Advertising - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 9 Mar 1853 (original) (raw)

Wed 9 Mar 1853 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Page 5 - Advertising

WM. "WATSON, Wheelwrightj, from

Black Heddow, near Cap lstown,- if

rcque-ted to commuiiicata with his] uncle.

" W. L. Watson, Beltast, Pott Fairy. I

Belfast, 6th Febiuary, 1853. 18276.

WILLIAM LUFF, or Mr. Wilson, latelv

»rrived by flin baiquo Windeimere, will

-oblige Mr Luif, senior, by sending their ad

-drers to Griflitln, Lamont, and Co., 30,

Flinders-lane, w\st. ;2S32

J F this should -meet the eye of Thomas

Htwitson, (oi any one would givo any

information rcsp. cting him), he will lvar of

his friend .lames Waul, by apph ing to Mr. It

Bobeits, Butcher, King-street, Molbou no.

IF this should met t the eye nf David Smith,

who arrived her- in tho Marco Polo, he is

requested to write or come to Geelong, as his

wife's mother nnd family, fiom Dumfries, have

arrived thero; addies». Agnes Anderson, care

«f Mr. D. Carr, Yaua-stieet, Geelong.

MR. E. FOWLER.—A cask for above-

named per Wandsworth, from Lon-

don, can be obtained, by applying at the store

of Mc-sis. Gill, Fowltr, and Co., Little C.1

lins-rticet, on p'oof of owueiship and psvment

LI-RED~SADDINGTON will hear of

sometbing to his advantage by eom

mimicting immediately with Owen Kemp,

80, B< urke-ttfeet, east. Melbourne, Mai cb

IF this should meet the eye of Mr. John

Reading, hu will oblige by writing to his

friends in Van Diemen'» Land, who aie anxious

to hear li rim him. 111477

IF THOMAS FINLATER has arrived in

Melbourne, from Ireland, he will hear of

his sister, by addressing to William Carpenter,

Spring Creek Diggings. Ovens River, 26333

JOHN, Roheit, and .James bp owle,siippmi d

to be at the Mount Alexander diggings,

are hereby informed that their father John

.Bpnowle, died at Stone-Quarry, on th«. 7th De-

cember, on his lauem Humo num avdney. A

eommimii ation from their widowed mother to

this »fleet has teaih.-d Dr. A. R¿ Macdonald,

of Knockaudo, who takes this, the only method

n his powei, of conveying to them the rae

'ancholy intelligence. 15194

IF this should meet tit« «ye of II. Bush, he

will find J. S. HnltN, «U 65, S*,m l.iii

«tt'ect, Melbourne; H. B., per Duko Welling-

ton, 1851, to S.vdney. 22183

JAMES COLLIER, formerly of Richmond,

will oblige W. B. Burnley, by informing

him where he can be found ; direct care of

Stubbs and Son, Mart, Queen-street. 21492

SUOULD tlie two «ingle women who have

been some time in the servie« of Mr. Baw

' tree at St. Kilda, still want places, they are re-

quested to call at this otKce. 17501

F th'u. should m«. t »he eye of MURDOCH

OALLEN he wi 1 hear of his brother John,

whoairived per Thro» Dells, by enquiring for

O ames Kerr, at Mr. Norton's, Collingwood j

IP this should meet the eye ef THOMAS

WALKER, ho can find hi« broth-r

Dani. 1 Walker, by enquiring at Mr. M'D, iiKall't

Store. Iron Uni k Gul ly, B -ndigo. 22»)3

IF, Mr. H. F. WARD, Irom Adelaide, will

call on Russell and Turner, City Medical

Hall, 173, Elizibeth street, Melbourne, he will

hear of something to ids advantage. 224*1

BEN NEVIS.-Che.rlfis Daws is reqtifsted

to call at Dr. Gre* ve» again, or si Leire

and Poets', Kardinia-street, Geelong.

IF anv person cm pi ve any information re-

specting Mr. THOMAS FOSTER, (car-

penter,) pissengor per Dmap'ire, at Mr. ltibin

son'sstoe, No. f>, VUikct-.-qnare, opposite the

Clarendon Hotel, his sister, who has not hea'd

«f him siiuo his arrival, will feel greatly obliged.

JOHN GODDE, Plumber and Painter, from

?t- lli'lbi'iugl.ton. Send your address to the

office ot th'» pup.-! ; yon m ty receive a package

from home; »"-dress Bil mi ¡if hum: any infor-

mation ra-pc-cting thu above will obligo.

LIA'ERI'OOL.-Alexander Cornuick w'ni

oblige h's frit-nil Willum Haneo by

calling or sencl'ii* his addre-s to .1 mid S.

Tomlinsons, saw'ers and lepaircis, l8,

Maiket-nquaro, wes», Mu bourne. 23401

T SMART from AVillonhsll, can hear from

. hw brother, by applying to the. Swan

Hotel, Collingwood. Mcllvunic. 23123

rTpHO.UAS M »GUlUh, your bollier has

JL arrived: write to me, add'essiug care

Messrs. N. and li. Guthrdgo, Flindi »-lane.

Han any frieud heard of him late y ?--.'. E.

MR. RUSS, from Cape of Good Hopo, is

now staying at l'oient Creek, Mount.

Alexander; all letteis itiiected to him at the

Poat-oflico theio will meet with attention.

ROBERT ANDERDON, hilo of California,

will hear of Win. li-ivell. from Kmnaiid,

Se it land, by applying to L. D. L., ofl*ue of ibis

AS. FK1GIX8 will reo-iv« a lott-r an if a

pn-ei'l fmin h s f.'hcr-hi-law. Ihvehin.

Scotland, by upp!} ¡ng to L. D. L., ( ffico of this

BRISTOL-If Mr. It. .bert r-mith, of Old

Murkot-strert, 11 i-tol, will call at Mr.

