Advertising - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 2 Jun 1853 (original) (raw)

Thu 2 Jun 1853 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Page 6 - Advertising

STOLEN from Sutton Grange, a Roan Cob

low set, square made, wide action with his

hind legs, branded WV conjoined off neck, and

HN conjoined near shoulder. He was seen by

H. G. Bennett, Esq., in the possession of a

bushranger who robbed him on the Campaspie

The above Reward will be paid for the con-

viction of the said bushranger, and five pounds

for information that will lead to the recovery

of the horse, or ten pounds if delivered either

at Charlotte Plains or Sutton Grange.


STOLEN or Strayed, from Prahran, one

grey Mare, about fourteen hands high

branded Ü on near shoulder, flesh wound

near hind quarter, slightly flea-bitten, long

A Reward of Fve Pounds will be paid to

any person delivering her at the residence of

-John Goodman, Esq., Prahran, or at tho stores

of the nndersigned ; or^Tcn Pounds Roward

will be paid on recovery of tho mare and con-

40544 Near Elizabeth-street.

STOLEN or Strayed from near Aitken's Gap,

on Friday last, on'a Largo Black Entire

Horse, star in forehead, mottled nose,-two hind

eet white, no visible brand. Whoovor will

.give such information to the undersigned as

?will lead to the recovery of the said horse, shall

?receive Five Pounds if strayed, or Ten Pounds

'On tho conviction of the offenders.

Melbourne, 16thMay, 1853. 42207


branded Wl) off neck undsr mane, loft

last on the W Creek with hor foal. Whoevoi

will bring the samo to James Walker, Shij

Inn, Flinders-lane, shall receive the abovi

STRAYED, from a paddock at South Yarra,

a light Grey Horse, nearly white, but

ticked with small brown spots, or flea-bitten ;

switch tail ; branded on near ribs with a half

circle and bar. Has marks of being lately

Also a Bay Pony, branded F off shoulder,

and with a white patch on one of the hind fut-

locks. Any one bringing the above, or fur-

nishing satisfactory information to Mr. Balbir-

nie, Balmerino House, South Yarra, will re-

ceive the Reward of two pounds for each horse.

THE undermentioned seamen having de-

serted from the Danish barque Cheruska,

the abovo Reward will be given to any party

on such information being laid down as will

lead to thoir apprehension.

To Poundkeopers and Others.

LOST or Stolen, about fifty_ miles from

Melbourne, on tho Ovens river road,

A chesnut draught Mare, no brands, silvery

mane and tail, rather largo joints.

Also, a bay draught horse, branded JP near

shoulder, from a paddock near Melbourne.

Also, a black draught Maro, branded S near

(moulder, from a paddock in Little Brighton,

Any person bringing the samo to C. Coates,

Port Phillip Club Hotel Stables, or giving such

information as will lead to their recovery, shall

receive Five Pounds for the chesnut mare, and

Three Pounds each for the other two.

STOLEN or Strayed out of the Paddock of

Messrs, Ross and Wynne, at Kyneton, a

Bay Mare, branded IF off shoulder.

Also, Stolon or Strayod, from Kyneton, a

Bay Horse, star on forehead, branded ^ near

shoulder, fel off shoulder.

Also, from View Point, Bendigo, a Black

Mare, branded A on off shoulder, star on fore-

head, lump on top of head, and g on near

If strayed, £5 for each horse will bo paid on

delivery cither at the Royal Hotel stables,

Kyneton, or to Mr. Boulton, Solicitor, Kyno

ton ; and if stolen, £10 for each, on conviction

STRAYED into my yaids, City Arms, on

23rd May last, a Bay Horse, branded on

tho off side nock D, white star on forohoad,

and snip on nose, two hind fetlceks white. If

not claimed within fourteen days of this date,

will ho sold to defray oxp.-nses.

STOLEN or strayed from tho back of the

Black Hill, Balaarat, a heavy dark iron

groy Horse, black points, Mask head, and long

black tail, and hobble-marked, brands

Any person delivering the samo at tho Balaarat

wholesale stores, behind the Commissioner's

Camp, or at Mr. Frank Liardot's, Williams-

town, will receive Ton Pounds Reward, or

Twenty Pounds on conviotion of the thief and


strayed, on the night of the 17 th May,

from tho Tents near Pike's Station, a groy

Mare, branded JK near shoulder, Btands about

13} hands high, ago rising 4 years. Whoovor

will bring tho samo to J. Wilkinson, Worthing,

near 'Brighton, or Mr. Pentecost, near tho

Swan Hotel, Richmond, will roceivo tho

1 BLACK Mare, branded RWY on noar

1 Bay Horse, hoavy draught, rising four years

old, branded TC on near shoulder, switch

1 Ohesnut horse, no brand, knees mari ed,

white points, hind legs white, short switch

Ten pounds Reward will bo given for each

horse, fcon delivering tho same to Mr. Wm.

Ryan, Carriors' Arms, Elizabeth-street, corner

Little Lonsdalo-street, Melbournes and,

stolen, a further Reward of Twenty Pounds

will bo given by Thomas Henneby, the owner

of the horses, on conviction ot the offender or

LOST, from Mount Macedon,adark chesnut

maro, branded 55 off nock, S off shoulder,

F near shoulder. Whoovor will deliver the

a»mo at Coffee-shop, Monnt Macedon, will re-

LOST or Stolon, at tho Mcivor Diggings, a

muddy-groy norso, long switch tail,

branded EB conjoinod, on noar bhoulder. Auc-

tioneers, Salesmen, and Poundkeepors aro re-

quested to tako notice of tho abovo.

