DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 16 Jul 1853 (original) (raw)
Sat 16 Jul 1853 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
TIIK Alloua -In consequence of tlio timely arrival |
of 'printing pajier by two vessels last Sunday, wo
enobleil to rtmoiu th restriction ti hlcli wo »ore lately j
foi ceil to lay u|Kin our circulation, and a llmllid num-
ber of new subscriber« »111 noir bo admitted tu our |
regular siibscrlpllun list.
PROMENADE.- Mr, Winterbottom gives his second pro-
mciiailo concert, nt Rowe's Circus, this evening,
think It would ho a very great improvement if the
orclnstra could roiiventently ho plaooil In tho middle of
lho house i the »omul would then he much moro equally
illstrllnitiii, alni »mild not ao soon escape through the
collins«. Wo hope, too, that « o shall toon havo tho
pleasure of hearing Miulamo Carandini, ot whom report
»penk« very htghlv, and of »boin Mr. Wlntirbottom
hu» undertaken the Intrmliiotlon to a Melbourne audl
llHainr-Iletiirnoflhonutnlier of ponton« ndmlttcdlnto |
nnd dliohnrgcd from the Iiiitllutlon for Hmisilesi Iinnil.
granta betiieen tho 5th and 12th July, 18511-llcmnln
lug pir lost return, 227; noolvcd-adult mules, 111; |
fetlinle«, 37 ¡children, 40; total, 104. Number« lulu,
htltullon dining tho xiook, 4SI i dlichargod, 00; re-
maining, 3)3. Tho nut of family tooms li 3a. (wr I
night; «Ingle berth«, 1«. do,; fml 1» provided for
famille« nt 2». od each, ami for »lucio purion», 1«, lach |
per »vook -John William», «upcrliitendunl.
Tno HiNiiANiw.-A chargo of tilla naluro wai pre
firred agalnat Mary Dtilllo, nt lho City Police Court [
)Cktintay, but the Mayor dl«poacd of It M far I
the lmhllo aro coitoorneil, by laying that ho would hear I
It In lili prívalo (illico. Now, we aro ns gnat itloklori
for dooonoy M ntl) botly, but wo cannot help thinking, |
that In Ulla oaao Illa Wonblp lias »trnlned at
gnat, ivhllg »o vory afton ice him swallow a la.fer |
FKIOTV.-TIIO char, -t the District Court agalnit
Ooorgo Mut ray of being a deierlcr from tho brig
Augloiture, (whleh veno!, hy tho byo, turn« out to l>o
tho «dimmer Angoittirn,) wa« withdrawn yeiterd»)',
Tho prisoner waa however committed by tho Court to
tako hi« trial for having iloKa «grao Hour rrom tho
ALI-BEN-SOU-ALLE.—The old hall of the Mechanics'
never presented so splendid an appearance since we knew
it, as on the occasion of the above gentleman's concert
last evening. Outside, a flambeau flared on each corner-
stone of the entrance-steps, while, over the door-way, a
row of thirteen elegant variegated lamps, each bearing
a letter of the singular name, showed a hotter light
than visitors to the Institution have ever yet been fa-
vored with. Inside, the coup d'œll presented was quite
magnificent, one end of the hall being covered with
variegated drapery, supposed to represent a Turkish
pavilion ; the musicians' seats and music-stands being
also richly hung, while the profusion of lights was quite
dazzling to behold. The orchestra, under the able di-
rection of Herr Strebinger, acquitted themselves with
great brilliancy and effect. The Turk was great, as on
a former occasion, with his four instruments, amply
meriting the repeated encores he obtained. His turko-
phoneis certainly a most wonderful instrument, re-
minding us at once of Winterbottom and Creed Royal.
Almost every part of the entertainment was well re-
ceived, and we sincerely congratulate this enterprising
gentleman on the success of the attempt ; the hall hav-
ing been crowded throughout, and many persons desirous
of entering the reserved seats having been content to gain
in by paying only the second price.
H. tí. O'Reilly gave tho first ofn »erie« of entertain-
ment» at tho Temperance Hall, which aro designated
"Irish Evening»," from tholr embracing anecdotes,
traits, and »torlea of tho Irish peasantry, interspersed
with recitals of bhindor» and thoso facetious
mistakes called ".bull»," in the perpetration of which
Irishmen aro considered to have a prcscrlptlvo right,
Tho sons of Erin arc too good humored and fond of a
Joke, to disclaim on) thing attributed to them calcula-
ted to promoto mirth, equally satisfied with boing morry
themselves and tho causo of mirth to oUiors, Just ns
Falstaff made It a matter of pride, that ho was not only
witty himself, but tho cause of wit inothor«. Should,
however, any sensitivo gcnUeman toko umbrage at the
Impeachment of possessing a prcdl.«]iositlou for making
bull», wo can inform htm, for hi« consolation, that
similar Incongruities wero committed even among tho
highly polished nnd civilised Greeks of tho olden timo.