S.-iinshiiry's, top ot Littlo L -iisdiiln-slieet, hu

will find* a friend, who has letters for him. '

JrF this bh'iuld meet the eve of Archilnld

[ Hall, Into of County UiidilingMi, fcVt

(ithian, Scotland, he is requested to c ni»

inunii'iito vv-iih hishiothcr Richard iiiimi'diaii'ly

at !. pring Creek, < ivens Diggings _3323

JA.MICS SUKI'HARD, til (.¡liesgnw, litt) of

Sydney, wi,I hear ol'his bollier Peter, by

enqu'ring tor Willi mi (¡I. n, at Smiih's Coffee

lli'ii-e, Caiivuw Town, Melbourne. 23308

"]V-JR- '.VI "K^, |.i-.eig r per Hannah, (Vom

It A Natal, »vill greatly oblige a pmty horn

rietji-.iiiuiiy.hitrg, by leaving his address C A.,

'i' ofliotiof this pip-r. 23"02

k',QHOULD Eil «n El-is, from Liverpool, bo

,)f Ö in the colony, sh» will hear of liri-1 elativo

Peter MaeUregi'r.iM bonni the baiquc, Florida,

or at Goingo Dienen 's, King streut, Sv di» v.

r»10 .¡UL1US li. MORTRAM, Campbell's

X Creek.-Your letter, ol' 2ist Fobiuary,

has bein leceivid nod answered this day, nd

diossed lo you as above. Enquire at the P».t

Oflkse. Win Dav, ltucdy Creek, Ovens River.

IF Messrs, ti. R. G,Miloo and lïohurts, pis

simgeis from Adelaide, per Phreni.s, are

from Ni vv York, they can h-nrof Mr. Clement

WilksJ by applying at thu Colonial lin -ei's

MR. THOMAS ADAMS. Hwmondsny.

Any poison having left I'ligh-nd since

July, and can givo (ho u-dui-sigued am- infor-

mation lespeuting the above, will gvallv oblige

Boot Makor, Fliml'i-s-lmio, east,

gil'.'fil_Opp Mt,. Ap -Ho 1 n.

W TURNER ilntu ol' Carnarvon) ; you

. w'.ll hviu'ofymir hi other bv np -Ivlng

to Bryce R-m, Foioit Creek, " 28250

RICHARD HAYHOAV, from London, hy

the ship, Severn, will hear of II. Davies,

from the Capo, at AV." Kastwoo.-.'B, 140, Off

Little Riiirko-stivel, went. 2fi.!?.l

ANTKD, A f-w exprieneod Maslinrikuiv;

apply ti li Smith, 10-i, Klixib-th

DALEY". AYRSHIRE.-lohn Cumming,

who arrived per Bhip Commodore, will

i, co"ve a letter from homo by eilling orscnd

lu\ address to J. MeGaw, Clothier, i03, bim

IF the patty who called for Miss Cross, at

No. G, Little Ltitrolie-strei't, will Ira 1 on

Mr Hains, 2-10. Lonsdde-street, cast, they can

tecoive itifoimiition concerning her. 20lot

SaoiTLD this moat tho (yo of HENRY

CLARK, lately fiom Lo .don, he is ro

(jti'-steil to call on or .onvurd his addro's to Mr.

.lohn Muir, Root Maker, 95, Flittdois-lanc,

west, Milboume, wlior« he will hear of his

cousin, Johu Crawley, of the samo place.

Ik" .INO. PlllCIC should see this ; apply by

letter to W. P., ofiico of this pspor", for

his.biother William. 23149

JOHN EVANS.-If this should meet the

eye of John Kv ,ns, lie will hear of his

blether Sam, from Totnes. Devon, by npply

ng to Mr. Hole's Saxa Horn Band, O' lling

SHOULD this meet the eye of the above, he

will hear of his brother and sister, Thomas

and Susanna Winstanley, from Manchester,

Lancashire, England, per ship Edmond, by

applying to Master of the Houseless Immi-

grants' Home, Canvass Town, Melbourne.

Tuesday March 8, 1853. 2s229

BENDIGO.- If this Mi uld meet tile eyo of

.Iniik-s and Aided Norris, fiom Wälder,

th-y will hear of theil broth-r Châties, by al

drn«ing a letter ti lum to th« Bendigo Post

Ollie.», or by enquiring of Dr. Huntei, Bendigo,

MR. .1A.M.ÍS HIGGINS, formet)y with

Jack« in and Rae will hear fiom his

friends in Scotland, on forwaiditig his address

to .lohn Kyd's atMr. Campbell's, 230,B'unko-

IF Mr. JAMES BENTLEY, of Sligo, who

clime out in the ship De'ta fiom Liverpool

in Octob jr l^st, will leave hi» address, pel hy ter,

care of II, M., office of this paper, lie will hear

of a friend from Glasguw, who is anxious to

BUOUGHTY FERRY -R. Kidd, pit-use

send vmr ndiluw to D Mac N.; he has

i etui ned to Melbourne; nJiluss to cire of

M'Corinuck and Son, 92, Bjutkc-atreet, Mel-

GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with

Private Board, and Residence, at Mr.

Maskioll's, 150, Latrobu-stroet, west, affording

them a delightful view of the Bay and Ship

CIOMFORT, cleanliness, and respectability

/ These three requisite« may be obtained

it W. Francis's, the Great Britain Boaidimt

boase, 87, Swnphui-strect. Luggage carefully

stoied. Tenus moderate. 21904

GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with

privavo Board and Lodging at Michael

Gai roll's, No. 8, Little Lonsdale-street, east, at

1'ie rear of the Cliapel In Elizabeth-street.

P.S.-First-iato attendance and comfortable bedi

TjfWO or thicK Young Men can be accoiu

JL modatad'vith the above next door to St.

Patrick's Hall, comer of Bourke and Quaur

Struot. T«t au model ato. 2L90G


has removed fiom 180, Queen-stiest to

that coiiimodiou-, house, G2, Lonsdale-street.

