NEW BABINDA CHURCH. - Ceremony By Bishop Heavey. - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954) - 20 Mar 1917 (original) (raw)

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Tue 20 Mar 1917 - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954)

? Ceremony" By Bishop : Heavey.

A correspondent writes: Sunday,

.iSth inst., was a high day for the

Roman " Catholics of ¡ Babinda, being

no less'than'the lay'ng of the first

block of their new building." A train-

load of excursionists came out from

Cairns and materially'assisted at the,30 ¡p.m., the Lord

Bjshop ,óf tjhe^ diocese, Right Rey.

.John Heavey.' "T5.TJ:, 'arraléS-ia', the

p robés ;¿f "his holycofRcCr appeared on,

ttheVgróuñds, ¡íri-v'-aliotmerit in 'the;

highest portion of our fownj and ably

assisted by . Rey.;.:« Father Guiñan,

proceeded, with':-.the ceremony,' the

first part of whièhwàs conducted on

a raised platform,' near which a cross

I had been erected^.this cross was-'on

the spot over which the altar will be

! set up. After sprinkling the Cross

¡with holy water, the'Bishop and his

I chaplain descended from . the, ros-

trum- and proceeded to the corner

! block, which had been placed^ in po-

sition. Here a beautiful a'nd impres-

sive ceremony ^was. Conducted.

The Litany was then recited, the

Roman* Catholic portion of the as-

semblage^ kneeling and assisting in

the , r-ffice. after - which thc Bishop

made a circuit of the ground to be

occupied by the building, , blessing

and ' consecrating it' His' Lordship

thetf again mounted ¡the rostrum and.

addressed the'peoplè.. He .congratu-

lated the Catholics of Babinda that

they;had got so far'on towards the

.accomplishments of their desire, say-

ing' that such a building was an evi-

dence of the progresá and stability bf

the-" town. He "then, exhorted them

to give of their bounty towards the

building fund''ariel "although a black

cloud which had been! hovering in the

vicinity commenced to vomit forth

its contents, a goodly number res-

ponded to* the invitation and a sub-

stantial sum was added to the funds

already collected: Very, soon now the

building will be "fait accompli," and

will no doubt be an ornament as

»veil as a valuable riddition ro our

town.1 ' ' -' i .'." . : .