A Greek author published a collection of facctl.m,
in which the following anocdoto occurs :
A gentleman in Uic country having written to a friend
at AUiens to pureba»« »onie books for him, which lil«
city acquaintance neglected to perform ; when 1 o met
him afterwards in town, the ingenious citizen ob.
«erved, by wny of apology, " Apropos about tho«c
books : I never received the letter you sont me to buy
thom," which, wo presume to say, is quite as good In
it» way a» an*/ similar apology rcconlcd na an Irish
bull. llutMr.O'Rollly shall »peak for himself. Ho »aid
ho had read an advertisement In an Irish newspaper aa
followa:-"Wanted, two apprentlco«, who would bo
treated as ont of tho family;" another "To let, an
apartment for a single man and bl» wife." This noti-
fication has not certainly tho merit of originality.
Th« anecdotes wore not new; but it waa apparent from
the reception thoy met with, that they would bear re-
petition. The audience laughed, and a good laugh In
those dull times is worth something; besides, Sterne's
chapter on dramatic criticism instructs us that If wo
aro pleased with a performance, wo should be con-
tented, and not bo very curious to investígalo " the
why and becauso." Mr. O'Reilly recited some
of Moore's poetry, which was well received ; and
mado quotations, illustrât! io of the peculiar style of
éloquence of tho rc.-entrlo Sir Royle Roche, who is
famous for that bold figure of rhctorio, through which
ho declared " ho had not tho ubiquity of a bird, to bo
present lu two places at ono time." The Illustration
given by the lecturer wai hi» «|ieech in tho House of
Commons, on tho French Invasion, whon he warned
honorable members that If tho French irossed the
channel, thoy would cul thom Into mlncc, and put
their bleeding head« on tim tablo to »taro them In tho
face. The entertainment was varied with several songs
which were given by a gentleman whose name did not
transpire, who has a very fine natural voice, which
requires only cultivation to ensure him complete suc-
cess in his profession. Among the songs were "Nora
Creena," which was rapturously applauded, and honored
with an encore; and the "Low-back Car," which was
also repeated. The Hall was well filled with a respect-
able audience, is lioso deportment was in every rcspeot
uucxccptlonahlc, and who separated highly gratified
with tho evening's entertainment.
who I« «aid to havu boon a Williamstown boitnnn,
was ) eatorday morning found dead In a wooden build-
ing at Hie foot end of Wllllam-strcot, near I lludors
»Ireet The .building In question wa« laid) occupied
as an eating-house or refreshment room. In tho rear
of the prtmlaoa Is a largo shod or skillion, In whlclithe
lodgers skpt The appeannce of the place, as It was
«een ) estenli) forenoon, wa« wretched In tho extreme
The building li In a nm«t dll»| ltlalnl con lltlnn, and
the al gnant water might bo «ecu licncath It, through
the r irtit-cs 'n the floor The rear bull ling, from
tho tomah of most mlserabk lied«, Ac , which nore
«een about it, a« well a« from information which was
rccilved, appear« to have boen used m« a common
sleeping apartment for those who lodgcil there, and
who appear to havo b'en accustomed to hud Ile pm
mlscuousl) on tho floor 'Nor) few of the Iiihiblt-ints
of Melbourno havo am Idea of «nell a liai o being
occupied b> human being«, nlthuigh, no doubt, too
lunn) auoh places are to be found, an 1 prohibí) much
good night bo offected If Dioso amongst us who are
philanthropic, as well a« the police, would occasional!i
\l»lt such nceptacles These prenilsi« were, until
I hnisday last, kei t b) a person nameil C «A llllam»
On that day tho) were «old, and have since the salo
beef, i ^Inhabited. It appear« that tin. ile-eiscd has
for a week or moro rawt been In the habit of
gsttlng hi« meal» awl lodging at Williams« On
Thuradny evening lie called at the Siilnr) Hotel In
William-street, and wal thin much Intoxicated It
would seem that he then In all probabllll) through lils
drunkenness, fnr.'nt that lils former lodging» «ere unoc
cuplcd at all evenl«, he went there, andas there are
some downward step« whonb) tho floor Is reachtd, and
as bl« body na« found near those »topi. Hu strong 1 re-
liability ia that In gt Ing to what he supposed to bo hi»
lodgings, ho fill or la) down Hu re to »loop \o exter-
nal Injury wa« a] |«rent to account for lils tknth but
as when found lil« bead wa« somewhat liner Ihan his
boily, the fair Infironco 1» thal he fell or la) down lhere
while Intoxicated, and that a ditennlnatlon of blond
t. the head lind brought on apoplixs A Coronir*«
Inquest was hi Id on Iho bod), winn Hie «ubstince of
the abovo «latcment wa« given In oi Idence, and a ver-
dict returned that the deceased di eel b> the 11sitatlon uf
God, and that hi« diath wa« aocclcntod li) Ititi mpcratico
and oxposuro In an uninhabited house Tlio deieasid
»ppcared lo be about fifly sear« of age, and «as
dressed as a boatman or water «Ide I iborer Ile was
Identified lo «omo extent, but name wa« notasceitiluod
BENEVOLENT ASYLUM.—On Thursday a meeting of
the Coniniltlco of Munsgemrnt of Hil« Institution vi«
held there, for the purpnso of examining Hie teslltni -
nial«, áe , of the | artie« «ho bad applied fir the vacant
ofllccs of Itosldint Medical Stipirlntutdcnt, mil Matron,
and of selecting the fittest persons from amongst Hie
can lhlates After a careful InvesHgntl m Into the
qualifications of tlio candidate«, tin choice of Hie rom.
