DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 13 Jun 1854 (original) (raw)

Tue 13 Jun 1854 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)

noMi.-iriij IN ii.iii.iur.xui?.

lilli Ills ( III INS - -I) di. J I..IS bl I. ll.'l.ttl «Hill

las f... » tl.l.l. u "IIMIII ...i ¡,t nt bukt mil " ' I

I ii II, , uni r ii-, "i Instit ill "i lu mis of I uso t ol nie',

tslth li,out, pil "i.pjil, in«, of lim It m i limn Mltiliti

I iiiipu.y, bus I. ... m io sillslitlory lu it« it nil »,

nil lit« ni tit,,rl< the piilillu an I th« »hm.tti.Huri, (lim-

ul luit lo lim dist nur) ni Ihn Kui I Held., I ho metro

pilli of Victoria out-Ill to It'ivo t-uil Illuminai«-.! nilli

Ktis > cars ugo, had It not hccu for a want of \ ubllo cn

tci.ilsoon llio purtof tliocUlroiu thtm tl\cs It Is now

nearly four >-,ars SIUCL the flrit imnuuuaiu fui of

gai wn com c eel in Uellntirno, b> tlio lUv Mr

Ato-ilo «rltiBimlhysiiliJ^t, Hi rcäulUf Mr Uluis

agit tion was Ibu gottln,,'up of *i public intUlti,,*, on the

2H It August, UtSu, at ttlilüi thy Mijor |all<l At

tin nicu IJI¿ ft iii )\i-sio!irl LoiiniiittLL \\n3 ipp luted tu

dritt up asthtmt-for <h tarmvtlou of a ¿i» t nij my,

toll «.ubmUttd »tanoHiirpiblic meet liff TIi it i ro\ 1

slonal commlttct repojtcdto ii inblo, on Un.

J5th ijeptciubci lollouin,., «lion tim itport WJSHII >ptc I,

and a i orfc'itils itlon t >OK plif» It v. is i"rtcü tli it tlio

fundament ii ctpittl of thu conpui} lould u mist oi

¿,20,000, til Uul lito 40(0 Mures ol JL& tali

Ibu evil on ei«h slnro \\m ten shillings, pa\ iblo

on nllotm nt( mid f» ¡>oon u? 2i)üi) times

ivoro ttktti up, thu (Jlrcctois wtro to cill thu slur

hoklus to^eUi r i K1 submit a ilcel of settlement j bib

t ok | lieu on the 2ri h OUobei, 1850, who i illa deal

was utlopt d ami »Uuttl, su that lrom that di> dit -t

the co ,iuti tr-ihlp t tie Joint Stock (Jan Conn anj of

Mtlbotn L On thu ü'h Jleu-mbir tho election of j i-r

min« nt o«U.tM to k pi ico W M HJI , ] «q . was (ho

tirst chairu an ol tho b tnl ol directors iho trust CR

«oro Mei«rs. WtU^nith *staiu!I, aid Hodgon aid

the Hu. Mi Allt-n »as tlixtul> bj u nu j r)t>

if -i mc 200 \ott* J ho first sttpoi anj Imp» tauet

whitli WHS t ii ' n h> thccomjaii} nts to s-cuia a Milla

blu allotment f laud In tho tit} for HID Tulmur

thuru. Iks U Uli this vkw Uo pkew ot InidfOitl

iruous to each other at tlio west tnd of Cullin»- treet.

near llatiii ,i a Hill, nut» cousl-tlng altojottur ot out

acre, tsori purih,sed. Uto oac purlion in t"G0, and

tho ntlici lol JL80Í1 in illictinir tills ptirch isu, thud!

rectora had rtcoursoto bank accotunio la Ion mid ftn

t in it j it isa« for ilia compau-, lint t in laud ssas 10

oure I, for tiley es peet to re tilso ont of it now no1

leas ti,an £'11,001), at Hu rato of £00 per foot

for Uto allotments trotting on I UniU-rs- tant-, ami j£t0 |ur

t "t 1 oiitago on Collins strcot (ho forunr nlloiinoiit»

sold rutill y al tlio price named, an 1, although tho lat-

ter ssoio n t sold in conscquctiio of »OHIO misti der.

st.iti llu0-, »lill considering (lia Importance, ol (lie

frontage, and their to violnlty tho now railway terminus,

It Is on. fltknlly clotted lint theo al otmeiiU svl.l

eventually rcnllso £100 ptr loot. So Hint, ti,o

Hold tllscus cry al II st ilicolicil tin nascent progress of

this company, It will nlllmatoly put them in posse»

sion of ninplo rosouroo i to carry out svlth oillelonLy mill

ti »patch Iho great public ol "cot for which they w re

originally orga, Iscd. I'ofJCIlIljitoanü o toura (o their

Oiterprlse, Un Úovtrnmenthas niven them n leiuo of

live ocros of p ibllc land, to tho went of llatman's 111.1

to orcot t! ssorks'upon,. n condition only of opcnlug

a canal, thro: chillis long, leading Hu Yum

lo a d ck, sshlch tiley aro itlso to make, In

order to ncconimodato tholr own oaal barges

mid vessels without obstruotlng tho ordinary river

trilllc. nnd to bo under tho control of the

( for public naos ai.d regulation. This canal

and dork, It is reckoned, will cost ionio ¿(JOGO ; utul

thoy hnvo to put a lirldgo across Is for oonvon'oiicc of

publlo tho oughfnre. if there bo any portion of the

livo acres not required for tho purposes of tho oom.

pany's Works, It may, of course, be Judiciously sub.lo*,

and bring in a coasldorablo Iticoinu In aid of tho oom

pany's ro>onuo. In onlor lo secure plans, ma-lilncry,

nuil apparatus of tho most approval description, Mr.

IVostijurth has omployctl (he ablest engineers In Se <t

land conversant stitli this sulijcet to pr nido nil the ma-

terials iitcrtssary, nnd a »killel engin or to superintend

tho erection of ,ho machinery mid works In ihlsoolony

Tho devisers ut tho plan and cotiitriiclors or tho ma-

chinery ure tim Messrs Milne «ud Sons, of ("dlnniirgh ;

and lila engineer sont ou to tho colony Is a Mr. Smith,

who is now at lils post, mid making prepirutl ms

f r tho speedy erection of tits, machine! y ns soon

as It .trrlvo!. All the machinery has booti shipped;

livo ships, with portions on bj»r,l,.nro noir line, and

threo moro aro expoctod nat long after. Tho wh lo

»corlis sshen osniplsto - liioludlng tho canal, br'dgo,

dock, bulldhv«, machinery,' aim pipos complito for

lighting the city proper,-still cost, It Is cstlnuli-d,

about £00,000; and this brilliant anti happy couple

tlon is t-jtpec o I to bo realised In ab. ut seven mouth!

frill this timo. In tho meantime, It Is t.o-.css.try t,

augment the capital hy a creation of fresh »lures to

the extent «f £20,000 moro, stltlch, with d10 original

capital and tho p ocociln of thoir lattil-sn'o, will naiko

their gr. «s capital nearly equal to tho lull oost t f

work", clcir III' all liabilities and demsiidi. Accurd

Ingly notice lias been elvo-, by tho Directors tis the

shareholders and tho publlo at lvgo, Cat thl«, among

other propositions of nu Imp.rUnt na'uro, connected

with (lia Interest! (if this very importaut company,

will bo sub.nlltCil fur consideration at tlio fourtli au-

min! to bo heldat ttiooHlcoof Ihr, com

psny, No 82 Collins-street, on Monday the lO'.li of July

nox t,nt t ivclvo o'clock noon. Tho number of shareholders

alrcuily In iho company Is about 200 ; mill by a ftiuda

UKiitnl provision lu thoir tlocd of no «Ingle

sharclioldor din holt! moro than loo shares. Til »o

who stuck faithfully by tho early struggles of tho Insti-

tution, .»ml who took sh ires ti tho full oxtent of Iho r

alio », lu ordir to carry It through, atntlmn when

tlier1 11 ilmmtsllnta p-o.pectof.galn, wish no» to

havo th it rcstrii'lion alturod, so ns to all jw thom to par-

ticipate lu til, allotinoat of i.otv ¿liaros, uiidor such pros-

perous and ntlvautngoous cl.cntnsta-jcss. This lindoubt

ol,y Is but i'alr; anil prosidctl th it cuni s Munt Is tlxctl,

so nst> pro-rent unj'thlog Uko mouo|ioly or, en., we do not think tho | roi>osll1un can ml, bo

t-hleclt-d to All wo care nbiut principally Is, that the

co.npiny will gonltcrul sslth their works cnorgHlcnlly,

and rcaliso d10 hopes anil wishes of tho publie of Mil

bourne, ou rcusutntblti ternu,-that is, such ai will yield

the-li.irah 1-cr. 11 handsome por-enuigo, ititi."ut being

o-ctortl,ina»e nnd itofesting thrill' own object. Moderate

charges itu.1 universal gus aro their best policy ; ami svo

hops thu voinpany will keep iheio mutual ol.Jo.t

riHE .X I.'IB J[-!C,IAXIC3' ISäTirCTB.- 1 bout twcll'O

o'eli-ck last night tho gentlemen omployctl In tito wake business of getting out tho Arjut porcu.vo-i an

unusual llluinlualiou lu tho lawo roam of Iho Mc.

cliaaija' Institute, on the npi«o,lie »Ido of Colllns-strect.

