DOMESTIC INTELLINGENCE. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 18 Dec 1854 (original) (raw)

Mon 18 Dec 1854 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)


complaints have reached our ears to the

effect that a " dead set" is being made

against the Fire Brigade Volunteers. It

baa been «tntcd to o« that on the occasion o'

tho Into lire in Klizaboth street, tho water carrion

absolutely rcfliscd to «npply tho number ono on.

flinc. It «eem» strange that this opposition should

lavo been mado to a corps whioh na« on every oo

caslon proved it« ofllcicnoy, and willoh Mino for.

ward to perform it» work of good when othor or

eanisatiun» for the «arno purpose, n» I» notoriously

(lie fact, cither hung baok or proved their incapa-


notices that James Denham Pinnock, Esq., Regis

trar of tho Supremo Court of the Colony or Vic-

toria (lately «lisent on leave), has resumed the

TUB TIIKATIIE.-Mr. Tam Barry, who lins shtftod

hi« qnatcra lrom Astloy'« to the Queen'» Theatre,

lia« been rirnwitiK crowded hou»03 last week at tho

latter establishment. »Ir. Harry ha» oppearod In

the " Irish Tutor," and " Hercules, King ol'Clubs,"

in both of whioh his humorous delineations ot the

characters ho assumed havo ellcltoi the warmly

cxprcs«ed approbation of lila audience. The pan

tcmimo t» bo produced nt.ChrMmas i« intondo I

by the manager to surpass anything of the kind

that han ever been attempted In tho colonies.

Barry Is to bo tho clown,-a fact which «poales


occasion ol tho allotment of the Cambridge Estate,

the first purchase of this- society, a fete will be

held np the (¡round,-a cbBHipi.gne lunch nnd cold

collation will bo given, and aller the more serious

bunlnu« of tho balloting for right« of chelee and

the allotment is over, cricketing, quoltln», and a

varley or amusement« becomo the occupation of

LAND SALES.—A sale of Crown land« will take

Îilace at Castlemaine on the 2Cth proximo. The

ot« comprise lorty-thrcc suburban seotlon« at

Castlemaine, of whioh twelve aro situate on tho

west side of Barker's Creek, and thirty-one on

QUARTZ CRUSHER.—Friday's Government Gazete

contain« an announcement that Mr. Thomas

Hussler, of Sandhurst, has applied for

letters patent for a new description of quartz -


nual meeting of this «ocletv wa« held on Friday

ultcrnoon at the Protestant Hall. The yearly ra

Íiort wa« ri'nd hythe chairman, Mr. Parry, shew-

ng a prout of £0 0«. 2d. per «hore. It« adoption

«a« moved and carried unanimously. After the

cluction of n cenimittce nnd oMcers Tor tho on.

i-uing year had taken place,a «aloof «bare« waa

held, at « hloh n premium of £00 2«. wa« obtained,

A voto of thank« to the chairman terminated the

ESCAPE OF PRISONERS.—A reward of £100 has been

offered by the Government to any person giving

such information a« may lead to the apprehension

of James Owen and Francis Bragen, alias Smith, ac

cused of highway robbery, and who effected their

escapo from tho Tarrengower Lock up, on the

night of the Otllinet. The following dcfcrlptlon

of the men is given in Friday's Government Ga

zette:— James Owen, Height five feet two inches,

sandy hair, large whisker«, groy eyes, red oom.

Îiloxion; tige, thirty.flvn year«; drei«, dark grey

rock coat and tweed trousers.—Francis Bragen

alias Smith: Height, five feet eight lnchc«; blaok

hair, block eye«, «allow complexion; ago, thirty,

eight year« j dresa, block Jacket, Jerry hat, duck

trousers. Smith niadu hi« eteupo pr¿vlou«ly from

the look-up at Carisbrook on ¡Mt li October last, i

ador which ho slaved off his w blaker*, und is now


the telegraph is now open for the use of the

public to Geelong. Friday's Government Gazette

contains a list of regulations, and a scale of

charges both of whichh we now adjoin. They are

to take date from the 1st of the current month :—

Itules mid UoguHtlon«.-1 ho charge «lil bo

meda for the dote, address, or «lsniture to any

mcBsapo 2 Mi «pages must bo wrlttin with Ilk,

in a olear and leglllo manner, aud b«jr a

proper date, address nnd genuino «Içnatiri

3 Ä[cnsif,cä will be dilherid irco of cbarïo

within ona milo of tho oflloe, over thatdlstin o

portcrngo will bo charged , and imee-agf » ta bo

delivered on «hi board, nn extra chnrgo to o ive

boa* expenses, will be mado 4 Mi «sages will bo

ransmlttcd in the order of their recej tlon, «nd

no precedence will bo allowed in transinlsilin

except lor Government Despatchr«, the Polio»

benlee, «ni in eau» of sickness or of doith

f> All mi will bo held strictly confidential

0 Pajnitnt of clmrgi» In advanco will IHI

required, except for replie« to Interrogator)

lncnuiifM on willoh may liaio boen written the

word«, itcply paid for " 7 1 o 1er sen n« inuo'i ai

possible ai y liability toctror in the trans-nUiiou

nt mis« \g<* from defectlio manuscript, It 1« dod

rabie that ti o use of figures should bo avoided and

that word»at length bo substituted, nnd thcpublto

in using tho electric telegraph are requested ti b

particular In giving a full and correct addr «

to ovorj message, so that no delay In delivery nuv

occur bo do of charge« For any di«lance under

ten (10) miles olio shilling and «Ixpenco for tlio

first ton words and one penn) for each nllitiona

word Over ten and under twenty (.0) milo»

tua chilling« for tho first ten word«

and twopenco for each additional word

O\ortwcnu and under fifty (50) mllcr, four «lill

ling« for tío ilret ten word«, and threi ponco for

inch oil lltiooal word Over flttj and undor on)

hundred (100) miles sir shilling* for tho first ton

words, mid 1 urj enco for each additional

Moid Tho f Honing shews tlio prosi ojtW

rate« I ir tho transmission ol télégraphia raosaigoi

recording to tlio accompanying «uale of charge! -

from Alolliournn to bandridi,n first ten wodi

1« rd, ench additional «ord, Id , Melbourne ti

Milliamstown -'.» do, 2d do , Jlolbourno to fis«

long 1« do ad do .Melbourneto(¿urcneollfli) Sa

»Io -id do , Sandridge to Williamstown, li Od do.