Fivo Pounds Reward will bo paid, if loBt,

aud Ten Pounds Howard, if stolon, on cenu'o

tion of the thief. Address, Goorgu Castles,

Kilmore, or 8. Goode, Printer, 59, Swanston

street, Molbourne. 46-174

TOLEN from tho Goldon Gully, Fryer's

Crook, in November last, and supposed to

bo taken to tho Ovens by John Stanley Riploy's

party, a largo kangaroo dog, black with white

' "'»eat and feet, stake marks on hips, answers to

*> ofLuath. Any porson delivering the

"". O. Graham, Williams-stroot, or

'nination as will load to his ro

'.) a Howard of Throo Pounds.,

LOST, a purple morocco case, containing

silver instruments (curved), between

Mi Dunn's tan yard and Mrs Dunbar'«,

Flemington The above reward will be paid

on returning the same to Dr Barker, 133,

Bourke street, west 46287

LOST, on tho night of the Governor's

ball, a Whito India Cashmere- Scarf,

with ends oi scarlet and gold, finished by gold

frage, any person who will bring the same to

Mrs Taylor, No 64, ColhnB-streot, near the

corner of Swanston street, will receive tho

LOST, on Saturday afternoon, between the

Retreat Inn, Sydney road, and the Globe

Inn, Melbourne, a Red Pocket Book, contain-

ing an order on Dalgety, Gore and Co , for

£10, which has b*en stopped, and several

papers, of no value to any ona but the adver-

tiser , whoever roturas the same to Mr Kfarall,

bullion broker, 55, Collins stieet, west, Mel-

bourne, will reçoive the above reward

LOST, from Melbourne, on Wednesday last,

a chesnut Mare, branded H on neck, 8

on near shoulder small blaze on face, lund feet

white, saddle and hi idle on when lost If left

at the Travelloi's Homo Swanston street, or at

the Retreat, in Sydney road, tho above Ro

BOAT STOLEN, from tho Barque Needor

waard, at the Port Phillip Head, was

painted black outside and white inside

A Reward of Five Pounds will be paid to any

party, except the thieves, for restonng tho boat

to Captain Meyer, Bal quo Ncederwaard, Hob

ANY person who can give any positivo and

correct information to the Manager of

the Union Bank of Australia, at Melbourne, of

the address or whereabouts of William Mc

Evoy, Esq , a young man between twenty four

and twenty, fivo years of ago, about five feet

six inches in height, of rather stout build,

light and florid complexion, oval faco, groy

eyes, light brown han, naturally inclined to

cuil, will be entitled to tho above reward

Tho said William McEvoy left Plymouth in

tho " Northumbeiland," Captain McKirlie,

early in July, 1850, and airlved at Melbourne

in tho month of October, 1850 The last time

his family heaid from him was through a

letter written by himself, beanng date Mel

bourne, July 22nd, 1851, and which amved

the 7th January, 1852 40132

Caution to Poundkeopers and Auctioneeis

STOLEN or Strayed, on Saturday, 2ht

A Heavy Draught Grey Horso, branded JJ in

circlo near shouldei, SG off shoulder,

ADaikBiown Hoi.s o bianded on tho near

shouldei M Ai, offshouldcrTV,staronforohead

neal hind foot white, also

A light roan-colotcd Horso, branded IF

near shoulder, about 15 hands high, short

switch bil, with thiee white foot, Btai on foio

Fivo Pounds will be paid for each of the

above horses, if delivered to Mr G orge Webb,

Lower Commistionera, Bendigo, or to Mr

Samuel Webb, at W andR Little's, meichnnt

tailors, Gieat Oollms street, cast Mclbourn«

LOST or Stolen, a daik groy Horse,

branded S reversed on neal shoulder, and

M on off shoulder, if brought to Swannell'e

Livery Stables, back of Bakers' Arms, Eliza-

beth street, will receive the above Row aid

STOLEN fiom tho Mail Station, LittloRivor,

Melbourno Road, on tho afternoon of tho

One daik bay Hono,black points, bianded TG

on off Bide neck sora on near side neck, done

by tha collar, similar to a seam, about thiee

One bnght bay Horso, white faco, branded on

off side neck TG, near hind and near fore

foot white, with a bar on noar shoulder.

The sum of Ton Pounds will be paid to any

party who ma) find tho abov o described horses,

and bung to conviction tho thief or thieves, or

a sum of Two Pounds (£2) per head will be paid

to any party dehvcimg the said horses to tho

Mail Station, Little Riv er

Geclorg, Mav 15th 1853. 43133


ALL parties aie hereby cautioned againfl

purchasing from Mr Robert Mont

gomery, any cattle branded W on near o

off rump-he having formally transferred th

nj"ÑHE horses montionsd below, wero sold

JL by us on the lcspectivo dates, placed

against them The Vendois not being able to

satisfy us as to ownership, wo publish them

with their blands for public information

A bay uorse, bianded WH near shoulder

A bay mare, brandod JC noar shoulder W

NOTICE-The Hoi so mentioned below,

was Bold by UB May 13th The vendor

not being able to satibfy us as to the owneiship,

wo publish it, with its blands, for public in-

One black horse, branded JD near shoulder

STRAYED into my paddock, about foui

months ago, a Bay Mare , black points

bl andad S under Baddlq near side, B off shoul-

dei, FB nearshouldor The owner may havo

tho samo on pay ing oxponsos

Euioka, 30th May, 1853 4688G

THE Hoiso mentioned btlow was sold by

us, Maj 25th Tho vondor failing to satisfy

us as to ownoiehip we pubhbh it with its brands

A baj hoiso, S andB neir shouldei, 8 off

UNLESS the Maro desenbed bolow, pur

chased on May 21st fiom us, by Mi

Pholand, beteuiovcd andoxponscs paid, on or

befoio Juno 1st, elie will bo eold by auction to

Ono blown maie, bianded S near nbs

STOLEN or Stiayed fiom betwoen tho

Columbino Bridge and the Back Cieok,

on 1110 20111 of Apnl, thoiivo undoimentioned

Ono stiawboiry hillock, bianded 2 in cuele

and two 2s in cueles untJor, oil lump, P neal

One j ollow snaily homed do branded two

2's in cueles, F uiidei i ti lump

Ono led bundle sidod do WJJJ'O flank,

Ono îod do bianded P in circlo off lump.

