Advertising - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 30 Aug 1853 (original) (raw)


__. AROÜB hat been opened In MaltJMtreet,

«set, Oee'long. All Letten and C^mimniüeaUon» to

ile Paper, Adnrtlaement», Orien for Jobjt^tlng,

A",frow partloi la Geelong, aad tht J>J^w"<»ïï

¡sty be forwarded lo that Offioe, and will anutwltt

?st prompteat attention._


worth, Loaion, who arrived at Miltnarne, ptr

«hip Hydunbad, will oblige the iindertigned by for-

warding Immediately the|iarcel of Ietterfc «te., received

ty bim from Mr. John Garratt, to th« followlag

«ddnu .-Mr. John Crarn>tt,Mtoraboel-itrut, Geelong.

HORSE BAZAAR, Great Ryrie-itraet, watt,

Geelong,-Dally Sale» of Stock, by Auction

O-FARKBLL an* BON beg to inform thhiirBumerou»

friendi and coniUtuontt, that they will, from thli date,

«old Sales b) Anotlon Daily, at the Hone Bataar, of

Bone», Quiet Cattle. Cart», GI«, Carriages, «V., oom

acncluK each day at Twelva o'clock} and that at their

Sale Yardi, Ashby, adjoining the Harp lou, they will

also bold Balea of Fat Cattle, Sheep, and all unbrokea

Hock, an any day of tho week whon roqalred.

The charge» are made to the Vendor (none to toe

Porchuor), and are as follow!, vii.!-Aa entrance fat

of two ihlillngi per head for small lot» of hojttt, taj

loeks, tnd cowl (but large loti an exempt from toil

therg«), and commlulon at tho ntl of Art per tent oa

At the Livery Stablei la eooaexlon with the Batear,

Horsu for 8»lo will recoin the greateit can and altea

Son, and, if iold,a couldenbl» redaction will be made

otthetisual charge ter keep.

A ««cure and well watered ant« Paddock tal.beta

provided for tho reoepUon or Cattle and unbroken Horsu

walting a fixed day of ule.

Whilst Informing our friend« and oonstituenti or har

lag Increased our day» or late, (which, prenons to the

present time, were held only on fin dayl of the wee*,!

and the other anaagement» above-mentioned, we would

beg to offer to them our »tnoen thanks for the liberal

lupport we have received u Stock Agents for tht latt

Th« general knowledge entertained by thl publlo of

ear «atabllshmcnl, and the long experience they have

ha* of our qualifications u Stock Agent» and Auc

Uoaeera (a branch of bu»ine»i to which we have devoted

the greater part of our tim« and attention) rendan any

«?musent for the reoomnaendation of either, quite unne

tetsswy. But ire would requcat the attention of Stoek

holden .0 those arrangements Jutt made, In connection

with our establishment, and which, we consider, will bo

productive of great benefit to them, is laving muoh of

Sueléense and delay cotuequent upon want of tame

«late ace jn.modatloa ror stock when brought for ule,

.killi we can ala v) » ensure the highest market price,

which the quSiitity of Stock weekly entrusted to our caro

fordlspoal, and the manner In which our eales aro at.

?ended, In proportion to otlien, «rill testify, none

Buaar.M ireh 19th, 1863._16744


TI L, corner or Yarra and Corio »treet», near the

gteambo i" Plor The proprietor in returning his molt

tineen thinks for the liberal patronage already experi-

enced from the most res poctable Inhabitants of (Julong,

informa tistors to this town that they wBl mut with all

the comforts of an English hotel at hlsutebllihmanL

The a< .'-clous dInlr.L- «loon li lumptsoosly and tit

gently furnished, ami well adapted for publie or private

Dlnr^'i arc served op dally in the molt liberal style,

The ii I rooms are fitted np with every attention to

Tho s u of wines, iplrlt», and English ales and por-

ter, are nut carefully »elected, and unrivalled in tht

Soups .n'y diy from tTTcl?« to tweo'clook,a Btof«»«od

IDWIN HOOPER, late of Bath, England.

Oelor. Mav 21st, 1553._18r7l


I 1 inn, having lecomo the Contractor for the

Ho» fro . nae, through Geelong, to Buninyong and

Borah..-i-. li ready to takopassengen and parcel» at

Paree % -'». Od. each lib. weight or ander: li. extn

Agenii -Mr. W»do, Geelong; Mr. ---, Coleo

ead Mr \-thurat. Buninyong._11743

NOTi ! . .-To the Settlor« of th« Murray dirtrio

an 'he pabilo lngenenl,-1 hereby glv» notice

that I i vor authorised Jame» M'Kellar, who wu la

my emt i ?'. ment, to giro orden or oontract dobta In my

Berne ; and I «hall not be responsible for any debt» the

ebore-n ii Individual, or any other penon, may hare

eontnwl I in my name without my written order.

lUlNHi 11BAT80N MORRISON, Geelong. 18259

fkUEl va HEAD HOTEL, Ryrle-itroet, welt

\_\ Victors to Geelong will tnd a good table and ex.

eenent > is, with every attention to their comfort, on

FUNi i .' I. Establlihment, 79, Llttlo Hourke-street,

BRA"-TON and MARSHALL, from Landon, lu

nturnli ? their thank« to the public for th« liberal

patron«!.'* 'atended to thom aince their commencement

u Furn h' ng Undertaker»,Uke occasion to observe that

they «tid eontlmia to rocolv« shipment» direct from

their Li . m Establishment, of all tho now and approved

Ityloof "din mounting« and furniture ; and that from

their es><-n'iro stock always on hand, they are prepared

at a few » un' notice, to exetnte order« Io th« London

style on ¡, upon the moll economical teran.

Monm .ni», Tablet«, Uetditonu, A«., executed In e

ERN i . f O ARTER, Surgoon Dcntltt, from London,

u,-y lu consulted dally in all branches of hi»

professl n -ithltrnsldtnoe, SU, Runell-itreet. 2311)0

moe ii \liafi*AND DRUGGISTS, and Genera

J. St. i Kacpcn In town and country.-O. B. W11.

Uara», V Druggist, bogs to Inform hit friend!

«ad the i vdo generally, that ho hal mado arrangements

for carr) mg out the wholesale drug bualnes» In »ach a

manner u »hall »ecur» the approval of all those who

may favor him with their orden. G. H. W. tua been

long established In the drug trade, and hu now to es

tenslvelj increased his slock, u to be In a politlón

thorough) v* to ovocuto all ordore entrusted to hi» care.

From the long and varied experianoc G. II. W. hu had

lu London, and from hi» present connections with the

»rat hoii'es In England, all drugs and chemicals can be

«Hod or a« of tho beat quality, and at the lowest re. I

muneratltc profits. Orden from tho country. Forest

Creek, Mendigo, mid other digging«, Immediately at.

teidod to Great Brutuwiek-atreet, Collingwood, Mel

FOR Slopping Dceiyed Tooth.-The Enamel Cement,

for «topping Dociyod Toeth, however large the

eavlty. It I« placo,! in the tooth in a loft »tate, without

any pressure or palo, an I toon bcoorau uJiard u the

.uamel, .-nd will r.-miln (Inn In the tooth for many

5«an, renhrlngoxtractlon unnecessary, and «mating

io furthnr pro/resi of decay. All person» can use the

Cement themselves, with ease, a» full direct lons are en-

closed. Vt Mr. Eskelli, Surgeon Dentil I, Collina

etroet, oppoalto the Moohanlc«' Institute % 23983

MEDICAL-Dr. Mahony, formerly In practice In

fort Adelaide, may be consulted dally, at 113,

Flinden-lano, out, having commenced practice there.

\|_D1CAL.-MR. E. W. PILGRIM, Membor of

ITA Iii o Royal C'ollego of Surgeon«, London, Licen-

tiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, hu commenced

the practice of lill profession at Emly Park, Moorabool

VAGCINATKÍÑ^Mr. O'Reilly, Burgeon, Ac., at

homo for Vncolnatlon ovory morning from ten

lo twelve, at hi« roildonce, 105, Colllni-itreot, woit,

DR. HALLETT, Moinher of the Royal College o

Surgeons, London, Ac., «te., Brallh-itreet, Col

Hngwood, (near tho Shepherd'! Arm«.) At one dally

for consultation, at 67, nwanston-itregt, Melbourne.

VACCINATION performed dally by Dr. Hallett, a

his Surgery, SmIUi.ltroet, Collingwood, with

lymph dorlvod by hlmsolf, from carefully selected con.

mutions. Iloiin-» a.m., and 4 p.m. 16456

DR. M A ti NI), Phyilolan, Burgeon, and Aooouoheur

181 Groat Lontdale.itreet, east; at home for

consultation till «leven In the morning, and after ali

In tho evonlng. Gratuitous advice to tho poor rrom

hair-put one till throe dally, at Mr. Hall'», Chomlat

Hi, Great Bourke street, eut. 19815

A FAIR Complexion, clear »kin, and healthy body,

can be obtained hy taking Dr. LouUL. Smith'»

VegeUblo Antlblllou» rilli. Dr. LouliL. 8mlth, 167,

Groat Bourke »treet, eut. 33184

A NEW Dlsiovery.-Anlt.OdontalgU. an 1m

/V mediato cure ror the Toothache ; sold hy the

llicoveror onl), Brant Catter, Burgoon duitlit, 60

Hülset! street. Price 6» 23299

BILE, BILK.-For blllouineti, ilek hoad.aoh», lou

of appetite, Indlgeitlon, oosttveeui, flatulence,

heartburri, feverlthneis, nervouinou, blotch«, and all

»kin eruption», try Dr. Smith'« Vegetable Antllilllou»

Cooling Optnlng Pill», for both »exu._23164


..... consultation, gratli, rrom 8 till li, and from S

UM». 197, Great Bourko-itrcit, eut, near tho Now.