Id di , Williamstown to Geelong,4s do., 3d. do. ;

Geelong to Queenscliffe, 2s do., 2d. do. The offices

will be kept open for the transaction of business

by the public generally, between the hours of 8.30


in favor of this institution is to be held on Wed-

nesday next, in the Botanical Gardens.

ELECTION FOR GRANT.—A writ has been issued for

election of a member in the place of W. C. Haines,

Esquire; and Winchelsea has been appointed

an additional polling-place for that district. The

nomination will take place at Geelong on the 3rd

proximo, and the day for the poll to be taken is

fixed for the 10th of the same month, the writ

being returnable on the 17th.


named Reny [Rennie], who had been at the fire in

Flinders-street was returning home along that street

about two o'clock on Sunday morning, when he

was violently attacked and robbed by three

ruffians, who had no doubt been on the look out

for victims at the scene of excitement. Two of

the name came behind him and pinioned his arms,

and the third fellow struck him on the forehead

with a life-preserver; they then took from him

his watch and £10 in money, leaving his lying in

the street in an insensible state, where he was

found about three o'clock on Sunday morning.

He was immediately taken to the hospital, where

he was attended by Mr. Gilbee, surgeon, of Col-

lins-street east, who found that the man had a

lacerated wound over the forehead, which, it is

feared, will result in the loss of the sight of one

eye. Some of our Swan River importations at


has resumed his concerts a la Jullien at Astley's.

The first of the series came off on Saturday, but the

attendance was very thin. The star of the even-

ing was Mons E. Coulon, who was most enthusi-

astically received. Miss E. Stewart sang very

sweetly, but her voice is scarcely sufficiently strong

for such a large room. She was, therefore, very

indifferently received at first; but merit prevailed,

and on her last appearance she was encored. Miss

Hamilton was encored, or course. Her "favorite

songs" seem to have an unfading popularity. It is

well for her that the public are so easily pleased

without a bit o novelty now and then. Mr.

Winterbottom's exertions deserve to be better

encouraged than they are.

THE STOCKADE «-Tito result of an f-iuinlr) which

va caused to bo mado at tho \arlous ntookad j« ¡ii

the in Ighborhood of Milbouruoon batiirdti) wi»

that euri thing is quiet. An attempt too.onpo,

Milich nt first nppi ared HI ilaus, ««« preyeutod by

thinly dlscoveiy, at rontrldgc about ten days agu,

but ni tho other «uburbnn prison« ut Colling» n 11

nnd Illchiiioitd, nt the Mt lbourno \ no1 nnd nt Wil-

liamstown, tho prlsotiors lind bun iiiillormly aub.

mlnalic, and ft« from i Milli ment ot nu) kind.

STEEPLE-CHASE -Tho stcoplo clinto hot« con tho

Mlnnerof thottprliiRtitoenie.Ohoso und tho ou

queror ni the Van Dlomon'a f.aml t rack, cunio oil'

na fuUoitiioicr tho Mclbouttio «tropic ehasooaiirsi)

lbrjel«M\el;.ht«Untono ,Mr Purcell'« lull Hat,

1 ((rnhb), Mr. MlllorM l'ou-doi« tho.Wia.lo, II

.((humour) Tall liny took the li ml, l'op olmo up

st tlio stund Jim leap waa tnktn by l'ail Hoy

elentlnn about thirl) foot l'op Jumped mil, t inte

tholond, wlillid on by 1 nil Ho) Comlngoiit of

Mr, (Iri)'ii pnddook. Crabh wns nearly «luke«

irom tho «midla, hi« horse striking lum (ii, rial«

Rave l'op n loud of nearly n illntauoo Crabb re lils liurso nnd nude troim-niloua play, At

the lost lonou from homo, wa« n loiiftth bobin I

Hc)inour, mut by lu'HoIous handling Intulud lull

Mo) a winner by ii lotiRth, Cirtnlnl) thoilnoJl

laen«« hi,\o reen. Ï ho »port tot tho ilaj oan.

clutloi bynhookinooof tttoaniirelgiiaoach, on»

I and ti hill mil«« - Air Keating1« Soldier, 1 Mr.

I>t«nh.u'« I-want-it, a ¡ Mr, «»wy'. Dnwloy J.

DRUNKARDS.—William Simmons, John B. Thack

sberry, George Manning, John Kidney, and John

Simpson were each fined at tho City PoUco Co««

OB Saturday for this too common vice.

,Tit« PonsciT or KKOWLSDOE twnrn Dtrrtcri.Tirs.

Jam»» Graham, a very little boy, waa charged at

tho City Police Court on Saturday with «teallag

a book entitled "The Young Man'« Beat Com-

panion." Tho prowcnior did not appear, and the

boy having made a tearful promtao that he wooli

not do tho like again, tho Bench sent him lions

under the protection of n policeman.

Bivrtctoi-H FIRM.-A roward of £500 ha« been

offered by tho virions Insurance companies of the

elly, who linve united in that amount, for the pur.

pose of eliciting Information respecting themys

wrloan and «usplaloug origin of tho recent exten-

sivo conflagration in P.lUaboth-Htrcot; and they

avow their determination to prosecute n vigorous

enquiry into tho matter and all «Imitar occur,

renee«, with tlio view of bringing to oondlgn

punishment all pomona lound guilty of incenal.

arlsm. Wo think this Is a very proper step to

take, end tho moro when wa ranombcr the many

Ure«whioh happened nt this toason last year; and

we further hop» thal no time will be loat in estab

Ilahing a legnlly.organlscd board of Inquisition

upon the origin of all Ure«, as a moat necessary

DROWNED WHILE BATHING.-An inquest was held

on Saturday, at the Royal Hotel, St. Kilda, before

the Acting City Coroner, Dr. Youl, upon the body

of a man twenty-seven years of age, named John

Stewart, who was drowned whilst bathing on Fri-

day morning, in about five or six feet water, on the

beach at St. Kilda. Deceased had complained of a

dizziness in his head, and went to bathe, and being

shortly afterwards missed, an alarm was given,

and the body found by a fisherman, named

Thomas Laggett, in about an hour. It appeared,

from the evidence adduced, that the deceased, who

has left a widow and two young children destitute,

was sober at the time, and was generally esteemed

as a man of temperate habits.