'Hie »utldemiess of (lils phonoiacuon nut( (ho latones«

of the hour awoke implólo», and tominof Iho,o who

dlsoorercd (ho b'oco liumctliadly oroased over (o seo

what was the cause. On a noaicr nppr.nell and tocainl

nailon from sslltinut. It liec-iuc mnntl'ist Hut tho

calico foverln-f of tlisgnllerj' nt the east end of the

or noert-rootu was on fire. Tito fr nt door was hume,

il'ntoly forced open, and Mr. Paterson, (he Secretary,

who wai not yet In bed, soon appear«!, and p*o.

ccedtd t«ilh -the party glslug (he alarm lo iho

ronicrt.luill, srhft» thoy «ass Hie gallery onllr». Tliey

fuiin-l several «"les of papors lu Jin.,los' boneitli the

tfallo y, nnd (turo Is osery roison t, lullovo

that (ho Uro or'gl!i-i»ctl OMIT from (ho snuff of a caudlo

orn clgirdro.pMcarcliSsty among llicso papers. In

Abaut a quarter nf an hour, ss'Uh souio active cxortl.u

ou (lie p rt of thee present, the il-jiics wero c-stln

-.ulth'il, anil tli's valiuhl.) Institution ivis 'l.'is pio

vldontlally nas'cd to (ho public. Wo hopo 1'may Ira I

io prcatcr caution on (ho part of diese si In may

frequent (lie eoaocit-room, and It 1« to bo,1 als»,

that tills lucky c^caix.« from tlestrucllo i may li

Iho esteem anti entsoof the i-nbllo forth'« cxoolleut n,iu

li-pulnr InatltiitiaB. On this oo.-aston Hie o iras im

Il II ringing lo fright liso town from Us propriety t anil

nillir...K11 HU, ivllh their usual vlgllanoj, ivcro

ull tlicto -¡then thty wiro not nant«], those who

liait |«osscsslon of-tho hulldln-r kept tlitun out, nnil

slid nil tliit was noces'.ury thomsolvi» wlüiuut making


Mail of the 10th Inst ir'vos thu lurtloulari. f nu fe-vvcr

thin sovon lnqnats. John Atkins, slightly intoxicated,

slipjic,l, fe-lltluirii sonvf revclta luiolhi vt-n'er In-low, and

»as dru«- o V-WMUft- Muss was Jico don'-iUy shot by

his malo, With »hum li: bad puno to SHOD'., -..ussuius -A

child mimili Wllllsin ll.irrluifton d esd from tho eil' els

of severo turns, whick vvo-o visible) on iho nbtluiuc-u,

elicit, nook, face-, and bae-lt. Tlio cvlelei ro of »Dr.

.vl'Aliiliun vto t tu illsi lou .i fearful aiiiountiifil-l.~avlt/

on the)] ara of fio pi-euts, vthose- alte-re-nions drove hint

from Hie tent-the- wlfo staut! n¿ at Ib . tlojr i It i au

.i-o In her lund, with Hh'itb sho thrtn one-d tu aird .- tier

hillturn!. The parents irt e severely ct-nsurrd foi II eli

iiiuttlcoi lurj'.nnirorlcuv.nif-hi-ihll UllhoutsuD'cIt t

piuu-cliti:. -lo.oph At! tine A.ISIOII'1 lina holt, lu Um p.

lull'.. 11 it John Leiiik-stitve! tha' .leetasid left his t lit e n

nnuilay nlg'at iii mt 11 p.m. Ile) lie-lr.l lils v de-o u.ll lu

e-jnvrrs.i'liiit vtllh iiiiulher ruin- Imth appareil ír>

ho drunk. Ho tan- Iii ni nu mun-till he- was fuuiial lu i

a bille. c-li;lilee-i fee-t deep. lir. Prosh-t t !uvvln,r been

i-illai! In ir.ivc tiiforiuatlim In tho pullcu, who causi-sl lite

insu Pt b.- -latccu lo tho lio^.ltal on arrladn,?

Dr. M't'mlli si- tmlur.t Ultu, i ml faiuiid ii stouiid lit Hie

baot, part ni hit heal, throtiirh lim sc-alp, but there teas

lu) fr-ie-turc Ho ellesl !n a Ion u.It.liles after ho roAt'tiarsl

lbs hospital - I hotnus M allier, on Uu ¿iib, trent tu til J

t-nt nt a person ustneil .lohn IVa leer,an luskesjlilt ter

mistión to reiil-vh , which ho VAS ul 1 mi-el to do till the

29th Ins!, fto npnirtil slrniiKO in lils uiantier, a.

thoiwh bo tras allticteel li) eli'll-iu i t e neus, mi i"Iuln"'

pcoplo tvtru ¡j >lti"' to ah mt him. Ho .tent to uti .flier

o .t on tho iiiorn lui- of (ho rrtiitl. Ho app -tirsl ti

labor under the- san QIllusion Witness, «hilo nt work,

If-arln^ that a man itus futind ti a hub-, vvt-nt to

soo, nutt fiuud dccetstsl at Ihn top of a h le vii It lils out, about uno hundrc I j lids fro n the l nt ho

Wet« got out hy auotuor ultu, ss, vtlm, ice lui; abai at tlio

top ut tho bolo, sosroheU, and found tho body of llio tie.

cute!. Scr#o-ititLyons,tinsoirohlng tho tout, timm!

a inveralla! li oklii.,-.tri.nt'CuVcrerl vfllli hloxl, iraco' oi

v.lilnli woroon Ibu llorir -,1 mies lirait sens killi I bj

tho ûi'.lliif-lii of earth «hilo -woiklnff.-/.II Inquest «as

hold on Hie) 6th lust, nu Ibu budy Of a nuvu mt i od Ho

bins 'J bo osldeuco went to ilia-* that ho had bon an

Inv olerais tlrlnkor, and fur a fortnight b fort) his death

ho hal bo:n ruplill) slnleinii fur tho want of tho proper

ucoiasarlrs of Ufo. On cxninluition of li.e-it «li .li

vv on) found on bim. whli-li appeared to lion rc.pv ni a

will, It -vrr.s futind that bo vn» noir to pi oport j luv trions

puts of i:nirlsiitl nmoiiiitliiir to £SO,00").

'lui. l"ini. BMIHOI- AMI Tim Oreir Covscn..-Wo mo

Informed (bat nil doo. not fro on as " merrily as a

murringo boll" lettveon tlio tivo bridles ub.vt-.incii.

lloiirsi. 1 lie) Counoll, so (Ur as «0 aro avtart-, do ne!

00 nphilei tu' llio vuliiutoerrj, but Um voltniteors ilo co 11.

plain of tho Counoll on various grouuds. Houoof

tho e unes t f oouiplatlnt. wo lmlleva), >U»J" to rniii'ie

ratc.i;ihu« - That tho Council, for three, months put,

th ililli eiftutl almllcd to. lias lalla-,! to lil-lillh flau

brlgutlo ultu various Implement« which aro nccosiar«,

tor Us mo at lires, inch ns orosv har«, nxm, lndilir-,,

torchos Ac. to virions co...IUUUILill ins

st hitit lim Uranien have ndtlrcsscil to Hu« clvlo riiLis,

the oirllest of I Mon ns tong ii,.co ns Iho M it April,

tho ( o mill 'si iltur reen 111 lo reply Hut the ohlul ol cu niiliiliit li, Hut Uni Council hu now i.uni-,1

to '«ay fn tli«i llii'uiins uiilfiMii, »lalloneiy, hulk«,

di., sshlih the Urtu.en asmrt li tl.luill> had pr«luUel

to | ly I«. Il.«> so nuti..s iisii rt, nnd rof r to dunl-

in, utirj cid« nee to i rio iho I, it, lint (lies I,rat

tilín I In nr"niil«o nu 1 .lu Hu J'.'t ... t. rl .li. i .. di-

ll tis,,me i>r st i< th, ( II; 1 i.i.i.r,. -I, ulil

l-l) lu tittil nilli n ni«, .1,«. '!!,..> as ti-: Uni lln.-li'

"Iii uno I. it1. |.Is .lils md pu'i'loh nu ipi d, Hut

thus stir,' lint r, pur, lui, I a llsl ul whit tiny

» 11' I, (ai I th.,i t ,11 l" i > in ,,.' i "I Iii In.' nutt

tht> husi d nu su, Iii, I "mill mu o to p.y I ir. hat

Hie base hu I I lim» a i« ol' sr s i ,i : pi ,i,fj n Ik I

ill,) I iltrh (\uii|.si|. No. .", stlilih, In lim lu li'.i.unt

,,, -.mi,, lo, :,l i ullin.til »lilt i linn tho (. i.upti.i) li is

t n ft-ltd nu Hu« » ,'J .1,1,111 t , pliio the I ii I II V of

Hu Cnrpnatl ii lui ul .. ,1 ".lit II Hi ( iipti.ttlui

Is lu uni »is b, ultu Hut uiiioiint. ilthur lu mini

.,1 lljllill 01 ea|U'l), It nil .til I dill <| .1,(,' tllU fUltlV tit

em", «llh nil ii.> iiiianiii-s tu-owislou. (I o dr. unii,

UO UIO lilli, hltO lillie I Ililli t t lilli III IliO <?!

