Advertising - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 20 Jul 1853 (original) (raw)

RUBBLE nuil Cut Stotio, Ac -Stono or both sorts

always re uly lho neal oat quirry lo the New

Cometcry, mel tlio Sydney ito id DUDDIN'OSTO«

A HOYLE Sloro, Oreit Bourke street, opposite the

Labor Market -Tho Subsorircr has on anio 40

caaks or colehritcd St Mngdilono Whisky.

Also, Campbclton and Islay ortho host brand«.

Ayrshire Oatmeal ex the Coila, tram Ayr, *o. Ao

WINDOW Sashes.—For Sale, of various sizes,

Window Sashes, glazed and painted, at George

Loxton and Co's sawing, planing and moulding mills,

Bouverie street, North Melbourne, opposite Rolleston's

N B.-A liberal allowance to tho trade 65113

MB WINTERBOTTOM hiaiiiuch pleasure In nn

nouiiclng pt tho lnh ibllant« or Melbourne, tit ii

having Just rectlvul from I ugl mil a choleo assortment

ofDnticc Music, coiniirlslng tho most recent composi-

tions or Junien, linne), Coo'o, I) Albert, Ilosslssh,

Lanncr, ile , ho »III now bo cn iblcd to alte nil with lils

unrlvul!cdlliiiilatQiliilrlllU|iirtles bills.Ac Mr YV has

hail much cjcpeilcnt c lu Fnglind, ntlicr Mnjest) s 3titc

Halls, Aluuck's Prlnclpil Lornct-a Biston, M Henri

Durant. All toinmunicatlon« tn be addicsscd, care of

Mr Wilkie, Clarendon Hotel, Collins street J004

ANDINO ci» A pillan i, anel on sale by tlio Unilor

6 hiles Cauvnss, host mvy, twlco boiled, all

QBIIUnia, 1 ANN I NO A CO, Elk ibeth «trect

QILAM LN'ÜINLfor sale, three li irso power Illili

ö pre««nro fittlnt,«, co niileti Apply to CHOOK

A, am Munee» 4 I YVIIIIam street, Ma let

»qu ire ; also, lo acre« nt f irl»brtte 60 t>7

O bunill l i| Hallst« ami Others - lho un Inislgned

Ins fur siloa first-rite lu h ir«r tower Illili pre»

sure I tigllte, with I e iler cttuilcto firu lura, I oarers,

guape cock«, .1 e theabvo 1« ellcib e f ir asaw mill

YV C BUosLLL 02, Gilli i«-street,eait 3IG

N Sale, a su|cr ni ni t iluinliiin Printing I re««,

cvliuiler, lui Libio, etc, rotnplete ALLY

WILSON, NI I'lll.W, it CO, Kiln lers street,

N Sale c\ J linbah, to arrive-Prime cognac,

1844 vint ve, in one dor ci«i «


Pllndor» street, July l»t, U51 211

ON bile, ox Nnuuy, to arrive-lou coses pule


Winder« «trcet, lilly 1st. 1B51_ 2 el

.Mar), loarrivo-10 hillls , l8 qr casks

C ilo 10 do fi-ile ihcrry


FHnilerst srcit,.lul> l"t, 1851 23¿

Brindle« cudi ila, rust bc-ry mil nth-r vinegars

Nu. 1 Huron ii el other oles in Uitllo and wood,

Bin sa. Mil it W'.tney, and ( o », J. M

HAHPLItS Bnttleil Beer -1 he uiilirtlgncd nr

mlv iaul of rorthcoming au| piles of this celebrated

Ex Francis Bidle), to arrlvo

ALEX W11 SON, NLPI1LW, A CO, Flinders,

street, .lill) Ut, 1H51 224

COBB t> Margate Ale -Tho undersigned havo advl

ces of forthcoming supidles of tills bcautifiil Ale

Fx .li lui Pink, ti arrive

F.x I rancis lit Ile) ein and


Flinders street 1st .lui) 225

HI I lilli YDS AU and Porter-On Salo b) the

60 hilda p irttr, ex Antic Cropper '

20 do \\ ile e« ( heruaker

To bo followed by «lilpnie nts ex John Pink, Francis

HIdle), Comp tltor, Siccltirlus


FBndcra-atrei t. l«t lilly_227

TO A»ai)crs und Miner lingi ts - ror sale, a viltliblc

mnliognnv c ililli t, cititiltting sp'rlt 1 itnpi, re

torts, with ali other nctcssiry chemical a¡pantui,und

An tessa) lug apparat i« on the newest principle .,

A »mall «till nullo perfect

Apply to BOWLEIl <fc BItADY, 70, Queen »trcet.

mo the No1 lllty mid (lint v of Melbourne and lur.

J. mun ling Dlalrlct»-Peter M'l eau, Caliltul

maker, Into ol Dmnfrii «, Scot! en 1, I« uliout to btiLh a

ftw speclmcna of fiiridluri, sulteel for n »tito dining

room, whlrli ho »III e ff»r for Inaiicll maud prit ate »ali.

In the Pmtt«tint Hall, stephen 'trcit.on 1 rid iy nixt,

22nd Jlllv, undo lu tho Colnti), In tho most el iboiato

and substantl ii st)le, or will aeasnuul spanish maho-

gany, and iiiostl) or original elislgns, nginllessof cx

{tense and tim«, and probably tut lo ho surpassed In

!ur tpo I* M'L rispcctfull) sollelts a visit a« to en-

ter Into a detailed description would bo li.adeqiiato to

bring to view their real «ppcarvueo. Suflico It to st)

that the articles consist or ten small chahs, rep cscntltig

no cross rall» tn tho back, but tlio bai kratls gruicfiill)

.ucoped, «o ns to eut»lue In the centre or tlio bick, and

tcrmlnatliiK willi n scroll-leaf on ca. ti sMe, dn blemish

formed cas) chair, do sofa, ilo sldelio ml, designed so

a» to throw open a front v le tv, on tlio pcrapeetive, show

big four ure ith tacuteheon pinela, do two orgio,

piloted on net tgon dmr» nrtiamcntul nu the cauta, nil

In French polish, boat pitcnt mnutitinga, richly cirv d

back, mil Ktied »Bli duo blue cloth, clnlra tuttl cover

atuflid with best curletl bair do twoliigonriumetit d

looking e,liis«cs, nnel ti milaoino window cornice P.

M'L tnkea tilla oiqiortunit) of showing n design furn

«Uty (ne! tint ts ee lntnetieed and will lie bapp) to con

tract for corni laing thu furnishing of Hu bul room, ot

cobra wood t li ia ilso on han t » Iclescopo dining t title,

intent «ere» cxpitider, and will bo hippy to cunlrict

ILL1AMSON .t ML'HltAY fSuccessors to Wm

YVado) aro now landing (and hive on sale at

their atores), ix Sapphire, from London -

IO cnroteila of now Palraa currants

lot) Ikixi« Mu'cntcl raisin«

loo b 'iii F.lcm i raisins

200 cases oilmen s «torc« (Batt)'«)

30 do bottled fruit (Batty»

16 Hore « finest Cirolit a rloe

12 bales soft sholl almonds

62 birre s Barcelona nub)

10 do 'littest Gorgon» imehnv lea

JO do assorted syrups (Batt) »)

60 do r tsplterrv v !nt?j,nr.

Corner ol Corin and Y arra streets,

ON Sale, li) (ho utidcrslgiuil, at tlnlr in* »toroa,

No IS, I llzibcth «trect, «oulli, tho following

nts, now latidllv, ox Two Anthon)», Ajax, Previ

, Y'crkoutcrln, Wacousta, Prince Arthur, and other

20 do lln mid jipan goods

100 dei« Fitster s ajenies

1 casks Snlttr s lulanccs and stool) ords

8 packages cutler), assorted

6 o isca deni ho\i a and cish-boxcs

200 oatup ovens and coy or»

3 do nu t truce s mid bullock chains

And a general assortment of other Iron,

monger), uidirctl cxpnssly for this

10 tlorccs will assuttid dnigs

i Sale, lix Oom|it 11 lor, to arrive,-lhircge drcsioi

III mkcts, 8 hy 4, to 12 by 4, common in ed I Kin,

Hone lihinkots, 7 by 4, to 0 by 4, brown plnld,

Iron bedsteads, m iplo, lillie, chocolate, bamboo

l"r) Inr pan« and gridiron!

Flrc-lroni, Indi«, »lupin, mid lins pi

Ironmonger), noll assorted

II I', ipoons, fork«, .le.

