Advertising - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954) - 22 Oct 1945 (original) (raw)
Mon 22 Oct 1945 - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954)
Page 6 - Advertising
. taxrrma UUNTKO*. . «ahita . '
(Cireumstancea P»rmirunf,J
WI) peruciuan cuncerning 'argo. Pu.
sena en sailing Data appar
A,U>J4 CXi LTD (Bums, railp 4k Ob
JOHN BURKE LTD (Samuel Alien anr
Sons L14. Asenta), nona tlSl
A AA.-Ezy BUt Sets, Latest indoor
".Games. Jigsaw dizzies. Children's
Blocks . Counting Frames. Toys. etc.. at
A A.A.-Casket Tickets. 10/-. 5/6: Shares. |
n'2/-. 1/8 Be among the winners Try
your luck at Whittick's_j
A A -HEAD A.l-A Aú\ns. every as; u!
**? wU) pay you Atnertun Tableland
Agencies Phone S. Malanda tor Com
mission Agency, and Sales Service_
A T-A can supply Dairymen with thal
"~ best Steam Sterilisers and Troughs: |
can AU boiler against steam pressure
A T.A. Have a large range of Good i
"* Used Furniture tn their show rooms!
at Malanda. When tn town call m and j
A DVANX : Motorists why worry about
Ä youi tyre troubles, that is our busi-
ness, and we are modernly , equipped to
solve them. Retreading and Recapping!
according to priority. ._.
A DVANX are agents for the. Inter
national Harvester-Co. ot Aust Pty.
Ltd. Trucks. Farm all Tractors and
Equipment. Remember, "lt pays to farm j
the Farmall way." Telephone our show-
A DVANX have solved one more trouble
*Vttr the motorist. We, have engaged
an experienced man. who ls skilled in
repairs and servicing of batteries._
.ADVANX wish to enumerate a few
" lines to be found amongst our huge
stocks of accessories and spart parts.
Engine Tyre Pumps. Universal Tail
Lamps, Vulcanising Outfits and Patches,
Wheel Wrenches, Tyre Levers, Wax and
Liquid Polishes. Grease Guns, all types:
A DVANX announce that Piston Rings
*^ are off the controlled list. Save de-
lay, see u* first, or taipphore il82. three
A DVANX will purchase Clean Old Rags
A H. DEEB, Shields-street ls offering
?general reductions in Men's Wear,
Boys' Clothing and all lines of Footwear,
so make your purchases early and save
AT UREN'S Call ana ask tor what you
n want Nsw stocks are arri vulg dally
We may just have lt when vou want H
A SPLENDID Taxi Business. Best city
" connection. Two cars and licences,
? £1200. At Denny Dillon's._?
A 1927 MODEL Chev. Utility, in good
running order, well shod, good spare.
WiU sen at fixed price £5B. At Denny
AVAILABLE NOW. Replacement En
** gines for Chevrolets. 37-42 models
Priority 3 F B Ireland'? Garage
DANISH SMOKING ta 3 days. Save
° pounds: feel fitter. Send stamp for
Free Booklet and Instructions. C. P.
Elwood. Box 2444. G.P.O.. Sydney.
DOY vout Cold Píame ot Electrice
° Refrigerator from Beg. McAulifle and
Co. Phone 130 or write Box 1B4 Utter-j
BATTERIES.for all Cars and Trucks;- ll
° plate, 13. 15, 17, 19 plate aid 12 volt,
at F. R. Ireland's, Cairns._?
ROOT Last (Tripod) 4/6 each; Claw
° Hammers. 16oz. 9/-: 20oz. 9/6. 24oz.
13/8 each; Firefly Gas Lighters, 2/- each,
at Wyper Bros». Shields-street._;
BEETROOT: Suitable for poultry or
pig food. Good sound roots with tops
remoyed, will ksep for weeks, ID/- per
bag (about 120 lb.). Freight 1/-. Will
pay freight on five bags or over J
pAR and Truck lubrication Bave ynurt
^ done thoroughly bv an expert man
F R Ireland'!* Lake-stregt Calm»
pAN now supply any quantity of Cyprus
*" Pine House Blocks. Particulars ft
pAR and Truck Batteries, ll plate, 13,
*~ 15. 17, 19 plate, and' 12 v.. at F R
/-«LEAN COTTON RAGS wanted foi
mrcbint.ry wipers' Cetras Post Pty Lld
p HICKS -Booking Orden foi June de
*- livery 1946, Reds AusU BDO Whites
S Stockman. Tinaroo Electric Hatchery
Amerton Tableland Phone Kain 48
pHICKS I Australorp Crosses. Rhode
! Island Red Crosses: also pure White
Leghorns, reduced to 90/- 100; 50/- 50;
27/6 25. Aerodrome Poultry Farm. Cairns.