Mi. I! .1. l.iiil«, ni No 1 rollins sli.ot «ait, us I hi li

ititi ni), «hu his, leo b lli.o, ulri ill- »ilit.ui ti tiwi

I ..until on Il.o sul.ji.l, uni li III ai Iju tlilitll nf th

ililli» ino ho saut, undi, llura, Is uvoiy nioipietul

lim sill I it i nu nu mi) In r Ibu ntttlitluil ..| tun- e»

I.» el .nu e mill ill li. .

fi. Mi l'unir .it Ililli i -Ibu ('.milly f'uiit of

II,lilli,I Hill liis-tlllil IN S|tllll|-s nt ton oil.iil. ibis

moiIIIUK- In Hi» Ntl* ( nut MUK... III

I iHnr lu' mt. Hw lintis vslilih nru sit .Ion II lo.

Iilul II. s.liv -Nu . Hu lui. du..list ( USLII, l.tnhv

v, 11,1 Uni,-, esti ul v. MU. oil, »«ni. irv Lol i,n, Hint

v. (I'll in, I .lieu v. »iles ii, I humps m v Hu ii,

e. mini! v.l lui I., »Mnrv. I. ni-, 111 union t (li.iluin

Hutton t. II iiiiiliiKliiuii.

A fvuiiiss Ni MITHIN .Will am »ny. nhol ni han

a'-Mu a nlKht tart lliroiierh Ihoslitols, lu atp-it n «it,

at to cause a great nuisance—the soil escaping into the

roml--«"1 l-rouKht uj) Witt Iho (.'Hy llcuoli jsssvirtln)*,

? Vi TOliu I llh, noll. I, .Mi Soi IM V -It «111 ho leen be:

idvoiilsun cut thal ai ubi cdlilrl iille.n ofsuliurb-iu .ii)

liui'dl K kit Is to t .ke pi co at iho Mecluulcs II lion

aitunUj nesrtutilcr tim prcsleleiu y of lim vin,, r, .then

n irly¿70J0- nilli tit lund «111 bo nllotlid ti llio en.

tiled members. The soi Inly lins nisi tllectol .dell,

ti ii nlllt cluses at lit 1 ind-slles luvt tv o knfsuburb ni

linds In v.irlous b culltlts to tho amount uf b tuon

tliroo ni d fuer thons nul pui.úels, mid a símil ir i um vt ii

. \p ndo 1 lu tho purchase of s miu i f Iho chulees! lui ni

In,? linds neu tlio -o ultu the tilge lugs.

Am vtiTi t> nmii.f sur VT UibTitrviAivr-On tho 0"i

hist, nu nit in)t »i.« malle to liiir.lirloiisly oniti Ibu

II,.11 of C tstleuuilne-, hut thanks to stout lucks and ipilck

ou», it «.is Irusti.ited, soiuoof Ml llllthcnclts pio|le

btln-f rennel tij ibu; of Um Innumcrililo ilo"'S

Hutt aro i.oi t on tho proiul-es. An ii inn »as liislin ly

rilven, but tho thieves char oil, tho polleu bcli (,-, us

usiitl, "no-twicre '-.If uni' t* innfrr JAiiI.

Hill 8 vi t n VT CAITI i vi VIMS - Iho vlll i"-c of Orrv illo,

pulsh en Muo lefiinl, um sold by Mr V, tiler bud li,

mi llio Juill May, at the Allioet Uti c1, Uustlolil ti' e

'Iho hull line; bit,, of tlitee roods silt en perches ruell,

a eriit-cl uh ut .l"¿0 per aero, anil Ibu garden lois, eil

fulll aerot each, iiLout X11 pu nero. On Ibu list nil ,

tlio same- u,entlct«an ills, ose.l of tlio In 1 ittttl (es1 p artlous

of tho village, bl l.lltlo Uphill tone-, neil bivtpllllullj ,

nt i rlt i s tanning Iront i*U to £ib per acto-Mu mc

GiuiiM o^ ST IIIN« STOIII nt it \ DHU -Henry

CorhU tt 13 abtlii lu ii^ht up on Mist elon ( f U ding i

quintit> of siifctr »ni Hour iront idrt>, tho p ojtrt)

of Mr John Wool It ip.cirs tint tht \ Is »nor w is

rnrrying -\ load of^onjt up to ti u lim Iii Iii,,.! K» ' i

the proseen t ir, ml tluou-Ji s mt ace lent lud n t dt

Ht ere I thom as d I rec ti d Iroin thu u mt ui direct ro n

munleatlon with tho AJKII, Mr \\ * d lu« n ti» ena!

vised of tvh-tt his bee mo ( f tho lou!, theie

scorns Httlt reason to doubt I ut that the -, i »Is will bo

i foin ti Co hit -t- ii further rein unlul fur scuntlj-),, ?. d

ST. 1'iTiiIcs'ä SOCIBTV -Last oscnliig an adjourn--,

mooting or the SI I'nl-lik'a h.ielely u n held at Mr

DowliiiK'a farmer»' lietel, Little Collins »trod, I d.nui,,

11, n, Usq , I'rislditit, In thu clialr. i lio ol J.. ' of the

nicotine, ssusfor the admission of nioiubirs, the cm,i

pletlngthonrraiii!--mcnlsrilathiirto thourrltal tf »li

Clinics Hollian., and other geniral business The foi

Inning ness mouib-Ts ssero dul> ndmlited -"sir. Joh.

(labet,associate¡ Messrs John Ullin, Mleli-fclOIlrlcn

John Hackett, John 'liiohcy, Diniol »lillie, Eilmu u

I Inn, Jun., John, Janie», Mid Patrick I'll.iel., I'atrlcl

Malone), James Graham, John Donohue, and Ihoiu.t.

Campbell i the last light lueuibirs ssero juvoiiilos

Messrs Daniel OO.tmoll, Malachi Coley, '(lloma*

Ilroiinan, Tliomn» I'oloy, Cutrlclt lleirtlon, John Hoar,

don, Jun , Hubert Ha} el, And civ Ityau, l'atrlck It) an,

jua., Wellard I'ethan, and Mlolinet Costello, also Mr

Michael Konncdy, a'socla'o. Mr. Byrnes announce.:

(hat tho banner« ot Hie St. l'atrlck'« Society which it iros

intended to bo carried by Uinn ssero In perfect nrJer

anti would ho ready at a moment'« notice, [t iras un.

dcrsto id that tho srorklng cmunlttco hail mado every

nrrango-notit, and that tlielr Intentions could bo carriel

out tho follow In,; morning-; all they required sr is thal

tho Irishmen »lioul 1 muller as strong us poss hie to di

honor to tl.o nr-caslon Upon a hates cr d t) Sir Charlo;

llolhnin arrived they would meet upon tho osoiilng ol

that day, and tulki tho final arrangements Un Ilu

tollowlng inon,lii"- liny svoutd moil upon the groi.n.

close to (ha Supremo Oojrt-Ilouse, near Hu corner o:

llussell-strcot In Iho meanlimo the meeline stoat1

adjourned until Thursday ci'i.iing nt half paît ses cr

Till* HiFt.3 Ccm s -The secretary to tho coiimlttot

npj-olntetl at tho recent publlo mo ting to carry out tin

.o.tatilisliincntofarillo corps in Melbourne, his com.

munlcated with the (lui crûment and received a favori,

bio reply io the proposal 'J (ia Government will eu.

gago to suppl) Hie requisite ti M-mastcrs for tcachlui

tl.s recruit, their duties freo of eos'. Tho Lieutenant

dtivoruorl» Ioho the chief of the ourpi. Ilst-ry porsoi,

dtairou» of joiuip-| must pus au examination nt Hit

liamlsofHIs Wuraiilp ti o Mtyor. The corpi Is toiled

itiownoflliorj, subject to tho appro! ni ufllto Cos em

O IUSSÏ-S-S-EU.-The following per ons w 're ) ci cr lay

fined 2tli etch by'the Ma)or for drunkouues« -Jue,

Colter, Ollboit M'AlpIno, Win. Arlhttr, Jno. ltjan

l'atrlck llourko, Gcor^o Irwin, Itobt-rt, lHrvlav, Win.

H.ultli, Hainuol Kcls-ory, Wllllum Altimore, Catliarlui

Dixon Joslih "Malm, Win. It)on, Qeorgo Ila l,U'«rct

Pearce, Dennis Hantz, Kubin Hood, Jos, D-mnel ).

Wellard IVhlte, Daniel lloyd, William M'Koi.ilc, Wray, Daulcl btewart, (loorgo Johnson, Jainu

Aiken, Dunno Oreen, ttnbcrt Du n, oiii>'«i"ill aj. (lunn.

David Maines, Jos. Davit, William llyan, tsero Haiti

SU'IB-TI-D I'RUOIIU-) ov TUB Cnoira.-?At tho City

Court je.tertliy mulei Horrigan sim chapel willi

being n prisoner of (bo Crown from Van DIcuicii's Land,

and isas rem in iod ti.l Is morrow. William Dickinson

sr.ts brought up on «usplelon of Lol..g a runaway

prisoner of Uto Crown, und was remanded for «oven

Ciitj.iTV TO i Iloam.-James Stotrirt wai charcod

before lite Mayor yesterday willi cruelty to a horse.

Ile had Hu! a cult In his chargo so closely to thu tail

of a cart, that Ita no o was svllt.l.i a f.w inch« sol the

cart-ishcrl, and consequently th-innsoaiitl .limlderinl

the coll were iliafetl, (ordmug It In a cruel manner,

The prisoner, it bo, it npiuircd, liad bein ilrlukligal

Hie t nu, stiS tl'st-il 2Ua.