T°lîî»I,ûhltMtaBU *l>1' CUt,ï " ,,<'RK>urn,, .ntl

Et_oacloiii cure for corni, bunion«, calloilllei, Ac.,

jrtthout cutting or oaiulng (he illghteitpaln, by Mr.

aï! H,S5,L.OI,,ÏÏSi,afe,1J?0,n *". írm of'van

Meppelt and Son«, 106, Oxford-ttrett, Loadon. Mr.

Van Meppelta «item U at one« novil and bated

ïi_tt !mï .»»«''.»».«'IJhto.Ttoilved IhttanoUonor

thl nobtllly and gentry In England, he having by care

ftalatudjr»»ma tmrnnty V*>ara'practice, rendered, hlmaelf

mister of that branch or lurglcal art In-whlohbetaa

May be couaulted dally at 84, Collits itreet, eut.

witto th« Arm office, from mill«, when upwai-ds

of MOO testimonial! may be Impeded from medical

ÏA,n {T »ll ^u.^B^r»«» »* "«boara»,

.Weh havo bun prenotad to him many ytu» arter

lidlei átf geiitlcintn attandtd at Muir own retU

'.to*, by gleeif a day'! oatltt.

- ......._ -_ m«u« mm* m un asvw tsaauiusju au er*

?togtatnte for«iteriagtlitroaghly lateIbeirMaiait

d«trt-wt, and tn^y^iapt attoattoavkSS

T»»^lPfli*'to obi!*»i» "if» «* *w »»w»«*

.".B.-The intranet to the wheJtaal» asriCotae la

»*RugWllll«a4tn«»,'il \u£t<**ÏÏ£L*

ggjai, Onat Breniw?«k*rut, auSnSFfâ

Si»iteÄl_s^-?_!,*"4i ."ï!»1" !i-»>Mii*W

_i_, Inge io Infera« hit fritan and tht pwUte. that

M*t*ta-*Mrin!>tto_r|tk_aBs^ ^ mil

.vrOTICl.-Th« following parti«« har» bun ap

Jj Minted agent» for the Arfas, and are authorltsd

t o collect monte* and receive orden tor the papú, and

for advertisement«, la their «everel localltiu ¡

J. M. Main, atal*p-*trest, w««t ..Geelong.

Jahn B. Spence.Aetelaid«.


Colin K. Campbdl . Lanaaaitoa.

J. PirUngton. Warrnambool.

David Oswald. Ftory Creak.

Hugh Swann . Fnlor,VI.>fc

R. J. Howard .Forest Creek.

Devi* »a«1 Chatty . EEßr °'fMl1

Huon and Collay . S'Slim*toWB

Arthur Dyson.S,ol,1i"«w£îd'

Meurt. Creesrw.ll and Co. ... fnbraa.

George F. Pryee . E?2*rt**5'

William John Morris. Gisborne.

Alexander Morrhwn, Lawton «treet, North

J. J. Walsh, a», EIIaak«th-*tr*ot

D. Urquhart, Te, t^Uln»Jtre«t.

8sunstsn and Stamford, «, Charing Croat, London.

At the utabllshiaenU of th« agenta In Geeloag,

Sydney, Launceston, Ferait Creek, and Hobart.¡Town,

soceu to «lee of the Arc* may «lsray» be obtained.

NOTICE.-Some Inooovenltnoo being experienced by

tho dUtanc* of the ¿ryal Ollie* from th» Wharf*

»nd Wutero «nd of th« city, «dvertlun »nd othen ue

Informed that arrangement» htva bun made with Mr.

JAMES WILLIAMS, Paper Baler, Account Book

Maker, ate., next door to the Royal Exchange Hotel,

Collins-street, at wboa* «hop advertiument« and other

communications for to* Arru may be left till eight

o'clock in the «vening. N«w »nbtcrlbtr» may leave

their narnu with MrTwllUatn*, »nd h« will ab» have

«Ingle copie» of th« paper constant I y on tal«._

HAHLES MAPLES, Ship Urokcr, Passenger »nd

Commission Agent, next tho Sydney Hotel,

Wllllam-ilreet, Melbourne._1M7«

TO Publican* »nd Other».-Joseph W. Lovell, Va-

luator and Appraiser, can he »ten dally, from

twetv* o'clock until three p.m., at Mr. Thomas Lew!»'«,

Witch and Clock Maker, No. «3, Ell»»b*th-*treot, Mel.

ARTIES desirous of returning to England, or of

proceeding to any or the neighboring colonlu,

may Insure » safe and «peedy pauag« by applying to

Soady and Jones, General Skipping and Commission

Agenta, 33, EHiabeth-etreet-_878»

MARINE SQUARE, Nott-street, Sandridge.

Walters, Soutter, and Co, Licensed Auctioneers,

Marine Surveyors, Commission and Shipping Agents,

for the sale of lands, ships, merchandise, and goods of

every descriptlon. Goods stored, and promptly for-

warded to Melbourne. Samples of goods received at

their warehouses for inspection, and sales effected

therefrom. Goods also received on board their storeships,

for the convenience of parties forwarding their goods to

the neighboring towns, and coastwise samples also

received, and sales held when requisite. 24689

\TUT1CJ:_Matthew M'Caw ft Co., Auctioneer«, I

li Commission Agente, Livery Stable Keopen, and

Corn Dcalen, respectfully return their sincere thanks

to their Friends and the Public for the favor which they

have received, and beg to Intimate that they have dii

poaed of their premlu* and buslucu to Meun Water-

house and Anslow, who will continue the «am« In all Ita

Meisat. M'C. ft Co. have tho greatest oonSdence In

introducing their successors, Meun. W. ft A., and

have no doubt that they will give general satisfaction,

M they ara both boalneaa men, and have » thorough

knowledge or hore» stock, Ac. ; and they will now be

.ble to conduct the busiiseu In »ttyle which hu been

hitherto quite beyond our reach, the whole of the man-

agement formerly having devolved apon Mr. M'Caw

WATF.RHOUSE A AN8LOW baring tncceeded

to the abose business, trust by strict attention to the

interest» of their friends and the public, to merit a con-

tinuance of those favon which have bein to liberally

bestowed u)ion their predoce'*on.

"N.B.-Mr. M'Caw hu kindly contented to remain

and render every aulltance in bl» power, for three

JC. 1'YI.E, Auctioneer and Commission Agent,

» Chtrlee-streot, Launceston.-Consignments re-

colved ; prompt returns, with reasonable oharges.

Storage gratia, for one month.

Instructions for purchasing Colonial Produce attended

to, it recovered by » remittance.

Launceston, January t, 1863. 8790

TO Merchant» and Consignee» of Gooda.-Tho under-

lined having observed the almost Imputab!»

»tate of the Wharves, and the great difficulty of obtain,

lug llghtcngo fro<o Hobson'» Bay to Melbourne, have

entered Into arrangements to land, store, and tell cargo

at the pier at Sandridge, at current rates of commlulon.

W.J. AUSALOM ft CO., Auctioneers, fte., Sand,

ridge, and Annand'* Chambón, Melbourne. 9141

TO th» Dnspere of Melbourne, Geelong, Port Fairy,

Warrnambool,»nd Country Storekeeper» generally.

Gentlemen,-I duin to thank yon for tho larg« mu.

.ure or »upiort that I hare received st your hand*.

My aim us been to bring my English »nd Colonise!

experience to beer in eatabllihlng » large wholual»

draper)', «lou, and battery trad« t la which I have been

I beg to epprlie yoa that from thl« tate Mr. John

Ring will be ennnocted erith me u a partner In the

blaine«; and It afford» me great pteeltro In thus pre-

senting him to you, known, a» be hu Men, to mott or

my friends during the put twelve mouths. His prac-

tical knowledge of the London, Maaehuter, Yorkshire,

and Scotch market«, tully qualify him, In conjunction

« i th myself, to prepare orden la detail for the guidance

if our home huyen, In the pureba*« of thou dene* of

,.>odi which have heretofore uaured your valued

It will be tlie endeavor of the new Arm to secure the

oontlni.ance of your aupport t »nd by extended Importa-

tions to mut the Increased demand» of the colony.

Gentlemen, I remain yean, Respectfully and obliged,

The bualmu of th« new Arm will be oomlucted under

the style of SARGOOD, KING, AND CO. 16731

TENNENT^ BEER.-The undersigned being

Agent» for Mossn. J. »nd R. Tennent, of Well,

park Brewery, Glasgow, »re In the receipt of regular

supplies of their beer and porter. DICKSON, GIL

CHRIST ft Co.,Quccn-atreet._ lf5ai

. Agent, View Point, Bendigo.

ROZIBR A KINGSMILL, Neweutle, Agent» for

»hl|«, and for the purchase »nd ihlpmentof co»la,

maize, and the general produoo of the Hunter River

Melbourne Agency Office, Neweutle, Now South

Wiles. Reforeiice-Coffey, Hill »nd Co. 12*6«

WM. FARTHING ft CO., Commission Merchant»,

Ship Broken, Passenger Agents, fte. Counting

House, Fllndors-atreet (Old Melbourne Brewery) ; Pu

lenger Office, Queen's-whsrf. 129»

THE undersigned »re «uthorlsed to make arrange,

ments, fnr vessels bound to Calcutta, consigned to

their Mends. ROGERS, WARFIELD ft CO., Monte-

fiore'» Chamber«, louth-wett corner Colllni-street and

CARD.-Mr. Phillp Chauncy, Land Agont »m1

Surveyor, 14, Bw»nttnn-itreet, late Assistant to

the Baneyor.Otnenl, of Western Australia, »ml »

Practitioner of fourteen yean' Colonial experience.