mítico fill upon Dr hnaggs, Into honorarv S ir"ion lo
tho Institution, as Suporltrtcndint, uni upon Mrs
Goodwin, ns Matron Hie number of lnmntis at ] re.
sent In the A«ylum I« -Adulta linln, 19, finnie«,
31, chlidron, malo and fomal ,18; ti lal, IU Amongst
thoohlldren nocntlj admitted Into tlio AM lum, tri re
Hie tlina orphans of the unfirtunate woman 1 llailith
II yalli. «Those death from linniersltn In tin. wnltrat
Sandridge formed the «utijoct of nn'in JIM st recent.),
si rororted In tho Aniui or thu Olli Inst
WASTK or Pin I io 1 His - Vesli ni») Iho publlo limo
«as occupied at the Pul remo toort, when in Hie ml 1
tile of the ds), firhilf-an hour, Iho Imposing cerimony
if «wearing In two maglslrates ins 1,0110 llir«u"ti, cans.
Ing these gentlemen to »wear tint Hie Pop. Ins no righi
to order furtl|,n prince« to bo killed li) their tiilijtrl«,
and that Hu) «111 not do nnvthing to Injure or aub
vert tho Chun li of Fillan 1, and tho bishops mil clerg)
thereof Tho latter oath would appear tn li «omenhnt
Inconsistent willi Hu prevailing notion, li no1 tho fid,
that In this coll ii) Hu ni I« no llato rillglon, and tho
C huron of FnUsnd of onl) equal pritcnsions with the
MAnisTiiiut. OAttisrnr.-A man «a» »uminnned lo
lho City pulle« dmr!, yulcnlay, to an»»cr to the
charge of having hi» back premises In a filthy slab'.
It appeared that the yard and bouse «ero two fool
bl low tho road, and, as tlio defendant kept cows nu lils
premises, It »ni not likely, under the circumstance«,
that they should bo very clean, A fino wa« Imposisl,
and ho wai deilrcd by lho Mayor to get tho placo
oioaned at once, or clio expect next week to hu sum-
moned on a ilinllar charge. " Cleaned '." exclaimed
Um lady of lho herdsman, " Impoulbl« ! tho worth of
mo wouldn't do It." " Kay," courteously returned our
pnlll« chlor maglatrato, " I can hardly belli so Unit thu
place la io dirty a» that."
TUR Cur Conos» «.-Dr. Wilmot, lho City Coro-
ner, hat appointed Mr. J. N. Hassall, aa lil« clerk.
Mr. II. »Ill boat nil lime«found at the Coroner's imsr
ornoo, noar Prlnoo's.hrhlgo. It I« laid thal under the
authority of «onie new and official regulation« tim
Coroner'» office for thl» elly 1« likely lo become omi of
moro than mull Importance. It li to ho tho medium
of communication bitwoen all (ho other coroner« In tho
colony and tho Government. A tnnrguo I« «penilly to
bo attnohed to tho building« In willoh tho Coi oin r's now
A fitar-oun.-Thuin«« Wan! appeared beflire tim
Mayor and Mr. Sturt at the Clly Pollen Court yexter
day, to ananer tim complaint of his cook, Ednicnl
.Ionia, who repreaonteil that lil» mnater lind assaulted
bimby striking bim willi hit flit, Tho cvldenco Minnid
grout provocation, but tim Iionoh could nut Justify any
man In taking the law Into Id» on n limul t nndtheie.
fore, though tim Mayor dUapprovisl of Jonca'a gutting
up a //, ho Imposed a fine of 4(1», on tim de-
fendant. Two or throo Frenohmoti carno hofiiro lho
Court In Um course of thu tiny, whoio cxainlnntloii the
Ma) or l«ft to Mr, Sturt,
CUTTIMU * TrüT.-George Wilson, tatoly a prlinuor
In Hobson'» Hay, waa iontohce.1 to a «nuntin bnnl 1-hor
In g»ol, at the City I'ollooCourt yeati rdny, for culling
open a tent with a razor on lil« way up fitiin tho hulk»
DautVKKNNKtii,-The following perlons wi ro flticil for
lho abovo oflenco at tho City Polloo (,'ourl yesterday
In Ino mini amount i-It. Cuddy, K, (lllleiplu, J.
