man named

John l'ender, who supplies the town rr ith water,

went into Raynoi's puhlic-house, in Phillip.

3treet, and having abused Mrs ftaynor in the

most indecent manner, which she becomingly

resisted, he seized a New Zenland middy, with

which Mrs Raynor had delended herself, and

struck her on the shoulder. Sergeant Prosser

of the Police, was passing ut the time, and Mrs

Raynor called him, and gave Pender into cus

tody. Prosser conducted Pender up Phillip-street

towards the watch-house, Peuder Btill keeping

possession of the waddy. and when opposite to

Fender's house, he seized the waddy, and struck

Sergeant Prosser on the spine, close to the neck,

which laid him p'rostrate, and in nil probability

will be tbe cause of his death. Prosser wn'i

taken to the hospital, nud at eight o'clock Imt

night was reported to be in extreme danger. Tho ?

man Pender is in custody awaiting the result. 1

Some curious facts came out ou this matter, I

which will come before the police in the course I

r-r the week; and as they*are of a singular r.ha- |

rncter, we shall reserve our remarks until they fj

have hten investigated. ' i

Light Bread. — Tho bakera are at I

their dirty work again, and light bread is now 1

the order of thi; day. It is the duty of the chief I

constable to look to this mutter, which is one of §

serious concern to the labouring popuUtion. Thn I

Act of Council on the subject uppears to have 1

become a dead letter. — Coirt^wnden%. M

We understand that it is the intention |

of several influential merchants to start another S

Company for the express purpose of Marine 1

Assurance, the prospectus of n Inch will be shortly S

published. We Hie toM thnt the shares in the B

Sydney Alliance Marine and 1'ire and Life As- 1

surance Company, are already at a discount. E

Wo observe that Mr Robinson, the brolher-in- K

law of Mr Lamb, has been nppointed Secretary S

to the lntt-»r Institution. 1

We are requested to call the attention I

of the public to the Sale ol Lands, This Day, P

by Mr J. T. Wilson, at his Rooms, viz:— Alloi-I

ments lit Wollongong, Farm at Cook's Rival , I

New Town Allotments, adjoininc: the Pigeon M

Houcc, and Land at Tainborine Bay. I

The Hygein. resumed her voyage on M

Sunday last, to London. The liosli/n CauU leltfg

the heads early yesterday morning. ' S

The JParland und Nereus may bej

daily looked for from Adelaide. * I

The brig Lady Wellington, which I

was wrecked at Adelaide a fetv mouths since, hat H

been converted into a store ship. B

The Farlie will proceed to Hobart

Town during the day; by this vessel, Mr Peck,

the ex-leader of the Victoria Theatre, an

ex-reporter to the Monitor, and an ex-per-

former, proceed to the sister colony.

We have been informed, that th-;

twelve men belonging to tbe Achilles, whaler, ara

supposed to hare heen murdered at Tucopin

(near the Queen Charlotte's Groupe), by the

An inquest was held yesterday morn

ing, at the St. John's Tavern, on view of His

body of a person named Margaret Dixon, who

died suddenly nt her residence, Bridge ptrett,

yesterday morning. Benjutnin Dison, a fine Ui

about thirteen years of age, son of the deceased,

deposed thnt his fKmi'.y arrived in the Colunr

about a twelve month back ; his father died im

mediately on their arrivnl ut the quarantine

ground ; bis mother was taken ill on Saturday,

and complained of revere, puin in her head, anil

an unusual heat in her inside, upon which, wit

nesi called upon Surjeon Neilnon of George

street, vclin supplied medicine. Deceased t.olu'-|

her children that Bhe did not think the would if

live until Monday. She took some of the medi
cine supplied by Dr Neilsou, and died uu Sunday ,
about 'half-past one. Dr Neilson, ivlio lmd at
tended her on former occasions, deposed that she
was subject to a chronic disease of the bowels,
which had affected her more or less for some
time. Deceased had been in the habit of in
dulging in drinking wine and beer to excess ; she
was a woman respectably connected in Scotland,
and has been suffering under pecuniary ernbar
rasement, which prayed upon a sensitive mind,
and hastened her death. The Jury returned a
verdict of died from inflammation of the stomach,
accelerated by the intemperate use of ardent
On the same day, at the St. John's
Tavern, on the body of a man named Henry
Joyce, whose body was found at Pitt Water, on
Wednesday last, under the following circum
stances :— assigned servant
to Mr George, of Pitt Water, deposed that he
found the ljuiiy of the deceased floating in the
water at D. Y. Creek, PitfWater; the left eye
und nose were black, and the face was very much
disfigured and swelled, but was not generally
lilack except tha eye and nose 03 described.
Thomas Wi.son, also an ossii;iied servant to Mr
George, accompanied the deceased from Sydney,
to within two miles of Mr George's farm, nher-s
}ie lagged behind tin' carl, ami did i^uin join
the cart ; on tlie follottiii!; day, Mr Whilrr'* man
(Comerford) i;«e intelligence of hiving found
the body. The deceased was wry drunk, ami fell
Heveral limes on the juurney ; at the place where
he was misssdd. there was a bridge and a log
across the ureek. Pr Savage certified, thai
from the decomposed state of the body, he
could not examine the body so as to etu.
ddtite the caus'_- of derensed's death, from the
evidence he was of opinion that death ensued l-y
drowing, and the Jury returned u verdict of
?' tound drowned.'