1JOWBR »nd Rutherford, Salesmen or Stock,

Stations, and Land Property, corner of Lonadal«

«ml Queen.itreet», atelbourpo._234a<t

ROBERT GOODWIN, Atlu Chimben, 20, WIL

llarc-itreet, Melbourne, and a, King William}

Flour, Gold, Land, Agent and Factor,

Commission» ex«eut«d for the Digging», Goalong,

Sydney. Hobart Town. Adilalde, Swan Uiver, Indi«,

the United State», and England.

Import», export», ete. 14328

NOTICE.-Th« partnerthlp hitherto existing under

. the Arm of JENNINGS »nd RHODES, Win«

«nd Spirit Merchant», ha« thl» day been mutually di«.


Melbourne, 26th Augutt, 1863. 21598

OTICE It hereby given, that the partnenhlp

heretofore existing ootween ue, the undenlgned,

carrying on butine»» u Commlulon Marchante, Ship

Broken, fto., under the ityl« or Arm of Farthing and

Marlu, hu bun thl« day dissolved by mutual con.

sent; and that th» Mid butin«! will In future be

;on,V,n««d upon th*a»m« premlu«, by th« undenlgned

William Farthing, for lil» own upante aooount, who

will »lu reeelvo »nil pay all debts owing to »nd be- th»


W!tu»u,M.8levwrlght, Solicitor. I »33

Melbourne, 30th Jq'y.leaS._

ARTNER8HIP.-Notioe.-The undenlgned beg

to Inform the merehint«, ihlponntn, etc., of

Melbourne, that th.y havi thl. day formad a partner

ihlp under th« »til» of O'Comot, Greene, tad Co.. for

th» traaiacttcn of a General Bhlpplag »ml Commission

Ay.nii,,,¡!",1»t No.'1?' EUubethîtreet, MotaraT

jaÏÏeSWor^ w"iÎA" 8" °»EEI«E'

rwUEBM'S THEATBB.-No\*ity! Novelty! Th

Hnt appaarenatof the catebrated Tragedlas*, Mr.

1*11 wuk bat on« or Mr. Frank Howio».

Ob Moodty Evtnlng th* «ntertalnment» will «oin.

manea with Bulwer'» »dmil ed pl»y, entitled the Lady

o'tayoM. Paulin« D«Kh»pp«llVt-Mr«. Stark. Claud*

On Tuesday Evening, th« Stranger. Mn, Halter

Mr*. Stark. Th« Stranger-Mr. Stern,

0» W*dM*day Kvaulag, Damoa aid PyUlai.

«.¡?»Ignr"!». slari. Damoa-Mr. Stark. Pythlai

.j^J^^yl^nlnfinaunltt, Queeo-Mn Stark.

«.ÎSZîlî^ÏA!!"«! 'WtoMsthiBabarla. Par.

«nfkls^ra. Bttrt. tngom»r-Mr, Stark.

Mr. Freak Howton «vary «vtalng.

«wli£UlK:"TSulr,0£.,ft> »»«Mtemeat« of Mr. and Mn

?lark, th« price« will be »t fojlowi t

I Boxu.B», Pit,». Oalliry.s».

oSi'LSl}!!. »¡«^ «.1»l1*lswaoi'«t th« Roi

OMcVMman the boan of ti and s,

' ****» '- ' i - ? . '. J.iP. HYDES,

... *..?? Wadntatay «vaalng at I o'clock. Mr. > Foaitt

iï'is'îiivîcïsi w^wat^'Xitaîsi;

u.ta^i »ntaabinfr»», . , ,. i , . . ., ,f>Mtl,i'

fafECHANlCS' INSTITUTE Uetarta,-t]*aU«aw.

»«gat», «M-». «Jaw*», «tea.

O NB of tot bett fattenlag rani In the Billibong

dittriet, with 13,««* Tt* Bbstp. - The um I»

uUaated to depasture U.OtlO, and tot ihie» now dc

putmiug thereoa, oot-ltt of about StSO weihen ard

about 26** «wet, thi gnator part of whlok ara now I»

Apply te MAB A SON. <j-oeen-«tre»t, Melboarnt.

FAT Shup will bt ntdy R>r tal«, Ia prlmt condition

ia September next, in lot. to luit punnu«-.

10,000 iheeo delivered on the itatlon. Apply to T. W.

HARRIOTT, opposite tho Bank of Au«trala«la ¡ or, to

Mr. JOHN STRACHAN. Terrlok Torrlck. 30091

FOR Sale, the Glenronald Station, lyla« between

Mount Sturgeon and the Hopkin», with ebou

11,000 »hup, For particulnn apply to the proprietor,

on the »tallon. P. HUTCHE80N._31392

HEEP Station for Sale.-Canambo.wlth 6000 »hoep.

Nlcholaon and Reub, 120, Great Bourki-itreet.

SHEEP and Cattle, with Station, for aale, Moira,

Murray River.-J. O. DOUGHARTY hu Been

Instructed to dlapote of, by private contract, the above

well known and excellent Station, with 7000 Sheep, Mid

120 head of Cattle. , . .

It li «lipoted of îolely became the proprietor ha»

realised a handsome competency from It, and li »bout

Tki iheep have never known dlttue, and are quite

removed feom any eoataglon ; they an large, and out

very heavy Seece». 18.0C lamb« of April, and 1800 now

'«lug dropped, will be given In. ,

The cattle are principally milch cowl, and well-bred,

The run ha» an ana of 68.000 acre«, 140 miles from

Melboarnt, In the Murray diitrict, eomlitlog of large,

thickly gruied plaint and fine ned teds, or a most

fattening nature, and abundantly watered; eapablo of

deputurlug 1200 «heep, or 3000 bead or cattle. There I»

every requUite Improvement, and In high working

For further »articulen apply to JOHN GEO.

DOUGHARTY, Purcell'« Repoaltory.Lontdete-itrett

AT Sheep -Will be ready for «al«, In prime condl.

tlon In September next. In lot» to »ult purohuen,

10,000 «heep, delivered on the station; apply toT.W.

Harriott, Colllns-itreet, oppoalte the Bank of Auatra'

lula, or to Mr. John Btrachaa, Terrlok Terrick. 19323

TWO Stations ooaprtitng a large extent of «heep

country on the Blllebong, with about 13,000

The Bheep Station* adnrtUtd for nil by auction for

.órnenme put, (tht property of Alexander Innes, Esq, )

aro now tórsalo by private contract, namely.

Lot 1, Wangarra«» and Tumbarumba, with about

Lot 3, Conargo with about «00* «hup.

Wangaratta hu a frontage of 1* miles, and Conar-

go or ten mile», to both »Ide» of the Blllebong, by

an average width of ten mile». Tumbarumba I»

»ituated in the Mania Country, an* la permanently

Terms-exceedingly liberal; apply to BEAK A

STATION For Bale.-Northwood, on the Goulburn

River, TO mile« from Melbourne, with about 3300

iheep, 300 head of quiet cattle, and 20 horses.

The above li wall adapted for a family, the homestead

being complete In every respect. With extensivo pad-

docks, and garden well itocked with fruit treet.

For particular! apply to NICHOLSON and ROACH,

130. Great Bourke-ttrcat, eut_20220

VALUABLE Imported lionel.-For Sa'e, by private

contract, 1 handsome grey gelding, I yean old,

I Ki hand« high, «ira HaJJl Baba, out of a thorough.bred

mare Thl« golding li an excellent roadster, tint-rate

fencer, and perfectly quiet In harnea».

I tplemlld bay mare, with blank potato, rising 5,

16 hands high, lira Little John ; a «uperior feaeer, good

In harness, and hu been rods by a lady.

1 powerful bay gelding, I year old, attends M hands,

tiro Gilderoy ; li a eery «uperior hanter and roadster.

1 beautiful Day mare, by Bee -boro,' 6 year old, quiet

In harm»« ; carries a lady with eaae and tafity, and li

The above are recently landed from Van Dlemen's

Land, ex Clarence, and may bo aun at the Victoria

stable!, Swaniten-ltrect, where the price« mey be aacer

talncd, or by app'lcation to E. GILBERT A CO., Vic-

toria Au:tlon Mart, Great Lonadale-atroet. IT*»»

AT Sheep for Salt.-10,000 Ewe» and Wether!

deliverable at Maldin'i Punt; apply to J. O'

Dougharty, Purcell'! Repository, Lonadale-itreit, weif

WETIIEHS for Sale.-loot fat wathen for Bale,

twenty mile« from Melbourne; apply to Meun.

DIckion, Gilchrist, A Co., Queen-itreet 2131»

MMIE lint Spirits, Ale, orter, Win», Ac., wool

JL i r bottle, at low prion. Burton and Jackson, 61,

Little llourke-atroet. east_233*3

FOB SALE, at the Coe*) log House of tht Under

Rum end brandy, la Mad«, «a* eats«

Sherry, In hhda. qr.-taskt, octavee ead «tee

Botella. J. B. WERE A CO.