»est. N.B. A six-stalled sUbie to let, en-

trance Little Bomke-stieet, inquire as

VACANCIES foi a few Respectable Pe-

sons, at the new Boat ding House, 57,

Ikmrku-strtstt, east. 2-JlOi


may bo had at Wm. Heathcole's, 16G,

Stepheu-btieet, near Mr. Rowe'« American

BOARD and Lodging House, 109, Queen

street. James Lawrence Horn Capo

To« n lia.-taken thï tbeve-\v;ü kr.cwn c-tab

.ishment, where iioaidcrs will find every accom-

modation on most leasonable terms. 2Î323

r|"> A O Gentlemen may have b ard andiosi

JL dence upon appl cation to 191, Swnnston

stieet, opposite tho Hospital. 23021

OARD and Residence at W. C. Mmii

mer's, 1GG, Russell-street. 22t<GG

GENTLEMEN moy be accommodated

with comtortable and select Boaid mid

Residence, at Mrs. Knight's, 162, Gre t Col'ins


tloman can bo accommodât* d in a quiet

family, whete there ate no childten ; also, wiLh

acoaeh-house and stables, if icquired. 'ihc

apa ttnenls ate htndsomcly furnished with

evety acemmt d ition. Tim situation is do

lighifnl and aiiy. Applv to Mr*. J. S. Tay! r,

1, Sackvlllc-stie-et, Colllngwoid. 23289

AGKN'iLICUAN ejin bo accommodated

with Boaid and Residence in a private

huntly. The White cottige, Gioat Napicr

sticet, coiner of Gertrude street, neatly uppo

s'to the Swan Hot.l. 23300

ARü.bl'b.Cl'ABljE young man can be

accommodated with boaid and lodging

whete only tlueo ate taken. Apjly fitstnt'

M'lJuith's cottages, back of Piotoslaui Hall,

Little ColIms-rticet. 23133


'I luco gentlemen only, of tespcctahility,

can be accommodiited in a select family ou

u-iimm.iblo turns. Apply at 30, Yoting stieet,

(heat Brtmswick-jtreet, Collingwood.

AMARIillOD Lady and GentIcmnn, with-

out (.milly, may bo accommod.itjj with

an unfituish'-d Rovin, In a puv.ito hotisii, Ox

f ni) s io -t, Ci langwood. Apply t > Mi. Barn-

field, Apothecaries' Hall, Oxfard-stteet.

I.^IR-sT RATE Accommodations at the

Bendigo boaiding howe, No, IG, La

Trobo-atrcet, west, kept by Georgo Rodgers.


White Horse Shades, White Horse Collar«,

^pOAI KING begs to inform his friend« in

JL Molbmime, that immediately on their

»nival at Port Adelaide, they canno't do botter

than to fly immediately to his House, where

they can luxuriate upon tho best of the land.

Roast joints, coined and «pieed beef, ham,

tongue, ponltiy, game, fish, egg«, Seo.

Good luck, my boy«, I hope you'll all

i V/ ANTt'iU, Lodgings and Boaid fur one

' V mun and ii lad two yours mid a half

old. A plain quiet lcs'tdence is desired ; atl

drtss, htating teiniB, to A. W. K,, ellice of this

AGEN l'LFM \N is desirous of obtaining

Bond and Re-ideuce in a private family;

whoio tlicio ate no other lodgers would be pie

(erred. Address J. N. A., oflieu of this paper.


in n f »nilly in (jieat lliimswck-stiöet,

Collingwood, thiid door (rom Gertrude street,

mi tho right going down, houso next to the

TI LET, two room« in a ve-nndah cot-

tige, in oin o' tho b -st situations in Rich-

mond; a] pty to Mr Osloinc, adjoining AL'.

Outhiiilgi s Pleasure Galdón, uuar Bates' store,

TO RE LBT, or sold, tho House aiid Gar-

den now in the occupai i >n of tho pio

p ii'tor, Mr. Roadknight, bittiato on the bank

o''tho Bal won River, and about one milo from

Ihn mil kut square, Geelong. The house con

Urns 12 rooms, a good cellar, and eveiy other

u')nv«nienco'for a family. Attached, is .1 si.\

stilled t-tiblo, coach houje, and other out-

The Vineyard, Gatdon, and Flower Garden,

Apply to Mr. Roadknight, on the promises,

Bitwon Cicscent, Geelong. 20071

TJ LET, in tho neighbourhood of Laun-

ceston, Van Diemcn's Land, a comfort

ahlo Cottage, containing seven looms, with

kitchen, servants' 100m, coach-house, stable,

and store attached ; also, eight aeres of land

and a kitchen garden fenced in, the entilo in

the most thoiough icpiir, and fit foi- the imme-

diate reception of a rcspectablo family ; rent

vei y moderate; appiv to Wm Morton, Claren-

don Hotel, Callln-strcet, Melbourne. 20582

I7fiai ' Lon-dslc-stu-tît.

OFFICES to bo LET in Collins-rtieut.

For particulars, apply on the premises,

ti M. Joshua, 8(5, Collins-street, opposite the

Mechanics' Institute. 208*3

r|X) BIO LET, willi immediate posses-ion,

JL three rooms on the first floor of No. 8,

Cnllins-stieet, now in the occupation of the

Pint Phillip and Colonial Gold Mining Com-

pany, who are about removing to their own

piemi-es in Flindeis-lane. Apply to Messrs.

Goodman and Uuiphelby, on the premises.

'ÏX) BE LET, on Building Leases for a

X long term of jears, Allotments n Eliz.i

bt'th-otroot, La Tiobo, Little La Trobe, ai.d

í'Uecki'tt Streets. Apply T Payne,

81, Littlo Collins-street. , 20108.

'.O UK SOLD OR LET,-The unexpired ¡11

terebt, in fiist-rate business premise« in

Elizabeth-street. Apply to A. B., Post Office.

N.B.-Nono but principals need apply.

A Respectable four roomod defaulted brick

house, with verandah fi-ont and back,

with, or, without stabling, well fenced in, with

plenty of fiesli water, flouting the main street,

within a few bundled yaids of the Pier, and in

every way adapted for a respectable family.