Ono daik bundle sided do biandod 1' m

The two last mentioned bullooks havo othei

bl andu besides those desoí îbod

I heioby caution Poundkoopets and

Auctionoers, not to soil tho above without duo

LLi? 1, at the Lamb Inn stables, ono Ci es

nut Mate, saddle ard b idle, b andfjd

like 2 on the near ehoulOer, ownir net kno <vn

If not claimed on or before tho 6th day of Juno,

she will be so d at the salo vard of Mr. Boar, to

IF Mr Charles Slater does not call at Mr,

Khuïi'fl before the 10th June, and pay for

his pohoy, it will bo cancelled. 46600

MR JOHN ROSE,-Unless tha expenses

incurred by you and your friend for

the keep of the horses left in my stables, be

paid before this day week, the same, together

with ca't and harness, will be sold to pay such

MAY 19th-Left at the Royal Oat Livery

Stables, one Bay Maro, eaddlo and

bridle, branded W on the near shoulder,

owner not known If not claimed on or before

tho 2nd day of Juno, sho will bo Bold, at the

sale yard of Mi Bear, to defray expenses

NOTICE -If tho 13 bags of Bran which

were left foi storage, at the Keilor Inn,

on tho 26th Novomber, 1652, are not taken

away m 14 da} s from this date, they will be

NOTICE -If Messrs Pickfoid and Grèv

lile do not take awav the Goods left at

the Keilor Inn for storage, last January, in 14

days from this dato, they will be sold to defray

THE undoi signed having learned that largo

quantities of flour havo bcon offered foi

ealo in Melbourno, in bags containing fifty

pounds, and purporting to bear his brand

Notico is given, that ho has neither prepared

or sold any flour in bags containing locs than

two hundred pounds and further, that any

person detected forging his brand upon bags

containing either large or small quantities, will

JOHN VERCOE -Unless the money due

to the undeuigned, is paid within ton

days from this date, the security will be dis

posed of without further notice James Paw


LOST, on the 15th of April, at Jackson's

Creek, one light bay horse, stai in foro

head, Roman nose, little white down face, short

switch tail, saddlo malk, bianded D on each

shouldei, five pounds Reward will bo given for

the delivery of the horse at Mr W Honey a

butehei, Great Bouike street, or at Mr Har

vej's Iron Bark Gully, stoiclteoper Bendigo

IF the goods loft at Mi Diummond's by

t Pickfoid a dray, aie not called foi with

in wonty one da} s from this date, the} will

near the Manchester Stole, Forest Creek

THE Horte mentioned below was sold by

us, May 21st, tho vendor not being able

to satisfy us as to ownership, wo publish it with

its brands, for public information

Ono chesnut mare, brawled jF near shoulder,

STOLEN or Stravod, on or about the 17th

ult, from Kyneton, a Black Horse,

bianded B on near shoulder, whoevei will

bring tho samo to Mr Davis, baker, Kyneton,

or to Mi Welch, Grooves street, Collingwood,

will receive £2 Howard 46875

FOUND, cn tho roaä to Mount Alexander,

a Poekot Book containing doeiimorts of

v aluo, receipts, letters, and I O U foi rather

lal go amounts, tiny appear to belong to

pei sons of the namo of Ball or of Owen

Thoy will bo îeturnod on application at tho

office of this papoi, by giving descuption and

paj mg the oxpouses of alvorttsing 45578

THIS is to give notice, that I, John Can, of

Ko lor, will not be responsible for any

debt or debts which may be conti acted by

Marv. Ann Collins, my wife, on or after this

dato, as shebas left mo of hor own accord

Melbourno, May 27th, 1845 45G53

LOST, on Saturday aftei noon, between tho

Retreat Inn, S}dnc} road, and tho Globo

Inn, Melbourne, a Red Poel et Book, contain

mg an order on Dalgety, Gol o and Co , foi £10,

whieh has been stopped, andsevcial papers,

of no value to any one but the adverti«oi , who

ovei returns the samo to Mt Khull, bullion

broker, 55, Collins strcot, west, Melbourne,

will receivetho nboveRewaid 46317

LOST, at the Governor s ball a Pearl Btooch,

with two pendants Whoovor found it,

will greatl} oblige the ownei, by leaving it with

Capt Jacomb, Mai Let square 10017

LOST, on Sunday morning last, a ladj's

Sabio Cuff, whoovoi Ins found and will

bung the tamo to Lush and Haigh, Tailors

Collins street, will bo Howat ded foi then

ONE Pound Reward -Lost betvv con Mol

bourne and Richmond, two memorandum

books , any poison bunging tho same to M

Lj nch, 32 Littlo Bourke street, will receive

ONE Pound Reward-Deposit Receipt

drawn by the Bank of Now South Wales

on the6th iebiuaiy, 1853, in favoi of Roheit

Gilman, for ono hundred and twenty pounds

(£120), No 2836 A Hew aid of Ono Pound

will bo paid to an} person bringing the above

Deposit Receipt to Rich aid Dowling, lmmeia

Hotel Melbouino 31stMa}, 1853 40840

LEFT, in my store, in mistako foi a onse

of sashes, ono caso of pictures, niatked

J B 3 Unices tho saul case is claimed w lthm

ten da}s from this date, the samt will bo sold

to defray expenses, T Stevens Wharf,

A BAY HORSE, about fiftoon hands high,

branded M on tho neal shouldoi, off lund

foot white, star in (lie foiohoad

Whon lost, had on a eaddlo, mado by Whip