Melbourne, June IT, IMS. srM*

\fELBOir__BHOUil_.-To the BuMwts of St

IH Kilda tad Brighton.-Wt bag to «all year at-

tention to our Stock of Wine», Srsrlte. Be«, *t"-rhleh

for quilty ra equal to aay «took ia lBasmtaree, having

been earefuily »elected by us frees thefetetaarkta.

Martell't dark brandy la teeta I _-mi_i .« *~_a

Do. pelt do. In do. f*m* laboad

Other brandies In bottlM aad oa draught

Lownde»' Altona gin la t aad S doaeo mt!

Bordon's bett pal« »berry

Duff Gordon'» brown thirry

Offiey't eholeest old port

With which w» oaa tupply famlil« tt'Milbonnw

WM. NORTON, A CO., Melbourne norn«, Ony

ON Sale, by tho Undonlgnid, invoice« of

Martell'a brandy, In bottle


N SALE et the Store« of the undenlgned

Barnard and Co'«, do., pelt

Splendid old Islay whltkey

Port Wine, In qr.-cukt, tinglo, doublt, and

treble diamond, and grape

Sherry, In octavei and qr.-e-ski

DICK and MACK AY, Wholetalt Wine and Spirit

Merchant«, lee, Lonadste-ltreet, eut._19373

ITtllE andenlgned havo alwey» oa hand an abundant

-e »yniw being aanmVrtured by the undenlgntd

and under their owe Immediate eye, they eaarteom

mead them with confidence to the trade aad the publlo

Sentrally, at btiag a doliclous and essential beverage

DICK and MACKAY, Cordial Manufacturare, 10*

Lonsdale -street eut._IHM

H E undenlgaed an manufacturen ef

Old Highland whiskey bitten,

Th» rnanufaeteren oaa highly recommend thue bit-

ten u being a »uperior tonli, and big to draw the at

teatlon of tht publie to that hat.

DICK and MACKAY, Maaufactarer» of Tonto Bit.

ton, 106 LonUsl» »treet, east_19»««

WINE and Spirit Store», adjoining th» Union Beak.

-Th» undenlgntd ha« ob Sale, at Import prit««,

Baurev-Martells, In and oat of bend

Row-Jamaica aad Batt Iadla,d«. do.

Wbbit-Itlty aad Campbelltown, do or. to.

Poar Witts-Hunt'«, tsaadaaaan'1, oat dlaaead, twe

diamond«, and three mtyttoadi

Saaur-Bardon'«, «ad other Ävartta brandi pelt an

Lliboe, dry «a* met wlat*

Molboume.trebruary Hil, ItaSS. 33121


aeareet aad bert roete mat th« Orena to the Bee.

*}f_ >* by the Brokea Rim, Mifalres Pant, Ci


tsetse»««* ^*" br "'' UraMt "*"°" *°

UR Undirtlgned taku Itara to Mara kit moa» ila.

. "«to-** to the Publie and Diggora la gtutrel,

for thedr Ubtrel patronage dariag kit May ef Forest

£2Í iïlB*»dl«fc_^rt"*BJ!W' Pltîaava »tlU re.

atJaitoUiitea, bottom. ltaThavtog toeeteded to

riady and «I lor bealaeaoa alttol April.'

Umb to ay cere, at I hare large aad «ah «atleeMrea for

. ItA-TVagh kartag te««.i*»d la pt-agaa Ata

!<l»*_!>__jai»N. _._>«»» Ita mm aaabtr of Mora

DVAKCE8 on Gold Dont, «te-The w*£>}S**

will nuke liberal advance« on Wool, Tallow, and

«JoUDMt,otin«l6ned to Meure. *ftto^*l<STLl!

SöreliWInchetteMtreet,London. THOMAS AND

KEW, «1, Harkct-tquar»_"""

"a DVANCB8 mad« on Coulgnmente to oor friend»

A In Llrerpool «nd London, «Ho to our houiu in

Ban" FnnelKX.VC*Iirornla,and th. Atlant!« Stete*

Rogen, Werfleld and Co._ l3MT

OTICE to Butchen ann OUien -Th« undualgned

wwhufflteiimutton avnd be.r fat, »nd tallow,

at th» mertot price, etoliwred »t itoru. », Looj.

d.IeJtruLwes^snd.t tb^worh». K.n»ltigton njar

Flemington. BENN and CO_ »**»

GOLD and Wool -The undenlgn«d »re purohater

for cash at the hlghut muket value or gold -du«t

or wool, or will make liberal »dvanoo» on th» «am*,

consigned to their »gente In London or Uvarptwl._

JACIOB MONTÉFIOBE and CO., ColliM-jtreet,

THE undenlgned will maka Advancesi on Produoe or

Oold-Duat, to the ooeaognment of their mandi In

LondanT LIverpoolTor Brlttol"BRIGHT, BBOTHERS,

ft Co, 8, Ellubeth-itreet. nth July, IMS. *****

/>OA AAA THEandenlgntdareiBttrasUdto

eii>a«UtUVVe iu,«ettoe«bov»«ttmlnth«purch»u

of good lmjnired City or Buborbssn Property. .Psitte»

baving »ny property of thl« dtoeriptlon tor dlnoul,

will pltau to"communicate forthwith P DAVIS and

CO, C1 ty Mut, 48, Collimtreet, »ut- M318

CAUTION to lion« Dealer« and Other». -£10

Ssward.-Loat,b«twuu th« North 8tar(publlo

house) and Flemington, a Biy Hore-. »Monteen

hand« high, «tax In forehead, square tell, branded rear

shoulder jo' with croit on top, off shoulder FH, off 'Ide

undor »adIle 16, ateo, «Jw cart and lianas» The

»hove Reward will b« | al-, apon conviction of the thief

or thieves, or Fir« Pounds to any ona» who my return

the samo to the mart of W. M TENNENT and CO

AUriON-To Auctloieeu, Pouudkeeper«, and

Horse dealer» -St len or Strayed from the

Deep Creek ,ln the parish of »ulla Rulla, Five Horses,

branded with tho following brand» -

t Bay Hone, near hlud foot white, R off neck, »nd

1 Bay Hare black pointe, brandad BLO near

shoulder, and RLO i If neck. ."'-._

1 Bay.Hone, hind feet white, branded JC elf

1 Brown Hone, hind feet white, branded CJ near

1 Brown linn«, branded »tar (boulder PP.

If Stolen, Fifty Poonda Reward will be given to »ny

P»rty giving Information of th* offenders, IfStrajed,

Twenty Uve Pound* will be giren on recovery of the

FREDERICK COE, Deep Creek, pariah of Bulla

OTICE -Peril' a hav n boxes, or any other de

icrl, «on of pr 'party. In the Buck a Head H >nl,

LIM e L Ridale-ttreot, are requested to l "* »ft*r ,h»

lamelmmtllitel), aa the pro,eutt nant la leaving tho

h iel in the course rf» rirtn gh'. and will not be re

spoiialble fi r 'h-m BUCK. 8 HEAD HOTEL, L'ttlo

OBBBRk -Union Bank ol Australia.—The public

are hereby cautioned against receiving Nates pur

porting to be the Issue of thl* Bank, and oflha deao-ui

?»Ron »ad numbera undermentioned a eau; of Note

Form» having beeu itolen from the *hlp Stratheden, In

If oraton'* B»y, »nd not In eteenlattoo with Forged Big.

C1, No 1«W,W1 to No 171,0a»

l», from No 7^*1 and upward«

OTICE -We, the undonlgaid, will not be retpon

.Uria for »ny debt» Incurred by the Captain of the

lighter. Lady Flora, without a written penaluloa from

u» MILLER and JONES, minden Une, watt.

OTICE -Brig Wy«, from London -If th« pur

chaser of to* Brick* per that vuul dow not

NOTICE -We «old on the 3rd Unit., a Team of

Eight Bullocks, and the vendor not being able to

Mtltfy ai u tooweerehlp, we pabUth them a« ander,

erith their colon, and brandi, for pabilo Information

1 red bullock, IF near ribs, K neu hip, ITH off ramp,

1 itrawbarry bulloak, blotch bread aear rump, 1 nur

1 white bullock, HA off ramp

1 yellow brindled poley bullock, WH off alp aad rib«,

1 nd bullock», IS off ramp aad thigh, lo» rib«

1 brindled bullock, O off «hoalder. 1 off thigh

t black bullock, MT off rump, . off »baaktor.


NOTICE -Person* baring «tared Luggage with H.