: pARROTS: Suitable for stock or poultry
I food Good sound roots, without tops
Will keep reasonable time, 12/- per bag
(about 1201b.), Freight 1/- Will pay
freight on five bags or over J Gargan
TRUCKS ! Muscovy, week ' old: also
XJ Breeding Stock. Aerodrome Poultry
i Farm. Cairns. Phone 2472. _
1 rjIMMER Switches, Auto Bulbs, Lighting
^ and Ignition Wire, Insulation Tape,
Vulvanlslng Patches. Grinding Compound.
Split Pins. Spring Washers, at F.IR. Ire-
land's (Mail and Phone orders' packed
ELECTRIC Mantel Wireless. Just been
overhauled. £20. P.O. Box 448. Cairns.
! ÜLLWOOD Motors can supply ex stocks
" new vibrator and electric Radios, al)
types Wet and Dry Batteries. Home
Battery Chargers; Electric Fencers, Muf-
flers and Pipes, Dulux Auto-enamel, etc
Ellwood Motors, Main and Robert Streets.
Atherton, Phone 182, Box 166^_
pOR SALE. Cypress Pine House Blocks!
I * and Fence Posts. Apply , Box 63
I COR SALE. English Dinner Set, com
I r plete. Best offer. Apply Box C67.
! this office._ ' ?.'.«??
j pOR SALE. Gent's Wardrobe, Brand new.
1 Apply Box CS8, this office. - __.
pOR SALE, large vertical Electric Fan,
1 30 inch blades. 37 Minnie-street.
pOR SALE, Cafe, Spence-street Apply
pOR SALE, Ivory and Bamboo Mah
. Jong Set, perfect order. Complete
with box and walls. Telephone 2730, or
write Box C63. this office. _
pOR SALE, Kerosene. Lighting Set for
r small size Eleclrolux Refrigerator;
also 10 gallon Copper Boiler. Apply 29
Minnie-strest, or Phone 2565.
pOR SALE. Mignon Piano. Splendid
r tone and appearance. 21 Shields-street.
POR Small Families. Bag containing
* 401b Carrots, Beetroot, ' Swedes, or
Mixed, for 10/-. Railage ll-. 3. Gargan,
POR SALE, new Airspeed Electric Fans.
r 24in. blades. Immediate delivery.
pOR SALE." Book. "How to Bet and
r Win." worth £1, 150 pages. Explains
"How to Bet and Win." Every avenue
outlined. Send 5/3 pji. posted. Sam
Curotta, Church Street, Randwick, N-SW.
F)R SALE, three S.O. Duchesses, three
Single Beds, complete with Nets, one
Sideboard, Lino, two Kitchen Tables, Safe
Cabinet, three Washtubs, one Palm Stand.
Mrs. Gray, 68 Abbott-street, 2.30 to 5.30,
COR SALE] £2300. Two Apartment
* Houses, embracing four self-contained
Flats, centrally situated, well let at
£5/10/-' per week, excellent investment
return. Offering subject to existing
tenancies.' Particulars apply Woodward
pOR SALE, at Clearing Price, 4-cylinder
*. 1929 Dodge Utility, good running order,
six nearly new - tyres, steel body, new
hood, good appearance. Fixed price £98.
teil at near offer. W. Tekaat, ,365
pOR SALE, two I9in. Wire Wheels of
i r Baby Austin, also Motor Cycle Slde
; car, fits Harley Davidson, with very good
400 x 19in. tyre. Will Tekaat, 365
- pOR SALE, at Clearing Price, Dodge
* Tourer, 1930 Standard Six, good order,
good appearance. Fixed price £124. Sell
£100 or near offer. Wai Tekaat, 365
pOR SALE, Upholstered Lounge Suite,
1 extra rubber cushions', practically new.
Kitchen Suites; Breakfast Room Suites,
in cream and green; Kitchen Safes: Ice
- Chests: .Linen Press: Wardrobes; Duch-
esses, in Oak, Maple and Pine; Oak Dining
Boom Suites; Walnut Dining Table and
eight Dining Chairs, two Corners, six
plain, all upholstered lift-out seats;
Nice Sideboards; many other Unes, all
priced lust right, and in good condition.
At K. Kinnons, 28-30 Aplin-street. Phone I
COB SALE, 18 Ducks and. Drakes, fit for
table. What offer ? Apply, Box C82,
COR SALE, Gray Utility. 1930 Model, two
r spares. Pegged price £65. Will take
£45. ' Can inspect L. James, Suicide Bend.
COR SALE, Khaki Drill and White Duck
r Tailored Suits, Trousers, Shorts, waist
35 inches. Owner outgrown same during
anny service. Apply Box C57, this office.
TOR SALE. Electric Vacuum Cleaner,
r complete ' with accessories, first-class
condition; also G.E. three-speed Electric
Desk Fan. 12 inch. Box C53, this office.
TOR SALE, New Sanitary Pedestal, com
r píete with Chemicals; ideal for week-
end cottage; also two good Riding Saddles
FOR SALE, as new, 1 Saxophone, 1
r Trumpet, 1 Cornet, all perfect order
COR SALE, Modern Villa at comer of
r Smith .and Lrke streets. Septic and
own water supply Immediate posses-
sion. Further details apply A. J. Draper
TOR SALE. Watermelons, 10/- per bag,
r cash with order, sidings add freight
G. Shaunessy, P.O. Bilwon. .
COR SALE. Fence Posts. Further par
ticulars ring A. Fanna, PLone 27.
COR LEASE, 120 acres Corn Land, por
* tlon under crop last year, balance
under grass 2-3 years Complete working
plant if necessary. Immediate possession.
Inspection arranged. Reg. McAuliffe and
Company, Atherton, Phone 130. Box 164.
«TOUNTAIN Pens Repaired. New Barrels
1 Sacs, Clips. Feeders Gold and Steel
Nibs. For full particulars, inquire or write
to De Luxe Ba; Store 62 Lake-street
COR SALE.. Tents, Flys, Canvas Covers.
r Galv. Buckets, Dixies, Anny Kitchen
Ware. 44-gal. Drums, and Used Telephone
Wire. Railed anywhere, ? Satisfaction from
Harry Thompson.. General Dealer. Ma-
COR SALE, Dairy Business, with 80
r gallon daily retail connection, 65 head
good grade Milkers. Well equipped Dairy,
including Milking Machines. Delivery
Carts and Plant complete. For further
particulars ayply Box C65. this office.
COR SALE Mb lasses Grass Seed oem
r season's seed. 2/6 lb Ci sh witt) order
COR SALE. Ha-8 h.p. Petrol and Kero
r sene Reconditioned Engines. Reg. Mc-
Auliffe St Company, Robert-street Äther
COR SALE, new Ladies' and Gents
r . Cycles; also Cycle Accessories ir
stock. George Harris for first-class work-
manship. 345 Sheridan-street, Box 323
COR SALE, Ford V-8 Car, 1938 model
.good running order.. Pegged .price
£270. Apply V. Concbriho, Mirriwinni. .
COR SALE, Household Electric Reîrig
* erator, 4',4 cubic feet capacity, perfec
working order. For further particular
apply to Box C60. this office. _
ture. Inspection after 2 p.m. 201
COR SALE, Electric Welder, portabli
* 150 amps, powered by V-8 motor
needs - doing up. Priced at £35. Anpl;
Central Garage. Phone 3026. . '
COR SALE. 1935 Terraplane Tourer" Cai
r five good tyres, engine "perfect, ne«
battery. PJ». £147. Apply Centra
CORD Locking - Petrol Caps, Split Pta!
*. Spring .Washers, Fibre Washers, Vu!
canising Patches, Fuel Filters, at F. £
UYDRAULIC Jacks, Nasco, 2 ion, 3, 5
"and 7 ton available Immediately, at F.
Ireland's Parts Department, Cairns.
UAY RAKES, new 8 foot "Mitchell"
11 Hay Rakes now on hand. These sturdy
Rakes suit either sugar or maize. PJiace
your orders early as stocks are limited.
? (Authorised Agents stace 1930) expect
first consignment of Army release Harley
Davidson Motor Cycles about end of
October; 1942 "750" Models, fully recon-
ditioned. £105 cash. Book your order
now for earliest delivery _.
INK DRUMS for Sale. Hold about 441
? gallons. Cairns Post Pty. Ltd.
I IUS1 released Ultra-mud era ne» typ* I
J Milking Machines, worth while feat-
ures too.'numerous to mention Call at]
[our «how roam and see one working
Reg. McAullfTe and Co. Robert-street
I MCCORMICK-Deering W30 Tractor, tn I
"l good condition Done very little work
Apply Henry Kattenberg, or Reg. Mc
Auliffe and Co.. Phone 130. Atherton
MOLASSES Grass Seed. 2/6 pet lb. ca*h I
1TI with ordei, J Bartley. Myola
MALVERN Stai Bicycle» avaUable tro-1
l" medlaieiy to essential user» Turne» |
Agpncles Phnnr 123 Atherton_
ORRIS Brothers, 106 Lake-street Box |
882. Phune 2450. Commission Agents.
Property Salesmen. General Dealers New I
and Reconditioned Furniture_
WOXALLS: "Swish I Gee 1 What was
11 that, a V.2Î" "Struth, no; that was
a Noxall Army "Norton.* You can buy
one for £57/10/-, fully reconditioned for
£76. plus price for painting, at Noxall's."
MOXALL'S: Wdw 1 In a month's time
" we can offer you "B.S-A." "Indian."
"Norton" and "Harley" War Model Motor
Cycles, "B.S.A " £76. "Indian" £95,
"Norton" £76, "Harley" £105. Those
prices are for fully: reconditioned mar
chines. No terms available._
WOXALL'S: Noxall's Leather Dye and
1X Leather Coat Dressing will make your
Leather Coat waterproof and like new.
Don't wait, do it now and be ready for
the wet season. Noxall's. ?
lUOXALL'S: NoxaU's offer a 10-20 Mc
11 Cormick-Deering Tractor Engii.e. very I
suitable for launch, with Impulse Magr
neto, in good order, for only £30 See
pLENTY of Fresh and Cooked Fish at |
r the Cairns Fish Supply.
MYAL Baby Powder. Maltagen Sugar oil
MUK . Gripe Specific Vi-MaJt. Pen»
Mullion. Halivei Malt Vicks Vaporut)
Milk (Emulsion also Bemas at. D i
Moynahan Chemist. Cairns ?
MAIL Polish (all colours), Polish Re
4* mover. Hair Lacquer. Macassar Oil I
(red or yellow). Brilliantines. Curlypet,|
full range Lournay Cosmetics, Hair Dye,
Hair Pencils, Eye Brow Pencils, Elondingl
Emulsion, Goldsheen. Llpglo, now avail-
able at McBride's Pharmacy._
pARADICHLOR llarge and small). Novo
*? sol Antiseptic. Kolynos Tooth Powder
Carbolic Tooth Powder. Citronella Com-
pound. Street's Cockroach Powder, Fly
Tox .and Fly Sprays, at D J. Moynahan
PIT,KS and Varicose Veins may now be]
r eliminated, with Bios Number One.
This latest remedy contains no drugs or
poisons, and may be taken by invalids
or children Bios Number One is packed
m a small size for 5/6 or a complete
course for 20/- Bios is obtainable at
McBride's Pharmacy. Abbott-street.
pEARLS and Pearl Ear Rings. Crystals.
r Diamonte Ear Rings. Pendants. Crosses
and Chains. Baby Brooches. Musical
Blocks.- Ladies' Hair Brushes. Signet
Rings, Opal Pendants. Coloured Necklets
and Ear Rings to match Fobs, Ear Rings
and Brooch Sets. Hair Combs. Rosary
Beads and Mother Brooches now on dis-
play at the "De Luxe Bae Store."
CEE K KINNON'S 28 Aplin-street foi |
" all your House Furnishings; bedroms
dining rooms, lounges and kitchen Ali
good, solid articles, at reasonable prices
" for immediate delivery 9ft Hay Rakes
All Sizes McCormick-Deering «land or
Power .driven Separators See 'them at |
their Showrooms. Robert-street Atherton
I CELL, Beautiful 5-Plece Maple Bedroom I
Suite; also Lady's Malvern Star Free-1
wheel Bicycle and Gent's Speedwell Rac-
ing Bicycle/ tyres nearly new, splendid
condition. Also 8 Black Orpington Lay-
ing Pullets. Paget. 7 Archer-street, ofi*|
CCHOOL Drawing Books, Xmas Stock
tags. Traced Linen. Wedding Decora-1
tions, Toys. Wolff's, opposite De-Luxe
CCISSORS (six inch). Ladies' and Gent's
? Hair Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Tooth
Brushes, Sim Goggles, Torch Bulbs and
Cycle Batteries. Teething Rings, Tweezers
and Nan Files, now in stock at McBride's
TENNIS Rackets Repaired and Restrung
* by our experts; also stocks Cricket
Material. Sporting Goods, at Whlttlck'S
TRAVELLING Bags, tn Canvas and
* Leather, with Zipp Fasteners, Over-
night Bags, .Shoppers, School Bags White
Beach- Bags,\Leather Document Cases
Learner Writing Cases, Wallets, Tobacco
Pouches',: Zipp ipurses. Cigarette Lighters.
Watch Covers and Straps and a large
range- of .latest Handbags now available
at "Die Luxe Bag' Store, 82 Lake-street,
rOK »ALK «MU 'WANTED »tl «Ut
TIN PLATES. Sd. each: Enamel Plates.
.2/- each: Enamel Mugs, 1/9 each; Uka
Ant set, 3/8 set; Raven Oil, M. bottle;
Leather Soles and- Heels, i/o pair, at
UT ANTED, 200 Gros Michel, 300 Mons
"Marie Banana Plants. Ring 7.
U/ANTSD to buy arneb throw-cai
*» beering oompieta, tot . uss inter
national C-30 Apply 1 Ripley Toi gi
WANTED to euy any quantity ot fur-
niture. Croc lt er». Toola Bikes Good
cash prices given at K Kmoon's ts
WANTED, Garage Equipment, all types.
Apply Tully-Motors, Tully. "
UTE HA VT PLXASUBE m announcing
TT that wa are , again to a position tc
cater for a limited number of Wedding
and Birthday Parties Cominos The
Horn» nf Quality »nd Service_.
ty/EDDING and Birthday Cakes ol oui
ANTED, Tin Trunks (two) or Large
Suitcases, ta good repair. Apply Box
WANTED. Rugby Four Engine, or Parts
for. same, any model. Noxall Motors
Phone 2890. or Box 841. P P.. Cairns;
ANTED to Buy, Sewing Machine, any
make. Box Q8, this office._
WATCHES, Alarm and Bedroom Clocks,
" guaranteed order, at 82 Abbott-street.
1941 FORD, V-8 Utility, type 305 Coupe,
A well, type body, . 'fahr order; Fixed
price £318. Apply Pat White. Little
ALL Building Repairs done. Apply Lang
and Martin, 148 Abbott-street, or
FOR Brick. Concrete and all classes of
Plastering, including Fibrous : Plaster
Ceilings and Walls. Fences Graves, Paths.
Floors, Drains and Septic, ring. 2848.. be-
tween 8 ajn and 5 om., or call C. . J
IMMEDIATE Radio Repairs, leading Inter
1 State Radio Engineer, iate AXF. 232
PAINTING Done, contract or otherwise.
* Apply Box Qlè, this office._.
THOS FARRAHER, Blacksmith, Wheel
* wright. Motor Spring Specialist and
Body Builder, Spence-street, Cairns.
MEDICAL Supplies at lowest prices
? Confidential correspondence invited
Absolute, orlvacy. assured Medical ' Sup-
plies Co. Dept 4, 231 Edward-street
CPENU you) Vacation ai Fort Uouglas
? Fishing parties ca terco tot at Centrai
Hotel. Boats and- bait . secured. Bing
DECOME a Proficient Dancer.. Learn at
the "Acme" School oí Dancing, old
time and new vogue, every Tuesday night
at the '"Regal" Hall. 8 o'clock. Fee 2/-.
Ladies Free for a limited period. Private
lessons by arrangement. _ ;
CLOCUTÏON, Dramatic Art, Correct
Speech, Stage Craft, Deportment.
James M. Gray. Studio, National Bank
TENDERS are hereby Invited for the
PURCHASE for REMOVAL of the old
This is a very large building containing
a considerable. quantity of hardwood and
softwood timbers, in good condition.
Inspection by arrangement.
The highest or any tender not necea
Tenders will close with the undersigned
on WEDNESDAY, 31st OCTOBER, 1845.
Licensed Auctioneer and Commission :
P.O. Vox 8. BABINDA. Phone 23.
As Agent for the Commonwealth'Dis-
posals Commission, TENDERS are called
for-the purchase of the Inter-Island small
Freighter-type vessel. VIEYA, length 47
feet, beam 17 feet, draft 325 feet, pow-
ered with a Six-cylinder Chrysler Marine
Diesel Engine, of approximately 100-h.p.,
now lying beached and in a damaged
2. -Vessel is offered for purchase as and
where she lies, and no guarantee as to
seaworthiness or condition is given by or
on behalf of the Commonwealth.
3. -Tenders will close at 2 p.m. on 2nd
NOVEMBER. 1945. at the Office of the
Naval Officfir-ln-Charge, King-s'jeet;
Townsville, where tender forms may be
obtained and Inspection of vessel - ar
Dated this I5th dav of October,-1945.
Neva! Offlcer-in-Charee. Tmmmm» I
"THE MAIN ROADS ACTS. 1920 to 19347' ;
TENDERS are invited for CONSTRUC-
Banyan Creek at 1700ft.. i/25ft. 4/32ft..
l/23ft Soans x ?nft. between Kerbs, on
Specifications may be obtained from
the Main Roads Commission Office, at
Townsville, or from the undersigned, at
Envelopes endorsed "Tender for.
30/5/7," should bfi Pddressed to the
. ^Chairman. Cardwell Shire Council, Tully,
and should be accomcanied by a pre-
liminary" dpnoslt or bank cheque
.?quailing 2>i¡ ner cent, of the amount of
the tennVr. With «"ach Tender, samóles
- (as specified) of all ro¡>d-maklng ma-
terai are to be submitted.
The lowest, or any tender. not neees
Closing da'f. rRTOA" 18th NOVEM-
ADVANX Announce that as from the I
" 15th Inst' all Spare Parts are now Free I
of Control, Batteries excepted. Telephone!
A DVANX are now staffed and equipped
" to give an improved Auto Electrical
Service, and will undertake the complete
I rewiring of all cars and trucks in con-
junction with our usual service of mag-
neto, starter and generator overhauling
and armature rewinding. Phone 2192.
AFTER being closed for over a week
" The Heatherview Cafe. Spence-streel
ls again open for meals; also Fish and
I Chios, from fl.30 am to 11.30 p.m daily
A COMMODIOUS reading room, replete
" with latest newspapers, periodicals
and magazines is available to subscribers
of the School of Arts, in addition to the
circulating library containing 12.000 books
Subscription 20/- per year, 10/- per half
DOOKS. Novels and Magazines Ex
chanced for threepence and two-
pence. Exchange Book Shop, 38 Spence-1
TVEPOSITS received from ld upwards,«
*J the Calms Penny Savings Bank.
Open week days 9 ajn to 4 pm Open
Saturdays B a m to 12 noon at office of
the Secretary. J Bunnan, next Schoo) of
Arts Building. Shields-street
CAREX, Dettol. Vlcks Vaporub; Gludodin
*? Novosol, Vi Malt Laxettes. Petrolager,
Lanoline, Camphor Ice. De Witts Pills, 1
and Martin's Diasthma, now in stock at |
Moynahan's Pharmacy. Calms.
POR Gravel Filling. Furniture Removing
1 Ring 3174 H Bird Edge Hill
p A MCDOUGALL. Carrier . Gordon
v*' vale. Phone Ul. wish ea to notify the
public that he now bas a depot at John
Arbuckle1!. Lake-street. Cairns, none
3223. AH deliveries to Gordonvale and
district given prompt attention
A MCDOUGALL. Gordonvale. Phone 1
lU. Carrier Contractor, has Cord
Wood, River Silt. Grave) and Sand Furni-
ture BlOylng a speciality_
PERFUME I Parisian Noa 4, 5 and 8,
Evening in Paris, Cologne. Amber I
Cologne, Crepe Myrtle Cologne, large andi
small, Cashmere Bouquet Cologne, Eliza-1
beth Arden Cologne and Elizabeth Arden I
Skin Tonic, from D. J, Moynahan.1
STOP SMOKING In S days. Success
guaranteed. . Thousands cured.. Send
stamp for Free Booklet and Instructions.
C P. Elwood, Box 2444. CM».O, Sydney.
Situations Wanted and Vaeeat. For Sale
and Wanted to'Buy, Tb Let and Wanted.
Lost and Found, Board' and Lodgings
banded in during Office. Hours (t ajn. to
Words Once »Times 6 Timas
Consecutive insertions and Prepaid
Advertisements for Labour of all classes
for insertion in -Tlie Cairns Post*' must
be submitted in duplicate to ihe Nations!
Service Officer. Labour Bureau. Cairns,
who will endorse those approved render-
ing them acceptable for oublteatlon.
WORTHERN Plywood' Rty.'Ltd, Plywood I
and Veneer Manufacturers. Lyons-1
street, require Female' Senior Labour.f
Apply National Servioe,. Officer._
WORTHERN Plywood Pty. Ltd., Lyons
" street, require Senior Male Labour fori
Veneer and Plywood work: also-men ex-1
perienced in handling log». Apply I
National Service Officer _
UT ANTED, Washerwomen, over 45 years,
" half day weekly. Apply 17 Minnie
WANTED, General Farm Hand, tractor
and horse work; constant job, sober,
reliable man. £6 per week. Box C59.
WANTED, Smart Waitress for .Criterion
Hotel. Apply National - Service
WANTED by Gunnawarra Station. Male
cr Female Cook; excellent wages and
conditions, electric light quarters, etc
Apply in first instance.: National Service
WANTED, one General for , Central
Hotel. Gordonvale... Apply National
Service Officer. Gordonvale.
ANTED, for Grand Hotel, Atherton.
General, preferably'capable of , reliev-
ing Cook one day weekly. Excellent
wages and conditions. Apply National
Service Officer, Atherton, or Phone 80.
WANTED, Housemaid-Laundress for
Riverview Hotel, Innisfail. Apply
National Service Officer. Innisfail ; or
WANTED, two good Chippers on Cane
Farm. Board supplied. A. -Mrosk.
ANTED. Woman, over 45 years, for
Part Time Cleaning: of City Office:
Apply Box C64, this office._v_
ANTED, Qualified Mechanic for Garage
Work. Knowledge of tractor work,
and oxy and electric welding an advant-
age. Apply Babinda Central Agencies,
WIDOWER wants Reliable Housekeeper.
Wages 30/- per week and keep. Apply
G. R. Roberts, Upper Byrne-street
" ANICS by Department oí Works and
Housing, Townsville, as under :-«
Award rates will be paid to suitable
applicants. . Applications to be forwarded
Dept. of Works and Housing,
Box' 496, P.O., Townsville.
QENTLEMAN requires Board, private
residence preferred, ' handy to station
or West End district. If possible. Box
C86, this office. , . ..'
rjORENEE SALON. - SS Lake-street
specialises tn all Permanent Waving ,
Tinting; Setting and Trimming Phone
3004 for your appointment ?__ "
UUGHES Specialist! .ia Eugene Wella I
** Steam Frederic Haeder. Giles Fifth |
Avenue Waves. Thelma McKenzie Prop
TYAISIE REID, Ladle» Hairdresser. «11)1
take appointments for Permanent
Waves and Setting, at Main-street
i ADIES We invite faa : Wella Steam I
Wiving, Oil Non-Electric Hair Styling I
at Lock's Salon. 101 Lake-street Phone |
8930 for appointments - . :
I A VOGUE. Cairns Specialisms tn al)
**' types ot Permanent Waving Salon
right opposite' Boland"!. Phone 1019 for
** wishes to notify all clients that they
have REMOVED premises to SB LAKE
Phone 3004 for your appointment
rjORENEE Chiropody--Salon; 55 Lake
street, combined, with Cornee Hair-
dressing Salon. Phone 300* for your'
I OST, Wallet. Will finder please return
to Police Station. Reward.
I OST, Sum of Money between Bunda
street and Plaza Pictures, Friday night.
Will finder please return 114 Bunda
I OST. City, Brown Sports Coat, Returned j
from Active Service Badge attached. I
containing papers valuable to owner.)
Liberal reward. Box. Q15. this office.
I OST. one Brown Wallet containing per-1
*?* sonal papers. Finder please return, to |
address in wgllet. Reward._^_
I OST. Green Ear-ring, in city, belonging I
*" to set. Finden please return Box QM.1
pLEAN Furnished Flat. Will sult|
couple Have Vacancies' for Boarders.
116 Spence-street, or Phone 3084.
QAKLANDS. 105 Esplanade. Caima
Clean, cool rooms overlooking Trinity
Bay: 5 minutes to Post Office. Meils
optional Hot and cold showers. Phone
DOOMS available at Norman Parki
TY/ANTED. Furnished House or Flat,
** urgent Write Post Office Box 237.
P.O. Box 8 BABINDA Phone S3
Gross 58, Net 44, Bucklands Area.
Gross .132. Net 103. Bellenden Ker Area.
Gross 83. Net 63, Happy Valley.
Gross 59, Net 44, Happy Valley.
Gross 93, Net 70, Babinda.
DAIRY FARMS: 248 Acres, partly cleared |
and grassed, together with Buildings,
Stock, etc. Walk in. walk'out. £1200.
HOUSES: Cottage with Electric' Stove, I
£300. House on large Allotment. £475. |
House and 80 acres land, £400.
Electricity and Water Services. £210. |
Double Allotment, Martin-street, £150.
Large Allotment, over Vt acre. £150.
Allotments. 66ft. frontage, from £55 on I
Write or Ring for further particulars.
Mercantile. Shipping and Forwarding
Any of ow . Branch a» will tte pisasen toi
«hm« Ouotatiens «nd Patterns on ap-1
Customs Shipping. : Foi wauling. Genere1
Carriers and Produce Merchants
Agents for Commercial Onion Assurance I
Coy Ltd. The Prudential Assurance Coy
Ltd Life Department. A .CF and Shirley |
30 cwt. to 6 tons, doubl* or single reda» I
rion axle. Tippers and Table Top. fitted I
witto Itt t and 94 « 7 tyres. Terms
Phon« 108 ATHERTON P.O.' Box 18
Maize Mixed and iMliy Propertiai tur
nit. Auction Sale* conducted In' any
FLO. Box U Phones 2188-9«
Fire Insurance National insurance Co
Life Assurance. National Mutual Life
Assurance -of Australia Ltd - .
Wills and Estates Union Trustee Co of
Loans : North Queensland Morttai« and
Auctioneers and Property Salesmen',
Forwarding and General Commission
P.O Box 822 Phones 3123-3176
Members of the Rea) Estate
City Mutual .Life Assurance Society Ltd.
Insurance Office of Australia Ltd., The
Queensland Trustees Ltd. Crotty Lune
Members of the Real Estate Institute
P.O Box 833 ; . Phone 3205
Improved and Unimproved i Properties for
? Sale tn City and Suburb«
Mixed Businesses,. Hotels.. Cafes, Board:
ina Houses and Residential* _
ranna-Sugar.. Mixed and Poultry
; Full particulars and lists on application
I wish to notify-the Public that I have
Any person wishing to see me please
call at 365 Sheridan-street, Cairns.
RATEPAYERS are reminded that the
Discount Period CLOSES on the 24th
OCTOBER. 1945. All rates paid on-or
before that date will receive 5 per cent.
NEW CITY CAFE, The Mort np-tp
, date and Cleanest Place in Town,
now under the New Management of the
oonular and wen known MR. JIM BOT
SOLCS. will from now on serve Meals at
all hours, including late nippers. Dont
forget to give us a visit and we are sure
yon,will never regret it as '«tr vtrviee
ls equal to the best tn town._ -
Overhauia and Repairs to an makes ot
once Equipment «nd Instruments
Type writers. Calculating and Adding Ha '
chines. Cash Register« and - Dictating
. AU maka« ox (Scientific equipment
Microscopes. Barometers. ' Theodolites
Dumpy Levels and Binocular«_
At home make gorgeooa - Floral Jewellery
and home novelties. Simple-for ; young
and old Tree working: outfit and ? ? ma-
terials.. Postage paid. (No coupons).