py, and a bit and burdoon, tho hoad stall of

Whoovoi bungs tho abovo described hoiso to

nis Honor Mr Justice Ban}, Russell street,

Molbourno, will bo Rowaided 11915


ALDERMAN HODGSON will moot tho

Electors of tho abovo Waid at tho

Ciown Hotel, on Thuisday Evonmg, at half

past Sovon o'clock. 4G913


MR SARGOOD, Moiohant, Fhndeis street,

will addiess tho Eltctois of this ward

in the Piotestant Hall, Stophon stieot, on

Friday Evoning, Juno Sid, at naven o'olock

Tiios FULTON Chairman of Committee.

flj-o. HAWSEB, Vico-Ohairman. 46598

John Knox's Froe Church Seminary,

PARENTS and guaidians are respectfully

informed that the male and female do- j

partmonts of the above Institution are con- 1

ducted on the most approved system pursued 1

in the first seminaries in Scotland. ]

Terms-One guinea each pupil per quarter (

payable in advance; with music (piano), two i

guineas. The quarter consists of twelve weeks, 1

reckoned from the data of the pupil'sentering.

Mr. MoMastor, Head Toacher.

Miss Garie, Governess and Piano Teacher

Mr. McLiesh, English Master.

Mr. G. L. Allon, Music Mastor.

MISS POLISTACK, lately from Europe,

begs most respectfully to announce to

tho gontry of Melbourne, that she has just

succeeded in her arrangements for commencing

a Ladies' Boarding and Day School.

In addition to the usual instruction of a

sound English education, the Young Ladies

will have the advuntago of daily lemons from a

master of the Univertity of Heidelberg in

Germany, in all tho higher branches of educa-

tion, namely-history, geography, the use of

the globes, combined with astronomy, natural

history, botany, and tho French language.

Terms.-For Boarders, 100 guineas por an

Under seven years of ago, 80 ditto.

Day Scholars, 4 guineas per quarter.

RoforenceB are kindly allowed to His Excel-

lency Mr. LaTrobe. the Lord Bishop of Mel-

bourne, and Mis. Perry, Dr. and Mrs.Howitt,

and tho Rav. Matthias Goctho.

Kyto's Buildings, Rcgont-strect, near Victoria

Parade, Collingwood. 44584


GEORGE PECK, violinist and Professor

of Music, from London, pupil of Thirl-

wall and latterly of tha celebrated Sivori, for-

merly leader of the orchestra of the Royal Vic-

toria Theatre, Sydney, theatres and concerts

Hobart Town and Launceston, and member of

many musical societies, begs leave to announce

to his old friends and patrons in tho Colony,

and tho public of Victoria, his arrival in Mel-

bourne, and his intention of establishing him-

self as a teacher of tho Violin, Concertina,

Guitar, otc. ; also to undertake the management

or leading of concerts or orchestra for theatres,

or other public entertainments where musio

is required, or to perform his popular solos on

*** George Peck is now making arrange-


Which he hopes to produce in a btylo hitherto

unapproached in Melbourne, and will bo happy

to recoivo communications from auy lady or

gentleman of really superior vocal or instru-

mental abilities, wishing for a favorablo op-

portunity of making their debut ; addrass

No. 117, Swanston-Btreet, Dr. Ford's cottage,

two doors north of Great Bourko

OlasBical, Scientific, and Commercial Academy

DR. HICKSON will ro-opon the above

institution on Monday, January 10th,

1853, for the reception of a limited number of

gentlemen's sons, as boarders only. Tho ar-

rangements are of a superior character, and the

o.aramount advantages of the locality for soa

oathing and ' general salubrity aro universally

The pupils ara required to bring with thom

»t least two sots of bod linon, and half-a-doeen

to weis distinctly marked.

EPor those under 12 years ... 60 guineas.

Do. above do. ... 80 guineas.

No extras. Fees quarterly in advance.

R. JAMES BENSON, Solicitor, 8

Neave's Buildings, Collins-street, east

In the Supreme Court of the \

I HENRY GUY, late of Howden, in tho

. County of York, England, but now residing

at No. G2, SwanBtoii-ttreet, in tho City of Mel-

bourne, in the Colony of Victoria, one of tho

Attorneys of hor Majesty's Court of Quoen'a

Bench at Westminster, and a Solicitor in the

nigh Court of Chancery in England, aforesaid,

do hereby give notice, that I intend, on Satur-

day, the 4th day of Juno, now next, boing the

last day of tho present toim, to apply to be ad-

mitted au Attorney, Solicitor, and Pioctor of

Dated tliiB 25th day of May, 1853.

In the Supreme Court of tho }


late of Lincoln's Inn Fields, in tho County

of Middlesex, in that part of the United King-

dom of Great Britain and Ireland called Eng-

land, but now of Great Lonsdale street, in the

City of Melbourne, in the said Colony of Vic-

toria, one of the Attorneys of Her Majesty's

Court of Queen's Bench at Westminster, and a

Solicitor of the High Court of Chancery in

England, do hereby givo notice that I intend

to apply to be admitted, on Saturday, the fourth

day of June next, being tho last day of the

Second Term, one thousand eight hundred

and fifty-three, to practise as one of tho Attor-

neys, Solicitors, and Proctors of this Honorable

Dated this Twentieth day of

dold, "Wool, 'Tallow, ¿i.e.

89239 88, Collins-straot, weat.