Spark«, O. Sullivan, 1>, Fall, H. Munn, ,1. Ni II, W.
Htooks, J, 0. Wood, T. (Ilonuon, W, WoU», 1', Mur,
|ihy, J. M'Oi'n, A. T. lirowor, ,1. »nyli«, W. Dobbin.
W. Atkinson, U. 8. Whitney, J. Tollón, H. Wilson,
tnd W. Harry. U. Prciton «u «neil 40«., «ml A.
MThorioo. X9>'\ ft» llio Moto »nil furious, riding,
CACTIOK -J. Asienholm, lodging houao keeper, In
Little Bourlio^trtct, «Vas cliarged at the City Police
Court yciterdav, with allowing gambling and lighting
to go on at his houao, and though It waa proved that he
«rai in bed »t the time, and that, when called, ho did
his utmost to supprcsa the disturbance, ho was fined to
the amount of 10/, greatly to tho disgust of that
troublesome gentleman, Mr Bend, who was vorj
anxious to overrnle the decision of tho Bench
oonditlonof Simpson s road, willoh Is non ono of tho
malnavonucs to nnd from the oity is infamous lu tho
extreme Thoro havo not been any hcavj nins for
«orno timo paît, and therefore tho oondltlon of the road
I« comparatively far hotter now than It has generally
beon during tho winter But It Is non «o bad a« to he
almost, If not quite, Impasiuhle, and to he a disgrace to
the authorities of any civilised place On going to
ward« It from Melbourne, tho road I« tolerably fair, so
far as tho end of \ lctorla parade, or in about tho neij,li
borhood of John Black s «table« Thon commences
Simpson a road,asltls called,or more properly Simpson s
mire Between Black s and Mr. Waters s, Hie butcher s,
the road becomes so bad that It is Impossible for dray» or
cart« to pis» along It, and therefore the) aro driven to
the southward, and Bro compelled to «end their way
over Richmond Flats, until they reach Hoddle »troot,
where they must aga'n tako to tho road In the »pace
between Black a et-iblcs and Hoddle-atrcet, there are
places on Simpson s road even now which cannot bo
passed To partlculurlso where all is so had Is difficult,
but there Is one »pot «hero thcro formerly was a bridge,
where a gulf filled n 1th water crosses the road, which
gulf la nearly aa wide as the Yarra, and is almost cer-
tain death and destruction to any strange man, horse'
or tlrnj, which may chance to venture to cross It
Froeecdlugonwards towards tin. Yarra, the road becomes
worse and worse About Mr Sholbj s grocery on the
corner of Janies street Is a quagmire Bctweon thoro
and Andrews » »toro It Is worse »till, If Hint be possi-
ble And between Andre« s s und the river It Is »o nearly
Impaisablo that tho oldest Inhabitant cannot tell who
tho last man wns who came nlong there Now tho
of all this Is rcrj grievous Ono effect Is to put a tas:
?pon all goods consumid thereabouts, alnco the trades
men bave topai fromis tods aowt forthclrconvcyanco
Another effect Is to dcprlvo (when it doo« not rain) the
thousand« of inhabitant« nround there and Richmond
Flitsofwalcr. The) emnot go to the river firlt Tholr
own nipi Iy become« exhausted Thoy drink from the
filth) pool« until thoy beinmo drj , mut then they can
not get a water-carrier lo como near Hiern, because of
the bad condition of Sim} son s road Or If as an csjie
dal favor «ome wutir carrier can bo found «ho I« will
Ing to risk tho lifi and Ilinl « of lils horse In tho inert,
ho has the niodist) to charge, what was ailunll) lui! 1
b) a housekoopcr there, on Thursday last, namoi), 30«
fax a ver) short load uf water Some two or Hirco
months slnco a meeting «as hold at Mr Andrews s «tore
firthcimrposL of devising mean« to git this roil re
I paired It «as thou determined to raise £1000 b) sub
scriptlon, and to appl) to tlio authorities to contribuía
£3000 more, mid to go to work mid niako a good roi 1.