LOOK TO YOUR POCKETS.—A man named Archibald

Wallace reports that while he was standing oppo

tito to the Post omeo on Friday evening, between

«ven and eight o'e'ock, hi« pocket was picked of

Iii« purse, containing £15 In money, and a letter

addressed Robert Young, Port Fairy.

DRAYMEN IN TROUBLE.—Michael Halligan was

fined 5s. at the City Polieo Court on Saturday, for

driving lila dray on the footway. At the same time

and place, James Hutchinson was fined 50s. for

excessive cruelty toa boree

ASSAULTING THE POLICE.—At the City Police Court

on Saturday, James Hornett was fined 20s. and 20s.

cost«, for being drunk and assaulting the police.


DUTY.—Edward Regan and Margaret Balfe were

fined 5s. each at tho City Police Court on Satur-

day, for obstructing the police whilst In the exe- |

ROBBERY IN A BROTHEL.—Ann Plunkett and

Bridget Plunkett, mother nnd daughter, who had

been remanded since Monday, and James Dillon

and Patrick Brennan, who had been remanded

since Wednesday, were again brought up at the

City Polieo Court on Saturday morning, under a

charge of robbing James Woodland, a Bendigo

gold-digger, of 7lbs. 1oz. weight of tho precious

metal, a «lío note, «orne nuggets, and n fen- «pool

mem., at a brothel lioj.t by the elder remato pri-

soner in Stephen «tieet. Mr. Head, solicitor, ap.

Îieared (or the two female prisoner« ; Mr. Fawcett

or tho two male prisoner«; ned Mr. Shaw for the ¡

prosecution, rho ovldonco for tho prosecution j

rliewcd that the prosecutor went to tho house of

tho Plunkett«, whilst thero wa« robbed by the

j ounger fi-malu prboner and tbo two men ol' the

property in question. Dillon, according to the

ei idence of the proaecator, curoo luto hi« bedroom,

Miuok him In the i yo, knocked bim down, ant

took tho 4,2* noto and u revolver from htm ; the

other prisoner« alan tod- part in dcapoUlng him

of lil« property, the two. malo prisoners forcing

lilm into a Uaik yard, wlieio he lay for tomo tine.

A witnemi named Smith, who na« ljing on

lils dray near the premise» where the ocourreno"

i« «aid to b'.v.i tnken place, deposed that he aaw ,

tho two male pr «oner« oairy eui the prosecutor, j

and that the younger female prl-toner «u« looking

on, and pointed to the men to toko tho prosecutor

further away lrom tho house. Mr. James Wilcock,

surgeon, gave évidence a« to hla having been

eullid prolcsslon illy to ree tho prosecutor. Ue

«a« In a «tate of stup-rnoilon, and it wa« hi«

«pinion that the maa hid been dragged. The

jiollci-inan who ivn« first adviai d as to the robbery

v as aleo culled. 1 ho wltncoc« wero eelerely cross

examined by the solicitors who appeared for the

prisoners. For the defence, Patrick Mahon was

called, who said that he had had a row with a

man, who uccuscd bim of robbery; but ho could

not «ay tliat pnaicutor waa tbo man. iriie WA«

net the man, no had never met him before in lil«

life. Mr. li' ad .applied for a further remand, in

crder that the two policemen, whose evidence wa«

important, could bo present. The Bench declined

any further remand. Patrick Brennan, against

whom the evidence was very slight, was dis

charged. The other three prisoner« \ure com.

jniltcd for trial. Bull was ret used.

INSOHRXCV MhKTtsos ron Tin« War«.-Monday,

Dca lath:-Thama« IV. Hicliurdi «uvcialmeeting,

nt lo; Janie« l'hompton, first meeting, at quarter,

pustlu; Nurion ana Bt.hurdsou, second incetlnr,

util; lloukrson and Ililli«, «lound meeting, ut

11"; J. J. Kcnmd}, iccond inciting, Lt 1 ; K. Bo La

llcche, second meo ii II« at li; ltuo<en and bkvckln,',

nppllcutiou forcertlllcato. 'rucadnj.Di-o. Ililli: -

"Suthanlil Duutneud, drat meeting, at.half-past 10 ;

b. A. Ilryniil, second meeting, at II; ohn Thouin

C1.ailinn,«c-cond meeting, ut 12; llluhard límenla

«cn, «cojnd meeting, nt 1 -, William Aberdosa,

ftcond mietlni!, at 2: Chirit» ltlc-hnrd Barrett, a ?.

<.ondm>tting,«i3. Wednesday, ¿Ko 2.'lh:-George

Alidc-rrou, tqulal mcctliu-, at I ml I-pan IO; John

'lulloch, tltut meeting, at hall pust 10: (,'lirli;/,

Bt.rton, and Co, eioond mci tint-, ut 11 ; Frederic c

J. Vincent,«ccond nutting,at 12: William Mein rd

",\ iiulsor, xecoiid meeting, at 1 ; M'Cormaok, thirl

irtcetlntf, ut hall past I. 'Ihmaday, Deo. Vilst:

Baird, Cnlx, mid Co., udjourncl third meeting, at

lu; the rmt of thudxy-Li»i» and Cohen, «

nuning; .lohn Uuod«lii,«peclul niivllng; Itiolurd

bltlokUnd, ltobeit Hutt, «pn-lal uniting; Thomu

MINEALOGICAL SURVEY - During the past week an

interesting and scientific meeting of the most in

fluential residents of Kilmore was held in the «as luid in t io

Mechanics' Institute, erected upon the hill in

Victoria-street, B. Noel, Esq., P.M., in the chair, oil ii r,

to consider the best means of discovering an avail

able gold field in that neighborhood. The meeting ing

MC« com.lint In u uoriUiKo with a numtrouil/

ullin u riiiitisltlon, «i.d great lultr« st ptrvmljl

111 minti, ut tin- uttencuii « Tlio «ptuktrs on lit '

f li a len Mr Twyam, Mr Swears i, Mr omar« («ron tir)'

10 the Instituto, Dr Nugent, Dr Cunningnlu,'

ham. It.. ay bo ihat a.r bwiara hu

litn rtitntl) tiiRUKid in an oxplurator) tout

luiln,-iiu i rum dill).« Dr Miguii wasiiivltodto

LÍMI nu nctutiutol hi-fin v )« within tliutiicvlaa.

loir m tali.» ihat giuthiimn respondía to the

witina ol tho mutin«, l'Ut uppmrrd to bo relui

til t ton lull cr trio ii»ul sun ol lilsixplorailotw,

ii tindliig His und ratoutl, to ii-.-111110 lils pntor»

j rlsini' lnours Mr) sliurtl), with a vii w to publiai.