Lawler and C«" or with the andtnlgaed, ara re

3Mated to pay itorage due, otherwiu It will ba solf.

mlth and Mahood, Klng-«tr»ot, x»*e -

OTICE -To prêtant Cattle steeling -The onder

slgnad never havlag aold any of bet «atti* etnaded

HR «or Joined on th* »ear rib«, barehy «aaUoaa any

cattle dealer» fron» porch»»iag»»y ofthat bread, «x

THIe is to give Notice, that all penon» b»vlng Log

gage and Boxu at the Ballon' Home, ti, Fllnden

lane, wut, »re reqaexted to remove them within roar

teen day a from thl» date, or they will be »old to pay

V-* ui Aiifuji nu* usacas mare, wnise una« avwu l

face,br»nd«dJponth«n«ar«hoald«r Threwiare

have the «am« by paying all expeneu, and I! not

claimed within fourteen day« from thl« date she will

be «old by publto »nation, to tierny expense« Apply

to HOWARD ft E8TERFORD, 113, Swaaaton-itreut

LOST, Stolen, or Strayed, on Saturday, Aug. 13th,

from Elua« Paddock, LRU« Brighton, on« Bay

Mare, brand TC on n«»r »boulder, »iel three white

feet. Whoever will retain tho tam« to T. CONNOR,

Great Lonedalo atreet, will receive Five Poonda if

ttrayed. If atolen Ten Pound«_13131

LOST Property -The undenlgned having.iad »oiue

box»» elolen from hi« «tore two or three month»

»go, »nd many of the artic!»» hiving bun «old at

variant auction«, request« eommunlcatloa* from all

partie« havlag boxu «tored there prior to th« loth

June lut. Immédiat« information I» required uto

th« owntnhlp of the following good* -I Colt« re.

volver, a rifle gun, eight day«' dock, telescope, 1 pair

deeanter atendí, pair or »pacteelt«, a «liver watch,

bowie knlfo and cue of mathematical Instrumenta,

shell box, «Ingle barrel gan, double barrelled gun, and

a ihlp carpenter « tool cheat. Mr. Brace, Mr. St. John,

Mr. Bradshaw, »nd Mr. nelligan, to whom It It tup.

poud th« mining property nelone«, will oblige by

examining the goods without delay -J. Butt and Cn ,

Sandridge! or Mr Tuckwell, Detective Officer, Police

LOST, on Taudayamlng, 26th lut, on th«roed

between Melbourne and Geelong, the Mall Bag

for Lake Wallace Any peraon andiag th« tame, aad

dellvertag It at the Pott Office in Melhonrn« or Gee-

long, or at Armitrong, on th« River Exe, will be

liberally Rewarded T. ft F STEPHENS, Mall Cob

tractors, Queensberry-street.

Melbourne, 28th July, 1853. 10354

FOUND. Two Boats, one a large ship's boat, a good

deal damaged, painted lead color, with Elizabeth

Hughes painted on the stern ; the other painted black,

with a red streak. Apply to A. V. MACDONALD,

.GUND, a Cheque on the Hank of Victoria, for un i

warda of ilOO ; th« owner can receive It on »pp.f. I

cation to W. W. Sttvenion »nd Mtthewion, «nd paying

BRITISH Merohandlu.-If you waat ant-rate «tore

room, yoa will Sad th« Ball Altey Store« th«

moat «xtensive and but in M»lboarn«._

COLONIAL Produce -Importera Instead or having

their goods openly «xpoaed on the wharvu, «hould

h»vo thim safely »tond at the Ball Altey Bal« Room,

Little llonrke-etreet, when then ii «aacomaiodaUon ter

MM toni meaiuremmt of gooda.

GOODS STORED,-Merchant* and Importen may

be accommodated at th» Bne aptcloua dry «ton«

.tore«, Flltiden-lune.wut.epptsslte Murphy'» Brewery.

Th« premise» being «Ituated olote to th« Qaeea'i-wharf

»fibril » nvorebl» opportunity to partte» ia «»at oraton

room Tho current rate« charged i apply to THOS A,

WILLIAMS, «I. ttarltteqaare.

PICKFORD, GREVILLE, and CO, tklcran «ad

^Genual Cerrten, tha Wharf, rllncteraatrut

Mtrohaiidk» «entally «tarad, «loada aontayad


STORE Rorjn>~-t?rh»* tuscan auy te had t^ Hoar aa

»adottn a*«T«ltaadIie,U 1*. Jest aad Co., ria.

TOtUOE.-Sto«»*« Roo» for Ona Tbcantead To»

Mtrakadsiar JOH* OIBBONS, sjuen-ttreet,

»clJol^HP'tsaon.ailohrtataimOo'«. m»

S TOBAGO-Wareboa** room ft» 4M to tot) to*»

m«r«h»»dl*e. Apply to Pickford, Orevlll«, and

Co., th» Wharf, Wa»ts«»a-»tr»«t. i_, MIS

STORAGE I Bttragili »nnTtall.roomtorWatrjsja

«aitogttotbaiaatoavary saodant» tenut aa]

ply at lal LWtnwla^trea», «ant._tilt"

STORAOR tor ena tant NirataSatlUi apply to H.

M< Loughnan.on tntpremtee«, tu, Ortet Bourka,

«treat, »ree«, or to O. M. Whitehead, Flladtn street

STONAOI.-To «nwekMt», «oailgaew of floar

«saiv««d<tthtrt^od«. TheaavlirriiraadarepT*.

nares to «ton taw* tutu «I ?«»bia* ii ata^dricte«,oa

raaaon»bl« tef»»»,-ORIITITHS. fANMsWftXOr

¡S sstockTaV).', w^iuiniVllate poaaeailoo.. A bargain

Addra» XIX, Baird andpo., vi, Iwatutén «tratTr

.QTORAGE.-Storag* to any amount to t» bad at i

TORE to;Ut,ln*good «Itaatlaa la towat Nlebl

' olton mm UMh, ftt, Qreat Btjuk^rtrifC

JUST Publlshed-The Victoria Gold Valuer1» Rudy

Reckoner, and Ataayer'i Chemical Quida: Price

j3s. »t.; beInga Manual descriptive or the ordinary u

well as of the »olontiflo mrale» of conducting aseay»,

«1th tobin for atoerUlning the «rat value of gold, and

Ita »tarling valuo from c3 loi. to ate 6s. td. per oana*.

The ohomloal initnaotloni by J. C. SoorTern, M.B. The

oalofdatloni prepared by W. M. Higgins, F.O.8.-John

Pullar and Co., 44, Collins-street, Wut HTM

UST Published, and to be bad at the Booksellers

_. "Itraet't Hope,'' btlng a tummary of Scrlptura

promiiu of their retara. Price, one «hilling. 11329

HORSES received to Grase and Refresh at

Beaudcurt eight mile» from Melbourne, in secure

paddocks. ARUNDEL WRIGHTE, by Richmond

bridge, through Elgar'! Survey.

OUNT ELIZA.-Grating Paddeok or.7000 aero

- The undenlgaed receives hones and

bullock« Into hil paddock. Every care taken, but no

respontlblllty lacurred: terat for hone«, £1 p«r

quarter. Hor««« In halten taken from Victoria

Stable!, Swaniton-atreet, iv.ry Wedneaday, at a mo-

derate charge. GEORGE MAIN. 3*21«

In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria -

I, John Hughes Clayton, late of Hamilton-terrace,

St John'» Wood, in the County of Middlesex, and of

No. 10, Lancaster-place, Strand, In the City of West

minster, which said County of Middlesex, and City of

Westminster, are in that part or the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Ireland, called England, but now

residing at Collingwood, In the County of Bourke, in

the Colony of Victoria aforesaid, one of tho Attorneys

of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench at Westmlnster,

and also, a Solicitor of the High Court of Chancery in

England, do hereby give notice, that I Intend on the

last day of this present term, to be admitted an Attorney,

Solicitor, and Proctor of this Honourable Court, and that

my name and admission may be enrolled, by the proper

officer of'the said Court. Dated the 23rd day of

August, 1853, J. H. CLAYTON 24200

EDUCATION - Remarks on National Education by

C. Campbell, H.A., Oxon, Inspector of Denomi-

national School» : prloe 3» od. Melbourne : B. Lue»»,

C llliia.Btreet.eatt end all Bookseller». 24817

ST. HELEN'S Classical, Scientific, and Commercia

Academy, Corio Bay, Geelong. Dr. Hickson will

reopen the above Institution on Monday, July 10th,

1853, for the reception of a limited number of gentlemen's

sons, as boarders only. The arrangements are of a su-

perior character, and the paramount advantages of the

locality for sea-bathing and general salubrity are univer-

The pupils are required to bring with them at least

two sets of bed linen, and half-a-dosen towels distinctly

For those under twelve years ... 60 guineas

No extras. Fees quarterly in advance. 18363

JOHN KNOX'B Free Church Bemlaery, Swsn.ton.

«treet-ThMSemlaary, which itaadt hlghtatof tay

in the City, li onndactrtoo toe lytton penued la tht

Normal Bamlaarira In Scotland, bow to auch approved

of In Great Britain. Ia then Inititutloei, Mr. M'Mei

ter, the head teacher, had the advantage oi being regu-

larly trained lo hil profeuloa. and he I« there'or»

thoroughly acquitnted with the Mat methods of oom

monloattng initrustlen to tht yoaag. Taraa : On«

Guineaperquerter,payable la advance; with muslo,

plas», ti Ito. additloaaL

PARENTAL Academy.-Rev. W. Morera teeru the

above on Monday, Mb August, In tk« Behool-room

of the Primitiv« Methodist Chapel, La Trobe-ttreet,

east Term« moderate. Refereaou aro kindly per-

mitted to John Slngteton, Eaq.., M.D. ; Rev. W. But-

ten: and Rev. A.M. Remny. N.B. An »vening clan

for Greek or Hebrew, ajad reeding Um New aad Old Tu

lament». The attention of young men aad local preach

,en U especially Invited to thli ela**. Mr. Morton

may be eooiulted on Monday aetnlng, 8th August, from

T till t, or oa any tubuqatat day, la bat above-named

VICTORIA Assoctatioo of Architecte.-A tprcial

General Meeting of toombon of the ebove Ateo

clttlon will bt held In tot:Mechante«' Iastitutlon, on

Friday, the 2nd of Beptember next, at two o'clock p.m.,

on Important bu-lneu.-OEOROE WHARTON,Hon.