I'uoiusss op OAST*.. MiiVK-Xotli'n-: can ha a more

satisfactory Indication of pro"rs-»s thin tho on-titty

evinced b- tl.o vari in. bankin-; establishments to pro

euro ululilo licsUlK-s in tlio luwnshlp Wo have

already had to call attention to Iho Hanks of Ne«'Mouth

Walts nnd Victo, la nnd?to tho i r.sgrcss ihey oro makin,!

In public (-»(Imat'oii. This week we hnso (o auitomice

the establishment t.f a braneli of the 11 ink of Austral-

asia, who hase purchased a pkee of land In Musty II.

»Ir.ct, basing 3J feet f nudge, and 73 feet In depth, fur

tho «um or ü'J.SOi). This »Urn t f the li mo j has led

»onie lo limgluo that the «go ol storukee >o a has pissed

army, and that Hint of bviltors, ns veil as publicans,

lins just begun.-.Vo'irtr^ll-.randtr .1/iil/.

CIST,..:-! u-tK lucks -Thcio Ion* In kotl far events

caine oh" during the liait neck with tho "-reston «lar

I'ne racing sr.» good, tho horse« «ero'I* the li'ghos

ettii, and no serious ucohlen's oeourr.s.1 lo mar tin i lea

«ure of tho osont. Castlemaine, on Hils occasion, has

tome out most munlllccnlly, and the tx»t nters oser

held In Vitarla, Melbourne alone cjcctntcl, lus-a been

t ie resu't. \V.. wci e for some time afraid that Uondl^o.

was really to have the laugh a us tills j cart but, thank«

to Die publie spirit of a few, and to a Hu ral resp mse ,...

the part of our public, the races have co no olT ni ,st

brillia ,11),and m >st'.lu prk» liase b:oti gallantly

0 mutisl for. Wo oro also happy lo find that, in bring.

1- g then, about, nfllJali nu I townsmen l»t*i hear-

tily J lined In Inmost rivalry, and all part/ sp rlt las«

'tien thrown asido In Hie limiter. To Mr. Cüintiilssluntr

Nn> lor, sve believe, btlo-gs the ateateat meed if praise,

by his energy lu collecting tho, and tho

p rfict factotum ho lins made lil...self in Retting lliem

np. Messrs. Allan, Smith, and others als.leen

li.dtfaUgabl* lu their cxorllous In the causo -J/ouni

Brnuya, Gouts rnosi Tn* Wwnr.-A oiy, «bout

fourteen tears of ago, namoi Jalma llalni, «ni

chsrcei by Mr. Js'ecdluui a lili «tcnlln¿ corks from tho

IVI-aif. Tin boy laid that tho corks were scnttenit

aboitthe Wlia-f, omi tin ho ssa« (old (hat he uiLht

pick thom up Ho had collected about tuelio gross of

corks, svhlct I o li d otfcreil for « cliili'icnpuico a

trross to Mr. Keediran, who RIM IIIIU In thargo. Ills af cr reprimanding tho lad, til charred Ulm.

Auoirixu uis linns, TO nut 4.»as.-I'll, nss lauer

srn clnrgsSl t tlio City tourt j iHcriay ssltli all using

lils I one lo um ustu> lu Hie s'rce'i and waa li ,.l lu .

UMiv. - At (ho City (omi yeittislty Will mu

Mnvia'l was trouiJ.t up for lunn) nu' ,!l»,hariU -

1 lumms lttihorls is is disraeli » lilt tutu,; of uu amid

mind, uni rcmai dod fir Hint, ila)« L-r nu Heal tri it.

Iii" ig» m TUL lïi umso Ar r -A c up'dut va* ro

et utî> 1 lUul it ht, Lit\ Court bj tho Jiul dltij,' Mir

ujir, ni.alii^t the Knlimilnr mid OrltuLU vOiii¡iii)(

Ii.rni Inîil'iK-Jinu.t of tho ll,illiHn" Ut lin fat s »I

tho caso ai poaml lu Momla\ h Aiyus lt»t nh\ tim

tlio 1, Um I lt\ Ilomli iho IKILIHU

set up «ri, ttiat tho builttlii . lu ootino i f < nttl di f r

tholuilnsularaud Orlcii*al Loiui«ii) ulll I miu tho

[iri>iui> of (loM'inmuit, mi 1 tint (l urriiu ut bulli

inps nct-d not bo omUed In t »tnpllimo »Uli thi pro

UnioiiaofthoHullaluK' Aot IJmiltn of land ouu, Ici I

b> thu Couti in> U laïuil from tim (ïoiernuimt utidir

»Krounont that crUtu bill Hi ci au ti bj crat-d

Jlmllcutb ihiddtl for tho tompUItaiit, aid Cut J dt

fon il an U XU oí , M1 li tu i Ri J taas cots

MiratviMk - Oi» Snturdi^ tho Mttlntf iiiftxlslntu

nt tho City roi loo Court wtrt ottm le I fur a »burt Um

lu their print« room, In dtsjoiln^ of tin com| taint i f

airih JIutchliKou oi;abntlit,i hutuud^olm Uutch.uv.iu,

vi o kocpi i publh houso at Ci llIuhwood A dh*,rto

meut bivi UK itOau t hieo I it t wot i tho hmbat d an I ul »,

Iturii rt&uluJ thu Ibero ¡.lu utd boa tj mitha, ml

JIiJ IIiitchlnEonchdmclniuir. r for uuluUmm-i It

wan uMlumkl) agreed that aim fcUoul I bo ullj\ud ¿I

T,.crT|siei t Hoiii| IN i Dun iv sin sriiiiTs-At U o

Citj tutiit ytslinlij,0 S. IIJII ii sens ibu, ed

tutli tr itllii/; a hurto ilrtit-lng a ctr! lu tho streets, .uni

». Minn uiv I ii ii nu.-Oin of tho I0"i ic-luu it,

n-uiii-il.'uhii I'rit/'lct, « u hriuifjil tho Mt) i

jo,Iel Uj, mil r tho follín Hie- siuplo uns rlicuiu

st .neu -Mi lie-ir.'u Lee, o. I, V .Illili'

iro.l, «.'s tlls'urbe I nt about Hires nulu. k on ftliltt

nu.nibil,' li/ u ii'ilso lu hit humo, urti ou rfuliiif lut. Iho

r AJIII «lis o Itoriujiiatoal, ho st tr a min st t elluir in tr

tho wintlow mitti to Mcelnir Mr u,>i re. e ., tu.,

s-rauj'u nu.lo oil On n bed lu the roint v. ut f. tiuel .i

.ohllil'sctp,uni near tho wluduivn »V'olll

J hu h it ami iJOt vterotakon I.Iho pil 11 still 11, a ul

bj meant or Huui lim prl.imer «at lileiilllle.l

hi o-i out on leftw on tho ulnht lu i|tie. titi,it llteviti'

q-t.t vory dri!iil.1anil bolii^tn lit-li|ei hu i i i lnr

rioksjn lui eiitliivorol tu Unlit lodhlnil ut Vi lees

liuuso. As II itlii oitfu hinl been ilouo I ) lb III tur,

and n ifraej lulen! tal nilón i it II bo irivel. Ills VV r

Ililli ?Ils.h.r.wl ni'i i.-i ill m

PVTAI As-, mi st - Un lilli m, ii

vvuik hull Hu.' a tel,', tel <i .l.ll"'ai li I II I t I » II I

from a ptrtnl tilt) rrtuionnl iriiio lils o ik I) el!, . i,

Inslanteiiioous Dr. I'luniiii r « is M .II HI III I.I »!

unco, lui llio viss ext'iie 1 Inn h . n rlu I On'-iiir

ti ty nu bl pu st «it held ii| II Hie bul) ul th« ?> lip Inn,

b.nilrl if, I J D. Von!, II t \i Hil . t it) t mar, an I .

Viusllit lu n .-.Ituiii «llh Iii) nts »is el,

lilli),,!), "'Hint tho .1... i .1 .11 1 I. ill d' I II ill MI ni

Ilion til, lui II,-,,! nu j.» m I utill) ullin tiro,i thu

trimcn.i'tofii lent mi «billi lu at ti ti wild

Vii usrs-lohn Hums nntl 1.1« ti 11.1 .lunn, Ino

ver) leiuiíh lo KliiK uusl nun i, m i Inoindil up lief m

th-Mijoi jotltulii) ihn/ I «lill l i rrnlli t. \ n til. J

pimnlied hi ir,l »auk Imiiicdliitiily Ills »Vor.lilp di»

i It i wnl Ihnn «lib a tiiutl it.-U.e ri i

tit uni oinietst und hil.!)' it titi mt, witt lint 1 IO. - I Un

Siillliiiii.tlianidttlili li hut ii > iKniit, is-»" lim 1 :u -

.1 .lui 1!.nth, «'io «¡is hroiiKhl up fir v.i.-i in. ), .111 mt

i| | ear pt leellt s tue, nu I « is t'urol .r. uu in.'. 1 fir

s v.n .It). Muu"-o I'irk mil I'l'ilo* îlulnr «no

thirrd «lib iir-riuo), n-id ellie lim,¡e t all i IKIUIÍ

t mil nuil I.) Iho Maj i.