Between throo and four hundred pound« were then sub-
scribed I ) thoso who Hi eil on and about the roid, and
i committee, consisting of Messrs Inlrchlld, benlidi,
and Kraust n, wa« nppolntcd to collect further sub
acrlptlons It Is «aid the« havo now made up the
amount to about £000, but that owing to Mr Kinnell s
absence and some littlo apatliv, the collection I« not
procicdcd with , and that If It wa« pushed vlgorouslj
the deficit would beobt ilnid Ina week If that be so.praj
goo 1 Messrs Commlttiemin go on and prosper-collcit
the amount, and let tho pu i li havo a good road, cheap
tooti«, and pleut) of water
Tim DiiASU - Ills now some di)« «Ince ne alluded
In terms of rather high commendation to the perform
ance of Mr Cokuinn, a ) omi/ gentleman Intel) arrli ed
from Sj dm j, where ho has luen giving a »orle« rf dra
mullo reading« with great Buecc«« We thenfiro
think It right to remind our ruder» that this eicnlng
Mr C «HI read the tngcdj of Hamlet, at Bnld a A«
sctnblj Rooms, comer of Russill and Little Collins
streets, where no expect to «co not onl) a larfco audl
dlcmi, lint uno greall) dillghlcd
Da Lixo- The Jliitxh ¡launer of Apill Oth, con-
tains a letter from I)r Ling, lu which ho announces
lils Intuition of soon returning to tho colon) Ho
sa)« -"Having dono niarl) all I found rncticiblo
for the accomplishment of the «irions nlJciLs of ni)
present v Ult to this countr), I have Just rt turned to
London from ti e north, to niake arrangement! fur
nnothcr v i)agcto Austi illa It was ni) Intention to
hive gone out lu one of tho steamer« tint n HI prob dil)
sall carl) lil Mis , but as I am disirous that two or
three ciangelkal ministers, with whom I have been
corresponding on the subjtcl shoul I j, o nut ulong n Uli
me, wlilch Hil) could n t di If I vi cn li ling m) pas
sage by a steamer, I should pr lir gob g out lu ft
sailing vessel, prov leila pnrtv of Christian fiiullhs,
sufHilcnt to oemp) Hie nhulo nccnmmotliHon of i
«hip of the priper size und qualllle«, could be nile
np to go out tugi Hier, lither from I ondon or
Liverpool, on or about the 10th of Mil) An 1 ns
lèverai of )our renders-intending emigrants I j re
«unie-liavo been asking nie at iliflirint lime« for
month« pist, »hat vessel I Intended to 1,0 out li), I beg
jon will allow mo to (.Ive these i irsons tills Infimin-
ti m throiifch sour columns II, Hu re fore, i sufllileiit
number of t'ainlllc« noel In Ihl bull, numbers of evan
gellcil Churches and d «Irou» of i migrating under fa
vorablo auspice« to Australia, nould slfciilf) tho simo
to me li) lottirs to my adtlriss a* tho ¡tanner Olllco,
within eight days from this date, further particulars
will bo stated In an adicrllioment, next week If ¡«,
aud tho necossary arrangement» will bo matlo Immc
dlatclj thereafter I would undertake to make tho re.
qulslte arrangements In tlio casi-of oourso through
»onie mercantile house of isbibllsht d character and re
spcclabllil) - «olely on the condition of having tho
entire management and the entire responsibility, fir It
I« not aafo for those conocrncd to have a dil I led nulli >
rll) at sea, and «till less so lo have nub id) whola
really responsible to appl) to, on a long voioj.0 The
cost of | assago « ould bo in accordance « Uli Hu current
rates Iho vcstel would go direct to Sj duo) '
Al o«ri IT in« Gionv -The Carpel Hag (American)
till« a »tory of i prcachir who delighted lu long
.ormon«, and who ouco exchanged «Ith a brother
preacher «ho alna)» ilellvired short ones At the
usual hour for closing tho »en loo, tho \ eoi lo became
lineas), and, being Inspired willi Hu lose of warm din
ners rather than long sermons, went out q ii Hy oni bj
one, till tlio prcichir «as lift alono with the «ixton
1 ho preacher, ficllng Hint ho must do lils dut), still
continued toblariawa), till tint funollonarj, «cling
no | rospect of a close, wilkcd dellbiratel) up iho pul| It
stairs, and, linn ling lilla Hu ki i, requested " ho would
fmk up ulan ho lind git thro ith, and leave tim kov at
lil« homo as ho «cut along
A Sninp WIT-An Indian nil sa)» tint during
trial In I awrenceporl a vonni, lad «ho uni cillid ni a
witness, wa« asked If lu km« «li it ins tho obligation
nfan oath, and when ho wool 1 j,o to If lie ti Id n He
Ho «all ho sut posed "he woul I fen «hire nil Iho lan) cn
A NhrtiCTkti Eviirligt lu -In (ho Philosophical
1 rnnsiitlon« thon I» a nferuco to in enithqiiiike,
Mhlih "had tlio honor' of Ittlng rcpnrtul lu tho
1 npirs if the hnrniHl Hoiletv 'ibis Is nu honor ii hlcli,
It «um«, ha« nut bun ncconleil to nu cnrthqimko nt
Ilirefonl nilli »itfllcluit promiitltiitlo In tho Loudon
Joui nuls, and the coitsiquince of this slight to a lilkhl)
risptcttible inr'bqu iki lins been Kunu Incrulullls din
toltsverv exKtenn Acorn»|ioniloiit, Jmllv tinncloii»
of the honor of lils cirtliquiiki, «rite« to the Times -
" '1 lie lum appearance In tin tnntt of titi« morning of
mi) r port of an inrtliquike «hoik liming linn felt in
nuv other towns ins somenhat »linken tho belief of tho
good people (if Hereford lu tin flat thnt n perceptible,
mid,Indeed, «irlou« shod,, was nails tilt hire on Hun
dnx night. Such,, lion is cr, stn« tho ease, and thu evl
,1, in o ol 100 or moro ]>eople lu llirifonl mid tho neigh-
borhood could lie nht ilucil ( I tin fact" What n tri-
bute I» thi» lo tin ]KIVS or ol the pn «s ' '1 lu cnrthqtinko
lins an larlhqnnkooi no inril quiikenliill, nurunlliigln
[tsricogntiliin iutl t» lime* or thocontinrv. 'lim good
people at Hcrefoid wire thnkiii lu tin Ir bids on Sun.