General Registry OiTice, ?

r|10 LET, FURNISHED.-A two-roomed

L Cottage in Richmond, in a healthy situ-

ation. Apply to Mr. Rogers, Rowena-strcot,

uenr Mr. Bates', baker. 22285

TO BE LET, 011 lease, for a toi m ef fourteen

years, ten acres of land, situate in South

Yarr», with a frontage to tho Dandenong road,

adjoining the residences of H. N. Cassell, Etq ,

and Mr. Hob&on ; for particulars, npplv to

'"po BE SOLD, or to be Let on Lonso-A

X Splendid HOTEL, doing a Fir*t-Rate

Business, on the Main Road to the Diggings,

with Ten Acres of Ground, For full pal

tioulare apply to Drew de M'Kesn, C6, Bouike

rWX) LET, a Licensed Hou'e, doing a first

X rate busiiia-<-H in Geelong. For par

tiulars, apply to Philip Maine, Corio-«treel,

A NEAT four roomed stone built Cottage

with stables and coach-house, together

with three acres of a garden well stocked with

the choicest fruit trees, about twenty minutes

walk fiom the Po»t Office.

Apply at 141, Elizabeth-street, Melbourne.

P.S.-Immediate possession can be given.

TO LET, the ploughing of a paddock

about 110 acres, fieo from t tuber and

stones, two miles fiom Melbourne; apply to

AV. C. YUILLE, at Kirk's Bazaar, Melbourne,

or Sslt-AVator River. 2123o

1'LlNDEUa-STltli.tír, NaAR PRINCE'S

TO BE LET, Superior Apartments suitable

for Offices or Dwelling ; apply to \V. C.

II., at Mr. Bakci's Book Depot, Swanston-strect.

r|tU LüiT, u mruibhud hou»e at Brighton,

X containing five rooms, one acie ol'land,

and a good supply of water, closo to the sen

Apply to H. Pattcson, 12, Neave's Build-

ings, coiner of Swanston and Collins-streets.


1"^HE Undersigned will Let on LcaM> the

. following Allotments of Land, viz.,

One half acre of Land, County of Dal-

housie, Parish of Carim uhe, being allotment

No. 4 of section 4, bounded on tho west by

Wedge-sheet, and on the cast by Jelrreyb

Three half acre Allotments, Nos. 3, 4, 9, of

?«»elton 10, between Povvlott and White streets,

and Bioadhurst and Green streets.

One quarter of an acre fronting Market

street, in Section 2, being Lot 10.

The above Allotments will be Let on im

proving Leases for a term of years.

C5 and C7, Collins-Btroet ;

20694 No. 3, Groat Bnuike-street.

A TWO-STORY Brick House, containing

12 rooms, with fonr-t-tall stable and

bullock-yard, situated in King-stieet, built ex

pi.-s-lv r,,r n luiblic-houso. Immediate po=scs

-¡_<n OMI b* given. - Also to let. land coiner

King .ma iAUisdaie-stroets, on building loases.

Cornor of Flinders-lane and

_ First-rate Business Sites.

TTX) BE LET, on Building Leasos, for a

X term of Three Years, splondid Frontage»

for business (opposite the Star and Garter) on

the main road to Richmond Bridge.

For further particular», appiv to

2890G 13, Flinders-lane, west.

TO LET, at Eglington Place, Brighton,

two good sized Rooms in a vory p'eusiuit

and healthy situation, commanding a beauti-

ful view of tho sea. Apply to Jamoe Cochrane,

rW\> LET, a Small Faun, about half a mil»

X beyond the Richmond Bridge, with

river frontage, consisting of nearly 20 acres,

ila« been In cultivation, and all fenced, nndv

lor Ciupping oi'Gnidening; entry immediately.

T> UK LET, with immediate possession, n

well finished Four-roomed ? Cottage,

aii'.-ut' half-a-milo from the Post-office, on the

Flomington-road, beyond the cattle Yards. Foi

partioulars apply to Dumaresq and Robin, Lons

dale-straet, beyond Passmore'« Hotel.

"to LET, u liu-gu t-|i,re, in u mo-t ulVib c

situation, near the Wharf. Apply to

TO LET-1024 acres of Land, a portion of

the Mount. Mutha Survey, having a

fumtigo of 33 cluins to the Bay of Port

7Q ACRES of Land, at Brighton, on the

Ö Melbourne Five-mile rcsetvo; it is divided

into cultivation paddocks, aud has huts, water,

Also «lenred Paddocks, near the Beaoh, of

Apply a£ the counting house of

3ltt January, 1853. 14294

r~V\{) BS LET, with immediate possession,

A an Bon Stare, 37 f;ot by 27 feet, situate

in Bouiko stic-et, west; apply t> Henty Jen-

nings, comer of Bouike-sticet and Qucen-f ti cet.

TO bo Let for a terms of yeal«, four dairy

fauns, of from 10G to 185 actes each.

They aro part of tho late Mi-sion Station on

the'Baiwon. Tinco havo fiontsges on the

liver. For daily or agiicultuial pin poses, they

TO LET, a lnigc Sited, will adapted for

stabling or other build'ng pin poses.

Apply 1 G2, Gicat Coltitis-stteet,e'a->t. 23378 I

SIÎOP and OFFICrS to Let in Geelong. '

A spac'ous shop, with kitchen and yatd in

Gi eat Ryi lu-stn-i t ; also two offices; apply to

Mr. Hendy, at Mi. Giegor/s, Geelong. j

TO LET, the use of two looms, a two-îtall

stable, and gig shed, close ta the sea.