Mr« mil Wo III nu«! Tin (Uti (Vui rim III'IUJ

(um!, if.r.1 II is broil) hi up hotji., Mr. Henri, li,. 1-t.ll «

M 11,'lit.iilt, suit, .sliij ,cluti ti with ,t,jll". st"uj t," ,t

Ilu« Old Ingi'i nuil luipp hmas suv

lui! 1,11 ii ntl hi, ,r s ii.iu , I,, « "| is "t.1 » 1,1. , had I. n

tilt,i finn thu »pit As It st is nil pr. ltd ulm hid

I ileu Hie »on I imi l til» temi li t) lins ni ill*.t*li ir«.. 1,

Illili I. r ('nur - Vu fn;-Il fut, M ililli* 1'ilie,', lioi M ,"Lirai-, uni (his. \ n ultim, I. ii ,

II' -t'/iiw f" tall« j /',.,/ 'ii /Vi I> l.h'il'h id

ivas l,r m ¡hi up I,, I. np.i i). ,ii,l,t ,h,u, I «mi At .1

!,!". pul uf n I n a. Iii nts Hu I C1, ml (.1, I'"

mill" of lim n «si II,'. I, i'M, -|,n « | lu1 uni

Iii uri' .limns «t « l> i . .lu I i, iliul lu HI Hull ii:

lan, I., us, Ibu nil, "I II,, I,' . r, lui II,, tt ,s

lim»! UK fu th.. lil lu hul Idol in th i ussati i -

limn«, .Innis »i,l, mud ,,s, i hi,, ,|il" (.tim, ," 11" ,

»lllKllUcI ti« vu li, lu hi,plh,p te til-sa, I» his nil

/, t stn ¡Iii «I'IIII li H (',,.«.» ni',",»..M - Mu

I ...Igilll »at »minn,mt«! lif Hllnutl All '.. lil' It.

fuslnit I.» «IM the n u»stt> 1.,1' II ii.itiln I f i

likluii thu Pen»..« hi lliemil. i.tiiiuerattir, ll.i«iliat ¿«

»a« pn.vetl, lind the ilKfuiidsttit mis .Illulia, Nullo« "f

nppetl agitl.ii, tlio Js",l)lu.i or tlio tittiijlilnilei * n ilsm

Inn WIT DOCK.- Vila pissing liiroutrli tlio hinds ol

tvounfurtu*-nto colin to-"), «ho «ero obi! rill ulan

tloi lb uiiderliuluj llio Wit Do k nt thefoot f

isp i cor »tr ct, noir Halium s lilli Is again ttlni,'

«oilteel e ul »I li s uno p o peel uf sue s bj Messrs

lurncr nu! 1 irtl llio p r- eut conlrie'on -cem !o bo

nitii of skill, eurer), nnel tosnic s-tho tinco cr it

clemonts mel csscutlils of ellleleiit ciittrprlso lhej

hive ifot a toiltblo encino ot t!c,ht h< isc pittei in

o| frnilim, noikiiiL, n tot uy or coniriinc,iil pump,vi li

«Illili UKI) arc In a fall is i) c1 tmptjlni; t io lu In i f

Iholiiiliicisomissof «at r hu ni- munis id In it

suco It «as list alando e-1 11 eso pi ahlo engins

nie appHiab c t. avnrletv i f pilrposts, anil an iputo it

tcituoln llio pru"rcss 11 Iniiiove 1 mel solenllllc eui r

priso lu Hill lillony It Is reek ned lb it tills porti 111 >

elimine eau Ihro v up tibnt turu) tons < 1 vtotci per

minuti; As soon us Hie Insln Is e nptlttl i sli,,il"

t reo vslll bo pit on lo cuint tu thu lcpiate!

nmoiiutoi usctvnilon, nuil I rib«lth the sid shei Illili;, I

p lu tlrlvlue!, au I tro t pi tlf. rm «I I bo couti h le-d vtlilt

the utluo.t (tssltilu tlcsp Ich lluio Is it peitteilul

sttitlil l ile din lut; Inte hine lit tolled totlio tit rks, tv Illili

I erloitu. Its illltj «lill itmi/lun- ripleli j mel turee

lhere ire some st\ or »oven tlwimnil yunis ot < te tv v.

tbin yet to h p if nuce!, onu hundreel and ni ttv live

liles! > be driven, beside» bein lug al) 111 sli'tlnc, I v l

tnoulv two leo'. | lillian l, Is 11 siltr.llini! the

basin lilli! f ni 11s vvliitluro 1 hero Is nlso lo be mule

borneen Iho folleo ol' tho I', mid O S. N. C mpvij's

«h.iifaud tlie-l>«ny ol 11"! fo t »li!.-, vst.ich

is i, 1,0 m ici.uni,eil, mid mil ftiiiu a u ntlnu itluu ol

S, iirn.s i tel, of« hieb thirty lee-t of tho centre Is Ulmj

laiiuiid und piiehitl doit u to ttic- jil ction with 1 linders

s ,eet Hu t'io «est shlo uf the- do.-lt tl.e-ro Is a rl"-lit ol

«ay of iihiiul I. riy to ft-ty leet «Ide tieteteen Hu basin

.nut HID stouo s'uu^litcr.boti e, «li't-h siouis toboi|ullo

.m olisli i.c.c.i ¡n tho «.ty ol traillo, vvhero ve-h.irl.i-.o

.ttCJll.lliiHl.itl.ill Is bil lunch rteililrtd. 'Ibis duck, It Is

cvpreli-ii, «Il bo imishul wlHilu tito iiionlhs, ann fso,

it «lil bo ctcd.lablo tu Hie c-t utructoi s. mid uf trreat sei*.


by Mr. Winterbottom, on the 8th Instant, for the benefit

of the Building Fund of the above institution, was most

respectably attended. His Excellency the Acting

Lieutenant-Governor and his lady honored the com-

pany with their presence. Miss Hamilton was in excel-

lent voice, and Mr. Winterbottom elicited great ap-

plause, as did also Mr. Crook, on of the first inhabi-

tants of Prahran, and one to whom Prahran is much in-

debted, for his great exertions to promote its onward

progress. He sang the "Old Arm Chair" with much

feeling and taste. There not being a suitable room

large enough in Prahran, a great many were disap-

pointed, as there was not even standing room to be ob-

tained. But we hope it will have the good effect of

stirring up the inhabitants to support and insitution

which not only provides amusement, but would

also provide a suitable place for it. The spirited pro-

I rlctor of Hi j room ilia tlio concert was held desert is

the svarinoitlliaiiksof Uni tommimlt) fortho ic.dlicks

svlth willoh bo giio ino n<>. of tho loom, and the io

«I o ta'-lo stay In sslilch (ho eoncerl ssa, cuniiictcil, but

wo imderstind that It Is cul) In accordance «a,Hi Hu

liberal spirit ho dlspla)« to turds cicry Improvement

lim CnmJel--Wo nrp credibly lnf ruled that

lhere oro sesera! Chinamen un these diggings tslio

constantl) In Hu'r iinplo^iiiunt Irum Hit) to klxl) o

Hielr country men. 1 lioso gent omen aro to ha distill

gulshcd from tlio (tims hy their odopllo i of «III tri

l.uro-irau dresses uni, whoihcr I. nrlici Hi»

tllffirinoj of enstuni', a longer InlercruisO suth

I'uropcaus, or from nit.irnl cuergs, thoy euit lils

appoar to piissot« it much greater iimoiint of mtltl!)

and aoliiintlou than I» usually t bscrv"blo In t'.o ( lil io c

wo has o among tis Utera i re great tiunibor-i nt p-c

scut on UCIUIIRO, to which fresh anlsnls ueirlycsi.)

tliy aro iidditi), consi.lerulil)- The) aro otto llrgls

p-tsov ringastlibhCls, UIOUK'I svo lidíese Hu) cull u

tlielusclsei I loot illili) o tho old lsurk IlfeS - j

A Olio up (I.umin] CIITUIIPII-On S-n'.u la)

I [ghi, bctaeou clrfht und niño o el. el fcergctt. lu t

ming, of tho Dcciilto I, ico, uceom.iiiilui h) de te

lise» l'aies and s\ lltlanis, entelo 1 a sell Ht t. s i lion c

In Little lloui kc-Hreer, ki, t by 1 boin is 1 <. t, mu

apprehended Hie pixiprlo or, ssltli tss » other (its us

uauicd Iiinry Oreen nutt «*ol in in \.it in ( ft ds . ti

money to the itm-iutit o! £10, ssero oi I1 c (tile mue

tinto The nott m ruin,! Hie) sie-o all Hu« Iroutht

uptecire tie Mtt)or. Hoacli ssa» ihari,cl tsith bel i

(he kcciierof it Rambling ..ouse, mid (ho t vo uilt r | rl

sonci« willi freiiuciitlug lito house Creen ssivtstel

knnanli tho ifilteoaitho iiiui),anlon t re-u edlbicsc

ItoacU dill not deny Uial lie kept a biiratcllo ho ir t lu lils

house rjoloman Nathan was (In ti .us Hum

nut! Thomas llotc«, ssero lined ¿S etch, or In di lu't lo

be Imprisoned for one month, ills Worship ciu I II I

Uicmthatit u:ou0ht up bofjrolilin again th--) avoid Ibu

moro »utcrol/ dealt with tho mono) found lu ho

house tra» ordern! to bo f rfclttd On Hie constab'o

approaeh na*tho door, n «igual ssaagiitrn by .mo ot the

Rambler« and a doren lu. ii rill nut uf 'hu house, and

ina lo off as fn tai the) co jill Had Ho Rennt Cumming

be, n nsrare of the number nf -mmlilirs »lav li ni o mg c

gatctl In the placo, ho would luvo care to hase

pr uhled lil usolf willi culllcli ut assista acó tu liase cap

iM^usii-a lim Wirf! -William "".Hand was nrnstctl

on »arran!, an I brouc,ht up at the eily Court yoiter

tlav, charged stlth 111 trc tlln»r lils svlfo Hosta*sevirrly

r.prlinandid b) the Mayor, but lils sHleuutu luatiii,/

again»! lil i. ho »a« ilinlmrgctl.