Shot, puncho«, licit«,nul flaiki


don street, Jul) 1st, li-si JJH

UAH!) F. H!( KLIt ION, Hut Mniiuftiituror mid

General Outilltir, 0», Collin* «(root, i ist, basing

enusldi rnhlo ntltlltloiis (ti lil« premlsi «, mid lui

n«tink or Untiling or thou'r) hist thnirlptlon,

I nu lii«|iet!lou or tilo «mue, f. cling iiH«iirtd Huit

mil, will «imply a want lung Kit for ilothlng nf n

Ins charm ¡ir In addition Ion tlinroiighls will

edktoukof m ni ml good«, will bo found "tho

ir,' an enlltel) now ittln iifniircnat, lonihliilng

luntiii* iiii|inrtiiito willi ptrlitt in»u mid cum.

'Hu Hiinsfit i'-lim prtsnit Is tim first impul

ftlil« i ni, Hu malt riiil mid »hupo of whlih I«

nut i tim "fantail" anil Hie " Gumhill," units,

bit uliiptid for liuslni»« mid ginini pui|«m«.

I li Is mid flock cout«, n lurgu »lock lins bun

I, i i wlilili »pi,lui nttuitloii I« lutltiil. Walking

ling troiiiirs, tut on nu inlliil) lien |>iluil|b,

pufiot insu mid (.run fulness of nppiniancii, In

Idlng, dri««, nul |lulu Vials or Hie icry hilist

I«, ginns, briifi«, irntnts, k irf», ueok tin, India

lilna iHiukil biiiidltuicblcrs, tintiHIiig rug», rt ml

HI) F, HICUI HTON, Hat ManuntoliirOstOut

0«, Collin« »Inni, tatt r.fllll

Malo hy Hu iintlirfclgnid, a lingi, «tink of ( iihT.

nliil.tumlo (urnlluri, nlsn Aiiicriinu I iirulliire,

air, tlnx,nnd lira« innllriasra, nil »Ina-Mel

im, Cnhluotmnkir and Unilirlnkor, llninawlck. I

TO Drapers, Slupscllcrs, Stort keepers, and Others -

Halt, Brothers, wiirthoiisemcii, nnd impoitcraof

ovcry description of Btltlsh and Foreign menhindlso,

11, Collins street, west, beg to npptlso merchant»,

dealers, storekeepers, Ac , Ac , that their extensivo now

stores being n iw complclcel, thoy aro prepared to offer,

cither by Invoice or In pírcela, to suit tho trade, n Iirgo

quintil) of soft good«, of ev er) description, nnd as they

ire In recel) t of shipments by nenily cverv arrival

from England, tlnlr stock will bo coiwUiitly re

The) luve also in lund itivolcc» of

Br imly, te bicto, ile , 4c

Hawkers and connlr) Storni icpcrs supplied

Molbeiutno, Juno nth, 1811 "all

ClOMYIhltCB Ilnuse, HruiHtvick «trtct, Collingwood,

J lately conducted li) Mr Charte» Ylorey, and

known a« the Tilt Melbourne Drat cr) Lstahllshminl.

Henry levis! ), fraut Ueurc,c Hitchcock and Co », ut

Paul s (burtli)ard, I ninian, ri«peclfully Inform» the

lull ibltatit« of Cnlllnjwi ni, Hlrlitnoud, Prahran, and

Heidelberg, tint In lu« li) in Ihc ah ive first rite lins!

ni ss J rennst«, nui! hi pe«, h) I crscver mci, clviiit), and

personal attention, tn secure und extend tho ultcady

ltttill li' 11 1 a ci list mt alni, by a most cnronil

aolccl! n of «rat elia« nil« from the v irlous home

nurleta, in tv In st) le, mil of api rnved niiuufiicturi,

to rinlu lils est iblWimciit s mud to nono In Y h tor! i,

K Iirgt mil refill ir supply efcibitrgs, gala j hld«,

blanket«, sheeting i illi tes, hosier), and general

dripery, at ver) inodintc prices Sp»cl ti gooel« for

Ihopublli will | Iei«e uoli th it one | rlreonly will lie

mule, md, i« nil Mb » arc for cash, the) tiny relv on

g ioiIsIi big off red ut tin I mest retniuloriitlng profit

Comm leo II nisi, Brunswick streit, LuHlngwoud,

oiposltt Hi- W'esli)in Clnpcl

Nil Mi More) s stock reduced to one half the

FOB b iii, by the uudorslstieit -

Billie flooring boarJa (planed, tongned, and

I.ngllsh 10011" do r« ({anncllcil and moulded)

I.eiUc d tors (with hinces and bolt«)

84722 YV J B iY I) f.» Collins street, welt

HOItllCULIUlti:-Y'lctorta Nur.oty - I'm ties

laying out and planting G irden«, Orch irds,

Shrubberies and Pltaiure Ganten«, aro tub ruied tho)

can bo su) | lied with shrub« and fruit tr-c«,

In great variety, (I iwir lind vegetable seed«, b) John

J Itulu, nttlio illino nursery, Cnurfh atrott, Itlch.

munit G irdin« I ild nut and planted, grtcnltouacs

aridc iiairvnb rica Itiiilt and stnckcil Catalogues ian

be bid «n appll allon, or forwarded I y post on reci li t

if six pottairn ,lamps SOWS

ASON A SMITH, I linders streit, have luv lins

or the r Mowing (,ooJs Air anio

Ale and |mrtcr (It)ass s and Maret ttl s)

1 »bin)-» in i hone mill«

Be Isle id«, steel) arils

Platform weighing machines, II) ewt.

_ - ,_ . .. _.- .-,o furniture, not 1_

molehill lu the Colony -On S ile, by the undorsli neil

wini bus bitclv nrilud fiom l.iti,laiid, a well selected

lot or genuine furniture, bedding, Ac , to which tho it

tcntlou of persons fuml-hlm: is requested, and which

will be so'd nt the loutit remunerating price» Hie

following '» a list of tho article» .

40 Spanish inslinçati) loo tables, from ti 3s

20 Sianlsh mahogany »pring stuffed »ufas and

20 very supeiior cabriole marblo wosbhands

loo veiy >u| crior hearth rug» of every color and

Several telcsoj e dtnlnff table», »overol gro»» of Lon

don inaelo cine siated elmirs, n large assortment of

maliogati) and other drilling glassso, 20 vory superior

Liikllsh fea her bril«, b listen, and pillows, Iron bed

steals, labio eutltrv, with m«ny other articles, too

numerous to lnsoit; ilso a second-hand «craphlno,

suiublo for a small chupil or family dovotlon. Fir

sons leal Ing tlio Colony, mid having household furni-

ture L. dispose or, will meet with ready cash lor tho

samo, and sato tho ex|ni se and lMoonrcnlcnce or a

salo t) miction, h) YI M lit li S. at the Iron House,

top or Llttlo Bourka street, nearly opposite Colling-

Ol ! LI"Y S Port YVIncs -Arraiipciiients have boen

mule fur refill ir »lilputt nts of tliesa colibratcd

wines, direct from O|toito to the undersigned.

Aro cxpcctul by nu cirly vc««cl


Flinders «trott, July 1st 223

ON HALF, by the undersigned 1

Shcrr), In hluls. and quarter casks

an Iron house, 12 x 12, complete, etc.

J. .t P. II It O tv m;, corner of Great Bourke itrcet

IJlOIt Silo, nt th» wlioltaalu anil null «torc» of

? 1)0\ 1, nml OSYVALD, 115, YVhnrf

Auelior« and chain«, all «lu«

Munt/ « nut ii shooting and felt

Purnim runt »hilo hemp rope

Hincks, hook«, mid Ihlinblt»

l'Util, t ir, n »In, p tliil«, an 1 oil»

Assorted »hip chindliry 601

COMMI BCIYL Auction Mart--Hums »nd Bacon.

I.argi quantity of bama mi 1 bacon on snlo t ap-

ply CHOOK A lOvv'LlîH, Aitillnmcr», and Cominis

»Ion Agents, 4J, W llllam- streit, Mnrkot s<iuiro.

Steam F.nglno fur snlo, 1 horso power, fittings com

Jiletoi apply CHOOK ft 10WLF.B, aitcllnneirs, and

Commission Agent«, 41, YVllll im streit,Murkot squire.

Also 10 Acres of Land at Carlsruhe

Tho Undersigned have tntorc.1 Into Partnership, as

Auctioneer», nu It onmilssior and Oe nernl Lau I Aciuts

T hoir Itoonis will bo opon In a fetvdi)«, ultenovir)

nttonllnn shall bo pild lo goods intrusted to thom

C1 OOIv. A I OWL!,II, C'otnincriltil Auction Mort, 43,

YMIlinm-street, Murki t «qiinro

A largo yunl for Hie alorado of Colonial pre luce,

WILLS, llOLDl V A CO , 11), HIudorTïaiu, west,

Sttpt t lur chniii| ague ildor

Buddln, etc, otc, de. 01 ni

Mi:i,iioiJiiN'i: iioiisi:.-'in tim iiisideuis «r st.

