HORACE LINDRUM - Billiards Champion Uncle's Criticism MELBOURNE, Sunday. - Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954) - 26 Nov 1934 (original) (raw)

Mon 26 Nov 1934 - Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954)

For the fll:t time in 27 years the

Australian professional billiards title

changed hands on Saturday night

w?hen Horace Lindra:m, holder of the

Australian snooker title, defeated Fred

Lindrum, his uncle, and the holder of

the billiards championship. 'lhe mar.

gin was 0611 points after a match

whidh lasted a fortnit.._. Before half

the match had been played it was ap

parent that only a remarkable Im

provement by Fred Lindrum could

save him from defeat. Scores:

Horace Lindrum ...... .... 18,754

Fred Lindram .......... 9,143

Fred Lindrumn strongly criticised the

treatment the new dhampion had re

ceived. Fred said that Horace Lin

drunm had been a great ,player for some

time, but he was positive that the

young Champion had been stopped for

the recent snooker challenge match

for £100 between Joe Davis and

Horace Lindrum. Davis had insisted

that the match should take place on

the table on which Davis had just

completed two weeks' championship

play against the world dhampion.

Horace Lindrum .ad had little or no

opportunity of becoming conversant

with the table, and was doefeated.

Horace Lindrum had never been given

a chanceto compete in the world bil

liards championship. He had complied

with all the conditions, yet he had

never been advised whether he had

been accepted as an entrant.

Fred Lindrum said that-during the

matcbh just concluded, Horace Lindrum

had compiled breaks of 11209, 1086, and

a number of smaller runs near four

figures in the last week of the match.

Such scores had not been approached

by the so-called champions who had

taken part in the world championship.

Fred Llndrum added that he was fin.

ally putting down his cue. The game

was not what it should be. In fact,

he thought it was unclean.