OLD Colonists' Festival.-Tta General Committee

appointed to aake amageoseat« for tht eelebratioa

et a Fellini of Old Colonltti of Victoria, of not leu

than ten yetn' itardlng, have the honor to announce

that the Festival will be held at tk« Royal Hotel,

CoUlns-itmt, Melbourne, at III »'deck p.m., oa

Wcdnetdty th« 14th September auk

Tickets for th» fe.tlval S3 Is. «d. each, may ka

obtalaed from the Stewards or tay «Maker of tht

Geoeral Cemalttee, »a and after Moaety Bett, but

early application wlU be necessary, a» toe aoooamo

tlatioa It Halted, aad it eotue»)aeBtiy wUI accessary

to atop their lune altor a »uBcieat aaabar bat beta

HOBT. CADDENS, Boa. Stantory.

Melboarae, llth August IMS.

Aldtnata Wabma Mturt. Sttbtrlaa*

-. HalgioB, M.L.C - Puatttre

- Wa. Hull, J.P. - Pervtl

Alderman Hodsiou.M.L C.Mtun. Jamts Pani»

Councillor Davit - J. C. Ptuaora.

?.tate am«?«»«?Raaaa» Muta«

SUNBURY INN, Jackson'» Creek-Thl» len makn

a very good »tag» (ram or to Melbourne, being

barely twenty .two miles dlitaut Every eecomraola.

tlon will be found there with olunllnees and civility.

Good Stibllog and Cattle or Sheep Yardi, »0208

CANTATOR.-A rich bay Stallion (Imported from

England) all but 16 hands high, of gnat itreng'.h,

will stand this icuon at Mr. Orr'a, Stratford Lodge,

Kyneton, Mount Macedoo, Coliban Creek. Mt It by

llublnl, by 8t. Patrick; hla dam, PhanUalma by

Phantom; her dam Maid of the Mill by Zodiac, To.

boto by Don Quixote, Ac. Ac

Caitator wu nominated for the Derby, when,

tim ugh an accident he broke down. Re wu a favorite.

Kublnl, hi« lire, wu a winner, hit grandilra, St Pa-

trick, al«o, and the tire of many wlnnen.

Cantator 1« tha «Ira of a gnat many wlnnar«.

Among« Ihoi« that have dlttlngalthed themtelvei on

tlie Australian turf may be mentioned Th« Lady or the

Lako, Coquette, St. Patrick, Donliettl, and the famoui

mare Blue Bonnet Donliettl beat a field of nine la a

Cantator possanei all th« requliltee (which are to be

found only In an Engllih thoroughbred j for tho ¡iroduc.

tlon of goal »lock,-itrength, reinirkably good temper,

great iplrlt, without any natural blemish, a sound con.

itltutlon, a good fecdor, and lure roal-getter, the proof

of which Is, his get are stout runners, very strong, and

never deficient In bane and pluck.

The prêtent owner, considering him a hone of the

Brit data, and, belog the aire of inch e mare aa Bino

Bonnet, Intend! entering bim for tilt Produce Staket,

and all maret lent to Cantator, whose produce will be

entitled to run for thou «tiki«, will bt charged 21. 3t.

extra; nil other mares, 81 8», Tobt paid for before

ron. Secure large paddock» will be provided, and

every care taken, without respontlblllty. Any maret

not removed heron tht lut week In December will bt

charged lo», per week. Notice will be giren when mares

YOUNO PRINCE will ittad at Mean. Forrester

and MoBtoith'1, river Fitnty. Yoaag Prince 1« a

thorough.bred on »erfal Entire Cart Hone, rising tia

fun old, ««venteeo aad a half hands hlgh,by Old

rino», onto, Yoaag Derby, by Sir WUlltn Wallaee,

oat of Old Derby, Imported from Eagle«* by Mr.

William Bramich. Thli«io*ll»et horstUa Jttblack,

an axoeHent worker, good toaeert*, aad powtitn Im.

ainsi bone aad lymmttry. Tirtni-Seven Quloeu.

CITY of Melbourne.-Notle» li tanby «Ivea tha

Tendera will tie received at thli office lill twelve

o'elotk, noon, cf Wednesday Bell, the Silt tait, from

penóos willing to lapplyall or any portloa of tht

uadermeoUcaÄCartsgo, for the Corporation, forth«

iniatng threTmonth*, to »ecoManc» with th« »peel,

fioatlon tobeaunoaapplloatloa at tht office of th«

City Surveyor, lo the Totra Hall, vi«.:- ..

I.-Cariase of pltohtn from Collingwood Quarry

. 2,-Cartage of «treat metal from th» Gaol Stocked»

3^-Cartegiof rukbleiromtheCeorportllonQua»

rit« to Un CoUtsUwood Stocked

4.-Cartagt for the gmiral work-forty twft«

fkll InfbrmaUon ai talk» »star» of tht dllTereat'

eotracta may bl obtained, oa applltalioo at thl plTlce

ThtTiBdinauttaeUrttMd to tht Chairman of

tht Pabilo Work» Coamltto», and tndorttd with tht

dtiarlpUoa of tkt etatrtat toadtrtd tor,


Towa Clerk» Office, Sith AugMtVl*»3 2316»

CITY of Melbourne.-Notice is hereby given, that

the Council of the City Of Melbourne, will on the

expiry of one month from the date hereof, proceed to

the consideration of the following proportion, vis.

That as the New Cemetery is now open, and there no

longer exists a necessity for interment in the old

Burial ground, the Right Worshipful the Mayor be

requested to apply to the Executive Government to

give directions for the closing of the Old Burial Ground,

and the prohibition of further interment there, care

being taken to preserve the graves from desecration.

By order of the Council of the City of Melbourne

Town Clerk's Office, 17th August 1853 20133

RaMAM .RRRAOI, .MIJh-«VMt,0«UlMwaed-r

Board aad R«tid«aci,.UMBUta<n aBdlamiii,,

fe« «ear-tttlp steswarjiaiaitd wttk iprUwto 'noaji

SSSsW wiif i»g«Snatotsto*«iai»garr«ag«s_.näi


ty»t,riBi\aadBVMth.pi*oeofioiid «liver i alto a

surety«*'« Compta, itead and fttUng», to bt told


A CARD.-Ellorksr. Cheshire, and Co, Market.

»treet, muter porten and atevedore« Ships du

charged and loadod on the shortest notice 22441

ALEXANDLlt UORDON, lato of Liverpool, beg»

most rospeotfully to Inform his friend» and the

public In goner»!, thai ho ha» suocecdvd Mr Peter

Robertson, at No 3 Stall, Waitera Market house,

where he Intend» «npplylug, »t » moder»t» charge,

food for both body and mind _ 2042»

Al \ KI)-Wowra Knight ant Kemp, Archlitot»

to tho now Roval Hotel, have obtained the ftnt

premium tor the new Government House, office 29,

A CARD - George Peck. Professional Violinist and

Pianoforte Tuner. Peck's Music Warehouse,

BRITIill-Amerloan Col mlata »re hereby Invited to

our 1 their name* n» ruemben of the " Britiah

Ameilcan Association' In the book» thereof, now opon

at the otllua or Messrs Kerby, Chalmera ft Co, No.

14» Swat aton-strcct JOHN KERBY, Secretary

Melbourne 24ih Vugiist, 18J3_13838

BUCIHts eN,:», UM Murray», Groat

Rourke »treet we«, near Southern Cro»s Hoto i

cooper work or all dosorlpttont executed, experienced

Whirfand Warehouse Cooper« provided. 24804


housemen und Importer« or General M«rchandl«e,

titi, Elisabeth street. 22617

DOOR and Window Sash Manufactory, Bouverie

street, North Melbourne, top or Swanston-strcet.

EORUCHY and MARRIOTT, Engraven,Copper

plate and Lithographic Printen, «8, Ellndera

lane, cast; every description of engraving and printing

prom) ti j executed, and on moderate term» 16HM

I8TURB ANCES at the Digging* -Partie* leaving

tha digging can have their hone» well fed and

groomed at Howson'a atable*, Colliugwoot, near th*

ENLARGEMENT of st. Peter's Church -To Archi-

tects - The Comm'ttee give notice that the Um«

i for receiving plana and estimate» la extended from the

4th to the loth or September next. W. U. TRIPP,

i 27th August, 1883._24084

BEAT Reduction - Wares and Cold Bath« at th«

Carlton Bathing Establishment, Otrtmde-itreu,

weat, Collingwood Warm bath, 3» ; cold bath,

la. ad. A conslderabl» réduction for **aaon ticket«.

GOVERNMENT Land Sale*.-Plana of th« varloui

Lot*, and every Information may be obtained at

at Smith and Pritchard'«, Arohltecta, », Boarko-ttrect,

GLAZING and Painting.-All orden for th« abor«

attended to on th« thortaet notice, by Bradley

and M'Gure, l.Balaarat-itreet, oontlnuatloaofSwau.

«tonatreet, Melbourne. Papwhaaging aad eumulag

GOVERNMENT Land Sala-Plan» and all lalor,

mitton rupectlng Use land may be had at the

osBoe of Walter Craig, Bamyor, «fe, ti. Rotuli «treet

GOVERNMENT Lan* Sain, August 30th ant

Alignât Slat, Septeenber tot and feptunber tad.

-Plana and every lnfisreaattou aa aaaal, at the otaca

Ga». Woodward, «urrayor aad land agon«, 7, Bourke

GEO. LOXTON and CO. Sawing, Planing, and

Moulding Mill«, Bswv.rto-etreet, North Mel.

GOVERNMENT Land Sale.-Plana can ba lupaettd

and all partleulen obtained of the Crown Leads,

to be «old on th« 30th and Stat Angas«, and tit »nd 2nd

September, »t the offlo» of the andanlgned. H. D. G.