das night bv tin »lu ck of nu inrtbqunke ; biittbo)
wiro «Milo us linn li sliukeii In tlulr belief
that Ibu) hud Indi hbuki li In their heil«, li lion
tin v found no nevis < f Um event lu the Tb»«. " Who
»bimbi know I o>t, v nu or tin tloctoi ! ' »nv« tho sailor,
lu Joe Milli r, tu hi« mnlc who prntist« ne, vlnst being
thro» n miriwinni n« di id. Ami "«ho «li ml I know
heit, )our or tin Tiniesl Is nutt Hu i jlulilliliiil qui«,
lion, valldn nlnst the i videuio if the »olives Onboard
a »hip, nhill «unset I« li pul lil to the commanding
oftlcir, he gins tho »onl, "liuiko it «o, without
vxlilcli nutliorlt) the sun could not god inn lu the log,
nor the pcuiunt lunn tin- must bind. Ami In like mun.
Der, a (onsulslnn ( f naturi sshbb «huid« in tplo«hodlc»
nnil irncl.ii) nari, Is imt csliiblMiul In their lit lit f, or
«it do«n lu Hull mind« log, tinks« Um »uni " nuvkii It
«o'bus bun intsiil b) Um oi mlnrlor of the Innes lim
cartbqiinkii vu» the talk of nil Hen foul till llerufonl
found It not In tim I mit* Whore woro It« rumblings
«Inn It »as illsiovind that It um!« no nols» In tim
/ti/ici» "Arti rall It vin» no j.rmt »linki«' vin» tim
dl»|ninglug rill itliu of tlio disappointed llirifonl
rltl/tii ii|un finding mi miiitlon lu Ibu Amu. 'lim
hriaklug nut ul ) tu(o littsstin l'nglnnil mid 1 rnnco
liuiib nil Hut in 1st ofthla sink I for pinci, »hieb, once
upon n Um«, stn» Ibu inn«! nihill of nil thing«, hn« linn
tukul to putt lui'about It-t, It In n strain the most igntls.
llwil and olainnrmi« - I undo» I iinmnei.
DntNKKSXMs- lho' lollo«lug pirson« »ero fined
211« mill for Um above oil ni , nt Um til) Pollio
Court, or lu «pi ml tin til) -four hours In pi Non
-John Johnson, \\ lllliim l.s lilli, .lull" 'I hompson,
'I lumms Dunn, Julius ( mini, John limn tuon1
îilluhui 1 O Rourke, Jului I li ml. mun, John IhiUUr,
11,i lil Hutton, .tarni « 1 lion, William Miii.ilin, Jiiiiu»
Cunnii lim I, Thomas Hums, .li lui t i."-lim, I'dnnnl Lui,
John llronii, William Unod, ( luirie» Liggnll, fliorgo.
friilkshniik, Willina Hu», .Ilium ( miiliiliig«, llniuio
Win i In right, linns Wilson, mid 'I hunns Hold*.