Klldn mid HiIgbtoii.-Wiling lo call your at-

ti iitltiu to mu Sim k of Win"«, Spirit«, Hour, ixe , which

ftirqiiiilllt I« i quill lonny »look In Molbourno, hating

been can lulls »tit uti ii by ua from the licit innrkol«,

DÍ'pihi".lo""h!',lo"ly "' """"}l'"1"1''1 '" l"""1

Oll'n r brmidli » lu hollies mid on ilnitight

l.ottiiilih' Mlinin gin lu 1 mid 'J ilo/tn uri

Uni.Ion « bl »I lulu »berry

Hull (¡onion « bru»n »lurry

lit us«'« imiltu, nie, ,1c,.

With width we 1,111 supply famille« at Milhonriie

1V.1I. NOIMON, ,t.CO, Milhouino Home, Groy,

strm I, SI. Killin. til »J

Ol'i: inrsib -1 ton New/ealanil rope,

i ton Mimili!, w hule line.

11 lons pi linn |miiit<n «,

10 kiga primo New Zealand hutton

Lx Intluelhle, from New Zealand.

Apply to 'I'. IIHNDLKSON, lorncr of KlltH-Hrent

mid 1 Ilnderi-lttiic, UJaT

rno PlnstcniH, Iiulldcr«, mid Others - M'Cwnn mid

J. Houston h io lor Snio flit) li ii rd« or Iloninn

Cement, which tiny can »eli at n r.asonablo price

M'Lll \N and HOUSTON, 22 Lonsdale sticot, west,

OALS ' ( ii«' < oil«'-lor Silo, dcllvcrnl 1c im

meillntelt lu tim Ha), 400 lons best Newcastle

dal« Ap|l) to 11IOMAS ANDUI1V, 41, Market

VICIOItll Pirali Simm sur "Mills- Smith mi I

Slut ait rcipcctfilly liitlmitc to the bull 1er«, c ir

(«.liter«, nu 1 tudu In iincnl, Hut they line stnrtid

ihclr saw mills r r the culling ot timbi r or nil I In I» uso

rul In the col my, mi ntl) pirnou win nias f ivor them

with their trier«, bate tin ir utmost attuitii

ppinsltc Melllni ton street, Coilln"m ni_TO!

A HS I \ IC -1 he un Irrslfelii I li ile Just I ii lid clijit

ca«k« of tim iib iti M L1VAN & HOUslON,

IÏ, Lonnlih strut wist 150"

Ii ILL Shrrr) -Kio ( i«r« Vtli'.kurt, li tlhd nnl

. shipped dlitclb Mcs»r« I nul mil Dastls, ofJnrcr

deli Irnntin C IIAKLI S 1IM1IUK1 and CO ,

CO\LS~Lo"lishaii,lCiliil«l(oilfor lill lu ibu

liny or In hwn COI i-LY, HILL, I I O ,

o| i oslt«, C, le s tv barr tVH

DP OK1 DLN .t CO lu ooii "tie, at ihclr lui

, j ort Sure«, Gore strict, Collin), w m1 wine«

spirit« ales i rter, nnd every artille lu tho | rotlslon

tinde,ntwh iii <sle | rice« ¡P774

ONi: Hiindrcil P uni« Hour S.U» -li ". »nu and

Houston, lute lan lint, moil nf the nlntu ; lin

mediate i«|i|llcitl in I« nccnssirt, at 11, Lonnl'le

street, wi>t op|oslt.> Purcell > llaziar 4011

COILt Cul« (nan-No* lu dlni,, anil oi

»n'i tn t. in nrii"*t Nuitcastlo rial» Ap|l) to

J1MI S IMtlOlli, l.n.bjr He Ji nt, Swinton

FLOUIlforlIm illiiir. HenulM) and Oten» Dig

lings- We, t' i nutlersli.iieil, I eg to Inftirmpir

tics proseo line to tin alióse D «.tings. Hi t the) can he

sllpl lied with Iltur anti lunn lunn) qilantitv ten m le«

from Melbourne, a consideration in mo \ rcient state of

N IK -A spare nt the mil «He to present dd»)

lUKHLIl.t LOU, Campliillflild Steam Mills, S)d

«.HUIS pro cullin. Ki the Gold Melds rrVictoria

are In* ile 1 til iintth'st ck of bim« cigar,

tia.mgir .lent tlio suire« oroitiba d( iswnrlh In

Lonsdale «trcet west iq i ostte Hcnn Mid Co

FIUKllOoDcut in iinseniciit lei Ulis | rli u ria

tmia'lo, at Itilcrl H»c« Jin hack of lil

Great II lurko street, wist near-.mithori Cr is« (0 10

O the Owi us of Ssibhy Sheep-llio uuder»lbneil

Early aipllcctl nlsiiecci»nry JOHN ItOOn

IJlOlt Sale, riireevcr) strung "scotch built II >x Cart«

" apply to IlKOADKJOl, HONAIt, A (O, lim

IjlOH SAI r 4111)1) Hinliel» hull in Grain 601b« weight

! per hiuliil The bul ft, .1 for horse« that I« pro

duccd Can 1c ha 1 in M lim irno Collin.wood, or

Llardet» lit ich Cll Uti IS I'l Ititi A CO

79, Hirabcth street lull 1 Inn S

ON S tie, at the .lillee of th Undesigned

30 or 4(1 ti nu i f sarloii« dcscrl) lions and ti lim ii

Als ,, i quintil) or cn np rurnltnrc

JOSEPH HEALD, Mason, corner of Little Lonsdale

ai d Stcj ben utrcet«, h,LS to announce to the pul He

liigcnnr.l tint li ha» n ,w on bind a laren «m p y or

bluo »»,10 it all dm oslt ni, rind* dr.-«sid. nix

freestone <r «II di s«s||,tb,ii«,cnin| rising »11s, beirth

Ac Pusi ns fr lu th j ci untrv may dci»iid iq on their

order« b mi, pui ctu illy attei did t" NU-I II has

tl«n n qti m its i f ti tub», in mttincnta, ard head »tonis

rf nil .h! 2S10

PIG IIION - On Silt, to tins s-rrtih Pig Ir

Garish, rrlc brui I on I innl the hirqui Janet, In

Hobsons Hit Dillttrt to bo t ikcnon lu ml

Ap|ls,fir rurlhcr u irt i id u-s tn DICKSON, GIL

C IIUIil A CO (Juom strict to7I

OIL' OIL' (Hi '-On S ]>, b) the Uti !ir«ii,nod.

the bet q-ili y of c1 ulla. 1 black ni d »| inn oil,

alan bnllul r || riwlli.tiil , I, t irirntlnc while lead

io GLOItGI. SlNGLUIt M» Killie stect, N rill

FOil Mil 1) li Col«, it 1) unen, * in,..,,,

Mrril Cre k two miles from M lliourne, n qunii.

tit) i>r chulc sine» and fri It Inn, from ne Pi two

yean old al»,, ern «merited shrub« rhubarb and asia

'?rio at the Stores or Hie undersigned

Hrinls.M,rtill s. In oi out orboud

1 « a, ilno«t congou and liyjonskln

Itoniatl HAWLEY and CO, 19, Fllndoradnne,

Bltoillllts, beg to infirm Coimtr) Store

kiejiera, ..nil tliolruli gonenlbr tit it Hu) havoilc

tertiiliu I ii|vin njmdng up tho largo shipment« or

dm) r« e, hhI«i bo t« mid «hoi«, Ac , width they nro re.

ml tri) nt ¡tlni; fn in tho home markets, and having

mult nrruuj,c!ui ut« for tho ptiriltase of (heir goetels In

(ho I end ii, Maiulttsltr, Irish, Scotch, and I ronch

market« tiny will lio ohio to exeeuto nil nrdirs cn

trit»tul In Hu tn, fe r any kimi or plain or fancy gooels,

6H, Little Bout ko st cet, east, Melbourne, 14th lui),

Il S ilo - I lu c irgo i f

S'l i hosts hjion skin, extra fino tia

1047 li iii» ixtrn Uno Imperial

3,626 ciscs ce li nilling each 12 enulsters of 2 lbs

rich, of exile fino t,un|oudir, Ii)son,

fino congou, soucho g, au I oolong

1C00 small mntlul or cassia

111 rases silk 1 lice gooels

0 cases silk »bawl«, dresse«, etc.