Coal. Dndr mu 1turm i IIUAII?-Amini Iho pub

Ho« and Improvi mellis constructed hy

prit ate- cnterprlto on Hie liai l.s of the Yarra, Is Iho

Coal De| 4 a d Hhlpplnj li hnrf trcotctl by Messrs

I) s Hu an 11 raivf.inl, at tho lulls, mi tlio toi t*i aide t.r

tie tiver. Heron commodious pier I» r n out Imme-

diate!) bolow the falls, for landing a*ul »lilppligo al«,

so that the Interior consumí ti in nt the eil), as well a»

Iho »upi ty of »teamen, can easily bs accommodated

at Hu istciulro depot ctabli-hcd lu connexion -nit i

ihls wharf Abase the lalla tv lateral |ltr mm nloni

tho «onUi bank of the riser, nr the co iionieii-o of

ltxulliiif Unala lor tlio Upper a air» Iradi'| tanti ra Is uro

billig laid for Iho more cas) nnd txrodltlous loading

and discharging of mscli ot Hie coal depot. A Jargo

«ilpily of oial will always bo accumulating beroi and

the urra [.ementa made »eem anml alii) n.l pled to

. lion! facilities for the trafilo In co.l, and fur Iho more

nttular and oom cul, lil-siippl-, of the publlo

t>r Kum MIITUÍI UeiariT Iltn-uixo avri INSIST

«I vr goa .TY -A i Ujllo meeting svos rece Hy lu 1.1 al

the Juno loa Ilot-I, «at Kilda, ul which Dr. Orioles

M.r. C (ireslJo-i, furlliapn pec of orgtullinga B iloly

f r the purpo'os nnd urdcr Hie Hilo Indicated lu the

heading of this article Mr Irclanl mosttl t..o fulto-v

Itig nuoluHon, ali _'i Hut i society be r.nnril, to be

o Ile,! tho bt Kilda Mutual lltnLflt Hu.lJloganil Inset

instit Bocloty.' A commltt o was funned for (ho | u -

pose of framing rule« lo ba laid before a goieril in ct

Ingot- Iho »luroholilori, on Monda), 10th ln>t, at III.

?luucUoti HutoJ, bl. Kilda, at half-past «oven odo It

pin,when hamra a*ti «ulHcrlpHons will bo rcciivol

and oinceJiearer« for Uio ensuing year chosen.

Viotonu AIUJIIKTIIR Srovrj Cojti'a-s-r -A inoctlng

of the »hartholder« of this onn.iuny took placo >(a

l>rslay at Adams'« r.iprej« fjlliie, (olllos street. Mr

Mlchio, the Hani,to,*, In Iho chair His al'orrd that

the «tono iiiinuiaotured by Hil« compnn) Usupoilor to

I'm ilneit Yorkshire «tono, Inasmuch a« being sold or

«Intlllcailon It wlll,uot wi or Into holoi. Slain als« can

tie nm lo from one to ten or fifteen feet squat o, anti of any

tlil-kneu. It Is nho a Imlmbly adapted fir »Ubloj.halli,

«oatra-c, and r-wiuont cintera Overtures uio bel ig

in i lo by Hi I entupa ) to the M< Iboiirno Co p ration to Hie struts i,f Hu Cits, au I al eui) h i« | al-n.ii.-in>

been I,id down extending tr< m Clilli» t.otieatl to

Milla Ct lill s strut, linn gb 1 ll/a'.cth st ed iy

luvo »ron i uni If, "f this st mo au 1 is|hnl e coutp.

sillín, an! »en Ihn n ^cimll) ti tul bs II o ill,,

»toro r f Hu Met .. lu It ma, tluo I miipaiis Is ci rtnlnis

the It » Intlainnuible. \ co im'tt o ot ,1 nr liol 1er ti is

api.ihileil ,t fils mc t », tot st I u ilnra'lilts it tho

st ne , 1 u , uni rsi, ,| this were t" brine, up Hull

IA I IIIKI, lit H - »mon- Iho o bor i eve'li s nf

mu ».oil hillls the erie t in t f one . r tis., tp>l

and nun n,.11 i.s lum i ! Invln"' cn Hum tlio usiivl

iipplli-vl >n f r Utilises tai mt eil vsiues nnd splrils

Pallias uu-uesl lu it sluilll li i,lo i i the tmnsbip

ciuisljcr Hut Iti-J ure unlilrlj trci lr 1, limniuc as

t.itj It tel to s i K hriro cipluil In tho pun luso e I lind

alni the er.etl II ei** suit»! lo ptemls s b.firc «neil i

pi lilli,-c «us i lion es1 le. Hie in li« tevrr It uiiv milli lit

n-rnlnst prit tto Interest!, or lint ot tho tonns'ilp, 11

«III bo a l.ion to Iho dlL,-i,'crs, «ho, If Huso

h uses aro llccitsc-tl, will havo nnalnlli rul-d articles

»upi llesl to thom, ni ii i rope r r< ¿ni itl u * strict!)

tufirted bj tho p lic-0 Ibu Im s here-, nil"

tiru u it- .nu prlnelpil purcbistis ot ernld, aro about

lu tUlt it 1'rlv.tti 1 se rl Lulu) s ). 1 ho up rill ns u[

lids esco t uro n it at prusont, 1 Inllovc, to luelmlo

muco ti nu fioin boro ti l.ul ii , tliiuie,h ulllinilelj

olhor Ib.ils uro to h i-,a lis ht mils este dut lo Hiern

Hy lids i!iriiirttuiitit, Avoca nnv nt 1 ilpili como In I ir

a sharn ol Justit«, it Ibis place, mil) sun,o lot I)

ullin, fr mi lu it-, i II st iii nt li nil 1.117s ti 11 Us

Ol .«hilo hero lu ni X1 lo ti Us Hat Is tho u mil trleo

Ibu roll Ir.lil Avon b-ri Is uno) IT Iho lu st In Hie

t iloli), so Hi it uti Hi.t M io llio (,,Minni,nt linio to

osrutso fi llio lu^util tlretil'oiis aid tvpenslve

r Uli-, Av ti Is .1 II) ut i u-iluk* nu ) "I

our diréis, .-Milli hu ilruli hut) lilt lor

thro «III,In iho lit «eil ibu iiceeiiiuts

iro te ii illili i f ibl|.blt lit nhl nitili.,lul uliill

h-In lu st ..I II .1,1 h l lui ill,ni lu utiv m .» i,

I i i i li I iiiijou «lill lu luierttlutj Uni i'lunn is

s u mi ut | it» ut lo.v ii,- hu. h s s ii is v. nu h I

li h. u uni s ill .uiiiin I i,nisi) i um r si I uti

Un,) ni. II s,») lui u l'ut MUÍ v , .1 ol Innis our

lliell.le II li Jill I »111 lill I II »V II, lill) li It

dill, fio l')ll l< »HU lui» li the- I"'Mo;: lu but

It li lisrtll) llkil) Hu! mu nil ill) us «PI lui

a i) -um tho km« «lut "lulus in, mil,

del l. I lit /"i I . « ill ino I in Ib I I tl|i) ]i it

| .Illili li n ililli, lim (lill -stIII li t lill VS.

i »i ib i i «ill «llh ut Ibu she] h nil, i ho In Hie

III 0, I I I I I li li i Hill «I es1 thin,- ti, s a ulai nt , a 'l

t,Ae,). I k a .is soil!) i I I iel» tsli i li iv . I ilisls

mimili .- .ne liol -lu h i llu¡ , i III Isiulla.rtv I t

lil. Ml this linn Hi v lu li I mit h n

m 11,111 u t ilil , I ul ni lu ill) si dil l run i mi li r

U lb I ne til III ni ml I e i )i li ii I li I I'll ol

i II- 11 nt .>h r -Mi, t'i m Is ii i ii u I it I i it

II,lln, t i 111 Inld Hi u .j «illi II. bl.i

II. in I i «ul I ti t but - n.I. el Hi milln i,

bit Hut s , ma v hil nppii u I) lu

h' Ile i hu I m u t t Ms ot rl.l . nil II.