THE undersigned aro purchasers of English

45973 72, Flindors-lano, west.

rTpHR highost prico given for Shoopskins

X Greasy Wool, Tallow and Hides.

89245 14, Great Bourke-streot.

T^HE Full Market Value given in Cash, for

JL overy description of Colonial Produce.

Gold Bought in any quantity.

1*iHE Undersigned aro prepared to purchaso

or maka advances on all descriptions of

Colonial Produco consigned to their friends.

Messrs. Baring, Brothers, and Co.


The undersignod will maka liberal ad-

vances on Wool, Tallow, and Gold Dust, con-

signed lo Messrs. Redfoin and Alexander, 33

Great Winchoster-atreot, London.

GOLD.-Tboundorbigned ÍB a Purchaser

TO Now Arrivals.-Yeeles & Co., 27, Sto

phon-street, opposito Hailes' timbor yard,

givo tho best prico tor all kinds of goods ; ap-

ply boforo ton or aftor ono o'clook. 4G707

NEW Arrivals will find an advantageous

market for tho Bolo of boots and BIIOOS, 1

at tho ßtoroB of Whitfiold and Staardon, 8, .

East Market, Great Bouvkoetrcet. o


THESE Powders, propat ¿a fiom a recipo of

tho Physwian Accouchom to Her Ma

josty, have been administered to both the

Prince and Peasant and have proved in many

thousands of cases of t/ie utmost value for the

prevention and cure of convulsions, fits, dis .

01 dared state or pains, of tho stomach or bowels '

at the commencement of inflammatory affec

tiona, influenza, fever, hooping cough, measles,

scarlet fever, eruptions of the skin, dunng

teething, worms, fietfulnoss of temper, dry

skin, sore eyes, or disturbed sleep

Sold in packets, with full directions, at 2s

and 4s , by G Wilson and Co , 43, Collins

street, F Cade, 136 Collins street, east, W

Ford, 67, Swanston street, H Hall, 113

Bourke street, J Hughes, 145, Elizabeth

street, A W. Spencer, 110, Queen street In

Collingwood, by G H Williams, Brunswick

street, and C Harvey, Wellington streot


THE most safo and effectual remedy for in

digestion bilious and hvoi complaints,

boils, jaundico, hoait barn, nausoa, weakness of

stomach, sonso of fulness after eating, loss of

appetite, spasm of the stomach and bowels

dysentery and dianhoa, sick hoadache, pains in

the forehead, dizziness, noise in tho head and

ears, sleeplessness occasional or habitual eos

tiveness, worms skin diseases, ulcers in tho logs,

rhoumatism, fresh colds, gout, too free living

A« a general family and aperient medicine,

these pills will bo found invaluablo, which ha1

long been pioved and acknowledged , and

being a safe and most effectual remedy in al)

cases of temporary sickness and also at the

commencement of sovere disoases, their use

may be resorted to with tho greatest confi

Sold in boxes, with full directions, at 2s and

4s each Wholosalo agont for Australia, E

G Maundo, commission-agent, 95, Little

Bouiko street, west, Melbourne 37860

DR FARRAGE, Suigeon and Aco ucheur

Great Napioi streot, Colhngvvoodi ha

removed a fow doors nearer Melbourne, into

the houso lafeiy occupied by Majoi Campbell

Dr r may bo consulted, as formerly, at hif

residence, from 8 to 10 forenoon, and 5 to 7

DR HALLE1I, Member of the Rojal

Collego of Stn goons and of the Apo

thecanes, Company of London, Surgeon of tho

5th Regiment of Jersey Royal Militia, also

late surgeon to the West Herts' County Infil

mary, and Asssistant Colonial Suigeon, Port

Residence Smith street, Collingwood

Ma} bo consulted, daily, at one, at Mr

Ford's, Chemist 67, ¡swanston btreet 40375

GLASGOW Apothecaries' Hall, 163 Litt e

Bourko street, east, opposite the Victoria

Hotel -Medical advico given at tho abovo es

tabhshment daily, from ten till two o'clock

in the forenoon, and four till seven in the

PRAHRAN -Medical Notice -Mr Dukes

M R C S L , and LAO, England, late

Senior Houso Surgeon to tho Loudon Hospital

London, subsequently Medical Officer to the

Pariah of Baikmg, ¿ssex has removed from

Emerald hill to Paik Cottage, Nulson street

Uppei Prahran, betwoon Iw Cottage and Wor

rail's store, where ho may bo consulted before

eleven, and after throe but will continue to be

mattendancoatMr Eden's, Emet aid hill oppo

sito the Bahohouse, from half past eleven until

half past twelve and at 38,1 lindora lane, east

between tho hours of ono and two daily Vac

matron every Monday 40838

JOHN MISOAMBLE, Member of tho Royal

College of Vetennary Suigeons, in com

mencing tho p a"ttco of his profession (opposite

the Globo Inn, and adjoining tno Victoria

Liver} Stables Swan ton ¡street) solicits the

patronage of tho gentlemen of Melbourne and

its vicinity In calling the attention of ov\ neis

of valuable horses to his new and commodt ni»

Shoeing lotgo, where woikmon of tho hist

olass aro emplo}cd undoi tho supoivision of

himself, who is thoiourihly acquainted

with the important blanch of Shoeing Hoises

ho trusts that in despatch and economv the

getitlomen favoring lum with then pationape

will find that eatistaction which it will bo lu

J M Ins had tho advantago of attending to

foul hundred cases of disease, monthly, at the

Vttonnary College, Ddinbuigh, and is an

honoiary associate of tho Vetennary Medical

Society of Edinburgh, ho also holds as a

testin omal, a lust class modal, and received a

diploma, for an essay on tha an atom), diseases;