Enquire of Mr Belcher, Police Office. 23212

rI^O LET orSKLL, one acto of ground in

JL the brickfield, Phillip-town, two miles

fiom Melbourne ; apply to D. Mackintosh,

bucklayer, Gortitiile-ttieet, north. 234 2 |

X) LET, a Room in Little La Tiobe-stieet, '

cart, fourth door fioin Elizabeth-street. j

rW\) LET, a two-roomed House, «t Frahran,

A within twenty minutes' walk of Prince'«

Bridge. Apply toMr, Lime, Union Bank. i


To Timber Dcaleis, Merchants, Builder«, and

TO LEASE, for a term of years, as mty be

agreed upon, two entire old Government

allotment« of Land, about equal to four of the

present size Govi-niment allotment«, having I

132 feet front t < La Trobe-str««t, 180 feet ,

front to Little Lonsdale street, and a depth of '

3 '3 j feet, situated between William and King- j

This property is admirably «uited for an |

extensive timber yaid, fi,r livery «tallies, and

sale yaids, or any other butines« in which

ample space is requisite. It íb also suited for

the election of merchants' stores It is like

w'se sufriob - *> . 0 L, "jinit of a number of

wixideu Itous s being bHilt thereon, in peifect

accotdance with the requirement« of the build-

ing act. The «¡tuition is also becoming vet y

cintrai, through the i*pid extension of the city

City Mart, 4R, Collins street eai>t 23 8ft

("JW LET, a Four-Roomed llou-e and De

1. taehed Kitchen. Apply io Michael Sul-

livan, Hatp of Eiin, King-street. 23174

rT%) BE LET, in the most central part of

I Melbourne, a Stable «nd a Room ad

jo'ning. Apily to Messt«. Jackson and Pntk, .

corner of Elizabeth-street, 10, Little Bourke- I

TO LET, a very neat and genteel Family

Reridenee, situ ited in the plcnsantesi mid

healthiest patt of Collingwood; it contain« 4

Ingo Rooms, w th detached Kit-tun, willi Gig

House and ?it»ble, and large Yaid, closely j

fenced in The house is finished regal diets of I

oxpen«e, «nd »oithy the a'tet tion of a gentle-

man's family. The rent is JE5 prr week, three

months to bo paid in advance, to bo let for such

time as may beugiei d upon. Apply to Mr. C.

Mowle, on the piemi-es, Johnston-street

Collingwood, near Mr. Richardsaii's Stove

ROOMS to bo LET as Offices, in the very

best part of the Cite, with or without a

t wo-stiilluáTátable ; apply at No. 58, William- '

TO LET, Building Al otmerit* on the

Eiueiald Hill; apply to Mr. Ros«, Em-raid ¡

Hill, or to Ebenezer Smith, 103, Eli7ntioili- j

r|T> LE T, a Store, whlim ttvo unies if town

A lent low ; for psitíeulms, apply to Mr.

Young, opposite Raleigh's Wharf. 23254 ,

1"10 LE T, a Four-tootiud Cottage, with a

six-stall sl.ihlo. to Mr John

MuNaughton, 138, Lonsdiilo-stieet, west.

FOUND, off BRIGHTON, on tho 16th

Inst., a latgu Boat and S»ils ; the ownei

líhi have tho same by applying at the Brighton

Bot-pl and paying all expenses

ON Monday, a largo black watch dog

with tanned legs, and civmped eais,

answers to the wine of Major. Whoever re-

turns him to Me-Kwan and Houston, will re

coiro Two pounds rew.nd. Any ponton in

whoso p ssosslon the dog may be found, will be

8th Ft-btitaty, IR53. 17376

ÏjlOUND, a cliesnut m ire, branded W oil'

7 shoulder. If not claimed by iii» 9th of

Milich, lim samo will bo sold to defray ex-

penses. M. Smith, Larron Swamp, Bright-m.

BETWEEN the Bush Inn and the Black

Forcs', a Child, nine years of age, light

hair, light blue eyes, mould on the right hip,

scar on the right side of the head ; when lost,

had on, pink gingam bonnet, light lavender

frock, short sleeves, pink flowers, answers to

the namne of Sarah Gorman. If the child is

found, the person bringing her to Mr. McGre-

gor's stores, White Hill, will be paid for their

OHkEl* FOUND, on rho Sydney Road.

O Tho owner by applying to Mr. Covlo,

butihe-r, at Biunswtck. will got the sumo hy

paying «xpcnsi«. Ifn t claimed w.thin ten

days furn (hit tinto, will be »old. 23.3G

ROAN HORSE found on my Fa m nt

Summertown ; tho owner can have the

«nine by giving satisfaction at iCU, Gte-at Lons- i

To b ) sold ix month from this date, if not

AT Richmond, on the 7th inst., two articles

of household tutiiiture; J. Wn-tets,

i-iiiuler, Riehiiioud-inad. 23J0S ' ,

STOLEN fiom Spring Cieek, Ovens) on 3rd

Mutch, a sundi nlack horse, branded R be-

low diamond near shoulder, snell blot-h on off ,

neck, Whoever will bring (bo sumo to tho

Louden Inn, Mn'kt't-squaie; or to the ArßUt

office. Spriug Orwk, will nwl^ti.A.^rgwaia. '^

Tho Pioporty of Geoige Annand, Esq.

IN consequosce of tin» annoyance and

damage rc-mliing from parties shooting

upin this Estate, especially on the Loi d's

day, tho mulei signed hoieby gives notice

that ho will take means to bring to justice

all pci »ns so offending, and enforce the full

THE horses mentioned below wero sold by

us on tho 8th Fubiuiry iiibt. ; the ven-i

dus not being able to satisfy tis as'to ownei

s'lip, wo publish them with their brancb, for

One bay mare, branded -C and square mark

near bhoulder ; HA* off shouldei.

Ono gray maio, biauded R V near shoulder.

Boiirif-streot. 18ft It |

TUE horse mentioned below was »old by us

on the 10th Fubiuuiy inst., the vendor

being unable to satisfy us as to ownership. Wo

advettiso it with its bra'ids for public infoi ma-

One daik cheanut aoi-so, branded T near

Horse Repository, M. McCAW & CO.

Spring Bank, Keilor Road,

NOTICE.-A Grey Hmso having been

placed in my paddock to gm/.*\ and

having lema'ned unclaimed for upwaids of

Twelve moutht, I heieby give notioolhat un-

less claimed within fourteen days, ho will bo

sold ti defiay expenses. .

Branded two J's crossed near shouldor.