RUSSELL, Architect and Surveyor, O, CoMai-atrwt,

OVERNMENT Land Bal»-Plana and all 1

formatloa reipeetlng th« land may ba had at', be

oStot of Walter Craig, Surveyor, etc., 1», EuueU ttreet

HB. FISH, W.Elltabethttrut, Plumber, OUeler,

e Painter, Piperhaoger, aad HouM Decorator,

Writing and Graining In all Ita branch«. Work '

»eat to all parte of th» aoloay._3»

O USE-LIN INO and Paptrhanglng ; Jo«.

Nicholl«, Contractor. Any command* addranod

to 3, Western market Hoax, immtdiately attended to.

HORSES, well groomed, and tod, in Howaon'l

Spacloo* Stable« by eootract, or othtrwlu, at

low rate« ; apply at Howaon'a Stahl*, Goteetreet, Cot

llngsvood. near the Collingwood Hotel._84601

INFORMATION regarding Boxu »tond by Dugald

Jno Wallu »nd N«ll Iiaae Brid», aient 1Mb

March, will be received by Muire. Robert» and Fer

guion, »nd charge» paid._14*41

LIVERY Stable»-Buekahnd Urary Stables, Little

Looadale-atreet, weat. Hone« tafean in by the

day or weoki «addla bon» on bira t bay, oat», bran

.to, at moderate price«. lUrUaad aal Co.

AW Slstlaaen, Laaaley and Rigby, n, Chaaotry.

B. FLETCHER, Surface, ha« swtnovwd to 8,

Ltusadsdeatreet, weat, oppoatte Pejemor*'*

Cornaarol»! He««, whare ha may ba «uaaaltal

_ _m jaa ba aomaltort avery

' morning at «teven o'eloek, at Mr. D-lUt, «ttemtet,

a« usual beton ten «cm., at two eua, aatd after «U lath»

anning. Mr. Fteteker «nay abo ba antstalttal i

morning at«I«r«r '' " *-- --.- -"?

Application« tor Portrait» to be made to Mr. Baker,

Bookteller, opposite toa Follee Station, Swanston.

MESSES. LOUIS, MIER, at SON, Marchant», of

Losados. Birmingham, and Maw York, ban

opeoatabranonof to«lr baalneu Ia MMboarM, at M

NOTARY PUBLIC-The Offlou or Mr. Trenchard

are removed fro»« Tt.Little Collla« «tr««t. to»,

NOTICE- Metan.Blundell end Muttlebury,Sollol

tore, Proctor«, and Conveyancer». Temrorary

offlou. No. 3, Lonadalcjtreet, watt, next door to Pau.

moss's Hotel, Melbourne._-_MM«

IOHTMEN. -Muirs. Belli», Wanuop.and Co.,

tjuunabury-etreet, North Melbourne, below the

Catt!« Yards; box for orden at Ford and Beuram'*

atabl**,Bteph*n-*treet. Ord« «xeoated with «eoaom>


Boohler, Offlo*, te, Gnat Bourkeatrwt, wut ;

Residence, Little Oxrbrd-»treet, neu Collingwood

Hotel. Water eloeets, ceupool», et«., emptied at a few

houn'notice,on the moat moderate tonsil ateo Box

Carte for removing rubbish, and all kind* of manure.

All order» punctually attended to._14331

NOTICE of Removal. - Th* CounUng-houa* and

Store« of th* nndenlgned tro» thla date will be

Oaeen^treet, «oath, onmlte Dtekaou, Oltehrtet, aad

NOTICE.-Melbourne Oold Eieort Company -Tha

«ffalriofthl* Company being now In ooaruof

liquidation. It la hareby requuted that all ontatandlng

Account* be tant In aa eooa a« poatlbl« to the

Manager'« offlo« for examlnattol. W. LE SOUEF,

NOTICE -Mr. Lewla Pain I» authortead to eollut

all debt» du« to the lato Sim or Campbell and

Ford. W. H. Campbell, P. T. Weat fbrd.

Melbourne, Itt Autre**, lan*._

NOTICE.-Charlu Sohluht baa removed from II

Great Bourke-street, «ait, te IN, Ruaasll «treet

near Iba Suprema Court, whare hi« old cmtomen and

new friend« will be attended with all comfort a« they

TtJOTICB to Ship Agente.-If yon bara received any

J.» good« directed to Sateak Ooodmaa, yon will

oblige V luring word with Mr. Phillp, M, Lilli«

Boark« «treat, «ait. 8 Goodman._atti»

OFFIOE for th« Re-unlon of Faalllu, Minina

Frleadt, aad alio th« Raglttratlou «f Addreetea

or partie« arriving from Europe, «lag to the digging»,

fte , who tray wiah to let their Mead* know whare they

may be found. For further particular«, apply to CAP-

TAIN CHISHOLM, Melbourne i H by litter, twit.

paid. Great ColUni^tetet, «ait, abor« the otto* of thl«

'CONNOR, GREENE ft CO., Shipping aad

Commlulon Agent», 13, EituMh-atnet, Mel.

PAPERHAN01NG or Canraulng don« by day or

contract, with naatnau and diapatohi apply or

addreM Pott Office, Collingwood, or Trio. 4, Pcrry-atraet,

RISE In a Lottery.-Win« Trad«.-A win« and

.plrit marchant, occupying nil own premise«,

freehold, Inthe principal thoroughfare la Collingwood

and about to leavo the colony, In eoateauonoe oi tho

111 health of hi* family, I« dulroa« of mooting with

aretpaeteul« party luvlag capital at hi« oommand

who would purchu« th« freehold of th« proptrty, and

goodwill of th« buslnosa. Partlcalar* can b* obtained

from LILTLB and CO . Auotloneen, Colllu-atreat.

EMOVAL of Offlou,-0. A. SM» and Co., Ship

Agente, Cammlulon Menhaatt, »nd Aocttotiun,

beg to Inform their Mead» and tha publie that on aad

after Saturday next, (11th la*!) their bttlneu will ba

carried on al No. 3, lint floor) Faint and Smith»,

building«, opposite CoUVwharf.

quecn't-wharf, Augott »th, 1M3._lltiS

THOMAS HIDE beg« most runtatfuUy to lalor»

bl« Adelaida andluikm meads, aad the pub.

It« gananny, tatt be baa «aamed» t-anaml »tore, Mo

II. Bourkt^traet, adjoining Metam, tVy»»ca» aa«

1W* aswttok roo»«, whare na totara* to »all «li d«ae

cHiitloo« of good», wkolual« aad retail, oa the «null

profit and quick retara prlnclpl«, for ready mon«».

TO Oontlgneu.-The undtntgned have comuieuaad

but nan a« Lighterman, Lighter and Qentnl

Çoataluloo Anata, aad ara now arepared to oodtrtak»

A« discharge o? veauli and all matter« tonneetod with

.tipping AKSRSTRN, PATTON «ad CO., No. 8,

Minclng.lane, whnrf._. _ 84818

|Tr«gUALLBD' Opportualty (or' Moderato «api

y ^ri»te-AMry»urJ«t»^4iù«4id sNOTM-tnt«**».

Sr»ni4 '«Heir» and trweUlng Itottt», with a Baku«

Oben, doing a tnt-rat» btaJa«», at Oteborae. with

¡alvalaatlon. N.B-FronUntth« great Otiw»wm«al

t^rennlngthro»^OUbore.toto»ill*Mij«»w.i -

«.illOB Immediately, Apply to BEMM ï CD«

d»l« «treet, Malboatia«, -

O invalid! Euc and comfort-To bt told, But,

TO Invalid» Euc and comfort-To bt told, sV~

uperior patent Invalid or Easy Chain, formlaf

couci bedvtcad, or eaa) chair, well adapted for Be

,ii». ni,, or bush occupying a space of slxliichula

Patented by Brown Brother», PIccadHly.

Price 61 6« Apply J Davis, «, Ona*

TO Stttlen «nd Othon -The lU-ltnlgntd tatiag

eommenced buslneu as Sheep and Cattle Broker*

In Melbourne, hope that their long experience la the

ule and purehaie of Stock may mirlt them a thara ef

pabilo patronage. Tbtlr ntmott exertion» wlUto

used to «fleet prompt and tóvtntagtou» lajuofStot*

placed In thalr bandi, and account tatt« will be paae

tually attended to Office, No 101, «otea Itrett.-.

TO StorekeeporeaiHt Othen -Partlui^olringdrB»»

for the digging», and alto parti»» having loadla«

to .»nd up. eaa have all necetvtlry Inforaatton. (fret o

charge) end drayt ttoored, on tppUotUon to 80ADT

end JONES, S3, Ellsabcthstreet, agent* for Bendia»

Fotest Creek. M'lvor, Ac _""3

O Carrien and Ottan -Good aowmmeslatlon for

hones, and a yard for bullock! Hay and Umber

.tor«d, and told on commlulon William Wltllaaa,

Franklln-itreet, Bear Lamb Ian, EIltatath^ireeL

IF thl» ihouid meet the ey» of John Hoddtr, ht will

find hi» brothir Thomu by letter or application at

Mr Kampf Storekeeper, Forest Creek or he will lad

a letter by appl) Ing at the Melboarnt Pott Offloe.