«. k nu i-ii) I > Hi pin .. I ni ol tun i nil urj

vhll, II tv. ..liar itml «.vi. n. slid

! .luv. uiih Hi lr ipp u i u, ia,l ., lu « l, I, it lu

c li i ni u eess Iho plln, ion I ihn mini m SIM

¡I!. I, hit ) lu ."lined Hu i ir'l s nuil mu .HI,

lu,-"II. Hu vu ill! r Is .l.j, nu I. tleilv u, I linn,

»ml i ni our ollrl nt li. | loll) r bit din

I ? It i.liieo.ur lim s._ m bi,n O.r'oi/ li ititi

Maivr Al MMuii .'lill -Ibu ISH.U. .u Hi Ililli

Instituí h is tlio I II iwlna, munumi min' -"li, i.nse,

.|i.iuo ni Hu Var) lit,, ililli mid llittoilii-i u 1 linn

tllU J...UM ti lltS lil t lill .li IIS I Ills, t, n !,|, l,|U Mil,

st i lb is inn. um ni ii to i iiuiiih r llial «i ii intciir In

milli t; Hw . -ti n \pui on' pr i Im Ihm, tu hive o..ich

I Ira,in. In r milln - lli" i, nil,, nimio ut our blub, an I

ha* re la.tully lo lui i u Hie i ibllc- Km nil) Uni

ne vi «eel .u pip i « II In il u lib 1, muldu, It,,|ll ii,

lu siro, I .11.. Ijr, i,t liiiriul 1 iMIshul lu Vii lui li'

i isriiuiis. (mm ti ('mr Mr. lusll o lltuj

oirlvi inn ti, Jin Instant, is itisl I j Ibu mliliiij, nu I

initial II.) Ih<v I II.VI, Ititi s if Hiuillslilii lill

rirl i sin 11 1 lu f ul ii Mi Mm I 111» li ti, Hi

I'llu iiil lUIn In «Illili Hi I nue' luipi It» Al

lu-i t ',nulli, m 1 . tlier (; Ml i II I f ino ll,ir Inti

lik, I up II .lr lah «lo (In Mr lu I eillinj nrrlvli -

it H I imp Ibis in milln Hi | I hinein nés it d

nuns, mil I'n v ul ut .ni lils uti ml si bin ti Hu

t irl th I lilli s.f ithl h I i iiioltn ti) t iiinunii I

tin t 0 oin Is u t i ill) lu ivj this I nu Iho A>

tun) li Is ubi Hu tim |iis e il on m b lull

, fit,, l , ,.io lit kin lit iiinlsel tint n i ulm m i

. Iii liy slim'I li lim I, In riinii.iu mu (Hi

«I'll li ii flinn lln A Hi.' ( hkf ,11 Ile -1 is

luv I I 11 | ip i Hi I.|OI luir el Iho e um till it,

I ill nt lui li ilit jin Ut pi lulim; dut) 11 ilia

su »..lull». I I li.,' >>. uni Hi I uti IVIS, lb run

u|. u tlultlilboisinilliiiualtll-l.-Ui uni All i ml.iUil

I rsl AMIINIM t. - At Mi» usiiil«ttkl|t mo Him til

the Mi lb min.) lulu! A! stimme» «Pohl), tu bo luid al

Hi» loiup iimco Hull, llgtMll stud, Hila t-uulotf i it

I.olios, «ill l\ Ulan I) tht.Jltv.Mr. '.hitit»/, bon) Van

A- tUI INI! I It In l I I c 0 - .1 »c,...U r

Humor tv s Hitnini ned 11 ippeir it* the ( Hy 1'ollco

Curt j a tci.ltj nu u iiiinlttlni,' in IM mit on Mr It.

II nits, mm m the t'U . ollie' itf lt'n| pi trsthnt Mr.

Helios cull ti on Mr lluiilci lor layimut of n uto,

mi J, m eting iTllh n rt'u .1, ho su tniinsslstnnl to pro

euro n ti uck to illsti .lu tho f rulti i-c, «hircuinn Dr.

Hunter sol/eel hole! of Mr líenles and liiiulled bim

rilhei r uglily When llio cuso vi is cilleel ti), Dr.

Hu iler ill 1 ne t nppeir, nul va .irmtwtis urtlereil to

Issue fur hisnpprcbcusleui.

I Dm vi, AMI MuoiuiMin - Al llio Clio Cemi t jeste r

d ij t lu lollovtlut, persons « t c hi )u,hl up lo- elise ubi ly

endue ni Ibu | ni,In, strtets 1 bom ti S nilli, lor

KCIHIIR di uni mid cresting a tllstml men it nlcjit on

l-rnccj Hrld(,e, «us lined 40s -It hu «llll.m, foi

.bunkun ess a. ii Indécence, « is Hu el I s - I' hu I linn,

fordriinkuiiucsi and liiiltccntj, « is li . i

loL,, for ii sholl ir olluiu, vi is hnesl .tis-Sar ill

Co\,hioiit,htup leir elinnl, muss mil ills i l.ilj eon

duct, «as et M li u ed with i t tuti m - Htniuel (luyen,

chire,'eil «Uli ho ni, dim Itniiil iish - bici-no hu uni-e,

ulmus out nu lull, did mil UM tr He b II was

ord r el t. bi fultlt ii-AltM ti i M'Dotinll «us

illili,«! «Uli iltstuiMiii, lhe> price Hu! ililbeuii locked

ti| slneo -siiuidij, mil Mr btnit cou I le line: Hut bo

lud alteilj umltiir ificsiillltlcn i utiislttiicut,iil chirfeeel

Ait-ivuiT - lruloilck llevlv vm ctanipltliol up; lust

al the OHj ( oiirt st tt .l.v tor issnililnir Ilumins

llj in li mp neilin llio i mpl tin mt and tkrculilit

nu against each «Hier lu the flint, mil Itjnn Innno

dlaitl) sepi n eel np lo Ibu d lot ii mt, vv io sti uelt bim In

Uio I no Hetlj «is line I lill

tOUVUTriMl V Nlwt-ail III I lot ST ftsil lbClltUe*H.

-Ailinn niinttl lu nos Ko« «is luoui,'lit up nt tho

tltv I unit je tu li) I ir tihiiiiiltllii), a i ulsinca closo

to bl bluies s f mu el, nt ubi ut f mr o cluck on Humbly

aft moon Ho iviu, nut I .lu

SAllliiTll DuMlitri N-Ills Wi.r.blnlliii Iivnroh

scrslni* niiiniiuim imp ni) iif|t sunns In

Hie Cit) Coillt tlnri,c,l willi ilrunlu linns Jisu.liy

inornliiR, « lid Hi t isnusloflhcni ituedi.mlt, n'ay,

I., "II cases sth re it c mill be i n tel Hi ,t Hie di uni mil

bud been piuslonsl) incilsUils I. r Hu Mino nil. uri, in

sliocld lnllli tnlio.s) pnnlshinci t I, ill, mi I urns ho

ordt.ed io b3 «-nt tt. i. ted f r two months. li.l.n l ol.

lliigittuil and Mariant I.) m m wuo suit lu Raul for

.Ui.wiiMlivr I'IIIST. its' I Mis li-On Sitnnlii) Just

(ho campo Hors-, p.. Minn, mid othes, e ic'-iia t in tho I'llutii g< 'tin sputascijil mut after

noon at Hay V le» 11 tt I, Itnisl.'i n Mein.) mention

lint ut hume It Is the ei tun <«t tim ?» i"s. biil lu lll°

pimtiiu: business to usiub'c Ihciiis Is st ¿ttl'ir,

scarli.attliecl.i mt the uvn lu I «cp ttluitls termeil

ii»»« ROI .'orfotlvil Hi's "n'ht l,i lins, collie

oil Ini'ineiliilel) after Illa el s« . t Hie »illliiR tif Hie

Le"'lslali.o Council, nut lu ron .q.iw. "1 II.. p.. «suro

i.flius.nos ii sins im nil! |usi|tiictl until the day

allon mm ii. Hi" biri'min I loth nu omnibus nut!

another Uno »ii rio s.lmlo «tit «pt c1 tils u kvrd to

conic) tluiartj lo 11.1,-ht . Iinlii" tlio Hull .mil

Mouth a' lu «.in th sinus d Hu M ,b, ut li nunn Afloi

Ins lug pu In'au. t lui e. to,, i th si ,, firncl, mino

t.trrrlelsit, oilier, I'ii .pi ts, s mies, V. , «h! si ..thora

onjosetl ist! II «lui!. Hie I ii li >. I n i.s I .en.c It Int.

At/o', lock ill ici c.llul ...II. lu r- i nu <l the

lintel, tilín» m ii- lo.ii i st | ins Idttl.

Till liic'iitttl .st s .lil , a, ni 1 »min -nell

prom Inn ¡si t | ice ni ms ,1 th gir-b s in 'lie |.. Ilion

ot " the iltilll.r) is i ..lill), ( trie!) li min.:

wlilih titi ci.le ii,, li I li 1 lu'(.,1 <l , itttinlllit

11 Hie Uu.o I'M. liri - Olli lu .nt iii . ol tl.o

(l.iscrnm. nt ('ililli , nil" »e Hint lo si, li is lit in

. iinptl't.l lu .eleni,,,,.' u .irln on! !.. I'lthJ

lu III. Sir) al', tie in III., .han »ml li.. I Uli. r of ip I, Mr I '.a nil. ., t ii|li> Hi i .luir.

Min th n nil I s it (..isis lu.l h ui l . , tit sice

cha'rmaí sins i illrsl il| i. »..pi pi t ' the l'rc s, width

uriu-tht firth Hi si rich l Hie . s 11 np. II .slug alluded

to Hi-pi. ni ml lui uni nt | .Hi u the t.'uil i" p isa

had ullin ti. Um "P u' r iiliiiml th" coiuiauy

,'i 1 «uti) ml p s i ,ll Is I.« > 1 ititi ko sslnlgc,

nul t ta p Ititi. I .1. Ml. « I.e ( ,s.t in it

l'ii il i s as 11 n , I I, II Hi «bill, it ii) ink,I I y

MIHI.! tttll un tin I r un Isis llf . h I. i n lids

toi titi dru k ililli ti * o t i uilhu i im nul nil

Hie boni .( «Iii Us eu M li -s irv,

, di lUk i, I isin ! -. il P .11.1 Mt I 1 e.lS

nul d il k ss, lill li. , ss 111 | iHitt Is It I i ,U*,

till i In. Iilin H, m1 ".. I«! H . i ' t' I' t *-lr*

-.t.D.lln ,ini.iiti-",l»lii il) u i.utii

si "cil b> IHu . ) . .1 Hun U t'e li .nor

il nelh ni 'Mi Lim s il Hi II' "La li II un,

ami th. lidies 'I h" .lui, t. m «r, i«o u lien

In il io un r "Iii it, > ,i I Mtssrs I M lind s

nu IIV Ko It » i> , TU.I - In un n . I In iiiuc'l

ipluisi, mill il nul, » it i h i m s It » s r s , ,lrd to

bl ih guille i i in ,1. IL, t seuil i i ' iiilnm it

Indu lui nuns "Di r l«,<ls ,n 1 Set iii "-s finn

Mu-sn Tsdunin, D»), L tim m, I. (inn»,II, W.