Uni lunn) biuililuii.tlmi Dr Nugent wasiorsaino

tinto uiMM-d lu asurvi) H1.ouu.l1 lUiNiw /inland,

n« «a tusiiianixplumur) tour nboul Mount dam

l>icr,til tile i'urtluudulstriut.undou MountHoliatik.

Jn tho tuursu ol his spttth Dr i.u"int atalj I,

that hu w-s'siot uwuiu ut an) nvullublo worn

ing gulil.mlno within ten miles of Kilmore; but

hu knew ol uproinl Ing Hold, i-MculliiKly noll 11

nutlluiuu« lndlcaili 11», »Uuatiil yiogiaphlca 1/,

twnii) tlio mill« 11 oin thui lownsiilp, or lira 01

thi muir rlilu of Seymour Ha indulged gnat

ciiillilinuo as to ibu minimi prupirtlo« ot tlio

locnlli), reiircsmtliu ibe t-klaluiiL ol lurga blia^

qui.ll», mid min Ittlug D10 tit» Jin) it a luurtoou

eimeo nu/vet, an iiupiigi.atlon or thal «ubsta 10e

»illili \ir) brilliant gold A committee of twelve

gentlemen was nominated of which number the

undermentioned parties were members -Messrs

Roberts, Swann, Kelly, O'Brien, M'Neil, Mackenzie,

Woods, Stewart, Butler, Biddel and Rowlands.

It was in-, UM.I1 by Mr I ra) lu r, ni d eetundtd by

Mr Twynam thut lho otp uno of 1111) ixplorlti,'

1 stt) rliould bo di frniid from \0lu11tur) comrloa.

lions,this nsulution haling iiniuidlato rttorotct

to tin prisent extunl ma ol AIo>sra lilli), Al'Nlol,

lind own r* lo ibu on lit of Hil hxcuilunoy Sir

Charit« Hotham, It must bo nunilunid that In

Jins Inllniuliil to llio loiiunltiio 11 promised bonni

rl ¿KOO to tlio loriuuutu ill»o unr or a

distila gnld.bed lu Hil« ruvard an ni.

dltlonul »um ni £1000 I« oil,red by tia >

«.«lout camiiilttio tin mac \r« towutds ntlrau

allng prlvntu injirinls. In tho Kltiniro

neighborhood I-uvi ral «p uLir« uddrisao t tim

muting, und n liiimUr 01 nunns into inroll ii

towards »wtllli g tim «utiscrlptii 11 list. Dr Um.

ningham particular!) .und lu Vi r) 1 loquent ti-imi,

(Mullid tim publia uhjtot til thu inov. lill lit, wnti 1

tim chairman, (li NIK I, Ksq, CM,) upon di.

«ill ini! thu met ting, ii tliiintid that mi« w11« only

nu ml lorn nniiin to »oinu tutuic linn but «luring

11 u Inloilin, nquisling ihoo muntum tn ornum 1

litoato wl li bim A« nu Inlm »Hug mullir ni It-it

in the nniiirnl hlstery ot Australis, It may boeill

Inn, Hint at »luuni Uamblir «ulit rrniu-un oiui

ol water ixttnillig unixplurnt tllstanoei, hive

leen «uni)id, und n«un 1 pii-o I, in thoooreer of

the ul> iilklnulHot tlilslaioiuluolousltiiiu) Ilka

Mil« bo n meiiilH 1 it Hint lho pi ti Illili boil 1 ol'a

mulo iistl vu lim li <n lound lu one 01 Hu so caverns

it will bo 1 ilill liul at tho Mu«, um, but

publio <\lilblt 1 m 1« at prisent tllsalinwa 1

tomo im Hitit r* 11 tim nu die il lumtltj haie-, ho»

i.rr.ghui It na tlulr prohs.l uni opiilni, tint

lim din niul w us, R uno tluiu or oitur, woiimltd liv

n ball (Vom tin nllool nu n Uhr, or pussltily

entogoiitstln lilli , and that, witt n ihut, thonatlv.

Tiirhed niciiluntil y »»Il win- lum the OMI- fuis

»iippo'Ulon I»! niilall) oinllrm it by tho nl-antlti<

pustino nt the ho 1) « hen dtSi o\ t r> il Dr Migo it»

ilcsorlpthin ot the \liws about Mount üniinl.-r

lind iMuiiiit Hhnuk tit wi II a» th« Moiqulto l'I tin«,

r-inbrnolng Ibu «rom ry or tho Warrnuuo District,

Tu« lim Kit» - 1 ir the past ft>w dal ? the mout't

©tlhl» ilui han bien omiplitt-ly oloatil np, uni

liorscmoh and bull ni,.Ora,a luve croa«ed ovir.

'tho lito raina have huwever,oniisiitnlViili,an1

Jisterdn) them tit It was upi-iicd nguiu - Warrami

J\KU Win -Wi Imvoreceived a inpyot " rin

Victorian Wnltr," onioned by Air« Charl m

Um). It Is n ury grim ful o niposlll n In K Hit,

»ml a» original n« um niiinyot Its oontnnporirl'i

with lir printer pntonslun», lho publisher Is

Mr, C) tus AliHon, ot Bwunstou «treat.

ilinii.liiiM OiHinssiov - The member» ol tho

«ioliMlehl« Cominis.Ion of Inquiry took tholr ils.

Tiurtuin tor Uullnunil on Saturday morning III»/

traill In 11 (Jiiiirnnuiit ourringo, willi unoihur

lurrlnRooi'Mm lui tholr luggage

QiriV« TiuiTUi,-MR COI 11«-Till« eminent

nctor ínsito« hUlh-rt »ppiinrunutt »luov lit« return

lo tlio Australian ooloiili« lo.iilghl at th« Quoen'i

Hlirntrn II» will in rlorm In iii» old obnriiutir «r

I'aull'r), «nil lu tho Wim lining Atlnatrol, In th»

latti roi willoh he will «lug thv popular 0 milo« »nu»

of . ytlllLIn« »nil hi. Dinah » Alnrgir hoii.owill

«.loublle«« »«»embto to welcome «r, Co pin'« re np»

piarniitw In thiibuiithera liemiiphi-ronlur hlosuo

eua la th. noitliirii, *. <?".»»