MARY ANNE DAVIS -Sir weeks ago, '

Mai y Anno Davis, my wife, left her

home, taking with her her only child, ¡should

this meotiho eye of my vvifo.M uy Anno Davi*,

or that of any kind friend knowing where bhe |

i<, an iiirly coiiiuiunicntioii is lequested by h'-r I

husband, AVilliam Davis, shoemaker, Cimp

bellficld, or to Benjamin Barker, lùq , Cntnp

| bo'lfield Steam-Mills. 22701

j "VTOU are heieby leqiiired to lemovo, within

X ono week fiom the dut« oi this notice,

. 40 barrels of Flour, purchased by you nt our

Sale Room on the 17th i£«biunyj 1853. other

, wi e we will ciuse the simo to bo wild P r ex

| penses; and we hereby give you notice that wo

will not bo responsible for any loss or d image

thu faid Hour has sustained, or may hereafter

, siisUin, by leaton of the samo n >t being re-

moved by you within a piopor and leusouable

Dated this 4th day Ma»-ch, 18*53. 23 Ü8

I JANE SERPELL do hereby give public

public notice that I have a dowry in the

property of Mr. Richard Serpell, and as the

said Richard Serpell is offering the same for

sale, I hereby caution all parties in purchasing,

as I protect against signing out my dowry.

RICHARD HOWARTH is hereby ro-.

quested by T. P., from Y, not to hand j

ovei 500 specimens, dcliveied to hi« care, to !

E. P., his wife. T. P. will soo R. W. shortly, j


bunded WD off neck under niano, left

last on the \V Cieek witt» her foal AVhoevor i

will linne the same to James Walker, Ship

Inn, Flinders-lane, shall rec«ve the above

FOUND, a bay horse, branded A near

shoulder, wbite near hind foot. If not

claimed within twenty-one dar» from this

date, it will be sold to defiAV expenses. I

2'4"i4 a No 27, Gn-at Uniirke-street. '

NOTIOE to William Kok, l_-ei.-Unless

you reirove the Black Colt lol in my

paddock, upwaid« of twelve nv'iiths since, ho

w ill be sold within ic«ito«w days, to defray

LOST, from No. 5% Wllliam-stieet, a Red

Cow, with while face, short horns, heavy

wita calf, biauded HU above and an anchor

and H below on rump. Any pcrsen bringing

her to the above addi ess, willieceÍTe£2 lewn'd.


TOST, yesteid iv morning, between seven

J and eight o'elo.-k, n large white Bull

Dog, olippi d ears, largo head, broad ehest,

stump tul, and an weritu to the name of,

Millett. Hid on when lo>t a black leather i

c liai and brasa ring Whouvfi has found the

same and will restore it to the owner, snail

receive the above reward. If d-t.tmcd «fier

this not co, the party so detaining it will be

STOLEN, on Fiid.y night last, the 2ïth of

Ft biii ny fiom the uadeih'gned, a brown

horso, saddle and bridle, brained HO near ¡

shoulder, J oil" -ide nock, star in forohejd, near

h'nd foot white. '1 ho above te ward will bu

given to any pi mi m who will give information

that will lead to the conviction of the ihiuf,

and Five Pounds for the homo


rl'V£RMS foi BuuiiIcih, to include all usna

X ejttins, Fifty Guineas pel annum, pay-

able quat tully in ad vanee. 'J he school pioiui

sos aie well adipted for Boaideis, the various

looms being specially built by the Tiustees,

lnfty and spa ions. '1 here i- only ono vaca-

tion lu the year-at Ghi i it nias. IWoronce

coo be given to gcntlomun in Melbourne,

whom» Kins aro in the behool. Applications to

the Rev. 11. P. Kane, head master, will meet

With iiumediit" attention.

e upturn Gilini ro lins kindly consented to

tal.o thsrg'j of any young gentlemen commit- (

NOTICE is her. by given, tint the Com

m Hsimii'i-s of Nation»! Educatl u pro

]H>io to eiict in Melbourne a large and exten-

sive Model Notional School, Iwng the first

portion of a grind noini.t! institution. They

invite competition ; de ¡gus to be sent into this

ulli,-o by the iCih inst. at no n.

Prizes of £50 and £20 will bo given for the

bestand second-heft di signs.

Full info-illation may bo obtained on ap;li-

By Older of the Commtai'merH. ;

National Education OfTico,

Lorn-dale st nut, west, Melbourne.

APPLICATIONS foi the office of TVohur

.of the National School, at Hawthorn,

w.U he Vfe'ivi d at this ufhee until AVedutsdiiy

ox I, i hu !)lh ¡.mt., _t Tu oh, o ..'clocl:.' ,

Full information may be obtained by apply-

ing to the Secretary to the Board. ¡

By oidur of the Commissioners, j

, National Edncatiim Office,

It Mindelu, st i oet. wtn-t M_k

MR. C. FURSE will deliver his second

lecture at the Mechanics' Institution on

Wednesday, March 9th, 1953. Lecture to

commence at 8 o'clock. Admission is 6d. ;

reserved seats, 2s. 6d. 23168


the Foundation Stone of tho Piotestant

, Hall, will be celebrated by a Bull and

, Easter Mondai, 28th Ma non.

Tickita io admit a lady and gentleman

, Danùng to commence- at 9 o'clock l

Tho Stowaids reservo to tlwiisolvas the

r'sht of removing any olJ3ctionabio chiractets

fiat may be ¡iitiodueed. 230112

TENDERS required for supplying the

Supper to be held in the Protestant Hall

on Elster Monday ; also, Teudors for'aQua

Full pattioulirs can be obtained on applica-

tion at the Hall. Tenders (sou'od) to bo ad-

die« .ed to tho Stewards, on or bufoio the 1 Ith

Top of Bourke street, East.

Grand Promenade Concerts, a la Julien.

THE proprietors beg to return their sincere

thanks for the kind pationage so liberally

bestowed on these concerts, and are happy to

inform all lovers of good music, that arrange-

ments have been made, for the continuance of

those popular entertainments (by the kind per

mission of J. Noble, Ksq )

Several new engagements have also been entered

into with eminent artists, both vocal and in-

strumental ; various novelties are in rehearsal,

and they are determined that no effort shall

be wanting to render this now popular enter-

tainment as attractive as possible.

Mr. N. F. Sayer, Mr. Gregg, and Miss

Lewis (of the Royal Italian Opera).

The Great Exhibition Quadrille, Drum

Polka, and Derbv Galop, event evening.

Conductor—Mr. J. Winterbottom, who will

nightly perform a solo on the bassoon.

To-morrow (Wednesday)—Mr. Chapman's

An engagement has been entered into with

Mr. A. Moore, the celebrated Violinist, who

will have the honor of appearing on Thursday

Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock ; concert to

commence at 8 o'clock. 228J8

Royal Hotel, Great Collins-street

Proprietor, Mr. Chas. Wilkie.

THIS popular place of amusement is open

every evening, with Songs and Glees.

Mr. De Courcy, tenor, from the T. R. Ly-

Mr. Moseley, the well-famed ballad singer.

Mr. Ellis, tenor, fiom the London Concerts.

Mr. Dawson, comic, who will sing, among

others, the "New Chum" every night.

Messrs. Weiss and Lanone, comic.

Mr. Chapman will play solos on the cornet

and flageolet every evening.

Every Evening at the Royal Exchange

THIS splendid Saloon is now under the Im-

mediate personal direction of the Pro-

prietor, who will spare no expense in continually

engaging the first vocalists of the day, to give

novelty und variety to the nightly entertain-

ments. A Pianist with a Full Band will per-

Two superior Comic Singers and a senti-

mental do. None need apply but persons of

THE Splendid Room ot the above Hotel

hos been entinly re-decorated regardless

of expense, and will be opened every evening

The public are respectfully informed thnt, in

order to lender this the teal Temple of Har-

mony, no songs are allowed to be sung that

could offend the ear of purity itself, conse-

quently the price of admission has been raised,

for the purpose of procuring the highest avail-

able talent in the colony, and also that females

may not be prevented from enjoying an even-

ings delightful recreation in company with

Mr. McLaren, the celebrated Chin Melodist.

Mr. James, the popular Negro Vocalist.

Mr. Charlton, Ballad singer.

Mr. Hamilton, Sentimental.

Leader of the Band, Professor Blume.

Barritone, Mr. Green | Comic Bass, M. Zeigler

Piston and Oboe, P. Blume | 1st Violin, Mr. Pagon

Female Vocalists will, if possible, be engaged,

Single Ticket, 1s. 6d ; Gentleman and Lady,



Dysentery ! Dysentery ! ! Dysentery ! ! !

HAVE you Diarrhœa? Have you Dysentery?

Are you worn almost to a skeleton by

taking mortecunil lomudles! If so, try Russell

and 'Tutnet's Anti-Dysentery Mixturo, which

hss cured thousands of this d toad I til pcourgein

this colony and many after every other known

remedy hud failed ; one t-ial Mimer«.

Sold in bottles with full dtuctions at 5s.

each, 'To be hod of most Slotokcopiis and of

the Proprietors F. Russell and Co., Chemist«,

lato Russell and Tin nor, City Medical Hall,

173, Eliüabcth-strcct, Melbourne.

N.B.-Observe that each label boars our

written signature, F. hu*sell and Co.

Sole proptietois of the colebiatcd Tamarind

CongVt Emulsion, whioh pioved of such essen-

tial -oi vi o last season iu the ptevaihng Epide-

MAGICAL CURES effected in Blight and

all Inflimtnutoiy Diseases of the Eye,

hv ttio use of Rim-eli »nil Turnei's Eye Wuter.

Th's long standing and u uivalled nrepiratlon

will euro the tne>,t violeut attacks ot the ah ive

dise 'ses, and has been more extensively used

tot diseas««'of thnt organ than any remedy

hitherto rfïbred to tho public. Slid in bottles

at 2«. and 3s ouch ; ate veiy small for eon

ven'enco of carriage. May hu had of most

storekeepers at the Oiggings, and elsowhete,

and nisi at the proprietors' o-tibli-ihmuiit, F

Bussell ond Co , lato Russell and Tumor, City

Medical Hall, 173, Eliüulieth-street, Molliourne.

;NB-Obseive that each genuine labol beam

cur w r (ten signature The oldest Eyewater in

D<. .f. PAvQUIN, fiom Uli mingham.

Member of tho Royal College of Sui goons

of England, and of the Melbourne Medical

Board, hss commenced tho practico of his pro-

fession at Piahran, and may bo consulted as

Physician, Surgeon) -and Accoucheur, at his

, rcstdenou dully. Enquire at Mr. Orcisivoll's,

Chemist, near the Balmoral Arms ; or at Mr.

Forest'« Store, Prahran. 23151

MR E. GREGORY, Member of the Royal

Veterinary College ofJ$uij|eja|ajjLiiiii»

d >n, eui 1» »»"-»? .»»-* 3l-"*

"TXHE Undoreigned begs to intimate that

X ho h is biwii rtpuomtod Agent for Vio

cotia foi the tho under-mentioned valuable

Du Uni it's Revalenta Aiabica Food

Roheit*'s Pool Man's Friand.

The mci ¡ti ot the above are all so well known

-hat oonupent is unnecessaiy.

171 GAMSON, I hemist and Druggist, a?

. . Gi eut Loiisdale-btroet, near the Hors

Tile Citiate of lion and Quinine Wine, pre»

rared by F. Gamson, and bold m bottles at -1

ThisPiepaiiition isa most invaluable Tonto

111 re»t>iing th >so suffering» (10m debility,

»rising from \ ariotus causeb, (especially after the

pinyalling epidemics of this country) ; also in

[{heuinafibtn. Tie Doloioux, Ner-ous Head

ioho, Ncivoiisncss in all its forans, Lobs of

Appetite, Indigestion, _o., Ao.

F, Ganibon has had numerous testimonials o

the efficacy and adai tatton of the ¡Quinine

Wine in the many ailments nhich numbera ore

continually exposed to 111 this climate.