Dunn, I r le-, K linn, li ,1, ...II ,1 l.u I, no

bien ipi su,11"-I,t, hi I. ,.i ili-t e t, t ti tin st ii

p Veil b) tin I .Uhr I li I,. I, In-Hi «C J iscille-lt

tllnn-rninl irían,,,., ts .nlitoi.'li I jrl,lhu pin

ire'nr.lllij omi II n-, f i Ibu n ti HI . ra." r lil

Illili hec ns ) d Hm | ris lu i ,1 ,, , Hu «Hillier.

Tho parts utjrnctl lu Me I. m <e il u' t,ti tit! tit

'lim Lu Itirt'i \tr It I- . si, , 1 i r) I.o

e-tpctlhuls lin' the üt uni'. I mo | it to, in to un! i up Hit te j u 1rs s lui rssiy

sr, ni,«-u,Hy lu Hi, I nu "1 I, u uni mr

C .setnincnt ,i'i his, mill , s ' ii,* ,..,.." (1,1,

process wau .liml.Hi is lu -' ri In hine; uniHt p r.

tomlin-*. Hie c is a ed tnln, filée,, ile ruin

luting nts i) ..Hier p-n,» ,'s- m u y ", It t, n ii>je»;cd

l.) the potters Hu' I. -is'l lil t 'il '« \ » rs inn) ho

ona t rcat r s nil s al -« I "t i pi ur* t il us'ej

with he cunstruclitm, f a ri I s, s i t ,"t il iii m.

Our prc-ldli.g ruler*, h »is r, i i t .1 t.... 1 i.t'uu,

rallier tisul ,n' til Hie Inie H, t u ht I » I tel, ti, I, 't

caught-rallie,* m1, ul uli'r! «" "c munit nt

golden chicken liai wn-e t« il.!', tl.tlr hills

as otoaslon seist I A si !.? 1. tit ,1 n ftiv

thtnunil« ssn- .Ininti K1 I il, m I Un 1 s, ii«lt ,11 o

nv/liili, In a linns lii'h I i\ t , ¡ i it t , r ) at

all olilaets v ¡Ililli ..r ».'I. ni H i "t

olhor lavoretl c'is'i«, Hu l'r-s I s ,,, i a , unrif

tho flslns'fink,, but .'n I'l'il n I . 1 i 1 I lu 1 .'.ut

lila r'ih n s u iglil will b mu p .11 Hi . . hann (o

lilniseti thin lo the li. II p '. s«,s!. , t, t," k lils

vengent'-* . n , a ti, u i , I s , II In \ , , u 1 s'.irp

]in.t*l «lil silo' In» nu un« rs ' ,, I, fier du p ho

tmyfiiiind,m host,s , It in t s,nu ,e li,, i; th-.m.

Whilst niisldlii!' '1.1.1 os . ¡u ur Vu' (tuial,

to drt p lil s llsli) u 1 h .r, m Hi 1,11, h ulilliuo

»ItdOiU tlllllt,lll t n. i«, 'I ' ,, ¡ , tu,Ils,

and o o n t lo 1« H, un ., i s, i, » uec/o

u fois exlm oijp s . «it u u «, euri pi,lineo

that wo, slu iel I i uni i Hi shadow

ol lils i nie, ma ildu, ,-.r i |l is m1 t, car,) un.

Ile liuldoubilcs-Lui ! ( -s t iii o wt ilissiiicin

Hniulo lime h h I - m IV u s r I t. n 1 In "I blo

scnrcll) uf.rliuiKt in 1 ii p.ri . tint «, l" t,, "niul

ol iho riciisln/f will n, m1 m |,l i, » " in ol n

llrlin"*, Mindil ile lill his !" ii, is '. Il,, 11 c willi

svilloll ilxpene" Instill "lt,i|niui i I I he i ¡ ,tt o

ratof Hie |iuliltt,nt«il Hm ir ? Hil ,-i'.i t,ih" i scniid

thertb;. (Li* I, Hill lu I, m r ,l,,t . ,., ,rt

Indebted fur U.M. i i.|t"l I , tin An 11,,

l'nstage All. Mo m i hi."mn f,iis a» t.o

of the l("'igrc iibli il-ira tu m the Ino no

aro obllr^il li swill n , u, h , (mi > It

<lis-,Kreo fitli ur t. u nt«.. t .1 an I,,,,,, ns m, nl,-r

of bilious nlln-ks hau- i, u «I " t s, s, ,, ," 'ihcro

oronune, tu m yuin. I s, f H, h , tilth,^ tr

litter re ullin- en nui. Its win Ima n t iietlt,,I m

dcspilohcil .t ! l'u I. il, i , "i si, , ii ,",, ,"

been som« Him u Is i u, ,,,t I , . , ,| I, r , ic

lu^lii Ih til tis,>| ins M,i.| u,, i j |,.,0 i, ,II a*

nulli) lin m nul di. ni I lu Ils, lu it, , ,,., - , , "r

I'I. M lilli UM il ts, til , t t 1 ,| "| ,s| , ,"" tio

hump m li,|, is, It i h , |" j, , ," , ,iun. ("

U|tll »lo IX i u ii i , , u , »h, »oull

I- ln.ll> lu t it lum .111 .... t I ilf| i , ,, ra s nlr nt

ni., Lil t nil il' ih, ha bin i , |", ,! ,,, ".

III) «1 nu» Ihn Is. . - p lil « ti n (tiud

h ill n. su' «.Hit "t hut«, lim,tril hl-ss|n"-s:

muí II »Plus w mid » ft si, i, m r «.<. m il »h re

ho h s b u i n I n ,1 i,, "i n, tis "d tiisiueutly

»lut ullu i is ii,]', I lids Ai!,sso,trc m , .1 his p.o p ois

lu Hil» ti I n,", 11 i" l", r. Ihn a,e f,\. ol'our

n n*| apu li »dil t .un, t) til, , h se u"t lilltrsillctl

ni ho .1 ti, li ns, I qnintiiin ot militai

I. o,l t hi iiistith.r lo Hu «m/1 liiHiuial leilssltli

li* ??ilç.l.ti i »lio t"l i s Hu, ,|.,.j-r,i tins kui lath

"Hier Hi Ir r, sp t It p p ,,, m ,1 ," "^ it*»!»«-till Hie

lii)s.i) .,,,1 up In ., i.-u,lc,,p) H», ; meure,

"i il nui n,|,ars to Hi, m Hut tito (lunriiiitcul haso

luipi »ti i » Hiél.iilssli.ii of no .summt lliey

lily, ntn.iin.leil I. Hi .la)s ni monkish t li, »nil hase

ontleai irisl to pit it |inii) ,ln k onfliotvprcsklninf

oi'lnl. H tunis cut Hmt fr »unie u,sun n-o.

IMI.1) sir) M,llsr,cl,,ry I, |», n,solsis-,Mr. uVlincs

î"'. i "iiT1.. ' ."?."nt'-tluB W tho number, silin

solid with him i", th, nitmuiahli uccxslnnol ll.ilrpns

slur his Act lusclik al the pins. '11.1,

roiirlh iitalo i-h | r nuil ,t< I a c,reat ma-.) and very

«ni le-aiiit )«' !.. I «il,, u I, s shown Mr. (.rums',

c.p.l.llll.s ., I" jut ,, , r. ,1 s.ulchthe ex|ictr,|

(rum t'o autln, ot ans M, |, a,t Ila

»i|i".l(,rM.|p ,t ni«,,,,|, irtlilunur, Inunde*!


lu ...mht, I tssii ..ill l.ll, ut,,, i.Hi.n.s ,, IVA

à".Y'",V"..i V,','""""",,"""" i'^ffií,

di,-ni hi i i-, i n,, n, m .'ib i, Mtiji,., t ,," |lr.\

w,,t''\,''!,,s ' \ '"""I"-'/",!. H. "neill,

us »III, ' , '", ?."" ."?' >' '"-" "? I""1"»

ti tilth l\, »,,, t n n ,t "",," ,,," , ,

Uti »I* .[It,, "I 1 ,<l| I ,1, , , ..

,,:,;i,,,¡",,:,,'1,i' " V"" "" "*? «>m«hL"

'« u» in h I. I ud t .. ins uri lu i ,|i ",,

"., li. H. lulls ml *l, ("i," , |, ", "i ;

hV."with",M,t,',' ','r;5",1 ',","," ???' ."' i'i"'»

s.' 7* v " j {.'"v i;,' ',""," v,V'u'''- '.'' "''w"i,."i"

,",t,; !, "u, '"'' ",ui ''*''"»»

I,,;;'«¡¡¡i«- «-'-'^inlt^h'^Xlhu



1/.. nt !/.l".|,,,, |,", "*' ' ?.."*??.> -Meei- ,