The Future of the Sugar Industry. - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954) - 25 Nov 1924 (original) (raw)
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Tue 25 Nov 1924 - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954)
Page 4 - The Future of the Sugar Industry.
The Future of the Sugar Industry. B
In declaring thc Roman Catholic
Bazaar open on Friday nighty iii Ba-
binda,- Mr. Gillies said that thc-:, pro-
moters of this bazaar, in setting out
to raise £3,000 or ¿4,000 for t/ie; build-
ing ot a Convent School at Babinda,
inter alia, showed their'confidence in
thc ftiturc of j thc sugar industry.
Babinda was, built on ,sugar, its'foun-
dation wits" sugà,r, : 'àn<i',; i( anything
serious ha'p'pene'd tdc sugar, Babinda
would, bc a deserted', village. He sin-
cerely hoped that' theiH confidence
would not bc misplaced, tfjüd he
honestly believed tháí"'|he ft$rimc
Ministur. "and his Govcrnmciic.íwolild
see',fo' it that the present system of
control was extended, as «ic had ad-
vocated, for 10 years', to cuaçlèj thc
industry to bc stabilised, and rV thus
maintain thc prosperity of Babinda
and thc white population on the coas-
tal belt of North Queensland.
The Belfast, correspondent p^ the ,
"Daily Herald' says it is not definitely ¡
known whtehcr Mr. Baldwin renewed
the ¡pledge made prior .to the 1923^elecjra
tioij. to provide £1,000,000 towards the¡,.
maintenance of special police, in?Ulster.
Mr. "MacDonald refuses to honor the
earlier promise oil .thc ground that the.
specials were-a. political, force. jß>
Quotation for : fc'i
A true i historyi of human ! events
would show that a milch larger prOpor-.
tiorií'of ioúr- dcedsi arc. the reinita 'pt-:
sudden impulses and accidents thin of
that reason of which wc so mucteboast*: