ST. RITA'S CONVENT. - OFFICIAL OPENING. BABINDA CEREMONY. - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954) - 12 Dec 1945 (original) (raw)
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Wed 12 Dec 1945 - The Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954)
BABINDA, Dec.' 9.-^-8t. Bita's Con
vent School was opened this afternoon . {
bv His Lordship Bishop Heavey, in .
-the presence of over 300 persons. Bus :
Lordship entered the building attended
Kev. Father McCarthy, O.S.A., _ in
his addess of welcome, said: "It
great' pleasure for me to extend a weRi
come to His Lordship, Fathers from!
Cairns, Gordonvale, Innisfail and Tully
and also the visitors present from
other parishes to show appreciation of
the work we are doing. We are' all
pleased His Lordship, has recovered
sufficiently from his illness to be with
us to-day. He'will be remembered as
taking an interest in Babinda in its
earlv' days and he still does so.
"Our -teachers (Sisters of Merey)
are fully qualified and highly accom-
plished. In addition to the ordinary,
curriculum of school subjects they ex-
cel in the cultivation and preservation
cf the liberal arts-speech, music, sing
.lng-together with commercial .enb
?6^ « The opening to-day is a decided
step forward for the town and district
and I think we are doing our part to-
ward development. Many, people i(>
not realise that to assist with this
school is an '. investment in the' North
of Queensland and for the benefit, of
the district as a whole. W0 hope to
have domestic science-incorporated' in
this school at a later daté. We réalisé -
theré are ..many who do not want de
nominátionaí schools^ You have' fret
dom ' of democracy in. this country and
I hope Australia" will'retain that demo-
'J Statistics show it costs the Gov-
ernment £11/18/9 per annum to educate
a child in the State school and as there
are' some 30,000 children " attending
Catholic schools, we save the Govern-
ment abont £360,000 per annum. We
educate to the'standard of the State.
"Our school , buildings in varions,
towns and .cities, were tho -first to be '
taken over for militarypurposes in the
war; years. ' We claim Government as-
sistance should be forthcoming for
building, ' maintainance". and staffing.. ,
"We are confined by regulation re-
garding building, but when completed
thc estimated cost of this school will
be £3500. The finances of this parish
are good and, we'have secured a Pres-
bytery so our obligation- now is con-
fined, to the clearing of debt on this'
school. We have paid into the fund
i £1000 besides ,£450 from our queen
competition, thus .nearly half the re-
quired amount is in hand, and I ap-
peal to-you .this afternoon to help us
with further subscriptions. This is the
first time in five years I have made
snell a public appeal. I would like to
pay . a tribute to the. architect, Mr.
Barnes, contractors, T. B. O'Meara and
Sons, their- foreman and workers for
the work so far completed."
Father McCarthy'apologised for non-
attendance ~ this afternoon of Messrs.
W. J. Biordan, MÄR, S. Jones
(R.S.8.AJ.L-.A.), and W. C. Griffin
(chairman of the .Mulgrave Shire
Brother Claude said that the Marist
Brothers might be carrying on at
Babinda when the work becomes too
heavy for the Sisters. The musical
items rendered reflected credit on the
.children and their teachers. He hoped
His Lordship would regain his health
,and spend many . years here.
His Lorship in declaring the school
open said: "It is with great pleasure
that I now 'declare this 'school open
for the purpose of education of child-
ren, particularly of Bàbinda and dis-
trict. 'It is a fitting place for educa-
tion. The musical ability this after-
noon was good and I think the other
work will 1|e 'equal The ability and
zeal of Father McCarthy is to be com-
mended J I wás here just after tho mill
first. commenced .crushing. I regret I
am" not" able, to speak very much, but
it is with very great pleasure I declare
' During ihe afternoon'musical items
rendered were by tho' children's choir,
pianoforte duet and violin selections
by the children, and-violin selections
T>y Mr. Séwell (Sydney), accompanied
by Miss J. Satohwill. Misses Mary
Seuble, and .Lydia De'-Brnevs were
the accompanists for the children's
The proceedings closed with thc
National Anthem, after which the
building was open for inspection.
Afternoon tea was served to the
The building is a two-siorey bries
structure, 70ft. long by .30 ft. wide ani
is roofed with corrugated fibre cement
Attention has been paid to secure th«
fullest ventilation and electric lighl
has been installed throughout.- At thi
rear of the building proper, addi
tjonal space has been provided on botl
noora so that the' children may plaj
there without going out into the wei
during rainy weather. A septic systen
is provided. There is quite an amoun
of work yet to be done, but it is hope«
this will be completed iá'íimó for th
opening of the 1946 school, year.
Later, Father McCarthy., announce!
that in response to his appeal £63
had been subscribed during thé aftéi