Residenco, 112, Sw anston'troet, opposite the


Louis Lawrence Smith can bo consulted

as abovo, at 107, Groat Bourke street, east ten

doors from Noblo's Circus 36730

HORSES -Youl lamo horse may bo re

lloved or cut ed at Miscamble's Veton

nary Snigory and Foi gc, Swanston street

adjoining tho Victona Lively Stables, abovo

Littlo Bouika-sti cet 41080

GIDLEY'S Wormwood Ehxn effectual}

cures indigestion, headache, sickness

Bpasms andalldisordeis of the stomach, it ex

cites tho appetite and promotes digestion Sold

by all druggists, 2s. 6d peí bottle 12190

GIDLEY S Woimwood Pills radically euro

bilious anti liver complaints, cleanse

tho bowels of all mipuntios and bring the

livei into health} action. Sold by all drug

gists, 2s fid pel box. 42191

XMPORTANT -Di O Uara, membci of

Royal College Surgeons London, LAC

Licentiate in Midwifoi}, and Giaduato of

Tnnity College, Dublin, has resumed the

practico of his profession at his residenco, next

to l'est Offico, Pentildgo 12822

¡"'HIS provalont disease may bo cured at

J. Miscamblos Vctonnary Surgery, ad

joining Victona Livoi} Stables two doors from

Littlo Bouiko street, Swanston stteet 48208

THIS most painful and disticsing diBcaso

ma} bo immediately cured b} the use

of Einest Cartel s Anti Odón algia to bo had

only of Mi Aiehei, Chonnst, Malop street

Goolong, and of Mi Einest Cartel, burgeon

j Dentist, 50 Russell Btreet, Melbouino, vvhrso

signature will bo attaohod to each bottle

(Late Veterinary Suigeon to tho Mounted

RESPECTFULLY informs tho public of

Melbouino and district, that ho has

]¡commenced as al ovo and hopes b} oneigotie

F treatment, combined with lomunoiativo

charges to obtain Ins share of pub io Bupport

¿torses bought and 60ld on commission

G 's cclobiatod woim medicine for hoises

wari anted novoi to fail Ono dose is quite

sufhcient to effect a cure Sold in bottles,

with full directions foi use at 7s Cd each

Gi con, Vttounaiy Surgeon,

Directly opposite Hoar and Sons Hoiso Bn^aai

MR F T "\\ EdT 1 ORD, Suigoon, has

removed to McKenna btreet the next

street to La Ti oho street noai the Supitmo

Court Ho will bo at his lato residenco in

Swanston streot, 117, ovoiy morning from half

past 9 to 11 o'clook_15010

ST KILDA -Mi John Htintoi Suigoon

and Accouchent, has eommoneod the piac

tieo of his piofo sion, and may bo consultod ut

his residence, head of Gio} street, noai Mol


bo consulted gratuitously, fiom half past

ono till threo daily, at Mr. Hall's, Ohomist,

118, Great Bonrke-stroot, oast. 46689

MR. HIYES, Surgeon and Accoucheur,

late Surgeon-suparintendent of the Go-

vernment Emigrant e-Itip, Monteagle, may bo

consulted daily at moduate charges, medicines

included, st 1 dan Cottage, Gieat Oxford stioet,

MR. LO*Tr3 EbixiSuij, Surgeon-DentiBt,

norn Manchester, may be consulted

daily at his establishment, Collins-street, oppo-

site the Mechanics' Institution.

Filling decayed teeth with Eskell's celebrated

White Torra Faste, vvláofc IF Wr changes color,

makes decayed teeth into & «maa. Pttbtisne*,

useful for mastication anti aaiuumuuu,

preventing toothache, and lasting many

Loss OF TEETH.-Mr. Eskoll continues to

supply the loss of teeth, without springs or

wires, upon his new system of self-adhesion,

and without exti acting any teeth or stumps, 01

Lose tooth fastened, whether arising from

old age, the uso ofcalotnei, 01 neglect.

Mr. Eskell's method combines all the mo-

dem improvements of Paris and Berlin

Attendance from ten to five daily, opposite

the Mechanics' Institute, Collins-street.


CARTER, Surgeon-Dentist from

London, Collms-stieot, corner of Russell-street

bogs to inform the inhabitants of Melbourne

that ho has introdnced an entirely new des

cription of Artificial Teeth, fixed without

spnngs, whes, or ligamont; they so porfoctly

resemble the natural tooth, as not to bo dib

tinguiBhed from the original by the closest

obsoivor. They will novor change colour oi

docay, and will bo found vory superior to any

other teeth evor boforo used. His metho

does not require tha extraction of the Btumps

or any painful operation. E. 0. has also in-

troduced a now mineral Succedaneum for

stopping decayed tooth, which is placed in

without the slightest pain, and immediately

restores the tooth to ita original utility in moo

MR. ROYDE, a Member of the Roya

College of Surgeons of England, a

Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Hall, London,

which includes the qualification to practice

Midwifoiy, is pinctising in Melbourne ondit

vicinity, in all tho yaiious departments of

Mr. Royde was in 1843 and 1844 Senior

Houso Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital,

London, which Institution contains upwarde

of 600 beds; subsequently, during his six

years'privato practico at Brighton, Sussex, he

held tho responsible public app intments o

Surgoon to the western half of the palish of

Brighton, Surgeon to the Genoral Public Dis

ponsary, Surgeon to the Self supporting Dis

ponsaiy, and other appointments of minor im-

portance, and came out from England as Medi-

cal Officer of tho ship Baltimoie: and ho wil

havo tho gieatest pleasure in submitting foi

inspection, whenever requested to do BO, tho

official documents, aud onginal manuscripts o

the piofessional testimonials piescntod to him

upon his retiring from the abovo appoint-

Mr. Royde is at homo for consultation daily,

fiom 9 to 11 a m., fiom half-past 1 to half-past

2 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m.