Profit by spare hours. Don't delay..
Dept CA15, 67 Castlereagh-street,
: CONSUMERS are again reminded, that
the hours for the watering", of gardens
and lawns are as follow:- _. -,
time EXCEPT between the hours of
S: o m. and 7 pin. on every day of the
, the hours of 5 a.m. and 7 ajn., and be-
tween the hours of 7. p.m. and '9 pm
Any person found watering contrary
to'the above will have their water supply
CUT OFF. and the service will not be
restored until all expenses have been paid.
These restrictions remain in force until
otherwise notified by advertisement, and
consumers are advised to cut out this
notice and paste it up for future
NOTICE is hereby given that in pur-
suance of By-law 654 Chapter 31 (a) the
following restrictions have been imposed
oh the use of water from the Council's
In the Gordonvale Water Area, the use
of sprinklers, fixed hoses or .watering of.
gardens, lawns or any place by any
method other than by. bose held in the
hand, is prohibited except ' between the,
In the Babinda and Redlynch Water
Areas the use of . sprinklers, fixed hoses
or watering of gardens, lawns or any
^ce by any method other than by hose
d in the hand, is prohibited except
between the following hours:
There is no restriction on the use of
water for watering gardens by hose held
in the hand in any of these water areas.
Further NOTICE is given that it is the
Council's intention to PROSECUTE AMY
PERSON committing a breach of these
îKo further warning will be given.
£10 will be paid tor. INFORMATION
that wiU lead to the RECOVERY of quan-
tity of Timber and other Building Material
removed without authority ¿rom Brick
Cottage under construction in Woodward
street, Edge Hill, Cairns.
. T.' B. O'MEARA tc SONS.
., ., S pan. Admission 2/-.
? Reservations. Phone 2245 or 2040.
nationality, born at Zörbig, province of
Saxony, Germany, and resident 33 years
in Australia, now residing at Innisfail,
North Queensland, intend ? to apply for
naturalisation under "The Nationality Act
iBofrltt ! Bottle*! BottlM !
Don't' Throw Your,. Bottles ava\
heil von can SEL I TH FM at
Ji EfBideni and ralthfui Service/oavt
Enabled Ma to Gain Your Confidence -
Yon Can Always oe Assured ol th»
;.- - Same Efflcieni Senrlea
pfAll Car and Kadio Types on hind.)
I . . al- ?>", i II« - -. ? -?
¿37 McLeod-street, Cairns
Phone 2792 CATRN8 Bo* 459.
. for,'infbrmation re passages
c/o Bunn; Philp and Co., CAIRNS
« Thrice Weekly Sydney-Lae and
Douglas Airliners leave Cairns-for
Port .Moresby and Lae each Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. \ : . .
Full particulars from Traffic Rep-
e/o Burns, Philp & ' Co., Cairns.
Telephone,2044. ??. :v. ?.;?./??,,,,
Cremation Arrangements Directed
Dome, .Artificial and Natural
v Day or Night. Phone No. 2402.
i Not» narc accommudaaon foi -pas*
1 .eileen to TOWNSVILLE MAC-
deosrttn* CAIRNS at 6 sm and
Phone 3107 . or 3108 for reset
rations-after hours 3078.
Country passengers contact yon
G. Groundwater _ - Ingham
S. M. Standen. «. «. Cooktown
E. Venables - ~ _Innisfail -
P. Sommers -. -. ~~ Atherton
Ml» M. ll Dawson, Gontomk
In. the Bunnerong ; Strike,
Federal Ministers were deeply
concerned by the possible Polit-
ical effect (nothing else mat-
tered) of the industrial up-
heaval, and repeat that this
strike is entirely à matter for
the State. Of course this has
happened all through the'War,
one Government1 blámed the
other. Now Mr. Chifley has
ordered the mea back to work,
but it remains to be seen what
effect this will have. A change
of Government is the only thing
which will bring any lasting
The Northern Country' Party, -
conducted anywhere in the North with
; promptness and efficiency.
List Your, Farm with me for Sale. . I
have Buyers waiting. Buyers also contact
the Live Wire Agent for the Farm you
Phone 75. After Hours 27. P.O. Box 50.
Agent: "Tasma" Superior Radio and Elec-
trical Appliances, Union : Assurance
We have just landed a large Con-
signment-^ of "ERG" ' Batteriesr-Car
and Radio Type-Truck and Car type
Priority 1 to 6 inclusive. RADIO
Cur. McLeod and Florence Streets.
regulations are. now avail-
Cotnmerrial fVmtevs and Jj
?a If the stock pattern does not ?
i match. your payroll deductions 5
Envelopes can be printed sped.. ?
Mtjd* in Awttrarm by Lust* Hosiery Ltd.