SxaTiitn-Tiir Finn. - Some limo about half-past -

ten o'clock on Saturday night, a Aro .wai disco-

vered on tho premise« of MCdtr*. Dove and Uiwalil,

sMp.ohnndlor», In Fllndorastreot west, * whiaa

inged with groat violence forjeorne hour«. It»

'ure evidently broko ont In the atable behind the

premise«, where a valuable horao was burnt

[literally to a olnder; it then communicated.

to a large iron-roofed shed, in whioh was . i

large amount of property, doing contlderaol»

destruction thereto. About lour o'olook in the)

morning tho fire waa got under. The Imperial,

Corpo/otlon.Vlotorlo, Emerald lilli,and Voluntoer

Fir« nrigado Mo 1 engine« wore in attendance, and

the men bolonglng to each used every endeavor

to «ton tho progrès« of tho flame«, In whioh thoy

so far succeeded, we believe, a« to confine tho mis-

chief principally, if not entirely, to the premiso«

where tho Uro commtneed. III« Worship the

»Mayor waa, wo were informed, very early

on the «pot, where he remained until the

i ii re waa extinguished, a by no means ,

inactivo spcotator. Mr. II. Longland«,

lMr. Maokcchnle (of the firm of Maokeehnle,

VI ilcox und Co., Minoing.lane), and other gentle.

1 men, also rendered nativo assistance. Too muait

ÍHalse cannot bo given to the captain of a W11

lamstown lighter, who brought Iii« crew to tho

«pot, and joined heartily with them in doing good

rirvicooii tho occasion. Tho premise« woro in

(urod, but wo havo not heard to what amount;

neither ha« It yet transpired to what oause tho on

tin of the fire Is to be attributed. Tho damage

dono will amount to several thousand pound«.


-Highway robbery, committed between nine and

ten p.m., on Tuesday evening, tho 5th inst, behind

the residence of the Bishop of Melbourne, Victoria

Parade, on Mr. York, by a man about five feat ten

inches high, dressed In a black hat, dark shooting

coat, no waistcoat,black neckerchief tied loosely.

and hanging down in front like a sailor's, and

dark trouser«, who, in company with two other

men, of whom no description can be given, vlo.-

lently assaulted Mr. York, and robbed him of five

sovereigns. Information to the Deteotive Office,

Swanston street, Melbourne.-Highway robbery

under arms, committed between Flemington and

North Melbourne, on the evening of the 9th

inst., between tho hour of ten and eleven

o'clock, on Mr. Charles Kirkwood, by three

men, of middle size, dressed in blue

shirt«, moleskin trouser«, and black wldonwako

list«, who robbed Mr. Kirkwood of a pinohbeok

watch, with broken dial, and 30«. in money, In-

tel mutton to Charle« Kirkwood, Ko. 0 Llttl«

INopicr-stroct, Collingwood.-Robbery from the Pe-.

rson.-Stolen from tho person of Mr. Adolph Baron

a pocket-book, containing a silver pencil-case,

and a receipt from Castlemaine for the delivery of

a box to George Dibden. Information to tho De-

tectlive Office, Melbourne.-Property Stolen or Lost,

I Lett,on Friday ovcningla«t,apockct-book,contatn.

I ing nchcquoloriol, and somepnperaofno value. In

l.i mat lou to Mr. Clark, 07 Collin« street east. Mol- -

i Icurno.-Stolon nbouttwoa.m.thl«mornlngfromthe

1} mniscsoi Mr. John Gregory, Drunswick.aboxcsof

?I erin cindica, containing 25 lbs. weight, 1 big,

containing 10) lb«, ol onion«, 50 lb«, of Liverpool

w bite «oop, n 2-gallon keg of red ñort w ino. Infor

li atlon na above.-Seven pound« in notes and

»1 out £1 In silver stolen from tho trouser« (ookot

c1 Mr. Edward Swanil, whilst asleep on tho night

of the 11 Hi ln«t«nt, in No. 103 Queen.street Su«,

lición is attached io a man who slept in the «ama

re cm, but who ha« not returned to tho nouao

«inco. lio i» described nu being about 40 year*

c1 nge, 5 feet 7 indies high, dark complexion,

dicescd lu a blue scrgashirr. Information asabove.

- Molen last night from a «table at tho corner ot

little Oxford nnd Stanley streets, Collingwood, a

li dy's tnddlo, stained with dark spot on tho seat,

cfiirup lined with red silk velvet. 15 reward on

jicovcry. Informntion to Mr. Bobertson.aa abovo.

-Escaped Convict.-The undermentioned convict

escaped from the custody of the police at Castle,-

maine, whilst at work outside the gaol on the 30th

November 1854; John Moore, 35 years of age, 5

feet 4½ inches high, brown hair,blue eyes, fresh

complexion, several moles and boil marks on back.

Convicted on the 17th September, 1854, and sen-

tenced to two years' imprisonment by the Castle-

maine Bench; offence, armed with a loaded pistol

with a felonious intent. Was sentenced at the

Supreme Court on the 10th October, 1854, to two

years' hard labor on the roads,to commenco on the

expiration of previous sentence.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—About eight o'clock on Satur

day night, a man named Nicholas O'Brien, about

twenty-three years of age, in the employment of

Mr. Gill, of Green Vales, about fourteen miles

from this city, was brought to tho Melbourno

Hospital in a most pitiable state of suffering,

urlsiiig from a compound fracture of tho right

I mm. From Inquiries madent Iho hospital, it np

}-(ar« tint tho unfortunate man waa di hing a

(¡roy rear lil« master'« residence, und tbo lioraj

having taken fright liewa« endeavoring to arrest

its coutte, «hen he git jammed against a tree, nnd

thus sustained the Injury in question. Mr. Gill

I er, of Collin» street ca«t, hoipitnl surgeon, «ns in

In mediate sttcniance, but tho injury to tho limb

wa« of Fitch a serious nature, that ho found It ampútalo the arm at tbo thouldoc

jdnt, whli-h dangerous operation ho pcrformod

willi completo tutcon the tamo night. 'Hie man

1« now doing as well a« could bo expected uudor

MYSTERIOUS DEATH.—On Tuesday last the Coroner,

Dr. Howlett, held an inquest on the body of a

woman, found on Wellington Flat, Harcourt.