17 pit kogo of fiiriilturi, lu quered ware

hllvi r, Ivor), lind silk g tenia

"moins mil samples mi) bo se on at tho counting,

linns» urthc undi rslgnril J ii Y\ till, and CO , 40,

1 Hu lera lune oust, Melbounio

BMtl.lY' Bille)' Biri.)'- lho miIcralgued

Inn Air «aloa quantity of Chilian barley ofver)

'inequality lo stililo kiepir«, ilravuiiii and other»

ki c| Ing I oran, tilla e flers n ve r) I ivor alala« opportunity

or It) lug lu ti «took ot «upe rleir horso Teeel, nt met lertvto

rutea iii Ctillfirulu and South Amirloi lluro Is

nothing i lso used fi r tho | urpnv, an 1 It Is well know n

lint the luirais of tin si countries uro tho hardiest In tho

worll Urti minien I« Hat If n» billig ein np a« will,

Ihc bindii I of hirli) billig 62 lbs lu »elhlit, win rea«

o it« art i nly 4« lit« I rum

of 1 uillsli Inrhv It retoiumond« Itsdr tnbrowirs, as

It ha« bien nlrciitl) mid milkia cxtellnit mull,

aaiii| K« o| which nny bo »neil I irlv nppllc allon

licensor), HLIIUIMI A MOODY, Hinder» street

COBBUflAU D iron nul Iron Sheels six root li)

two fe et, fur roofing on «ilo by M'iiellar and

WILLS, IIOLDI N, nnl CO, U, Hinders lnno,

weat luvt lor anio, lu bond

(uvcnilMido 12«,ln!0lh boxes

Cla,ar« an 1 Miiuklug tub le cn

(Impo lunn I ehewing elo , lu tinfoil 0163

1301A lOIS, Pallal ie«-25 ton« primo Potatoes,

now lauding fr nu llhhlcr Uri le tit Qiuen» wharf,

and f r anio by BLAY 1 it ami Sll.M NS, 1, Qucen

PIANOlDltlJ S - \ Uno lourd iii galil ( tilingo, In

»pint Hil t uullthm, for f 6 guineas ttlso ti gooel

squnrp, with nu lillie pluli, 12gulniaa¡ npply at YHIIo»

Cottage, Bruitsitlik street, Cutlliigwool 6097

BUK IsS -iii.iiui hud burned Brilka for salt, I;

IILWIH mil (¡HAM, balk nt tlio Bishop

Pallico, Bli hutmill 60(10

VAN Dil MI.N S LAND JAMS tit n very low prleo

b) tin tuan npilv (ii ( liiimlnr« lind Bourne,

I limbra street, out ii mr from ('noan street 0171

N Silo lu Ilto undersigned, golinnl/u! lion wir

fiiielng, Ne a 4,6, and 0 JOHN Oltlt mid CO

SULPHA li. Oulnina, hvdrwtdato polaas und snrsa

parin i, for stilu by Will«, Holden und Co , I linders

Hill I I OCH-lor Silo, 1 i tim lluv, lou lurrels

S ur I lour Appl) tu W Illa. Holden, mid Cn , lo,

f|YO Billilli r» ititi! lulu ra-Ail im Dum tin is pri puru!

I toliint »Hit llullil.ra nnd Olltirs fu tlui»ti||l) ti

Bluet St in In tiny qnnntlt) t ml In «a I illnbiirgh Inlaid

lug hinno, | ||/||iiy tlnel, t.nilli gtvnod 6021

ID>A UNI 11 It Booflng landed lind for Sale, tit tho

stonaofl. W LSI HY nnd I o 6JH2

rill) (li lilli nu Huf lorinna nul Olltirs - On Sale tit

1 Pitrull a llutso nuil Cntrltigo lte|Kiilliiiy, Lou«,

A siiiioih mid high!) Ilnlthod Y'lotnrln i It» ton

An In linn biikgy, for onu or twohnisos, yen

Au l.ngllsh built mull pinion

A ni tv light Slanhii|o 47116

I ¡YOU Sitio li) Hu mi ti ralh'lied, i.thito liitrsn |«nur

} aluno inglm, with holler S All Ultl.flOBY,

lrimmungir«,20, ( ullina atreit, wa si 6 HIS I

ULl.OL'K Drn)» for Hitit» ¡ npply io Douyer and

Sli'veui, j,()ueeiMireet,iouth, UJJl


V v 30, Swanston sticot - To diapers, hnbcrdnshor«,

«torekceptra, anti tho trado gcncrnll), nlso, merchant«

supplying tho digging» aro informed, that an Immense

stock of es ci y description of goods aro now landing

r, otu I oiidoii,shl|i|icil to Mr Wide a own cutlers,nnd now

read) ror sale nt reason ililo rites

Horrocks », all initiili-r«

t I, 7 f, nml 4 4, dlipcr«

4 1 roagh mid dressed hollnnd

Striped mid llgvirid do do

trench twill, and Clrcmun enibroldcred

El ihnssctl nnd cmhd dresses

Silk, »nilli, trimmed cloth

Huial IMiidsor-llkscltit, Ac

Latlles white bridal bonnet»

Kich col scltet, silk, «alindo , .te.

7 s and ', I »ri ill I ittcrn print»

De!T)8 lilli i,!tlghl!ll3

Lunn,' Ulm it Ci Unir LiNLi«, 4o.

Ladies iil|.litgowiiF,sli]is

Moreen nnd conloi skirt«, nail) for use

Infinta bonds In 1,lilli,wool

( ashlll re, iitln, do etc

( np«, id tin ami triiuiiiui

IS orkcil long nu I short frotlu

II uki is ti uuiel square«, with etir) arltcl« re

Silk and a Kin, lu cndlojs tariity.

Illili! Ul, Still.», A I) Ulinill TlllMVIi.

IVomui a whlti, bl ick, and primed hose

Do do limbswriolaiii me Ino

Mu« w iratcd, laiiibswnol, und merino

Do f li ise in munn, wondul, anil merino

dill.In ni socks of jil kinds

At JAMKS 1! ADI. i, M inrliciler Warchonst), Swan,

is'branil), bhd» and qr cask!

Browning > Lund,m Old Tom, In qr rank»

Superior |»rt wine, lu Illili« and qr cask»

l'aie brand) , 1 du/ ca.o«

Talu and stand i-tl sherry, In 1 do» cases

Campbell tottu whiskey, in cue«

«aNo)c iu di In II irlinique

I di,i. tool« ( Wanl and Payne's)

Suce [i »In ni, <c) the«, »ii kio«

He iplng li» d », C Split saw«

Klen int ih mil sllii r racing cup and cover,

«.lien nut! Mills * hosiery

Assorti I lu)» nul ligar«.«

In ina»)riu»is, and druggist« ihlnls

Shirts, front«, trouser», vesta, Jtc

Plush und scltet nullities

Ilbick mi I color d gr is and satins

Velvet plush and muire antique vtlt»

Superior Loiiih.ii in nie clothing

I.) minn » patent i, r tt el »lins els

Cnshniins, nlpu n,| lint«, roi»»

CIoiWiii-s, »haul«, muhltrs, Ac , Ac.


Flintier« strict lit lids_220

rnodnchl iiihlil»uuilOlhirs-E J Llily.nftbu Arm

J. of llrotlurs, muli bulidi r« ( arr» lam., Dinning.

ham, K"-> tn liifnriu cn icli bull I r« nml others, (lint be ia

on the eve nf hating ftir 1 nj,liiil, r>rtlio purpose idexc

cutlng some lirgo irlir», and that hi will he most |

happy to lnnko limitases nr uersthing repilslte ftir

suppl)llig tho traill 111 (.tneial, tlr -( o*ch Ironnioii.

gir) o( ever) description nxlis, «pring«, twits, »crews,

pin«, tacks, nail«, and flits, cirriagc iron stork, Ac,

Carrlago lamí«, bras« and siller furniture, electro

plated, Ac, cloth Ince and trimmings, ti «or-cloth, Ac ,

and leather of nil kinds, color«, oil», pilot«, varnlshc«,

Japans, whlto lend, Ac , and likewise cirrlngcs or cur)

description, with all modern Improieinciits, rorwanlcd,

conche«, nmiilbuics, enn, citbi, gig«, dog-cart«, phaetons,

break», Ac , to suit tho colony, all or the lust materials

and best workmanship, and at Hie lowest prlci«

N.H -Any ord. n will bo executed wilta tim atrlcteit

Helium, mr cash, with all dispatch.

Dated Stillte), Juno 27th, 1 tin; Hero of Wat, rino

ON Sale, est John Pink, to arrive-Dclalno /Irenes

Gentlemen s suprior jtalototi, coats, dec.