SHOULD; thU meet the eye of James Kerr ot David

Vallance, from Curaock, Aynhtn, they will find

their brother William, by addreMlng, care of Jofea

Ball», Cowle'« Creek, Geelong._213**

MLRlCAN Seeking Ageaoy-The undersigned

have beca appointed Agent* for tb« Banking

House of Meurt. Duncan, Sherman and Co, of New

York Caldwell, Train and Co, 7, (gaua »tritt,

RAPPING Paptr -Slaty Reama for Salt, by

Newell, Hooper and Stevens, corner of Quota

aad Colllni-otreeti, up «tain._336*1

"NA Glas« »ml? Chios Stores, U7, Boe-ke-itreit

test, hu Jost received, direct (rom the beeta

manufacturer, an extensive and cholee auetartment ef

gooda which will be found to equal. If not earpau, any

house In Melbourne, comprising covered good! of every

pared todt, ginger beer nobbler and other tamolent

electro pitted cruet frames with rich «rat bottle», de.

pickle and preserve itandi with colored bottles, baal

some dinner, breakfast, tea and colee »et», tollet ut«,

etc ; doctore' vial» and bottle», | dram ap to I of., la

Orden by Pott, eontalnrog remittance«, «arefullf '

packed and Immediately despatched.

FIVR Pounds Rtw»rd.-Stotoa or Btnysd, frtat j

Belaant, on« aged Bay Hone, branded MR oca.,

jolaid atar iho-lder. with a white taft ob bil ama».

Alto, a dark Brown Man, »witch toll, braatted MK

conjoined mr «boulder, «tar la «mist«*, Apply to'

JOHN M'KINNON. Danton Cr««-.___\_

FIVR roñada Bewaid.-Stol«a cr Stray»*, baa1

Bacchus Marsh, Obi Hone aad Man of tk« fal.

Ob» Bay Hora», breaded 03 am atar »keertder.

Oa» Grey M«toao4ei bletoh TBoo aa-aeak, i

The abort Rtward will ta pal* to any per«»» dtU-,

raring the above bonn to WILLIAM AltDERSOIT, ol'

Baocha» Marah, or MRSSRS. WATERHOUSE aad

Melboarae, Augut »th, IMS. St*»*

rpwo POUNDS RRWARD-svtolia «tr Stray»*, a


lana, »hall recelvt tot abo-» Rewatd._

REWARD -Lett atar the Deep Creek, »koa*

__ th»39thJuly, a bmraMan, nt atartkeat.

da, a row of null white ipott oa backbone akora the

lotet. Tht above reward will to paid on daUveryat

Geo Coghills', Eta,QleaaalrnDMpCrtek,orat ear

«tattoo, J. aad OTfOUAT, Yerraberb, Bendigo,

L BayMai-,bn»_edWDeffaeeks_»torai«VBe,UI,l

larteattoWCruktrUhtartoal. Wlteawa wBl brit«

the am» to JAMES WALKER, Ship las, rHadar«

FOUR POUNDS REWARD.-Stray»* frota a Pad

doek at Soe3h Tarra, a light Ony Bora», aaait*

waite, bat ticked wittsaiaU browatnott, «r lia klttoa«

ttritoh tau ; branded oa «Mar rita with a half tinto «ad

bar lsta»«artoofb»log lately liUttawdivHnaa*.

REWARD -Stolta or itraytd froai th» foot ef

_Sillon' Gally, a Ray Hen«, whit» no1« ea

the atar tide, »taft tanara tau. Whoever wfl brtaf

Use ata« te M'Pbtrtoo't, An «tua»»*», Btadlge, ?»__

teeelte th« abo»» ntrard._ SUIS

TEN POUNDS REWARD. sttoltoOtStnyt» troto

atar Alttan'« tita, «a Friday «Mt, eaa targe btoak

Ratin Horte, itar laIStébmd. teÑM maa, two kia«

feet white, ao víante braad.r who«-* trW tfte «aa.

latoatMea te tke aadaMgiad ta tvfll Ita* tottoi*-'

armnof ttot-Uhont, «tall railr» Hw s^taatt If I

»twyatVs» Tea Peat-t on th» «tari«»» of tke onaa

dtttWAMU WRIOHT, ttostaf aawhiH Mel


ffUtM FetnvAS Reward -Lcatfroa «iii BmIbiiMj

J. Mtnetv]gUofS»aday,ttalTtos-it_iisree_aw

of tta «>llowlj»gd«tarttitloar-l bay Mare, waltoliu«»,

Iigst,biaa«,TBosT«tanU«r, foal at toe*. l«aukhay

Hoiw, braaded O aear ihn«Ma, a»w»nad,csM«aad

foot white, long iwitoh tall. I dark bay Hoste, H3aew

«ho«U«r, KB aw Beek, abort tall, sUad Mlcwaa ts-lto, ,

«potoaaooe irakien, Tia Potada Reward will be

«aMMeoavtte-aa of the tuaT, er If Straytd ntwr

rowan» Rtward will ta (Wanto any petita «rlitagia»*» '

seforatattonataaey laal tottatr iteotery. Apply te

THOMAS GRIFFITHS, at Mr Hall«. Daisy HOI; or

to Mr. PORTER. Royal MaU Hotel, ïatUayoag

TRN POUNDS REWARD.-Stol«e, «reta the Mai

?tatton, Uttlt Rlter, M«lboarae-road,ca ttaaftor.

On« darkbay Hone, Meek pol

?Ide Beek, «ora on Mar «Ide ?

i point«, branded TO ea at

rieft teck, done bp tta «joUar 1

Ona bright bay Horte, white fate, braadie._

aaekta, near bind and Mar ton toe*white, with a/

TtaNmofTenPooadi be fatld to any party ** '

may flnd tht aboved duo boras», ead a-teg to eea

rieiioo the thief or thim t » um nf Tan rnaa*«

THOMAS GIBSON. OooU g. May 18th, IIS*, l-l»»

rjiRN POUNDS .-"? Tt -trliraialliail

X twaata «toting dttertod fresa the malta «avrawa

Ctaraka, tot anon bwanlwW te given lo aayaarty

oniathtateaattioabilngUld dowa a« wlllUad te

A?1 I» KR.WARD -Stolen or Strayed, from Jone»

at_lU Creek, one black Hone, braadtd PM e«T

.boulder, »tor la th» forehead, thort »witch tall, »toaa*

ltlbandi high. Information tobe giren to Mr JOHM

M'KEMZIE, at Comtnlttloatn Camp, Jobm Cretk,

REWARD.-Stolaa from tta Bath Iaa Hill,

_Q_tai^oattal«totBit_»^Utah Horte,

Mar ea fonhiad. braaasd LL onttousvhoalder Tha

î^iB^'îïlÎTSl .t» paid hy Mr.Panell. Bataar,

Loaiaali ttriM, MMboata«, anea tta awtortry of the


£25 UWA*° -LM4 from tt' ,t-ion ^ tM

ta-Mtagaad, a bay Horn H Y atar ihtalder, «tar »a


Proa Mr. Catto« Loadta Rlrw.-A black hon»,

wtórared,»mwmtoB«S4'lB,Oe>_iboald«. >

»rom Mr. WkaMtkert, alar Avoca Rlter,-A thte 1 -'

BtriDraaaghtMt«^HMatarlbx>aldto,XwtUiUDaBdir i

M^TV3Ä."0Mt,U^,-*'Uttto bW" ''

U will to glrtn for «nth taformattoa «. wtu laid to '

,.,*!STWT'.or °" *^"fiof .-" <_îl,. **.». to*-* '

tt elltar or oar itatloM here, or at Wretararef, Ateta

Rim. J.AO.MONAT,YaValarb._iadlgoV

Jaly Sltt. IMS._I__i?ios_

f.^OA »«WARD.-TtaMilto«ra* Gold Etaort

etVOUU ComtvaaytrUparttataaofatM.lorthe ¡

appntaaaloa and «Mvietioa of the partie« who robbed

ti» M'lvor Brt_ch of tta Rsitort,o^idB4adA^^ ,

atdafs_ttariaaof3M frjrtotii«atayef«ta't»k)lta


Mtlboara», «art «raly, IM«._stM

CAUTION tu Poaadaanaa* aad Ototm-Loit or

Stoltm, abtat Bfty mill« troa Mtjlboarae, ea the

A etaanet draeght Mara, no «waasav aflttry aaa

.a* tall, ntlw large lolate? -«»»»» euvwry »» j

Alto, a bay «lraagtst Hem, braadtd JP aiMilwaMa*:

frcHBapad^oaaearMilboarae. ^""

A)«o,alilackdns>ghtMai«,braad«dl BtwtaVMldtr.

atar hind fettotk wall«, Ma. a tadtVwk laUttli

Any ptnen hriagiag the «v_m te O. OOATH, p«rt

PMlllj^labHpterStobl«, twarrriagaath tataw_avtsi< 1

MWldl»»»«totottrraixrveiy,«haUjre^ ,

fbr the ehe»aat ant-*, and Th«** Poaad* «nth for tha

ta*«l*Ito¿1, WharfYilbyalM, will hi nwanttd '">

jN.B Piyatatteitopptd._«tee« ¡1 a

¿'?rafa »EWARD -Caution to PoBodkoepen, Atïis !"

*OU «<««^aadpthih.-Th«Mat^^ >

Ilone« wtre «Ittar «tain or »tray«* ob TI ii Hi» ^

Bight, the Sith la«*., rrom tia Leigh, «i-<Mieb4aa_ >l

ÍT"' *í?* S! "*. »»»»»^»w^awp* aim JtaSa law ,m

Aay ant gtvlngiuoh Informillon at nay lead to Ita

whtftabouU of th» abott, will ka Riwardid, J. MOR .

UAH tnd QROROE P_EL, 67,F_^«M^treet,l«-l.