The circumstances will be found detailed in the

subjoined evidence :—John Symes, of Harcourt,

deposed : I am a bullock driver. On Thursday,

the 7th inst., I went with my mate, James Pow, to

search for a mare. When on Wellington Flat,

about five miles beyond Harcourt, we found the

body of a female lying on her back, with her arms

outstretched. We could see no hair, but there was

a tuft of hair lying near her left hand. From the

appearance of the body I should think it had been

lying there eight or nine weeks. I have no know-

ledge of who the deceased is. The next day I gave in-

formation to the police at Harcourt. When I disco-

vered the body it was perfectly naked. There was no

appearance of any scuffle or of violence having been

used. The hair found near the body corresponded

with that on the deceased's head.—James Poor

corroborated his mate's statement. There was no

bush, scrub, or tree within four hundred yards of

where the body lay.—George Clark deposed the

finding a woman's shift rolled up under a tree at

a distance of 150 yards from the body. There was

no name or initial on it. There were marks, but

witness could not say whetehr they were words or

not.—Dr. Preshaw deposed, he made a post-mortem

examination of the body of deceased. It appeared

to him that the body had been a long time exposed

to the atmposphere. The skin was dry and re-

sembled leather. The hair of the head was

very much as if matted with blood. There was

no difficulty in removing the integuments. Ex-

amined the skull very carefully, but was unable to

detect any injury. Believed a blow might have

been given on the side of the head where the

scalp was decomposed without any appearance

remaining. Could give no satisfactory cause of

death. Observed green spots on the shift. They

might have been caused by vomiting. The right

arm was extended, the left bent close up to the

chest. This was all the evidence. The jury re-

turned a verdict that "Deceased was found dead on

Wellington Flat, but how her death was caused

there was no evidence to show."—Mount Alexander

Tin Noiiriwnv Dion\ is.-Somo week« ago I

ebiorvid lu }0ur pnper that Jim Crow would

te likely to line a fair trial this summer

1 hough llttlo ol the tummor la past >et, tho

digging« hate realised that prognostication

It la cititimplatcd to open tho hill« about

tie Wombat Hat On Thursdnj I visited ono

ol tho rushes by Wombat Hill and gow Bomo

Ir 11,0 qu trtz br ken, lrom which eonio of the

lett sicclmeus I ever witnessed were produood

Claims aro marked out in nil directions Many

l errons orilve here ever} day but thohlghhlllg of

Jim ( row frighten nomo of t) o new comer*

dlpg r I« ul«n}« suce ssful It appoar« ti

rro that this gold field will bo BOtond to

nene thti summer, crowd« aro coming hero ovary

<'n}, and the pnput lion at the prciont time cannot

bo le«« than fillet n hundred, not Including woinon

»ml children With regard to one class on this di«

trlct, 1 nm eh cn to un ¡orstnndtlmttliiro i« «oma

| ii Ing brewing behind tho curtain that inn} prora

inconvenient to f onie of the ofllolnla « hen tho Cera,

inlfsionoflnqulrj comos ltmnj proie fatal tosomo

ol the I'Ipcclu)« c«pcclnlly thoeo who warn oiTbud.

nsnot to npi cur In publia for fiar of telng taken.

' let the galled Jade wince" The following In.

ii i mat Ion, to tho nth December, 1« supplied from

»fliclnl rources - Atoca - Iho population of this

j loco continue« about tho «anio as at the dato ot

ti v last report Mining operation« aro going on

tue« ssfult) and a great quantity of no« ground

is bring inarki d out In olnlms by tho digger« Ino

innltar} condition ot ti o Held 1« good -Mary

1 onvuuli - rho population koot a up to about 80*0

During tho WOIK thorn was n ruih to the neighbor

1 cod ot tho i II or original Marlborough digging],

ul out three mile« lower do« n tho creek, where tho

Ccmmlsstauct « c imp was first placed 1 ho »Ink.

ii/T In i ry deep, nnd up to this date, only throo

min lind sucocelod inn no1 ing tho bottom A) a

j rcoroltlioextremogoodfeeling»hlohoxibtnnmons

i ii o dlrgcri tho tollowln'g fact ma} bo mentioned :

| -lour pir ion« wero apprehended by tho paitoa

torbling without licenses In ono ense tho Com.

inlt*ioiii r remitted tile fine, and uccipted pa} mont

lor tho llcoiiro, tho other three men « ore taken ta

the Camp Al out nn hour ultcrwurd« fifty dig-

ger« nrstmblid and collected among thomsoh-a a

»LUI ot inonoy, «1th which thoy paid tho fine« and

Hannos of their throo companions Abnlanooot

AO 11« renn Inlng over the required «mount, wa«

bonded over to tho Maryborough 11 OBI Ital Dio i iib

icilbern exprt ssed n w bli to maintain tho la« white)

it existe I howoM-rmuoh thoj doited Itnabrogi.

tim. - Amherst-The population of this place is

at present about 1800, being a slight decrease on

last report, the rush to the old diggings at

Maryborough having operated to produce this result.

The general opinion respecting Amherst is

that it has not yet had a fair trial owing to the

great scarcity of water. There is said to be some

fine ground about three miles to the southward of

the present workings, and when water becomes

available it will be tried. People here are generally

will disposed. - Bet Bot- A lurlhir doorenso In

tho population, thtio not being moro than J00 loft

i n tim lit Id A ruth ho« token placo to tho Whit«

Hill« nour M uri boro ii gb Want of water 1« tho

finn ral complaint On tho «mall dlgping«, suoh

nu Piilnrnou « pcopia havo to dopend on nuggotliiK

lorn livelihood-Kingower and Korong-Thero

1 te hi on un Increase of ono hundred and lorty «IK

1 itipli hero Nothing worthy of mention hail oo

[ (i ried In tlio waking« Korong continue« to} told

n lair quantity ol gold to those «ho nroimployod

( 11 to Water Inextromoly dollolcnt, nnd It I» (bnrod

1 lint, unli iinsomeraln lulls very «ncodlty, the KI ring*

vlll oil bo di led up- Mount lianklj n - iho po.

j ulutlon on this (hld ha« Increased to 1700

f inking on titi hills la «till being nolhel) onrrlod

rn Uno or two rich «pots havo been «truck, anti

milli iiuni-Di \cln lins been opened on tho Wont

lut Machino crushing would be very uscliil

lue- liiricngoiur -A petty who lint o boon,

jrorpootliig lim report n now gol I field, about

luce mile« from tho Cnnip, in a direction N N H.