Ivory handled table cutlery

Silver and g dil pencil-cases

Hair, clolh, hat, and llcih l>m«hei

Clio««, drart», and crlbbnge board«


Flinders «tnct. Jill) 1. 210

AN DIEMEN S LAM) Produce.-On hale by tho

Primo V. I) L line flour, Supply Milli, In 200,

0000 bushell »plcndhl fred oatt

EukIIsIi anti Cnpc liarle)

  1. dr lulle pressed o ittn bay

Hroatl p ding, S and S fret lengths

100 cases Genetn, 2 gallons each, lu or out or bond

lou c isk« iHittlcd nie mid porter

MO Odd No -.' Manila cluan

TIIOS ll.lVILLIA!IS,41,Markotaquare. 1011

ON Sale, ex Francis ltldloy, to arrive, De lain»

Hoot« and «hoes, Louthon'i

Clgan, primera, irgnnda, regalia!

Dawson A Son'« lioot» and shoes

Orlnndo Jones i rice itarch

Ilnlo'i | atent iperm caudle!


Flintier« itroot, Jul) lit, m3. 229

rp.0 Amateurs, Mechanics, 4o - lor sale, ono of

J. lonna flrat-olnss litthcs, contploto In over) ro

«peet t having nil the now improvoiiicnts fur turning In

molnl, Ivor), nut! wood, with chuck», circular »aw«,and

tibio Tor «iinoi ever) vorlitv ear engraving, (.rinding,

and |mll«hlug apparatus t boatdo« a largo naaortmentuf

UkiIs mid other useful artilles, which could not but

prov o a lucrative bivi stuicut to au) tlovor artisan

N II - I hero Is ni«o a cabinet well stocked with box,

Ivor), mid ebony, to bo »old with Uio lathe. Frito mode

Ap|l) to HOYVLEU & BIIADY, 10, (Juccn street

_ _."."_"_ quantity of aupirlnr

ready made Sashrs, and naanrtcd Timber, takes this

opportunlt) of Infurmlng thoso requiring the abeve,

that tiley can bo supplied on reasonable prices YV

li. TAY LOU, toruor of Collina and king streets,

OV Silo, b) lho, Involtea of

Minti II «hr md), In I« Illa

J Ml.llliNOALb ALLNAND! It, 36, H Inder»

ICI OBI A BUI,U i -liiinlllos eun lo sii| |illc.l

ut Ibu abovo brewer), willi lint quullly tile, In

casks, var) Ing fruin 6 gallons upwards Order» cute bo

loft nt tho nilli o of tho lu o» 11 ), Lill lo Bourke street, anil

at Herring nnd Monly . ofllce, In Collins »trcet, west

IJtOll Bolo - Hum tlinrlng for fe ur horses, willi

" swingle bars mid i ouiicetlng shaft«, nppllinliln for

a tim »hing Mini bim, brlckmnking machine, nr mt)

di at rl| Honor grinding ¡ niau n quart/ criislilngmnrhlno,

with four sols of «I'sro tit ins rnslly rimnvul, and can

bo set up In a fun hours nt llttlo expense i It wBI tim

ri uglily crush Inn lona |tr da). Slid can ri nilli) bo

adjusted fir nlhir nat a i apply to CHAKI,IH (1.

BUIKIILl 1,6«, Little I ullin» »trcet, wo¿¡ «$04

OK Art PAUAIIIA ( nooa Nut» on Bale}' dellverul

£0\)\J on bonni tho brig Uliban!, lu Ilto Uti) i

uppl) lo 1 rctlirlck Bank», 30, 1 Under« lune, en«!

GLA/IFB S Dhunnud« - 1 ho undi i-slugce! have a Al»

Ko«! Diamond« on bundi lils», ti well iiiiortul

"atoe k ol ero» ti nuil «lici t glass, putt), io M'l.iron mid

Houston, 22,1 «nisdale stn ot 1600

IAUOL Boam« -M'Fwuii tin! Ibustwi havo Jil»

J ¡aiidotl, a »milli nssurlinvut of Binnia, with malo

Loltuuii und ohaliia, toiuptuto, to weigh from 3 to loowt

1.1011 Still, nt Dove mid Oaviuld a, HO, W htirf, Diniilio

? thno bimbil ling«, mid other Gooels i »Illili »111

bo at Ibu »hurl lu it da) or two, fiom the Ila) sim

_ »nil F.iikllih provisions Dralori In leal, coiIVei,

»picos, and all kind« or line grooeiilc«. Italian Ware

house, Collins street. 11(17

UIHIIAM, lliollien, bato on »tile, shoot loud mid

rim, lu tiny qunuttlyi (J, Llltnbolh street. 4J01

RICHMOND-Now Draper) Shnp, Dook, r street

(«oiilh.mst of the chun li)-Mrs Mutilions In.

Utes tlio ultoiillou of purchtisor« tu the liispullim nf

hor clietliio Stuck of Non' Good«, willoh will bo olfiroil nt

rouioiuiblo price«. tout)

17101t B ile the cop) w 1 II lit mid material of the Biljait

1 Gaulle, Hie ni) J.nrnnl In the 1 opulous and

flourishing district or Pirt 1-uliy. rhl« paper niTorda

a good opirilig fur nny | ersnn of literary tastci and

moderate c.i| Hal, as Iho cn cul «ti m li capable of great

If required, a Printing Office nil DweLing houie

will be let to the pinch m r

lor f irtlicr partlculannpply to Mr. John Bland, llit

ON Sale, at tho »ti n « of ti 0 iii dcrslgmd, 1)0, Elina

beth street, Mell mint- -

Brandy, on draught and In ctiicl

Hi Han » do cast « m d hnlf cases

Pi rt b tllid and dri ught

'I cn«, In chest« J chosts and 1 chest«

CiflVii .lara al u Motin ;

Pluk t», |lnt« an Iq inri»

bytlney raoul Is In Oil Hi boxes

Hierin cn tile« In 24 lh do

Muscat, I rnislna 24 lb boni

Di ltd »| 1 le» In 1 owl ca<ki

Iain« of lilli a rlptltm«

llrnlns,tli Hu« indi»

A n i irn ceri. » or ever) desci iptlon

QEOitlll AM)l.ltbl)v<, two dour« from Tennent»

CHAKI 1 s AND JOHN S'HTll have tor Salo, ut

ÎO.OJIl fret (.moved a d tongurd flooring

30 um di do half Inch lining

II title il-al u x3 mil 1 x3 Inch

Wt itlii r bi unlink ard quartering

U set! marble ch'inn^) | iecei

£ ne and inct.l ridais and sp mt«

1 corr ii-nte 1 Ir in home-,

Timber lard, Met ula Pande, near St Pit

ON SIL), II ur O. s Uran, Cíe mid LiiUlsh

Util v, P tines, nul til kinds nr O irdcu Sttd«

aid PI nita -Iltur) Clark near Captain Cole», Great

VI ID! 11 MIJGlllUV -Anenio' Annula1

Ar« nie1-1 »o Tons nt Arunlo on 8»lc nt

(le irbo « Ilion ni d Co 1, ü-ugi,l»ts, Ac, 43, Ci Hin«,

MILI,IM.lil, nantir, nul Pur Warib use, 10

Coillns.ttreit Hist, Melbourne-Mr« 11 atkin

Imiortirofbaby linen, ladies underclothing milli,

iicry AcbiKi to liir,riii l-cr inline 1 uland rnpidli lu

eroaslngmnncxir n, Hut ibu lias Just reccivd ex lan

Oilen, Hrldu, kent, Lisex an 1 other late arrivai«, nn

as»o tmrntofMilllicrt, Mantes, Ac, c1 the newc't

»tylv«. nu 1 m st rechercha material to which »he

would big totall tlitlr attention, and truit» by putic

tuaHts-, utility, end ki ci (og first class go« ds, to ensure

a cot llnuitlou r f their fnvnr»

Upwanltnf 400 v iset satin, »nd plush honnit»

Itkli »Ilk iclvit satin glace silk, eloth and tuccd

m 1 illir, 11 vi ri lnn.rn<iiilin ut

I)on«a .1 Geiuntllk t. h. ti

50 I ue fl wors nn 1 fe then

Hoy» nnd ghès dull nod merino druse», In varions

Ilihv linen nn extuislvi chnlee

Ln tie« ur den* >th ng 11 n .son ti in 1 rice«

11 vit nail ribbon n« ikile. mil nic-iu«

Moulens nrd childrens woollen polk 11

A large coll itlt r> < f furs

1 rei ch and (otu tr) tK.nnet nnl cap ribbons

Hll.lmn relut«, all wl lths nnd colors

Moreen and corded skirts ,'«a 6177

FOlt hALt, Invoice» of tlio unduruicnttoucd

Tent« of nil sires and descriptions

Apply at the counting houso of J, I). WEBE A

FOlt SALL, Gunny Hon, apply to J. Mght

ingale Alexander, 30, Hlnúeis-lane, cast.