Being also a Chiilyl-eate, it will be found

high I y serviceable at stated periods in counter-

acting the deleterious efîecis of the rivet

water, and ia giving tone to the igoneiA

MR. GILLBEE, M.R.C.S.E., reepectiully

Intimates to the inhabitant* tuf MeU

boumo and n.s vicinity, that he has commenced

practice as Physician. Suigcon and Accoucheur,

and may be consulted at his residence, 69,

S i>pli«n-*tioet, near the Protestant Hull,

Melbourne, 20th Nov. vl7C42

DR.HUNTEII'S Surgical Wind is now

open for tho r< coption of patients. It

cunt lins fifty beds, and is fitted with every

convenience foi the purpose intended. Gre«

Collms-stio»t, «?ast.' 17721


AGE, picpaiod and sold by F. Gamson,

Chemist, Ac, 97, G1u.1t Lonsdale-street.

Persian Shei Ix-t Pow der, for producing Im-

mediately a most delightful and cooling drink»

Bjing in one powdoi, it obtains a decided supe-

riority ovor othoi pieptuuuuns, as tho indivt

dual hw only to take a toas|sxint'ul of the

powder and put it into a glass of water, then

stii quickly, and dunk whilst eHervescing.

Persons at the Diggings will find this powder

nvnluohle for allaying thirst, and imparting a

delicious fUvoi to the water, and aU> ne»

trslinmg its bad effects. , 17257

MONS. L. A. BEURTEAUX, ' Dentist,

has great pleasure iu informing'-his pa-

tients, friends, and the publie of Melbourne and

its »nviroiis, thal he may now be consulted ni

his rooms, 67, Stranston-atieet, in tit« premise«

of Mr Ford, Chemist, opposite tis« Police Onto»

-private futí »nee-from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,

and also at his residence, La Trobe-street, eua»,

before 10 a.m., and evenings. ' 17G43


CARTER, Surgeon-Dentist* from

London, Collius-street, ooinor of Russel 1-stieet,

bega to inform tho inhabitants of Melbourne,

that he has introduced an entiiely new des-

cription of Artificial Teeth, fixed without

spungs, wiras, or ligwnent-, they so petfectly

rasomblo the natui ul teeth, a« not to be dis-

tinguished from tho oiigiual by the" closes»

observer. They will never change Colour or

dwcay, and will be found very superior to any

other teeth evur before used. , His metho

docs not require the extraction of the stumps,

01 auy painful operation. E. C. has also in-

troduced a new mineral Succcdune-um for

stopping decayed teeth, which is placed in

without the slightest pain, and immediately

restores the tooth to its original utility in mas-

MR. VAN HEMERT, Surgeon and Ae>

coucheur (lute buigcon feupe-riiit ndent

of the ship Alipou-, from.Londoii), Member of

the Royal College of Surgeons, England ; li-

centiate of the Apothecaries' Hall, Seo., bega

u-s|Kcuuuy to inn» ni tile inhabitants of St»

Kilda »nd neighbomhood that ho ha« coav

mène d general practice in the «love locality.

N. B.-Mr. Van Hornett having liad great

experience in the diseases of women and eliQ

dien, may be consulted daily at his place, from

10 to 12 a.m., free of chai go. Medicines kent


and Aceoiiclieui, can be consulted at hit

residence, corner of Collins and Swanston»

stiect«, horn 10 till 12 daily.

Gi at ni to us advice to the poor fionv 8 till 10,

Dr. II. 0. vaccinate«' on Thursdays, at 11

DR. PARKES'S American Dysentery Pie»

veutstive, the best medicine to preven)

und eui o dysentery, dist rhona, colic, spasm»,

cramp, and pain in the stomach and bowels.

This most valuable medicino, which ia not

disagieeabie to tiste, and will always kief

good, has cured thousands of cases of the abort

diseises in California und iu America.' Pria*

5s a liottlo. Full diiections regarding diek

self-management, etc., aro enclosed with «at»'

Du. PAMcra'« Etk-Lotiok, .

For the cine of opthulmii», blight, itiflumma\

tion, weakness of sight, watering of the eyas,

and sotoncss of the lids.

This is the best known remedy. It only pe»

quiics a trial to prove" how quickly it will cheek

and cure the aliove diseases Price 3s. Od. a

liol I lo, witli full diiections for uko. Preparad

under tho diiection of Dr. Patkes, of New

Yoik. Sold by E Plummer, Chemist, 146,

Eli/abcth-sticct, Melbourne ; J. Western,

Chemist, Geelong, and may be obtained of all

chemist« and general stoioíieopor» Do npthe

persuaded to buy a «puiious imitation.


Mr. Watkins, Surgeon, 31, Swanston»

etioct, may be consulted daily, from 2 to 8,"

at Watt« Jt Co.'« Dispcusaty, near Wcstby'a


MIA. Advice given in the above and

all other diseases, on rccolpt of haH'-a-guinea.

Adtlres* Dr. Stoddart, oare of Mr. Tartakover,

28, Enst Market, stating symptom«. 22181

*". \) all whom it muy concern. Tho nearest

A and best route, from the Ovens to the

Bendigo I« by the Broken River, Maguire,*«

Punt, Calbin Alibyn, late the station of Edward

Cuir, Esq, tho Campaspl Inn, and thence by

Mr Leyuott's (talion to the Bendigo. 16882

EOppoBite Dixiiel O'connell Hotel.


tol, huvi.ig taken rho above old established

h iR'noss of Cliomist and Druggist, respectfully

solicit« tho patronage of the medical profession

and tho publie, anti tiusts hy his long) experi-

ence, as well as a determination to Use none

but the most aru'voved drugs and chemical», ta

m Tit their confidence. ,

N li-Phvbi.lans* prescriptions and family

r cipas uro dispensed in u si pirata apartmoat

expressly fitted foi- that purpoiO. ; -

FREAME'S invaluable Diarrhoea Syrup.

A safe and speedy cure for diarrhoea,

dysentery, cholera, spasms, &c.

One ttiiil will piove it» efnoacy.:- l! ""fe JJ»?

Bold in Iw'tlos at Gs. and 10..,pao^ wntoWltjfe

ing 1« and 32 dows, at the proprietor!«;'. Bwla

Vue Cottigo, near the Clapham Store*

street, RtohBtondiVT" -^toAJM"'