Hnr.h'Pa)lol vinslluiil-V« ; William.lum», IO« i .Min
MiiiVKitsKi »NU (insriMiv-Ahxnutloi f'nmernn
iva» finid 40«, li) Ml Sltirt, .11', nt lim City I'olh i
Couti, foi baling hem (lunik lind mid nine«ne Inn.
nimmo. Cirri«1.-A »nitnut wa« grunted b) lho
lil-trltt Coull ngitliist .litinea llimliibiiii lol disc
lu>lui! n »iiniinoti» In nppuir binnu tim Coull on a
I bargo of icsililiig finn lund of cattle fioin Jnbii Dodd,
»ho ivan drill lift Um mid (iiilllu thinngli I'liiliinu In (ho
ltKatiTtuiis -At tho DUlilot Court Archllmld
Ciimpbill «it« liifAirmed ngalnat fur linsliig In hil
po»«c«iloii a horso belonging to flcnrgo I'ott), Tito
Couti ordered tho lion« to bo iMlorcO. to Porry,
NnvT"Aproisiisim«i.- Wo perçoive by"the (Jaulte
that'Stri RrM.'Tracé»'hai received an appointment io
tho Custom». FOVT of our old colonists or or our mer.
osntilo readers will forget this gcntfetriinjo long con-
nected with the Post Ofllce. For aoYeral years lill
urbanity, aotlvtty, and general bearing,towards all
applicants for letton in tho delivery portion of the
office, wero subjeots of general and woll merited prslso.
In losing bim, tho Post Office ha« lost »nnotlvo servant,
nnd tho publlo a oourtoous official. For somo time past
Mr. Traceys health has been suffering, and wo bellovo
It was mainly through this carno ho hal sought a placa
moro llkelly to benefit his conatltutlon. If Csptain
M'Crao thus allows lils best ofneors to leave, some
from 111 health that might have been repaired by a little
tlmoly Indulgence, some through dligust at seeing
Inferior men placed over Uiclr heads, uo wondor that
lils department of the scrvlco I« such a dlsgraoo oven
in this place of general official ncglcotaud Incapacity.
SKIZOBB OF SriaiTs.-Sergeant Gnllahoo has mado .
seizure on the promise« of John Lsmblo, Canvass Town,
of a quantity of »plrltuous llquora. Tho District Court
granted a «ummon» agalust Lambie.
OFFENCES.-Through tho courtesy of Mr. Whelan
and Mr. Castles, two of tho clerks in the City Police
Court, wo aro enabled to present the following accoun
of the number of olrenoca which havo recently been
brought «udor the cognl7jinoo of tho Magistrates at
that oflleo. Tho «hole number of person« charged
with criminal offence» between the week ending Juno
4th, nnd July Oth, 1853, being six weeks, is 1009, giv-
ing an average of 278 and a frnotion per wook. Tho
preciso numbers wore,-the first wook 439-tho second
241-thothlrd, 310-tho fourth, 233-tho fifth, 247-and
tho sixth, 290. Bcalde the abovo number of Ho»,
which is taken from tho «atchliouse ahects, and em-
braces criminal offences only, thoro wero' during tlio
samo period disposed of at the «arno office, from what
Is called tlio cause Hat, 420 case«. That olas« of casos
embraced assaults n hero tho parties aro not arrested
by tho police : claims for wage«, complaints under tho
Towns Folleo Aot, application«, to havo persons bound
to keep tho peace ; and applications for auctioneer'
and other license« for the city, <fco. This number
of 420 added to 1009 criminal offence«, would uiako a
grand total of 2095 eases In six week«. Of tho 1(169)
criminal offence«, 130 wore of nn Indlclablo nature ;
and of the«o l"n indlctnblo offence», 85 persons
wero discharged, and 45 committed fur trial.
29 were for assaults, which, added to 25 assault cases on
the causo list, will give a total of 04 cases of assault,
wllliln tho period of «lx weeks. 70 wero cases of va-
grancy, and no less than 015 wero for drunkenness, be-
ing considerably over half the total number of offences.
Tho rcmnlnlng 329 are put under the division of "other
olTonces," "anil embrace n variety of kinds of orlrao of a
minor nature. By way of addenda to the nbovoaccount,
as well as for comparlsor, for the last six weeks, we>
may mention Hint, between tho 1st July, 1851, and tho
31st December, 1852, 1082 person« nere charged «Hit
Indlclablo offence«. Of that number 70 wero females
and 1006 wero male«, and of thoso672 were discharged,
and 410 wero committed for trial. The number of per-
sons charged with assault during tho samo time was
400, of whom 40 woro females, 368 wore charged willi
vagrancy, of whom 102 wero female«. Tho numbor of
drunkards was 3029, of which number 420 were female»:
and tho total number for various offences wa« 1770
making a total number of C649 offences In tho abovo
Tun AnruiDB Asair OFFICE.-We have boon favored
by a gentleman of the highest respectability, on a visit
here from Adelaide, with the following information,
which, under the sanction of the South Australian Go-
vernment, he obtained from tho books of the Adelaide
Assay Office. Wo may mention Hint tho n»»ny» of
that establishment have been constantly tested by prl
vato essayer», and that It deservedly enjoys a high
reputation for accuracy. The particular« appear to us
calculated to afford useful hints, not only to parties
establishing assay office«, but to all who aro connected
with tho gold trade:-1. Total quantity received under
the Bullion Act from Fibninry loth, 1852, to February
15th, 1W3,412,280 oz«. 4 dals. S gr. ; 2. Total quan-
tity of gold received from March 29th to Juno 9th,
1853, 23,710 oz«. lOdwts. 23 gra.; total, 430,003 ozs.