NLW Arrlvul» or Winter Good» -J nnd YV.

I RANCIS, t«, Lltnbcth street, havo much

pleasure In announcing to the Inhabitants of Melbourno

and Its vlelull), that they havo complctetl an enlarge

ment ? f their | remises, and have Jost recelt ed several

largo »lill mint» of gin d« In nil tho v arlous dot nrtment»

well suited fer the winter tra le, comprising the newest

»tvl s ami fibricst uni cm, with tvtry confidenco,

solicit lns| cotlon by intending purchasers, and, a» nil

good» are marked nt tlio lowoat cash price, purchaser»

will Iii d It to their advantage to visit Hil» establish

Particular attention is called to the following depart-

Counterpanes I reach merinos

I'rlntodrugfects Fancy drossos

Damasks Hosier) and glove«

J LU H.I.I K1 - (¡old lind Sllvtr Wiitche», Ac

Jowilier) of oiiry donrlptlon C. M'Farlano

bog» tocal) the altentli n of tho inhabitant« of Mel

btnrne and Its vlclilt), to hi« «look of tho abovs

Bingi, brooches, pin«, and all other kinds or Jewel-

lery mado from colonial gold

Partita wishing articles miele or their gold will have

their orders punctual!) attended to C M'FAHLANI",

Working Jeweller, 176, Lllnhoth street 60766

iYNY'ASS - lwo Hundred Holt« mr «nie,

JOHN It TlMHUItY' A CO , 33, Hinder« lane,

SY( kfs -A large number i f Com Sink» to bo «old

at a lo» prlu, al Hu Stun« nfMessrs II. W Illinois

and Sons, It, (In it llourki alrut west 6815 Tanka-On Sub, by the undersigned,

Iron Tanks (chest linke) to contain 300 gallons

each-BOWLING A PHILLIPS, Llliabeth street

I710R Sale, nt tho Slonsor WILLI AM DLGBAY'l.S

' and CO , Hinder« street, per Yarra, Melbourne,

loo ton« Y'an Diemen'« Land prewed bay,

Ironmongery, consisting of plrki, shovel«,

crow bar«, nnd a variety of other articles

( otlar window frames, 0 foot x 4 feet 0 Inches

Cedar panel doors at d frames, complete, u foot

Cedar alonr frnnaes, g feot x 4 foot 6 Inches

Sashes nn 1 frames, eomplete, with hlnç,es, 4o ,

0 feet h) 4 feet 0 llielioa

Quartering and hardwood 4167

SALE of Jewellery, Outil ami Silt or Watches,

Clocks, Time Phces, Ac-Declining tlio bus!

ness -T J Thomas bogs to oil I attention to li a stock

of tho abovo goods, tho whole of which must be sold

within a limited period, to etiittro which, prices will bo

conildornbly rcdncod, lho quality of tho «took of

Jewellery, ato, being already well known to tho public,

rondón any coiiimnnt upon Ita auporlorlly unnece«

i»ry. T. J. 1. would fool greatly obliged by an Imme-

diate pa) mint of all oeouunU which havo been ren-

dí roil. 1 hose having claims sgalnst lho iibovoeitu

bllihmcnt, aro requested to »end lu their accounts a

early ns early ni potilblo.

BOOKSI.LLI.BR anil Sliirokii|Kra can hu «tipplleil

windi« ilu, w Bli hook« at Slater » show rotuna, 11,

Y"a'i lllnglnu slroil, iltur Blinks, I nlllnt,wnod ¡ hour»,

i lltlit to i lev in, ami half p ist Ihre o lei t Ight 2i02

Alt 1 LI,1.8 Brandy-afiiw hilda iiiisaloi uppl) to

I re lot It k Bank«, 10,1 linders lunn, cast 52B8

ITIOIt Knit«, lit Dont mid Oh»ubi «, 04, Wharf, Invoke!

' or supiilor Loiidoti iiitttlo Blush ware.

1>OSl OiHiu, YVIIIIiiinatowu-Mn»on mid t lilliy, lil

returning lliolr «lui ero thanks to tim Inhabit mt« of

Williamstown, nnl Hut polillo In general, fair Ibotr

llboinl »upimit during tito Instintivo moiilhs, li g to

Inform tin in, Hutt tho) billi cnutlniii to koop n noll

«ehcted «took of gi mini Mi rehundí«!', ooiialstlng ur

ilrnpnr), hoaliry, linbinlnalitry, »hill«, lloitinnngary,

ininti, olia, alo, »Illili the) ore illili' lo »oil nt tho

low t at poiKllilo rutea, In onnnnxh n willi tho Auuttou

urliigmuí I and Agino) ibiiirliiunt, T M would par-

ticularly draw nib nihill teilhn giuit nilvnntngn with li

ho peississti from but Ing fir Ibu lint ti n yinra billin

Im al kituuledgo of tho propuilloa in tittil iiroiitul

J/JLA TItOIIE-STIIEET, nut. -Miiiir«. Gillett

<Tl3 mid llrltloii begin npprlso the geni ey anti In.

iiiihltiinlinfMolbniiriionuil II« vicinity. Hint they hnvo

Jintiirrlvod from thu London, Parla, mid Lyon« market»,

with n large mid (eil «link nf Silk, Drapery,

lind other gooda, roiiaiitlng ol'»luiti I», »Ilk«, mnntlc«,

oloiik«, Ince«, French glote«,rlhb.iui,millinery, flower«,

?Vu , Ac, nil of the newell mid moat recherche! descrip-

tion, mid which nre now ready Ihr stile, at tlmlr Shaw.

Koomi, 40, Lnl'i'robu-itrcct, east, OUÏ

TIN TII03, 10 hy 14, the cheapest and mint duinblo

covering for roor« G lit ini/ed mid '/Mia '1 Iles

to order O mid Ii Hogcis, tinsmiths, Willlngton

slrcct, Collingwood, noir Hie gins« lioiisu 0471

LIME, Lime, Lime-On Sale, at the (urron 1 Imbi r

Ynrd ! lin lir«.liinc, east, opposite Viiniu el

Lime of superior quality, Inth«, cow li llr, brick«

Cedar, 3, 2, I}, lj, 1, }, ) Inch '

Quartering, 20, 10, 1?, 15, 1J, 12, 10, 8 and 8

Broad I annicr-ton paling, S und 0 fed, a «plondld

Weather board», grooved and tongued flooring

Deni«, 11x3 and 0x3, whole or in cut» J

Post« mid rillstuiiied good«

A 1 irietv of tinned j.nods .for Cnhlnct Maker«,

consisting «ruble Kg«, wash «Lind legs, aofi I

till», I lench licdimst«, Ac

Also, ft line«, «) okes, lurt »tuck«, shaft«, Ac , mr

JUS I rot clt ed, pu~L7gTo, rrom Ne» 1 ork, a fe

dozen of the fimo 1* AmcMi tn 11 bite iplrlt«, got

up lu the 1 itcst st) le, Uno shirt collin, In boxes nt

A Harris's, l18, Lliicibclh street, near (he Post lillico

P'.It WILLING.-ïOdor. long handle «but ii»

4 ta« » 1 nu leg «owed bool«

Now landing nul mi silu bv HUSSEY, BOND and

HALL, corner Cullin* and William« »trcct« 04«1

TIMBER -li ) 1, li 1,0 11, lOi JJ, .) x JJ,

10 X J, 0X2, In li ngtli« fri in JO to JO red All

rilli cut lisants, joist« and quartering, paling, eti

on ink at HO!. 1 OS A ('IIAltl)LltS lnrd, llmuir e

?trcet, North Mell) inriic, one hundred yunis iib ive

Hollomo a Concli 1 icto ). Of«

FOB Sale a' tim Slon-i 1 f the iinilrr>lgncd In

1 robu-strcot. Um following good« Imported by the

Marlborough, Hub Ho) M iry Cannon, Ac. vir -

A lnrizo assortent nt or rurrlturo, made by Shenr

wood A Cn ( I Calcutta A consignment ot thu (ur

nlture I« ulm to bosun nu b ard the Daku or Kcdfnn!,

and w11! be dillverea tit -nulrlgo to pu clinicrs who

ma) desire Ir Sim¡ l"«aro Mso to be scon nt Messrs,

B)rno AC«)'», luctloncir«, Sandrlilgo

One or the finest n»i> tiru« of Delhi ihawli and

lenrve« iver lui 1 Mil» colon), «elected 1 v the

advertiser at Delhi . r ces raiigu g from 121 to OUI.