norn tin tounthlp 'iho opinion of tho party 1«

lint tin field I« a good one. mid it enjoy« tho

idvnntagi) ot being nearer to tho Loddon rlrot

than tho oil ground, Iho prospootlng will bo

nulled on through tho «ummer month« Bevoral

i xl( nded 11 iltni ¡«vç been »ppllitl lor cn tho now

, lound ttnd it 1« likely to prove « i rest aoa«Ultloa

U lia» iliitrlot.-JAMmfAhJtttMtrktiil, ?",,i"^,'w?*

AND MARRIOTT.—The concluding preliminary ex
amination of the prisoners Boulton an Marriott
tookplaeiirt.fhoIJtatrlotCcart on Saturday., '.Tho
Courfiat'liciOotttkny'Mten o'elo«k. JwtAbo wtt
nessCT'lveTo not all'al band, .and,the Court W«A
delayedfsmno,t,lme by their absence, »This le too
bal, aft^cr tborepetfte« noUCo given ia tburejpeot,
To«!iroia8|Bg-i«enitemcn,f having aty-fr't modo
their »raptuvranne, the prisoners were placed in the
dock, and George Gordon McKay was then sworn
and examined !></Mr.. iChambct«, too: solicitor of
ne ,Bank oí-Victoria : I am a teller in. the fcondon
Chartered Bank, Molbourne. ,-Iican't say I know
either ortAe^Hwieri.'but 1 thiaki have seen tho
-prUontfr&oaltön'befnre.iAThebook produced con-
tains an'iKMAnnfW-, Hundryi article« deposited In
ourbarikfor'safety by easterners, and Is,
myself inariy own, h»nd,Wtítingi.. I have au entry,
ofgold,dpBíi»)ted,hyíí »ntfí Day on, tho 8th Novcm
ber jla8t,f,oon«isUng;ol two boga, aaldjto contain
li»! oz«, I* dwtf. of gola.dost»,<These UM» »HU
Ho at-tho.-bank.-Day na« drawn jotjequça
upoif i(thtttslntlik,n/i.irlticU, Ii 'inowi uprodace,
marked respectively I and J, for tho sums of £ Wo
and,¿.575, Xftnd nambers 1 and 2 on the «Ups or
the 1Cbcquc-booT¿-prloducel''correspond with tho
number« w'the^ckeques,-and in othtr reaped«
answer the one to the other. 'Day ha« a batane«
now in our.banfc. [,By Mn Hi Stephen. I fancy I
have «eon ,BoulU»c.,beïor«, but ¿'cannot say, where
By the iBenoh: Looking at. Marriott I ¡cannot
say that I-have seen him before, but I might. I
cannot say.—John Russell Rose, receiving-teller in
the London Chartcrad Bank, Melbourno, «worn,
deposed : I have opoken of a persegi named Day in
a previous examination, and the prisoner Marriott
rcicmbloattho person Day. I preducaijhc bank
signature book, hi which Day'« signature appear«
in his own hand-writing, Tho Blgnaturo corres-
ponda with Umtun the boak marked U 2. and thoso
on tho cheques before mentioned. ? By the Ueneh ;
I saw him sign tho book, and thepriaoner Marriott
resembles himjbul I cannot swear he is the man.
There is no other James Day, to my knowledge,
who has an aocount at our bank. By Mr H. Ste-
phen: Tho-letter J differ« a littlo. but is «Uko ia
general character. By Mr. Chambers . I produce
credit Blips accompanying deposit« mado by James
Day on the *th and Sth days of Novcmbor last, and
they also correspond with tho signatures in the
bank book a»d on the cheques. Wera I ledger
keeper I would have cheques similarly signed in
ink.— James Orkney wai then «worn, and deposed
a« follows: I am landlord of tho Sir Charles
Botham Hotel, Flinders street. I have seen the
prisoner Boulton before. He Btopped two night«
at my houso about two -or three, week«
before Quinn wa« arrested.: I do not know
or my own ' i knowledge that Quinn and
.Boulton wera at my houso together, ibero was a
third party took tea ono Saturday night with Mr.
and Sir«. Boulton, but I do not know it wa«
Quinn By tho Bench : Boulton and wife oame to
my house on, a Saturday night, and the next day
they went to Brighton, but 1 do not ano» who ao
oompnnied them. Boulton went away on tho
Monday morning. This ovas about two or threo
weeks previous to Quinn'« arrest. By Mr II.
Stephen : li cannot «wear that Boulton said he
wai going to Brighton, but I lit ard It from some
one.-Robert ,Etiklbert Inman sworn, deposed
I keep a paperhanging warehouse in Swanston,
street. I .Jmow ..both the prisoners. I got ao
quain ted jfith. Boulton last May twelvemonth on a
voyage heneo to England in the Harbinger. I was
introduced to Marriott three or four month« ago
by Boulton, at tho Imperial Hotol, corner ol Elisa-
beth and Littlo Collin« «trcot«. I knew they were
friend«. .-J_ jrenwmber mentioning Quinn'« arrest
to fie prisoner Harriott. I san- the report in tho
paper«, and «hewod it to Marriott I asked Mar
riott if he know anything about -it, when ho re.

»lied ho knewnothlna-orit.andlie wouldRoandsec

Quinn. J called Marriott's attention to the report
because I knew Quinn was a friend of his. I be-
lieve I »awQuinn and the two prisoners together
at the Imperial, but I am certain I have seen
Quinn with Marriott. I believe they called at my
Stace aboot a fortnight before .Qntnn's arrest I

ave also seen Boulton with -Quinn aomewhero
about the «ano time. Marriott and Quinn were
not long together at my place when they called.
They left say houae together. Marriott placed In
my charge one evening a leather bag, whioh ho
?aid contained £500 or thereabouts. It was a
lara« leather bag, and I oin hardly tell, but I
believe, tho money was principally in notes This
was tho night before I saw the report of Quinn'«
arrest in the paper«. I gave him back tho bag on
the day that I «aw the arrost of Quinn, having
kept it only ona night. I went to Brighton ona
Sunday with Marriott, Boulton, and his wife;
thi« wasaiix or «oven weeks ngo. They brought a
cab to my bouse for me. I boliovc «e stopped at
tho Royal Hotel, near the beach, at Brighton,
whero we i topped nearly all day. Quinn was not
with na that day. Tho prisoners were not par-
ticularly liberal on that occasion. The nugget of
sold now produced (a heavy quartz specimen,
weighing ,4,,ozs) by Sergeant,Cummings was
made a present or to me by tho prisoner Mar-
riott I believe Atarriott was «topping at tho
Imperial«liotcl at this time. By Air. li. Stephen.
Marrlott'and Quinn wero frequently together at
my honso wheo they carno,down from Hie dig
5Ing«, and perhaps they might have come In a

ittle whilo apart an the particular occasion mi n
tloned. -I cannot say they ever-camo to my houso