Privato entrance to the Royal Hotel,

DR. IFFLA, Surgeon, late one of tho phy-

sicians to the Adolaido Hospital, prac-

tises his profession in Melbourne Residonco,

105, Flinders-lane, east, neal Russell-ttreot.

DR. PARKES'S American Dysentery Pre

ventativo, the best modicino to prevent

and cuio dysentery, diarthcea, colic, spasms,

cramp, and pain in tho stomach and bowels.

This most valuablo medicine, which is not

sagrceablc to taste, and will always keep

diood, has cm ed thousands of casos of the above

dpeases in California and in America. Price,

5s. a bottle. Full dhections íegaiding diet,

self m 5, agemeut, etc., ure enclosed with o ich

For tha cuio of opthalmia, blight, inflamma-

tion, weakness of sight, watering of tho oyes,

and soreness of tho lids.

This io the host known romody. It only re-

quires a trial to pi ove how quickly it will chock

and cuio tho abovo diseases Pi ico, 3s. Gd. a

bottlo, with full directions for use.

Sold by G. Wilson and Co., 43, Collins

stieet; F. Cade, 136, Collins-stieot, east; W.

Ford, 67, Swanston-stroot ; II. Hall, 113,

Bouiko stieet; J. Hughes, 145, Elizabeth

stroet; A. W. Spencoi, 110, Queen-stieot.

In Collingwood, by G. H. Williams, Bruns-

wick-stieet, and C. Harvey, Wellington

Wholesale agent for Aiu-tialia, E. G Maundo,

commission agent, 95, Little Bourke-stroet,

DR. MAUND, M.D., Member of tho

Royal College of Sui goona of England,

Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Company of

London, Licentiate in midwifery, Membei of

the Medical Society of Paris, and fonnorly As-

sistant Sui goon to the St. Paneras Infiimary,

London, has romoved to 189, Lonsdalo-street,

east, where he may bo consultad ovory morn-

ing till half-past ten o'clock, and fiom G till 8


AFTER a successful piactice of his profes-

sion for Boven years, has great pleasure

to stato that ho may be consulted at his rooms,

uppor chamborB, 67, Swanston-sticct, from

nine till five daily. The latost improvements

rccoived from London adopted.

Monsieur B. visits Geelong the threo last

days of each month, at Mack's hotel.

M. B. bog to stato that ho has no connection

with tho Chemist establishment. 41373

MR. HOWLETT, Consulting Surgeon,

fiom London, attends foi consult ition

at Mi. Wilson's Chornist, 43, Collins-eticet,

tom olovon to twelve daily. Mr. Howlett

emoved to Biunswick-strcet, Collingwood

DR. OWEN, lato physician to tho dispen-

sary, and lunatic asylum, Ipswich ; phy

sician lo the institutian foi dibensis of «onion

and childi on, Southampton ; maybe consulted

daily, 25, Swanston street 41783

MACDONALD & CO., Chemists and

Druggists, 10, Litf oBouiko-stioot, east,

off Elizabeth stioot, Melbourne. Picsciiptioiu.

and Family Recipes aecuiatoly pi opa'ed

Ships' Medicino Chests caiefully fitted m on

MR. ARMSTRONG, Voterinaiy Sutgeon

moy bo consulted daily at Whitomnn's

Voterinaiy Folge, Littlo Collins sheet, west

noar Queon-sticet. Obsoivo the namo.


M R O.S. and L.A.C., lato Houso Sm

goon to thoBiistol Genoial Hospital, and Re-

sident Medical Oflieoi to tho Islington D¡6pen

sniy, has commenced piaelico in Dolby stieet,

Rowona-paiado, Riohmond. 45985


HAVING cornploted his Bpaoious Store In

Robe-stieot, near the Hotel, and amply

furniBhod it with a wcll-soloctod general stock,

invites the attention of Ladies, Gentlemen, and

Families to his Establishment, being asMiied, it

ho is patronised by puiohasoifl, thoy will piove

thoro is both comfort and ooonomy effected bv

piocnring goods at St. Kilda.

T. Andiows wishes all to thoioughly under-

stand, he can Boll, and is dotorminod to continu«

soiling all kinds of goods at tho Molbouroo mar

Tho stook consists of drapory, grocery, sta

tionory, ironmongoiy, confectionery, dinga

Tho St. KildaGonoial Stoi OB ai o distinguished

by the " Laigo Red Flag."

40224 168, Elizaboth-elreot, Molbo&rne.

O other merchandise, ¡J h«- *» -Tourud

N.B.-Passengen, Luggl?Ä'^*


Great Lonsdale-street n«rh Sr9BE

porter, and all descriptions TlÁJÜ

moderato prices. provisions it



and General Carriers, the Ä w

dors street. Tnalf' «kl« g

Passcngeis' luggage carefully stored

Goods convoyée! three times »week toüA

T IGHT GOCDS can be *"* ^

.LJ and reasonable charges, by Q¿£

Anderson, ttrooor. 9G. E1ÎZA1VMI,.L..Î "Î2!.

Anderson, grocer, 96, EUxabeth-rtreet «2$

iTOR^GE-iOO Tons of Goods mit

TO be published, on tho 1st July.-M.n of

the Settled Districts, wmpriLX

of fifty paushes around MelbournefcoC

With book of reference ta the sections and »1

lotments, the quantities and purcb#>'« name«,

45760 81, CoUins-étrcet, east.