Saddler) I j M, ir lie« nnd Co of Gln«cow

I'stnn tibie- in« and towels

Bo it«anil shut English made

Indien hu nr« inl tongue» In small kcfci

Arrowr, it mi tin canisters

American t 1 acco of superior quality

Also rhnrtly cri e led to arrise by the Anne Mary

Welhnu-no, Ulh .full. If63

N II-IbuHo:0 1« that lately occurlcd by Mci«ra

O W I. J I'D I NO, Ex Earl of Chester -

Grocers ro) ii md wrapping papers

Paper h ig«, t, lbs to 30 lb«.

80 li), c iltco flour bags

Drnpir s |ia| cr and «trlng

Groceis' st ait s and weights

S) 111 s patent «rtgar chnppoM

Intuí.is or blanket« and flannels

To dlsi li irgo this week, ex Agnes Wockie

Ci c.«n an I French chucolate

T ulilc salt in p-nck-g"»

Largo coiTco and pepper mill«, willi itoam

ingln^ ronlo 1| bono ¡tower

Will built l-wlici phaeton, ncnrly now, with

It 101 mid gin»« trout, complete

L. ROBINSON, 115, Hinders strcol, east

I bale nt the «tons of the Uliderugt ni

A sei) hniuUome Glasgow.built omnibus,

ll-lit and «ubs'atititit mako

A scry Innilsome hlghl)-fiiilslie'l barouchcttc

A h nidsoiii« cahri ilet ph.o'on

A very Ano liighli-fiulsl-.-d dogcart, color

A hv d o ned ,..- art, color claret

An nsrortnio t or scry (ino and part silver.

mounted harness, suitable for the abovo

60 iron mid wire cottage verandahs

100 patent double action churn!

One horsethrcshing.niaohine

Heapin.- machines from the patente«

8.0 tug« Chilla , barley, each 100 lb«

An assortment of types and printing materials

100 kegs | rliuo Calcutta rounds, humps and

Il'iipcry, 1 d'es strow hats, etc.

IVESlOAimt, ROSS A CO., Markot-sqnnre.

THE Undersigned has 1 n Sale, Invoices ofthôlôllow.

Ing, nins lauded, ox recent arrivals -

Coiirvolsltrs palo brandy, In cases

Baird « alo, In wood and hittle

Marzottt s bottled alo and stout

Wiltshire cheese, In tins

Hermetically lealcd provisions

Saddlery, cart harnell, etc.

Canvas», bleached and unbloachcd, assorted

Boots andshoen ol all kinds

8| ade«,»hotel«, pickaxe! and m attacks

Lamb,'wool »birt« and pant»

Cashmore and de lalue drenci

THOMAS ANDREW, 41, Mnraot-squaro

LUCk A lit VISON, 4JJ, Market square, havo the

lollonlitg hood« fir into at tholr »lores

Sherry do di ¡-In wood and bottle.

Cheroot» (Chinsiirah), in and out of bond

Porter ( Dunbar a) lu cases of 0 doten (l lnts)

Mantles, An , ,l.o , etc. <14f 0

rilli!. Undersigned aro now rectlvlng und jlîirtur

11 onie» superior table cutler), assorted

8 cuso« brun bedsteads, oruamontcd

7 liras» spittoon»

1 do assorted lutter knivoi, toa and labio

Idt do pig, haul, and Jockey whlpa

16 iota gig harnea!, bran furniture

2 d i f ur bono strong llago harness, brass

2 do assorted butt hinges

I case vee,oliililo dillie«

IIUSSI Y, BOND and KALI, cornoi Collin« and

PLIt W1LLINO-t esses felt lined rubber

IO di ion short luvndlo Ames iliovcli

40 do IIiltlmnroirish ojllcr»

MHS l'Ai Ml II hu» tim honor to nnnounco to tho

lullt« ut Mall eutriio uni lu vlttlnlt), Hint «ho

ha« ruontly nrrliul In lim iiilony, nuil la now opening

uah deo uastirtuiotitiif Millinery, Mimilis, nnd Diurno«,

billi» und illillinna muli r clothing, lionera, ghin«,

poitiiiuu), Ac , tn willoh «ho rosi outfull) Invito« Hu Ir

adoiilliin lito «how room will Im upon fir ln«| cotton

ou Monal i), 2Mb butt Millinery mid Dru« milking

147, ( ullin« »treat, neal, opposlle tito hilo iciltlonei of

IlOlt Sulo, a »Hin rltir Switch unido Spring dirt i to

* ho tion tit Mr Logie», Butcher, cornir of Peal

and YVillIugtuu »(nets, nj | oslle (ho ghin liuuii, i ni.

F Uti WOOD.- Sciiulyloidsof rirowooil,ion«l«tln|t

cntircl) ol rill 1.11111, mid plit Into short mid long

1 iigllu Viic« urv iimtlcrile, nppl) to J Sn)ce, at

Sns co mid Chccth mi a, 3, Collins street.

Ol'l- 2 lenses, brit qu lilli for Sale, b) WILLB,

I10LDLM, mid Co , IO, 1 Hudcis hine, wc«t

rno Mildlm, ( bcinists, nnd Others.-A large qiian

J. lit) or tim but lurk \ S| onto in Snlo, at A.

Harris s. 118, Elizabeth street, nour thu Vost Olllcc

N Suie at 1. Harriss l18, Lil/ibcth »trcct, near

the Post Ofllcc, Cult «,nn I other rciolicr«

POT 11 ors -On Snlo fo Ion«, now landina;, tx

Um llotllc!, uni) on ()uecn».wlinrr, near

. Olli « nlinrr, or lo Robinson Al nie, B, Little Collins

7~\N Silo in tim Hu), Gnlcro I lour, ex Cuitlllan;

\J luliii Ruisill, coiner or King and Great Collins

IltOV kuitlcilhi - loo tons or the nboto ftir Sale ¡

appl) to 11 Oil I.It M'LAHCN A CO. ««.

1 vu Ills KIM -t, 11 In low sill«, step«, and orerjr

description if prcpircd stonework, «old at

Aiidntt « »time yard, luck o( itittcpcttdcut Chapel,

Little( iilllns street, cut 1 S Headstones, Ac, neatly

1A AAA HI «Al IA Linly I raiiklln Cigar»

XU.l/UU geiiuliio llmniin, (or Snlo, by Hussey,

AY tor Silo-Primo Lucerno II«), nt Jos per

cut A| 11) to llr I on 1er, Raleigh, Lock,

Mell junio Jul) l8,1851._67«?

ULI 0( Is. Dru - Iir «ih ii S)dn t Bullock

Dris, b) I1M1SWA1 rUlSTON.loi.nilnlaii

Agent, I ligante Stores, 1 Hu 1er« «trcct, weil, opposite

VOU11 OLIO ol 11 ttes ftir »ule i also a quantity

of best 1 nillo Silt Appl) lo JAM! H WAT

IHlSlO's!, ( tnniiilsil« n Agent, I it¡,gui,o Store»,

I Hu 1er« »trcct, iq | o Hi Vuien « »barf «784

KUISLD Oits'niul I h ippcd Hn), on Silo at eur

feton« nt tho at the Stable«, Victoria.

parade, Collliigwooil - Vickfonl, Graille, and Co

TI01I1S GIKDMHA CO, Jl, Minden Um,

wes!, olft-r for S ile, In Hie Bay, au Invol*

_Fx Ciisllll in, flinn New York_«OBI - Hie muh r»li, ned have on Bal»

Bliu,n|ioroicdir In lannis

Singapore cc lur, in lunmi

Mooting iHiird«, Ox li, gronvul and tongtMaJ.


Sri AMINOtNES - lor Sale- One lix hone )K)Wsr

high prissurc six i oliimn beam Steam EnglM,

with an eli.lit liorsc potter buller for ditto

One clUit-horao potter ditto, with a tin-hone powr

For particulars, apply to GILL, 1011LER and Co

VII I Ml ( irt- On Sale b) llio undersigned, Just '

lind I, a ter) «iqierltir Spring Cart, with Carat's

patent nxks mid li inn ii comillie IIIOMSONS,

III.AlHtlUs.uwl SMI 111, io, 1 lindera lane, cast.

F Jil Salt, t strong n ( nit, »niUiblo for driiwlns;

from (hu (¿mirries, n| pi) at JJ4, Little Collins.

O II S A I. I' - 20 im» of Hay

3000 grooted und totikuod flooring boards

JOHN GIBBONS, queen slrcct (825

FOR silt, i rime colon! ii ( hceie, and American

flour, ti urintc ! «weet. lohn Russell, corner «f

king and Gn ii ( nilin» street «09«

lOUIt Fil».I4 lion Buist d for s. ,k,, rho £3 la».