<-together" more than twice ' I-hovo seen Marriott
" and Boulton also together at my place at different
. i time«. On the laat occasion Marriott oalled at my
i-1 placo Quinn came in afterwards and Btaycd about
í n'lialt an hour,'and then left alone, Marriott and I
? ifgoingout-together about two hours arter, and got

I lunoli at-tho Imperial, (Owing to a «an tor pre
n'the'evidence give» » good deal çf time

Was «rient hêroMn reading ana, fê.rèàuâ'ifa, writing*
tnd re-Writing ¡'tho deposition,' whllo Inter-
ruption« and suggestions without number
still more delayed - the case, a« on
the days before, at lait the amended
deposition waa read and handed to the pros!.
dlng,ina(istrate,whoasked tho witness lrhowlshod
any alteration to be made in it, to which the wit.
. ness replied in the negative. The magistrate never,

thcless proceeded to read again, and another dis.
,i jousslon arose between the Bonall, tho witness, tho
i",«oli01tor«, andtbeolerk; finally, the cross-examl
p lütt,Ion went on.) I was present when tho prisoner

Marriott purchased tho nugget alluded to, In Col
u-itins-street. He gave about £7 for it I think, By
i ¡Mr. Road: Ou tho occasion of our voyago to

'-England, I introduced Boulton to my brother in
> England. I beliovo Boulton took homo at that

timo about £1000, in a droit for about £7001 bo
' Delleve, three or four nugget«, one of them a very

large on«, and somo sovereigns. I waa with him
on ono occasion when he purchased clothing in
Manchester, to the amount of about £100. By Mr.
Chamber« : I do not know how ho got the money ho
took horan; he wa« a stranger to me until I saw
him aboard. I never knew bim under any other
name. I have heard of the Nelson robbery. I
cannot say ir the examinations connected with tho
Nelson robbery took place prior to our vol age
home or not I never heard of a Johnny Ball or
any other Ball. By the Bcnoh: When we weht to
Brighton thoy carno from the Imperial, 1 think, for
me, and I went thlthor with them on our return
I was never present with them when they bought
or «old gold. I have only gone once to Brighton,
and wo went to ono hotel only thore. ,Nono of us
returned thlthor to look after any notes. I havo
not been often, with Boulton, but have spent two or
there evening« with Marriott within tholaat «even
or eight week«. I havo «pen, I think, «? maz-
nóles with Boulton and Marriott bifore tho rob-
bery on tho Bank as since, and never anything
moro than common. Tho 'leather bag felt in
roy charge by Marriott moy have contained £5000
or only £50 for anything I know, I do not know
anything moro about those men than I havo told.
Boulton nover spoko to mo on the voyage home
about his having been arrested in connection with
any robbery ; It ho had, I should havo at onco cut
lils acquaintance. This closed tho casa fur tho
prosecution, Mr. Head then nrocoeded to address
the Bondi In defence ol lils client (Boulton), and
virtually also for .Marriott, and in the courao of an

animated speech of some fifteen minutes duration
nado 'some severo strictures upon tho
way in ' whioh tho olerk« of the Bank had
S Wen their ovidcnoc, and thou wont on to

cal out heavy blow« upon tho authorities
of tho bank, whom ho charged with having in-
vited tho perpetration of tho outrage sought to bo
fastened upon tbo prisoners in the dook, by
placing their Ballaarat bri nob under the control
of two mere lads, Instead of sending up oxpcrlonocd
and ellldcntbusiness mon, competent to the ma-
nagement of auch an establishment. Tlio evldonco
of moll n character as Quinn ho arguod, was not
worthy muoh credit. With regard to tho pro.
perty found upon Boulton, nothing waa easier
than to account for It, ainco he had been, as stated
in hi« marriage certificate, a commission agont in
London, and had, moreover, made sundry success-

ful ndventurea of a oommcrclal nature in tho
colony, by which ho lind acquired a oonsldorablo
Íiroperty, The defenco having boon oonoludcd,
he prisoner« were called upon, with tho usual
caution,to «ay If they wlshoa to «tato anything to
the Court, when they both «aid that they left their
caso entirely in the banda of their solicitors.
They were thon, Boulton and Marriott, «overall)
committed to tnko tholr trial at tho noxt genornl

gaol dollvery, to _bo boldon on tho 15th Fobrunry

nullera IIUIUIUVU cu um», *v»nuu w»w. »lumivvr, »O

fused, mid thoy were then led out of tho dook, and
next. Mr. Hoad formally applied to havo the prl

. -. . .. flirta), WM -

sonora admitted to bail, which was, howover, ro

fused, and thoy were then led out of tho dook, and
shortly after out of the court, and away to their
interim abodo in tho gaol, A rathor imposing
array of witnesses wa« thon muatored, lor the
purposo of being bound over to appear at the trial
and glvo evldonco lor tho proseoutlon, and tills
protracted preliminary examination thon terml.


liams, a police constable, waa ohargod at tho City
Polloo Court, on Saturday, with tho sovonth oom.
mlttal of tho offence of absenting himself lrom
duty without leave. Ho waa oommttted to gaol
lor one month, with tho neoompanlmont of hurd


CHARGE OF ROBBERY.—A man named Joseph
Brown was brought up at the City Polieo Court,
on Saturday, ohargod with robbing William Hill
of £50. He was remanded until Tuesday.

MBLIIOOIIK« GAOL.-Tho following was tho «tato

of tho gaol on Saturday morning last:-For trial, I
from Supremo Court, 80; oommttted by the magia,
tralca, 8; lrom other atatlon«, 1 ; total, 49, Under
«en ton co- road gang, 31 ; hard labor, 68 : imprison,
ment, lil males, 2 fiitiulos; total, 185, , Orand total
confined, 108 males, a female«,_