OTICE to Tailors.-A Meeting 0f ¿1

m Society will bo held, for General «nd

Special Purposos, at the Tompcianeo Hall

Russoll-strcet, on Monday evening, Juno 6th'

46782_Gjl8., Becre'ary. '


meeting of the above trado will bo held

on Saturday Evening, Juno 4th, ia the Club

Room of the Waterman's Arms, to pretwa

rules, chose offico bearers for the management

Tho meeting will bo open for non-iwm'ien

to assembio and considor tho motifs of tha

Union, from half-past six until eight o'clici,

after wh'ch tho members alone will proceed

to the otovo-mentioned business.

J. D. BOURAN, Secretary pro te?

1 PUBLIC MEETING, held at tho Roysj

Hotel, on the 27th. May, 1853, in re.

fcrence to tho accommodât'on to tho trade

at the Queen's Wharf,-Mr. Sutherland in th«

ist. ltesolution.-rroposod by Mr. Cairns, and

seeond-.d by Mr. Taylor, and ca'iied «nani.

That this meeting, seeing the necessity of

having somo established system, whereby tim

ber may bo bought and sold on the wharf

Resolves, that a petition be drawn oui

and presented to his Excellency tie

Lieutenant Gove-nor, praying that a poitioj

of giounds should be set npatt vfhsis

timber might bo landed and selected. And

that such portion of ground should be on ti«

south side of the bas'.n of the Yarra Yarra, op-

posite tho Qaoen's Wharf, and that tho same

should bo enclos-.d with a high fence; and

that a w lodon bridge bo immediately thrown

across tha river, above tho falls,-and lui

Comptroller cf Customs older that all tim-

ber arriving at the wharf bo landed onth'i

2nd Resolution.-Proposed by Mr Aitkin,and

seconded i y Mr Rooney, and carritti uoanimou)

That inasmuch as a veiy improper and

unjust practica, has been carried ou of Ute, by

shippois of timber and auctioneers in felling

timber before be'ng landed, and tu' j cl-

ing the purchnseT to groat annoyance and tosa

of timo in getting delivery of lii'i piuvhas&

Hcsolvod,-That Importéis i^í'V'ii-tioneer«

bo made aw.aro of this gi ¡avança fd that

they bo induced to do whata'eg in their point

to remedy the same, by offering^ no timber foi

salo before the sams he landed alni selected,

3td Resolution.-Proposed by Mr Taylor, and

seconded by Mr. Evan-, and carried:

That inasmuch as tho timber generally ship-

ped from Van Die men's Land, is cut mush

smaller than tho sizes specified, that this

meeting do endeavour to hava a Bill introduced

into tho Legislativo Council, at its next sit-

ting, to remedy tho above evil, and that a

Committee bo appointed to draw up the same.

4th Resolution.-Piopesul by Mr. Aitkin,

and seconded by Mr. Semplo :

That this meeting has seen by tho

minutes of tho City Council, that certain in-

dividuals aro nppl}ing to said Council for a '

certain portion of land, adjoining tho Queen1!

Wharf, now so much occupied by the publie

generally, and which is most urgently required

for the uso of tho public from tha increasing

Resolved-That a petition ha at once dram

up and presented to tho City Council, thovying

tho impropriety, inconvenianco, and positive

less that would oriso by granting the Bamo.

5th Rciolu- ion.-Pi oposed by Mr. Evans, and

seconded by Mr. Taylor, and carried onani

That m til the fii£t lesolution lo carried in-

to effect the vicant ground, bing between

Fliudcia-slicct and tho Wharf, bo enclosed,»

as to piot« cttho immenfo piopotty lying there-

on from Ihoft ; ond tlut a poilion ot this so en-

closed space bo set asido foi tho special storing

of timbei (icmaining unsold oi umemoved) by

tho owntrs, at theil expwiEo ; and that no lim

bor be allowed to lio on othei parts of the

v.halves longei than fourteen days after

boing landed ; and that a whaifingor bo sp

pointed to take chai go of tho same 47079

G MORTON and CO. having completed

o theil now and extensive promisesi at

Sandridge, mo now piepaied to supply Dip

Candles, equal in quality to tho best London

mado, at such prices OB must command the at-

The StoiokcepjiB of Melbonrno, suncunomg

neighborhood, and ot tho diggings, aro r»

ncctfully invited to givo these candlcé a in«.

Oidois addtctsad to G. Mot ton and Co., Candle

Manufactinois, Sandridge, 01 Mcss'f. William

Solkilk and Co , 4, Maikct iqutil e, Melbourne,

will locoivo caioful and punctual attention.

ié" All oïdei s dehvorod in any pir-^of Jlw

bourno, fieoof chaige. '\,ioti

Sandridge, May ¿7, 1853.__}]}z

1 THOMAS HIDE bogs most respectfully to

infoim his Adelaida and Melbourne

thondB, and thopublio geneially, that »*"

ononed a General Stoic, No. 11, tourko-atroot,

ailioining Messrs. Symons Td ,^'»^1

rooms, vi hoto ho intends to Bell all dcwnptloM

of goods, wholesale and retail, on he small

pteotit and quick toluin pnnoiplo, ror reauv


bog to inform tho inhabitants of Mel

boumo and its vicinity that thoy have opened

the Shop of Mr. Thomas Mali«. No. 17, Ltttio

Collins-! ti cot, oast, opposite the "«¿aoM"»J,

in which they intend to cany on fe "m*"»

of Military Tailois and Diapors, and trust that,

by btiict attention to oidois, moderate prie«,

and aiüolos well got up, thoy will moot WlU»

tho snppoi t of the publio at largo.

Mess'*. C and A. havo an advantage wWcB

no othor shop can boast of in °'?J;ll8>-?JS.'

A. has only lately arrived from England^«u

a largo a¿ortm.nt of every imami .

Olotha of th« vary boat o,uality. »»'