Appl) to llr linne), Clicmlit, 11 ollliiglon-street,

OI.SL 1LI I) -li It pt)* In Englanil, when

fi I iii r Is «o cln ip, lo ft id horte» on bridled oat*

mid iii ippcd li i) how f.rc it would be the ailing, If

Hie »ime »)»t m were purni!« 1 hero ' Hntlscd oat« and

choipel his can be iiinhisi) at our Store», wharf,

or nt the Stabh« ! Llorín Vnradc, Collingwood.

ViCM Olli), Gill lil I I, and Co_OOM

SIOIlLkLPI-HS lroiim mon., Dlgg,r», and oUier»

cm be Mi|]lle.l with mr) iltserlptlnu or fin

goinl« at tho Im ist" i rice» (. mid II lttu,cri, ila.

smiths, 1\ ullliigton street, Collingwood, near the glass.

CHU ION not to Iii) mi) 1 ablcs until they kan

been to tho back ot 1'iotcjtaut Hall, where Uley

rilO Carriers uni Dri) men -l'rimu l-ced Oat« and

X Cmketl Mil7o, nt Hie «toro or MILLI«!! and

AMILRSON, coiner ot Gnat Bourke street and sliieen

PIRTI! S about to pi ort rd to tlio Digging« would do

well to st I ct II i it, and Blanket« at tho «toro «f

111 LI lill mid 1MJ' ItSON, comer or Gnat Bourka,

itrc« t and Queen »frei t tjGaH

OOIS mid Illiiikit«, chcip lu prlco and ixcelleaf

In qunllti nt the ki irool lil LEISH and ANDER-

SON, corner ot Great Bourke street nu I (juocn itreei.

MELLISH mid ANDERSON Into J,,,t received »

large nssorlmuit or Bool«, Blanket«, and Lambs

wool Shirt«, »ititi I to the «ellon, cheap and good.

Corner or Great Bourkc-strcot and (¿ucen itrcct

I- N I S' Im rit tu Hoot«, In every varlet), ni A.

Burri««, ti?, Lliribcth street. 0734

Norien of naumai-Tve mid Miskin, Funeral

lindert ike ra nul Uni lil or«, baie nun.i ed from

1 onl «nil Siiittutii », "»Uphiii streit, to tlio turner of 1.a.

'1 robe mid Sprint, sit iel«_ 608»

milOMAS Ililli, hit.« most respeclllill) to Inform

JL bis Adel Halt and Mcllioiiinc lib ml«, and thu pub-

lie gouenill), til it lio has aapeiie I n (Iiucril Shire, No.

11, Bourke stint, uiHolnitig Moasr« Sjiiion« anal

Ferry, s nut lion ruouia, winn ho lula nala to soil nil doe

crlptlona of gool«, ti hole «alo mid rotuli, on tho small

profit und quick return principle, feir ready money,

AMIIItllHIl* HI HI.LI, S in Mill», Collingwood.

K mid 1 W Hodgson, beg to Inform Timber

Men haut« mut tho inliabibiiita tf ( olllngwoodauel ita

vieillit), Iii it (lu) havo complcleel tho nhovcatiw mill»,

mid nrc enalto ira pin il tusa» all sorti of Huilier, ami

hupe tliroiihh Mildness md ntliiitlun to business le

mirlt ish ire of thilrsuiipirt._62163 «s

O Piiblliaii«, Ac-It Daiha aiiiK'n , Mauulactn.

nrs ni Bur I iigltu«, Spirit 1 oiintalu«, Ac, »7,

Llltlo ( ullin» street, lust, itipalr« prompt!) attended

to. ltcfinnie« given. 4.162

BltlSIIANL, BBOllll'.llS, uro pn pared to roof

hoiisea nilli Hu liles nt 70« |hi »quart, which

b"lng n dumble lit, 1st nmf, laprcull irl) niluplcd to the

present clrciiinaliiutcs or tho ooliuiy. 330

N Hill I M AN,.te-M J llnohlcr, bl, Orcat Bourke

strict, wist, opposite kirk« II amur, or Little

Oxroral strut,(ilturColllngitoiHl Hotel), closets, ces

pools, Ac , implied nt t» a Ive hutira notlte, li) otto ertwa)

horso i uria, mt most nu alirutu linns N II »All kinds

ot rubbish lind nuiiiuri rimovul, 62706

Killi MIA -"Masara Belli», Wiinnop, anti Co.,

Oiueimburv street, Ninth Milboiiruo, btlow the

Cuttle Yalda i Ima n r nnlirs nt 1 uni mid ScufTtim'a

stables, Slophcu street Orden executed tilth economy

"VrilllllMI N -Be) Holds nuil Co uro prepared with

Li Night tarla lor iinpt)liig unten loseta nuil cesa

pool«, willi eciiuoiny und without aleluy. Contract«

tikinnt n rtnsoiiihbi tliugi. Orders re eel ve'el at 42,

lintern Mnrkit at 12, (licit llinnko atrcet i or at

tlnlr rcsldanii, C imbi higo streit, Collingwood Bob-

bish, einst.heaps, Au , rcinttvid 648D0

Min LOU AM) LI Kail, ot Stiultlilgo (Ltnrtlcl's

A Hi uih), unit No» Whiirl, Ilolinrl I ii« ii, big lo

nnnoiiuiii lo the Ir fill nils mid lho public, hi ni rally, that

lulling non cumplí lui lho em Hull of i\tt ii.lio Hfnrtl

at t-iiudtIdgi, tin) mo prenirtii to reillyu Consign

menta ni evet) di «i i Ipili.u nt Unod»

'1 lu Ir long us,pi rlt ino lu the (. iilonlul innrkcls, Is the

lu st gutirttidio tin) tun ofbr witta utily lie

pli nul tu entrust h'toel« to their uni, cusin lug u» it

doea ti nail) milli nuil quick ri turn

N B If n quin a, inhumes will bo inatlo lo Con»

signée« niuill ileaairlptlous ofgooeh.

NO1 ICI. ni Bimmil - lho ( nuntlng houso and

Stores of lho undi Hignett from this dnto will bo

Ouoen strut, south, tippnsltit Dickson, Ullclirlsl, awl

Co '« A SiEY'LNS

NOl'ICL-To htiKklii.lelir« and Ot'ior»-Mickle

mid llnkowill liiflirm (heir filind» nnd (bo publie,

that, from this duli, thoy relinquish (luir husillos» as

cattlu Inokir» In lalor of Misar« Kit) o ami Hiiiihart,

fur whom they st lb It a umtlnutiiuo ot Unit support

willoh the) huvo recclvcil*durliig tho timo (hoy havo

Willi relin tun to tho nimio, the iiiidirslgnul hnvo

tn «tnto Hutt tin > will du nil In tlnlr |»iwir tn gain that

confident it willoh Must» Mleltlo nnil llul.ottoll havo ob.

(lined, mid Ihn) trust, by «trill nltiiitloti to biislncai,

nnil promptlttulu In auttling moonlit«, In met t willi n

ttiiitlniitiiiu ol tho suntu sitppitt. IvAY'H mid HUT

41, Hoitrko.»ti cot, Jill) 1st, 1861. T

JAM -Mi. .lui) Pallin, Litt Mallum r, nml Itinl

J Cullidor, HI, (In it llouiku.strect cist, mar til«

Hull mid Mimili Until 0003

Will HI, Do lui DIuo? Tr) thu tit) Dining.

ninnis, no Omit Bourke street, nppoillo the

Albion lintel Hut Joint« fruin onuuilotk Pluto of

ment willi vigeliibli», I» Hil 0849

NO 11( Lol Hunotnl -1 tlttnnl Huir ru|tit»ta IliaJ

nil comiiiimliatlou« In him he lienmforth for.

ttnrdid lo lim Stile s nnl« nml Ant II ni Hnohn of Ed.

ward Row mil lo, tint thu Snrnieii» Hind Holc|,

Gnu! llniiiku slieet Guhlahrouglii Wool Store, Mar

ALA Alfil -i It I'ltOU 10H, Golil.uiltll, Jew.

illtr, nul Walli intikor.-T li P, Into of Get.

long, Ink» lo li form lim Inliuhltanti ollliilaarat and Its

vlulnlt), (lint ho Im« now lettlul In buklncii opposllo

tlio Cominis»!' nura ('iimp, near (ho largo Bakery, ami

not being mljoot t> Iho liuivy routs tint lownapconls

ure, hu will be able to glvo eviry sntlifliollou to nil

customer» nt town nile» or pilcos. Ringi, bracelets,

mr linn«, mid nu) dtairlptloii or Jew'llory, manu.

finiinritl In a mpulor »lyle. Diggers can hare rings

mudo rrom tlinl* own gold, Wnttli «huiei, key!, autl

limul«, alitai« f r »ah Namoi engraved on watchH,

rings, ele, in ampol lor it) to. .*? «.«.M)

N It- 1 hu tent lusa rtd llnj willi "Jowollor' anil,