1 tint. 4 gr». 3. Charge for «melting and asaaylng,
untlor Bullion Act, 1 per cent. 4. Chargo for «melting
and assaying now } per cent. 5. Avcrogo length of
time occupied now In »melting and assaying five days.
0. Average loss In smelting, arising from Uio separating;
of Impurities from the follón Ing gold, from March 2811«
to Olli June, 1813-Ilalamat, 1 per cent. ; Forest Creek,
Bendigo, Wlilto Hill, Knglo Hawk, Fryer's Creek, lj
Oven«, 31, per cent. ; Echunga, 2 per cent.
Sumer WFIOIIT.-Yesterday, nt tho District Court,
several of Iho Prahran bakers wero Informed ngainstby
tho Inspector of Weight« and Measure«, forchcalliig the
publie, by selling bread deficient In weight. John
Cnrse was fined £7 6«. for Hil» offence, being5s. por
ounce fur fifteen loaves deficient twcnty-nlno ounces,
Warran!« nero granted against Lawronoo Honry, fur
having seventeen loavea for «nie, deficient tlilrly-soven
ounce« ; and ngnliist Alexander M'Call and William
Nowlan, for having twelve loavea deficient six ounce«.
Gcorgo and William Clemonl» were fined 40«., and
4s. Oil. cost«, and William Jameson, 20«., and 4». ed.
costs, fur having fa'lu and unequal balanco«; anti
against James Watt and James Gordon a warrant was
Is.ned on a similar Information.
COMVOIIT^-WO romemlier the story of a carpenter
«ho being engaged to construct tho liinElatralo'« seats
In some court of Justice, waa Joked at for seeming par-
ticularly anxious to make tho principal acata re-
markably comfortable "I am making If for myself,"
said ho, and »o, rop-irt says, It fumed out. It la a pity
the man who made tho rejiortcr'a seat'In the City
Polico Court had not before him tho honorable ambi-
tion of some day silling In It blmielr. Ho seems to
havo liad n moro Ignoble desire, Judging by tho easy
stools ho baa contrived for the gentlemen of tho legal
profession, who loll about upon thom with a kind of
easy luxury, very trying to the philosophy of those
who aro compelled to maintain their ]<o«llions on s
haro «lab. Moreover, after «hat happened to our re-
porter'« prívalo cushion at tho Supremo Court some
little limo ago, It would not certainly bo safe to entrust
a similar artlclo Into tho Jaws of tho City Polico Court.
Tim CA8TU:M VISE ESCOIIT.-Tho Castlemaine Govern-
ment Escort arrived at 4 p.m. yesterday, »1th 17,113
ounces of gold. The latest numbor from Forest Creek
l«310,091 ¡ from Sandhurst, 16,997, and from Tryon
Tin" TLOotis -The rivers In this neighborhood havo
been much swollen during Hie last three da)«; tho
Moorabool nt Hate » Font rose suddonl) to a height of
nineteen feet nbovo the usual level, (he Il.nrwon ia also
very high. Wo have not itcanl of any casualties.
Thcronro fow bridges to bo carried anny, thoso de-
stroyed laat year having never been replaced. Tilla
consideration must bo a consolatory ono to tlio Road
Hoard -Qttlmg Adtei lisa, 15th July,
ACOUSTICS -Cousins, tho clown at Rowe'«, sa) s that
hownsoucoin a «hip in such very high latitudes that
tho captain s breath froze ns ho spoke, lila worda being
carried up Into tlio nlr by the cold, ao that tho men had
lo vvnlt till the) carno donn again, and then put them
In a fr) lug.pan before they could tell what tlio captain
was so) Ing Wo should ho glnd sometimes to got hold
of what I» going on at tho City Tollco Court oven at
this price. It Is most amusing to watch a witness
turning nbout In tlio box ns ho Is desired at ono mo.
ment to look In ono direction, at another In anothor ;
for it is quito Impossible for any person to whom lho
speaker's fuco Is not tumid to henr ono wonl lu a dozen
of what ho so) a. Our readers may tbcroforo Imagino
hoir much fall« to tho cars of tho reporter«, «lien wo
loll tlnin that their »cut la oxnclly behind tho wltuoai
*^A Lomo Cot «tv-Tho District Court Imposed a
fine of £20 upon Charlea Arnold, for feloniously cutting
and wounding his cousin, Jnmos Arnold, nt Colling,
wood 1 hit, on Tuesilii) last. Tho flue » us tmiucdlatcly